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In addition to evidence for bipedality in some fossil taxa, molar enamel thickness is among the few characters distinguishing (thick-enameled) hominins from the (thin-enameled) African apes. Despite the importance of enamel thickness in taxonomic discussions and a long history of scholarship, measurements of enamel thickness are performed almost exclusively on molars, with relatively few studies examining premolars and anterior teeth. This focus on molars has limited the scope of enamel thickness studies (i.e., there exist many fossil hominin incisors, canines, and premolars). Increasing the available sample of teeth from which to compare enamel thickness measurements from the fossil record could substantially increase our understanding of this aspect of dental biology, and perhaps facilitate greater taxonomic resolution of early hominin fossils. In this study, we report absolute and relative (size-scaled) enamel thickness measurements for the complete dentition of modern humans and chimpanzees. In accord with previous studies of molars, chimpanzees show lower relative enamel thickness at each tooth position, with little overlap between the two taxa. A significant trend of increasing enamel thickness from anterior to posterior teeth is apparent in both humans and chimpanzees, indicating that inter-taxon comparisons should be limited to the same tooth position in order to compare homologous structures. As nondestructive imaging techniques become commonplace (facilitating the examination of increasing numbers of fossil specimens), studies may maximize available samples by expanding beyond molars.  相似文献   

The thickness of mammalian tooth enamel plays a prominent role in paleontology because it correlates with diet, and thicker enamel protects against tooth breakage and wear. Hominid evolutionary studies have stressed the importance of this character for over 30 years, from the identification of "Ramapithecus" as an early Miocene hominid, to the recent discovery that the earliest hominids display molar enamel intermediate in thickness between extant chimpanzees and Australopithecus. Enamel thickness remains largely unexplored for nonhominoid primate fossils, though there is significant variation across modern species. Despite the importance of enamel thickness variation to primate evolution, the mechanisms underlying variation in this trait have not yet been elucidated. We report here on the first quantitative genetic analysis of primate enamel thickness, an analysis based on 506 pedigreed baboons from a captive breeding colony. Computed tomography analysis of 44 Papio mandibular molars shows a zone of sufficiently uniform enamel thickness on the lateral surface of the protoconid. With this knowledge, we developed a caliper metric measurement protocol for use on baboon molars worn to within this zone, enabling the collection of a data set large enough for genetic analyses. Quantitative genetic analyses show that a significant portion of the phenotypic variance in enamel thickness is due to the additive effects of genes and is independent of sex and tooth size. Our models predict that enamel thickness could rapidly track dietary adaptive shifts through geological time, thus increasing the potential for homoplasy in this character. These results have implications for analyses of hominoid enamel thickness variation, and provide a foundation from which to explore the evolution of this phenotype in the papionin fossil record.  相似文献   

步氏巨猿(Gigantopithecus blacki)是更新世时期生活于我国华南地区的一种超大型猿类, 它的体态特征和演化分类倍受关注。牙齿釉质厚度在探讨灵长类食性、环境适应以及系统演化方面具有重要意义。本文利用显微CT技术构建18颗巨猿臼齿虚拟模型, 测量其釉质厚度。将巨猿釉质厚度与现代人、现生类人猿、古人类、中新世古猿及其他现生灵长类进行比较, 从牙齿釉质厚度探讨巨猿的食性适应和系统演化问题。结果发现巨猿的实测釉质厚度是目前所有已知现生和化石灵长类中最厚的, 只有傍人、南非早期人属及奥兰诺古猿三种化石灵长类与之接近; 如果考虑不同物种牙齿与身体大小的关联因素, 相对釉质厚度指数显示巨猿属于"厚"釉质类型, 但非"超厚"类型, 低于奥兰诺古猿、傍人、南非早期人属; 巨猿与某些中新世古猿 (如原康修尔猿尼安萨种、非洲古猿)、南方古猿、东非早期人属、亚洲直立人以及现代人、现生卷尾猴的相对釉质厚度指数相近。巨猿的厚釉质特征与其食性和环境适应密切相关, 使得牙齿具有非常强的抗磨损功能, 能够适应长时间的咀嚼和研磨食物。从釉质厚度的系统演化角度推测, 厚釉质应该是人类祖先的特征性状, 巨猿有可能是早期人类支系演化过程中的一个特化旁支, 同时也不排除巨猿是从某种具有厚釉质的中新世古猿旁支平行演化而来的可能性。  相似文献   

Absolutely thick molar enamel is consistent with large body size estimates and dietary inferences about Gigantopithecus blacki, which focus on tough or fibrous vegetation. In this study, 10 G. blacki molars demonstrating various stages of attrition were imaged using high-resolution microtomography. Three-dimensional average enamel thickness and relative enamel thickness measurements were recorded on the least worn molars within the sample (n = 2). Seven molars were also virtually sectioned through the mesial cusps and two-dimensional enamel thickness and dentine horn height measurements were recorded. Gigantopithecus has the thickest enamel of any fossil or extant primate in terms of absolute thickness. Relative (size-scaled) measures of enamel thickness, however, support a thick characterization (i.e., not "hyper-thick"); G. blacki relative enamel thickness overlaps slightly with Pongo and completely with Homo. Gigantopithecus blacki dentine horns are relatively short, similar to (but shorter than) those of Pongo, which in turn are shorter than those of humans and African apes. Gigantopithecus blacki molar enamel (and to a lesser extent, that of Pongo pygmaeus) is distributed relatively evenly across the occlusal surface compared with the more complex distribution of enamel thickness in Homo sapiens. The combination of evenly distributed occlusal enamel and relatively short dentine horns in G. blacki results in a flat and low-cusped occlusal surface suitable to grinding tough or fibrous food objects. This suite of molar morphologies is also found to varying degrees in Pongo and Sivapithecus, but not in African apes and humans, and may be diagnostic of subfamily Ponginae.  相似文献   

The study of enamel thickness has received considerable attention in regard to the taxonomic, phylogenetic and dietary assessment of human and non‐human primates. Recent developments based on two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) digital techniques have facilitated accurate analyses, preserving the original object from invasive procedures. Various digital protocols have been proposed. These include several procedures based on manual handling of the virtual models and technical shortcomings, which prevent other scholars from confidently reproducing the entire digital protocol. There is a compelling need for standard, reproducible, and well‐tailored protocols for the digital analysis of 2D and 3D dental enamel thickness. In this contribution we provide essential guidelines for the digital computation of 2D and 3D enamel thickness in hominoid molars, premolars, canines and incisors. We modify previous techniques suggested for 2D analysis and we develop a new approach for 3D analysis that can also be applied to premolars and anterior teeth. For each tooth class, the cervical line should be considered as the fundamental morphological feature both to isolate the crown from the root (for 3D analysis) and to define the direction of the cross‐sections (for 2D analysis). Am J Phys Anthropol 153:305–313, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Modern humans exhibit increasing relative enamel thickness from M1 to M3. Some biomechanical (basic lever) models predict that the more distal molars in humans encounter higher occlusal forces, and it has been postulated that this provides a functional explanation for the observed gradient in relative enamel thickness. However, constrained three-dimensional models and experimental observations suggest that there is a reduction in bite force potential from M1 to M3, which would be consistent with the tendency for humans to reduce the size of the distal molars. In this regard, it has been postulated that the distal increase in enamel thickness is a consequence of crown size reduction; thus, it is unnecessary to invoke functional scenarios to explain this phenomenon. We assess these competing proposals by examining relative enamel thickness in a catarrhine primate (Papio ursinus) that exhibits crown size increase from M1 to M3. The molar row of P. ursinus is positioned relatively far forward of the temporomandibular joint, which results in the baboon being able to exert relatively greater muscle forces during posterior biting in comparison to modern humans. Thus, a significant distalward gradient of increasing enamel thickness would be expected in P. ursinus according to the hypothesis that posits it to be functionally related to bite force. The present study reveals no significant difference in relative enamel thickness along the molar row in P. ursinus. This finding lends support to the notion that the relatively thicker enamel of human distal molars is related primarily to their reduction in size. This carries potential implications for the interpretation of enamel thickness in phylogenetic reconstructions: the relatively thick molar enamel shared by modern humans and some of our fossil relatives may not be strictly homologous, in that it may result from different underlying developmental mechanisms.  相似文献   

Enamel thickness has been linked to functional aspects of masticatory biomechanics and has been demonstrated to be an evolutionary plastic trait, selectively responsive to dietary changes, wear and tooth fracture. European Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic hunter‐gatherers mainly show a flat wear pattern, while oblique molar wear has been reported as characteristic of Neolithic agriculturalists. We investigate the relationships between enamel thickness distribution and molar wear pattern in two Neolithic and medieval populations. Under the assumption that dietary and/or non‐dietary constraints result in directional selective pressure leading to variations in enamel thickness, we test the hypothesis that these two populations will exhibit significant differences in wear and enamel thickness patterns. Occlusal wear patterns were scored in upper permanent second molars (UM2) of 64 Neolithic and 311 medieval subadult and adult individuals. Enamel thickness was evaluated by microtomography in subsamples of 17 Neolithic and 25 medieval individuals. Eight variables describing enamel thickness were assessed. The results show that oblique molar wear is dominant in the Neolithic sample (87%), while oblique wear affects only a minority (42%) of the medieval sample. Moreover, in the Neolithic molars, where buccolingually directed oblique wear is dominant and greatest enamel lost occurs in the distolingual quadrant, thickest enamel is found where occlusal stresses are the most important—on the distolingual cusp. These results reveal a correlation between molar wear pattern and enamel thickness that has been associated to dietary changes. In particular, relatively thicker molar enamel may have evolved as a plastic response to resist wear. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:162–172, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Enamel thickness of deciduous and permanent molars in modern Homo sapiens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents data on the enamel thickness of deciduous (dm2) and permanent (M1-M3) molars for a geographically diverse sample of modern humans. Measurements were recorded from sections through the mesial cusps of unworn teeth. Enamel is significantly thinner on deciduous than on permanent molars, and there is a distinct trend for enamel to increase in relative thickness from M1 to M3. The relatively thicker enamel of M2s and especially M3s can be related to the overall reduction in size of more distal molar crowns, which has been attained through a differential loss of the dentine component. Enamel tends to be thicker on the protocone than on the paracone, and thicker on the protoconid than on the metaconid, but its distribution is not wholly concordant with models that predict increased thickness as a means by which to counter heavier attritional loss on these "functional" cusps. Indeed, the thickness of enamel tends to be more variable on cusp tips and occlusal surfaces than over the lateral aspects of cusps. The proportionately thicker enamel over the lateral aspects of the protocone and protoconid more likely serves as a means to prolong functional crown life by preventing cusp fracture, rather than being an adaptation to increase the attritional longevity of wear facets. The present data suggest that the human dentition is not predisposed to develop a helicoidal wear plane through the disposition of molar enamel thickness.  相似文献   

The shape of the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) in primate molars is regarded as a potential indicator of phylogenetic relatedness because it may be morphologically more conservative than the outer enamel surface (OES), and it may preserve vestigial features (e.g., cuspules, accessory ridges, and remnants of cingula) that are not manifest at the OES. Qualitative accounts of dentine-horn morphology occasionally appear in character analyses, but little has been done to quantify EDJ shape in a broad taxonomic sample. In this study, we examine homologous planar sections of maxillary molars to investigate whether measurements describing EDJ morphology reliably group extant anthropoid taxa, and we extend this technique to a small sample of fossil catarrhine molars to assess the utility of these measurements in the classification of fossil teeth. Although certain aspects of the EDJ are variable within a taxon, a taxon-specific cross-sectional EDJ configuration predominates. A discriminant function analysis classified extant taxa successfully, suggesting that EDJ shape may a reliable indicator of phyletic affinity. When considered in conjunction with aspects of molar morphology, such as developmental features and enamel thickness, EDJ shape may be a useful tool for the taxonomic assessment of fossil molars.  相似文献   

The timing and sequence of enamel development, as well as enamel thickness, was documented for individual cusps (protoconid, hypoconid, metaconid, entoconid) in 15 unworn permanent lower first molars (M(1)s) from a sample of modern human juveniles. These data were compared with previously published data for modern and fossil species reported in the literature. Crown formation in all teeth was initiated in the protoconid and completed in the hypoconid. These cusps had significantly longer formation times (2.91 and 2.96 yrs, respectively) than the metaconid and entoconid (2.52 and 2.38 yrs, respectively), as well as thicker enamel, and each represented between 92-95% of the total crown formation time. Rates of enamel secretion in all cusps increased significantly from 2.97 microm in the inner enamel to 4.47 microm in the outer enamel. Two cusps of one individual were studied in more detail and did not follow this typical trajectory. Rather, there was a sharp decrease in the middle of enamel formation and then a slow recovery of secretion rates from the mid- to outer enamel. This anomalous trajectory of enamel formation is discussed in the context of other nondental tissue responses to illness. Neither secretion rates nor periodicity differed significantly when compared between the cusps of each molar. Differences in cusp formation times, initiation, and completion suggest a relationship between the rates of enamel formation and enamel thickness. This fits with expectations about the mechanics of the chewing cycle and general lower molar morphology. A comparison with similar data for some nonhuman primates and fossil hominoids suggests this relationship may hold true across several primate taxa. Other aspects of enamel growth differed between this human sample and certain fossil species. The lower molars formed slowly over a longer period of time, which may reflect the extended growth period of modern humans. The methodological approach adopted in this study is discussed in the context of that used in other studies.  相似文献   

The teeth of every primate, living and extinct, are covered by a hard, durable layer of enamel. This is not unique: Almost all mammals have enamel-covered teeth. In addition, all of the variations in enamel structure that occur in primates are also found in other groups of mammals. Nevertheless, the very complexity of enamel and the variation we see in it on the teeth of living and fossil primates raise questions about its evolutionary significance. Is the complex structure of primate enamel adaptive? What, if anything, does enamel structure tell us about primate phylogeny? To answer these questions, we need to look more closely at the characteristics of prismatic enamel in primates and at the distribution of those characteristics, both in relation to our knowledge of primate dental function and feeding ecology and from a phylogenetic perspective.  相似文献   

Thick molar enamel is among the few diagnostic characters of hominins which are measurable in fossil specimens. Despite a long history of study and characterization of Paranthropus molars as relatively 'hyper-thick', only a few tooth fragments and controlled planes of section (designed to be proxies of whole-crown thickness) have been measured. Here, we measure molar enamel thickness in Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus using accurate microtomographic methods, recording the whole-crown distribution of enamel. Both taxa have relatively thick enamel, but are thinner than previously characterized based on two-dimensional measurements. Three-dimensional measurements show that P. robustus enamel is not hyper-thick, and A. africanus enamel is relatively thinner than that of recent humans. Interspecific differences in the whole-crown distribution of enamel thickness influence cross-sectional measurements such that enamel thickness is exaggerated in two-dimensional sections of A. africanus and P. robustus molars. As such, two-dimensional enamel thickness measurements in australopiths are not reliable proxies for the three-dimensional data they are meant to represent. The three-dimensional distribution of enamel thickness shows different patterns among species, and is more useful for the interpretation of functional adaptations than single summary measures of enamel thickness.  相似文献   

胡荣  赵凌霞 《人类学学报》2015,34(3):404-416
华南和东南亚发现大量更新世的猩猩牙齿化石。本研究应用CT扫描三维重建的技术方法研究了广西更新世化石猩猩牙齿釉质厚度,并与现生类人猿、现代人、化石类人猿以及早期人类进行比较分析。结果显示:广西猩猩同类牙齿的釉质厚度与牙齿大小相关性很小;臼齿和前臼齿釉质厚度在上下颌之间不存在显著性差异;来自广西不同地区的猩猩化石牙釉质厚度无显著差异。与早期人科成员相比,广西猩猩的牙釉质相对较薄,平均与相对釉质厚度值都明显小于南方古猿、傍人。与早期人属相比,小于直立人、尼人以及非洲和欧洲的早期人属化石。与现代人和现生灵长类相比,广西化石猩猩釉质厚度明显大于大部分猴类和非洲大猿;平均釉质厚度稍大于现生猩猩,而与现代人更为接近;相对釉质厚度小于现代人,而与现生猩猩差异不大,都属于偏厚型釉质。本文讨论了釉质厚度与系统分类演化、食性适应的相关问题,作者推测釉质厚度可能是物种的特征属性,与牙齿功能适应有密切关联。  相似文献   

One of the few uncontested viewpoints in studies of enamel thickness is that the molars of the African apes, Pan and Gorilla, possess "thin" enamel, while Pongo and modern humans possess varying degrees of "thick" enamel, even when interspecific differences in overall body or tooth size are taken into account. Such studies focus primarily on estimates of the total volume of enamel relative to tooth size (i.e., "relative" enamel thickness), as this is thought to bear directly on questions concerning dietary proclivities and phylogenetic relationships. Only recently have studies shifted focus to examining differences in the distribution of enamel across the tooth crown, i.e., the patterning of enamel thickness, as this may contribute to more refined models of tooth function and dietary adaptations in extant hominoids. Additionally, this feature has been suggested to be a reliable indicator of taxonomic affinity in early hominins, though no study has specifically addressed whether species-specific patterns exist among known phena. The aims of this paper were to test more explicitly whether enamel thickness patterning provides valuable taxonomic, functional, and/or phylogenetic information for maxillary molars of large-bodied extant hominoids. A series of seven linear enamel thickness measurements was recorded in the plane of the mesial cusps in cross sections of a total of 62 maxillary molars of P. troglodytes, G. gorilla, P. pygmaeus, and H. sapiens to estimate the patterning of enamel thickness distribution. Results from a discriminant function analysis reveal that, overall, this trait reclassifies extant hominoid maxillary molars with 90% accuracy: 100% of extant Homo, 75. 0% of Pongo, 83.3% of Pan, and 66.7% of Gorilla are reclassified correctly, indicating that this feature possesses a strong taxonomic signal. Furthermore, differences in the structure of the enamel cap are evident among hominoids: modern humans differ from Pongo in possessing proportionally thicker enamel in areas of the crown associated with shearing activity; Pan molars are better designed than those of Gorilla for generating a greater component of crushing/grinding loads. Thus, African ape molars are structurally dissimilar, even though they are both considered to belong to a morphologically homogeneous "thin-enameled" group. Simple developmental mechanisms can be invoked to explain the sometimes subtle differences in the achievement of adult morphology. For instance, human and orangutan molar cusps possess a similar degree of enamel thickness, but the possibility exists that despite similarities in morphology, each species follows a different sequence of secretory activity of enamel to achieve the final, albeit similar, degree of enamel thickness. Such a finding would suggest that the shared possession of "thick" or "thin" enamel among species may be phylogenetically uninformative, as it would not represent a developmental synapomorphy.  相似文献   

Afropithecus turkanensis, a 17-17.5 million year old large-bodied hominoid from Kenya, has previously been reported to be the oldest known thick-enamelled Miocene ape. Most investigations of enamel thickness in Miocene apes have been limited to opportunistic or destructive studies of small samples. Recently, more comprehensive studies of enamel thickness and microstructure in Proconsul, Lufengpithecus, and Dryopithecus, as well as extant apes and fossil humans, have provided information on rates and patterns of dental development, including crown formation time, and have begun to provide a comparative context for interpretation of the evolution of these characters throughout the past 20 million years of hominoid evolution. In this study, enamel thickness and aspects of the enamel microstructure in two A. turkanensis second molars were quantified and provide insight into rates of enamel apposition, numbers of cells actively secreting enamel, and the time required to form regions of the crown. The average value for relative enamel thickness in the two molars is 21.4, which is a lower value than a previous analysis of this species, but which is still relatively thick compared to extant apes. This value is similar to those of several Miocene hominoids, a fossil hominid, and modern humans. Certain aspects of the enamel microstructure are similar to Proconsul nyanzae, Dryopithecus laietanus, Lufengpithecus lufengensis, Graecopithecus freybergi and Pongo pygmaeus, while other features differ from extant and fossil hominoids. Crown formation times for the two teeth are 2.4-2.6 years and 2.9-3.1 years respectively. These times are similar to a number of extant and fossil hominoids, some of which appear to show additional developmental similarities, including thick enamel. Although thick enamel may be formed through several developmental pathways, most Miocene hominoids and fossil hominids with relatively thick enamel are characterized by a relatively long period of cuspal enamel formation and a rapid rate of enamel secretion throughout the whole cusp, but a shorter total crown formation time than thinner-enamelled extant apes.  相似文献   

Dental enamel thickness has received considerable attention in ecological models of the adaptive significance of primate morphology. Several authors have theorized that the degree of enamel thickness may reflect selective pressures related to the consumption of fallback foods (dietary items that may require complex processing and/or have low nutritional value) during times of preferred food scarcity. Others have speculated that enamel thickness reflects selection during mastication of foods with particular material properties (i.e., toughness and hardness). Orangutans prefer ripe fruit when available, but show interspecific and sex differences in the consumption of fallback foods (bark, leaves, and figs) and other preferred foods (certain seeds). Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) have also been reported to masticate more mechanically demanding foods than Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). To test these ecological models, we assessed two-dimensional enamel thickness in orangutan full dentitions using established histological and virtual quantification methods. No significant differences in average enamel thickness (AET) were found between species. We found significant differences in the components of enamel thickness indices between sexes, with males showing greater enamel-dentine junction lengths and dentine core areas, and thus relatively thinner enamel than females. Comparisons of individuals of known sex and species revealed a dentition-wide trend for Bornean females to show greater AET than Sumatran females. Differences between small samples of males were less evident. These data provide only limited support for ecological explanations of enamel thickness patterns within great ape genera. Future studies of dietary ecology and enamel thickness should consider sex differences more systematically.  相似文献   

The thickness of dental enamel is often discussed in paleoanthropological literature, particularly with regard to differences in growth, health, and diet between Neandertals and modern humans. Paleoanthropologists employ enamel thickness in paleodietary and taxonomic studies regarding earlier hominins, but variation in enamel thickness within the genus Homo has not been thoroughly explored despite its potential to discriminate species and its relevance to studies of growth and development. Radiographic two-dimensional studies indicate that Neandertal molar enamel is thin relative to the thick enamel of modern humans, although such methods have limited accuracy. Here we show that, measured via accurate high-resolution microtomographic imaging, Neandertal molar enamel is absolutely and relatively thinner than modern human enamel at most molar positions. However, this difference relates to the ratio of coronal dentine volume to total crown volume, rather than the quantity of enamel per se. The absolute volume of Neandertal molar enamel is similar to that of modern humans, but Neandertal enamel is deposited over a larger volume of coronal dentine, resulting in lower average (and relative) enamel thickness values. Sample sizes do not permit rigorous intragroup comparisons, but Neandertal molar tissue proportions evince less variation than the modern human sample. Differences in three- and two-dimensional enamel thickness data describing Neandertal molars may be explained by dimensional reduction. Although molar tissue proportions distinguish Neanderthals from recent Homo sapiens, additional study is necessary to assess trends in tissue proportions in the genus Homo throughout the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Recent humans and their fossil relatives are classified as having thick molar enamel, one of very few dental traits that distinguish hominins from living African apes. However, little is known about enamel thickness in the earliest members of the genus Homo, and recent studies of later Homo report considerable intra- and inter-specific variation. In order to assess taxonomic, geographic, and temporal trends in enamel thickness, we applied micro-computed tomographic imaging to 150 fossil Homo teeth spanning two million years. Early Homo postcanine teeth from Africa and Asia show highly variable average and relative enamel thickness (AET and RET) values. Three molars from South Africa exceed Homo AET and RET ranges, resembling the hyper thick Paranthropus condition. Most later Homo groups (archaic European and north African Homo, and fossil and recent Homo sapiens) possess absolutely and relatively thick enamel across the entire dentition. In contrast, Neanderthals show relatively thin enamel in their incisors, canines, premolars, and molars, although incisor AET values are similar to H. sapiens. Comparisons of recent and fossil H. sapiens reveal that dental size reduction has led to a disproportionate decrease in coronal dentine compared with enamel (although both are reduced), leading to relatively thicker enamel in recent humans. General characterizations of hominins as having ‘thick enamel’ thus oversimplify a surprisingly variable craniodental trait with limited taxonomic utility within a genus. Moreover, estimates of dental attrition rates employed in paleodemographic reconstruction may be biased when this variation is not considered. Additional research is necessary to reconstruct hominin dietary ecology since thick enamel is not a prerequisite for hard-object feeding, and it is present in most later Homo species despite advances in technology and food processing.  相似文献   

Many living primates that feed on hard food have been observed to have thick-enameled molars. Among platyrrhine primates, members of the tribe Pitheciini (Cacajao, Chiropotes, and Pithecia) are the most specialized seed and nut predators, and Cebus apella also includes exceptionally hard foods in its diet. To examine the hypothesized relationship between thick enamel and hard-object feeding, we sectioned small samples of molars from the platyrrhine primates Aotus trivergatus, Ateles paniscus, Callicebus moloch, Cebus apella, Cacajao calvus, Chiropotes satanas, Pithecia monachus, and Pithecia pithecia. We measured relative enamel thickness and examined enamel microstructure, paying special attention to the development of prism decussation and its optical manifestation, Hunter-Schreger Bands (HSB). Cebus apella has thick enamel with well-defined but sinuous HSB overlain by a substantial layer of radial prisms. Aotus and Callicebus have thin enamel consisting primarily of radial enamel with no HSB, Ateles has thin enamel with moderately developed HSB and an outer layer of radial prisms, and the thin enamel of the pitheciins (Cacajao, Chiropotes, and Pithecia) has extremely well-defined HSB. Among platyrrhines, two groups that feed on hard objects process these hard foods in different ways. Cebus apella masticates hard and brittle seeds with its thick-enameled cheek teeth. Pitheciin sclerocarpic foragers open hard husks with their canines but chew relatively soft and pliable seeds with their molars. These results reveal that thick enamel per se is not a prerequisite for hard object feeding. The Miocene hominoid Kenyapithecus may have included hard objects in its diet, but its thick-enameled molars indicate that its feeding adaptations differed from those of the pitheciins. The morphology of both the anterior and posterior dentition, including enamel thickness and microstructure, should be taken into consideration when inferring the dietary regime of fossil species.  相似文献   

Enamel thickness has figured prominently in discussions of hominid origins for nearly a century, although little is known about its intra-taxon variation. It has been suggested that enamel thickness increases from first to third molars, perhaps due to varying functional demands or developmental constraints, but this has not been tested with appropriate statistical methods. We quantified enamel cap area (c), dentine area (b), and enamel-dentine junction length (e) in coronal planes of sections through the mesial and distal cusps in 57 permanent molars of Pan and 59 of Pongo, and calculated average (c/e) and relative enamel thickness (([c/e]/ radicalb) * 100). Posteriorly increasing or decreasing trends in each variable and average (AET) and relative enamel thickness (RET) were tested among molars in the same row. Differences between maxillary and mandibular analogues and between mesial and distal sections of the same tooth were also examined. In mesial sections of both genera, enamel cap area significantly increased posteriorly, except in Pan maxillary sections. In distal sections of maxillary teeth, trends of decreasing dentine area were significant in both taxa, possibly due to hypocone reduction. Significant increases in AET and RET posteriorly were found in all comparisons, except for AET in Pongo distal maxillary sections. Several significant differences were found between maxillary and mandibular analogues in both taxa. Relative to their mesial counterparts, distal sections showed increased enamel cap area and/or decreased dentine area, and thus increased AET and RET. This study indicates that when AET and RET are calculated from samples of mixed molars, variability is exaggerated due to the lumping of tooth types. To maximize taxonomic discrimination using enamel thickness, tooth type and section plane should be taken into account. Nonetheless, previous findings that African apes have relatively thinner enamel than Pongo is supported for certain molar positions.  相似文献   

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