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Protein tertiary structure can be partly characterized via each amino acid's contact number measuring how residues are spatially arranged. The contact number of a residue in a folded protein is a measure of its exposure to the local environment, and is defined as the number of C β atoms in other residues within a sphere around the C β atom of the residue of interest. Contact number is partly conserved between protein folds and thus is useful for protein fold and structure prediction. In turn, each residue's contact number can be partially predicted from primary amino acid sequence, assisting tertiary fold analysis from sequence data. In this study, we provide a more accurate contact number prediction method from protein primary sequence.  相似文献   

The quest to order and classify protein structures has lead to various classification schemes, focusing mostly on hierarchical relationships between structural domains. At the coarsest classification level, such schemes typically identify hundreds of types of fundamental units called folds. As a result, we picture protein structure space as a collection of isolated fold islands. It is obvious, however, that many protein folds share structural and functional commonalities. Locating those commonalities is important for our understanding of protein structure, function, and evolution. Here, we present an alternative view of the protein fold space, based on an interfold similarity measure that is related to the frequency of fragments shared between folds. In this view, protein structures form a complicated, crossconnected network with very interesting topology. We show that interfold similarity based on sequence/structure fragments correlates well with similarities of functions between protein populations in different folds.  相似文献   



HIV can evolve drug resistance rapidly in response to new drug treatments, often through a combination of multiple mutations [13]. It would be useful to develop automated analyses of HIV sequence polymorphism that are able to predict drug resistance mutations, and to distinguish different types of functional roles among such mutations, for example, those that directly cause drug resistance, versus those that play an accessory role. Detecting functional interactions between mutations is essential for this classification. We have adapted a well-known measure of evolutionary selection pressure (K a /K s ) and developed a conditional K a /K s approach to detect important interactions.  相似文献   



Lipocalins are widely distributed in nature and are found in bacteria, plants, arthropoda and vertebra. In hematophagous arthropods, they are implicated in the successful accomplishment of the blood meal, interfering with platelet aggregation, blood coagulation and inflammation and in the transmission of disease parasites such as Trypanosoma cruzi and Borrelia burgdorferi. The pairwise sequence identity is low among this family, often below 30%, despite a well conserved tertiary structure. Under the 30% identity threshold, alignment methods do not correctly assign and align proteins. The only safe way to assign a sequence to that family is by experimental determination. However, these procedures are long and costly and cannot always be applied. A way to circumvent the experimental approach is sequence and structure analyze. To further help in that task, the residues implicated in the stabilisation of the lipocalin fold were determined. This was done by analyzing the conserved interactions for ten lipocalins having a maximum pairwise identity of 28% and various functions.


It was determined that two hydrophobic clusters of residues are conserved by analysing the ten lipocalin structures and sequences. One cluster is internal to the barrel, involving all strands and the 310 helix. The other is external, involving four strands and the helix lying parallel to the barrel surface. These clusters are also present in RaHBP2, a unusual "outlier" lipocalin from tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. This information was used to assess assignment of LIR2 a protein from Ixodes ricinus and to build a 3D model that helps to predict function. FTIR data support the lipocalin fold for this protein.


By sequence and structural analyzes, two conserved clusters of hydrophobic residues in interactions have been identified in lipocalins. Since the residues implicated are not conserved for function, they should provide the minimal subset necessary to confer the lipocalin fold. This information has been used to assign LIR2 to lipocalins and to investigate its structure/function relationship. This study could be applied to other protein families with low pairwise similarity, such as the structurally related fatty acid binding proteins or avidins.  相似文献   



A new, promising solvent exposure measure, called half-sphere-exposure (HSE), has recently been proposed. Here, we study the reconstruction of a protein's C α trace solely from structure-derived HSE information. This problem is of relevance for de novo structure prediction using predicted HSE measure. For comparison, we also consider the well-established contact number (CN) measure. We define energy functions based on the HSE- or CN-vectors and minimize them using two conformational search heuristics: Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and tabu search (TS). While MCS has been the dominant conformational search heuristic in literature, TS has been applied only a few times. To discretize the conformational space, we use lattice models with various complexity.  相似文献   

We have used GRATH, a graph-based structure comparison algorithm, to map the similarities between the different folds observed in the CATH domain structure database. Statistical analysis of the distributions of the fold similarities has allowed us to assess the significance for any similarity. Therefore we have examined whether it is best to represent folds as discrete entities or whether, in fact, a more accurate model would be a continuum wherein folds overlap via common motifs. To do this we have introduced a new statistical measure of fold similarity, termed gregariousness. For a particular fold, gregariousness measures how many other folds have a significant structural overlap with that fold, typically comprising 40% or more of the larger structure. Gregarious folds often contain commonly occurring super-secondary structural motifs, such as beta-meanders, greek keys, alpha-beta plait motifs or alpha-hairpins, which are matching similar motifs in other folds. Apart from one example, all the most gregarious folds matching 20% or more of the other folds in the database, are alpha-beta proteins. They also occur in highly populated architectural regions of fold space, adopting sandwich-like arrangements containing two or more layers of alpha-helices and beta-strands.Domains that exhibit a low gregariousness, are those that have very distinctive folds, with few common motifs or motifs that are packed in unusual arrangements. Most of the superhelices exhibit low gregariousness despite containing some commonly occurring super-secondary structural motifs. In these folds, these common motifs are combined in an unusual way and represent a small proportion of the fold (<10%). Our results suggest that fold space may be considered as continuous for some architectural arrangements (e.g. alpha-beta sandwiches), in that super-secondary motifs can be used to link neighbouring fold groups. However, in other regions of fold space much more discrete topologies are observed with little similarity between folds.  相似文献   

Recent progress in structure determination techniques has led to a significant growth in the number of known membrane protein structures, and the first structural genomics projects focusing on membrane proteins have been initiated, warranting an investigation of appropriate bioinformatics strategies for optimal structural target selection for these molecules. What determines a membrane protein fold? How many membrane structures need to be solved to provide sufficient structural coverage of the membrane protein sequence space? We present the CAMPS database (Computational Analysis of the Membrane Protein Space) containing almost 45,000 proteins with three or more predicted transmembrane helices (TMH) from 120 bacterial species. This large set of membrane proteins was subjected to single‐linkage clustering using only sequence alignments covering at least 40% of the TMH present in a given family. This process yielded 266 sequence clusters with at least 15 members, roughly corresponding to membrane structural folds, sufficiently structurally homogeneous in terms of the variation of TMH number between individual sequences. These clusters were further subdivided into functionally homogeneous subclusters according to the COG (Clusters of Orthologous Groups) system as well as more stringently defined families sharing at least 30% identity. The CAMPS sequence clusters are thus designed to reflect three main levels of interest for structural genomics: fold, function, and modeling distance. We present a library of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) derived from sequence alignments of TMH at these three levels of sequence similarity. Given that 24 out of 266 clusters corresponding to membrane folds already have associated known structures, we estimate that 242 additional new structures, one for each remaining cluster, would provide structural coverage at the fold level of roughly 70% of prokaryotic membrane proteins belonging to the currently most populated families. Proteins 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Evolutionary relations of similar segments shared by different protein folds remain controversial, even though many examples of such segments have been found. To date, several methods such as those based on the results of structure comparisons, sequence-based classifications, and sequence-based profile-profile comparisons have been applied to identify such protein segments that possess local similarities in both sequence and structure across protein folds. However, to capture more precise sequence-structure relations, no method reported to date combines structure-based profiles, and sequence-based profiles based on evolutionary information. The former are generally regarded as representing the amino acid preferences at each position of a specific conformation of protein segment. They might reflect the nature of ancient short peptide ancestors, using the results of structural classifications of protein segments.  相似文献   



Natural selection has traditionally been understood as a force responsible for pushing genes to states of higher translational efficiency, whereas lower translational efficiency has been explained by neutral mutation and genetic drift. We looked for evidence of directional selection resulting in increased unpreferred codon usage (and presumably reduced translational efficiency) in three divergent clusters of eukaryotic genomes using a simple optimal-codon-based metric (Kp/Ku).  相似文献   



The Azoospermia Factor c (AZFc) region of the human Y chromosome is a unique product of segmental duplication. It consists almost entirely of very long amplicons, represented by different colors, and is frequently deleted in subfertile men. Most of the AZFc amplicons have high sequence similarity with autosomal segments, indicating recent duplication and transposition to the Y chromosome. The Deleted in Azoospermia (DAZ) gene within the red-amplicon arose from an ancestral autosomal DAZ-like (DAZL) gene. It varies significantly between different men regarding to its copy number and the numbers of RNA recognition motif and DAZ repeat it encodes. We used Southern analyses to study the evolution of DAZ and AZFc amplicons on the Y chromosomes of primates.  相似文献   



Although Transmembrane Proteins (TMPs) are highly important in various biological processes and pharmaceutical developments, general prediction of TMP structures is still far from satisfactory. Because TMPs have significantly different physicochemical properties from soluble proteins, current protein structure prediction tools for soluble proteins may not work well for TMPs. With the increasing number of experimental TMP structures available, template-based methods have the potential to become broadly applicable for TMP structure prediction. However, the current fold recognition methods for TMPs are not as well developed as they are for soluble proteins.


We developed a novel TMP Fold Recognition method, TMFR, to recognize TMP folds based on sequence-to-structure pairwise alignment. The method utilizes topology-based features in alignment together with sequence profile and solvent accessibility. It also incorporates a gap penalty that depends on predicted topology structure segments. Given the difference between α-helical transmembrane protein (αTMP) and β-strands transmembrane protein (βTMP), parameters of scoring functions are trained respectively for these two protein categories using 58 αTMPs and 17 βTMPs in a non-redundant training dataset.


We compared our method with HHalign, a leading alignment tool using a non-redundant testing dataset including 72 αTMPs and 30 βTMPs. Our method achieved 10% and 9% better accuracies than HHalign in αTMPs and βTMPs, respectively. The raw score generated by TMFR is negatively correlated with the structure similarity between the target and the template, which indicates its effectiveness for fold recognition. The result demonstrates TMFR provides an effective TMP-specific fold recognition and alignment method.  相似文献   

As a protein-encoding gene evolves, different selective pressures act on the gene temporally and spatially. An examination of the ratio of nonsynonymous-to-synonymous nucleotide substitution rate ratios (Ka/Ks) has proven to be a valuable method to examine selective pressures on protein encoding genes, including detecting positive diversifying selection. To gain power over averaging all sites in a gene together, examination of sites in primary sequence windows has frequently been employed. However, selection acts on folded proteins and sites that are close in tertiary space may not be close in primary sequence. A new method for the examination of Ka/Ks ratios based upon windows in tertiary structure is introduced and applied to the leptin gene family in mammals. Tertiary sequence windowing detects new sites under positive diversifying selection and detects positive diversifying selection with a more significant signal along various branches of the leptin gene family tree.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rasmus Nielsen  相似文献   



Domain experts manually construct the Structural Classification of Protein (SCOP) database to categorize and compare protein structures. Even though using the SCOP database is believed to be more reliable than classification results from other methods, it is labor intensive. To mimic human classification processes, we develop an automatic SCOP fold classification system to assign possible known SCOP folds and recognize novel folds for newly-discovered proteins.  相似文献   

Ab initio modeling of small proteins by iterative TASSER simulations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Predicting 3-dimensional protein structures from amino-acid sequences is an important unsolved problem in computational structural biology. The problem becomes relatively easier if close homologous proteins have been solved, as high-resolution models can be built by aligning target sequences to the solved homologous structures. However, for sequences without similar folds in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) library, the models have to be predicted from scratch. Progress in the ab initio structure modeling is slow. The aim of this study was to extend the TASSER (threading/assembly/refinement) method for the ab initio modeling and examine systemically its ability to fold small single-domain proteins.  相似文献   



We recently reported a highly unexpected positive correlation between the fixation probability of nonsynonymous mutations (estimated by ω) and neutral mutation rate (estimated by K s) in mammalian lineages. However, this positive correlation was observed for lineages with relatively long divergence time such as the human-mouse lineage, and was not found for very short lineages such as the human-chimpanzee lineage. It was previously unclear how to interpret this discrepancy. It may indicate that the positive correlation between ω and K s in long lineages is a false finding. Alternatively, it may reflect a biologically meaningful difference between various lineages. Finally, the lack of positive correlation in short lineages may be the result of methodological artifacts.  相似文献   



Ever since the ground-breaking work of Anfinsen et al. in which a denatured protein was found to refold to its native state, it has been frequently stated by the protein fold prediction community that all the information required for protein folding lies in the amino acid sequence. Recent in vitro experiments and in silico computational studies, however, have shown that cotranslation may affect the folding pathway of some proteins, especially those of ancient folds. In this paper aspects of cotranslational folding have been incorporated into a protein structure prediction algorithm by adapting the Rosetta program to fold proteins as the nascent chain elongates. This makes it possible to conduct a pairwise comparison of folding accuracy, by comparing folds created sequentially from each end of the protein.  相似文献   



We introduce the decision support system for Protein (Structure) Comparison, Knowledge, Similarity and Information (ProCKSI). ProCKSI integrates various protein similarity measures through an easy to use interface that allows the comparison of multiple proteins simultaneously. It employs the Universal Similarity Metric (USM), the Maximum Contact Map Overlap (MaxCMO) of protein structures and other external methods such as the DaliLite and the TM-align methods, the Combinatorial Extension (CE) of the optimal path, and the FAST Align and Search Tool (FAST). Additionally, ProCKSI allows the user to upload a user-defined similarity matrix supplementing the methods mentioned, and computes a similarity consensus in order to provide a rich, integrated, multicriteria view of large datasets of protein structures.  相似文献   

The structural and redox properties of a non-covalent complex reconstituted upon mixing two non-contiguous fragments of horse cytochrome c, the residues 1–38 heme-containing N-fragment with the residues 57–104 C-fragment, have been investigated. With respect to native cyt c, the complex lacks a segment of 18 residues, corresponding, in the native protein, to an omega ()-loop region. The fragment complex shows compact structure, native-like -helix content but a less rigid atomic packing and reduced stability with respect to the native protein. Structural heterogeneity is observed at pH 7.0, involving formation of an axially misligated low-spin species and consequent partial displacement of Met80 from the sixth coordination position of the heme-iron. Spectroscopic data suggest that a lysine (located in the Met80-containing loop, namely Lys72, Lys73, or Lys79) replaces the methionine residue. The residues 1–38/57–104 fragment complex shows an unusual biphasic alkaline titration characterized by a low (pKa1=6.72) and a high pKa-associated state transition (pKa2=8.56); this behavior differs from that of native cyt c, which shows a monophasic alkaline transition (pKa=8.9). The data indicate that the 40s -loop plays an important role in the stability of cyt c and in ensuring a correct alkaline conformational transition of the protein.  相似文献   

We probe the stability and near-native energy landscape of protein fold space using powerful conformational sampling methods together with simple reduced models and statistical potentials. Fold space is represented by a set of 280 protein domains spanning all topological classes and having a wide range of lengths (33-300 residues) amino acid composition and number of secondary structural elements. The degrees of freedom are taken as the loop torsion angles. This choice preserves the native secondary structure but allows the tertiary structure to change. The proteins are represented by three-point per residue, three-dimensional models with statistical potentials derived from a knowledge-based study of known protein structures. When this space is sampled by a combination of parallel tempering and equi-energy Monte Carlo, we find that the three-point model captures the known stability of protein native structures with stable energy basins that are near-native (all α: 4.77 Å, all β: 2.93 Å, α/β: 3.09 Å, α+β: 4.89 Å on average and within 6 Å for 71.41%, 92.85%, 94.29% and 64.28% for all-α, all-β, α/β and α+β, classes, respectively). Denatured structures also occur and these have interesting structural properties that shed light on the different landscape characteristics of α and β folds. We find that α/β proteins with alternating α and β segments (such as the β-barrel) are more stable than proteins in other fold classes.  相似文献   

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