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Lysozyme attacked Escherichia coli B/r in the absence of EDTA or imposed osmotic shocks when the cells were rapidly cooled below specific temperatures. Cells subjected to lysozyme while being cooled to below 20°C began to lose ability to subsequently form colonies. This sensitivity increased with decreasing temperatures and almost all cells cooled to 0°C were affected. Slightly hypertonic solutions did not improve survival. Cells cooled first to as low as 5°C and then subjected to lysozyme while cool did not lose their ability to form colonies subsequent to rewarming. However, 70% of the cells cooled first to 0°C and subjected to lysozyme lost their colony-forming ability. Cell lysis also began when treated near 5°C, but even when treated at 0°C about 50% of the cells maintained their rod shape in the presence of lysozyme. These results are discussed in terms of a possible phase transition in a portion of the cell envelope and/or a transient osmotic swelling as a results of metabolic pumps failing at the low temperatures.  相似文献   

A mutant of Salmonella typhimurium strain trpC3 has been isolated which is defective in mutation frequency decline (MFD) for UV-induced suppressor revertants to tryptophan independence. Several characteristics of this mutant, PW4, suggest that it is altered in the timing or rate of the general excision repair mechanism. Survival is greater in strain PW4 when the first post-irradiation cell division is delayed by the inhibition of immediate protein synthesis. Similarly, stationary phase cells, which show an extended lag after irradiation, are more UV-resistant than lag-phase cells, which recover more rapidly. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that, in contrast with the parent strain trpC3, the time available in the mutant strain for the action of excision repair is critical in the determination of survival after UV treatment. Contransductional analysis of the mutant locus indicates close linkage to metE, a region in which excision repair genes have been located.  相似文献   

It has been found that the level of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)-induced mutation in Escherichia coli is dependent on the level of UmuD(D)C proteins. The frequency of argE(ochre)Arg+ mutations (which occur predominantly by ATTA transversions) and RifSRifR mutations is much higher when UmuDC or UmuD'C are overproduced in the cell. When MMS-treated bacteria were starved for progressively longer times and hence the expression of mutations delayed, the level of mutations observed progressively declined. This same treatment had no effect on the degree of SOS induction. Examination of plasmid DNAs, isolated from MMS-treated cells, for their sensitivity to the specific endonucleases Fpg and Nth revealed that MMS causes formation of abasic sites, which are repaired during cell starvation. It is assumed that, in non-dividing cells, apurinic sites are mostly repaired by RecA-mediated recombinational repair. This pathway, which is error-free, is compared with the processing pathway in metabolically active cells, where translesion synthesis by the UmuD2C-RecA-DNA polymerase III holoenzyme complex occurs; this latter pathway is error-prone.  相似文献   

Biotin uptake has been investigated using an Escherichia coli biotin requiring auxotroph grown under biotin-deficient conditions. This strain accumulated biotin in the free and bound form. In agreement with a previous report by O. Prakash and M.A. Eisenberg (J. Bacteriol. 120 (1974) 785–791), the biotin entry proved to be an active process which depended on an energy source and was inhibited in the presence of uncouplers. The kinetic parameters have been determined (KM = 0.05 μM, Vmax = 7 pmol/min per mg dry weight). The pool of free biotin could be readily exchanged with external biotin and decreased to a very low level in the absence of an energy source. The use of several biotin analogues revealed that this transport system was quite specific for biotin: slight modifications, for instance in the valeric chain. lowered drastically the affinity for the carrier.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells were grown in the presence of L-serine and gallium(III) nitrate a different molar ratios. Under these conditions ultrastructural changes were observed in the cells when examined under the electron microscope. Although some changes were seen inside the cell the major modifications were observed at the cell surface. These changes appeared to involve both the cell and the peptidoglycan layer. Autoradiography at the electron microscope level undertaken with similar mixtures and containing L-(3 - 3H) serine showed silver grains at or near the cell surface. In some cases, surface modifications were so pronounced that they resulted in the E. coli appearing as sheets of cells.No cell surface changes were detected when mixtures of L-serine and potassium tetrachloropalladate(II) were used as modifying agents. With the palladium(II) mixtures all changes observed were intracellular. These modifications included the appearance of membrane-bound vehicles, clumping of the cytoplasm and changes in the nucleoplasm. Autoradiography carried out in the presence of L-(3 - 3H) serine showed a significant proportion of silver grains over the nuclear region. A pure palladium(II) complex of L-serine was examined as a modifying agent in the concentration range 1–9 μ/cm3 resulting in very pronounced modification of the cells when exposed to higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Lesions induced by 5-bromouracil (BU), after its incorporation into DNA, led to effective induction of prophage lambda and W reactivation (or BU reactivation). Prophage induction due to incorporated BU occurred only with the wild-type prophage, and not for the lambda c1857 mutant with a thermosensitive repressor. Antipain, a protease inhibitor, inhibited wild-type prophage induction 70-90%. This indicates that BU-induced lesions may induce the SOS repair system. The finding that such lesions provoke BU reactivation permits the inference that BU-induced mutagenesis also proceeds via involvement of the error-prone repair system, and not directly as a result of base-pairing errors. Genetic evidence suggests that induction of the SOS repair system as a result of incorporation of BU into DNA is linked to the subsequent appearance of uracil residues and apyrimidinic sites, resulting from dehalogenation of incorporated BU. Apyrimidinic sites appear to be more effective than uracil residues in induction of the SOS system.  相似文献   

The mechanism of uridine transport in Escherichia coli B cells was studied using experimental approaches designed to limit possible ambiguities in interpretation of data obtained previously. For this purpose, the transport of [2-14C]uridine and [U-14C]uridine was determined in E. coli B and an E. coli B mutant which is resistant to the inhibitory effects of the nucleoside antibiotic, showdomycin.The majorty of the uridine transported as the intact nucleoside is cleaved to uracil and ribose l-phosphate. The uracil, in large part, is excreted, while ribose l-phosphate is retained. In addition, uridine is also rapidly cleaved to uracil and ribose l-phosphate in the periplasmic space. The uracil moiety may enter the cell, whereas ribose l-phosphate is not transported. The showdomycin-resistant mutant transports the intact nucleoside inefficiently, or not at all, but retains its ability to convert uridine to uracil in the periplasmic space.  相似文献   

cis-Platinum(II)diamminodichloride (cis-PDD)-induced mutations to prototrophy were studied in Escherichia coli. Mutagenesis was not detected in a recA nor in a lexA mutant, but as greater in uvrA strain than in a repair-proficient strain, at a given treatment of cis-PDD. Increasing the plating density above 105 cells per plate did not give an equivalent increase in revertants per plate [crowding depression of mutagenesis (Bockrath et al., 1980)]. Growth rates were similar at different plating densities and crowdign depression of mutagenesis was observed in both excision-proficient and excision-deficient strains.

A filtrate of a plate wash from crowded plates, of either treated or untreated cultuers, further reduced the mutation frequenciews over that due to crowding depression of mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Under certain growth conditions, some strains of Escherichia coli accumulate toxic levels of methylglyoxal. This report characterizes a strain which synthesizes a mutant cAMP receptor protein in an adenylate cyclase deletion background. When cultured in glucose 6-phosphate minimal medium, this strain (222) was prematurely growth arrested due to methylglyoxal production; growth inhibition did not occur when the strain was grown in glucose minimal medium. A comparison of a variety of enzyme and cofactor levels in the related strains 222 (mutant) and 225 (wild-type) grown on either glucose or glucose 6-phosphate medium was carried out. The only difference found that might explain an increase in methylglyoxal accumulation was an elevated level of phosphofructokinase in strain 222 grown on glucose 6-phosphate. Since this enzyme activity probably limits hexose phosphate metabolism, it is suggested that growth inhibition in strain 222 may be due to increased production of triose phosphate, some of which is converted to methylglyoxal.  相似文献   

Plasmids of the N incompatibility group have been found to decrease or virtually eliminate the synthesis of the 36 500 dalton outer membrane matrix protein of their Escherichia coli B/r hosts (Iyer, R. (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 470, 258–272 and Iyer, R., Darby, V. and Holland, I.B. (1978) FEBS Lett. 85, 127–132) or modify its composition. Although the 34 000 dalton tol G protein is slightly increased in some strains, it is identical in composition to the homologous protein from the plasmidless host. In three of five N+ strains, the synthesis of the modified matrix proteins depends on the temperature of cultivation of the strains in which they occur. The alterations to the matrix proteins are non-identical and do not affect the expression of several plasmid-coded functions including those of sensitivity to the N plasmid-specific filamentous bacteriophage IKe (Khatoon, H. and Iyer, R. (1971) Can. J. Microbiol. 17, 669–675), or their interbacterial transfer via conjugation to appropriate recipient strains. Thus, although the significance of the variant matrix proteins in N+ strains with respect to plasmid-mediated functions remains unclear, N plasmids nevertheless provide a convenient system which might be used to elucidate the events that precede the insertion of this protein into the outer membrane of E. coli B/r hosts.  相似文献   

The lipid phase transition of Escherichia coli was studied by high sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. A temperature sensitive unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph was used to obtain lipids with subnormal unsaturated fatty acid contents. From these studies it was concluded that E. coli can grow normally with as much as 20% of its membrane lipids in the ordered state but that if more than 55% of the lipids are ordered, growth ceases. Studies with wild-type cells show that the phase transition ends more than 10°C below the growth temperature when the growth temperature when the growth temperature is either 25°C or 37°C.  相似文献   

Tripartite efflux systems are responsible for the export of toxins across both the inner and outer membranes of Gram negative bacteria. Previous work has indicated that EmrAB-TolC from Escherichia coli is such a tripartite system, comprised of EmrB an MFS transporter, EmrA, a membrane fusion protein and TolC, an outer membrane channel. The whole complex is predicted to form a continuous channel allowing direct export from the cytoplasm to the exterior of the cell. Little is known, however, about the interactions between the individual components of this system. Reconstitution of EmrA + EmrB resulted in co-elution of the two proteins from a gel filtration column indicating formation of the EmrAB complex. Electron microscopic single particle analysis of the reconstituted EmrAB complex revealed the presence of particles approximately 240 × 140 Å, likely to correspond to two EmrAB dimers in a back-to-back arrangement, suggesting the dimeric EmrAB form is the physiological state contrasting with the trimeric arrangement of the AcrAB-TolC system.  相似文献   

Seven transmissible (Tra+), antibiotic resistance (r) plasmids, which confer sensitivity to the filamentous bacteriophage IKe on an Escherichia coli B/r strain harboring them, have been examined for the changes they evoke in the host cell membranes. The plasmids rR48and rR269, like rRM98 [1], cause a significant reduction in the density of the outer membrane and the virtual elimination of its 36 500 dalton protein. These 2 properties do not appear to be altered when rR45, rR199 or rR205 are the resident plasmids. No changes in the inner membrane proteins are seen in any of these strains. In the case of the rR46-bearing strain, the density of the outer membrane is increased and the level of the 36 500 dalton protein is unaltered; in addition, several changes in both inner and outer membrane proteins are seen. Spontaneous IKe resistant mutants isolated from strains lacking the 36 500 dalton protein are either Tra+ or Tra?. Since most of them also lack this protein, the latter is not important to the expression of inter-bacterial gene transfer and IKe sensitivity.On freeze fracture, strains lacking the 36 500 dalton protein cleave almost exclusively within the outer membrane. The plasmidless host and the remaining plasmid-bearing strains show a strong fracture plane within the cytoplasmic membrane. Despite the fact that most of the plasmid-bearing strains used are proficient in effecting interbacterial plasmid transfer, no morphological differences which can be correlated with this function have been observed between their etched cell surfaces and that of the plasmidless host.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant cell line that shows high resistance to the photosynthesis-inhibiting herbicide atrazine was selected from cultured photomixotrophic Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN cells by repeated exposure to toxic levels of the herbicide. This resistance was confirmed by measurements of Hill reaction activity in isolated thylakoid membranes. Nucleotide sequencing revealed that the resistant cell line had a point mutation in its chloroplast psbA gene. The 264th codon, AGT (serine) was changed to ACT (threonine) in this mutant. This new type of mutation also conferred moderate cross-resistance to diuron and subsequently was stable in the absence of continued selection pressure.  相似文献   

Gluconate-resistant mutants were isolated from Escherichia coli strain DF 1070 deficient in phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (EC and in phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (EC which is inhibited by gluconate. Among the resistant mutants, AR 13 has been identified as a gluconate kinase (EC strain.This mutant exhibits an inducible gluconate transport system capable of concentrating gluconate in the cytoplasm against a concentration gradient. The accumulated gluconate is subject to permanent turnover, and is not chemically modified.The kinetics of induction and deinduction indicate a single inducible component, rate limiting for the transport function, and the distribution of transport capacity among non-induced progeny of induced parents indicates that the inducible protein is membrane bound.  相似文献   

The occurrence is reported of a mutation frequency decline process (MFD) following treatment of Salmonella typhimurium strain trpC3 with two chemical mutagens which give rise predominantly to suppressor revertants. With the carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide (4NQO) the results are analogous to those obtained for UV-mutagenesis. In the case of methoxynamine, the process is due to specific excision of premutational lesions, since lethality is low and lethal lesions are non-excisable. Mutants are described which cannot perform MFD of lesions induced by one or both of the chemical mutagens, indicating that the loss of revertants is in each case due to a bacteial repair system rather than to spontaneous degradation of the induced lesion. The mutants, however, were isolated because of an altered response to UV mutagenesis, viz., their ability to express UV-induced mutants in the absence of amino acids to stimulate active post-irradiation protein synthesis. In all other respects tested, their response to UV is identical with that of the parent strain. The hypothesis is discussed that the total absence of UV-induced revertants of the strain S. typhimurium trpC3 when active protein synthesis is inhibited is due to two processes, first, rapid MFD due to the specific excision of pyrimidine dimers (the predominant UV-lesion) and secondly, the slow excision of other premutational damage which may be other photoproducts or secondary distortions caused by close juxtaposition of several pyrimidine dimers.  相似文献   

Strains of Zymomonas mobilis grown in media containing either glucose or sucrose were assessed for the production of hydrogen sulphide (H2S). In a liquid medium with low glucose concentration (20 g l?1) only a proportion of the strains tested formed H2S, but in medium containing a higher glucose concentration (100 g l?1) all the strains tested produced H2S. Four Z. mobilis strains were assayed quantitatively for H2S production and strain ZM4 was found to produce the most H2S in glucose medium. The amount of yeast extract and glucose, and the type of sugar used in the medium affected the amount of H2S formed by strain ZM4. A mutant, designated ZM4701, of strain ZM4 was isolated which did not produce any detectable H2S in liquid medium containing yeast extract plus either glucose or sucrose. The nutritional requirements of ZM4701 were investigated.  相似文献   

E. coli possesses an efficient repair mechanism able to remove pyrimidine dimers from UV-irradiated DNA, which is catalyzed by UvrABC endonuclease. In E. coli B/r Hcr+ cells transformed with a multicopy plasmid harboring a gene coding for UvrA, the excision capacity was greatly reduced. The course of thymine dimer excision was investigated using the enzymatic as well as the radiochromatographic method and the results are discussed in term of nonspecific interaction between the excess of UvrA protein and undamaged DNA duplex.  相似文献   

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