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In the nose, the capacity to detect and react to volatile chemicals is mediated by two separate but interrelated sensory pathways, the olfactory and trigeminal systems. Because most chemosensory stimulants, at sufficient concentration, produce both olfactory and trigeminal sensations (i.e., stinging, burning or pungent), it is relevant to seek how these anatomically distinct systems could interact. This study was designed to evaluate by psychophysical measurements the modifications of the olfactory sensitivity of 20 subjects to phenyl ethyl alcohol (PEA) and butanol (BUT), after trigeminal stimulation with allyl isothiocyanate (AIC). Thresholds obtained in two separate sessions, one with and the other without previous trigeminal stimulation, were compared using a two-alternative forced-choice procedure, with a classical ascending concentrations method. The results showed that, whatever the odorant (PEA or BUT), AIC trigeminal activation produced a decrease in the olfactory thresholds, corresponding to an increase in olfactory sensitivity. These data confirm that in physiological conditions the trigeminal system modulates the activity of olfactory receptor cells but do not exclude the possibility of a central modulation of olfactory information by trigeminal stimuli. These findings are discussed in terms of methodological and physiological conditions.  相似文献   

We have used the effects of self- and cross-adaptation on the unitary responses of olfactory receptors of the tiger salamander to odor stimulation to investigate the stimulus-specific components of these responses and to provide information about the cross-cell variations in the numbers and numbers of types of constitutent receptive sites. An olfactometer delivered sequential odorous pulses, either juxtaposed or separated by a variable time delay. We used four pairs of odorants judged to be similar within a given pair. The unitary response to the test stimulation relative to that of the conditioning stimulation varied from being unchanged to being completely eliminated. We sometimes observed substantial poststimulus increases in the firing rate following stimulation with juxtaposed odorous pulse. Except in the case of one odorant pair, cross-adaptation occurred both with juxtaposed pulses and with pulses separated in time. With the methyl butyrate/ethyl butyrate odorant pair, however, statistically significant cross-adaptation appeared only with juxtaposed pulses. We propose a simple model to aid in explaining these phenomena. The experimental observations in conjunction with this model are used to obtain estimates of the maximal and minimal number of receptive site types available for interaction with the chosen odorants.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns and selectivity in unitary responses of 100 single olfactory receptors in the tiger salamander to odor stimulation were investigated. An olfactometer which permitted control of stimulus concentration, duration, and flow rate was calibrated with a gas chromatograph. Stimulus pulses were monitored by recording the electroolfactogram from the surface of the olfactory epithelium. Both diphasic and triphasic spikes were recorded extracellularly. No discernible differences in types of responses, reproducibility of responses, and cross-unit distribution of spontaneous rates distinguished diphasic from triphasic units. The cross-unit selectivity in responses to the seven olfactory stimulants used and the range of odorant concentrations which effectively evoked these responses suggest variations in types and number of types of receptive sites on each cell. Temporal patterns in the unitary responses were generally less complex than those observed in the olfactory bulb. Phasic stimulations evoked phasic patterns. Tonic stimulations evoked phasic/tonic patterns. Occasionally poststimulus depressions or elevations in firing rates were observed. The nature of these patterns varied somewhat with odorant concentration for a particular unit.  相似文献   

We have applied a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) approach to analyze the chemical parameters that determine the relative sensitivity of olfaction and nasal chemesthesis to a common set of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). We used previously reported data on odor detection thresholds (ODTs) and nasal pungency thresholds (NPTs) from 64 VOCs belonging to 7 chemical series (acetate esters, carboxylic acids, alcohols, aliphatic aldehydes, alkylbenzenes, ketones, and terpenes). The analysis tested whether NPTs could be used to separate out "selective" chemosensory effects (i.e., those resting on the transfer of VOCs from the gas phase to the receptor phase) from "specific" chemosensory effects in ODTs. Previous work showed that selective effects overwhelmingly dominate chemesthetic potency whereas both selective and specific effects control olfactory potency. We conclude that it is indeed possible to use NPTs to separate out selective from specific effects in ODTs. Among the series studied, aldehydes and acids, except for formic acid, show clear specific effects in their olfactory potency. Furthermore, for VOCs whose odor potency rests mainly on selective effects, we have developed a QSAR equation that can predict their ODTs based on their NPTs.  相似文献   

The postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) that form the ganglion cell light response were isolated by polarizing the cell membrane with extrinsic currents while stimulating at either the center or surround of the cell's receptive field. The time-course and receptive field properties of the PSPs were correlated with those of the bipolar and amacrine cells. The tiger salamander retina contains four main types of ganglion cell: "on" center, "off" center, "on-off", and a "hybrid" cell that responds transiently to center, but sustainedly, to surround illumination. The results lead to these inferences. The on-ganglion cell receives excitatory synpatic input from the on bipolars and that synapse is "silent" in the dark. The off-ganglion cell receives excitatory synaptic input from the off bipolars with this synapse tonically active in the dark. The on-off and hybrid ganglion cells receive a transient excitatory input with narrow receptive field, not simply correlated with the activity of any presynaptic cell. All cell types receive a broad field transient inhibitory input, which apparently originates in the transient amacrine cells. Thus, most, but not all, ganglion cell responses can be explained in terms of synaptic inputs from bipolar and amacrine cells, integrated at the ganglion cell membrane.  相似文献   

Kono M  Crouch RK  Oprian DD 《Biochemistry》2005,44(2):799-804
A triple mutant (F86L/T93P/S118T; bovine rhodopsin numbering) of the tiger salamander UV cone pigment appears to be trapped in an open conformation that is metarhodopsin-II-like. The pigment is able to activate transducin in the dark, and the ligand-free apoprotein is also able to activate transducin constitutively. The pigment permits protons and chloride ions from solution access to the active site as it displays a pH- and NaCl-dependent absorption spectrum not observed with the wild-type pigment. However, the wild-type properties of light-dependent activity and a pH-independent absorption spectrum are recovered upon reconstitution of the triple mutant with 11-cis-9-demethyl retinal. These results suggest that binding the native chromophore cannot deactivate the protein because of steric interactions between the protein, possibly residue 118, and the 9-methyl group of the chromophore. Furthermore, the absorption spectrum of the 9-demethyl retinal regenerated pigment exhibits a band broader and with lower extinction at the absorption maximum than either the human blue or salamander UV wild-type pigments generated with the same retinal analogue. The broad spectrum appears to be comprised of two or more species and can be well-fit by a sum of scaled spectra of the two wild-type pigments. Binding the chromophore appears to trap the pigment in two or more conformations. The triple mutant reported here represents the first example of a dark-active cone pigment and constitutively active cone opsin.  相似文献   

Duchamp  A. 《Chemical senses》1982,7(2):191-210
Extracellular recordings were performed from olfactory bulbneurons in the frog. The odour stimuli were the same as thosepreviously used for studying the receptor cells in the sameanimal species and were delivered at similar concentrations(Revial et al., 1982). The general properties of the neuronresponses are presented and discussed with reference to homologousproperties of olfactory receptor cells. The response rates elicitedby different stimuli from the bulbar neurons were found to behighly correlated with those elicited from receptor cells. Theindividual cell selectivity was better in the bulb than in theolfactory epithelium. The olfactory bulb neurons seemed to improvethe discrimination between stimuli (enantiomers) poorly distinguishedby the receptor cells. Reducing odor concentration caused therate of suppressive response to decrease faster than that ofexcitatory ones, suggesting that the manifestations of inhibitoryprocesses in some neurons requires a high level of excitationin others.  相似文献   

There are two basic designs of the aquatic feeding mechanism in lower vertebrates: unidirectional and bidirectional flow systems. Larval salamanders and most fishes posses a unidirectional flow design in which water drawn into the mouth with the prey passes over the gills and exits posteriorly. Metamorphosed salamanders and all other aquatic vertebrates possess a bidirectional system in which water flows into and out of the mouth during a single feeding cycle. We investigated the functional consequences of these two feeding designs in larval and metamorphosed tiger salamanders ( Ambystoma tigrinum ) feeding in the water. Buccal cavity pressures were measured during feeding and 11 variables measured from the pressure traces. Significant differences were found between the larval and metamorphosed salamanders in eight variables. Larval salamanders generate significantly greater negative pressures than do metamorphosed individuals and a principal components analysis of the 11 pressure variables completely separates larval from metamorphosed salamanders. Larval individuals are significantly better at capturing elusive prey than are metamorphosed salamanders, apparently because of changes in the structure of the feeding mechanism and the concomitant functional modifications.  相似文献   

We have correlated the membrane properties and synaptic inputs of interplexiform cells (IPCs) with their morphology using whole-cell patch-clamp and Lucifer yellow staining in retinal slices. Three morphological types were identified: (a) a bistratified IPC with descending processes ramifying in both sublaminas a and b of the inner plexiform layer (IPL), and an ascending process that branched in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) and originated from the soma, (b) another bistratified IPC with descending processes ramifying in both sublaminas a and b, and an ascending process that branched in the OPL and originated directly from IPC processes in the IPL, and (c) a monostratified IPC with a descending process ramifying over large lateral extents within the most distal stratum of the IPL, and sending an ascending process to the OPL with little branching. Similar voltage- gated currents were measured in all three types including: (a) a transient inward sodium current, (b) an outward potassium current, and (c) an L-type calcium current. All cells generated multiple spikes with frequency increasing monotonically with the magnitude of injected current. The IPCs that send their descending processes into both sublaminas of the IPL (bistratified) receive excitatory synaptic inputs at both light ON and OFF that decay with a time constant of approximately 1.3 s. Slowly decaying excitation at both ON and OFF suggests that bistratified IPCs may spike continuously in the presence of a dynamic visual environment.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the olfactory bulb, the first processing center after the sensory cells in the olfactory pathway, plays a role in olfactory adaptation, odor sensitivity enhancement by motivation and other olfactory psychophysical phenomena. In a mathematical model based on the bulbar anatomy and physiology, the inputs from the higher olfactory centers to the inhibitory cells in the bulb are shown to be able to modulate the response, and thus the sensitivity of the bulb to specific odor inputs. It follows that the bulb can decrease its sensitivity to a pre-existing and detected odor (adaptation) while remaining sensitive to new odors, or increase its sensitivity to interested searching odors. Other olfactory psychophysical phenomena such as cross-adaptation etc. are discussed as well.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether the recordingof chemosensory evoked potentials (CSEP) in healthy subjects(n = 11) can be helpful in differentiating the olfactory ortrigeminal component possessed by odorants. By recording fromseveral positions on the surface of the skull it was attemptedto ascertain whether different generators are responsible forCSEP associated with the different sensory components of odorants.Birhinal stimulation was used in order to establish an interactionbetween the stimulated side and the stimulated sensory channel.The four substances carbon dioxide, menthol, hydrogen sulphideand vanillin were tested. EEG was recorded from eight positions. The CSEPs' topographical distribution revealed differences inthe location of maximum amplitudes following stimulation withdifferent types of stimulants. Largest amplitudes always appearedat the vertex when trigeminal stimulants (menthol, carbon dioxide)were presented, whereas olfactory substances (vanillin, hydrogensulphide) elicited maximal amplitudes at parietal and centralsites. This suggests that at least two neuronal populationsare involved in the cortical generation of CSEP. Another interestingfinding was that the evoked potentials differed in relationto the stimulated side. Generally, responses to carbon dioxide,menthol and hydrogen sulphide had shorter latencies and smalleramplitudes after stimulation of the left nostril. In contrast,after stimulation with vanillin latencies were shorter and amplitudestended to be smaller after stimulation of the right side. Sincevanillin was the only substance which always evoked pleasantand positive associations, it was assumed that the differencesin CSEP after stimulation of the two nostrils are related tothe different processing of emotional information within thetwo hemispheres.  相似文献   

In the tiger salamnder the distribution of optic fibers, as revealed by the Fink-Heimer method, is compared with the localization of acetylcholinesterase, as revealed by histochemical methods. AChE activity coincides with optic nerve axons in the optic fiber layer of the retina, in the optic nerve, in the optic tracts and in every optic projection. Reginons of optic fiber terminals show heavier activity than optic fibers of passage. Comparison with other vertebrates is also made.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that alternative trophic morphologies are adaptive because they allow a broad use of resources in heterogeneous environments. The development of a cannibal morphology is expected to result in cannibalism and high individual fitness, but conflicting results show that the situation is more complex. The goal of the present study was to increase our understanding of the ultimate benefits of a cannibalistic polyphenism by determining temporal changes in the feeding habits and biomass intake in a population of tiger salamanders ( Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum ). Cannibals in this species develop a larger head than typicals and have prominent teeth, both useful for consuming large prey. Although cannibalism was only detected in cannibal morphs, large temporal variation in resource partitioning was found between morphs. The two morphs always differed in their foraging habits, but cannibalism mainly occurred immediately after the ontogenetic divergence between morphs. Cannibals shifted their foraging later to a more planktivorous diet (i.e. the primarily prey of the typical morph). Cannibals also obtained more prey biomass than typicals. These results indicate that the cannibalistic morph is advantageous over the typical development, but that these advantages vary ontogenetically. Although the results obtained are consistent with models predicting the maintenance of cannibalism polyphenism in natural populations, they show that the foraging tactics utilized by cannibal morphs, and the fitness consequences accrued by such tactics, are likely to be more complex and dynamic than previous studies have suggested.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 373–382.  相似文献   

Gustatory receptor cells, isolated from the lingual epitheliumof larval tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum), possess avariety of voltage- and ion-dependent conductances, includinga transient Na+ -current (INa), a voltage-gated Ca2+ -current(IA). a transient K+ -current (IA), a delayed rectifier K+ -current(IK), and a Ca2+ -activated K+ -current (IK(Ca))- By use ofwhole-cell and excised-patch tight-seal recording techniques,we examined the effects of taste stimuli on the conductancesof taste cells from the tiger salamander. Depolarizing receptorpotentials elicited by NaCl were associated with slow, gradedinward currents which were composed of amiloride-sensitive andtetrodoxin-(TTX)-sensitive components. Potassium chloride producedmaintained inward currents, which usually showed both phasicand tonic components and were only partially blocked by tetraethylammoniumchloride (TEA). Citric and acetic acids elicited slow depolarizationsin taste cells. Under voltage-clamp, acids produced graded inwardcurrents which were composed of two components: one attributableto a transient block of voltage-dependent K+ -channels and asmaller component which may have resulted from an increasedconductance to cations. Quinine hydrochloride elicited slowdepolarization of taste cells which was associated with a slowlydeveloping maintained inward current under voltage-clamp. Quininesuppressed both voltage-dependent inward and outward currents.In some taste cells, L-arginine elicited small outward currentswhich were attributable to an increase in K+ conductance. Inother cells, L-arginine produced a decrease in voltage-dependentoutward currents and generated depolarizations associated withinward currents. These results indicate that several independentmechanisms, including amiloride-sensitive Na+ -channels, andstimulus modulation of voltage-dependent K+ -channels, are involvedin taste cell responses to chemical stimuli. More than one mechanismis typically present in a single cell. 3Present address: Department of Physiology, Tokyo Medical andDental University, 5-45 Yushima 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113,Japan  相似文献   

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