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Two experiments involving indirect touch were carried out to explore the relationships among perceptual dimensions of haptically examined surfaces. Subjects in both experiments used a stylus to evaluate the properties of virtual surfaces created by a force-feedback device; four surface properties (resistance to normal force, coefficient of friction, texture scale, and vibration amplitude) were manipulated in various combinations. In Experiment 1, the extent to which there was a one-to-one relationship between specific stimulus properties and perceptual qualities (“perceptual separability”) was evaluated. A substantial failure of separability was demonstrated, with friction tending to be more separable from the other properties than they were from one another. The pattern of results suggests that the amount of measured separability depends crucially on the way stimulus properties are defined (e.g., force versus displacement). In Experiment 2, surfaces with known perceptual properties were used to study the metric(s) of the relevant perceptual space. By specifying the perceptual, rather than the stimulus, coordinates of the surfaces, it was possible to bypass issues of perceptual separability. For surfaces of equal friction, a Euclidean metric captured the results (r2?=?0.75) more effectively than a city-block metric did; neither metric did well when differences in friction were involved. The fact that—unlike stickiness—hardness, roughness, and perceived vibration intensity are all increasing functions of surface-normal forces may facilitate their integration into a Euclidean space, in both direct (Hollins M, Bensmaïa S, Karlof K, Young F, . Individual differences in perceptual space for tactile textures: Evidence from multidimensional scaling. Percept Psychophys 62:1534–1544.) and indirect touch.  相似文献   

We have recently developed a fast approach to comparisons of 3-dimensional structures. Our method is unique, treating protein structures as collections of unconnected points (atoms) in space. It is completely independent of the amino acid sequence order. It is unconstrained by insertions, deletions, and chain directionality. It matches single, isolated amino acids between 2 different structures strictly by their spatial positioning regardless of their relative sequential position in the amino acid chain. It automatically detects a recurring 3D motif in protein molecules. No predefinition of the motif is required. The motif can be either in the interior of the proteins or on their surfaces. In this work, we describe an enhancement over our previously developed technique, which considerably reduces the complexity of the algorithm. This results in an extremely fast technique. A typical pairwise comparison of 2 protein molecules requires less than 3 s on a workstation. We have scanned the structural database with dozens of probes, successfully detecting structures that are similar to the probe. To illustrate the power of this method, we compare the structure of a trypsin-like serine protease against the structural database. Besides detecting homologous trypsin-like proteases, we automatically obtain 3D, sequence order-independent, active-site similarities with subtilisin-like and sulfhydryl proteases. These similarities equivalence isolated residues, not conserving the linear order of the amino acids in the chains. The active-site similarities are well known and have been detected by manually inspecting the structures in a time-consuming, laborious procedure. This is the first time such equivalences are obtained automatically from the comparison of full structures. The far-reaching advantages and the implications of our novel algorithm to studies of protein folding, to evolution, and to searches for pharmacophoric patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

A specific type of maternal care occurs in several groups of Arachnida: mothers carry their offspring on their back (pulli-carrying behaviour). In scorpions, whip scorpions and whip spiders it is the prenymphal stage that settles on the mother. The prenymph is not yet fully developed for a free life and very limited in its mobility, but its feet are equipped with special adhesive organs (arolia) that become lost at the nymphal stage. Here we study the morphology, ultrastructure and mechanical function of the arolia. In scorpions (Scorpiones) the contact area between arolia and substrate and thus adhesion of the pad is controlled by the antagonistic work of hydrostatic pressure and muscular retraction. Arolia of whip scorpions (Thelyphonida) do not require muscular action for strong attachment. Arrays of long, branching fibres in the mesocuticle lead to high compliancy of the pad. In whip spiders (Amblypygi) the prenymphal pretarsus is already equipped with sclerites and claws. Its arolium is retained in nymphs and adults in some taxa, but acquires a more complex structure. These results contribute to our knowledge on the postembryonic development of arachnids and to the understanding of attachment pad evolution among arthropods. Some of the described developmental, structural, and mechanical phenomena are not known from other animals and might be of potential interest for further biomimetic developments.  相似文献   

While group housing (GH) is mandatory in the European Union for the greater part of pregnancy, single housing in farrowing crates (FCs) during lactation that restrict sows in most of their natural behaviour patterns is still practised on a large scale. Research is urgently needed to develop alternative farrowing systems that improve sows’ welfare. Therefore, sows in three different farrowing systems – pens with FC, loose housing (LH) pens and GH for six sows – were compared regarding the level of skin injuries and their active and resting behaviour. A skin injury score was assessed for 15 body parts of 102 sows in six batches on 3 days (days 1, 14 and 34). In total, the active and resting behaviour of 77 sows in six batches was examined on 3 days (days 18, 25 and 32) between 0700 h and 1900 h by means of a scan sampling method. The suckling behaviour and the level of cross-suckling were analysed in GH by means of direct observation in four batches during three 4-h sampling periods (days 17, 24 and 31). No significant differences were found in total skin injuries when the sows entered the systems (day 1), but GH sows showed significantly higher total skin injuries compared to FC and LH sows in the middle (day 14) and at the end (day 34) of the lactation period. A significant difference between FC and LH sows was never seen. Differences were found for the proportion of different body postures between the three systems. The odds for lying in lateral recumbency versus standing and sitting versus standing were significantly higher for FC and LH sows compared to GH sows. Additionally, sows were significantly more likely to be standing as opposed to lying in lateral recumbency as the lactation period progressed. Cross-suckling was a frequent behaviour in GH, seen in 35.0% of all successful suckling bouts. However, only an average of 0.56 piglets per successful suckling bout was observed cross-suckling, suggesting only a few piglets were engaged in cross-suckling. In conclusion, the skin injury score was only moderately increased in GH compared to FC and LH and comparable to pregnant group-housed sows, both free farrowing systems seemed to be an environmental enrichment for lactating sows and good management cannot prevent the occurrence of cross-suckling in a GH system, but can probably reduce it.  相似文献   

At different stages of the annual reproductive cycle ofCatla catla, a major Indian carp, specific binding of gonadotropic hormone to the plasma membrane receptors was demonstrated. Maximum specific binding of [125I]Catla gonadotropic hormone was obtained at 30‡C and pH 7.5 during 2 h of incubation.Catla gonadotropic hormone binding was saturable with high affinity. Competitive inhibition experiment showed that binding site was specifically occupied by piscine gonadotropic hormone,Catla gonadotropic hormone and murrel gonadotropic hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin was a weak competitor while bovine thyroid stimulating hormone, bovine prolactin and ovine follicle stimulating hormone had no effect. Scatchard analysis ofCatla gonadotropic hormone binding to the plasma membrane preparation from the carp oocytes of different reproductive stages showed that the range of dissociation constant(K d ) varied from 0.78 to 0.97 x 10-10 M. However, maximum binding capacity (B-max) varied remarkably between the different stages of reproductive cycle, it was 6.11 ± 0.36 fmol/mg protein in the preparatory stage which increased to about three-fold in prespawning stage of reproductive cycle (17.0 ± 0.29 fmol/mg protein) and spawning (18.7 ± 0.17 fmol/mg protein) and lowest in postspawning stage of reproductive cycle (5.28 ± 0.28 fmol/mg protein). Fluctuation in the number of gonadotropic hormone binding site at different stages of annual reproductive cycle was found to be coincided well with the pattern of ovarian steroidogenesis in response toCatla gonadotropic hormone as determined by the formation of progesterone from pregnenolone.  相似文献   

The mean properties of larval fish populations do not necessarily reflect the properties of the mean individual. For example, the change in mean length in a population with time may not reflect the average individual growth rate, since individual growth rates and survival probability are linked so that slow growing individuals suffer higher mortality. Hence, mean growth rate indicated from population data could be biased upwards. Factors which influence the magnitude and variability of individual growth rates can exert nonlinear effects on population survival. Two categories of process must be considered: first, the variability in exposure of the average individual as a consequence of individual variability in dispersal through a patchy environment; and second, the intrinsic variability between individuals expressed even under equal exposure conditions. These two aspects have been addressed independently, the first by lagrangian modelling of individual fish larvae linked to spatially resolved hydrodynamic models, and the second by strategic biological modelling. In this paper, progress towards the goal of individually based larval fish ecosystem models is reviewed, highlighting the space and time scales which may be important in such systems, and identifying the gaps in current knowledge of larval biology.  相似文献   

Six peptides have been isolated and characterized from the dorsal glands of the tree frog Litoria genimaculata. One of these is the known hypotensive peptide caerulein; the others have been named maculatins. The amino acid sequences of the maculatin peptides have been determined using a combination of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and automated Edman sequencing. Four of the maculatin peptides show antibiotic activity, with maculatin 1.1 [GLFGVLAKVAAHVVPAIAEHF(NH2;)] showing the most pronounced activity, particularly against Gram-positive organisms. Maculatin 1.1 resembles the known caerin 1 antibiotic peptides, except that four of the central amino acid residues (of the caerin 1 system) are missing in maculatin 1.1. A comparison of the antibiotic activity of maculatin 1.1 with those of caerin 1.1 is reported. ©1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为探究和分析云南切梢小蠹Tomicus yunnanensis Kirkendall & Faccoli幼虫3个发育阶段头部感器的差别及其功能作用,应用场发射扫描电子显微镜对其触角和口器上的感器进行了对比观察。结果表明:云南切梢小蠹幼虫头式为下口式,头部前方有1对1节的触角,着生有锥形感器1和末梢锥形感器1~4,且每种感器在每根触角上的数量仅有1~3个;口器分为上唇、上颚、下颚和下唇4部分,共有5类12种感器,分别为毛形感器1~2、刺形感器1~5、锥形感器2、指形感器和末梢锥形感器2、4、5,每种感器的数量有4~406个不等。毛形感器和刺形感器表面光滑、无孔,位于口器的各个部位,为机械感器;锥形感器和末梢锥形感器表面具孔,集中分布于触角、下颚须和下唇须端部,应为化学感器;指形感器为下颚须和下唇须特有,每侧仅有1个,可能对声音震动有感知能力。随着幼虫龄数的增加,不同发育阶段的幼虫头部各感器的类型、数量和分布保持稳定,但各感器的大小呈指数级增加。研究结果将为理解云南切梢小蠹幼虫取食行为提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The papers in this Special Issue examine tool use and manual gestures in primates as a window on the evolution of the human capacity for language. Neurophysiological research has supported the hypothesis of a close association between some aspects of human action organization and of language representation, in both phonology and semantics. Tool use provides an excellent experimental context to investigate analogies between action organization and linguistic syntax. Contributors report and contextualize experimental evidence from monkeys, great apes, humans and fossil hominins, and consider the nature and the extent of overlaps between the neural representations of tool use, manual gestures and linguistic processes.  相似文献   

Fishery surveys of the continental slope to the west of the British Isles have shown quite marked differences between areas in both the proportion and abundance of marketable or potentially marketable species. In general, the northern slopes lying to the west of Scotland were considered to have a greater potential for exploitation than the southern slopes off Ireland. Subsequent detailed studies of a northern (Rockall Trough) and a southern slope area (Porcupine Seabight) sampled the demersal fish fauna using a Granton trawl fished on paired warps to depths of 1200 m, and a semi-balloon trawl fished on a single warp to depths of about 3000 m. The Granton trawl catches differed significantly between the two areas, especially at the greatest depths fished. The semi-balloon trawl catches did not differ between the areas. This slower trawl was poor at catching large, mobile species and efficient in the capture of the deep-waler eel Synaphobranchus kaupi. This eel was numerically dominant over the mid to lower slope and probably accounts for much of the similarity between areas at these depths.  相似文献   

1. The effect of improved water quality on fish assemblages in streams in southern Sweden was assessed by comparing species composition at 161 sites and water quality at twenty-nine sites in the 1960s and the 1990s. 2. Water quality had improved and there was an increase in the number of sites or catchments with brown trout (Salmo trutta), stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) and eel (Anguilla anguilla). The response was greatest for brown trout and was best explained by increased oxygen concentrations. 3. The number of sites with nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius), ide (Leuciscus idus) and brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri) decreased between the 1960s and 1990s. The decrease was greatest for nine-spined stickleback and was related to the increase in sites with trout, suggesting that nine-spined stickleback may be sensitive to predation or competition. 4. Improved water quality has led to recolonization by brown trout, probably enabling biotic interactions to play a larger role in structuring fish assemblages. Improving water quality was an effective method for rehabilitating fish populations in streams where natural colonization was possible.  相似文献   

The NMR solution structure of the isolated Apo Pin1 WW domain (6-39) reveals that it adopts a twisted three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet conformation, very similar to the structure exhibited by the crystal of this domain in the context of the two domain Pin1 protein. While the B factors in the apo x-ray crystal structure indicate that loop 1 and loop 2 are conformationally well defined, the solution NMR data suggest that loop 1 is quite flexible, at least in the absence of the ligand. The NMR chemical shift and nuclear Overhauser effect pattern exhibited by the 6-39 Pin1 WW domain has proven to be diagnostic for demonstrating that single site variants of this domain adopt a normally folded structure. Knowledge of this type is critical before embarking on time-consuming kinetic and thermodynamic studies required for a detailed understanding of beta-sheet folding.  相似文献   

The oxidative desaturation of [1-(14)C]eicosa-8,11-dienoic acid to eicosa-5,8,11-trienoic acid by rat liver microsomes was studied, and the kinetic conditions appropriate to measure the specific activity of the enzyme were determined. A comparative study of the effects of a balanced diet and essential fatty acid-free diets on the oxidative desaturation of oleic and linoleic acids at the 6,7 position and the oxidative desaturation of eicosadienoic acid at the 5,6 position were made. Eicosadienoic acid showed a higher conversion than oleic acid for all the diets. The conversion of oleic and linoleic acids to Delta6 acids was equally increased by fat-free diets with or without added methyl palmitate, whereas the oxidative 5-desaturation of eicosadienoic acid at the 5,6 position was not changed. The effect was apparently independent of the amount of endogenous free fatty acids. The results suggest that the rate-limiting and principal regulatory step in the biosynthesis of eicosa-5,8,11-trienoic acid is the 6-desaturation of oleic acid. The 5-desaturation of eicosadienoic acid was increased by a protein diet and decreased by alloxan diabetes to a lesser extent than the 6-desaturation of linoleic acid. The 5-desaturation of eicosadienoic acid would constitute a secondary regulatory step.  相似文献   

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刘安钦  王艳  许彬  杨武  葛滢  吴旭  彭长辉  常杰 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5677-5686
中国温室种植面积占世界的85%。基于物质平衡方法,选择中国主要温室农业区——华北区和长江中下游区,估算了温室农业的生态系统服务及其经济价值。结果显示,华北区和长江中下游区温室农业蔬菜年均产量分别比露天菜田高74.05和30.95t/hm2,CO2固定量高2.16和0.74t/hm2,保持土壤量高13.86和11.41t/hm2,保护土壤养分量高0.98和0.06t/hm2。以2004年价格折算,华北区和长江中下游区温室农业提供的生态系统服务价值分别为68871和34064元/hm2,比当地露天菜田高33946和5558元/hm2;环境成本分别为10.41和27.08元/hm2,比当地露天菜田高7.64和14.30元/hm2。从成本收益角度分析,无论是对农户还是全社会,温室农业带来的净效益都高于露天菜田,应该进行推广。  相似文献   

张帅  郭水良  管铭  印丽萍  张若轩 《生态学报》2010,30(16):4241-4256
以我国74个地理单位282种外来入侵植物的分布和环境数据为基础,应用除趋势对应分析、典范对应分析和回归分析方法,探讨了我国境内入侵植物区系组成、地理分布格局及其影响因素。主要结果如下:(1)我国74个地区共有282种外来入侵种,出现频率相对较高的外来入侵种是小飞蓬(Conyza canadensis)、刺苋(Amaranthus spinosus)、一年蓬(Erigeron annuus)、空心莲子草(Alternathera philoxeroides)、土荆芥(Chenopodium ambrosioides)、圆叶牵牛(Pharbitis purpurea)、曼陀罗(Datura stramonium)、皱果苋(Amaranthus viridis)、裂叶牵牛(Pharbitis nil)、反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus)、三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)、凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)等;(2)菊科(Compositae,67,种数)、禾本科(Gramineae,32)、豆科(Leguminosae,29)、苋科(Amaranthaceae,23)、旋花科(Convolvulaceae,13)是我国境内含入侵种最丰富的5个科,共计有164种,占我国入侵植物总数的58.16%;(3)我国外来入侵植物主要源自于热带美洲、北美洲、欧洲、地中海-西亚和中亚、非洲和南亚;(4)外来入侵植物多样性在我国的区域分异明显,热带-南亚热带、中(北)亚热带和温带三大区域的入侵种组成有较大差异:马缨丹(Lantana camara)、含羞草(Mimosapudica)、胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)、刺苋、小飞蓬、飞扬草(Euphorbia hirta)、五爪金龙(Ipomoea cairica)、空心莲子草、三叶鬼针草和金腰箭(Synedrella nodiflora)是热带-南亚热带区域中出现频率最高的前10种入侵植物;中亚热带和北亚热带区域出现频率最高的入侵种分别是一年蓬、小飞蓬、刺苋、土荆芥、北美独行菜(Lepidium virginicum)、美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana)、牛筋草(Eleusine indica)、紫茉莉(Mirabilis jalapa)、空心莲子草和三叶鬼针草;温带区域出现频率最高的是反枝苋、小飞蓬、圆叶牵牛、一年蓬、野西瓜苗(Hibiscus trionum)、杂配藜(Chenopodium hybridum)、苦苣菜(Sonchus oleraceus)、野燕麦(Avena fatua)、曼陀罗和皱果苋;(5)年降雨量、年均温度、年极端低温、无霜期和年均积温是影响我国外来入侵种空间分布格局的主要气象因素,年极端高温和年日照时数的影响相对较小;人口密度和交通密度对入侵种的地理分布也均有很大的影响;(6)随着年均温度、无霜期、人口密度、交通密度、年极端低温、年均降雨量和年积温的增加,外来入侵植物的种数呈线性增加,随着纬度的增加,种数则呈线性递减,种数与这8个环境因素间的关系达到极显著的水平;(7)不同地理来源的外来入侵种在我国的分布主要受纬度、年降雨量、年均无霜期、年均温度、交通密度、年极端低温和年均积温的影响。由于外来入侵种在我国分布呈现明显的区域分化,因此,应用建立具有区域特点的外来植物入侵风险评估系统。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach for assessing the effectiveness of those agri-environmental schemes and rural development measures aimed at enhancing the natural value of farmland and, more generally, aimed at releasing the pressure on the environment due to agriculture. First, based on fine scale data, indicators derived from the High Nature Value farmland concept are tested at different scales, resolutions and situations: LAU2 for The Netherlands and LAU1 for France. The effect of rural development measures on the evolution of these indicators is then explored. Significant cause-effect relationships are found in the French cases, while only relationships of correlations are observed from the Dutch case study, obviously caused by a lack of data. Using fine scale data on rural development measures related to both 2000–2006 and 2007–2013 programming periods of the Common Agricultural Policy, a spatial econometrics methodology is applied to France, at national level on the one hand, and at a selected NUTS2 level on the other. The results indicate that agri-environmental schemes and specific rural development measures affect the changes in the indicators, and that the spatial scale of the analyses matters. In particular, results indicate that trends observed at the national scale do not necessarily apply at the regional scale (e.g. impacts of conversion to organic farming, the grassland premium, payments for water and biodiversity protection) underlining the importance of multi-scale assessments. Interestingly, delayed effects of the measures implemented in the 2000–2006 programming period, such as machinery investment aids and less-favoured area payments, are detectable. As regards the 2007–2013 rural development measures, the most significant positive effects on the farm nature value indicator are found, at the national level, for locally targeted agri-environmental schemes focused on biodiversity and water issues and, at the NUTS2 level, for supporting organic farming schemes. Given that the farm nature value indicator is built from three different indices (addressing crop diversity, grassland share, and wooded and afforested farmland) the effect of rural development measures on each of these individual indices is also explored. This enables the main structure and the magnitude of policy impacts to be captured and helps with the understanding of why certain objectives were not met. Key findings are relevant in the context of policy monitoring and evaluation, while the methodology proposed, that incorporates spatial effects, is an important contribution to the implementation of the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework by Member States to account for national, regional or local characteristics.  相似文献   

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