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Patients who undergo immunotherapy with a murine anti-colon carcinoma mAb (mAb17-1A) generate high titers of anti-idiotype and anti-isotype antibodies. Specifically selected anti-idiotypic antibodies that elicit in vivo a humoral and a cellular immune response against the nominal Ag can be used as surrogate Ag for immunization. We established from the B lymphocytes of a treated patient a series of EBV-transformed cell lines. Three weeks after immortalization, the cells were selected for production of antibodies (Ab2) against the Fab fragment of the murine mAb17-1A. The selected cells were cloned and screened by ELISA for specific anti-mAb17-1A idiotypic antibodies. Thirty-six out of 89 clones were anti-idiotypes. Cell culture supernatants and the purified Ig derived from 10 clones completely inhibited the specific binding of radiolabeled mAb17-1A to HT-29 colon carcinoma cells thus resembling Ab2-gamma anti-idiotypes. These cell lines which grow now in culture for 18 mo, continuously secrete IgG,K anti-Ab1-idiotype mAb. Human anti-idiotypic mAb might be candidates for vaccines when the nominal Ag itself is not available or cannot be used as such.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes from tumor-bearing patients and normal individuals have been fused with the NS-1 mouse myeloma line or the LICR -LON- HMY2 ( LICR -2) or SK0 -007 human cell lines. For a given number of lymphocytes, fusions with NS-1 produced 8 times more clones than fusions with LICR -2 and greater than 20 times more clones than fusions with SK0 -007. The percentage of clones that secrete human immunoglobulin (Ig) and the range of Ig production were comparable for clones derived from the three myeloma/lymphoblastoid lines. Clones derived from fusions with LICR -2 and SK0 -007 were found to secrete new species of light and heavy Ig chains in addition to those of the myeloma/lymphoblastoid lines, and clones derived from fusions with NS-1 secreted human Ig and contained both mouse and human chromosomes, which indicates that true hybrid cells were derived from fusions with each of the myeloma/lymphoblastoid lines under study. The stability of Ig production was similar for clones derived from fusions with NS-1, LICR -2, or SK0 -007; these results were comparable to those obtained with standard mouse/mouse hybrids. Stable clones producing human monoclonal antibodies that react with cell surface, cytoplasmic, cytoskeletal, nuclear, or nucleolar antigens have been isolated from tumor-bearing patients and normal individuals. A number of human monoclonal antibodies reactive with cytoskeletal antigens appear to be directed against components of the intermediate filament family. Techniques for the production of human monoclonal antibody appear to be sufficiently advanced to initiate a serological dissection of the humoral immune response to cancer.  相似文献   

A mouse representing a new hereditary cataract strain was found in a mouse colony and a new line was established strain CSM. These mice were investigated genetically, histologically and biochemically. The results suggested that this cataract was apparently inherited through two recessive autosomal genes. Histologically the denucleation process of lens fibers was abnormal and small vacuoles appeared in the equatorial region of the lens cortex at 12 days. Biochemically, insoluble protein and sodium increased in the lens with age.  相似文献   

With the goal of recovering heterologous immunoglobulin (IgG), which comprises 10-15% of the total proteins, from transgenic goat milk at 80% yield and 80% purity, we have developed and tested a two-step membrane isolation and purification process. In the first step, reported earlier by Baruah and Belfort, microfiltration was used to fractionate the milk proteins and recover > 90% of the original IgG at a purity of about 15-20% in the permeate stream. Here, we focus on ultrafiltration (UF) to increase the purity of the target protein to 80%, while maintaining a relatively high IgG yield (80%). Tangential flow UF experiments in diafiltration mode were conducted with 100 kDa cellulosic membranes to evaluate the optimal pH, ionic strength, and uniform transmembrane pressure (TMP). The TMP was kept uniform by permeate circulation in co-flow mode. The traditional approach of conducting the UF process close to the pI of the predominant whey proteins (15-40 kDa, pI 5.2), to transmit these proteins while retaining heterologous IgG (155 kDa), could not be applied here because of precipitation of residual casein at pH values lower than 8.5. Instead, the packing characteristics of the cake layer on the membrane wall, as elucidated in the Aggregate Transport Model presented by Baruah et al. was utilized to achieve a selectivity of > 15, which was sufficient to meet the stated goals of purity and yield for this difficult separation. This combined process is expected to reduce the load on subsequent purification and polishing steps for eventual therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Anaphylactic properties of mouse monoclonal IgG2a antibodies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mouse monoclonal antibodies (10 hybridoma antibodies specific for soluble antigens, 8 hybridoma antibodies specific for H-2 KD antigens, and 9 myeloma immunoglobulins, among which 5 had a known specificity) of the IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3, IgA, and IgM isotypes were studied for their ability to induce mouse mast cell degranulation in vitro, in the presence of specific antigen or after heat aggregation. Monoclonal IgG1 antibodies, as well as IgG2b, IgG3, IgA, and IgM behaved as polyclonal antibodies of corresponding classes: all IgG1 induced mast cell degranulation with typical characteristics of IgG-mediated anaphylactic reactions, whereas IgG2b, IgG3, IgA, and IgM did not. By contrast, 2 hybridoma IgG2a and 3 myeloma IgG2a induced intense mast cell degranulation that could not be explained by a contamination with IgG1 or IgG1-IgG2a hybrid molecules. IgG2a-mediated reactions were observed in four different situations: soluble antigen-hybridoma IgG2a complexes, specific H-2 antigen-bearing mast cells challenged with hybridoma IgG2a anti-H-2, heat-aggregated myeloma IgG2a, and soluble antigen-myeloma IgG2a complexes. The conclusion was reached that mouse mast cells could be activated by mouse monoclonal IgG2a antibodies through a noncytotoxic, complement-independent mechanism involving mast cell Fcγ receptors.  相似文献   

Four human hybridoma cell lines (PEB1-4) were established from a fusion of pleural effusion lymphocytes isolated from a breast cancer patient with metastatic disease, 6 years postmastectomy. The hybridomas secreted IgG-k (3 micrograms/ml/10(6) cells). These monoclonal antibodies (PEB1-4) reacted to different degrees with mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) and T47D particles (HuMTV). Immunological cross-reaction was also detected with antigens isolated from body fluids of breast cancer patients (BF-Ag). The binding capacity of the monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) PEB1-4 to the above-mentioned antigens was measured by RIA. The specificity of these antibodies was further demonstrated by radioimmunoprecipitation of MMTV, T47D (HuMTV) and BF-Ag. The binding of PEB1-4 to surface antigens of intact cells grown in culture was measured by RIA. Some of the MAbs were shown to bind more avidly to breast cancer cells than to nonbreast cancer cells or nonmalignant cells. The PEB1-4 human monoclonal antibodies may be found useful in analyzing the virus-breast cancer relationship.  相似文献   

Many methods have been devised for double immunocytochemical staining. We now describe that moderate microwaving does not elute antibodies, but prevents their reactions with subsequently applied reagents. Thus, microwaving performed in between the first and second staining cycles permits double indirect immunofluorescence staining with antibodies raised in the same species. Moreover, microwaving also inhibits reactions with endogenous immunoglobulins present in extracellular compartments. This substantially reduces background in indirect immunostaining of mouse tissues with mouse monoclonal antibodies. Accepted: 19 October 1999  相似文献   

Astrocytes are one of the predominant glial cell types in the adult central nervous system functioning as both supportive and metabolic cells for the brain. Our objective in this experiment is to study the direct effects of hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress on astrocytes in culture. These astrocytes were derived from both an aged mouse strain (P8) and a matched control strain (R1). The astrocytes for both the P8 and R1 strains were treated with increasing concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Our results showed that the oxidative stress had a similar effect in both strains of astrocytes; decreases in 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,2-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) levels, and increases in terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) staining, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) staining, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), caspase-3 and B-cell lymphoma 2-associated protein X (bax) levels. At a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 400 microM , the differences of the above parameters between P8 cultures and R1 cultures were statistically significant (p<0.05). This strongly suggested that astrocytes derived from P8 and R1 strains reacted to oxidative stress with similar mechanisms and consequences. However, the mechanisms were not able to compensate for the oxidative stress in the P8 strain at a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 400 microM. The inability of the P8 astrocytes to counteract the oxidative stress might lead to inadequate protection from neuronal loss possibly resulting in significantly more astrocytic death. Our results suggested that the changes of astrocytes in peroxide detoxification may play a role in aging of the central nervous system, and further aging studies should examine the oxidative status of the samples.  相似文献   

Three IgM mouse monoclonal antibodies, NL-9, Thy-22, and HL-5, which were produced primarily against human hematopoietic cells, were tested for their reactivity with various mouse cell lines and were found to react predominantly with mouse embryonal carcinoma cells. Thy-22 reacted with 2-cell-stage mouse embryos, whereas the other two antibodies were not reactive at this stage. All three antibodies, however, reacted with 8-cell-stage embryos. At the blastocyst stage, Thy-22 reacted with the entire surface of the trophectoderm cells, whereas the reactivity of NL-9 and HL-5 was weaker and was polarized on the mural trophectoderm. Immunohistological examination of 6th-day mouse embryos using anti-complement immunofluorescence demonstrated that the embryonic ectoderm was positive for all three antibodies: the reaction of NL-9 and Thy-22 was uniformly distributed over these cells, whereas HL-5 predominantly stained the luminal aspects of the cells lining the proamniotic cavity. Visceral-endoderm cells and trophoblastic cells were positive with all three monoclonal antibodies, whereas the parietal endoderm, extraembryonic ectoderm, and ectoplacental cone were negative. In 19th-day fetuses and adult tissues, certain epithelial cells were stained by these three antibodies. The biochemical nature of the antigens detected was also investigated. Farr's assay showed that both NL-9 and Thy-22 precipitated approximately 10% of the high-molecular-mass glycopeptides isolated from F9 cells, while HL-5 reacted with about 5% of these glycopeptides. The reactivity of the three antibodies against the glycopeptides was completely inhibited by the presence of X-hapten-conjugated silica.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two new monoclonal antibodies, one a mouse IgM and the other a human IgM that reacted with guanosine, were compared to human serum antibodies from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The human monoclonal antibody was polyspecific in its binding to the nucleoside bases, whereas the mouse monoclonal antibody was relatively specific for guanosine when compared by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Neither antibody bound polyguanylic acid or denatured single-stranded (ss) DNA, however. Serum IgG antibodies from seven patients with SLE cross-reacted with the mouse monoclonal antibody and showed considerable specificity for guanosine. In contrast, the human serum IgG antiguanosine antibodies also bound ssDNA but not dsDNA or polyguanylic acid. Serum IgG antibodies to guanosine measured by ELISA from the seven SLE patients had a decreased response when compared to the total serum IgG response to ssDNA, and most of the antibodies that bound guanosine also bound ssDNA. These studies provide new evidence that there are specific IgG antibodies to guanosine in SLE sera that are a small fraction of the antibodies to ssDNA. Further efforts to define the role of these guanosine antibodies in SLE may provide a better understanding of the basic mechanisms responsible for the development of SLE in man.  相似文献   

Mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to human interferon-gamma (HuIFN-gamma) were characterized. The mAbs studied--E4-18, G4-15, and SAT-1--which are all IgGl-type, reacted to all HuIFN-gamma molecular species, both glycosylated and non-glycosylated. Affinity constants calculated of E4-18 and G4-15 didn't have considerable differences for both kinds of HuIFN-gamma (1-3 x 10(8) liter/mol), but SAT-1 had a difference--a higher value (10(10) liter/mol) for the former than for the latter (8 x 10(8) liter/mol). In epitope specificity, the results suggested that E4-18 and G4-15 recognized an overlapped region remote from the region of SAT-1. Competition experiment using synthetic peptides suggested that epitope of G4-15 is around N9-26 of the HuIFN-gamma sequence. Those mAbs could be used for sandwich radioimmunoassay of HuIFN-gamma using double mAbs in two combinations, one (G4-15/E4-18) based on dimer forms of HuIFN-gamma and the other (SAT-1/E4-18) based on epitope difference. The mAbs are all neutralizing antibodies in which SAT-1 neutralized at a lower concentration than did G4-15, and at a much lower one than did E4-18. The receptor binding of HuIFN-gamma was inhibited by mAbs G4-15 and SAT-1. Efficacy of G4-15 and SAT-1 for the inhibition correspond with that for neutralization.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) like chondroitin sulfate (CS) and heparan sulfate (HS) are synthesized on the tetrasaccharide linkage region, GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-3Galβ1-4Xylβ1-O-Ser, of proteoglycans. The Xyl can be modified by 2-O-phosphate in both CS and HS, whereas the Gal residues can be sulfated at C-4 and/or C-6 in CS but not in HS. To study the roles of these modifications, monoclonal antibodies were developed against linkage glycopeptides of shark cartilage CS proteoglycans, and one was characterized in detail. This antibody bound hexa- and pentasaccharide-peptides more strongly than unsaturated tetrasaccharide-peptides with the unnatural fourth sugar residue (unsaturated hexuronic acid), suggesting the importance of the fifth and/or fourth saccharide residue GalNAc-5 and/or GlcA-4. Its reactivity was not affected by treatment with chondro-4-sulfatase or alkaline phosphatase, suggesting that 4-O-sulfate on the Gal residues and 2-O-phosphate on the Xyl residue were not recognized. Treatment with weak alkali to cleave the Xyl-Ser linkage completely abolished the binding activity, suggesting the importance of the peptide moiety of the hexasaccharide-peptide for the binding. Based on the amino acid composition and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analyses, it was revealed that the peptide moiety is composed of four amino acids, Ser, Pro, Gly, and Glu. Furthermore, the antibody stained wild-type CHO cells significantly, but much weakly mutant cells deficient in xylosyl- or galactosyltransferase-I required for the biosynthesis of the linkage region. These results suggest that the antibody recognizes the structure GalNAc(±6-O-sulfate)-GlcA-Gal-Gal-Xyl-Ser-(Pro, Gly, Glu). The antibody will be a useful tool for investigating the significance of the linkage region in the biosynthesis and/or intracellular transport of different GAG chains especially since such tools to study the linkage region are lacking.  相似文献   

By the selective breeding of obese male mice of the ddY strain and using indices of the heavy body weight and appearance of urinary glucose, we established two inbred strains in 1992: one with obesity and urinary glucose (Tsumura, Suzuki, Obese Diabetes: TSOD) and the other without them (Tsumura, Suzuki, Non Obesity: TSNO). The male TSOD mice constantly showed signs of obesity and urinary glucose with increases in food and water intake, body weight and some fat weight. The body mass index (BMI) clearly showed moderate obesity. Increases in the levels of diabetic blood parameters (glucose, insulin and lipids) were also found in males, in which the levels of blood glucose and insulin were high to the ages past the growth peak. In the histological studies, pancreatic islets of the TSOD males were found hypertrophic without any signs of insulitis or fibrous formation. Among these diabetic characteristics, some of which were similar to the reported models of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), the stable appearances of the hyperglycemia, the hyperinsulinemia and the hypertrophy of pancreatic islets to the ages past the growth peak were the prominent features. In these respect the TSOD mouse may be a useful model for researching the mechanisms of human diabetes and its complications.  相似文献   

Influenza viruses are a continuous threat to human public health because of their ability to evolve rapidly through genetic drift and reassortment. Three human monoclonal antibodies (HuMAbs) were generated in this study, 1H11, 2H5 and 5G2, and they cross-neutralize a diverse range of group 1 influenza A viruses, including seasonal H1N1, 2009 pandemic H1N1 (H1N1pdm) and avian H5N1 and H9N2. The three HuMAbs were prepared by fusing peripheral blood lymphocytes from an H1N1pdm-infected patient with a newly developed fusion partner cell line, SPYMEG. All the HuMAbs had little hemagglutination inhibition activity but had strong membrane-fusion inhibition activity against influenza viruses. A protease digestion assay showed the HuMAbs targeted commonly a short α-helix region in the stalk of the hemagglutinin. Furthermore, Ile45Phe and Glu47Gly double substitutions in the α-helix region made the HA unrecognizable by the HuMAbs. These two amino acid residues are highly conserved in the HAs of H1N1, H5N1 and H9N2 viruses. The HuMAbs reported here may be potential candidates for the development of therapeutic antibodies against group 1 influenza viruses.  相似文献   

Hybrid myeloma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies to tubulin have been prepared using rat myelomas and spleen cells from rats immunized with yeast tubulin. A comparison between the results obtained with the rat myeloma Y3-Ag 1.2.3., which secretes a light chain, and a new line, YB2/O, which does not, shows that they are both excellent parental lines and that the second produces hybrids with no myeloma chain components. The antitubulin antibodies in the serum of rats bearing two of the hybrid myeloma tumors gave titers of up to 1:10(6) from which large amounts of monoclonal antibodies could be easily purified. They recognized tubulin from yeast as well as from birds and mammals. The two antibodies gave clear immunofluorescent staining of yeast mitotic spindles as well as the interphase microtubule network of tissue culture cells. Some difference in the pattern of immunofluorescence staining of yeast cells and nuclei was observed between the two antibodies. The purified antibodies could be conjugated to colloidal gold particles and used for direct labeling of yeast microtubules for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The trans-chromosome (TC) mouse that we used harbors human chromosomes 2, 14 and/or 22, and has undergone knock-out of its endogeneous genes coding for mu-and kappa-chains of immunoglobulin. One of these TC mice was immunized with HIV-1-infected U937 cells, and spleen cells from the immunized animal were fused with the mouse myeloma cell line to generate hybridoma cells. We selected hybridomas that produce human IgM antibodies (Abs) reactive with HIV-1-infected MOLT4 cells but not with uninfected MOLT4 cells. Two hybridoma cell lines were established termed 9F11 and 2G9. Although 0.4 mug/ml of 9F11 was able to induce complement-mediated cytolysis of the infected cells in the presence of fresh human serum, 2G9 could not. There was no difference between the two monoclonal Abs in the base sequences of cDNAs coding for the constant regions of mu-and kappa-chains. Therefore, we speculate that the ability to activate complement on homologous cell membranes might reflect the structural presentation of antigenic molecules, which could facilitate the binding of an IgM Ab to multiple binding sites resulting in escape from restriction by species-specific inhibitors of complement such as DAF (CD55) and CD59. On the other hand, 2G9 induced apoptosis of HIV-1-infected cells, including latently infected OM10.1 cells, although the Ag for 2G9 remains to be identified. Since both of the Abs had reduced reactivity toward HIV-1-infected MOLT4 cells following cultivation in the presence of tunicamycin, the responsible antigens would involve a sugar moiety.  相似文献   

Rat-mouse hybridoma antibodies were produced against mouse teratocarcinoma F9 or PCC4 aza1 cells, and four clones were established. Both the F11 (IgM) and F20 (IgG2c) antibodies showed a similar specificity, reacting only with nullipotential teratocarcinoma cells. They were also found to agglutinate sheep red blood cells. Solid-phase enzyme-linked immunofluorescence assay showed that, among the neutral glycolipids studied, they only reacted with the Forssman antigen. P2 antibody (IgG2b) reacted with the undifferentiated-type and embryonal endodermtype teratocarcinoma cells. During the preimplantation stage, this antibody did not stain mouse embryos, but it reacted very weakly with the inner cell mass of blastocysts cultured in vitro. In the 5th-day embryo, the embryonic ectoderm as well as the visceral and parietal endoderm were positive, but the extraembryonic ectoderm was not. Mesoderm of the 7.5th-day embryo also reacted with this antibody. However, P2 antigen was not observed in the 16th-day embryo or in adult tissues. F2 antibody (IgG2a), which was reactive with all of the cultured cell lines tested, showed an immunoreaction with mouse embryos throughout the preimplantation stage. However, in the 7.5th-day embryo, the presence of F2 was limited to the cells forming the parietal endoderm. This antigen was present in some epithelial tissues of the 16th-day embryo and adult mouse. Of these antigens, P2 and F2 are probably novel differentiation antigens of the early mouse embryo. Together with the Forssman antigen, these will be important markers for analyzing cell-surface antigens of mouse teratocarcinoma cells as well as embryos.  相似文献   

【背景】鸭疫里默氏杆菌(Riemerella anatipestifer,RA)可感染雏鸭、鹅、火鸡等多种禽类,引起急性或慢性传染病。RA血清型众多且各血清型之间缺乏有效的交叉保护。细菌脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS)位于革兰氏阴性菌细胞壁的外侧,其组成和结构变化决定了细菌表面抗原决定簇的多样性。【目的】制备血清2型鸭疫里默氏杆菌LPS单克隆抗体并对其特性进行研究。【方法】以血清2型RA NJ3株免疫BALB/c小鼠,细胞融合后以RA NJ3株LPS作为包被抗原,筛选出能够稳定分泌单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,通过体内诱生腹水法制备抗体,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测单克隆抗体效价,玻片凝集试验和Westernblot检测单抗特异性。【结果】获得两株能稳定分泌抗血清2型鸭疫里默氏杆菌LPS单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,分别命名为8G5和8G10;两株单抗的亚型均为IgM/κ链。ELISA结果表明,8G5和8G10腹水效价分别为1:32 000和1:16 000。Western blot结果显示,两株单抗仅与血清2型RA菌株发生特异性反应,而与其他血清型RA菌株和禽源致病菌无反应性。【结论】研究获得的单克隆抗体具有良好的反应性和血清型特异性,可用于RA致病机制的基础研究和进一步建立RA血清型快速检测方法。  相似文献   

Twenty-four patients were analyzed for the development of HAMA (human antimouse antibodies) after being treated with repeated doses (200–500 mg) of the mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb) 17-1A. All patients developed anti-17-1A IgG antibodies, and most of them also developed IgM antibodies. In only two patients could immune complexes be demonstrated. Allergic reactions were rare (1.9%). In an extended study, a further 19 patient were analyzed for an idiotypic response. Forty-one out of 43 patients developed antiidiotypic antibodies (ab2), and 20 of these also antianti-idiotypic antibodies (ab3). Ab3 + patients responded significantly better (p=0.01) and survived longer (p<0.001) compared to ab3 patients. In this study, we showed that MAb 17-1A could be repeatedly given on a safe basis. The development of high titers of HAMA did not cause significant clinical problems when further repeated infusions of MAb 17-1A were given. The development of an idiotypic response also indicate that the induction of HAMA might be beneficial and not harmful to the patient.  相似文献   

Five monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) raised against separate determinants on a breast gross cystic disease fluid protein of 15 KD (GCDFP-15) were compared to one another and to a rabbit antiserum (Rb) against GCDFP-15 by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and by immunoperoxidase localization in paraffin-embedded tissues. All five Mabs and the Rb were equivalent in recognition of GCDFP-15 in solution, as determined by RIA. However, two of the Mabs (A5, B15) showed only minimal binding to GCDFP-15 in paraffin-embedded tissues, whereas the other three Mabs (B1, B4, D6) were equivalent to the Rb in staining intensity. These latter three Mabs and the Rb were evaluated by the immunoperoxidase technique on a variety of benign and malignant neoplasms as well as normal tissues (150 specimens) for staining specificity. Immunoperoxidase staining by the three Mabs vs the Rb was equivalent in apocrine glands, metaplastic apocrine epithelium of breast, and breast carcinomas with apocrine features. No staining of the Mabs or Rb was seen in the other tissue specimens.  相似文献   

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