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Tail regeneration in urodeles is dependent on the spinal cord (SC), but it is believed that anuran larvae regenerate normal tails without the SC. To evaluate the precise role of the SC in anuran tail regeneration, we developed a simple operation method to ablate the SC completely and minimize the damage to the tadpole using Xenopus laevis . The SC-ablated tadpole regenerated a twisted and smaller tail. These morphological abnormalities were attributed to defects in the notochord (NC), as the regenerated NC in the SC-ablated tail was short, slim and twisted. The SC ablation never affected the early steps of the regeneration, including closure of the amputated surface with epidermis and accumulation of the NC precursor cells. The proliferation rate of the NC precursor cells, however, was reduced, and NC cell maturation was retarded in the SC-ablated tail. These results show that the SC has an essential role in the normal tail regeneration of Xenopus larvae, especially in the proliferation and differentiation of the NC cells. Gene expression analysis and implantation of a bead soaked with growth factor showed that fibroblast growth factor-2 and -10 were involved in the signaling molecules, which were expressed in the SC and stimulated growth of the NC cells.  相似文献   

Abnormal caudal regeneration, the production of additional tails through regeneration events, occurs in lepidosaurs as a result of incomplete autotomy or sufficient caudal wound. Despite being widely known to occur, documented events generally are limited to opportunistic single observations – hindering the understanding of the ecological importance of caudal regeneration. Here we compiled and reviewed a robust global database of both peer‐reviewed and non‐peer reviewed records of abnormal regeneration events in lepidosaurs published over the last 400 years. Using this database, we qualitatively and quantitatively assessed the occurrence and characteristics of abnormal tail regeneration among individuals, among species, and among populations. We identified 425 observations from 366 records pertaining to 175 species of lepidosaurs across 22 families from 63 different countries. At an individual level, regenerations ranged from bifurcations to hexafurcations; from normal regeneration from the original tail to multiple regenerations arising from a single point; and from growth from the distal third to the proximal third of the tail. Species showing abnormal regenerations included those with intra‐vertebral, inter‐vertebral or no autotomy planes, indicating that abnormal regenerations evidently occur across lepidosaurs regardless of whether the species demonstrates caudal autotomy or not. Within populations, abnormal regenerations were estimated at a mean ± SD of 2.75 ± 3.41% (range 0.1–16.7%). There is a significant lack of experimental studies to understand the potential ecological impacts of regeneration on the fitness and life history of individuals and populations. We hypothesised that abnormal regeneration may affect lepidosaurs via influencing kinematics of locomotion, restrictions in escape mechanisms, anti‐predation tactics, and intra‐ and inter‐specific signalling. Behaviourally testing these hypotheses would be an important future research direction.  相似文献   

Unlike mammals, regenerative model organisms such as amphibians and fish are capable of spinal cord regeneration after injury. Certain key differences between regenerative and nonregenerative organisms have been suggested as involved in promoting this process, such as the capacity for neurogenesis and axonal regeneration, which appear to be facilitated by favorable astroglial, inflammatory and immune responses. These traits provide a regenerative‐permissive environment that the mammalian spinal cord appears to be lacking. Evidence for the regenerative nonpermissive environment in mammals is given by the fact that they possess neural stem/progenitor cells, which transplanted into permissive environments are able to give rise to new neurons, whereas in the nonpermissive spinal cord they are unable to do so. We discuss the traits that are favorable for regeneration, comparing what happens in mammals with each regenerative organism, aiming to describe and identify the key differences that allow regeneration. This comparison should lead us toward finding how to promote regeneration in organisms that are unable to do so. genesis 51:529–544. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Developmental aspects of spinal cord and limb regeneration   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The ability of birds and mammals to regenerate tissues is limited. By contrast, urodele amphibians can regenerate a variety of injured tissues such as intestine, cardiac muscle, lens and neural retina, as well as entire structures such as limbs, tail and lower jaw. This regenerative capacity is associated with the ability to form masses of mesenchyme cells (blastemas) that differentiate into the missing tissues or parts. Understanding the mechanisms that underlie blastema formation in urodeles will provide valuable tools with which to achieve the goal of stimulating regeneration in mammalian tissues that do not naturally regenerate. Here we discuss an example of tissue regeneration (spinal cord) and an example of epimorphic appendage regeneration (limb) in the axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum , emphasizing analysis of the processes that produce the regeneration blastema and of the tissue interactions and blastemal products that contribute to the regeneration-promoting environment.  相似文献   

胎生蜥蜴断尾及再生的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对胎生蜥蜴的断尾及再生进行了统计和观察,结果表明:胎生蜥蜴幼体断尾率为28.26%,成体断尾率为45.45%。说明承受着很大的生存压力;断尾活动时间与断尾的长度及断尾部位有关;再生尾中有一节鳞片明显较其它鳞片长;再生尾明显较原尾生长速度快。  相似文献   

In some vertebrates, a grave injury to the central nervous system (CNS) results in functional restoration, rather than in permanent incapacitation. Understanding how these animals mount a regenerative response by activating resident CNS stem cell populations is of critical importance in regenerative biology. Amphibians are of a particular interest in the field because the regenerative ability is present throughout life in urodele species, but in anuran species it is lost during development. Studying amphibians, who transition from a regenerative to a nonregenerative state, could give insight into the loss of ability to recover from CNS damage in mammals. Here, we highlight the current knowledge of spinal cord regeneration across vertebrates and identify commonalities and differences in spinal cord regeneration between amphibians.  相似文献   

In contrast to mammals, salamanders have a remarkable ability to regenerate their spinal cord and recover full movement and function after tail amputation. To identify genes that may be associated with this greater regenerative ability, we designed an oligonucleotide microarray and profiled early gene expression during natural spinal cord regeneration in Ambystoma mexicanum. We sampled tissue at five early time points after tail amputation and identified genes that registered significant changes in mRNA abundance during the first 7 days of regeneration. A list of 1036 statistically significant genes was identified. Additional statistical and fold change criteria were applied to identify a smaller list of 360 genes that were used to describe predominant expression patterns and gene functions. Our results show that a diverse injury response is activated in concert with extracellular matrix remodeling mechanisms during the early acute phase of natural spinal cord regeneration. We also report gene expression similarities and differences between our study and studies that have profiled gene expression after spinal cord injury in rat. Our study illustrates the utility of a salamander model for identifying genes and gene functions that may enhance regenerative ability in mammals.  相似文献   

Nerve conduit is one of strategies for spine cord injury(SCI)treatment.Recently,studies showed that biomaterials could guide the neurite growth and promote axon regeneration at the injury site.However,the scaffold by itself was difficult to meet the need of SCI functional recovery.The basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF)administration significantly promotes functional recovery after organ injuries.Here,using a rat model of T9 hemisected SCI,we aimed at assessing the repair capacity of implantation of collagen scaffold(CS)modified by collagen binding bFGF(CBD-bFGF).The results showed that CS combined with CBD-bFGF treatment improved survival rates after the lateral hemisection SCI.The CS/CBD-bFGF group showed more significant improvements in motor than the simply CS-implanted and untreated control group,when evaluated by the 21-point Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan(BBB)score and footprint analysis.Both hematoxylin and eosin(H&E)and immunohistochemical staining of neurofilament(NF)and glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP)demonstrated that fibers were guided to grow through the implants.These findings indicated that administration of CS modified with CBD-bFGF could promote spinal cord regeneration and functional recovery.  相似文献   

The central nervous system (CNS) portrays appreciable complexity in developing from a neural tube to controlling major functions of the body and orchestrated co-ordination in maintaining its homeostasis. Any insult or pathology to such an organized tissue leads to a plethora of events ranging from local hypoxia, ischemia, oxidative stress to reactive gliosis and scarring. Despite unravelling the pathophysiology of spinal cord injury (SCI) and linked cellular and molecular mechanism, the over exhaustive inflammatory response at the site of injury, limited intrinsic regeneration capability of CNS, and the dual role of glial scar halts the expected accomplishment. The review discusses major current treatment approaches for traumatic SCI, addressing their limitation and scope for further development in the field under three main categories- neuroprotection, neuro-regeneration, and neuroplasticity. We further propose that a multi-disciplinary combinatorial treatment approach exploring any two or all three heads simultaneously might alleviate the inhibitory milieu and ameliorate functional recovery.  相似文献   

谢琳  房萍  林金飞  潘洪超  张帆  申延琴 《遗传》2013,35(4):495-501
成年斑马鱼(Danio rerio)具有很强的脊髓损伤后自主修复的能力, 但目前其机制不明。为了研究斑马鱼中脑组织对脊髓再生的影响, 文章应用成年斑马鱼脊髓损伤模型, 采用实时定量PCR方法和原位杂交技术, 检测了斑马鱼脑中胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(gdnf)和一氧化氮合酶(nos)基因在脊髓损伤后4 h、12 h、6 d、11 d的表达情况, 展示了这两种基因在斑马鱼脑内不同核团的动态表达变化。结果显示, 成年斑马鱼脊髓损伤后, 神经营养因子gdnf基因在损伤急性期(4 h、12 h)和神经修复期(6 d、11 d)于斑马鱼脑内呈现显著性升高(P<0.05),而一氧化氮合酶基因nos的表达于损伤急性期显著性升高 (P<0.05), 随后下降, 并在修复期 (11 d)显著降低(P<0.05)。这表明, 脊髓损伤后, 高表达gdnf基因同时低表达nos基因的脑环境给脊髓损伤提供了良好的神经再生微环境, 从而可能促进轴突的再生长及运动能力的恢复。  相似文献   

The extent of cellular heterogeneity involved in neuronal regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI) remains unclear. Therefore, we established stress-responsive transgenic zebrafish embryos with SCI. As a result, we found an SCI-induced cell population, termed SCI stress-responsive regenerating cells (SrRCs), essential for neuronal regeneration post-SCI. SrRCs were mostly composed of subtypes of radial glia (RGs-SrRCs) and neuron stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs-SrRCs) that are able to differentiate into neurons, and they formed a bridge across the lesion and connected with neighbouring undamaged motor neurons post-SCI. Compared to SrRCs at the caudal side of the SCI site (caudal-SrRCs), rostral-SrRCs participated more actively in neuronal regeneration. After RNA-seq analysis, we discovered that caveolin 1 (cav1) was significantly upregulated in rostral-SrRCs and that cav1 was responsible for the axonal regrowth and regenerative capability of rostral-SrRCs. Collectively, we define a specific SCI-induced cell population, SrRCs, involved in neuronal regeneration, demonstrate that rostral-SrRCs exhibit higher neuronal differentiation capability and prove that cav1 is predominantly expressed in rostral-SrRCs, playing a major role in neuronal regeneration after SCI.  相似文献   

Araújo, T.H., Faria, F.P., Katchburian, E. and Freymüller, E. (2009). Ultrastructural changes in skeletal muscle of the tail of the lizard Hemidactylus mabouia immediately following autotomy. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 440–446. Although autotomy and subsequent regeneration of lizard tails has been extensively studied, there is little information available on ultrastructural changes that occur to the muscle fibers at the site of severance. Thus, in the present study, we examine the ultrastructure of the musculature of the remaining tail stump of the lizard Hemidactylus mabouia immediately after autotomy. Our results show that exposed portions of the skeletal muscle fibers of the stump that are unprotected by connective tissue bulge to produce large mushroom‐like protrusions. These exposed portions show abnormal structure but suffer no leakage of cytoplasmic contents. Many small and large vesicular structures appeared between myofibrils in the interface at this disarranged region (distal) and the other portion of the fibers that remain unchanged (proximal). These vesicles coalesce, creating a gap that leads to the release of the mushroom‐like protrusion. So, our results showed that after the macroscopic act of autotomy the muscular fibers release part of the sarcoplasm as if a second and microscopic set of autotomic events takes place immediately following the macroscopic act of autotomy. Presumably these changes pave the way for the formation of a blastema and the beginning of regeneration.  相似文献   

Excitatory amino acids have been implicated in the production of calcium mediated neuronal death following central nervous system ischemia. We have used microdialysis to investigate changes in the extracellular concentrations of amino acids in the spinal cord after aortic occlusion in the rabbit. Glutamate, aspartate, glutamine, asparagine, glycine, taurine, valine, and leucine were measured in the micordialysis perfusate by high pressure liquid chromatography. The concentrations of glutamate, glycine, and taurine were significantly higher during ischemia and reperfusion than controls. Delayed elevations in the concentrations of asparagine and valine were also detected. The elevation of glutamate is consistent with the hypothesis that excitotoxins may mediate neuronal damage in the ischemic spinal cord. Increased extracellular concentrations of asparagine and valine may reflect preferential use of amino acids for energy metabolism under ischemic conditions. The significance of increased concentrations of inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitters is unclear.  相似文献   

Summary This study demonstrates that retinoic acid (RA), an active metabolite of vitamin A, can act to enhance regeneration of neurites, at physiologic concentrations, in vitro. Explanted fragments of mouse dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and mouse and human spinal cord (SC) were maintained, in vitro, for periods up to 11 d. Murine DRG neurons were exposed to RA concentrations ranging from 100 μM to 1 nM, whereas neurons within murine and human SC explants were exposed to 10 μM to 10 nM RA. Results show that RA significantly (P<0.001) increases mean neurite length but not neurite number. Specifically, murine DRG neurons showed increases in mean neurite length of 30.7% with individual explants showing increases of up to 133.5%. Murine and human SC showed mean enhancements of 43.4 and 58.1%, respectively, but did so at lower concentrations of RA. The results indicate that RA may play a potentially critical role in neuronal regeneration.  相似文献   

Many organisms have the ability to shed an appendage (autotomy)to escape a predator or fouled molting event. Despite its immediateadvantage on survivorship, autotomy can have important consequencesfor locomotion, foraging, survivorship, and/or reproduction.Thus, regeneration is a way that animals alleviate some of thecosts associated with losing an appendage. Like autotomy, however,appendage regeneration can have important consequences for avariety of aspects of fitness; in a wide range of amphibians,reptiles, fishes, and arthropods, the allocation of resourcesto regenerate a lost appendage negatively affects somatic orreproductive growth. Previous research into the costs associatedwith regeneration has provided a strong framework to explorehow trade-offs associated with regeneration may have influencedits evolution. However, all research to date describing thecosts and benefits associated with autotomy and regenerationhave compared individuals autotomizing and regenerating an appendagewith individuals that have never lost an appendage. I suggestthat for studies of the evolutionary significance of regeneration,an alternative comparison is between individuals experiencingautotomy without regeneration and individuals experiencing autotomywith regeneration. Future work in this direction promises newinsights into the evolution of regenerative tendencies, as wellas how regeneration may be influencing animal form and function.  相似文献   

After tail amputation in lizard, a regenerative response is elicited leading to the formation of a new tail. The stimulation of the proliferation process may involve the proto‐oncogene c‐myc. The immunocytochemical analysis detects the c‐myc protein few days after wound in free cells accumulating over the injured tissues of the tail stump. Western blot detects a protein band at 68–70 kDa that is more intense in the regenerating blastema than in normal tail tissues. Nuclei positive for the c‐myc protein are seen in mesenchymal‐like cells located among muscles, connectives and fat tissues of the tail stump 4 days postamputation. Proliferating cells labelled for 5BrdU are seen at 4 days postamputation and are sparse in the mesenchyme of the regenerating blastema formed at 12 days postamputation. Fine immunolocalization of the c‐myc protein shows it is mainly located over euchromatin or poorly condensed chromatin to indicate gene activation. The study correlates the detection of the c‐myc protein with activation of cell division in the injured tissues leading to the formation of the regenerative blastema. The lizard c‐myc protein probably activates a controlled proliferation process through a mechanism that can give information on the uncontrolled process occurring in cancer.  相似文献   

Axonal degeneration is a common hallmark of both nerve injury and many neurodegenerative conditions, including motor neuron disease, glaucoma, and Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Huntington's diseases. Degeneration of the axonal compartment is distinct from neuronal cell death, and often precedes or is associated with the appearance of the symptoms of the disease. A complementary process is the regeneration of the axon, which is commonly observed following nerve injury in many invertebrate neurons and in a number of vertebrate neurons of the PNS. Important discoveries, together with innovative imaging techniques, are now paving the way towards a better understanding of the dynamics and molecular mechanisms underlying these two processes. In this study, I will discuss these recent findings, focusing on the balance between axonal degeneration and regeneration.  相似文献   

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