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Radical species were detected in mixtures of some retinoids with hematin by using the ESR spin-trapping technique. The rates of radical formation were approximately proportional to the oxygen consumption during the incubation of the retinoids with hematin. HPLC analyses of the incubation mixtures of the retinoids with hematin showed that 5,6-epoxides of the retinoids were formed. The amounts of the epoxides formed were proportional to both oxygen consumption and the amounts of radicals formed. These results suggest that the 5,6-epoxidations proceed via radical intermediates.  相似文献   

There is some anecdotal evidence that oxygen-ozone therapy may be beneficial in some human diseases. However so far only a few biochemical and pharmacodynamic mechanisms have been elucidated. On the basis of preliminary data we postulated that controlled ozone administration would promote an oxidative preconditioning preventing the hepatocellular damage mediated by free radicals. Six groups of rats were classified as follows: (1) negative control, using intraperitoneal sunflower oil; (2) positive control using carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) as an oxidative challenge; (3) oxygen-ozone, pretreatment via rectal insufflation (15 sessions) and after it, CCl4; (4) oxygen, as group 3 but using oxygen only; (5) control oxygen-ozone, as group 3, but without CCl4; group (6) control oxygen, as group 5, but using oxygen only. We have evaluated critical biochemical parameters such as levels of transaminase, cholinesterase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, phospholipase A, calcium dependent ATPase, reduced glutathione, glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase and lipid peroxidation. Interestingly, in spite of CCl4 administration, group 3 did not differ from group 1, while groups 2 and 4 showed significant differences from groups 1 and 3 and displayed hepatic damage. To our knowledge these are the first experimental results showing that repeated administration of ozone in atoxic doses is able to induce an adaptation to oxidative stress thus enabling the animals to maintain hepatocellular integrity after CCl4 poisoning.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(5):645-655

In the Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced rodent pneumonia model, it is thought that free radicals are significantly associated with the disease pathogenesis. However, until now there has been no direct evidence of free radical generation in vivo. Here we used electron spin resonance (ESR) and in vivo spin trapping with α-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone to investigate free radical production in a murine model. We detected and identified generation of lipid-derived free radicals in vivo (aN =14.86±0.03 G and aHβ =2.48±0.09 G). To further investigate the mechanism of lipid radical production, we used modulating agents and knockout mice. We found that with GdCl3 (phagocytic toxicant), NADPH-oxidase knockout mice (Nox2?/?), allopurinol (xanthine-oxidase inhibitor) and Desferal (metal chelator), generation of lipid radicals was decreased; histopathological and biological markers of acute lung injury were noticeably improved. Our study demonstrates that lipid-derived free radical formation is mediated by NADPH-oxidase and xanthine-oxidase activation and that metal-catalysed hydroxyl radical-like species play important roles in lung injury caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   

In the Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced rodent pneumonia model, it is thought that free radicals are significantly associated with the disease pathogenesis. However, until now there has been no direct evidence of free radical generation in vivo. Here we used electron spin resonance (ESR) and in vivo spin trapping with α-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone to investigate free radical production in a murine model. We detected and identified generation of lipid-derived free radicals in vivo (a(N) =14.86 ± 0.03 G and a(H)(β) =2.48 ± 0.09 G). To further investigate the mechanism of lipid radical production, we used modulating agents and knockout mice. We found that with GdCl(3) (phagocytic toxicant), NADPH-oxidase knockout mice (Nox2(-)/(-)), allopurinol (xanthine-oxidase inhibitor) and Desferal (metal chelator), generation of lipid radicals was decreased; histopathological and biological markers of acute lung injury were noticeably improved. Our study demonstrates that lipid-derived free radical formation is mediated by NADPH-oxidase and xanthine-oxidase activation and that metal-catalysed hydroxyl radical-like species play important roles in lung injury caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   

The kinetics of bimolecular decay of alpha-tocopheroxyl free radicals (T) was studied by ESR mainly in ethanol and heptanol solvents. A second-order kinetic law was observed during the whole course of reaction (-d[T]/dt = 2k[T]2) and the following rate constants were determined with good accuracy in the temperature range 281-321 K: ethanol: log(2k) = 8.2 +/- 0.5--(6.6 +/- 0.7 kcal/mol)/(2.3RT) M-1.s-1; heptanol: log(2k) = 6.1 +/- 0.4--(4.3 +/- 0.6 kcal/mol)/(2.3RT) M-1.s-1. The global rate constant clearly increases with solvent polarity.  相似文献   

One-electron oxidation of dopamine by ferricyanide generates a highly reactive free radical intermediate that inactivates the V-type H(+)-ATPase proton pump in catecholamine storage vesicles, i.e., the driving force in both the vesicular uptake and the storage of catecholamines, in a cell-free in vitro model system at pH 7.0. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed that a radical with g=2.0045, formed by this oxidation, was relatively long-lived (t(1/2) obs=79 s at pH 6.5 and 25 degrees C). Experimental evidence is presented that the observed radical most likely represents dopamine semiquinone free radical, although an o-quinone free radical cannot be ruled out. Oxidation of noradrenaline and adrenaline by ferricyanide generated similar isotropic radicals, but of shorter half-lives (i.e., 43 and 5.3 s, respectively), and the efficacy of inactivation of the H(+)-ATPase correlated with the half-life of the respective catecholamine free radical (i.e., dopamine >noradrenaline>adrenaline). Thus, the generation of relatively long-lived semiquinone free radicals, although at low concentrations, in dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurons may represent a common mechanism of cytotoxicity linked to neurodegeneration of the respective neurons related to Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

Reactive free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by ultraviolet irradiation in human skin are strongly involved in the occurrence of skin damages like aging and cancer. In the present work an ex vivo method for the detection of free radicals/ROS in human skin biopsies during UV irradiation is presented. This method is based on the Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and imaging and uses the radical trapping properties of nitroxides. The nitroxides 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO), 3-Carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl (PCM), and 3-Carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl (PCA), were investigated for their applicability of trapping reactive free radicals and reactive oxygen species in skin during UV irradiation. As a result of the trapping process the nitroxides were reduced to the EPR silent hydroxylamins. The reduction rate of TEMPO was due to both the UV radiation and the enzymatic activity of the skin. The nitroxides PCM and PCA are sufficiently stable in the skin and are solely reduced by UV-generated free radicals/ROS. The nitroxide PCA was used for imaging the spatial distribution of UV-generated free radicals/ROS. As a result of the homogeneous distribution of PCA in the skin, it was possible to estimate the penetration of UVA and UVB irradiation: The UV irradiation decreased the PCA intensity corresponding to its irradiance and penetration into the skin. This reduction was shown to be caused mainly by UVA radiation (320-400 nm).  相似文献   

The in vivo measurement of nitroxide radicals in whole mouse was carried out by L-band ESR spectroscopy. Spectra were successively observed in hepatic and bladder domains of female mice after intravenous administration of spin-labeled compounds (CPROXYL or TEMPOL). The signal intensities from both domains decreased gradually. The kinetic constants of clearance in the hepatic domain were 0.09/min for CPROXYL and 0.71/min for TEMPOL. The clearance constants in the bladder domain coincided with those in the hepatic domain within experimental error, whereas the constants in collected blood were 1/7-1/10 of those in the hepatic or bladder domains. The mechanism of clearance of nitroxide radicals in whole mice is discussed.  相似文献   

Spin-trapping techniques and electron spin resonance spectroscopy have been used to study bioactivations of hydrazine and its derivatives by isolated perfused rat livers. Using phenylbutylnitrone (PBN) as the stable spin trap, it was found that the liver perfusion of hydrazine, acetylhydrazine and isoniazid resulted in the formation of the same carbon-centered radical which was shown to be the acetyl radical. The identity of the acetyl radical was confirmed after organic extraction of the liver perfusates, by comparing its coupling constants with those of the in vitro metal ion- or horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation products of the hydrazines in the same solvents. The liver perfusion of iproniazid formed the isopropyl radical which was previously observed to result from peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation.  相似文献   

The sonolysis of argon-saturated aqueous solutions of sodium acetate, sodium propionate, amino acids, and sugars was investigated by ESR and spin trapping over a large range of concentrations. The spin trap 3,5-dibromo-2,6-dideutero-4-nitrosobenzene sulfonate was used to examine the possibility of detecting new radicals specifically generated in the high temperature zones surrounding the collapsing cavitation bubbles. At lower concentrations of these solutes, no evidence for specific new radicals formed in the high temperature regions induced by cavitation could be found, and only radicals formed by hydroxyl radical and hydrogen atom abstraction reactions could be detected. These were identified by comparison with the radicals produced by uv photolysis in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. However, at higher concentrations, new radicals (typically methyl radicals) formed in the high temperature interfacial regions induced by cavitation were found for sodium acetate, sodium propionate, amino acids, and sugars (D-mannose, D-glucose, 2-deoxy-D-ribose). These results indicate that pyrolysis radicals can be detected when the nonvolatile solutes are present at high concentrations in the interfacial regions of the cavitation bubbles.  相似文献   

Free radicals are detected in the gas-phase smoke resulting from the combustion of wood using the electron spin resonance (ESR) spin trapping method. The materials were pyrolyzed by rapid heating in a quartz tube in a flowing air stream. The filtered smoke was bubbled into a dodecane solution of alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone, and the resulting nitroxide radicals were detected by ESR. The radicals spin trapped from woodsmoke are compared to those we have spin trapped from tobacco smoke; the smoke from both yellow pine and oak produce more intense ESR spectra than does tobacco smoke per unit mass burned under the conditions of these experiments. When woodsmoke is bubbled through pure dodecane and the resulting woodsmoke/dodecane solution is held for a delay time before the PBN is added, radicals are detected even after the woodsmoke/dodecane solution is aged for more than 20 min. Similar experiments with tobacco smoke show that radicals no longer are trapped even after much shorter delay times from tobacco smoke/dodecane solutions.  相似文献   

H2O2 is catalytically metabolized by ferric lactoperoxidase (LPO)----compound (cpd) I----cpd II----ferric LPO cycles. An excess of the substrate, however, is degraded by a ferric LPO----cpd I----cpd II----cpd III----ferrous LPO----ferric LPO cycle. This latter pathway leads to the partial or total irreversible inactivation of the enzyme depending on the excess of H2O2 (H. Jenzer, W. Jones, and H. Kohler (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 15550-15556). Spin-trapping/ESR data indicate that in the course of the reaction superoxide (HO2./O2-) and hydroxyl radicals (OH.) are formed. Since many substances known to scavenge radicals, such as a spin trap (e.g., 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide) desferrioxamine, albumin, or mannitol, do not prevent enzyme inactivation, we conclude that OH. generation is a site-specific reaction at or near the active center of LPO where bulky scavenger molecules may not be able to penetrate. We suggest the formation of OH. by a Fenton-like reaction between H2O2 and the intermediate ferrous state of the enzyme, which substitutes for Fe2+ in the Fenton reaction. OH. is a powerful oxidant which in turn may attack rapidly the nearest partner available, either H2O2 to produce HO2. and H2O, or the prosthetic group to give rise to oxidative cleavage of the porphyrin ring structure of the heme moiety of LPO and thus to the liberation of iron.  相似文献   

Characterization of OH-induced free radicals using 3'-UMP and poly(U) was performed by a method combining spin-trapping and radical chromatography. A N2O-saturated aqueous solution containing 3'-UMP and 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane as a spin-trap was X-irradiated. The spin adducts generated by the reactions of OH radicals with 3'-UMP were separated by paired-ion HPLC and the separated spin adducts were identified by ESR spectroscopy. In the case of poly(U), the spin adducts were digested to oligonucleotides with RNase A and then separated and identified in the same manner as 3'-UMP. The free radicals observed for poly(U) were identical to those for 3'-UMP. The 5-yl radical and the 6-yl radical were identified as precursors of various oxidized products of the base moiety, and the 4'-yl radical and 5'-yl radical, formed by H-abstraction at the C-4' and C-5' positions of the sugar moieties, respectively, were identified as precursors of strand breaks. The 1'-yl radical, produced by H-abstraction at the C-1' position of the sugar moiety, was also identified. From the similarity of the free radicals of 3'-UMP and poly(U), it is suggested that the reactivities of OH radicals with nucleotides are identical to those in polynucleotides.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of (bi)sulfite (hydrated sulfur dioxide) on human neutrophils and the ability of these immune cells to produce reactive free radicals due to (bi)sulfite oxidation. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is an abundant heme protein in neutrophils that catalyzes the formation of cytotoxic oxidants implicated in asthma and inflammatory disorders. In this study sulfite (?SO3?) and sulfate (SO4??) anion radicals are characterized with the ESR spin-trapping technique using 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) in the reaction of (bi)sulfite oxidation by human MPO and human neutrophils via sulfite radical chain reaction chemistry. After treatment with (bi)sulfite, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-stimulated neutrophils produced DMPO–sulfite anion radical, –superoxide, and –hydroxyl radical adducts. The last adduct probably resulted, in part, from the conversion of DMPO–sulfate to DMPO–hydroxyl radical adduct via a nucleophilic substitution reaction of the radical adduct. This anion radical (SO4??) is highly reactive and, presumably, can oxidize target proteins to protein radicals, thereby initiating protein oxidation. Therefore, we propose that the potential toxicity of (bi)sulfite during pulmonary inflammation or lung-associated diseases such as asthma may be related to free radical formation.  相似文献   

DNA alkalinization experiments on lymphocytes from sonicated whole blood and on in vitro cultured lymphocytes in presence of free radical scavengers (superoxide dismutase, catalase and mannitol) showed that lesions inflicted upon DNA by pulsed ultrasounds could be ascribed to production of free radicals (O2-, OH.) and H2O2, which could mediate the production of still unidentified organic radicals, likely to be responsible for DNA damage.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the changes in blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability following brain endothelial cell exposure to different xenobiotics able to promote free radical generation during their metabolism. Our in vitro BBB model consisted of confluent monolayers of immortalized rat brain capillary endothelial cells (RBE4) grown on collagen-coated filters in the presence of C6 glioma cells grown in the lower compartment. We have recently shown that a range of xenobiotics, including menadione, nitrofurazone, and methylviologen (paraquat) may undergo monoelectronic redox cycling in isolated brain capillaries, giving rise to reactive oxygen species. In this study, addition of 100 microM menadione to the culture medium for 30 min significantly increased the permeability of endothelial cell monolayers to radiolabeled sucrose. The effect on endothelial permeability induced by menadione was dose-dependent and reversible. These permeability changes preceded the onset of cell death, as assessed by the Trypan blue exclusion method. Pre-incubation with superoxide dismutase and catalase blocked changes in sucrose permeability to control levels in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting the involvement of reactive oxygen species in menadione-induced BBB opening.  相似文献   

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