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Most protease-substrate assays rely on short, synthetic peptide substrates consisting of native or modified cleavage sequences. These assays are inadequate for interrogating the contribution of native substrate structure distal to a cleavage site that influences enzymatic cleavage or for inhibitor screening of native substrates. Recent evidence from HIV-1 isolates obtained from individuals resistant to protease inhibitors has demonstrated that mutations distal to or surrounding the protease cleavage sites in the Gag substrate contribute to inhibitor resistance. We have developed a protease-substrate cleavage assay, termed the cleavage enzyme- cytometric bead array (CE-CBA), which relies on native domains of the Gag substrate containing embedded cleavage sites. The Gag substrate is expressed as a fluorescent reporter fusion protein, and substrate cleavage can be followed through the loss of fluorescence utilizing flow cytometry. The CE-CBA allows precise determination of alterations in protease catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(M)) imparted by protease inhibitor resistance mutations in protease and/or gag in cleavage or noncleavage site locations in the Gag substrate. We show that the CE-CBA platform can identify HIV-1 protease present in cellular extractions and facilitates the identification of small molecule inhibitors of protease or its substrate Gag. Moreover, the CE-CBA can be readily adapted to any enzyme-substrate pair and can be utilized to rapidly provide assessment of catalytic efficiency as well as systematically screen for inhibitors of enzymatic processing of substrate.  相似文献   

Androgen resistance caused by mutations in the androgen receptor gene.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Defects in the human androgen receptor cause a spectrum of defects in male phenotypic sexual development associated with abnormalities in the receptor protein assayed in cultured fibroblasts and in broken cell assays. In some patients these abnormalities are associated with absent ligand binding, in other qualitative or quantitative abnormalities of ligand binding are present, and in some no abnormality of ligand binding is detected. Analysis of the androgen gene structure in such patients has permitted identification of the causative mutation in many families. Although results of these studies often reinforce concepts established by in vitro mutagenesis studies of other steroid receptors, some mutations have provided unusual insight into the structural organization of the androgen receptor molecule.  相似文献   

Processing of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag and Gag-Pro-Pol polyproteins by the HIV-1 protease (PR) is essential for the production of infectious particles. However, the determinants governing the rates of processing of these substrates are not clearly understood. We studied the effect of substrate context on processing by utilizing a novel protease assay in which a substrate containing HIV-1 matrix (MA) and the N-terminal domain of capsid (CA) is labeled with a FlAsH (fluorescein arsenical hairpin) reagent. When the seven cleavage sites within the Gag and Gag-Pro-Pol polyproteins were placed at the MA/CA site, the rates of cleavage changed dramatically compared with that of the cognate sites in the natural context reported previously. The rate of processing was affected the most for three sites: CA/spacer peptide 1 (SP1) (≈10-fold increase), SP1/nucleocapsid (NC) (≈10-30-fold decrease), and SP2/p6 (≈30-fold decrease). One of two multidrug-resistant (MDR) PR variants altered the pattern of processing rates significantly. Cleavage sites within the Pro-Pol region were cleaved in a context-independent manner, suggesting for these sites that the sequence itself was the determinant of rate. In addition, a chimera consisting of SP1/NC P4-P1 and MA/CA P1'-P4' residues (ATIM↓PIVQ) abolished processing by wild type and MDR proteases, and the reciprocal chimera consisting of MA/CA P4-P1 and SP1/NC P1'-4' (SQNY↓IQKG) was cleaved only by one of the MDR proteases. These results suggest that complex substrate interactions both beyond the active site of the enzyme and across the scissile bond contribute to defining the rate of processing by the HIV-1 PR.  相似文献   

The defective gene DYS, which is responsible for familial dysautonomia (FD) and has been mapped to a 0.5-cM region on chromosome 9q31, has eluded identification. We identified and characterized the RNAs encoded by this region of chromosome 9 in cell lines derived from individuals homozygous for the major FD haplotype, and we observed that the RNA encoding the IkappaB kinase complex-associated protein (IKAP) lacks exon 20 and, as a result of a frameshift, encodes a truncated protein. Sequence analysis reveals a T-->C transition in the donor splice site of intron 20. In individuals bearing a minor FD haplotype, a missense mutation in exon 19 disrupts a consensus serine/threonine kinase phosphorylation site. This mutation results in defective phosphorylation of IKAP. These mutations were observed to be present in a random sample of Ashkenazi Jewish individuals, at approximately the predicted carrier frequency of FD. These findings demonstrate that mutations in the gene encoding IKAP are responsible for FD.  相似文献   

The polyprotein of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), a birnavirus, is processed by the viral protease VP4 (also named NS) to generate three polypeptides: pVP2, VP4, and VP3. Site-directed mutagenesis at 42 positions of the IPNV VP4 protein was performed to determine the active site and the important residues for the protease activity. Two residues (serine 633 and lysine 674) were critical for cleavage activity at both the pVP2-VP4 and the VP4-VP3 junctions. Wild-type activity at the pVP2-VP4 junction and a partial block (with an alteration of the cleavage specificity) at the VP4-VP3 junction were observed when replacement occurred at histidines 547 and 679. A similar observation was made when aspartic acid 693 was replaced by leucine, but wild-type activity and specificity were found when substituted by glutamine or asparagine. Sequence comparison between IPNV and two birnavirus (infectious bursal disease virus and Drosophila X virus) VP4s revealed that serine 633 and lysine 674 are conserved in these viruses, in contrast to histidines 547 and 679. The importance of serine 633 and lysine 674 is reminiscent of the protease active site of bacterial leader peptidases and their mitochondrial homologs and of the bacterial LexA-like proteases. Self-cleavage sites of IPNV VP4 were determined at the pVP2-VP4 and VP4-VP3 junctions by N-terminal sequencing and mutagenesis. Two alternative cleavage sites were also identified in the carboxyl domain of pVP2 by cumulative mutagenesis. The results suggest that VP4 cleaves the (Ser/Thr)-X-Ala / (Ser/Ala)-Gly motif, a target sequence with similarities to bacterial leader peptidases and herpesvirus protease cleavage sites.  相似文献   

In 1978, Sohar et al. described a strikingly peculiar syndrome in two Israeli sisters. These young women responded to environmental temperatures of 18 degrees C-7 degrees C with profuse sweating on large segments on their back and chest. Both had additional abnormalities, including a high-arched palate, nasal voice, depressed nasal bridge, inability to fully extend their elbows, and kyphoscoliosis. We have observed this disorder in two Norwegian brothers. Genome-wide screening in the two families, followed by saturation marker studies and linkage analysis, identified a 1.4-Mb homozygous candidate region on chromosome 19p12. The maximum multipoint LOD score was 4.22. In both families, DNA sequencing of 25 genes within the candidate region identified potentially deleterious CRLF1 sequence variants that were not found in unaffected control individuals. Our findings confirm that the cold-induced sweating syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder that is probably caused by impaired function of the CRLF1 gene, and they suggest important developmental functions for human CRLF1.  相似文献   

Dyskeratosis congenita is a rare inherited bone marrow-failure syndrome characterized by abnormal skin pigmentation, nail dystrophy, and mucosal leukoplakia. More than 80% of patients develop bone-marrow failure, and this is the major cause of premature death. The X-linked form of the disease (MIM 305000) has been shown to be caused by mutations in the DKC1 gene. The gene encodes a 514-amino-acid protein, dyskerin, that is homologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cbf5p and rat Nap57 proteins. By analogy to the homologues in other species, dyskerin is predicted to be a nucleolar protein with a role in both the biogenesis of ribosomes and, in particular, the pseudouridylation of rRNA precursors. We have determined the genomic structure of the DKC1 gene; it consists of 15 exons spanning a region of 15 kb. This has enabled us to screen for mutations in the genomic DNA, by using SSCP analysis. Mutations were detected in 21 of 37 additional families with dyskeratosis congenita that were analyzed. These mutations consisted of 11 different single-nucleotide substitutions, which resulted in 10 missense mutations and 1 putative splicing mutation within an intron. The missense change A353V was observed in 10 different families and was shown to be a recurring de novo event. Two polymorphisms were also detected, one of which resulted in the insertion of an additional lysine in the carboxy-terminal polylysine domain. It is apparent that X-linked dyskeratosis congenita is predominantly caused by missense mutations; the precise effect on the function of dyskerin remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), an acquired clonal blood disorder, is caused by the absence of glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored surface proteins due to a defect in a specific step of GPI-anchor synthesis. The cDNA of the X-linked gene, PIG-A, which encodes a protein required for this step has recently been isolated. We have carried out a molecular and functional analysis of the PIG-A gene in four cell lines deficient in GPI-linked proteins, obtained by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformation of affected B-lymphocytes from PNH patients. In all four cell lines transfection with PIG-A cDNA restored normal expression of GPI-linked proteins. In three of the four cell lines the primary lesion is a frameshift mutation. In two of these there is a reduction in the amount of full-length mRNA. The fourth cell line contains a missense mutation in PIG-A. In each case the mutation was present in the affected granulocytes from peripheral blood of the patients, but not in normal sister cell lines from the same patient. These data prove that PNH is caused in most patients by a single mutation in the PIG-A gene. The nature of the mutation can vary and most likely occurs on the active X-chromosome in an early haematopoietic stem cell.  相似文献   

Japanese juvenile retinoschisis is caused by mutations of the XLRS1 gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the XLRS1 gene in Japanese patients with retinoschisis (RS). All exons of the XLRS1 gene were sequenced in 14 males, including a pair of monozygotic twins, from 11 individual families with RS and five of their mothers who are asymptomatic but diagnosed as carriers. Six kinds of missense mutations and a nonsense mutation, including six novel mutations, were detected in all 14 patients and carriers. Mutations in the XLRS1 gene are also responsible for RS in non-Caucasian patients. Most Japanese RS cases are caused by an XLRS1 gene defect. A novel mutation, Glu72Lys, was found in four families, suggesting a common mutation in the Japanese population. Clinical features of RS patients with both the Glu72Lys and Pro193Leu mutations indicate that a genotype–phenotype correlation is not recognized in RS. Received: 12 January 1998 / Accepted: 21 March 1998  相似文献   

Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is the most common autosomal recessive disorder among southern African Blacks. There are three forms that account for almost all OCA types in this region. Tyrosinase-positive OCA (OCA2), which is the most common, affects approximately 1/3,900 newborns and has a carrier frequency of approximately 1/33. It is caused by mutations in the P gene on chromosome 15. Brown OCA (BOCA) and rufous OCA (ROCA) account for the majority of the remaining phenotypes. The prevalence of BOCA is unknown, but for ROCA it is approximately 1/8,500. Linkage analysis performed on nine ROCA families showed that ROCA was linked to an intragenic marker at the TYRP1 locus (maximum LOD score = 3.80 at straight theta=.00). Mutation analysis of 19 unrelated ROCA individuals revealed a nonsense mutation at codon 166 (S166X) in 17 (45%) of 38 ROCA chromosomes, and a second mutation (368delA) was found in an additional 19 (50%) of 38 chromosomes; mutations were not identified in the remaining 2 ROCA chromosomes. In one family, two siblings with a phenotypically unclassified form of albinism were found to be compound heterozygotes for mutations (S166X/368delA) at the TYRP1 locus and were heterozygous for a common 2.7-kb deletion in the P gene. These findings have highlighted the influence of genetic background on phenotype, in which the genotype at one locus can be influenced by the genotype at a second locus, leading to a modified phenotype. ROCA, which in southern African Blacks is caused by mutations in the TYRP1 gene, therefore should be referred to as "OCA3," since this is the third locus that has been shown to cause an OCA phenotype in humans.  相似文献   

In cells stably transfected and overexpressing the mouse mdr1 gene, multidrug resistance is associated with an increased ATP-dependent drug efflux. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence of the MDR1 protein revealed the presence of two putative nucleotide-binding sites (NBS). To assess the functional importance of these NBS in the overall drug resistance phenotype conferred by mdr1, we introduced amino acid substitutions in the core consensus sequence for nucleotide binding, GXGKST. Mutants bearing the sequence GXAKST or GXGRST at either of the two NBS of mdr1 and a double mutant harboring the sequence GXGRST at both NBS were generated. The integrity of the two NBS was essential for the biological activity of mdr1, since all five mutants were unable to confer drug resistance to hamster drug-sensitive cells in transfection experiments. Conversely, a lysine-to-arginine substitution outside the core consensus sequence had no effect on the activity of mdr1. Failure to reduce intracellular accumulation of [3H]vinblastine paralleled the loss of activity in cell clones expressing mutant MDR1 proteins. However, the ability to bind the photoactivatable ATP analog 8-azido ATP was retained in the five inactive MDR1 mutants. This result implies that an essential step subsequent to ATP binding is impaired in these mutants, possibly ATP hydrolysis or secondary conformational changes induced by ATP-binding or hydrolysis. Our results suggest that the two NBS function in a cooperative fashion, since mutations in a single NBS completely abrogated the biological activity of mdr1.  相似文献   

In retroviruses, the viral protease (PR) is released as a mature protein by cleavage of Gag, Gag-Pro, or Gag-Pro-Pol precursor polypeptides. In avian sarcoma and leukemia viruses (ASLV), PR forms the C-terminal domain of Gag. Based on the properties of a mutation (cs22) in the cleavage site between the upstream NC domain and the PR domain, the proteolytic liberation of PR previously was inferred to be essential for processing of Gag and Pol proteins. To study this process in more detail, we have analyzed the effects that several mutations at the NC-PR cleavage site have on proteolytic processing in virus-like particles expressed in COS and quail cells. Mutant Gag proteins carrying the same mutations also were synthesized in vitro and tested for processing with purified PR. In both types of studies, N-terminal sequencing of the liberated PR domain was carried out to exactly identify the site of cleavage. Finally, synthetic peptides corresponding to the mutant proteins were assessed for the ability to act as substrates for PR. The results were all consistent and led to the following conclusions. (i) In vivo, if normal processing between NC and PR is prevented by mutations, limited cleavage occurs at a previously unrecognized alternative site three amino acids downstream, i.e., in PR. This N-terminally truncated PR is inactive as an enzyme, as inferred from the global processing defect in cs22 and a similar mutant. (ii) In Gag proteins translated in vitro, purified PR cleaves this alternative site as rapidly as it does the wild-type site. (iii) Contrary to previously accepted rules describing retroviral cleavage sites, an isoleucine residue placed at the P1 position of the NC-PR cleavage site does not hinder normal processing. (iv) A proline residue placed at the P2 position in this cleavage site blocks normal processing.  相似文献   

Taha TA  El-Alwani M  Hannun YA  Obeid LM 《FEBS letters》2006,580(26):6047-6054
Previous work has identified sphingosine kinase-1 (SK1) as a substrate for the cysteine protease cathepsin B in vitro. In this study, the mechanism of SK1 cleavage by cathepsin B was investigated. We identified two initial cleavage sites for the protease, the first at histidine 122 and the second at arginine 199. Mutation analysis showed that replacement of histidine 122 with a tyrosine maintained the activity of SK1 while significantly reducing cleavage by cathepsin B at the initial cleavage site. The efficacy of cleavage of SK1 at arginine 199, however, was not affected. These studies demonstrate that SK1 is cleaved by cathepsin B in a sequential manner after basic amino acids, and that the initial cleavages at the two identified sites occur independently of each other.  相似文献   

Mutations in OPA1 are the most frequent cause underlying autosomal dominant optic atrophy (adOA). Until now only few putative splicing mutations in the OPA1 gene have been investigated at the mRNA level and all these result in exon skipping. Here, we report the identification and cDNA analysis of four intronic and three exonic OPA1 gene mutations that cause a variety of splicing defects including activation of cryptic splice sites in either flanking exon or intron sequences, and a leaky splicing mutation. Our results show that cDNA analysis is of prime importance for the full evaluation of the effect of putative splicing mutations in the OPA1 gene.  相似文献   

2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (MHBD) deficiency is a novel inborn error of isoleucine degradation. In this article, we report the elucidation of the molecular basis of MHBD deficiency. To this end, we purified the enzyme from bovine liver. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis revealed that the purified protein was identical to bovine 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase type II. The human homolog of this bovine enzyme is a short-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, also known as the "endoplasmic reticulum-associated amyloid-beta binding protein" (ERAB). This led to the identification of the X-chromosomal gene involved, which previously had been denoted "HADH2." Sequence analysis of the HADH2 gene from patients with MHBD deficiency revealed the presence of two missense mutations (R130C and L122V). Heterologous expression of the mutant cDNAs in Escherichia coli showed that both mutations almost completely abolish enzyme activity. This confirms that MHBD deficiency is caused by mutations in the HADH2 gene.  相似文献   

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