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程前  师雪芹 《广西植物》2018,38(9):1229-1233
该文报道了5种安徽苔类植物新记录,即刺茎拟大萼苔(Cephaloziella spinicaulis Douin)、钝角顶苞苔[Acrobolbus ciliatus(Mitt.)Schiffn.]、上海羽苔(Plagiochila shangaica Steph.)、日本小叶苔(Fossombronia japonica Schiffn.)和单月苔(Monosolenium tenerum Griff.),分别隶属于拟大萼苔科、顶苞苔科、羽苔科、小叶苔科和单月苔科。其中,顶苞苔科、小叶苔科和单月苔科为安徽省新记录科。同时,对这几个种的主要识别特征和地理分布进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The major flavonoids of Marchantia polymorpha var. polymorpha and aquatica are the 7-O-β-d-glucuronides of apigenin and luteolin, luteolin 3′-O-β-d-glucuronide, luteolin 7,3′-di-O-β-d-glucuronide, and the 7,4′-di-O-β-d-glucuronides of apigenin and luteolin. These are accompanied by minor amounts of apigenin, luteolin, luteolin 3′,4′-di-O-β-d-glucuronide and luteolin 7,3′,4′-tri-O-β-d-glucuronide. All the luteolin di- and triglucuronides except the 3′,4′-di- substituted compound are new natural products.  相似文献   

The major flavonoids of Marchantia follacea are the 7-O-β-d-glucuronides of apigenin, chrysoeriol and tricin, and apigenin-6,8-di-C-glucoside (vicenin-2). Minor constituents include the rhamnosylglucuronides of the above flavones. Apparent isomerization of the glucuronides on hydrolysis (MeOH-HCl) proved to be due to methylation of the sugar carboxyl group.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):585-590

In Marchantia palmata Nees, normal growth of thalli occurs on Nitsch's basal medium with 1% sucrose. With 4% sucrose, dark green callus is initiated by light intensities of 150–4,500 lux after 13–15 days of growth. In the dark only rhizoids develop from callus and at low light intensity (150 lux) rhizoids as well as knob-like green outgrowths differentiate. Increased light intensities induce differentiation of thalli and rhizoids from callus. The callus inducing effect of increased sucrose level can be replaced by higher concentrations of mannitol. Histological studies reveal that callus initially arises from the lower epidermis.  相似文献   

Two ent-isopimarane-type diterpenoids were isolated from the New Zealand liverwort Trichocolea mollissima (Hook. f. and Tayl.) Gott., together with a known 1alpha-hydroxy-ent-sandaracopimara-8(14),15-diene. Their absolute structures have been established by modified Mosher's method, X-ray crystallography and by analyses of their CD spectra.  相似文献   

The discovery of campesteryl behenate in all species of the Calypogeia genus so far studied suggests that it is a characteristic feature of this liverwort genus.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - Under low-light conditions, chloroplasts localize along periclinal cell walls at temperatures near 20 °C, but they localize along anticlinal cell walls near...  相似文献   

Prostaglandins are biologically active substances used in a wide range of medical treatments. Prostaglandins have been supplied mainly by chemical synthesis; nevertheless, the high cost of prostaglandin production remains a factor. To lower the cost of prostaglandin production, we attempted to produce prostaglandins using a liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha L., which accumulates arachidonic acid, which is known as a substrate of prostaglandins. Here we report the first bioproduction of prostaglandins in plant species by introducing a cyclooxygenase gene from a red alga, Gracilaria vermiculophylla into the liverwort. The transgenic liverworts accumulated prostaglandin F, prostaglandin E2 and prostaglandin D2 which were not detected in the wild-type liverwort. Moreover, we succeeded in drastically increasing the bioproduction of prostaglandins using an in vitro reaction system with the extracts of transgenic liverworts.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [1-13C] labelled glucose into hodgsonox, a sesquiterpene epoxide with a unique, doubly allylic ether functionality has been studied in axenic cultures of the liverwort Lepidolaena hodgsoniae. Quantitative 13C NMR spectroscopic analysis showed that the isoprene units are derived exclusively from the methylerythritol phosphate pathway.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - Bryophytes and vascular plants represent the broadest evolutionary divergence in the land plant lineage, and comparative analyses of development spanning this divergence...  相似文献   

Marchantia polymorpha has recently become a prime model for cellular, evo‐devo, synthetic biological, and evolutionary investigations. We present a pseudomolecule‐scale assembly of the M. polymorpha genome, making comparative genome structure analysis and classical genetic mapping approaches feasible. We anchored 88% of the M. polymorpha draft genome to a high‐density linkage map resulting in eight pseudomolecules. We found that the overall genome structure of M. polymorpha is in some respects different from that of the model moss Physcomitrella patens. Specifically, genome collinearity between the two bryophyte genomes and vascular plants is limited, suggesting extensive rearrangements since divergence. Furthermore, recombination rates are greatest in the middle of the chromosome arms in M. polymorpha like in most vascular plant genomes, which is in contrast with P. patens where recombination rates are evenly distributed along the chromosomes. Nevertheless, some other properties of the genome are shared with P. patens. As in P. patens, DNA methylation in M. polymorpha is spread evenly along the chromosomes, which is in stark contrast with the angiosperm model Arabidopsis thaliana, where DNA methylation is strongly enriched at the centromeres. Nevertheless, DNA methylation and recombination rate are anticorrelated in all three species. Finally, M. polymorpha and P. patens centromeres are of similar structure and marked by high abundance of retroelements unlike in vascular plants. Taken together, the highly contiguous genome assembly we present opens unexplored avenues for M. polymorpha research by linking the physical and genetic maps, making novel genomic and genetic analyses, including map‐based cloning, feasible.  相似文献   

 Effects of irradiance, temperature and water availability on respiration and photosynthesis in a maritime Antarctic liverwort, Marchantia berteroana, were investigated. Carbon dioxide exchange was measured using an infra-red gas analysis system under controlled conditions. The relationships between respiration, photosynthesis, irradiance and temperature were modelled. Application of these models to year-round micro-climate data provided an estimate of yearly net productivity of 823 (SE=75) mg C⋅g-1 ash-free dry weight. year-1; this is somewhat higher than figures obtained for other Antarctic cryptogams. Desiccation had a highly adverse affect on Marchantia. Photosynthetic capacity was reduced below a water content of 12 g⋅g-1 afdw, and there was only a limited recovery (ca. 10%) after dehydration. Freezing also caused a great reduction in photosynthesis, although the model suggested that photosynthesis at sub-zero temperatures is likely. It is suggested that seasonality in the photosynthetic capacity and the survival of sub-zero temperatures might be important. It is concluded that Marchantia is a relatively productive Antarctic cryptogam that may dominate favourable areas, but that its low tolerance of environmental stress, particularly desiccation, limits its distribution to relatively mild habitats. Received: 8 January 1996/Accepted: 12 May 1996  相似文献   

In many dioecious bryophyte species, population sex ratios range from all female to all male. The focal species of the present study, the liverwort Marchantia inflexa, forms patches on rock and bark surfaces, and these differ widely in sex ratio at a rainforest field site in Trinidad. This analysis – to our knowledge the first modeling study of sex-ratio dynamics in a dioecious clonal organism – addresses abundances of male and female M. inflexa through time within an individual patch. We represent the life history of this species using seven different stages (non-reproductive, asexually reproductive, sexually reproductive males, non-reproductive, asexually reproductive, unfertilized and fertilized sexual females) and express their dynamics using ordinary differential equations. Some of the stages become more abundant as thalli extend over the substrate and may overgrow each other to capture space. Our simple representation of dynamics within the patch failed to stabilize the sex ratio: females gradually eliminated males at low to moderate disturbance frequency and males eliminated females at high disturbance frequency. This pattern did not hinge on whether sexual propagules could germinate within the patch, but asexual reproduction (via gemmae dispersed within the patch) played an important role. This suggests that the maintenance of sex in these populations may hinge on metapopulation structure and dynamics. Though sexual reproduction appears to be unimportant within patches, spores provide the primary means of recolonizing patches eliminated by large-scale disturbances. We found that shortly after the patch was fully occupied, the production of these wind-dispersed spores was maximized, but spore production declined thereafter as the sex ratio became increasingly biased toward one sex or the other. Much additional modeling and empirical work is needed to link within-patch dynamics across patches and account for dynamics at the metapopulation level.  相似文献   

Isozyme markers were used to investigate the origin of the polyploid liverwort, Pellia borealis (gametophytic n=18), which was believed to represent an autopolyploid form of Pellia epiphylla (n=9). Enzyme variation was studied in four taxa: polyploid P. borealis, two recently discovered sibling species of P. epiphylla complex, and the closely related P. neesiana (n=9). Gametophytes of the polyploid showed a complex electrophoretic phenotype for three diagnostic enzymes (DIA1, MPI1 and ACO) in contrast to simple pattern in all haploid taxa. It was postulated that the pattern found in the polyploid represents a fixed heterozygous phenotype resulting from allopolyploidy. Alleles present in the polyploid were found (with only one exception) in the two sibling species of the P. epiphylla complex, suggesting that they are the parents of the allopolyploid. Pellia neesiana was excluded as a donor of either of the genomes. Variation in the polyploid suggests at least three separate origins of P. borealis.  相似文献   

The presence of (+)-3-oxo-21α-methoxyserrat-14-ene in the liverwort Nardia scalaris augments the present knowledge on distribution of triterpenoids of the serratane type in nature, and represents a further example of triterpene biosynthesis by plants of the Marchantiopsida.  相似文献   

Libraries of cosmid and plasmid clones covering the entire region of mtDNA from the liverwortMarchantia polymorpha were constructed. These clones were used for the determination of the complete nucleotide sequence of the liverwort mtDNA totally 186,608 bp (GenBank no. M68929) and including genes for 3 species of ribosomal RNAs, 29 genes for 27 species of transfer RNAs, and 30 genes for functionally known proteins (16 ribosomal proteins, 3 subunits of cytochromec oxidase, apocytochromeb protein, 3 subunits of H+-ATPase, and 7 subunits of NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase). The genome also contains 32 unidentified open reading frames. Thus the complete nucleotide sequences from both chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes have been determined in the same organism. Plasmid clones are available upon the request. Gene names are represented according to Lonsdale and Leaver (1988) with modifications recommended by Lonsdale (personal communication).  相似文献   

The plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase generates an electrochemical gradient of H(+) across the plasma membrane that provides the driving force for solute transport and regulates pH homeostasis and membrane potential in plant cells. Recent studies have demonstrated that phosphorylation of the penultimate threonine in H(+)-ATPase and subsequent binding of a 14-3-3 protein is the major common activation mechanism for H(+)-ATPase in vascular plants. However, there is very little information on the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase in nonvascular plant bryophytes. Here, we show that the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, which is the most basal lineage of extant land plants, expresses both the penultimate threonine-containing H(+)-ATPase (pT H(+)-ATPase) and non-penultimate threonine-containing H(+)-ATPase (non-pT H(+)-ATPase) as in the green algae and that pT H(+)-ATPase is regulated by phosphorylation of its penultimate threonine. A search in the expressed sequence tag database of M. polymorpha revealed eight H(+)-ATPase genes, designated MpHA (for M. polymorpha H(+)-ATPase). Four isoforms are the pT H(+)-ATPase; the remaining isoforms are non-pT H(+)-ATPase. An apparent 95-kD protein was recognized by anti-H(+)-ATPase antibodies against an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) isoform and was phosphorylated on the penultimate threonine in response to the fungal toxin fusicoccin in thalli, indicating that the 95-kD protein contains pT H(+)-ATPase. Furthermore, we found that the pT H(+)-ATPase in thalli is phosphorylated in response to light, sucrose, and osmotic shock and that light-induced phosphorylation depends on photosynthesis. Our results define physiological signals for the regulation of pT H(+)-ATPase in the liverwort M. polymorpha, which is one of the earliest plants to acquire pT H(+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

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