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The aim of this study is to estimate the associations between the ANXA9, FABP3, and FABP4 genotypes and the breeding value for milk production traits (yields of milk, protein, and fat, as well as protein and fat percentage) in 975 Polish Holstein-Friesian cows. The frequencies of genotypes and alleles were determined. Statistically significant relations between the ANXA9 SNP and the breeding value for fat content, as well as the FABP4 SNP and the breeding value for protein content were found. The results indicated that selection for the ANXA9 GG and FABP4 GG animals might contribute to an decreased fat content and increased protein content in milk, respectively, in Polish Holstein-Friesian cows. Although verification in the further studies is needed.  相似文献   

The relationships of nine blood group systems and two blood protein polymorphisms with breeding values for several production traits were examined in dairy cattle of the Swedish Red and White (SRB) breed. The material consisted of 2212 bulls; the bulls were performance tested for growth rate and their breeding values for milk yield, fat and protein content in milk were estimated from progeny tests. The direct effect of marker alleles or marker phenotypes was analysed in a multiple regression model. Several significant associations were found; many supported earlier findings. However, the contribution of the markers to the total variation of the breeding values was very small. Linkage between marker loci and production loci was studied in offspring from heterozygous sires by estimating the interactions between sire and marker alle using a model eliminating the direct effects of sire and marker alle. There were strong indications of linkage between some marker loci (e.g. B, J and Am-1 loci) and loci with large effects on production traits.  相似文献   

Due to the diversification of farming systems and climate change, farm animals are exposed to environmental disturbances to which they respond differently depending on their robustness. Disturbances such as heat stress or sanitary challenges (not always recorded, especially when they are of short duration and low intensity) have a transitory impact on animals, resulting in changes in phenotypes of production (feed intake, BW, etc.). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of such unknown disturbances on the estimated genetic parameters and breeding values (BV) for production traits. A population of 6 120 individuals over five generations divided into eight batches of 10 pens was generated, each individual underwent an ?100-day test period. A longitudinal phenotype mimicking piglet weight during the fattening period was simulated for each individual in two situations: disturbed and non-disturbed. The disturbed phenotype was modified according to the robustness of the animal and the intensity and duration of the disturbance that the animal was subjected to. Various sets of simulations (1 000 replicates per set) were considered depending on the type of disturbance (at the level of the batch, pen, or individual), the genetic correlation (negative, neutral, or positive) between the two components of the robustness (resistance and resilience), the genetic correlation (negative, neutral, or positive) between growth and the components of robustness, and the heritability of the components of robustness (weak or moderate). An animal model was used to estimate the genetic parameters and BV for two production traits: the BW at 100 days of age (BW100) and average daily gain (ADG). The estimated heritability of the production traits was lower in the disturbed situation compared to the non-disturbed one (reduction of 0.08 and 0.05 points respectively for BW100 and ADG). The correlations between estimated breeding values of the observed phenotypes (EBV) and BV for production traits in absence of disturbance were lower in the disturbed situation (reduction of 0.04 and 0.06 points for BW100 and ADG respectively) while the partial correlation between EBV and BV for robustness was not significantly different from 0 in the two situations. These results suggest that selection in a well-controlled environment with random disturbances of low intensities does not allow to improve animal robustness while it is less effective for improving production traits than selection under no environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Bovine lactoferrin (LTF) is a multifunctional small glycoprotein found in milk acting mainly as a defense factor in the mammary gland. Many polymorphisms have been found in the bovine LTF gene but almost none were considered as genetic markers of production traits in dairy cattle. In this study, the promoter fragment of LTF gene containing mutation (G/C) in position +32 has been amplified by PCR followed by genotyping by the SSCP and RFLP method. 358 Polish Holstein-Friesian cows were screened, giving the following frequency of genotypes: 0.628, 0.313 and 0.059 for GG, GC and CC, respectively. GLM (General Linear Model) analysis was applied to evaluate the associations of lactoferrin with milk performance traits, including SCC - somatic cell count. It was found that CC cows show significantly higher (P < or = 0.01) protein content in milk in comparison with GG cows. The values of other milk performance traits were also higher but at non-significant levels. SCC in milk was the lowest in CC cows, but also at a non-significant level.  相似文献   

Bovine lactoferrin (LTF) is a multifunctional small glycoprotein found in milk acting mainly as a defense factor in the mammary gland. Many polymorphisms have been found in the bovine LTF gene but almost none were considered as genetic markers of production traits in dairy cattle. In this study, the promoter fragment of LTF gene containing mutation (G/C) in position +32 has been amplified by PCR followed by genotyping by the SSCP and RFLP method. Three hundred fifty-eight Polish Holstein-Friesian cows were screened, giving the following frequency of genotypes: 0.628, 0.313 and 0.059 for GG, GC and CC, respectively. GLM (General Linear Model) analysis was applied to evaluate the associations of lactoferrin with milk performance traits, including SCC (somatic cell count). It was found that CC cows show significantly higher (P ≤ 0.01) protein content in milk in comparison with GG cows. The values of other milk performance traits were also higher but at nonsignificant levels. SCC in milk was the lowest in CC cows, but also at a nonsignificant level. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

A population of 1398 Canchim (CA) cattle was genotyped to assess the association of an insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) gene microsatellite with phenotypic variation and estimated breeding values of pre-weaning, weaning and post-weaning growth traits. After an initial analysis, the IGF1 genotype only had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on birth weight (BW) and weaning weight adjusted to 240 days (WW240). For these two traits, direct and maternal breeding values were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood (reml). Two analyses were carried out. In the first (Model I), all fixed effects were fitted. In the second (Model II), the fixed effect of the IGF1 genotype was omitted. The estimated genetic and phenotypic components of variance were similar for every trait in both models. For Model I, estimated direct and maternal heritabilities were 0.26 and 0.16 for BW and 0.23 and 0.14 for WW240 respectively. The genetic and phenotypic correlations between BW and WW240 were 0.38 and 0.38 (Model I) and 0.19 and 0.38 (Model II) respectively. Fifty animals were classified according to their direct and maternal breeding values for both traits. Spearman rank-order correlation between animal rankings in the two models was used to assess the effect of including the IGF1 genotype in the model. Non-significant values from this correlation were indicative of a difference in breeding value rankings between the two approaches. The IGF1 gene was found to be associated with phenotypic variation and breeding values in the early phase of growth.  相似文献   

Exon 2 of the Ovar-DR gene is known to encode the MHC outer domain (alpha or beta chain) that forms the binding area to antigens presented. The study was aimed at analysing exon 2 Ovar -DRB1 gene polymorphism in Polish Heath Sheep and Polish Lowland Sheep (Zelazna variety). A total of 101 and 99 ewes of the respective breeds were included in this study. We identified 65 different haplotypes in Polish Heath Sheep and 68 in Polish Lowland Sheep. The PCR-RFLP method and PCR products sequencing made it possible to identify two new sequences of exon 2 Ovar-DRB1 gene (AY230000 and AY248695). A distinct polymorphism in the exon 2 sequence presents possibilities for immune response toward a great variety of pathogens.  相似文献   

Kowalewska-Luczak I  Kulig H 《Genetika》2011,47(8):1135-1139
The aim of the conducted study was to evaluate correlation between genotypes and PRKAG3 compound genotypes and milk production traits (yield of milk, milk fat and milk protein, and protein and fat content in milk). The study covered a herd of 180 Jersey cows. PCR-RFLP method was used for genotyping. The frequencies of alleles that occur mostly and combined genotypes were as follows: T1526G G - 0.57, G 1609A G - 0.92 and for T1526G/G1609A TG/GG - 0.54. The results obtained in the study demonstrated the correlation between analyzed genotypes and selected milk production traits; however they are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to find ways of reducing changes of sire predicted transmitting ability for type’s final scores (PTATs) from the first to second crop of daughters. The PTATs were estimated from two datasets: D01 (scores recorded up to 2001) and D05 (scores recorded up to 2005). The PTAT changes were calculated as the difference between the evaluations based on D01 and D05. The PTATs were adjusted to a common genetic base of all evaluated cows born in 1995. The single-trait (ST) animal model included the fixed effects of the herd–year–season–classifier, age by year group at classification, stage of lactation at classification, registry status of animals, and additive genetic and permanent environment random effects. Unknown parent groups (UPGs) were defined based on every other birth year starting from 1972. Modifications to the ST model included the usage of a single record per cow, separate UPGs for first and second crop daughters, separate UPGs for sires and dams, and deepened pedigrees for dams with missing phenotypic records. Also, the multiple-trait (MT) model treated records of registered and grade cows as correlated traits. The mean PTAT change, for all of the sires, was close to zero in all of the models analyzed. The estimated mean PTAT change for 145 sires with 40 to 100 first crop and ≥200 second crop daughters was −0.33, −0.20, −0.13, −0.28, and −0.12 with ST, only first records, only last records, updated pedigrees, and allowing separate parent groups (PGs) for sires and dams after updating the pedigrees, respectively. The percentages of sires showing PTAT decline were reduced from 74.5 (with ST) to 57.3 by using only the last records of cows, and to 56.4 by allowing separate UPGs for sires and dams after updating the pedigrees. Though updating of the pedigrees alone was not effective, separate UPGs for sires together with additional pedigree was helpful in reducing the bias.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method for detection of a MspI-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in the bovine ornithine decarboxylase gene was developed, and the allele frequencies of the polymorphism in two groups of Holstein bulls representing progeny-tested bulls during the 1950s-1960s and 1980s, respectively, were estimated. The frequencies of the MspI(-) allele were 0.229 and 0.077 and that of MspI(+) were 0.771 and 0–923 in the progeny-tested bulls of the 1950s-1960s and 1980s, respectively. The difference in allele frequencies between the two groups was statistically significant (P< 0.005). Genetic drift could be responsible for the changes in allele frequencies; however, it could also be possible that selection for milk production was associated with the changes of the allele frequencies in the two bull populations.  相似文献   

The bovine oxidized LDL receptor 1 (OLR1) was chosen as a candidate gene for association tests with milk composition traits. Genotyping of 773 Italian Brown Swiss for a SNP at position 8232 in OLR1 (NW_215807:g.8232C>A) revealed a frequency of 0.95 for the g.8232C allele. The University of Wisconsin Holstein resource population was genotyped for the OLR1 NW_215807:g.[7160C>T; 7161A>G; 8232C>A] SNPs, and four haplotypes were inferred based on the genotypes of sires and their daughters. Oxidized LDL receptor 1 haplotypes were significantly associated with fat percentage (P = 0.0015). Haplotype [C; A; C] was associated with a significant increase in fat percentage when compared with the other haplotypes.  相似文献   

Yearling, grass-fed, beef bulls at the USDA Subtropical Agricultural Research Station, Brooksville, Florida, were assessed for physical and semen traits in January, April, July and October of 1991 (Trial 1) and 1992 (Trial 2). Bulls were given a breeding soundness evaluation (BSE) using revised semen and scrotal circumference (SC) criteria. In Trial 1, the bulls consisted of Angus (n = 15), Brahman (n = 14), Hereford (n = 15) and Senepol (n = 14). In Trial 2, the breeds were Angus (n = 15), Brahman (n = 16), Romosinuano (n = 13) and Nellore x Brahman (n = 9). Trial bulls generally showed delayed growth compared with grain-fed bulls in temperate environments. Breed influenced semen traits (percentage sperm motility, normal spermatozoa and those with primary abnormalities) in both trials. Temperate Bos taurus breeds (Angus, Hereford) were generally superior to Bos indicus breeds (Brahman, Nellore x Brahman). Tropically-adapted Bos taurus breeds (Senepol, Romosinuano) were intermediate for those traits tested. In general, tropically-adapted Bos taurus breeds were more similar in reproductive development to temperate Bos taurus than to Bos indicus breeds. Breed by test period interactions occurred and were mainly influenced by delayed sexual maturity of Bos indicus bulls. Qualitative semen traits increased with bull age, particularly from 12 to 18 mo. Scrotal circumference development was slower in the Bos indicus breeds. Bulls of satisfactory BSE status at 18.1 to 22 mo of age were 73.9% in Trial 1 and 58.5% in Trial 2. Brahman bulls had the least satisfactory BSE scores in both years (Trial 1, 44.4%; Trial 2, 22.2%). Most bulls failed to achieve satisfactory BSE status due to a small SC relative to age (Trial 1, 66%; Trial 2, 72%). The most efficacious use of the BSE was > or = 15 mo in Bos taurus bulls and > 18 mo for Bos indicus bulls. Although the BSE has proven to be useful for the assessment of young, pasture-raised bulls in semi-tropical environments, use of SC thresholds linked more with growth traits than with calendar age would improve comparisons of relative reproductive development in such bulls, particularly those of Bos indicus derivation.  相似文献   

The peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor‐gamma coactivator‐1A (encoded by PPARGC1A) is involved in the formation of type I fibres. Therefore, the PPARGC1A gene can be considered as a functional candidate gene for muscle fibre type composition and meat quality in pigs. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations of the p.C430S polymorphic site in exon 8 of the PPARGC1A gene with muscle fibre characteristics and meat quality traits. The polymorphism was genotyped by PCR‐RFLP using AluI restriction enzyme on a total of 152 Yorkshire pigs. Statistical analyses revealed that the p.C430S genotypes significantly affected number (P < 0.05) and area (P < 0.01) of type I muscle fibre, and were significantly associated with muscle pH (P < 0.001) and lightness (P < 0.01). On the basis of these results, we suggest that the p.C430S polymorphism can induce variation of type I fibre formation in porcine longissimus dorsi muscle and that it can be used as a meaningful molecular marker for better meat quality.  相似文献   

Semen production traits are important aspects of bull fertility, because semen quantity leads to direct profits for artificial insemination centres, and semen quality is associated with the probability of achieving a pregnancy. Most genome-wide association studies (GWASs) for semen production traits have assumed that each quantitative trait locus (QTL) has an additive effect. However, GWASs that account for non-additive effects are also important in fitness traits, such as bull fertility. Here, we performed a GWAS using models that accounted for additive and non-additive effects to evaluate the importance of non-additive effects on five semen production traits in beef and dairy bulls. A total of 65 463 records for 615 Japanese Black bulls (JB) and 50 734 records for 873 Holstein bulls (HOL), which were previously genotyped using the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip, were used to estimate genetic parameters and perform GWAS. The heritability estimates were low (ranged from 0.11 to 0.23), and the repeatability estimates were low to moderate (ranged from 0.28 to 0.45) in both breeds. The estimated repeatability was approximately twice as high as the estimated heritability for all traits. In this study, only one significant region with an additive effect was detected in each breed, but multiple significant regions with non-additive effects were detected for each breed. In particular, the region at approximately 64 Mbp on Bos taurus autosome 17 had the highest significant non-additive effect on four semen production traits in HOL. The rs41843851 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the region had a much lower P-value for the non-additive effect (P-value = 1.1 × 10?31) than for the additive effect (P-value = 1.1 × 10?8) in sperm motility. The AA and AB genotypes on the SNP had a higher phenotype than the BB genotype in HOL, and there was no bull with the BB genotype in JB. Our results showed that non-additive QTLs affect semen production traits, and a novel QTL accounting for non-additive effects could be detected by GWAS. This study provides new insights into non-additive QTLs that affect fitness traits, such as semen production traits in beef and dairy bulls.  相似文献   

Acyl-coenzyme A oxidase 1 (ACOX1) is the first enzyme in peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation; it is rate-limiting and plays a key role in fatty acid metabolism and fat deposition. ACOX1 is an important candidate gene for meat quality selection through marker-assisted selection. Genomic structural analysis showed that bovine ACOX1 shares 86% identity with human ACOX1. Using PCR-SSCP technology, we discovered a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (A1865C) in exon 13 of the ACOX1 gene. Allele frequencies of this SNP were investigated and evaluated with the χ(2) test in 641 cattle populations; only the Jiaxian red population was not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Gene heterozygosity, effective allele numbers and polymorphism information content of the bovine ACOX1 locus in seven populations varied from 0.2778 to 0.4954, 1.3846 to 1.9817 and 0.2392 to 0.3727, respectively. We also looked for a potential association of this SNP with ultrasound traits in 327 individuals and found a significant effect on ultrasound backfat thickness and ultrasound marbling score (P < 0.05). Meat quality traits were analyzed in another 71 Qinchuan individuals to determine associations with genotype. Animals with genotype AA had higher mean values of backfat thickness than those with genotypes AC and CC. A represents the base before mutation and C represents the base after mutation. We conclude that this SNP of the ACOX1 gene has potential as a genetic marker for meat quality traits in cattle reproduction and breeding.  相似文献   

Non-normality in the distribution of individual observations of production and quality traits in forest tree breeding may cause inaccurate selection and overestimation of predicted selection gain. The distribution of individual observations of traits such as height, diameter, branch diameter, branch angle and number of branches per whorl is not always normal. We investigated how the observations were distributed and to what degree it is possible to improve normality, homogeneity of error variance and additivity by using empirical power transformations. Computer simulations showed that a seriously skewed distribution impairs selection efficiency and exaggerates selection gain expectations. If the distribution is heavily skewed, transformation might be worthwhile. It does not seem possible to offer any general advice about which varities should be transformed, but in most cases there seems to be no need of any transformation.  相似文献   

AimsDisrupted-in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1), identified in a pedigree with a familial psychosis with the chromosome translocation (1:11), is a putative susceptibility gene for psychoses such as schizophrenia and major depressive disorder (MDD). Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) report having continuous severe fatigue and many overlapping symptoms with MDD; however, the mechanism and effective treatment of CFS are still unclear. We focused on the overlapping symptoms between CFS and MDD and performed an association study of the functional single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the DISC1 gene with CFS.Main methodsVenous blood was drawn from CFS patients and controls and genomic DNA was extracted from the whole blood according to standard procedures. Ser704Cys DISC1 SNP was genotyped using the TaqMan 5′-exonuclease allelic discrimination assay.Key findingsWe found that the Cys704 allele of Ser704Cys SNP was associated with an increased risk of CFS development compared with the Ser704 allele.SignificanceDISC1 Ser704Cys might be a functional variant that affects one of the mechanisms implicated in the biology of CFS. Some patients with CFS showed a phenotype similar to that of patients with MDD, but further studies are needed to clarify the biological mechanism, because this study is of a rather preliminary nature. Despite the variety of patients with CFS, DISC1 Ser704Cys has an association with CFS, which may also suggest that DISC1 plays a central role in the induction of various psychiatric diseases.  相似文献   

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