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The thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), the major autoantigen in Graves' disease, is posttranslationally modified by intramolecular cleavage to form disulfide-linked A- and B-subunits. Because Graves' hyperthyroidism is preferentially induced in BALB/c mice using adenovirus encoding the free A-subunit rather than full-length human TSHR, the shed A-subunit appears to drive the disease-associated autoimmune response. To further investigate this phenomenon, we generated transgenic mice with the human A-subunit targeted to the thyroid. Founder transgenic mice had normal thyroid function and were backcrossed to BALB/c. The A-subunit mRNA expression was confirmed in thyroid tissue. Unlike wild-type littermates, transgenic mice immunized with low-dose A-subunit adenovirus failed to develop TSHR Abs, hyperthyroidism, or splenocyte responses to TSHR Ag. Conventional immunization with A-subunit protein and adjuvants induced TSHR Abs lacking the characteristics of human autoantibodies. Unresponsiveness was partially overcome using high-dose, full-length human TSHR adenovirus. Although of low titer, these induced Abs recognized the N terminus of the A-subunit, and splenocytes responded to A-subunit peptides. Therefore, "non-self" regions in the B-subunit did not contribute to inducing responses. Indeed, transgenic mice immunized with high-dose A-subunit adenovirus developed TSHR Abs with thyrotropin-binding inhibitory activity, although at lower titers than wild-type littermates, suggesting down-regulation in the transgenic mice. In conclusion, in mice expressing a human A-subunit transgene in the thyroid, non-self human B-subunit epitopes are not necessary to induce responses to the A-subunit. Our findings raise the possibility that autoimmunity to the TSHR in humans may not involve epitopes on a cross-reacting protein, but rather, strong adjuvant signals provided in bystander immune responses.  相似文献   

The ADAM family of disintegrin metalloproteases plays important roles in "ectodomain shedding," the process by which biologically active, soluble forms of cytokines, growth factors, and their receptors are released from membrane-bound precursors. Whereas ADAM8, ADAM15, and MDC-L (ADAM28) are expressed in specific cell types and tissues, their in vivo functions and substrates are not known. By screening a library of synthetic peptides as potential substrates, we show that soluble recombinant forms of these enzymes have similar proteolytic substrate specificity, clearly distinct from that of ADAM17 (TNFalpha-converting enzyme). A number of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family proteins and CD23 were screened as potential substrates for ectodomain cleavage. We found that ADAM8, ADAM15, and MDC-L, but not ADAM17, catalyzed ectodomain shedding of CD23, the low affinity IgE receptor. ADAM8-dependent, soluble CD23 release required proteolytically active ADAM8, and a physical association of ADAM8 was observed with the membrane-bound form of CD23. The ADAM8-dependent release of sCD23 and the endogenous release from B cell lines could be similarly inhibited by a hydroxamic acid, metalloprotease inhibitor compound. We conclude that ADAM8 could contribute to ectodomain shedding of CD23 and may thus be a potential target for therapeutic intervention in allergy and inflammation.  相似文献   

We observed amino acid homology between the cysteine-rich N terminus of the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) ectodomain and epidermal growth factor-like repeats in the laminin gamma1 chain. Thyroid-stimulating autoantibodies (TSAb), the cause of Graves' disease, interact with this region of the TSHR in a manner critically dependent on antigen conformation. We studied the role of the cluster of four cysteine (Cys) residues in this region of the TSHR on the functional response to TSAb in Graves' patients' sera. As a benchmark we also studied TSH binding and action. Removal in various permutations of the four cysteines at TSHR positions 24, 29, 31, and 41 (signal peptide residues are 1-21) revealed Cys(41) to be the key residue for receptor expression. Forced pairing of Cys(41) with any one of the three upstream Cys residues was necessary for trafficking to the cell surface of a TSHR with high affinity TSH binding similar to the wild-type receptor. However, for a full biological response to TSAb, forced pairing of Cys(41) with Cys(29) or with Cys(31), but not with Cys(24), retained functional activity comparable with the wild-type TSHR. These data suggest that an N-terminal disulfide-bonded loop between Cys(41) and Cys(29) or its close neighbor Cys(31) comprises, in part, the highly conformational epitope for TSAb at the critical N terminus of the TSHR. Amino acid homology, as well as cysteine pairing similar to the laminin gamma1 chain epidermal growth factor-like repeat 11, suggests conformational similarity between the two molecules and raises the possibility of molecular mimicry in the pathogenesis of Graves' disease.  相似文献   

The thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), lutropin receptor, and follitropin receptor are related members of the superfamily of leucine-rich repeats containing adenylate cyclase stimulating receptors. The unique posttranslational modification of the TSHR leads to the transformation of its monomeric form to the subunit structure where the subunits A and B are connected by disulphide bonds. This natural processing occurs with the release from the receptor of a short peptide C, and is followed by the release of the subunit A. Both monomeric and dimeric forms of the receptor are stimulated by TSH, so no clear functional significance of TSHR modifications have been found. We can speculated that the processing of TSHR with the release of its large fragments contributes to the development of autoimmune diseases and production anti-TSH receptor autoantibodies. The extrathyroidal manifestations of Graves disease may also be related to metastasis of the autoimmune reaction to extrathyroidal sites via the released A subunit. The TSHR processing may, to some extent, be connected to the hyperthyroidism since the release of the subunit A from the receptor augmented the adenylate cyclase activity in the absence of TSH. According to the recent model of receptors action the TSHR is in equilibrium between the inactive (closed) and active (opened) conformations. In opened conformation it can associate with Gs protein and trigger the intracellular signal. TSH and stimulating autoantibodies preferentially bind to opened receptors and stabilizes them.  相似文献   



The thyrotropin stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) is a G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) with a large ectodomain. The ligand, TSH, acting via this receptor regulates thyroid growth and thyroid hormone production and secretion. The TSH receptor (TSHR) undergoes complex post –translational modifications including intramolecular cleavage and receptor multimerization. Since monomeric and multimeric receptors coexist in cells, understanding the functional role of just the TSHR multimers is difficult. Therefore, to help understand the physiological significance of receptor multimerization, it will be necessary to abrogate multimer formation, which requires identifying the ectodomain and endodomain interaction sites on the TSHR. Here, we have examined the contribution of the ectodomain to constitutive multimerization of the TSHR and determined the possible residue(s) that may be involved in this interaction.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied ectodomain multimer formation by expressing the extracellular domain of the TSHR linked to a glycophosphotidyl (GPI) anchor in both stable and transient expression systems. Using co-immunoprecipitation and FRET of tagged receptors, we established that the TSH receptor ectodomain was capable of multimerization even when totally devoid of the transmembrane domain. Further, we studied the effect of two residues that likely made critical contact points in this interaction. We showed that a conserved tyrosine residue (Y116) on the convex surface of the LRR3 was a critical residue in ectodomain multimer formation since mutation of this residue to serine totally abrogated ectodomain multimers. This abrogation was not seen with the mutation of cysteine 176 on the inner side of the LRR5, demonstrating that inter-receptor disulfide bonding was not involved in ectodomain multimer formation. Additionally, the Y116 mutation in the intact wild type receptor enhanced receptor degradation.


These data establish the TSH receptor ectodomain as one site of multimerization, independent of the transmembrane region, and that this interaction was primarily via a conserved tyrosine residue in LRR3.  相似文献   

Recently, several studies have reported oligomerization of G protein-coupled receptors, although the functional implications of this phenomenon are still unclear. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and coimmunoprecipitation (COIP), we previously reported that the human thyrotropin (TSH) receptor tagged with green fluorescent protein (TSHR(GFP)) and expressed in a heterologous system was present as oligomeric complexes on the cell surface. Here, we have extended this biophysical and biochemical approach to study the regulation of such oligomeric complexes. Co-expression of TSHR(GFP) and TSHR(Myc) constructs in Chinese hamster ovary cells resulted in FRET-positive cells. The specificity of the FRET signal was verified by the absence of energy transfer in individually transfected TSHR(GFP) and TSHR(Myc):Cy3 cells cultured together and also by acceptor photobleaching. Occupation of the receptor molecule by the ligand (TSH) resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in the FRET index from 20% in the absence of TSH to <1% with 10(3) microunits/ml of TSH. Such reduction in oligomeric forms was also confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation. Exposure of TSHR(GFP/Myc) cells to forskolin or cytochalasin D caused no change in the FRET index, confirming that the decrease in the oligomeric complexes was a receptor-dependent phenomenon and free of energy or microtuble requirements. The TSH-induced decrease in TSHR oligomers was found to be secondary to dissociation of the TSHR complexes as evidenced by an increase in fluorescent intensity of photobleached spots of GFP fluorescence with 10(3) microunits/ml of TSH. These data indicated that the less active conformation of the TSHR was comprised of receptor complexes and that such complexes were dissociated on the binding of ligand. Such observations support the concept of a constitutively active TSHR dimer or monomer that is naturally inhibited by the formation of higher order complexes. Inhibition of these oligomeric forms by ligand binding returns the TSHR to an activated state.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha), a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine, is released from cells by proteolytic cleavage of a membrane-anchored precursor. The TNF-alpha converting enzyme (TACE; a disintegrin and metalloprotease17; ADAM17) is known to have a key role in the ectodomain shedding of TNFalpha in several cell types. However, because purified ADAMs 9, 10, and 19 can also cleave a peptide corresponding to the TNFalpha cleavage site in vitro, these enzymes are considered to be candidate TNFalpha sheddases as well. In this study we used cells lacking ADAMs 9, 10, 17 (TACE), or 19 to address the relative contribution of these ADAMs to TNFalpha shedding in cell-based assays. Our results corroborate that ADAM17, but not ADAM9, -10, or -19, is critical for phorbol ester- and pervanadate-stimulated release of TNFalpha in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. However, overexpression of ADAM19 increased the constitutive release of TNFalpha, whereas overexpression of ADAM9 or ADAM10 did not. This suggests that ADAM19 may contribute to TNFalpha shedding, especially in cells or tissues where it is highly expressed. Furthermore, we used mutagenesis of TNFalpha to explore which domains are important for its stimulated processing by ADAM17. We found that the cleavage site of TNFalpha is necessary and sufficient for cleavage by ADAM17. In addition, the ectodomain of TNFalpha makes an unexpected contribution to the selective cleavage of TNFalpha by ADAM17: it prevents one or more other enzymes from cleaving TNFalpha following PMA stimulation. Thus, selective stimulated processing of TNFalpha by ADAM17 in cells depends on the presence of an appropriate cleavage site as well as the inhibitory role of the TNF ectodomain toward other enzymes that can process this site.  相似文献   

Betacellulin belongs to the family of epidermal growth factor-like growth factors that are expressed as transmembrane precursors and undergo proteolytic ectodomain shedding to release a soluble mature growth factor. In this study, we investigated the ectodomain shedding of the betacellulin precursor (pro-BTC) in conditionally immortalized wild-type (WT) and ADAM-deficient cell lines. Sequential ectodomain cleavage of the predominant cell-surface 40-kDa form of pro-BTC generated a major (26-28 kDa) and two minor (20 and 15 kDa) soluble forms and a cellular remnant lacking the ectodomain (12 kDa). Pro-BTC shedding was activated by calcium ionophore (A23187) and by the metalloprotease activator p-aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA), but not by phorbol esters. Culturing cells in calcium-free medium or with the protein kinase Cdelta inhibitor rottlerin, but not with broad-based protein kinase C inhibitors, blocked A23187-activated pro-BTC shedding. These same treatments were without effect for constitutive and APMA-induced cleavage events. All pro-BTC shedding was blocked by treatment with a broad-spectrum metalloprotease inhibitor (GM6001). In addition, constitutive and activated pro-BTC shedding was differentially blocked by TIMP-1 or TIMP-3, but was insensitive to treatment with TIMP-2. Pro-BTC shedding was functional in cells from ADAM17- and ADAM9-deficient mice and in cells overexpressing WT or catalytically inactive ADAM17. In contrast, overexpression of WT ADAM10 enhanced constitutive and activated shedding of pro-BTC, whereas overexpression of catalytically inactive ADAM10 reduced shedding. These results demonstrate, for the first time, activated pro-BTC shedding in response to extracellular calcium influx and APMA and provide evidence that ADAM10 mediates constitutive and activated pro-BTC shedding.  相似文献   

The Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor (CAR) is a cell adhesion molecule originally characterized as a virus receptor but subsequently shown to be involved in physiological processes such as neuronal and heart development, epithelial tight junction integrity, and tumour suppression. Proteolysis of cell adhesion molecules and a wide variety of other cell surface proteins serves as a mechanism for protein turnover and, in some cases, cell signaling. Metalloproteases such as A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease (ADAM) family members cleave cell surface receptors to release their substrates’ ectodomains, while the presenilin/ɣ-secretase complex mediates regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP), releasing intracellular domain fragments from the plasma membrane. In the case of some substrates such as Notch and amyloid precursor protein (APP), the released intracellular domains enter the nucleus to modulate gene expression. We report that CAR ectodomain is constitutively shed from glioma cells and developing neurons, and is also shed when cells are treated with the phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and the calcium ionophore ionomycin. We identified ADAM10 as a sheddase of CAR using assays involving shRNA knockdown and rescue, overexpression of wild-type ADAM10 and inhibition of ADAM10 activity by addition of its prodomain. In vitro peptide cleavage, mass spectrometry and mutagenesis revealed the amino acids M224 to L227 of CAR as the site of ADAM10-mediated ectodomain cleavage. CAR also undergoes RIP by the presenilin/γ-secretase complex, and the intracellular domain of CAR enters the nucleus. Ectodomain shedding is a prerequisite for RIP of CAR. Thus, CAR belongs to the increasing list of cell surface molecules that undergo ectodomain shedding and that are substrates for ɣ-secretase-mediated RIP.  相似文献   

Lai ZW  Hanchapola I  Steer DL  Smith AI 《Biochemistry》2011,50(23):5182-5194
ADAM17, also known as tumor necrosis factor α-converting enzyme, is involved in the ectodomain shedding of many integral membrane proteins. We have previously reported that ADAM17 is able to mediate the cleavage secretion of the ectodomain of human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a functional receptor for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. In this study, we demonstrate that purified recombinant human ADAM17 is able to cleave a 20-amino acid peptide mimetic corresponding to the extracellular juxtamembrane region of human ACE2 between Arg(708) and Ser(709). A series of peptide analogues were also synthesized, showing that glutamate subtitution at Arg(708) and/or Arg(710) attenuated the cleavage process, while alanine substitution at Arg(708) and/or Ser(709) did not inhibit peptide cleavage by recombinant ADAM17. Analysis of CD spectra showed a minimal difference in the secondary structure of the peptide analogues in the buffer system used for the ADAM17 cleavage assay. The observation of the shedding profiles of ACE2 mutants expressing CHO-K1 and CHO-P cells indicates that the Arg(708) → Glu(708) mutation and the Arg(708)Arg(710) → Glu(708)Glu(710) double mutation produced increases in the amount of ACE2 shed when stimulated by phorbol ester PMA. In summary, we have demonstrated that ADAM17 is able to cleave ACE2 peptide sequence analogues between Arg(708) and Ser(709). These findings also indicate that Arg(708) and Arg(710) play a role in site recognition in the regulation of ACE2 ectodomain shedding mediated by ADAM17.  相似文献   

Amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptide, the principal component of senile plaques in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease, is derived from proteolytic cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by beta- and gamma-secretases. Alternative cleavage of APP by alpha-secretase occurs within the Abeta domain and precludes generation of Abeta peptide. Three members of the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) family of proteases, ADAM9, 10 and 17, are the main candidates for alpha-secretases. However, the mechanism that regulates alpha-secretase activity remains unclear. We have recently demonstrated that nardilysin (EC, N-arginine dibasic convertase; NRDc) enhances ectodomain shedding of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor through activation of ADAM17. In this study, we show that NRDc enhances the alpha-secretase activity of ADAMs, which results in a decrease in the amount of Abeta generated. When expressed with ADAMs in cells, NRDc dramatically increased the secretion of alpha-secretase-cleaved soluble APP and reduced the amount of Abeta peptide generated. A peptide cleavage assay in vitro also showed that recombinant NRDc enhances ADAM17-induced cleavage of the peptide substrate corresponding to the alpha-secretase cleavage site of APP. A reduction of endogenous NRDc by RNA interference was accompanied by a decrease in the cleavage by alpha-secretase of APP and increase in the amount of Abeta generated. Notably, NRDc is clearly expressed in cortical neurons in human brain. Our results indicate that NRDc is involved in the metabolism of APP through regulation of the alpha-secretase activity of ADAMs, which may be a novel target for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

CD44 is an adhesion molecule that interacts with hyaluronic acid (HA) and undergoes sequential proteolytic cleavages in its ectodomain and intramembranous domain. The ectodomain cleavage is triggered by extracellular Ca(2+) influx or the activation of protein kinase C. Here we show that CD44-mediated cell-matrix adhesion is terminated by two independent ADAM family metalloproteinases, ADAM10 and ADAM17, differentially regulated in response to those stimuli. Ca(2+) influx activates ADAM10 by regulating the association between calmodulin and ADAM10, leading to CD44 ectodomain cleavage. Depletion of ADAM10 strongly inhibits the Ca(2+) influx-induced cell detachment from matrix. On the other hand, phorbol ester stimulation activates ADAM17 through the activation of PKC and small GTPase Rac, inducing proteolysis of CD44. Furthermore, depletion of ADAM10 or ADAM17 markedly suppressed CD44-dependent cancer cell migration on HA, but not on fibronectin. The spatio-temporal regulation of two independent signaling pathways for CD44 cleavage plays a crucial role in cell-matrix interaction and cell migration.  相似文献   

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-induced reduction in ligand binding affinity (negative cooperativity) requires TSH receptor (TSHR) homodimerization, the latter involving primarily the transmembrane domain (TMD) but with the extracellular domain (ECD) also contributing to this association. To test the role of the TMD in negative cooperativity, we studied the TSHR ECD tethered to the cell surface by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor that multimerizes despite the absence of the TMD. Using the infinite ligand dilution approach, we confirmed that TSH increased the rate of dissociation (k(off)) of prebound (125)I-TSH from CHO cells expressing the TSH holoreceptor. Such negative cooperativity did not occur with TSHR ECD-GPI-expressing cells. However, even in the absence of added TSH, (125)I-TSH dissociated much more rapidly from the TSHR ECD-GPI than from the TSH holoreceptor. This phenomenon, suggesting a lower TSH affinity for the former, was surprising because both the TSHR ECD and TSH holoreceptor contain the entire TSH-binding site, and the TSH binding affinities for both receptor forms should, theoretically, be identical. In ligand competition studies, we observed that the TSH binding affinity for the TSHR ECD-GPI was significantly lower than that for the TSH holoreceptor. Further evidence for a difference in ligand binding kinetics for the TSH holoreceptor and TSHR ECD-GPI was obtained upon comparison of the TSH K(d) values for these two receptor forms at 4 °C versus room temperature. Our data provide the first evidence that the wild-type TSHR TMD influences ligand binding affinity for the ECD, possibly by altering the conformation of the closely associated hinge region that contributes to the TSH-binding site.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the thyrotropin hormone (TSH) receptor (TSHR) cleavage, we sought to convert the noncleaving luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor (LHR) into a cleaved, two-subunit molecule. For this purpose, we generated a series of LHR mutants and chimeric LH-TSH receptors. Cleavage of mature, ligand binding receptors on the cell surface was determined by covalent 125I-labeled hCG crosslinking to intact, stably transfected mammalian cells. We first targeted a cluster of three N-linked glycans in the LHR (N295, N303, N317) in a region corresponding to the primary TSHR cleavage site, which has only one N-linked glycan. Elimination by mutagenesis of the most strategic N-linked glycan (LHR-N317Q) generated only a trace amount of LHR cleavage. Removal of the other N-linked glycans had no additive effect. A much greater degree of cleavage ( approximately 50%) was evident in a chimeric LH-TSHR in which the juxtamembrane segment of the LHR (domain E; amino acids 317-367) was replaced with the corresponding domain of the TSHR (residues 363-418). Similarly cleaving LHR were created using a much smaller component within this region, namely LHR-NET317-319 replaced with TSHR-GQE367-369, or by substitution of the same three amino-acid residues with AAA (LHR-NET317-319AAA). In summary, our data alter current concepts regarding TSHR cleavage by suggesting limited (not absent) amino-acid specificity in a region important for TSHR cleavage (GQE367-369). The data also support the concept of a separate and distinct downstream cleavage site 2 in the TSHR.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein hormone receptor hinge region is the least conserved component and the most variable in size; the TSH receptor (TSHR) being the longest (152 amino acids; residues 261-412). The TSHR is also unique among the glycoprotein hormone receptor in undergoing in vivo intramolecular cleavage into disulfide-linked A- and B-subunits with removal of an intervening 'C-peptide' region. Experimentally, hinge region amino acids 317-366 (50 residues) can be deleted without alteration in receptor function. However, in vivo, more than 50 amino acids are deleted during TSHR intramolecular cleavage; furthermore, the boundaries of this deleted region are ragged and poorly defined. Studies to determine the extent to which hinge region deletions can be tolerated without affecting receptor function ('minimal hinge') are lacking. Using as a template the functionally normal TSHR with residues 317-366 deleted, progressive downstream extension of deletions revealed residue 371 to be the limit compatible with normal TSH binding and coupling with cAMP signal transduction. Based on the foregoing downstream limit, upstream deletion from residue 307 (307-371 deletion) was also tolerated without functional alteration, as was deletion of residues 303-366. Addressing a related issue regarding the functional role of the TSHR hinge region, we observed that downstream hinge residues 377-384 contribute to coupling ligand binding with cAMP signal transduction. In summary, we report the first evaluation of TSHR function in relation to proteolytic posttranslational hinge region modifications. Deletion of TSHR hinge amino acids 303-366 (64 residues) or 307-371 (65 residues) are the maximum hinge region deletions compatible with normal TSHR function.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) is released from cells by proteolytic cleavage of a membrane-anchored precursor. The TNF-α-converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM17) is the major sheddase for ectodomain shedding of TNF-α. At present, however, it is poorly understood how its catalytic activity is regulated. Here, we show that nardilysin (N-arginine dibasic convertase; NRDc) enhanced TNF-α shedding. In a cell-based shedding assay, expression of NRDc synergistically enhanced TACE-induced TNF-α shedding. A peptide cleavage assay in vitro showed that recombinant NRDc enhances the cleavage of TNF-α induced by TACE. Notably, co-incubation of NRDc completely reversed the inhibitory effect of a physiological concentration of salt on TACE’s activity in vitro. Overexpression of NRDc in TACE-deficient fibroblasts resulted in an increase in the amount of TNF-α released. Co-expression of NRDc with ADAM10 promoted the release compared with the sole expression of ADAM10. These results suggested that NRDc enhances TNF-α shedding through activation of not only TACE but ADAM10. Our results indicate the involvement of NRDc in ectodomain shedding of TNF-α, which may be a novel target for anti-inflammatory therapies.  相似文献   

The thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) undergoes a cleavage at the cell membrane, leading to a heterodimer, comprising an alpha extracellular and a beta-transmembrane and intracellular subunits, held together by disulfide bonds. Moreover, part of the alpha-subunit of the receptor is shed from thyroid and transfected L cells. To understand the role of cleavage and shedding, we constructed deletion mutants starting, respectively, at the most N-terminal (S314), and C-terminal (L378) cleavage sites previously mapped, corresponding to free beta1 or beta2-subunits without further modification of receptor structure. Functional studies performed in COS-7 cells showed that both mutants display an increased basal activation of the cAMP pathway when compared with the wild-type receptor. By contrast, deletion of almost the entire extracellular domain of the receptor (TM409 mutant) totally impairs receptor function, thus confirming a role of the juxtamembrane extracellular region in receptor function. The beta1 mutant receptor exhibited an increased internalization when compared with the hormone-activated holoreceptor. Furthermore, no recycling was observed in the case of the beta1 mutant receptor. These observations strongly argue for a different conformation between the receptor activated by cleavage and shedding on the one hand, and the receptor activated by the ligand on the other hand. Cleavage and shedding of a receptor already activated by a transmembrane activating mutation M453T further increase its activity, showing that the extracellular domain still exerts a negative effect in the M453T holoreceptor. An increased internalization of the M453T receptor was observed when compared with the wild-type receptor, which was increased further in the corresponding truncated beta1-M453T receptor. Thus cleavage and shedding yield TSHR activation but also increase internalization of the free beta-subunits of the receptor, the latter mechanism limiting simultaneously excessive receptor signaling. The combined effects may be responsible for the limited basal constitutive activation of the cAMP pathway that is detected for the TSHR.  相似文献   

Stimulating, and some blocking, antibodies to the TSH receptor (TSHR) have conformation-dependent epitopes reported to involve primarily the leucine rich repeat region of the ectodomain (LRD). However, successful crystallization of TSHR residues 22-260 has omitted important extracellular non-LRD residues including the hinge region which connects the TSHR ectodomain to the transmembrane domain and which is involved in ligand induced signal transduction. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to determine if TSHR antibodies (TSHR-Abs) have non-LRD binding sites outside the LRD. To obtain this information we employed the method of epitope protection in which we first protected TSHR residues 1-412 with intact TSHR antibodies and then enzymatically digested the unprotected residues. Those peptides remaining were subsequently delineated by mass spectrometry. Fourteen out of 23 of the reported stimulating monoclonal TSHR-Ab crystal contact residues were protected by this technique which may reflect the higher binding energies of certain residues detected in this approach. Comparing the protected epitopes of two stimulating TSHR-Abs we found both similarities and differences but both antibodies also contacted the hinge region and the amino terminus of the TSHR following the signal peptide and encompassing cysteine box 1 which has previously been shown to be important for TSH binding and activation. A monoclonal blocking TSHR antibody revealed a similar pattern of binding regions but the residues that it contacted on the LRD were again distinct. These data demonstrated that conformationally dependent TSHR-Abs had epitopes not confined to the LRDs but also incorporated epitopes not revealed in the available crystal structure. Furthermore, the data also indicated that in addition to overlapping contact regions within the LRD, there are unique epitope patterns for each of the antibodies which may contribute to their functional heterogeneity.  相似文献   

ADAM proteases are type I transmembrane proteins with extracellular metalloprotease domains. As for most ADAM family members, ADAM8 (CD156a, MS2) is involved in ectodomain shedding of membrane proteins and is linked to inflammation and neurodegeneration. To identify potential substrates released under these pathologic conditions, we screened 10-mer peptides representing amino acid sequences from extracellular domains of various membrane proteins using the ProteaseSpot system. A soluble ADAM8 protease containing a pro- and metalloprotease domain was expressed in E. coli and purified as active protease owing to autocatalytic prodomain removal. From 34 peptides tested in the peptide cleavage assay, significant cleavage by soluble ADAM8 was observed for 14 peptides representing membrane proteins with functions in inflammation and neurodegeneration, among them the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP). The in vivo relevance of the ProteaseSpot method was confirmed by cleavage of full-length APP with ADAM8 in human embryonic kidney 293 cells expressing tagged APP. ADAM8 cleaved APP with similar efficiency as ADAM10, whereas the inactive ADAM8 mutant did not. Exchanging amino acids at defined positions in the cleavage sequence of myelin basic protein (MBP) revealed sequence criteria for ADAM8 cleavage. Taken together, the results allowed us to identify novel candidate substrates that could be cleaved by ADAM8 in vivo under pathologic conditions.  相似文献   

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