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High-density DNA probe arrays provide a massively parallel approach to nucleic acid sequence analysis that is transforming gene-based biomedical research and diagnostics. Light-directed combinatorial oligonucleotide synthesis has enabled the large-scale production of GeneChip probe arrays which contain several hundred of thousand oligonucleotide sequences on glass "chips" about one cm2 in size. Due to their very high information content, GeneChip probe arrays are finding widespread use in the hybridization-based detection and analysis of mutations and polymorphisms ("genotyping"), and in a wide range of gene expression studies. The manufacturing process integrates solid-phase photochemical oligonucleotide synthesis with lithographic techniques adapted from the microelectronics industry. The present-generation methodology employs MeNPOC photo-activatable nucleoside monomers with proximity photolithography, and is currently capable of printing individual 10 microns 2 probe features at a density of 10(6) probes/cm2.  相似文献   



Normalization is an important step for microarray data analysis to minimize biological and technical variations. Choosing a suitable approach can be critical. The default method in GeneChip expression microarray uses a constant factor, the scaling factor (SF), for every gene on an array. The SF is obtained from a trimmed average signal of the array after excluding the 2% of the probe sets with the highest and the lowest values.


Among the 76 U34A GeneChip experiments, the total signals on each array showed 25.8% variations in terms of the coefficient of variation, although all microarrays were hybridized with the same amount of biotin-labeled cRNA. The 2% of the probe sets with the highest signals that were normally excluded from SF calculation accounted for 34% to 54% of the total signals (40.7% ± 4.4%, mean ± sd). In comparison with normalization factors obtained from the median signal or from the mean of the log transformed signal, SF showed the greatest variation. The normalization factors obtained from log transformed signals showed least variation.


Eliminating 40% of the signal data during SF calculation failed to show any benefit. Normalization factors obtained with log transformed signals performed the best. Thus, it is suggested to use the mean of the logarithm transformed data for normalization, rather than the arithmetic mean of signals in GeneChip gene expression microarrays.

All tested accessions of Arabidopsis are resistant to the fungal pathogen Alternaria brassicicola. Resistance is compromised by pad3 or coi1 mutations, suggesting that it requires the Arabidopsis phytoalexin camalexin and jasmonic acid (JA)-dependent signaling, respectively. This contrasts with most well-studied Arabidopsis pathogens, which are controlled by salicylic acid-dependent responses and do not benefit from absence of camalexin or JA. Here, mutants with defects in camalexin synthesis (pad1, pad2, pad3, and pad5) or in JA signaling (pad1, coi1) were found to be more susceptible than wild type. Mutants with defects in salicylic acid (pad4 and sid2) or ethylene (ein2) signaling remained resistant. Plant responses to A. brassicicola were characterized using expression profiling. Plants showed dramatic gene expression changes within 12 h, persisting at 24 and 36 h. Wild-type and pad3 plants responded similarly, suggesting that pad3 does not have a major effect on signaling. The response of coi1 plants was quite different. Of the 645 genes induced by A. brassicicola in wild-type and pad3 plants, 265 required COI1 for full expression. It is likely that some of the COI1-dependent genes are important for resistance to A. brassicicola. Responses to A. brassicicola were compared with responses to Pseudomonas syringae infection. Despite the fact that these pathogens are limited by different defense responses, approximately 50% of the induced genes were induced in response to both pathogens. Among these, requirements for COI1 were consistent after infection by either pathogen, suggesting that the regulatory effect of COI1 is similar regardless of the initial stimulus.  相似文献   

Gravitropic response is a plant growth response against changing its position relative to the gravity vector. In the present work we studied actin cytoskeleton rearrangements during Arabidopsis root gravitropic response. Two alternative approaches were used to visualize actin microfilaments: histochemical staining of fixed roots with rhodamine-phalloidin and live imaging of microfilaments in GFP-fABD2 transgenic plants. The curvature of actin microfilaments was shown to be increased within 30–60 min of gravistimulation, the fraction of axially oriented microfilaments decreased with a concomitant increase in the fraction of oblique and transversally oriented microfilaments. Methodological issues of actin cytoskeleton visualization in the study of Arabidopsis root gravitropic response, as well as the role of microfilaments at the stages of gravity perception, signal transduction and gravitropic bending formation are discussed. It is concluded that the actin cytoskeleton rearrangements observed are associated with the regulation of basic mechanisms of cell extension growth by which the gravitropic bending is formed.  相似文献   



Extracting biological information from high-density Affymetrix arrays is a multi-step process that begins with the accurate annotation of microarray probes. Shortfalls in the original Affymetrix probe annotation have been described; however, few studies have provided rigorous solutions for routine data analysis.  相似文献   

Motivation: High-density DNA microarrays provide us with usefultools for analyzing DNA and RNA comprehensively. However, thebackground signal caused by the non-specific binding (NSB) betweenprobe and target makes it difficult to obtain accurate measurements.To remove the background signal, there is a set of backgroundprobes on Affymetrix Exon arrays to represent the amount ofnon-specific signals, and an accurate estimation of non-specificsignals using these background probes is desirable for improvementof microarray analyses. Results: We developed a thermodynamic model of NSB on shortnucleotide microarrays in which the NSBs are modeled by duplexformation of probes and multiple hypothetical targets. We fittedthe observed signal intensities of the background probes withthose expected by the model to obtain the model parameters.As a result, we found that the presented model can improve theaccuracy of prediction of non-specific signals in comparisonwith previously proposed methods. This result will provide auseful method to correct for the background signal in oligonucleotidemicroarray analysis. Availability: The software is implemented in the R languageand can be downloaded from our website (http://www-shimizu.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp/shimizu_lab/MSNS/). Contact: furusawa{at}ist.osaka-u.ac.jp Supplementary information: Supplementary data are availableat Bioinformatics online. The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, thefirst two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors. Associate Editor: Trey Ideker  相似文献   

Root system architecture plays an important role in determining nutrient and water acquisition and is modulated by endogenous and environmental factors, resulting in considerable developmental plasticity. The orientation of primary root growth in response to gravity (gravitropism) has been studied extensively, but little is known about the behaviour of lateral roots in response to this signal. Here, we analysed the response of lateral roots to gravity and, consistently with previous observations, we showed that gravitropism was acquired slowly after emergence. Using a lateral root induction system, we studied the kinetics for the appearance of statoliths, phloem connections and auxin transporter gene expression patterns. We found that statoliths could not be detected until 1 day after emergence, whereas the gravitropic curvature of the lateral root started earlier. Auxin transporters modulate auxin distribution in primary root gravitropism. We found differences regarding PIN3 and AUX1 expression patterns between the lateral root and the primary root apices. Especially PIN3, which is involved in primary root gravitropism, was not expressed in the lateral root columella. Our work revealed new developmental transitions occurring in lateral roots after emergence, and auxin transporter expression patterns that might explain the specific response of lateral roots to gravity.  相似文献   

The immune system retains memory of current and past infections and can sense the presence of cancer by elaborating autoantibodies to tumor proteins. In the presence of an autoimmune disease, the immune system is an efficient, natural biosensor. Therefore we exploit the immune system through a high-throughput process to isolate disease-specific epitopes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. These cloned disease-specific antigens are robotically spotted onto protein microarrays and interrogated with serum from the subjects under analyses. These arrays deliver personalized profiles of antigenic exposures and therapeutic targets for personalized immunotherapy. The immune system is the ultimate biosensor, superior to anything a human could create and ready to be exploited for biotechnology and biomedicine.  相似文献   

Fabrication of DNA microarrays using unmodified oligonucleotide probes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Call DR  Chandler DP  Brockman F 《BioTechniques》2001,30(2):368-72, 374, 376 passim
Microarrays printed on glass slides are often constructed by covalently linking oligonucleotide probes to a derivatized surface. These procedures typically require relatively expensive amine- or thiol-modified oligonucleotide probes that add considerable expense to larger arrays. We describe a system by which unmodified oligonucleotide probes are bound to either nonderivatized or epoxy-silane-derivatized glass slides. Biotinylated PCR products are heat denatured, hybridized to the arrays, and detected using an enzymatic amplification system. Unmodified probes appear to detach from the slide surface at high pH (> 10.0), suggesting that hydrogen bonding plays a significant role in probe attachment. Regardless of surface preparation, high temperature (up to 65 degrees C) and low ionic strength (deionized water) do not disturb probe attachment; hence, the fabrication method described here is suitable for a wide range of hybridization stringencies and conditions. We illustrate kinetics of room temperature hybridizations for probes attached to nonderivatized slides, and we demonstrate that unmodified probes produce hybridization signals equal to amine-modified, covalently bound probes. Our method provides a cost-effective alternative to conventional attachment strategies that is particularly suitable for genotyping PCR products with nucleic acid microarrays.  相似文献   

Differences in gene expression patterns between adult and postnatal day 7 (P7) mouse cerebellum, at the peak of granule neuron migration, were analyzed by hybridization to the GLYCOv2 glycogene array. This custom designed oligonucleotide array focuses on glycosyl transferases, carbohydrate-binding proteins, proteoglycans and related genes, and 173 genes were identified as being differentially expressed with statistical confidence. Expression levels for 11 of these genes were compared by RT-PCR, and their differential expression between P7 and adult cerebellum confirmed. Within the group of genes showing differential expression, the sialyltransferases (SiaTs) and GalNAc-Ts that were elevated at P7 prefer glycoprotein substrates, whilst the SiaTs and GalNAc-Ts that were elevated in the adult preferentially modify glycolipids, consistent with a role for gangliosides in maintaining neuronal function in the adult. Also within this group, three proteoglycans--versican, bamacan and glypican-2--were elevated at P7, along with growth factor midkine, which is known to bind to multiple types of proteoglycans, and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1, whose activity is known to be influenced by heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Two sulfotransferases that can modify the extent of proteoglycan sulfation were also differentially regulated, and may modify the interaction of a subset of proteoglycans with their binding partners during cerebellar development. Bamacan, glypican-2 and midkine were shown to be expressed in different cell types, and their roles in cerebellar development during granule neuron migration and maturation are discussed.  相似文献   

To optimize oligonucleotide probe design criteria, PCR products with different similarities to probes were hybridized to a functional gene microarray designed to detect homologous genes from different organisms. In contrast to more restrictive probe designs based on a single criterion, simultaneous consideration of the percent similarity (< or =90%), the length of identical sequence stretches (< or =20 bases), and the binding free energy (> or =-35 kcal mol(-1)) was found to be predictive of probe specificity.  相似文献   

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