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Long‐bone scaling has been analyzed in a large number of terrestrial mammals for which body masses were known. Earlier proposals that geometric or elastic similarity are suitable as explanations for long‐bone scaling across a large size range are not supported. Differential scaling is present, and large mammals on average scale with lower regression slopes than small mammals. Large mammals tend to reduce bending stress during locomotion by having shorter limb bones than predicted rather than by having very thick diaphyses, as is usually assumed. The choice of regression model used to describe data samples in analyses of scaling becomes increasingly important as correlation coefficients decrease, and theoretical models supported by one analysis may not be supported when applying another statistical model to the same data. Differences in limb posture and locomotor performance have profound influence on the amount of stress set up in the appendicular bones during rigorous physical activity and make it unlikely that scaling of long bones across a large size range of terrestrial mammals can be satisfactorily explained by any one power function. J. Morphol. 239:167–190, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Traditionally a few limb proportions or total limb lengths have been regarded as indicative of peak running velocity. This is due to physical principles (inferred in- and outvelocities around the joints, stride lengths) and also the observation that fast-moving animals tend to share a number of purported key features which are either absent or not developed to near the same extent in slower moving forms. Previous studies have shown hind limb length and metatarsus/femur ratio to be correlated significantly, albeit modestly with running speed. These studies have nearly all been bivariate analyses. Based on the physical principles, there is reason to suppose that more variables than just m/f ratio could be important as adaptations for fast locomotion, and also that bivariate analyses are too simple. In this study a sample of 76 running mammals was used, with running speeds taken from literature. A number of osteological parameters were discovered to covary significantly with peak running speed, albeit only modestly. Using the information from phylogeny reduced all correlations, often significantly so. Multivariate analyses resulted in markedly higher correlation coefficients. Animals probably do not optimize their anatomy for the purpose of running very fast, which occurs only on rare occasions, but for reducing costs of locomotion.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 136 , 685–714.  相似文献   

A large number of analyses have examined how basal metabolic rate (BMR) is affected by body mass in mammals. By contrast, the critical ambient temperatures that define the thermo‐neutral zone (TNZ), in which BMR is measured, have received much less attention. We provide the first phylogenetic analyses on scaling of lower and upper critical temperatures and the breadth of the TNZ in 204 mammal species from diverse orders. The phylogenetic signal of thermal variables was strong for all variables analysed. Most allometric relationships between thermal variables and body mass were significant and regressions using phylogenetic analyses fitted the data better than conventional regressions. Allometric exponents for all mammals were 0.19 for the lower critical temperature (expressed as body temperature ‐ lower critical temperature), ?0.027 for the upper critical temperature, and 0.17 for the breadth of TNZ. The small exponents for the breadth of the TNZ compared to the large exponents for BMR suggest that BMR per se affects the influence of body mass on TNZ only marginally. However, the breadth of the TNZ is also related to the apparent thermal conductance and it is therefore possible that BMR at different body masses is a function of both the heat exchange in the TNZ and that encountered below and above the TNZ to permit effective homeothermic thermoregulation.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that rainfall, one of the main climatic determinants of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP), can be robustly estimated from mean molar tooth crown height (hypsodonty) of mammalian herbivores. Here, we show that another functional trait of herbivore molar surfaces, longitudinal loph count, can be similarly used to extract reasonable estimates of rainfall but also of temperature, the other main climatic determinant of terrestrial NPP. Together, molar height and the number of longitudinal lophs explain 73 per cent of the global variation in terrestrial NPP today and resolve the main terrestrial biomes in bivariate space. We explain the functional interpretation of the relationships between dental function and climate variables in terms of long- and short-term demands. We also show how the spatially and temporally dense fossil record of terrestrial mammals can be used to investigate the relationship between biodiversity and productivity under changing climates in geological time. The placement of the fossil chronofaunas in biome space suggests that they most probably represent multiple palaeobiomes, at least some of which do not correspond directly to any biomes of today's world.  相似文献   

Humans stand out among the apes by having both an extremely large brain and a relatively high reproductive output, which has been proposed to be a consequence of cooperative breeding. Here, we test for general correlates of allomaternal care in a broad sample of 445 mammal species, by examining life history traits, brain size, and different helping behaviors, such as provisioning, carrying, huddling or protecting the offspring and the mother. As predicted from an energetic-cost perspective, a positive correlation between brain size and the amount of help by non-mothers is found among mammalian clades as a whole and within most groups, especially carnivores, with the notable exception of primates. In the latter group, the presence of energy subsidies during breeding instead resulted in increased fertility, up to the extreme of twinning in callitrichids, as well as a more altricial state at birth. In conclusion, humans exhibit a combination of the pattern found in provisioning carnivores, and the enhanced fertility shown by cooperatively breeding primates. Our comparative results provide support for the notion that cooperative breeding allowed early humans to sidestep the generally existing trade-off between brain size and reproductive output, and suggest an alternative explanation to the controversial ‘obstetrical dilemma’-argument for the relatively altricial state of human neonates at birth.  相似文献   

Gestation length, neonatal and maternal body weight, and neonatal and adult brain weight data were collected for New World monkeys in an attempt to establish typical patterns of perinatal life history. This study attempts to illuminate the most accurate values from the available data, which suggest that gestation length and prenatal growth rate are broadly conserved in relation to maternal size in New World monkeys. Exceptions to the patterns evident in the data point to derivations in life history strategies. In particular, this study suggests that the extended gestation length of callitrichines is a function of minimum viable neonate size and not exclusively energy minimization associated with simultaneous lactation. Cebus is shown to undergo more postnatal brain growth relative to other New World monkeys, but not as much as previously believed. Alouatta is shown to be relatively small brained at birth as well as in adulthood. Saimiri is shown to present the most unusual package of perinatal life history traits, in which precocial neonates are gestated for a relatively long time and at a slightly faster growth rate than is typical for New World monkeys. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The digestive tract and life history of small mammals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PETER LANGER 《Mammal Review》2002,32(2):107-131
The type of food, differentiation of the large intestine and stomach, and methane production, as well as life history data, are considered in Insectivora, Rodentia and Lagomorpha. When food containing plant cell wall material is eaten, there is either a differentiation of the stomach or the large intestine. In animals with low body mass and little differentiation of the gastrointestinal tract, methane production is low, but structures essential for microbial digestion of plant cell wall material, such as haustration of the colon or formation of a caecum, can be found in many methane‐producers. Animals with a body mass < 500 g and a weaning time < 20 days are non‐producers of methane. Establishment of a balanced microbial population in the gastrointestinal tract requires some time. Many non‐producers of methane wean their young in < 10 days, but many producers need > 50 days for the weaning process. Caviomorpha, Thryonomyidae and Hystricidae seem to have ‘opened the door’ to the use of low quality food by microbial fermentation, but some of them have to ‘pay’ for this extension of the food range by an extended weaning period, which also means an extended dependency on the mother.  相似文献   

A set of 18 measurements of the dermal armour of Bothriolepis canadensis Whiteaves (Placodermi, Anti-archa) is analysed with respect to allometric growth patterns. The strongest allometric patterns were found for the orbital fenestra and premedian plate of the head-shield. and the anterior median dorsal plate of the trunk-shield. These are all areas of the greatest importance in antiarch phylogeny and imply a role for ontogenetic effects such as paedomorphosis in the evolution of antiarchs. It is suggested that this is partly a result of the severe constraints on growth in a closed box such as the armour of placoderms, and may be generally true of such arrangements.  相似文献   

Studies of morphological integration can provide insight into developmental patterns, even in extinct taxa known only from skeletal remains, thus making them an important tool for studies of evolutionary development. However, interpreting patterns of integration and assessing their significance for organismal evolution requires detailed understanding of the developmental interactions that shape integration and how those interactions change through ontogeny. Thus far, relatively little comparative data have been produced for this important topic, and the data that do exist are overwhelmingly from humans and their close relatives or from laboratory models such as mice. Here, we compare data on shape, variance and integration through postnatal ontogeny for a placental mammal, the least shrew, Cryptotis parva, and a marsupial mammal, the gray short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica. Cranial variance decreased dramatically from early to late ontogeny in Cryptotis, but remained stable through ontogeny in Monodelphis, potentially reflecting functional constraints related to the short gestation and early ossification of oral bones in marsupials. Both Cryptotis and Monodelphis showed significant changes in cranial integration through ontogeny, with a mixture of increased, decreased and stable levels of integration in different cranial regions. Of particular note is that Monodelphis showed an unambiguous decrease in integration of the oral region through ontogeny, potentially relating to their early ossification. Selection at different stages of development may have markedly different effects if patterns of integration change substantially through ontogeny. Our results suggest that high integration of the oral region combined with functional constraints for suckling during early postnatal ontogeny may drive the stagnant variance observed in Monodelphis and potentially other marsupials.  相似文献   

An important low molecular weight antioxidant in biological systems is glutathione; its efficiency depends on the equilibrium between its reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) forms. The oxidized:total glutathione (GSSG:GSH‐Eq) ratio can be used as an indicator of oxidative stress. Previous studies suggest that marine mammals, unlike terrestrial mammals, do not show adverse effects in tissues exposed to ischemia/reperfusion during the peripheral vasoconstriction associated with breath‐hold diving. This is due, in part, to higher antioxidant enzyme activities in marine mammals compared with terrestrial mammals. The objective of this study was to compare circulating glutathione levels among mammals with different diving capacities. Circulating GSH‐Eq, GSH, and GSSG concentrations in erythrocyte samples from northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), neotropical otters (Lontra longicaudis annectens), domestic pigs (Sus scrofa), and humans were quantified using spectrophotometry. Higher GSH‐Eq and GSH concentrations and a lower GSSG:GSH‐Eq index were found in erythrocytes from northern elephant seals and bottlenose dolphins as compared to otters, domestic pigs, and humans. Results suggest that marine mammals, independent of their diving capacity, possess a highly developed antioxidant system, including GSH; continuous availability of GSH could allow these species to avoid oxidative damage and tolerate ischemia/reperfusion and hypoxia/reoxygenation events associated with diving.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits are critically important for understanding how organisms adapt to their respective environments. In this study, we provide information on relative litter mass (RLM) and other litter and neonate related characters of nine female Plestiodon lynxe captured in the field. We also recorded seven body dimensions in 16 neonates and 15 two-month juveniles, and on the basis of these dimensions we compared the body shape of these two age classes to detect changes in the proportions of body parts. The average litter size (4.55) is larger than that found in other viviparous species of Plestiodon, but smaller than those of congeneric oviparous species of similar size. However, the average body size of newborns (25.49 mm) is similar to that of other oviparous and viviparous species of Plestiodon. The average RLM was relatively high (0.36). The relative size of the head and limbs becomes proportionally smaller, whereas the axilla-groin length becomes proportionally larger in the first 2 months of life. We suggest that these changes are related to changes in locomotion and microhabitat use.  相似文献   

The relation of skeleton weight to body weight with increasing size is compared for aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates. Due to the buoyancy of water, the skeleton weights of aquatic vertebrates (fishes and whales) vary in nearly direct proportion (exponent 1.0) to body weight; while the skeletons of terrestrial vertebrates occupy an increasingly greater proportion of total body weight as size increases (exponent greater than i. i) due to the necessity of supporting their weight on land.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been proposed that adult mortality schedules may be responsible for latitudinal patterns of life history variation in passerine birds, whereas nest predation only could explain within latitude patterns. Unfortunately, no independent test has been performed regarding the importance of nest predation with different taxa. In the present study, seasonality and nest predation hypotheses explaining variations in gestation time and litter size in 17 lagomorph species were tested. Among latitude patterns were analysed using the phylogenetic independent contrast method of Felsenstein and within latitude patterns were analysed by the pairwise comparative method. The results obtained indicate that latitudinal patterns observed in both variables are explained by different factors: seasonality for litter size and nest predation for gestation time. Litter size variations within latitudes are also explained by differences in nest predation, supporting previous hypotheses. In conclusion, the present study suggests that, when compared among latitudes, different life history traits (e.g. litter size and gestation time) may be shaped by different selective forces and that the effects of nest predation may be high both within and between latitudes.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 603–610.  相似文献   

Though bone histology has become a powerful tool to reconstruct life history strategies and physiology in living and extinct reptiles and amphibians, it is of limited use in mammals. Dormice (Myoxidae) are good candidates for assessing the relation between bone microstructure and life history due to their long life span, marked physiological cycles and negligible bone remodelling. We carried out the most comprehensive study so far analyzing 16 wild individuals of unknown age belonging to two different species of dormice, Glis glis and Eliomys quercinus. Our study shows a high degree of consistency in the number of resting lines present in bones of the same individual, with femora providing the most accurate age estimations. Moreover, the presence of a single LAG in some juveniles allows discerning between offspring from different reproductive events (early or late litters).  相似文献   

Many bones are supported internally by a latticework of trabeculae. Scaling of whole bone length and diameter has been extensively investigated, but scaling of the trabecular network is not well characterized. We analysed trabecular geometry in the femora of 90 terrestrial mammalian and avian species with body masses ranging from 3 g to 3400 kg. We found that bone volume fraction does not scale substantially with animal size, while trabeculae in larger animals' femora are thicker, further apart and fewer per unit volume than in smaller animals. Finite element modelling indicates that trabecular scaling does not alter the bulk stiffness of trabecular bone, but does alter strain within trabeculae under equal applied loads. Allometry of bone's trabecular tissue may contribute to the skeleton's ability to withstand load, without incurring the physiological or mechanical costs of increasing bone mass.  相似文献   

The main prerequisite for organism’s viability is the maintenance of the internal environment despite changes in the external environment, which is provided by the neuroendocrine control system. The key unit in this system is hypothalamus exerting endocrine effects on certain peripheral organs and anterior pituitary. Physiologically active substances of neuronal origin enter blood vessels in the neurohemal parts of hypothalamus where no blood-brain barrier exists. In other parts of the adult brain, the arrival of physiologically active substances is blocked by the blood-brain barrier. According to the generally accepted concept, the neuroendocrine system formation in ontogeny starts with the maturation of peripheral endocrine glands, which initially function autonomously and then are controlled by the anterior pituitary. The brain is engaged in neuroendocrine control after its maturation completes, which results in a closed control system typical of adult mammals. Since neurons start to secrete physiologically active substances soon after their formation and long before interneuronal connections are formed, these cells are thought to have an effect on brain development as inducers. Considering that there is no blood-brain barrier during this period, we proposed the hypothesis that the developing brain functions as a multipotent endocrine organ. This means that tens of physiologically active substances arrive from the brain to the systemic circulation and have an endocrine effect on the whole body development. Dopamine, serotonin, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone were selected as marker physiologically active substances of cerebral origin to test this hypothesis. In adult animals, they act as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators transmitting information from neuron to neuron as well as neurohormones arriving from the hypothalamus with portal blood to the anterior pituitary. Perinatal rats—before the blood-brain barrier is formed—proved to have equally high concentration of dopamine, serotonin, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the systemic circulation as in the adult portal system. After the brain-blood barrier is formed, the blood concentration of dopamine and gonadotropin-releasing hormone drops to zero, which indirectly confirms their cerebral origin. Moreover, the decrease in the blood concentration of dopamine, serotonin, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone before the brain-blood barrier formation after the microsurgical disruption of neurons that synthesize them or inhibition of dopamine and serotonin synthesis in the brain directly confirm their cerebral origin. Before the blood-brain barrier formation, dopamine, serotonin, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and likely many other physiologically active substances of cerebral origin can have endocrine effects on peripheral target organs—anterior pituitary, gonads, kidney, heart, blood vessels, and the proper brain. Although the period of brain functioning as an endocrine organ is not long, it is crucial for the body development since physiologically active substances exert irreversible effects on the targets as morphogenetic factors during this period. Thus, the developing brain from the neuron formation to the establishment of the blood-brain barrier functions as a multipotent endocrine organ participating in endocrine control of the whole body development.  相似文献   

Density, body mass and parasite species richness of terrestrial mammals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We investigated the relationships between helminth species richness and body mass and density of terrestrial mammals. Cross-species analysis and the phylogenetically independent contrast method produced different results. A non-phylogenetic approach (cross-species comparisons) led to the conclusion that parasite richness is linked to host body size. However, an analysis using phylogenetically independent contrasts showed no relationship between host body size and parasite richness. Conversely, a non-phylogenetic approach generated a negative relationship between parasite richness and host density, whereas the independent contrast method showed the opposite trend – that is, parasite richness is positively correlated with host density. From an evolutionary perspective, our results suggest that opportunities for parasite colonization depend more closely on how many hosts are available in a given area than on how large the hosts are. From an epidemiological point of view, our results confirm theoretical models which assume that host density is linked to the opportunity of a parasite to invade a population of hosts. Our findings also suggest that parasitism may be a cost associated with host density. Finally, we provide some support for the non-linear allometry between density and mammal body mass (Silva and Downing, 1995), and explain why host density and host body mass do not relate equally to parasite species richness.  相似文献   

Epiphyseal fusion in primates is a process that occurs in a regular sequence spanning a period of years and thus provides biological anthropologists with a useful marker of maturity that can be used to assess age and stage of development. Despite the many studies that have catalogued fusion timing and sequence pattern, comparatively little research has been devoted to understanding why these sequences exist in the first place. Answering this question is not necessarily intuitive; indeed, given that neither taxonomic affinities nor recent adaptations have been clearly defined, it is a challenge to explain this process in evolutionary terms. In all mammals, there is a tendency for the fusion of epiphyses at joints to occur close in sequence, and this has been proposed to relate to locomotor adaptations. Further consideration of the evidence suggests that linking locomotor behavior to sequence data alone is difficult to prove and may require a different type of evidence. Epiphyseal fusion should be considered in the context of other parameters that affect the developing skeleton, including how joint morphology relates to growth in length, as well as other possible morphological constraints. In recent years, developmental biology has been providing a better understanding of the molecular regulators of epiphyseal fusion. At some point in the near future, we may be able to link our understanding of the genetics of fusion timing to the possible selective mechanisms that are responsible for these sequences.  相似文献   

Size, life history and ecology in mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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