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Basing on the natural affinity of skin keratinocytes toward extracellular matrix proteins, we have attempted to dissect the population of these cells by varying the time of their adhesion to substrates from fibronectin and collagen of types I and IV. After selection for 10, 20, and 30 min, the keratinocytes were cultivated for 24 h under standard conditions. The area of cell projection on the substrate and the spreading coefficient were measured. Statistically significant morphological differences between cells selected on different substrates were found. The size of cells growing on type-I collagen was twice as large as that of the cells cultivated on collagen type-IV or on fibronectin. Independent of the substratum, up to 60–65% of the cells had a round shape. Keratinocytes cultivated on collagens revealed heterogeneity both in the control and after selection in their adhesion times, while the cells grown on fibronectin behaved as a homogeneous population. These results suggest that, contrary to fibronectin, collagens stabilize some physiological states of keratinocytes corresponding to their interactions with extracellular matrix proteins in the organism. Original Russian Text O.G. Spichkina, G.P. Pinaev, Y.P. Petrov, 2008, published in Tsitologiya, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2008.  相似文献   

Summary Much of the autonomous growth of cultured keratinocytes is attributable to the signaling of amphiregulin, a heparin-binding autocrine growth factor, through the epidermal growth factor receptor. Emerging evidence suggests, moreover, that the membrane proteoglycan, CD44, is a cofactor for the interaction of heparin-binding ligands with their receptors. This model was evaluated by characterizing the patterns of the immunolabeled molecules in cultured human neonatal keratinocytes, to test the hypothesis that involvement in a common function results in coordinate segregation within or on the cell. The molecules were localized by double immunofluorescence labeling to detect amphiregulin and either the epidermal growth factor receptor or CD44, and the immunostained products were imaged by scanning laser confocal microscopy. Both amphiregulin and the epidermal growth factor receptor segregated to a perinuclear distribution and to intercellular contacts. In addition, amphiregulin localized to the outer leading edge of colonies and focally to intranuclear sites. Metabolic blockade of proteoglycan sulfation with sodium chlorate inhibited growth of the cells and concurrently enhanced the nuclear, but decreased the outer leading edge, labeling for amphiregulin. There was no nuclear or perimeter labeling for the epidermal growth factor receptor. Cultures co-immunolabeled for CD44 and amphiregulin exhibited variable perinuclear staining for both, but otherwise CD44 was distributed to intercellular contacts. The intercellular localizations of CD44 with amphiregulin and of amphiregulin with the epidermal growth factor receptor were strongly concordant. These data are consistent with a concerted function at intercellular contacts, where cytokine signaling is mediated via receptor binding and possibly regulated by the CD44 proteoglycan as cofactor. The intranuclear and perimeter labeling of amphiregulin, however, suggests that this cytokine has additional functions, both in the nucleus and as a matrix receptor.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) inhibited proliferation of cultured human keratinocytes. Southern blot analysis at 24 h showed that RA inhibited nerve growth factor (NGF) mRNA synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. However, RA stimulated the production of NGF protein up to 187% of control after 96 h and the treatment of cells with RA did not enhance apoptosis, either in the presence of low or high concentration of Ca2+, when compared to the control with DMSO.  相似文献   

The effect of medium pH on the activity of cultured human osteoblasts was investigated in this study. Osteoblasts derived from explants of human trabecular bone were grown to confluence and subcultured. The first-pass cells were incubated in Hepes-buffered media at initial pHs adjusted from 7.0 to 7.8. Osteoblast function was evaluated by measuring lactate production, alkaline phosphatase activity, proline hydroxylation, DNA content, and thymidine incorporation. Changes in medium pH were determined from media pHs recorded at the beginning and end of the final 48 h incubation period. As medium pH increased through pH 7.6, collagen synthesis, alkaline phosphatase activity, and thymidine incorporation increased. DNA content increased from pH 7.0 to 7.2, plateaued from pH 7.2 to 7.6, and increased again from pH 7.6 to 7.8. The changes in the medium pH were greatest at pHs 7.0 and 7.8, modest at pHs 7.4 and 7.6, and did not change at 7.2, suggesting that the pHs are migrating towards pH 7.2. Lactate production increased at pH 7.0 but remained constant from 7.2 to 7.8. These results suggest that in the pH range from 7.0–7.6 the activity of human osteoblasts increases with increasing pH, that this increase in activity does not require an increase in glycolytic activity, and that pH 7.2 may be the optimal pH for these cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 68:83–89, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

AMPK regulation of the growth of cultured human keratinocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AMP kinase (AMPK) is a fuel sensing enzyme that responds to cellular energy depletion by increasing processes that generate ATP and inhibiting others that require ATP but are not acutely necessary for survival. In the present study, we examined the relationship between AMPK activation and the growth (proliferation) of cultured human keratinocytes and assessed whether the inhibition of keratinocyte growth by vitamin D involves AMPK activation. In addition, we explored whether the inhibition of keratinocyte proliferation as they approach confluence could be AMPK-related. Keratinocytes were incubated for 12 h with the AMPK activator, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR). At concentrations of 10(-4) and 10(-3) M, AICAR inhibited keratinocyte growth by 50% and 95%, respectively, based on measurements of thymidine incorporation into DNA. It also increased AMPK and acetyl CoA carboxylase phosphorylation (P-AMPK and P-ACC) and decreased the concentration of malonyl CoA confirming that AMPK activation had occurred. Incubation with the thiazolidinedione, troglitazone (10(-6) M) caused similar alterations in P-AMPK, P-ACC, and cell growth. In contrast, the well known inhibition of keratinocyte growth by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (10(-7) and 10(-6) M) was not associated with changes in P-AMPK or P-ACC. Like most cells, the growth of keratinocytes diminished as they approached confluence. Thus, it was of note that we found a progressive increase in P-AMPK (1.5- to 2-fold, p < 0.05) as keratinocytes grown in control medium went from 25% to 100% confluence. In conclusion, the data are consistent with the hypothesis that activation of AMPK acts as a signal to diminish the proliferation of cultured keratinocytes as they approach confluence. They also suggest that AMPK activators, such as AICAR and troglitazone, inhibit keratinocyte growth and that the inhibition of cell growth by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 is AMPK-independent.  相似文献   

A range of surfactants, including the anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate, the cationic cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and the nonionics octylphenoxy polyethoxyethanol (Triton X100) and polyoxyethylene 20 sorbitan monoleate (Tween 80) was studied for effects on proliferation, contractibility and attachment of cultured human fibroblasts. Only ionic surfactants exhibited a stimulatory effect on fibroblast proliferation, whereas all the surfactants tested increased the contraction of collagen gels containing fibroblasts, with the greatest effect from the non-ionic surfactants. This activity was not correlated with an increase of cell population or cell attachment within the collagenous matrix. The activity of the surfactants was seen only at levels close to their LD50 values and in a narrow range of concentrations. Thus, we consider that they are the result of the so-called hormesis phenomenon.Abbreviations CTAB cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide - FCS fetal calf serum - LD100 dose lethal to 100% of exposed - MCD maximal contraction dose - PDL population doubling level - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Expression of several cellular and matrix proteins which increase significantly during the maturation of growth plate cartilage has been shown to be affected by various endocrine and autocrine factors. In the studies reported here, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta 1) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) were administered to primary cultures of avian growth plate chondrocytes at pre- or post-confluent stages to study the interplay that occurs between these factors in modulating chondrocytic phenotype. Added continuously to pre-confluent chondrocytes, TGF-beta 1 stimulated the cells to produce abundant extracellular matrix and multilayered cell growth; cell morphology was altered to a more spherical configuration. These effects were generally mimicked by bFGF, but cell shape was not affected. Administered together with TGF-beta 1, bFGF caused additive stimulation of protein synthesis, and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity was markedly, but transiently enhanced. During this pre-confluent stage, TGF-beta 1 also increased fibronectin secretion into the culture medium. Added to post-confluent cells, TGF-beta 1 alone caused a dosage-dependent suppression of AP activity, but bFGF alone did not. Under these conditions, TGF-beta 1 and bFGF had little effect on general protein synthesis, but TGF-beta 1 alone caused large, dosage-dependent increases in synthesis of fibronectin, and to some extent type II and X collagens. Given together with bFGF, TGF-beta 1 synergistically increased secretion of fibronectin. These findings reveal that regulation of phenotypic expression in maturing growth plate chondrocytes involves complex interactions between growth factors that are determined by timing, level, continuity, and length of exposure.  相似文献   

Human amniotic fluid fibronectin and plasma fibronectin (cold-incoluble globulin) are indistinguishable both immunologically and by amino acid composition. Cyanogen bromide and tryptic peptides also suggest substantial structural homology. However, carbohydrate analysis has demonstrated additional saccharides in fibronectin and an overall increase in carbohydrate content relative to coldinsoluble globulin. Furthermore, limited proteolytic cleavage of the two proteins indicates differences in primary structure or in conformation. Using affinity-purified antibodies to cold-insoluble globulin, a glucosamine-labeled pronaseresistant component, probably proteoglycan, was found to coprecipitate with fibronectin, suggesting an association between these two macromolecules in the connective tissue matrix.  相似文献   

Chick embryo sternal chondrocytes from the caudal and cephalic regions were cultured within type I collagen gels and type I collagen/proteoglycan aggregate composite gels in normal serum. Caudal region chondrocytes were also cultured within type I collagen gels in the presence of fibronectindepleted serum. There was a marked stimulation of type X collagen synthesis by the caudal region chondrocytes after 9 days in the presence of fibronectin-depleted serum and after 14 days in the presence of proteoglycan aggregate. These results provide evidence for the ability of chondrocytes from a zone of permanent cartilage to synthesise type X collagen and for the involvement of extracellular matrix components in the control of type X collagen gene expression.  相似文献   

Collaborative role of various fibronectin-binding integrins (α5β1, αvβ1 and αvβ6) as mediators of cell adhesion and migration on fibronectin was studied using cultured HaCaT keratinocytes. This cell line spontaneously expressed all three fibronectin-binding integrins. In addition, the expression of αvβ6 integrin was strongly and specifically upregulated by transforming growth factor-β1 (TGFβ1) whereas the amount of other integrins remained practically unchanged on the cell surface. Adhesion, spreading and motility of HaCaT keratinocytes on fibronectin were promoted by TGFβ1. Based on antibody blocking experiments, both untreated and TGFβ1-treated HaCaT cells used αvβ6 integrin as their main fibronectin receptor for cell spreading. In contrast to TGFβ1-treated cells, the untreated cells also needed α5β1 integrin for maximal cell spreading on fibronectin. Combinations of antibodies blocking both of these receptors totally prevented spreading of both untreated and TGFβ1-treated cells. Haptotactic motility of individual HaCaT cells through fibronectin-coated membranes was again mainly dependent on αvβ6 integrin, while αvβ1 and α5β1 integrins played a lesser role both in untreated and TGFβ1-treated HaCaT cells. However, unlike haptotaxis, lateral migration of HaCaT cell sheet was mainly mediated by β1 integrins, and αvβ6 integrin showed a minor role. The migration process appeared to involve a number of β1 integrins that could adaptively replace each other when blocking antibodies were present. Thus, keratinocytes appear to use different fibronectin receptors for different functions, such as cell spreading, haptotaxis and lateral migration. The cells can also adapt to a situation where one receptor is unfunctional by switching to another receptor of the same ligand.  相似文献   

Brevican, a proteoglycan of the lectican family, inhibits neurite outgrowth and may also stabilize synapses. Little is known about its expression or function in vitro. This study seeks to determine whether a brevican-containing matrix is present in neural cultures, and if so, how the production of brevican may be modulated. To accomplish this, the content of brevican and its proteolytic fragments were measured in primary cultures of neurons, astrocytes and microglia after treatment with cytokines. These experiments revealed that astrocytes and neurons express several isoforms of brevican, whereas microglia do not produce this proteoglycan. Cleavage fragments of brevican were found primarily in neuronal and astrocyte culture medium. ADAMTS4 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs), a protease that selectively cleaves lecticans, was detected in cultures of neurons, astrocytes and microglia. When astrocytes were challenged with various cytokines, it was found that treatment with transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) resulted in a marked increase in intact brevican in the culture medium that was accompanied by a trend for a decrease in ADAMTS-generated fragments of brevican and apparent ADAMTS activity. Thus, TGFbeta may play a role in neuronal plasticity through its regulation of brevican and the activity of the ADAMTSs.  相似文献   

Heparin (HP) has antiproliferative as well as anticoagulant properties, but not all HP preparations are equally antiproliferative. A recent report found that HP lost its total antiproliferative activity when fetal bovine serum (FBS) was replaced with human serum (HS) in culture media. This observation led to the investigation of our most potent antiproliferative Upjohn HP preparation effects on bovine pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC) and systemic SMC growth stimulated in the presence of either FBS or HS. Bovine PASMC, human PASMC, and bovine aortic SMC were treated with 10 microg/ml Upjohn HP in either 15% FBS or 15% HS and the cell number was determined by a Coulter counter. We found that Upjohn HP significantly inhibited bovine PASMC and systemic SMC proliferation in both HS and FBS. The antiproliferative activity of the above HP preparation in HS may lead to an effective treatment of pulmonary vascular and systemic remodeling.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of overexpressing a tightly regulated anti-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin 10 (IL-10), and the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) on sulfur mustard induced cytotoxicity in human epidermal keratinocytes. Both cytokines were overexpressed when compared with the cells transfected with the empty vector as determined by quantitative ELISA. Cells overexpressing interleukin 10 suppressed the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin 8 and interleukin 6 following exposure to 50-300 microM sulfur mustard. These cells exhibited delayed onset of sulfur mustard induced cell death. On the other hand, cells overexpressing tumor necrosis factor alpha induced a sustained elevation in both interleukin 6 and 8 expression following exposure to 50-300 microM sulfur mustard. These cells were sensitized to the effects of sulfur mustard that resulted in an increased sulfur mustard induced cell death. Normal human epidermal keratinocytes treated with sulfur mustard exhibited elevated levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha expression and increased activity of nuclear factor kappa B. Gene array data indicated that cells overexpressing interleukin 10 induced several genes that are involved in growth promotion and cell-fate determination. We, therefore, identify IL-10 and TNF-alpha signal transduction pathways and their components as possible candidates for early therapeutic intervention against sulfur mustard induced cell injury.  相似文献   

Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is a potent and specific mitogen for different types of epithelial cells, and it can protect these cells from various insults. Due to these properties, it is of particular importance for the repair of injured epithelial tissues, and it is currently therapeutically explored for the treatment of radiation- and chemotherapy-induced mucosal epithelial damage in cancer patients. In this review we summarize the current knowledge on the role of KGF in tissue repair and cytoprotection, and we report on its mechanisms of action in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts were made to select for trophoblast cells in cultures of mixed cell populations derived from preterm (7 to 12 wk) or term human placentas. Epidermal growth factor added to cultures on solid or porous supports caused proliferation of epithelial-type cells to give a confluent monolayer but did not increase the expression of differentiated function. The presence or absence of placental basement membrane collagen as substrate made little apparent difference; however a porous basement membrane collagen support led to increased differentiated function. Initial production of human chorionic gonadotrophin was increased and after 4 wk in culture a substantial proportion of the cells exhibited alkaline phosphatase activity. Epidermal growth factor and a substrate of placental basement membrane collagen on a porous support favorably influence the growth and differentiation of human trophoblast cells in culture. This work was supported by funds from the Medical Research Council of New Zealand which also provided support for Dr. Truman as a Postdoctoral Fellow.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of geranium essential oil (GEO) on anaphylaxis. GEO can exert antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, but its roles in allergic reactions are incompletely understood. Here, we used mouse cells to show that GEO inhibited the degranulation of cultured mast cells (CMCs). Citronellol is the major component of GEO and inhibited CMC degranulation. The l-enantiomer of citronellol more effectively suppressed CMC degranulation than did d-citronellol. We also examined whether citronellol could inhibit the immunoglobulin (Ig) E-induced production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. Treatment with various concentrations of citronellol before CMC activation with IgE significantly inhibited the induction of TNF-α in a dose-dependent manner. Mechanistically, citronellol suppressed the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK), which is critical for ERK activation and the production of inflammatory cytokines in mast cells. These findings suggest that citronellol may represent a candidate compound for the effective treatment of allergic diseases.  相似文献   

Summary Normal human keratinocytes isolated from skin and squamous carcinoma cells established from a human tumor (TR146 cell line) both exhibit limited morphologic differentiation when they are grown on conventional plastic dishes. However, when they are seeded on human de-epidermized dermis and cultured at the air-liquid interface, they are able to reform an epithelium having the morphology of the tissue of origin (i.e. skin or squamous carcinoma). The distribution in such reconstructed tissues of differentiation markers such as bullous pemphigoid antigen, 67K keratin, involucrin, membrane-bound transglutaminase, and filaggrin was very similar to their distribution in normal skin and squamous carcinoma specimens, respectively. The degree of differentiation is for both cell types extremely sensitive to culture conditions such as retinoic acid concentration, emersion of the cultures, etc. These results show that subcultured normal or tumoral keratinocytes are able to recover their specific morphogenetic potential when cultured in an environment close to their in vivo situation.  相似文献   

Migrating cells degrade pericellular matrices and basement membranes. For these purposes cells produce a number of proteolytic enzymes. Mast cells produce two major proteinases, chymase and tryptase, whose physiological functions are poorly known. In the present study we have analyzed the ability of purified human mast cell tryptase to digest pericellular matrices of human fibroblasts. Isolated matrices of human fibroblasts and fibroblast conditioned medium were treated with tryptase, and alterations in the radiolabeled polypeptides were observed in autoradiograms of sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gels. It was found that an M(r) 72,000 protein was digested to an M(r) 62,000 form by human mast cell tryptase while the plasminogen activator inhibitor, PAI-1, was not affected. Cleavage of the M(r) 72,000 protein could be partially inhibited by known inhibitors of tryptase but not by aprotinin, soybean trypsin inhibitor, or EDTA. Fibroblastic cells secreted the M(r) 72,000 protein into their medium and it bound to gelatin as shown by analysis of the medium by affinity chromatography over gelatin-Sepharose. The soluble form of the M(r) 72,000 protein was also susceptible to cleavage by tryptase. Analysis using gelatin containing polyacrylamide gels showed that both the intact M(r) 72,000 and the M(r) 62,000 degraded form of the protein possess gelatinolytic activity after activation by sodium dodecyl sulphate. Immunoblotting analysis of the matrices revealed the cleavage of an immunoreactive protein of M(r) 72,000 indicating that the protein is related to type IV collagenase. Further analysis of the pericellular matrices indicated that the protease sensitive extracellular matrix protein fibronectin was removed from the matrix by tryptase in a dose-dependent manner. Fibronectin was also susceptible to proteolytic degradation by tryptase. The data suggest a role for mast cell tryptase in the degradation of pericellular matrices.  相似文献   

Summary Differentiation in keratinocytes can be experimentally modulated by changing the culture conditions. When cultured under conventional, submerged conditions, the extent of cellular differentiation is reduced in the presence of low calcium medium and is enhanced in medium containing physiologic calcium concentrations. Moreover cultures grown at the air-medium interface or on a dermal substrate, or both, differentiate even further. Herein we report the effect of culture conditions on lipid composition in normal human keratinocytes and three squamous carcinoma cell (SCC) lines that vary in their capacity to differentiate as assessed by cornified envelope formation. Under submerged conditions, the total phospholipid content was lower, triglyceride content higher, and phospholipid: neutral lipid ratio lower in direct correlation to the degree of differentiation in these cultures. When grown at the air-medium interface on the-epidermized dermis, evidence of further morphologic differentiation was found only for well-differentiated SCC cells and normal keratinocytes. Similarly, the phospholipid content remained high in poorly differentiated SCC cells and it, decreased modestly in well-differentiated SCC cells and markedly in normal keratinocytes. In all cell lines the triglyceride content was increased and cholesterol content decreased when compared to parallel submerged cultures, but these differences were most pronounced in well-differentiated cell lines. Acylceramides and acylglucosylceramides were found only in normal keratinocytes and only under the most differentiation-enhancing conditions. These studies demonstrate differentiation-related changes in the lipid content of both normal and neoplastic keratinocytes. This work was supported in part by NATO Scientific Award (RG 8510056).  相似文献   

Fibronectin mediates the adhesion of fibroblasts to collagen substrates, binding first to the collagen and then to the cells. We report here that the interaction of the cells with the fibronectin-collagen complex is blocked by specific gangliosides, GD1 a and GT1, and that the sugar moieties of these gangliosides contain the inhibitory activity. The gangliosides act by binding to fibronectin, suggesting that they may be the cell surface receptor for fibronectin. Evidence is presented that other adhesion proteins or mechanisms of attachment exist for chondrocytes, epidermal cells, and transformed tumorigenic cells, since adhesion of these cells is not stimulated by fibronectin. Chondrocytes adhere via a serum factor that is more temperature-sensitive and less basic than fibronectin. Unlike that of fibroblasts chondrocyte adhesion is stimulated by low levels of gangliosides. Epidermal cells adhere preferentially to type IV (basement membrane) collagen but at a much slower rate than fibroblasts or chondrocytes. This suggests that these epidermal cells synthesize their own specific adhesion factor. Metastatic cells cultured from the T241 fibrosarcoma adhere rapidly to type IV collagen in the absence of fibronectin and do not synthesize significant amounts of collagen or fibronectin. Their growth, in contrast to that of normal fibroblasts, is unaffected by a specific inhibitor of collagen synthesis. These data indicate the importance of specific collagens and adhesion proteins in the adhesion of certain cells and suggest that a reduction in the synthesis of collagen and of fibronectin is related to some of the abnormalities observed in transformed cells.  相似文献   

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