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We describe the structure and histochemistry of mental and lateral glands in a representative array of 28 species of five genera of the Neotropical hylid frog tribe Cophomantini. Structural diversity was coded in 15 characters that were optimized on the most recent phylogenetic hypothesis. Mental and lateral glands occur in 17 species and 10 species, respectively, whereas nine species have both. Each glandular concentration may have two types of sexually dimorphic skin glands (SDSGs), specialized mucous and specialized serous glands, which occur independently or may co‐occur. Distinctive characteristics related to these glands are shape, aspect of the secretion, disposition, and distribution. The occurrences of mental and lateral glands, and the characters derived from macroscopic and microscopic examinations, have an intricate taxonomic distribution, with differing levels of homoplasy. The function of SDSGs in Cophomantini is currently unknown. However, based on structural and histochemical similarities to SDSGs from other species of amphibians where experimental evidence exists, we infer they might be involved in the secretion of chemical signals during courtship behaviour. The distribution pattern of these glands, along with the existence of different signals (i.e. acoustic, visual, tactile), suggests the presence of multimodal signalling for some species of the tribe. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 12–34.  相似文献   

We studied the morphological variation of the nuptial pads using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in 26 species of phyllomedusines (Anura: Hylidae), representing the five currently recognized genera. All phyllomedusines have single nuptial pads with dark colored epidermal projections (EPs). Spine‐shaped EPs occur in Cruziohyla calcarifer, Phrynomedusa appendiculata and in one species of Phasmahyla. The other species have roundish EPs. The density of the EPs on the pad is variable. Species in the Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis Group have EPs with a density that varies between 764 ± 58/mm2 and 923 ± 160/mm2. In all other studied species (including the Phyllomedusa burmeisteri and Phyllomedusa perinesos groups, Phyllomedusa camba, Phyllomedusa boliviana, Phyllomedusa sauvagii, Phyllomedusa bicolor, and Phyllomedusa tomopterna) the density of EPs varies between 108 ± 20/mm2 and 552 ± 97/mm2. Pores were observed with SEM in C. calcarifer, Agalychnis lemur, Agalychnis moreletii, but its presence is confirmed through histological sections on several other species. Its visibility using SEM seems to be related with the level of separation between adjacent EPs. The pores in the four studied species of Agalychnis are shown with SEM and histological sections to have a characteristic epidermal rim, that is absent in the otherphyllomedusines. Unlike most previous reports on breeding glands, those of phyllomedusines are alcian blue positive, indicating the presence of acidic mucosubstances on its secretions. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Salamanders in the family Plethodontidae exhibit a unique tail‐straddle walk during courtship that can include the use of sexually dimorphic mental and caudal courtship glands. This study presents novel histological and fine structure data on mental glands and caudal courtship glands in Plethodon mississippi, Desmognathus conanti and Eurycea quadridigitata using both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. This study represents the first use of scanning electron microscopy to observe these glands. Both mental and caudal courtship glands were observed to vary seasonally in gland diameter and histology according to the breeding season of each species. Morphological variation was observed across the three species studied in both clustering and relative size of the glands compared to neighbouring mucous and granular glands. Hypertrophied mental glands are larger than mucous or granular glands in all species, but relationships among caudal courtship glands and other skin glands vary among species. In E. quadridigitata, active caudal courtship glands are larger than mucous and granular glands, but in D. conanti, caudal courtship glands are similar in size to granular glands and larger than mucous glands. In P. mississippi, caudal courtship glands are scattered among significantly larger granular glands and are similar in size to mucous glands.  相似文献   

Two serous gland types (I and II) in the skin of the Argentine toad Melanophryniscus stelzneri were discovered using light and electron microscopy. Glands of the two types differ in several traits: features of the products (both mature and immature), organelles involved in biosynthesis, and paths of serous maturation. No consistent differences, however, were detected between the myoepithelial sheaths encircling the secretory units. Type I glands manufacture vesicles containing a single dense body with a repeating substructure and conform to the fundamental secretory line of bufonid skin, a secretory line involved in biosynthesis of steroids. Type II glands synthesize granules of varying densities and seem to belong to a line of glands that secrete proteinaceous products. The occurrence of the two serous gland types in Melanophryniscus stelzneri is discussed in a comparison with current literature on the morphofunctional characteristics of anuran poison glands, which perform both regulative and defensive roles. It is suggested that di- or polymorphism in serous glands is an adaptive trait that allows differential release of active molecules on the body surface. J. Morphol. 237:19–32, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Caudal courtship glands (CCGs) are sexually dimorphic glands described in the skin of the dorsal tail base of some male salamanders in the genera Desmognathus, Eurycea, and Plethodon in the family Plethodontidae. These glands are believed to deliver pheromones to females during courtship, when the female rests her chin on the dorsal tail base during the stereotypic tail straddling walk unique to plethodontids. Although CCGs have been studied histologically, no investigations of their ultrastructure have been made. This article presents the first study on the fine structure and seasonal variation of CCGs, using the plethodontid Plethodon cinereus. The CCGs vary seasonally in height and secretory activity. The mature secretory granules observed in males collected in October and April consist of oval, biphasic granules that are eosinophilic and give positive reactions to periodic acid‐Schiff for neutral carbohydrates but do not stain for acidic mucosusbtances or proteins with alcian blue and bromphenol blue, respectively. Granular glands, some of which contain mucous demilunes, are twice as large as CCGs, are syncytial (unlike CCGs), and stain for proteins. Mucous glands are similar in size to CCGs, but are basophilic, show no seasonal variation in secretory activity, and stain positive for acidic mucosubstances. CCGs do not resemble cytologically the sexually dimorphic mental glands of some plethodontids, which contain round or oval granules filled with an electron‐dense amorphous substance. The CCGs are similar histologically to sexually dimorphic skin glands described in some anurans, but more comparative work is needed. J. Morphol. 276:319–330, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic glands have convergently appeared in animals and are often responsible for the production of pheromones. In the suborder Laniatores of the order Opiliones (Arachnida), glands of such type are widespread, but there is not a single paper on how they are used. Using Scanning Electron Microscopy and a behavioral approach, we describe glandular openings and how these glands are used, in the harvestmen Gryne perlata and Gryne coccinelloides (Cosmetidae). Males of these two species have glandular openings on the metatarsi of legs I and on the metatarsi IV. Males were shown rubbing the glands of the metatarsi I against their other legs, whereas glands on the metatarsi IV are gently touched on the substrate or rubbed either against other legs, or against the substrate. Not all behaviors were seen in both species.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在观察扁角豆芫菁Epicauta impressicornis主要触角感器的形态特征,为进一步开展扁角豆芫菁生物学和行为机制研究提供基础参考,也为今后的触角感受器电生理研究提供前提条件。【方法】对扁角豆芫菁E. impressicornis雌雄成虫触角感器进行了扫描电镜观察,并对雌雄成虫触角感器数量、分布及其差异进行了统计和比较分析。【结果】结果表明,其雌雄成虫触角感器存在性二型现象,二者的感器类型、数量及分布既有共性又存在明显差异。雌雄成虫触角共有的感器分为7种,即2种刺形感器(CH1和CH2),2种锥形感器(SB1和SB2),1种Böhm氏鬃毛(BB),1种耳形感器(SA)和1种钟形感器(CA);雄虫触角特有的感器类型包括1种刺形感器(CH3)和1种锥形感器(SB3),而雌性触角特有的感器类型包含2种锥形感器(SB4和SB5)和1种凹槽钉形感器(GP)。【结论】扁角豆芫菁成虫触角感受器类型丰富多样。根据触角感受器的形态、分布以及与之前报道结果的比较分析,推测其功能可能为信息素感器(CH1)、化学感器(CH2和GP)、嗅觉受体(CH3, SB1-SB5, SA和CA)、机械感器(BB)和温度感器(GP和CA)。  相似文献   

This study quantitatively documents the progressive development of sexual dimorphism of the vocal organs along the ontogeny of the goitred gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa). The major, male‐specific secondary sexual features, of vocal anatomy in goitred gazelle are an enlarged larynx and a marked laryngeal descent. These features appear to have evolved by sexual selection and may serve as a model for similar events in male humans. Sexual dimorphism of larynx size and larynx position in adult goitred gazelles is more pronounced than in humans, whereas the vocal anatomy of neonate goitred gazelles does not differ between sexes. This study examines the vocal anatomy of 19 (11 male, 8 female) goitred gazelle specimens across three age‐classes, that is, neonates, subadults and mature adults. The postnatal ontogenetic development of the vocal organs up to their respective end states takes considerably longer in males than in females. Both sexes share the same features of vocal morphology but differences emerge in the course of ontogeny, ultimately resulting in the pronounced sexual dimorphism of the vocal apparatus in adults. The main differences comprise larynx size, vocal fold length, vocal tract length, and mobility of the larynx. The resilience of the thyrohyoid ligament and the pharynx, including the soft palate, and the length changes during contraction and relaxation of the extrinsic laryngeal muscles play a decisive role in the mobility of the larynx in both sexes but to substantially different degrees in adult females and males. Goitred gazelles are born with an undescended larynx and, therefore, larynx descent has to develop in the course of ontogeny. This might result from a trade‐off between natural selection and sexual selection requiring a temporal separation of different laryngeal functions at birth and shortly after from those later in life. J. Morphol. 277:826–844, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding the interaction between sexual and natural selection within variable environments is crucial to our understanding of evolutionary processes. The handicap principle predicts females will prefer males with exaggerated traits provided those traits are indicators of male quality to ensure direct or indirect female benefits. Spatial variability in ecological factors is expected to alter the balance between sexual and natural selection that defines the evolution of such traits. Male and female blackspotted topminnows (Fundulidae: Fundulus olivaceus) display prominent black dorsolateral spots that are variable in number across its broad range. We investigated variability in spot phenotypes at 117 sites across 13 river systems and asked if the trait was sexually dimorphic and positively correlated with measures of fitness (condition and gonadosomatic index [GSI]). Laboratory and mesocosm experiments assessed female mate choice and predation pressure on spot phenotypes. Environmental and community data collected at sampling locations were used to assess predictive models of spot density at the individual, site, and river system level. Greater number of spots was positively correlated with measures of fitness in males. Males with more spots were preferred by females and suffered greater mortality due to predation. Water clarity (turbidity) was the best predictor of spot density on the drainage scale, indicating that sexual and natural selection for the trait may be mediated by local light environments.  相似文献   

Environmental and morphological factors and social context influence the vocalizations of anuran species. Herein, we observed the acoustic behavior of Hypsiboas goianus males from Central Brazil and analyzed the following calls: advertisement, short aggressive and long aggressive. The acoustic parameters of advertisement calls were not correlated with air temperature, mass or snout–vent length; however, the acoustic parameters of short aggressive calls were influenced by these variables. The temporal parameters of advertisement and short aggressive calls were classified as dynamic properties, while the dominant frequency was considered a static property. Dominant frequency is the most important variable to discriminate calls among individuals.  相似文献   

We describe, for the first time, the sperm ultrastructure of the two genera of Pseudinae. Based on sperm ultrastructure, the five species herein examined can be separated into three groups: one containing Pseudis paradoxa, P. bolbodactyla, and P. tocantins, the second containing P. minuta, and the third containing Lysapsus laevis. The midpiece is similar in all species and auxiliary fibers and the undulating membrane are absent. In Pseudis a subacrosomal cone and a multilaminar structure (P. minuta) or a granular material (P. paradoxa group) are seen above the nucleus. Lysapsus laevis has only remnants of the subacrosomal cone. All species have peripheral fibers associated with the outer doublets of the axoneme. We tested the hypothesis of correlation between the presence of an undulating membrane and fertilization environments in anurans using a concentrated changes test (CCT) based on the Hay et al. (Mol Biol Evol 1995;12:928-937) hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships among anuran families. Only a subset of the resolved topologies derived from the Hay et al. (1995) cladogram, where Ranoidea is the sister-group of Sooglossidae, produced significant probabilities of the CCT. Therefore, support for the correlation between sperm ultrastructure and fertilization environments in anurans is, at best, equivocal.  相似文献   

Larval muscle development in the abdominal region of five species of hylid frogs (Scinax nasicum, S. fuscovarium, Hyla andina, Phyllomedusa boliviana, Gastrotheca gracilis) was studied using differential staining techniques. These five species represent three major hylid subfamilies. The development of the main abdominal muscles, the rectus abdominis, the two lateral muscles (obliquus externus and transversus), and the lateral pectoralis abdominalis is described. The number of myotomes of the rectus abdominis varies between five and six, and the abdominal muscles associated with the rectus abdominis (obliquus externus, pectoralis abdominalis, and rectus cervicis) vary interspecifically in time of appearance and configuration. The presence of gaps in the configuration of the rectus abdominis has been related to the lotic habits of the larvae. However, our observations indicate the presence of such gaps in larvae that inhabit lentic environments as well. These results suggest that the presence of these gaps is unrelated to larval habitat. There are relatively small differences in muscle morphology among these closely related species, which apparently cannot be explained by morphological adaptations related to their ecology. In the species studied, the number of elements that form the abdominal musculature in larvae is equal to that observed in adults. Likewise, the general morphology of the muscles is ontogenetically conserved. This suggests that both the axial skeleton and musculature are more ontogenetically conserved in relation to the substantial changes that are observed in the skull and head muscles of developing anurans. J. Morphol. 241:275–282, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Because homologous traits of males and females are likely to have a common genetic basis, sex-specific selection (often resulting from sexual selection on one sex) may generate an evolutionary tug-of-war known as intralocus sexual conflict, which will constrain the adaptive divergence of the sexes. Theory suggests that intralocus sexual conflict can be mitigated through reduction of the intersexual genetic correlation (rMF), predicting negative covariation between rMF and sexual dimorphism. In addition, recent work showed that selection should favor reduced expression of alleles inherited from the opposite-sex parent (intersexual inheritance) in traits subject to intralocus sexual conflict. For traits under sexual selection in males, this should be manifested either in reduced maternal heritability or, when conflict is severe, in reduced heritability through the opposite-sex parent in offspring of both sexes. However, because we do not know how far these hypothesized evolutionary responses can actually proceed, the importance of intralocus sexual conflict as a long-term constraint on adaptive evolution remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the genetic architecture of sexual and nonsexual morphological traits in Prochyliza xanthostoma. The lowest rMF and greatest dimorphism were exhibited by two sexual traits (head length and antenna length) and, among all traits, the degree of sexual dimorphism was correlated negatively with rMF. Moreover, sexual traits exhibited reduced maternal heritabilities, and the most strongly dimorphic sexual trait (antenna length) was heritable only through the same-sex parent in offspring of both sexes. Our results support theory and suggest that intralocus sexual conflict can be resolved substantially by genomic adaptation. Further work is required to identify the proximate mechanisms underlying these patterns.  相似文献   

A precise method was used for estimating the proportion of heritable variation in two life history parameters of the yellow dung fly, whereby environmental components of variance were minimized. Significant heritable variation for body size was revealed for father to son and mother to daughter relationships. Variation in development time was not significantly heritable. There is a marked sexual dimorphism in body size in this species which is discussed in the light of the observed sex-genotype interaction in heritabilities and low genetic correlation for size between the sexes. It is suggested that opposing pressures of sexual and natural selection and/or genetic pleotropy may be responsible for the maintenance of heritable variation, and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in these two traits.  相似文献   

Variation in body size represents one of the crucial raw materials for evolution. However, at present, it is still being debated what is the main factor affecting body size or if the final body size is the consequence of several factors acting synergistically. To evaluate this, widespread species seem to be suitable models because the different populations occur along a geographical gradient and under contrasted climatic and environmental conditions. Here we describe the spatial pattern of variation in body size and sexual size dimorphism in the snouted treefrog Scinax fuscovarius (Anura, Hylidae) along a 10° range in latitude, 25° longitude, and 2000 m in altitude from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay using an information‐theoretic approach to evaluate the support of the data for eight a priori hypotheses proposed in the literature to account for geographical body size, and three hypotheses for sexual size dimorphism variation. Body size of S. fuscovarius varied most dramatically with longitude and less so with latitude; frogs were largest in the northwestern populations. Body size was positively related with precipitation seasonality, and negatively with annual precipitation. Furthermore, the degree of sexual size dimorphism was greatest in the western populations with less annual precipitation, as the increase in body size was stronger for females. Our results on body size variation are consistent with two ecogeographical hypotheses, the starvation resistance and the water availability hypotheses, while our results on sexual size dimorphism in S. fuscovarius supports the differential‐plasticity hypothesis but the inverse to Rensch's rule and the parental investment hypothesis. Due to the weak association between environmental variables and body size and sexual size dimorphism variation, we stress that there are other factors, mainly those related to the life history, driving the geographical variation of S. fuscovarius.  相似文献   

The larval morphology of Hypsiboas leptolineatus was studied. The tadpole has an ovoid body in lateral view, wider than deep; snout rounded with dorsal reniform nostrils; spiracle sinistral with lateral wall attached to body; anal tube dextral; tail fins convex with acuminate tip; oral disc ventral; labial tooth row formula is 2(2)/3(1); moderately developed beaks with serrated jaw sheaths. These external oral features are compared with those of the known tadpoles in the Hypsiboas polytaenius clade. The oral cavity was studied using an electron microscope. Life history aspects are commented.  相似文献   

We review the systematics of the Hypsiboas calcaratus species complex, a group of widely distributed Amazonian hylid frogs. A comprehensive analysis of genetic, morphological, and bioacoustic datasets uncovered the existence of eleven candidate species, six of which are confirmed. Two of them correspond to Hypsiboas fasciatus and Hypsiboas calcaratus and the remaining four are new species that we describe here. Hypsiboas fasciatus sensu stricto has a geographic range restricted to the eastern Andean foothills of southern Ecuador while Hypsiboas calcaratus sensu stricto has a wide distribution in the Amazon basin. Hypsiboas almendarizae sp. n. occurs at elevations between 500 and 1950 m in central and northern Ecuador; the other new species (H. maculateralis sp. n., H. alfaroi sp. n., and H. tetete sp. n.) occur at elevations below 500 m in Amazonian Ecuador and Peru. The new species differ from H. calcaratus and H. fasciatus in morphology, advertisement calls, and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Five candidate species from the Guianan region, Peru, and Bolivia are left as unconfirmed. Examination of the type material of Hyla steinbachi, from Bolivia, shows that it is not conspecific with H. fasciatus and thus is removed from its synonymy.  相似文献   

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