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We describe a system for detecting somatic cell mutation to 8-azaguanine (8AG) resistance in cultured, diploid human fibroblasts. Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HG-PRT)-deficient, AG-resistant fibroblasts from boys with the X-chromosomal, Lesch-Nyhan (L-N) mutation served as one type of prototype mutant cells. Both spontaneous and X-ray-induced mutation were studied. Recovery of L-N cells was a function both of density of normal cells and of the AG concentration used for selection. Optimum recovery was achieved at an initial inoculum of 2·104 normal cells per 60 mm diameter culture dish and an AG concentration of 8·10?6M. Efficiency of recovery was between 39 and 90% and controls to determine this efficiency were included in mutagenesis experiments.Attempts to free normal cell populations of pre-existing AG-resistant mutant cells by pregrowth in HAT medium failed because, unlike L-N mutants, most spontaneous AG-resistant mutants can grow in HAT medium. Although pre-existing mutants probably caused overestimation, the average spontaneous mutation rate derived from our experiments was 4.5·10?6 per cell generation. Eliminating one large-yieldv experiment reduced this estimate to 1.9·10?6. Clonal survival of cultured human fibroblasts as a function of X-ray dose was studied. X-Irradiation increased the mutation rate above spontaneous background. Minimum estimates of the increases were 1.13·10?9 per R per cell at 75 R, 7.49·10?8 per R per cell at 125 R, 6.87·10?8 per R per cell at 150 R and 2.16·10?7 per R per cell at 250 R. The total mutagenic effect and the induced mutation rate appeared to be dose-dependent. Normal parental cell strains and their derived AG-resistant mutants had similar X-ray sensitivities indicating that X-rays induced mutations rather than selected for pre-existing mutants.Because of the realism of the cultured diploid, human fibroblast model vis-a-vis in vivohuman cellular events, the mutation detection system described herein is proposed as being potentially useful for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

Mutants of a diploid human lymphoblast line resistant to 6-thioguanine (6TG) appear 6--16 generations after treatment with any of a diverse group of mutagents: methylnitrosourea (MNU), methylnitrosoguanidine (MNNG), ICR-191, 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR). A hypothesis is advanced that expression of the 6-thioguanine-resistant state may require the removal of essentially all pre-existing hypoxanthine--guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) molecules via division, dilution, and protein turnover. Design of protocols for quantitative mutation assays requires attention to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Induction of 6-thioguanine resistance was studied in human cells treated with the direct-acting chemical carcinogen N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (NA-AAF). At low concentrations (2.5–7.5 μM) induction of resistant clones was linear and followed one-hit kinetics, while at 10 μM the yield of resistant clones was higher and appeared to result from the combination of one-hit and two-hit kinetics. A study of about 50 resistant clones revealed that most had reduced levels of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) activity (25–85% of controls) and were able to use exogenous hypoxanthine for growth (“Type II mutants,” deMars, 1974); a few had very low HGPRT activity (1–8% of controls) and were unable to use exogenous hypoxanthine (“Type I mutants”). Use of [914-C]NA-AAF allowed us to examine the frequency of induction of thioguanine resistance as a function of binding to DNA (μmole AAF/mole DNA-P). Calculations from these data suggest that most “hits” on the HGPRT locus do not result in detectable mutations: At three different levels of binding and induced mutation frequency, the yield was 2.5–3 detectable mutants/10 000 molecules of acetylaminofluorene bound to the HGPRT locus. These data suggest that most bound acetylaminofluorene molecules either produce no change in the primary sequence of DNA (possibly as a result of repair or correct “read through” by the DNA polymerase) or result in changes which are phenotypically undetectable.  相似文献   

Induction of 6-thioguanine resistance was studied in human cells treated with the direct-acting chemical carcinogen N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (NA-AAF). At low concentrations (2.5–7.5 μM) induction of resistant clones was linear and followed one-hit kinetics, while at 10 μM the yield of resistant clones was higher and appeared to result from the combination of one-hit and two-hit kinetics. A study of about 50 resistant clones revealed that most had reduced levels of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) activity (25–85% of controls) and were able to use exogenous hypoxanthine for growth (“Type II mutants,” deMars, 1974); a few had very low HGPRT activity (1–8% of controls) and were unable to use exogenous hypoxanthine (“Type I mutants”). Use of [9-14C]NA-AAF allowed us to examine the frequency of induction of thioguanine resistance as a function of binding to DNA (μmole AAF/mole DNA-P). Calculations from these data suggest that most “hits” on the HGPRT locus do not result in detectable mutations: At three different levels of binding and induced mutation frequency, the yield was 2.5-3 detectable mutants/10 000 molecules of acetylaminofluorene bound to the HGPRT locus. These data suggest that most bound acetylaminofluorene molecules either produce no change in the primary sequence of DNA (possibly as a result of repair or correct “read through” by the DNA polymerase) or result in changes which are phenotypically undetectable.  相似文献   

Y Kuroda 《Mutation research》1975,30(2):229-238
Trans-2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acrylamide (furylfuramide: FF or AF2) was tested for ability to induce 8-azaguanine (8AG) resistant mutations in cultured human diploid cells. FF had a relatively severe cytotoxic effect on the cells. From the concentration-survival curve, the D0 value for 2-h treatment with FF was estimated to be 11 mug/ml. When cells were treated with FF at various concentrations for 2 h, cultured in normal medium for 48 h, and then selected in medium containing 8AG at 30 mug/ml, the induced mutation frequency increased gradually with increase in concentration of FF. When cells were treated with FF at 10 mug/ml for 2 h, cultured in normal medium for various periods of mutation expression time, and selected with 8AG at 30 mug/ml, the highest induced mutation frequency was obtained with 48 h of mutation expression time. Microscopic examination of the numbers of cells in colonies indicated that the total number of cells increased by half during this mutation expression time of 48 h.  相似文献   

The mutagenic specificities of ethylnitrosourea (ENU), X-rays (+/-)7 beta,8 alpha-dihydroxy-9 alpha,10 alpha-epoxy-7, 8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE), ICR-191, and N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-AcO-AAF) were analyzed and compared in diploid human fibroblasts and Salmonella typhimurium. In the human fibroblasts, we compared the frequency of diphtheria toxin (DT)-resistant mutants, presumably induced in the gene coding for elongation factor-2, with the frequency of 6-thioguanine (TG) resistance induced by mutations in the gene coding for hypoxanthine(guanine)phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT). Recovery of DT-resistant (DTr) cells requires that the mutant EF-2 retain the ability to carry on protein synthesis since the normal EF-2 will be inactivated by DT selection. Therefore, the DTr mutation cannot involve major changes in the gene. In contrast, cells can acquire TG resistance by any mechanism which eliminates HPRT activity, e.g., base substitution, frameshift, deletion, loss of chromosomes. Each agent was assessed by calculating the ratio of the slopes of the dose-response plots (induced variant frequency as a function of dose of the agent used) for the two markers (DTr/TGr variants.). In S. typhimurium we examined the reversion frequency in four histidine-requiring strains bearing forward mutations of the frameshift (TA1538, TA98) or missense (TA1535, TA100) type. ENU, which was predominantly a base substitution mutagen in the bacteria, gave a ratio of DTr to TGr variants of 1.5. As expected of an agent inducing gross chromosomal changes, X-rays induced no revertants in bacteria and in human cells gave a ratio of 0.1. ICR-191 which was predominantly a frameshift mutagen in bacteria gave a ratio of 0.15. In the set of bacterial strains containing the plasmid pKM101, BPDE reverted both frameshift and base substitution mutations. It did not cause reversions in the other set of strains. In human cells BPDE gave a response similar to ENU, i.e., a ratio of DTr/TGr variants of 1.5. As reported by others, N-AcO-AAF was predominantly a frameshift mutagen in bacteria. However, in the human cells it gave a ratio of DTr/TGr variants of 1.5, similar to ENU and BPDE. These results suggest that in human cells, BPDE and N-AcO-AAF, like ENU, yield predominantly base substitutions, while ICR-191 and X-rays largely produce mutations by mechanisms which result in more extensive alterations in the gene.  相似文献   

R DeMars 《Mutation research》1974,24(3):335-364
In vitro enumeration of diploid human cell variants that are resistant to purine analogues is a possible method of detecting mutagenesis. Their incidences can be increased by the known mutagens, X-rays and N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). Usefulness of this method depends on the kinds of hereditary changes that confer analogue-resistance on somatic cells. If resistance usually results from changes in genetic material, in vitro studies could be useful indicators of mutagenic effects on somatic cells and germ cells in vivo. If epigenetic changes are primarily responsible for analogue-resistant variants, their enumeration might not provide information relevant to germinal mutations but would still be a useful way to detect induction of general kinds of stable phenotypic changes that could cause cancer. This article outlines hypothetical epigenetic and genetic causes of somatic cell variation and a prospective genetic analysis of human cell variants that are resistant to 8-azaguanine (AG) or 2,6-diaminopurine ( (DAP).Recent evidences and arguments favoring epigenetic origins of resistance to base-analogues are inconclusive. The often cited high rate of changes causing impermeability to BUdR in hamster cells is based on one improperly executed determination. Comparisons of rates of variation conferring BUdR-resistance on cultured haploid and diploid frog cells included diploid variants that did not behave as mutants and ignored major sources of error in estimating mutation rates. AG-resistance could result from recessive mutations in X-chromosomal genes but comparisons of rates of mutation in hamster cells of different ploidies did not provide information about the numbers of X-chromosomes in the variants. Reports that normal rodent HGPRT reappeared in hybrids of enzyme-deficient rodent cells and HGPRT-containing cells of other species or in the rodent cells alone in response to the conditions of cell hybridization did not include adequate controls for reversions in mutant genes of the rodent cells. Questions about the epigenetic and genetic origins of analogue-resistance are mostly unanswered. It remains possible that some kinds of abnormal epigenetic changes cause somatic disease. Specific methods for detecting their occurrence and responsiveness to environmental factors should be devised by focusing efforts on traits that are normally subject to epigenetic regulation. Derepression of genes on the inactive X-chromosome and of liver phenylalanine hydroxylase production are presented as possible examples of abnormal epigenetic changes that could be quantitatively studied by direct selection in vitro.  相似文献   

The ability of DNA excision-repair processes in diploid human fibroblasts to eliminate potentially cytotoxic and mutagenic lesions induced by UV radiation (254 nm) was demonstrated in two ways: (1) Cells with normal rates of excision were compared with cells with an intermediate rate of excision (XP2BE) and cells with an excision rate less than or equal to 1% that of normal (XP12BE) for sensitivity to the killing and mutagenic action of UV radiation. The normal cells proved resistant to doses of UV which reduced the survival of the XP cells to 14% and 0.7%, respectively, and increased the frequency of mutations to 8-azaguanine resistance in the XP cells 5- to 10-fold over background. (2) Cells in confluence were irradiated with cytotoxic and mutagenic doses of UV and allowed to carry out excision repair. After various lengths of time they were replated at lower densities to allow for expression of mutations to 6-thioguanine resistance and/or at cloning densities to assay survival. Normal cells and XP cells with reduced rates of excision repair (from complementation groups C and D) exhibited a gradual increase in survival from an initial level of 15--20% to 100% if held approximately 20 h in confluence. In contrast, XP12BE cells showed no increase from an initial survival of 20% even when held for 7 days. Normal cells irradiated in confluence but prevented from replicating for 7 days exhibited background mutation frequencies, whereas the mutation frequency in XP12BE cells did not change with the time in confluence.  相似文献   

Alterations in rat liver transfer RNA (tRNA) methyltransferase activities have been observed after liver damage by various chemicals or by partial hepatectomy. The qualitative and quantitative nature of these activity changes and the time course for their induction have been studied. Since homologous tRNAs are essentially fully modified in vivo, E. coli tRNAs were used as in vitro substrates for the rat liver enzymes in these studies. Each of the liver-damaging agents tested rapidly caused increases in activities of the enzyme(s) catalyzing methyl group transfer to tRNAs that have an unmodified guanine at position 26 from the 5′ end of the molecule. This group of tRNAs includes E. coli tRNANfmet, tRNAAla1, tRNALeu1, or Leu2, and tRNASer3 (Group 1). In each case N2-methylguanine and N2,N2-dimethylguanine represented 90% or more of the products of these in vitro methylations. The product and substrate specificity observed are characteristic of N2-guanine methyltransferase II (S-adenosyl-L-methionine:tRNA (guanine-2)-methyltransferase, EC In crude and partially purified preparations derived from livers of both control and treated animals this enzyme activity was not diminished significantly by exposure to 50°C for 10 min. The same liver-damaging agents induced little or no change in the activities of enzymes that catalyze methyl group transfer to various other E. coli tRNAs that do not have guanine at position 26 (Group 2). The results of mixing experiments appear to rule out the likelihood that the observed enzyme activity changes are due to stimulatory or inhibitory materials present in the enzyme preperations from control or treated animals. Thus, our experiments indicate that liver damage by each of several different methods, including surgery or administration of chemicals that are strong carcinogens, hepatotoxins, or cancer-promoting substances, all produce changes in liver tRNA methyltransferase activity that represent a selective increase in activity of N2-guanine tRNA methyltransferase II. It is proposed that the specificity of this change is not fortuitous, but is the manifestation of an as yet unidentified regulatory process.  相似文献   

Whether resistance to purine analogues 8-azaguanine (AG) and 6-thioguanine (TG) in mammalian cells is due to gene mutation or to epigenetic changes was investigated by an ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) dose-dependent induced “resistance” to these analogues in two near-diploid (2N) and one tetraploid (4N) Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. EMS produced higher cell killing in 2N than in 4N cells. In the 2N cells, EMS-induced mutations to TG (1.7 μg/ml) resistance increased approximately as a linear function of the dose from 0–400 μg/ml. However, EMS was ineffective in inducing such mutation in the 4N cells. These observations are consistent with the notion that the induced TG resistance arose as a result of mutation at the gene or chromosome level. In each cell type, both the “observed” spontaneous and the EMS-induced frequency to purine analogue resistance decreased with increasing concentration of purine analogues. However, among the “resistant” clones a high proportion of those selected at 1.2 and 3.0 μg/ml of AG, a small portion selected at 7.5 μg/ml of AG, and virtually none at 1.7 and 6.0 μg/ml of TG are capable of growth in medium containing aminopterin (10 μM). This suggests that, under less stringent selective conditions, some resistant variants were being selected through mechanisms not yet defined.  相似文献   

The contribution of glutamine, glucose, ketone bodies and fatty acids to the oxidative energy metabolism of human diploid fibroblasts was studied. The rate of glutamine oxidation by fibroblasts was 98 nmol/h per mg cell protein compared to 2 nmol/h per mg cell protein or less for glucose, acetoacetate, d-3-hydroxybutyrate, octanoic acid and palmitic acid. Glucose inhibited glutamine oxidation by 85%, while the other substrates had no effect. Therefore, these cells meet their energy requirement almost solely by anaerobic glycolysis and glutamine oxidation.  相似文献   

Low concentrations (?20 μg/ml) of 8-azaguanine are 1000 fold more toxic to V79 Chinese hamster cells in medium containing 10% dialyzed fetal calf serum than in medium containing 10% undialyzed serum. Serum enzyme activity that converts AG to nontoxic 8-azaxanthine degrades AG at the same rate, whether or not the serum is dialyzed. However, cytotoxicity results similar to those obtained with US were produced in medium containing DS and 2.5 μg of hypoxanthine (HX)/ml (DSH). Therefore, serum HX is considered to be responsible for the relatively low cytotoxicity of AG in medium containing US. Colonies that arose in medium containing AG were isolated and characterized. Those that remained resistant to AG (40 μg/ml) and sensitive to aminopterin in the presence of HX and thymidine (HAT) were considered mutants; nonmutants were sensitive to AG and resistant to HAT. Colonies isolated from medium containing DSH of US and low concentrations of AG were not mutants, but those from medium containing high concentrations (? μg/l) of AG were mutants. Spontaneous and N-methyl-N′-nitrosoguanidine induced mutants were detectable in medium containing DSH without replating the cells prior to adding AG (?30 μg/ml), but in order to detect MNNG induced mutations in medium containing DS replating was essential. In DS, the mutation frequency increased as an exponential function of the toxicity of MNNG, but remained two orders of magnitude lower than the induced mutation frequencies that occurred in DSH, HX, in DSH or US, produced profound effects, other than interference with AG toxicity, that distort the results of mutagenesis assays. To study mutation using AG resistance as the endpoint, it is essential to use dialyzed serum.  相似文献   

The spectrum of mutations induced by the carcinogen N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) was analysed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a forward mutation assay, namely the inactivation of the URA3 gene. The URA3 gene, carried on a yeast/bacterial shuttle vector, was randomly modified in vitro using N-acetoxy-N-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-AcO-AAF) as a model reactive metabolite of the carcinogen AAF. The binding spectrum of AAF to the URA3 gene was determined and found to be essentially random, as all guanine residues reacted about equally well with N-AcO-AAF. Independent Ura mutants were selected in vivo after transformation of the modified plasmid into a ura3 yeast strain. Plasmid survival decreased as a function of AAF modification, leading to one lethal hit (37% relative survival) for an average of 50 AAF adducts per plasmid molecule. At this level of modification the mutation frequency was equal to 70 × 10–4, i.e. 50-fold above the background mutation frequency. UV irradiation of the yeast cells did not further stimulate the mutagenic response, indicating the lack of an SOS-like mutagenic response in yeast. Sequence analysis of the URA3 mutants revealed 48% frameshifts, 44% base substitutions and 8 % complex events. While most base substitutions (74%) were found to be targeted at G residues where AAF is known to form covalent C8 adducts, frameshift mutations were observed at GC base pairs in only 24% of cases. Indeed, more than 60% of frameshift events occurred at sequences such as 5-(A/T)nG-3 where a short (n = 2 or 3) monotonous run of As or Ts is located on the 5' side of a guanine residue. We refer to these mutations as semi-targeted events and present a potential mechanism that explains their occurrence.  相似文献   

Two benzo(a)pyrene metabolites were found to induce DNA strand breaks in cultured human fibroblasts. DNA strand breaks induced by the non- or weakly carcinogenic 9-hydroxy-benzo(a)pyrene were repaired within two hours, while those induced by the strongly carcinogenic trans-7,8-dihydro-7,8-dihydroxy-benzo(a)pyrene were repaired at a much slower rate.  相似文献   

The mutagenic action of SV40 in permanent lines of Chinese hamster cells (CHO-K1 and V79) was investigated with the aid of different resistance markers. The markers studied had resistance to 8-azaguanine (25 and 30 mug/ml), aminopterin (3.3--5.5X10(-3) mug/ml), colchicine (6.5 and 7.0X10(-2) mug/ml) and 5-bromodeoxyuridine (50--120 mug/ml), respectively. After virus infection the mutation frequencies were increased by one (azaguanine, aminopterin) and two (colchicine) orders of magnitude as compared with spontaneous mutation frequencies. In contrast, it was not possible to enhance the frequency of mutation to BUdR resistance. On the other hand, the ability to proliferate in HAT medium was induced in three of five BUdR-resistant cell clones by infection with SV40. The resistance induced by SV40 was stable when isolated clones were cultured under non-selective conditions. Mechanisms are proposed that may be responsible for the mutagenic action of SV40.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium‐mediated gene transformation was used to introduce plastidic protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase (Protox) genes from Arabidopsis, with and without the transit sequence, into the rice genome. They were placed under the control of the constitutive and ubiquitous maize ubiquitin promoter, and their abilities to confer resistance to the diphenyl ether‐type herbicide, oxyfluorfen were compared. The integration and expression of the transgene in the T1 generation was examined by Southern, northern and western blot analyses. Surprisingly, as judged by an in vivo seed germination assay and an in vitro cellular leakage assay, both lines were similarly resistant to oxyfluorfen. The tolerance to cellular damage (lipid peroxidation and electrolyte leakage) was higher in transgenic plants than in wild‐type plants. In transgenic plants, the degree of herbicide resistance varied directly with the absolute amount of Protox protein expression. Both the intact protein and the protein with the transit sequence deleted were accumulated in plastids.  相似文献   

Human cells deficient in rate of excision repair of DNA damage induced by UV-radiation, i.e., xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells, are much more sensitive to the mutagenic effect of UV than are cells from normal persons. The lower frequency of mutants in the latter cells has been attributed to the fact that, unlike XP cells, they excise most of the potentially mutagenic lesions before these can be converted into mutations. If semi-conservative DNA synthesis on a template still containing unexcised lesions is responsible for introducing mutations and if replication of the gene of interest, e.g., hypoxanthine (guanine)phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) for thioguanine resistance or the elongation factor 2 (EF-2) for diphtheria toxin resistance, occurs at a particular time during S-phase, it should be possible to shorten the time available for such repair by synchronizing cells and irradiating them just as the gene is to be replicated. The predicted result would be a much higher frequency of mutants at one part in the S-phase than at other times. To test this, cells were synchronized using the alpha-polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin, which blocks cells at the G1/S border. Autoradiography, cytofluorimetry, and incorporation of tritiated thymidine studies showed that DNA synthesis started immediately after release from aphidicolin and was completed in 8-10 h. Cells irradiated with 6 J/m2 at various times post-release were assayed for survival and mutations. The frequency of thioguanine- or diphtheria toxin-resistant cells in the population was highest in cells irradiated during the first fifth of the S-phase, i.e., 0-1.5 h post-release. It was significantly lower in cells irradiated at later times. In contrast, UV-induced cytotoxicity showed no significant time dependence during S-phase. These data suggest that the HPRT and EF-2 genes are replicated early in S-phase.  相似文献   

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