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In oxygenic photosynthesis, PSII carries out the oxidation of water and reduction of plastoquinone. The product of water oxidation is molecular oxygen. The water splitting complex is located on the lumenal side of the PSII reaction center and contains manganese, calcium, and chloride. Four sequential photooxidation reactions are required to generate oxygen from water; the five sequentially oxidized forms of the water splitting complex are known as the Sn states, where n refers to the number of oxidizing equivalents stored. Calcium plays a role in water oxidation; removal of calcium is associated with an inhibition of the S state cycle. Although calcium can be replaced by other cations in vitro, only strontium maintains activity, and the steady-state rate of oxygen evolution is decreased in strontium-reconstituted PSII. In this article, we study the role of calcium in PSII that is limited in water content. We report that strontium substitution or 18OH2 exchange causes conformational changes in the calcium ligation shell. The conformational change is detected because of a perturbation to calcium ligation during the S1 to S2 and S2 to S3 transition under water-limited conditions.  相似文献   

When organisms that perform oxygenic photosynthesis are exposed to strong visible or UV light, inactivation of photosystem II (PSII) occurs. However, such organisms are able rapidly to repair the photoinactivated PSII. The phenomenon of photoinactivation and repair is known as photoinhibition. Under normal laboratory conditions, the rate of repair is similar to or faster than the rate of photoinactivation, preventing the detailed analysis of photoinactivation and repair as separate processes. We report here that, using strong UV-A light from a laser, we were able to analyze separately the photoinactivation and repair of photosystem II in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Very strong UV-A light at 364 nm and a photon flux density of 2600 μmol photons m−2 s−1 inactivated the oxygen-evolving machinery and the photochemical reaction center of PSII within 1 or 2 min before the first step in the repair process, namely, the degradation of the D1 protein, occurred. During subsequent incubation of cells in weak visible light, the activity of PSII recovered fully within 30 min and this process depended on protein synthesis. During subsequent incubation of cells in darkness for 60 min, the D1 protein of the photoinactivated PSII was degraded. Further incubation in weak visible light resulted in the rapid restoration of the activity of PSII. These observations suggest that very strong UV-A light is a useful tool for the analysis of the repair of PSII after photoinactivation.  相似文献   

PSII catalyzes the oxidation of water and reduction of plastoquinone in oxygenic photosynthesis. PSII contains an oxygen-evolving complex, which is located on the lumenal side of the PSII reaction center and which contains manganese, calcium, and chloride. Four sequential photooxidation reactions are required to generate oxygen. This process produces five Sn-states, where n refers to the number of oxidizing equivalents stored. Calcium is required for oxygen production. Strontium is the only divalent cation that replaces calcium and maintains activity. In our previous FT-IR work, we assessed the effect of strontium substitution on substrate-limited PSII preparations, which were inhibited at the S3 to S0 transition. In this work, we report reaction-induced FT-IR studies of hydrated PSII preparations, which undergo the full S-state cycle. The observed difference FT-IR spectra reflect long-lived photoinduced conformational changes in the oxygen-evolving complex; strontium exchange identifies vibrational bands sensitive to substitutions at the calcium site. During the S1' to S2' transition, the data are consistent with an electrostatic or structural perturbation of the calcium site. During the S3' to S0' and S0' to S1' transitions, the data are consistent with a perturbation of a hydrogen bonding network, which contains calcium, water, and peptide carbonyl groups. To explain our data, persistent shifts in divalent cation coordination must occur when strontium is substituted for calcium. A modified S-state model is proposed to explain these results and results in the literature.  相似文献   

Yanan Ren  Jingquan Zhao 《BBA》2010,1797(8):1421-3132
Chloride is an essential cofactor for photosynthetic water oxidation. However, its location and functional roles in active photosystem II are still a matter of debate. We have investigated this issue by studying the effects of Cl replacement by Br in active PSII. In Br substituted samples, Cl is effectively replaced by Br in the presence of 1.2 M NaBr under room light with protection of anaerobic atmosphere followed by dialysis. The following results have been obtained. i) The oxygen-evolving activities of the Br-PSII samples are significantly lower than that of the Cl-PSII samples; ii) The same S2 multiline EPR signals are observed in both Br and Cl-PSII samples; iii) The amplitudes of the visible light induced S1TyrZ and S2TyrZ EPR signals are significantly decreased after Br substitution; the S1TyrZ EPR signal is up-shifted about 8 G, whereas the S2TyrZ signal is down-shifted about 12 G after Br substitution. These results imply that the redox properties of TyrZ and spin interactions between TyrZ and Mn-cluster could be significantly modified due to Br substitution. It is suggested that Cl/Br probably coordinates to the Ca2+ ion of the Mn-cluster in active photosystem II.  相似文献   

The latest crystallographic model of the cyanobacterial photosystem II (PS II) core complex added one transmembrane low molecular weight (LMW) component to the previous model, suggesting the presence of an unknown transmembrane LMW component in PS II. We have investigated the polypeptide composition in highly purified intact PS II core complexes from Thermosynechococcus elongatus, the species which yielded the PS II crystallographic models described above, to identify the unknown component. Using an electrophoresis system specialized for separation of LMW hydrophobic proteins, a novel protein of ∼ 5 kDa was identified as a PS II component. Its N-terminal amino acid sequence was identical to that of Ycf12. The corresponding gene is known as one of the ycf (hypothetical chloroplast reading frame) genes, ycf12, and is widely conserved in chloroplast and cyanobacterial genomes. Nonetheless, the localization and function of the gene product have never been assigned. Our finding shows, for the first time, that ycf12 is actually expressed as a component of the PS II complex in the cell, revealing that a previously unidentified transmembrane protein exists in the PS II core complex.  相似文献   

The redox potentials Em(QA/) of the primary quinone electron acceptor QA in oxygen-evolving photosystem II complexes of three species were determined by spectroelectrochemistry. The Em(QA/) values were experimentally found to be −162 ± 3 mV for a higher plant spinach, −171 ± 3 mV for a green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and −104 ± 4 mV vs. SHE for a red alga Cyanidioschyzonmerolae. On the basis of possible deviations for the experimental values, as estimated to differ by 9-29 mV from each true value, plausible causes for such remarkable species-dependence of Em(QA/) are discussed, mainly by invoking the effects of extrinsic subunits on the delicate structural environment around QA.  相似文献   

EPR measurements on inside-out thylakoids revealed that salt-washing, known to inhibit oxygen evolution and release a 23 and a 16 kDa protein, induced a Signal IIf and decreased the EPR signal from state S2. Readdition of the released 23 kDa protein restored the oxygen evolution and decreased the Signal IIf, but did not relieve the decrease in the state S2 signal. It is suggested that salt-washing inhibits the electron transfer from the oxygen-evolving site to Z, the physiological donor to P680. In inhibited photosystem II units lacking Signal IIf, Z+ is rapidly reduced, possibly by a modified S-cycle unable to evolve oxygen.  相似文献   

Upon addition of hydroxylamine to chloroplasts or photosystem II preparations, the EPR signal of Z? disappears and a new signal is observed. From its shape and g-value this signal is identified with the oxidized reaction center chlorophyll, P680+. The decay of P680+ occurs with a halftime of ? 200 μs and apparently is the result of a back reaction with the reduced form of the primary acceptor, QA. This mode of hydroxylamine inhibition is reversible. These observations indicate that hydroxylamine, in addition to its well known inhibitory action on the oxygen evolving complex, is also able to disrupt physiological electron flow to P680 itself.  相似文献   

Besides an essential role in optimizing water oxidation in photosystem II (PSII), it has been reported that the spinach PsbO protein binds GTP [C. Spetea, T. Hundal, B. Lundin, M. Heddad, I. Adamska, B. Andersson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101 (2004) 1409-1414]. Here we predict four GTP-binding domains in the structure of spinach PsbO, all localized in the β-barrel domain of the protein, as judged from comparison with the 3D-structure of the cyanobacterial counterpart. These domains are not conserved in the sequences of the cyanobacterial or green algae PsbO proteins. MgGTP induces specific changes in the structure of the PsbO protein in solution, as detected by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy. Spinach PsbO has a low intrinsic GTPase activity, which is enhanced fifteen-fold when the protein is associated with the PSII complex in its dimeric form. GTP stimulates the dissociation of PsbO from PSII under light conditions known to also release Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions from the oxygen-evolving complex and to induce degradation of the PSII reaction centre D1 protein. We propose the occurrence in higher plants of a PsbO-mediated GTPase activity associated with PSII, which has consequences for the function of the oxygen-evolving complex and D1 protein turnover.  相似文献   

Chen M  Bibby TS  Nield J  Larkum AW  Barber J 《FEBS letters》2005,579(5):1306-1310
Acaryochloris marina is a prochlorophyte-like cyanobacterium containing both phycobilins and chlorophyll d as light harvesting pigments. We show that the chlorophyll d light harvesting system, composed of Pcb proteins, functionally associates with the photosystem II (PSII) reaction center (RC) core to form a giant supercomplex. This supercomplex has a molecular mass of about 2300 kDa and dimensions of 385 A x 240 A. It is composed of two PSII-RC core dimers arranged end-to-end, flanked by eight symmetrically related Pcb proteins on each side. Thus each PSII-RC monomer has four Pcb subunits acting as a light harvesting system which increases the absorption cross section of the PSII-RC core by almost 200%.  相似文献   

Evans MC  Ball RJ  Nugent JH 《FEBS letters》2005,579(14):3081-3084
Ammonia and methanol both bind to the water oxidising complex of photosystem II during its turnover, possibly at sites where water binds during the normal water oxidation process. We have investigated the interaction between these two water analogues at the S2 state of the water oxidising cycle using electron magnetic resonance techniques. We find evidence that ammonia displaces methanol from its binding site.  相似文献   

The structural aspects in the interaction of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) with photosystem II (PSIl), mainly the effect of PQ on conformation and microenvironment of tyrosine residues of PSIl proteins were studied by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It was found that the binding of PG to PSIl particle induces changes in the conformation and micropolarity of phenol ring in the tyrosine residues. In other words, the PG effect on the PSIl results in blue shift of the stretch vibrational band in the phenol ring from 1620 to 1500 cm-1 with the enhancement of the absorb-ance intensity. Additionally, a new spectrum of hydrogen bond was also observed. The results imply that the hydrogen-bond formation between the OH group of phenol and one of PG might cause changes in the structures of tyrosine residues in PSIl proteins.  相似文献   

Photosystem II particles have been poised at redox potentials where the pheophytin acceptor is reduced. Illumination of these particles at 200K results in the formation of radical signal in the g?2.00 region. This is attributed to the photoreduction of another acceptor. This acceptor may function between the primary donor, P680, and pheophytin in forward electron transfer.  相似文献   

Chunxi Zhang 《BBA》2006,1757(7):781-786
In the field of photosynthetic water oxidation it has been under debate whether TyrosineZ (TyrZ) acts as a hydrogen or an electron acceptor from water. In the former concept, direct contact of TyrZ with substrate water has been assumed. However, there is no direct evidence for the interaction between TyrZ and substrate water in active Photosystem II (PSII), instead most experiments have been performed on inhibited PSII. Here, this problem is tackled in active PSII by combining low temperature EPR measurements and quantum chemistry calculations. EPR measurements observed that the maximum yield of TyrZ oxidation at cryogenic temperature in the S0 and S1 states was around neutral pH and was essentially pH-independent. The yield of TyrZ oxidation decreased at acidic and alkaline pH, with pKs at 4.7-4.9 and 7.7, respectively. The observed pH-dependent parts at low and high values of pH can be explained as due to sample inactivation, rather than active PSII. The reduction kinetics of TyrZ· in the S0 and S1 states were pH independent at pH range from 4.5 to 8. Therefore, the change of the pH in bulk solution probably has no effect on the TyrZ oxidation and TyrZ· reduction at cryogenic temperature in the S0 and S1 states of the active PSII. Theoretical calculations indicate that TyrZ becomes more difficult to oxidize when a H2O molecule interacts directly with it. It is suggested that TyrZ is probably located in a hydrophobic environment with no direct interaction with the substrate H2O in active PSII. These results provide new insights on the function and mechanism of water oxidation in PSII.  相似文献   

The structural aspects in the interaction of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) with photosystem II (PSII),mainly the effect of PG on conformation and microenvironment of tyrosine residues of PSII proteins were studied by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.It was found that the binding of PG to PSII particle induces changes in the conformation and micropolarity of phenol ring in the tyrosine residues.In other words,the PG effect on the PSII results in blue shift of the stretch vibrational band in the phenol ring from 1620 to 1500 cm-1 with the enhancement of the absorbance intensity.Additionally,a new spectrum of hydrogen bond was also observed.The results imply that the hydrogen-bond formation between the OH group of phenol and one of PG might cause changes in the structures of tyrosine residues in PSII proteins.  相似文献   

Hiroiku Yamada  Shigeru Itoh 《BBA》2007,1767(3):197-203
Protons in the vicinity of the oxygen-evolving manganese cluster in photosystem II were studied by proton matrix ENDOR. Six pairs of proton ENDOR signals were detected in both the S0 and S2 states of the Mn-cluster. Two pairs of signals that show hyperfine constants of 2.3/2.2 and 4.0 MHz, respectively, disappeared after D2O incubation in both states. The signals with 2.3/2.2 MHz hyperfine constants in S0 and S2 state multiline disappeared after 3 h of D2O incubation in the S0 and S1 states, respectively. The signal with 4.0 MHz hyperfine constants in S0 state multiline disappeared after 3 h of D2O incubation in the S0 state, while the similar signal in S2 state multiline disappeared only after 24 h of D2O incubation in the S1 state. The different proton exchange rates seem to be ascribable to the change in affinities of water molecules to the variation in oxidation state of the Mn cluster during the water oxidation cycle. Based on the point dipole approximation, the distances between the center of electronic spin of the Mn cluster and the exchangeable protons were estimated to be 3.3/3.2 and 2.7 Å, respectively. These short distances suggest the protons belong to the water molecules ligated to the manganese cluster. We propose a model for the binding of water to the manganese cluster based on these results.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption in Mn-depleted photosystem II (PSII) preparations under continuous and pulsed illumination is investigated. It is shown that removal of manganese from the water-oxidizing complex (WOC) by high pH treatment leads to a 6-fold increase in the rate of O2 photoconsumption. The use of exogenous electron acceptors and donors to PSII shows that in Mn-depleted PSII preparations along with the well-known effect of O2 photoreduction on the acceptor side of PSII, there is light-induced O2 consumption on the donor side of PSII (nearly 30% and 70%, respectively). It is suggested that the light-induced O2 uptake on the donor side of PSII is related to interaction of O2 with radicals produced by photooxidation of organic molecules. The study of flash-induced O2 uptake finds that removal of Mn from the WOC leads to O2 photoconsumption with maximum in the first flash, and its yield is comparable with the yield of O2 evolution on the third flash measured in the PSII samples before Mn removal. The flash-induced O2 uptake is drastically (by a factor of 1.8) activated by catalytic concentration (5-10 μM, corresponding to 2-4 Mn per RC) of Mn2+, while at higher concentrations (> 100 μM) Mn2+ inhibits the O2 photoconsumption (like other electron donors: ferrocyanide and diphenylcarbazide). Inhibitory pre-illumination of the Mn-depleted PSII preparations (resulting in the loss of electron donation from Mn2+) leads to both suppression of flash-induced O2 uptake and disappearance of the Mn-induced activation of the O2 photoconsumption. We assume that the light-induced O2 uptake in Mn-depleted PSII preparations may reflect not only the negative processes leading to photoinhibition but also possible participation of O2 or its reactive forms in the formation of the inorganic core of the WOC.  相似文献   

The energy equilibration and transfer processes in the isolated core antenna complexes CP43 and CP47 of photosystem II have been studied by steady-state and ultrafast (femto- to nanosecond) time-resolved spectroscopy at room temperature. The annihilation-free femtosecond absorption data can be described by surprisingly simple sequential kinetic models, in which the excitation energy transfer between blue and red states in both antenna complexes is dominated by sub-picosecond processes and is completed in less than 2 ps. The slowest energy transfer steps with lifetimes in the range of 1-2 ps are assigned to transfer steps between the chlorophyll layers located on the stromal and lumenal sides. We conclude that these ultrafast intra-antenna energy transfer steps do not represent a bottleneck in the rate of the primary processes in intact photosystem II. Since the experimental energy equilibration rates are up to a factor of 3-5 higher than concluded previously, our results challenge the conclusions drawn from theoretical modeling.  相似文献   

1. When 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (diaminodurene), which is an activator of cyclic electron flow, was added to chromatophores isolated from the photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas spheroides, it caused a large increase in the emission of delayed light measured at 5–10 ms after excitation. This increase was pH dependent, and ranged from 5–100 times the control intensity. Substances that counteract light-induced proton uptake, such as ammonium salts, amines and nigericin, caused a further increase in the delayed light emission. These compounds also markedly slowed a characteristic decline of the delayed light that occurs during sustained illumination. This decline in the delayed light may be related to the quenching of prompt fluorescence that is seen in the presence of diaminodurene. Substances, like valinomycin, that dissipate the membrane potential, almost completely abolish the diaminodurene-catalyzed increase in the delayed light.  相似文献   

Yuta Taguchi 《BBA》2007,1767(6):535-540
A Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectrum of the oxygen-evolving Mn cluster upon the S1-to-S2 transition was obtained with Ca2+-depleted photosystem II (PSII) membranes to investigate the structural relevance of Ca2+ to the Mn cluster. Previously, Noguchi et al. [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1228 (1995) 189] observed drastic changes in the carboxylate stretching region of the S2/S1 FTIR spectrum upon Ca2+ depletion, whereas Kimura and co-workers [Biochemistry 40 (2001) 14061; ibid. 41 (2002) 5844] later claimed that these changes were not ascribed to Ca2+ depletion itself but caused by the interaction of EDTA to the Mn cluster and/or binding of K+ at the Ca2+ site. In the present study, the preparation of the Ca2+-depleted PSII sample and its FTIR measurement were performed in the absence of EDTA and K+. The obtained S2/S1 spectrum exhibited the loss of carboxylate bands at 1587/1562 and 1364/1403 cm− 1 and diminished amide I intensities, which were identical to the previous observations in the presence of EDTA and K+. This result indicates that the drastic FTIR changes are a pure effect of Ca2+ depletion, and provides solid evidence for the general view that Ca2+ is strongly coupled with the Mn cluster.  相似文献   

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