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With the advent of the microarray technology, the field of life science has been greatly revolutionized, since this technique allows the simultaneous monitoring of the expression levels of thousands of genes in a particular organism. However, the statistical analysis of expression data has its own challenges, primarily because of the huge amount of data that is to be dealt with, and also because of the presence of noise, which is almost an inherent characteristic of microarray data. Clustering is one tool used to mine meaningful patterns from microarray data. In this paper, we present a novel method of clustering yeast microarray data, which is robust and yet simple to implement. It identifies the best clusters from a given dataset on the basis of the population of the clusters as well as the variance of the feature values of the members from the cluster-center. It has been found to yield satisfactory results even in the presence of noisy data.  相似文献   



Time-course microarray experiments can produce useful data which can help in understanding the underlying dynamics of the system. Clustering is an important stage in microarray data analysis where the data is grouped together according to certain characteristics. The majority of clustering techniques are based on distance or visual similarity measures which may not be suitable for clustering of temporal microarray data where the sequential nature of time is important. We present a Granger causality based technique to cluster temporal microarray gene expression data, which measures the interdependence between two time-series by statistically testing if one time-series can be used for forecasting the other time-series or not.  相似文献   

Computational analysis methods for gene expression data gathered in microarray experiments can be used to identify the functions of previously unstudied genes. While obtaining the expression data is not a difficult task, interpreting and extracting the information from the datasets is challenging. In this study, a knowledge-based approach which identifies and saves important functional genes before filtering based on variability and fold change differences was utilized to study light regulation. Two clustering methods were used to cluster the filtered datasets, and clusters containing a key light regulatory gene were located. The common genes to both of these clusters were identified, and the genes in the common cluster were ranked based on their coexpression to the key gene. This process was repeated for 11 key genes in 3 treatment combinations. The initial filtering method reduced the dataset size from 22,814 probes to an average of 1134 genes, and the resulting common cluster lists contained an average of only 14 genes. These common cluster lists scored higher gene enrichment scores than two individual clustering methods. In addition, the filtering method increased the proportion of light responsive genes in the dataset from 1.8% to 15.2%, and the cluster lists increased this proportion to 18.4%. The relatively short length of these common cluster lists compared to gene groups generated through typical clustering methods or coexpression networks narrows the search for novel functional genes while increasing the likelihood that they are biologically relevant.  相似文献   

Validating clustering for gene expression data   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
MOTIVATION: Many clustering algorithms have been proposed for the analysis of gene expression data, but little guidance is available to help choose among them. We provide a systematic framework for assessing the results of clustering algorithms. Clustering algorithms attempt to partition the genes into groups exhibiting similar patterns of variation in expression level. Our methodology is to apply a clustering algorithm to the data from all but one experimental condition. The remaining condition is used to assess the predictive power of the resulting clusters-meaningful clusters should exhibit less variation in the remaining condition than clusters formed by chance. RESULTS: We successfully applied our methodology to compare six clustering algorithms on four gene expression data sets. We found our quantitative measures of cluster quality to be positively correlated with external standards of cluster quality.  相似文献   



Clustering is a key step in the analysis of gene expression data, and in fact, many classical clustering algorithms are used, or more innovative ones have been designed and validated for the task. Despite the widespread use of artificial intelligence techniques in bioinformatics and, more generally, data analysis, there are very few clustering algorithms based on the genetic paradigm, yet that paradigm has great potential in finding good heuristic solutions to a difficult optimization problem such as clustering.  相似文献   

A data-driven clustering method for time course gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gene expression over time is, biologically, a continuous process and can thus be represented by a continuous function, i.e. a curve. Individual genes often share similar expression patterns (functional forms). However, the shape of each function, the number of such functions, and the genes that share similar functional forms are typically unknown. Here we introduce an approach that allows direct discovery of related patterns of gene expression and their underlying functions (curves) from data without a priori specification of either cluster number or functional form. Smoothing spline clustering (SSC) models natural properties of gene expression over time, taking into account natural differences in gene expression within a cluster of similarly expressed genes, the effects of experimental measurement error, and missing data. Furthermore, SSC provides a visual summary of each cluster's gene expression function and goodness-of-fit by way of a 'mean curve' construct and its associated confidence bands. We apply this method to gene expression data over the life-cycle of Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans to discover 17 and 16 unique patterns of gene expression in each species, respectively. New and previously described expression patterns in both species are discovered, the majority of which are biologically meaningful and exhibit statistically significant gene function enrichment. Software and source code implementing the algorithm, SSClust, is freely available (http://genemerge.bioteam.net/SSClust.html).  相似文献   



The availability of microarrays measuring thousands of genes simultaneously across hundreds of biological conditions represents an opportunity to understand both individual biological pathways and the integrated workings of the cell. However, translating this amount of data into biological insight remains a daunting task. An important initial step in the analysis of microarray data is clustering of genes with similar behavior. A number of classical techniques are commonly used to perform this task, particularly hierarchical and K-means clustering, and many novel approaches have been suggested recently. While these approaches are useful, they are not without drawbacks; these methods can find clusters in purely random data, and even clusters enriched for biological functions can be skewed towards a small number of processes (e.g. ribosomes).  相似文献   

Dynamic model-based clustering for time-course gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microarray technology has produced a huge body of time-course gene expression data. Such gene expression data has proved useful in genomic disease diagnosis and genomic drug design. The challenge is how to uncover useful information in such data. Cluster analysis has played an important role in analyzing gene expression data. Many distance/correlation- and static model-based clustering techniques have been applied to time-course expression data. However, these techniques are unable to account for the dynamics of such data. It is the dynamics that characterize the data and that should be considered in cluster analysis so as to obtain high quality clustering. This paper proposes a dynamic model-based clustering method for time-course gene expression data. The proposed method regards a time-course gene expression dataset as a set of time series, generated by a number of stochastic processes. Each stochastic process defines a cluster and is described by an autoregressive model. A relocation-iteration algorithm is proposed to identity the model parameters and posterior probabilities are employed to assign each gene to an appropriate cluster. A bootstrapping method and an average adjusted Rand index (AARI) are employed to measure the quality of clustering. Computational experiments are performed on a synthetic and three real time-course gene expression datasets to investigate the proposed method. The results show that our method allows the better quality clustering than other clustering methods (e.g. k-means) for time-course gene expression data, and thus it is a useful and powerful tool for analyzing time-course gene expression data.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis for clustering gene expression data   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
MOTIVATION: There is a great need to develop analytical methodology to analyze and to exploit the information contained in gene expression data. Because of the large number of genes and the complexity of biological networks, clustering is a useful exploratory technique for analysis of gene expression data. Other classical techniques, such as principal component analysis (PCA), have also been applied to analyze gene expression data. Using different data analysis techniques and different clustering algorithms to analyze the same data set can lead to very different conclusions. Our goal is to study the effectiveness of principal components (PCs) in capturing cluster structure. Specifically, using both real and synthetic gene expression data sets, we compared the quality of clusters obtained from the original data to the quality of clusters obtained after projecting onto subsets of the principal component axes. RESULTS: Our empirical study showed that clustering with the PCs instead of the original variables does not necessarily improve, and often degrades, cluster quality. In particular, the first few PCs (which contain most of the variation in the data) do not necessarily capture most of the cluster structure. We also showed that clustering with PCs has different impact on different algorithms and different similarity metrics. Overall, we would not recommend PCA before clustering except in special circumstances.  相似文献   

An improved algorithm for clustering gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Recent advancements in microarray technology allows simultaneous monitoring of the expression levels of a large number of genes over different time points. Clustering is an important tool for analyzing such microarray data, typical properties of which are its inherent uncertainty, noise and imprecision. In this article, a two-stage clustering algorithm, which employs a recently proposed variable string length genetic scheme and a multiobjective genetic clustering algorithm, is proposed. It is based on the novel concept of points having significant membership to multiple classes. An iterated version of the well-known Fuzzy C-Means is also utilized for clustering. RESULTS: The significant superiority of the proposed two-stage clustering algorithm as compared to the average linkage method, Self Organizing Map (SOM) and a recently developed weighted Chinese restaurant-based clustering method (CRC), widely used methods for clustering gene expression data, is established on a variety of artificial and publicly available real life data sets. The biological relevance of the clustering solutions are also analyzed.  相似文献   

Model-based clustering and data transformations for gene expression data.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
MOTIVATION: Clustering is a useful exploratory technique for the analysis of gene expression data. Many different heuristic clustering algorithms have been proposed in this context. Clustering algorithms based on probability models offer a principled alternative to heuristic algorithms. In particular, model-based clustering assumes that the data is generated by a finite mixture of underlying probability distributions such as multivariate normal distributions. The issues of selecting a 'good' clustering method and determining the 'correct' number of clusters are reduced to model selection problems in the probability framework. Gaussian mixture models have been shown to be a powerful tool for clustering in many applications. RESULTS: We benchmarked the performance of model-based clustering on several synthetic and real gene expression data sets for which external evaluation criteria were available. The model-based approach has superior performance on our synthetic data sets, consistently selecting the correct model and the number of clusters. On real expression data, the model-based approach produced clusters of quality comparable to a leading heuristic clustering algorithm, but with the key advantage of suggesting the number of clusters and an appropriate model. We also explored the validity of the Gaussian mixture assumption on different transformations of real data. We also assessed the degree to which these real gene expression data sets fit multivariate Gaussian distributions both before and after subjecting them to commonly used data transformations. Suitably chosen transformations seem to result in reasonable fits. AVAILABILITY: MCLUST is available at http://www.stat.washington.edu/fraley/mclust. The software for the diagonal model is under development. CONTACT: kayee@cs.washington.edu. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/kayee/model.  相似文献   

Yuan M  Kendziorski C 《Biometrics》2006,62(4):1089-1098
Although both clustering and identification of differentially expressed genes are equally essential in most microarray studies, the two tasks are often conducted without regard to each other. This is clearly not the most efficient way of extracting information. The main aim of this article is to develop a coherent statistical method that can simultaneously cluster and detect differentially expressed genes. Through information sharing between the two tasks, the proposed approach gives more sensible clustering among genes and is more sensitive in identifying differentially expressed genes. The improvement over existing methods is illustrated in both our simulation results and a case study.  相似文献   

Gene-Ontology-based clustering of gene expression data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The expected correlation between genetic co-regulation and affiliation to a common biological process is not necessarily the case when numerical cluster algorithms are applied to gene expression data. GO-Cluster uses the tree structure of the Gene Ontology database as a framework for numerical clustering, and thus allowing a simple visualization of gene expression data at various levels of the ontology tree. AVAILABILITY: The 32-bit Windows application is freely available at http://www.mpibpc.mpg.de/go-cluster/  相似文献   

With the development of genomic techniques, the demand for new methods that can handle high-throughput genome-wide data effectively is becoming stronger than ever before. Compressed sensing (CS) is an emerging approach in statistics and signal processing. With the CS theory, a signal can be uniquely reconstructed or approximated from its sparse representations, which can therefore better distinguish different types of signals. However, the application of CS approach to genome-wide data analysis has been rarely investigated. We propose a novel CS-based approach for genomic data classification and test its performance in the subtyping of leukemia through gene expression analysis. The detection of subtypes of cancers such as leukemia according to different genetic markups is significant, which holds promise for the individualization of therapies and improvement of treatments. In our work, four statistical features were employed to select significant genes for the classification. With our selected genes out of 7,129 ones, the proposed CS method achieved a classification accuracy of 97.4% when evaluated with the cross validation and 94.3% when evaluated with another independent data set. The robustness of the method to noise was also tested, giving good performance. Therefore, this work demonstrates that the CS method can effectively detect subtypes of leukemia, implying improved accuracy of diagnosis of leukemia.  相似文献   

Statistical inference for simultaneous clustering of gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current methods for analysis of gene expression data are mostly based on clustering and classification of either genes or samples. We offer support for the idea that more complex patterns can be identified in the data if genes and samples are considered simultaneously. We formalize the approach and propose a statistical framework for two-way clustering. A simultaneous clustering parameter is defined as a function theta=Phi(P) of the true data generating distribution P, and an estimate is obtained by applying this function to the empirical distribution P(n). We illustrate that a wide range of clustering procedures, including generalized hierarchical methods, can be defined as parameters which are compositions of individual mappings for clustering patients and genes. This framework allows one to assess classical properties of clustering methods, such as consistency, and to formally study statistical inference regarding the clustering parameter. We present results of simulations designed to assess the asymptotic validity of different bootstrap methods for estimating the distribution of Phi(P(n)). The method is illustrated on a publicly available data set.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The study of the dynamics of regulatory processes has led to increased interest for the analysis of temporal gene expression level data. To address the dynamics of regulation, expression data are collected repeatedly over time. It is difficult to statistically represent the resulting high-dimensional data. When regulatory processes determine gene expression, time-warping is likely to be present, i.e. the sample of gene expression trajectories reflects variation not only in terms of the expression amplitudes, but also in terms of the temporal structure of gene expression. RESULTS: A non-parametric time-synchronized iterative mean updating technique is proposed to find an overall representation that corresponds to a mode of a sample of expression profiles, viewed as a random sample in function space. The proposed algorithm explores the application of previous work of Hall and Heckman to genome-wide expression data and provides an extension that includes random time-warping with the aim to synchronize timescales across genes. The proposed algorithm is universally applicable for the construction of modes for functional data with time-warping. We demonstrate the construction of mode functions for a sample of Drosophila gene expression data. The algorithm can be applied to define clusters among the observed trajectories of gene expression, without any kind of prior non-time-warped clustering, as illustrated in the numerical example.  相似文献   

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