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The kinetics of the binding of MDL 27048 to tubulin have been studied by fluorescence stopped flow. The binding is accompanied by a fluorescence increase. The time course can be described by a sum of two exponentials, assumed to be due to the presence of two major tubulin isoforms. The observed rate constants depend in a nonlinear way on the concentration of MDL in pseudo-first-order conditions. This concentration dependence can be described by the presence of a fast equilibrium of low affinity, followed by an isomerization of the initial complex. The dissociation kinetics have been studied by displacement experiments, in which MTC was used as a competitive ligand. The reaction enthalpy change for the first binding equilibrium and the activation energies for the forward and reverse steps of the isomerization were determined from the temperature dependence. This was possible for the two tubulin isotype populations. The kinetics of the binding of MDL to tubulin are slowed down in the presence of 3',4',5'-trimethoxyacetophenone, a fast binding analog of the colchicine A-ring, but are not influenced by the binding of tropolone methyl ether, indicating that the binding site of MDL has the A-subsite in common with colchicine, but not the C-subsite.  相似文献   

Interactions of antimitotic peptides and depsipeptides with tubulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hamel E 《Biopolymers》2002,66(3):142-160
Tubulin is the target for an ever increasing number of structurally unusual peptides and depsipeptides isolated from a wide range of organisms. Since tubulin is the subunit protein of microtubules, the compounds are usually potently toxic to mammalian cells. Without exception, these (depsi)peptides disrupt cellular microtubules and prevent spindle formation. This causes cells to accumulate at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle through inhibition of mitosis. In biochemical assays, the compounds inhibit microtubule assembly from tubulin and suppress microtubule dynamics at low concentrations. Most of the (depsi)peptides inhibit the binding of Catharanthus alkaloids to tubulin in a noncompetitive manner, GTP hydrolysis by tubulin, and nucleotide turnover at the exchangeable GTP site on beta-tubulin. In general, the (depsi)peptides induce the formation of tubulin oligomers of aberrant morphology. In all cases tubulin rings appear to be formed, but these rings differ in diameter, depending on the (depsi)peptide present during their formation.  相似文献   

Two independent approaches provide evidence of cysteine residues in the vicinity of the binding sites of colchicine and vinblastine to tubulin: (1) The reactive bromoacetamide group of the affinity label bromocolchicine covalently binds to cysteine residues of tubulin; (2) vinblastine and colchicine slow down the reaction of DTNB with SH groups of tubulin.  相似文献   

A series of biochemical analyses were carried out with keratoconus and normal corneas to determine the amount of stromal collagen, degree of posttranslational modification of collagen and the solubility of collagen. Our results revealed there was no obvious alteration in the degree of posttranslational modification of collagen in keratoconus corneas. However, the amount of collagen decreases and solubility of collagen increases in keratoconus corneas. It was also found that keratoconus corneas in organ culture produce substantially more collagenase and gelatinase activities than normal corneas. Our results suggest that keratoconus may represent a collagenolytic disease.  相似文献   

R B Maccioni  C I Rivas    J C Vera 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(7):1957-1963
In previous studies we have demonstrated that a 4-kd tubulin fragment, including amino acid residues from Phe418 to Glu450 in alpha-subunit and Phe408-Ala445 of the beta-sequence, plays a major role in controlling tubulin interactions leading to microtubule assembly. The 4-kd carboxyl-terminal domain also constitutes an essential domain for the interaction of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Removal of the 4-kd fragment facilitates tubulin self-association and renders the assembly MAP-independent. In order to define the substructure of the tubulin domain for MAP interaction, we have examined the binding of 3H-acetylated C-terminal peptides to MAP-2 and tau. Two synthetic peptides from the low-homology region within the 4-kd domain alpha (430-441) and beta (422-434) and the peptide, alpha (401-410) of the high-homology region adjacent to the 4-kd domain, were analyzed with respect to MAP interaction. The binding data showed a relatively strong interaction of MAP-2 with the beta (422-434) peptide and a weaker interaction of both MAPs components with alpha (430-441) tubulin peptide as analyzed by Airfuge ultracentrifugation and zone filtration chromatography. The homologous alpha (401-410) peptide did not bind to either MAP-2 or tau. Equilibrium dialysis experiments showed a co-operative binding of beta (422-434) peptide to multiple sites in tau. The alpha (430-441) peptide exhibited a stronger interaction for tau as compared with MAP-2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cryptophycin-52 (LY355703) is currently undergoing clinical evaluation for cancer chemotherapy. It is a potent suppressor of microtubule dynamics in vitro, and low picomolar concentrations appear to inhibit cancer cell proliferation at mitosis by stabilizing spindle microtubules. In the present study, using [(3)H]cryptophycin-52, we found that the compound bound to tubulin at a single high-affinity site [apparent K(a) (3.6 +/- 1) x 10(6) L/mol, 34 degrees C]. The binding of cryptophycin-52 to tubulin was rapid, not appreciably temperature-dependent, and very poorly reversible. However, we could remove [(3)H]cryptophycin-52 from [(3)H]cryptophycin-52-tubulin complex by denaturing the complex with either urea treatment or boiling. These data suggest that the binding of cryptophycin-52 to tubulin is not covalent. A van't Hoff plot of the binding data indicated that the binding of cryptophycin-52 to tubulin is primarily entropy-driven with a minimum enthalpy contribution. In addition, cryptophycin-52 perturbed the far-ultraviolet circular dichroic spectrum of tubulin and it inhibited the colchicine-induced guanosine triphosphatase activity of tubulin, indicating that its binding to tubulin induces a conformational change in the tubulin. Competition experiments with vinblastine suggest that the binding site for crytophycin-52 may overlap with the vinblastine binding site.  相似文献   

Nielsen et al., [2001: Curr Biol 11:529-533], based on studies in Drosophila, have proposed that beta tubulin in axonemal microtubules must contain a specific acidic seven amino acid sequence in its carboxyl terminus. In mammals, the two betaIV isotypes (betaIVa and betaIVb) contain that sequence. In order to test the application of this hypothesis to mammals, we have examined the expression of beta tubulin isotypes in four different ciliated tissues (trachea, ependyma, uterine tube, and testis) using isotype-specific antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence. We find that betaIV tubulin is present in all ciliated cell types examined, but so is betaI tubulin. Taken together with recent studies that show that betaI and betaIV tubulin are both present in the cilia of vestibular hair cells, olfactory neurons, and nasal respiratory epithelial cells, we propose that both betaI tubulin and betaIV tubulin may be required for axonemal structures in mammals.  相似文献   

Pluripotent P19 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells were differentiated along the neuronal and muscle pathways. Comparisons of class I, II, III, and IV beta tubulin isotypes in total and colchicine-stable microtubule (MT) arrays from uncommitted EC, neuronal, and muscle cells were made by immunoblotting and by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. In undifferentiated EC cells the relative amounts of these four isotypes are the same in both the total and stable MT populations. Subcellular sorting of beta tubulin isotypes was demonstrated in both neuronal and muscle differentiated cells. During neuronal differentiation, class II beta tubulin is preferentially incorporated into the colchicine-stable MTs while class III beta tubulin is preferentially found in the colchicine-labile MTs. The subcellular sorting of class II into stable MTs correlates with the increased staining of MAP 1B, and with the expression of MAP 2C and tau. Although muscle differentiated cells express class II beta tubulin, stable MTs in these cells do not preferentially incorporate this isotype but instead show increased incorporation of class IV beta tubulin. Muscle cells do not show high levels of MAP 1B and do not express MAP 2C or tau. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that a subcellular sorting of tubulin isotypes is the result of a complex interaction between tubulin isotypes and MT-associated proteins.  相似文献   

Bai R  Durso NA  Sackett DL  Hamel E 《Biochemistry》1999,38(43):14302-14310
The sponge-derived antimitotic tripeptide hemiasterlin was previously shown to inhibit tubulin polymerization. We have now demonstrated that hemiasterlin resembles most other antimitotic peptides in noncompetitively inhibiting the binding of vinblastine to tubulin (apparent K(i) value, 7.0 microM), competitively inhibiting the binding of dolastatin 10 to tubulin (apparent K(i) value, 2.0 microM), stabilizing the colchicine binding activity of tubulin, inhibiting nucleotide exchange on beta-tubulin, and inducing the formation of tubulin oligomers that are stable to gel filtration in the absence of free drug, even at low drug concentrations. The tubulin oligomerization reaction induced by hemiasterlin was compared to the reactions induced by dolastatin 10 and cryptophycin 1. Like dolastatin 10, hemiasterlin induced formation of a tubulin aggregate that had the morphological appearance primarily of ring-like structures with a diameter of about 40 nm, while the morphology of the cryptophycin 1 aggregate consisted primarily of smaller rings (diameter about 30 nm). However, the hemiasterlin aggregate differed from the dolastatin 10 aggregate in that its formation was not associated with turbidity development, and the morphology of the hemiasterlin aggregate (as opposed to the dolastatin 10 aggregate) did not change greatly when microtubule-associated proteins were present (tight coils and pinwheels are observed with dolastatin 10 but not with hemiasterlin or cryptophycin 1). Opacification of tubulin-dolastatin 10 mixtures was inhibited by hemiasterlin at 22 degrees C and stimulated at 0 degrees C, while cryptophycin 1 was inhibitory at both reaction temperatures.  相似文献   

Microtubule inhibitors can be classified into two categories: 1) those which inhibit the polymerization-dependent GTPase activity of phosphocellulose-purified tubulin, but induce a significant polymerization-independent GTPase activity (e.g. colchicine, griseofulvine, daunorubicine); 2) those which inhibit the GTPase activity associated with tubulin polymerization and that induced by inhibitors of the first class (e.g. the vincaalkaloids and podophyllotoxin). The colchicine-stimulated GTPase activity of tubulin appears to be due to the tubulin.colchicine complex. This suggests that colchicine inhibits tubulin assembly by binding to a tubulin-tubulin interaction site required for the polymerization-dependent GTPase activity and induces by itself a tubulin conformational change that leads to polymerization-independent GTPase activity. Stoichiometry of inhibition by vinblastine of the colchicine-stimulated GTPase activity is 1:2. On the other hand, the inhibition by vinblastine of the tubulin self-assembly and of the polymerization-dependent GTPase activity is strongly substoichiometric at the beginning of the polymerization reaction, 1 vinblastine molecule inhibiting the ability of 10 tubulin dimers to polymerize and to hydrolyze the GTP. However, at the polymerization plateau, the inhibition effect by vinblastine appears to be lower, suggesting a selective action of vinblastine on the early stages of the polymerization reaction.  相似文献   

Cells contain multiple tubulin isotypes that are the products of different genes and posttranslational modifications. It has been proposed that tubulin isotypes become segregated into different classes of microtubules each adapted to specific activities and functions. To determine if mixtures of tubulin isotypes segregate into different classes of polymers in vitro, we used immunoelectron microscopy to examine the composition of microtubule copolymers that assembled from mixtures of purified tubulin subunits from chicken brain and erythrocytes, each of which has been shown to exhibit distinct assembly properties in vitro. We observed that (a) the two isotypes coassemble rapidly and efficiently despite the fact that each isotype exhibits its own unique biochemical and assembly properties; (b) at low monomer concentrations the ratio of tubulin isotypes changes along the lengths of elongating copolymers resulting in gradients in immuno-gold labeling; (c) two distinct classes of copolymers each containing a distinct ratio of isotypes assemble simultaneously in the same subunit mixture; and (d) subunits and polymers of different isotypes associate nearly equally well with each other, there being only a slight bias favoring interactions among subunits and polymers of the same isotype. The observations agree with previous studies on the homogeneous distribution of multiple isotypes within cells and suggest that if segregation of isotypes does occur in vivo, it is most likely directed by cell-specific microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) or specialized intracellular conditions.  相似文献   

Tubulin carboxypeptidase was found to be inhibited by myelin basic protein in a concentration dependent manner. The inhibition was produced by the interaction between myelin basic protein with the substrate. As a consequence of this interaction, turbid insoluble aggregates were formed at either 5 degrees or 37 degrees C. The turbidity increased by increasing the myelin basic protein concentration and it reached a plateau at a molar ratio of myelin basic protein to tubulin dimer of about 6. At plateau, the molar ration in the insoluble aggregates was about 6. When tubulin was in excess, the formation of the insoluble aggregates was diminished. However, if the excess of tubulin was added after the formation of the aggregates, the turbidity was not significantly affected. Turbidity was diminished by increasing the ionic strength.  相似文献   

Summary To assay the functional significance of the multiple but closely related - and -tubulin polypeptides (termed isotypes) that are expressed in mammalian cells, we have generated a number of sera that uniquely discriminate among these isotypes. These sera have been used to demonstrate that there is no subcellular sorting of either - or -tubulin isotypes among microtubules of diverse function, either in cells growing in culture or in tissues consisting of cell types that contain specialized kinds of microtubule. In spite of this failure to segregate between functionally distinct kinds of microtubule, the fact that isotype-specific amino acid sequences have been strictly conserved over extensive periods of evolutionary time argues persuasively for a functional role for the different tubulin gene products. One possibility is that they are required for specific interactions with microtubule associated proteins (MAPs), and that tubulin isotypes have coevolved with different cell type-specific MAPs with which they must interact. We have tested this hypothesis by examining the distribution of -tubulin isotypes in mammalian cerebellum in relationship to the known patterns of expression of a number of MAPs, and find that these patterns correlate in the case of M 2 and MAP 3, and M 6 and MAP 1 a. These data, plus emerging data based on a structural analysis of tau, MAP 1 b and MAP 2 obtained via sequence determination of cloned cDNAs, are discussed in terms of the possible functional significance of tubulin isotype/MAP interactionsin vivo.  相似文献   

A direct interaction between tubulin and several pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family has been demonstrated by effects on the assembly of microtubules from pure rat brain tubulin. Bcl-2, Bid, and Bad inhibit assembly sub-stoichiometrically, whereas peptides from Bak and Bax promote tubulin polymerization at near stoichiometric concentrations. These opposite effects on microtubule assembly are mutually antagonistic. The BH3 homology domains, common to all members of the family, are involved in the interaction with tubulin but do not themselves affect polymerization. Pelleting experiments with paclitaxel-stabilized microtubules show that Bak is associated with the microtubule pellet, whereas Bid remains primarily with the unpolymerized fraction. These interactions require the presence of the anionic C-termini of alpha- and beta-tubulin as they do not occur with tubulin S in which the C-termini have been removed. While in no way ruling out other pathways, such direct associations are the simplest potential regulatory mechanism for apoptosis resulting from disturbances in microtubule or tubulin function.  相似文献   

The functional significance of distinct gamma-tubulins in several unrelated eukaryotes remains an enigma due to the difficulties to investigate this question experimentally. Using specific nucleotidic and immunological probes, we have demonstrated that the two divergent Drosophila gamma-tubulins, gamma-tub23C and gamma-tub37CD, are expressed in cultured cells. Gamma-tub37CD is constantly detected at the centrosome and absent in the mitotic spindle, while gamma-tub23C is extensively recruited to the centrosome during mitosis and relocalizes in the mitotic spindle. The two gamma-tubulins exhibit distinct biochemical properties. Gamma-tub23C is present in the soluble gamma-tubulin small complexes (10S) and gamma-tubulin big complexes (35S) and is loosely associated to the cytoskeleton. In contrast, gamma-tub37CD is undetectable in the soluble fraction and exhibits a tight binding to the centrosome. Syncytial embryos also contain the two gamma-tubulin isotypes, which are differentially recruited at the centrosome. Gamma-tub23C is present in the 10S soluble complexes only, while y-tub37CD is contained in the two soluble complexes and is recruited at the centrosome where it exhibits an heterogeneous binding. These results demonstrated an heterogeneity of the two Drosophila gamma-tubulin isotypes both in the cytoskeletal and the soluble fractions. They suggest the direct implication of the 35S complex in the centrosomal recruitment of gamma-tubulin and a conditional functional redundancy between the two gamma-tubulins.  相似文献   

TOGp is the human homolog of XMAP215, a Xenopus microtubule-associated protein that promotes rapid microtubule assembly at plus ends. These proteins are thought to be critical for microtubule assembly and/or mitotic spindle formation. To understand how TOGp interacts with the microtubule lattice, we cloned full-length TOGp and various truncations for expression in a reticulocyte lysate system. Based on microtubule co-pelleting assays, the microtubule binding domain is contained within a basic 600-amino acid region near the N terminus, with critical domains flanking a region homologous to the microtubule binding domain found in the related proteins Stu2p (S. cerevisiae) and Dis1 (S. pombe). Both full-length TOGp and the N-terminal fragment show enhanced binding to microtubule ends. Full-length TOGp also binds altered polymer lattice structures including parallel protofilament sheets, antiparallel protofilament sheets induced with zinc ions, and protofilament rings, suggesting that TOGp binds along the length of individual protofilaments. The C-terminal region of TOGp has a low affinity for microtubule polymer but binds tubulin dimer. We propose a model to explain the microtubule-stabilizing and/or assembly-promoting functions of the XMAP215/TOGp family of microtubule-associated proteins based on the binding properties we have identified.  相似文献   

Microtubule assembly in vitro is sensitive to a variety of non-physiological sulfhydryl-oxidizing agents, but the physiological significance of this phenomenon is unknown, since no physiological sulfhydryl-oxidizing agent has been shown to affect microtubule assembly in vitro. We have accordingly investigated the interaction of tubulin with cystamine. We have found that millimolar concentrations of cystamine inhibit microtubule assembly and induce an abnormal form of tubulin polymerization. Cystamine-induced polymerization does not occur at cold temperature. Formation of the polymer requires reaction of cystamine with two sulfhydryls which become available at 37 degrees C. In addition, cystamine reacts with about three sulfhydryls at 0 degrees C without inducing polymerization. This latter set of sulfhydryls appear to include one or both of the previously defined beta s sulfhydryls whose reaction with N, N'-ethylene-bis(iodoacetamide) is markedly inhibited by GTP, maytansine and vinblastine [Roach, M. C. & Luduena, R. F. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 12063-12071]. Cystamine's specific manner of interacting with tubulin suggests that it may mimic an endogenous sulfhydryl-directed regulator of microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the interaction of dinitroaniline compounds with tubulin molecules have an extremely high selectivity: these substances efficiently bind to the tubulins of both plant and protozoan origins and practically do not interact with any animal and fungal tubulins despite a very high similarity between the corresponding sequences. This work summarizes and comprehensively analyzes the specific structural features and mechanisms of these interactions, in particular, the patterns of the structure and arrangement of dinitroaniline binding sites on the surface of different tubulin subunits and tubulins of various origins. Dinitroaniline binding sites are localized to the surface of longitudinal contacts between tubulin subunits and contain diamine amino acid residues (lysine or arginine), which bind the nitrile group of dinitroanilines. The localizations of these sites on the surface of identical subunits of different origins (for example, α-tubulins of plants and protozoans) coincide; however, the location of these binding sites on the surfaces of tubulin α- and β-subunits is different. The characterized sites can also be potential binding sites for other antimicrotubule compounds, in particular, cyanoacrylates.  相似文献   

beta-Tubulin is encoded in vertebrate genomes by a family of six to seven functional genes that produce six different polypeptide isotypes. We now document that although rat PC-12 cells express five of these isotypes, only two (classes II and III) accumulate significantly as a consequence of nerve growth factor-stimulated neurite outgrowth. In contrast to previous efforts that have failed to detect in vivo distinctions among different beta-tubulin isotypes, we demonstrate using immunoblotting with isotype-specific antibodies that three beta-tubulin polypeptides (classes I, II, and IV) are used preferentially for assembly of neurite microtubules (with approximately 70% of types I and II assembled but only approximately 50% of type III in polymer). Immunofluorescence localization shows that an additional isotype (V) is partially excluded from neurites. Distinctions in in vivo localization of the neuron-specific, class III isotype have also been directly observed using immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy. The sum of these efforts documents that some in vivo functional differences between tubulin isotypes do exist.  相似文献   

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