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Sawamura K  Roote J  Wu CI  Yamamoto MT 《Genetics》2004,166(2):789-796
Recent genetic analyses of closely related species of Drosophila have indicated that hybrid male sterility is the consequence of highly complex synergistic effects among multiple genes, both conspecific and heterospecific. On the contrary, much evidence suggests the presence of major genes causing hybrid female sterility and inviability in the less-related species, D. melanogaster and D. simulans. Does this contrast reflect the genetic distance between species? Or, generally, is the genetic basis of hybrid male sterility more complex than that of hybrid female sterility and inviability? To clarify this point, the D. simulans introgression of the cytological region 34D-36A to the D. melanogaster genome, which causes recessive male sterility, was dissected by recombination, deficiency, and complementation mapping. The 450-kb region between two genes, Suppressor of Hairless and snail, exhibited a strong effect on the sterility. Males are (semi-)sterile if this region of the introgression is made homozygous or hemizygous. But no genes in the region singly cause the sterility; this region has at least two genes, which in combination result in male sterility. Further, the males are less fertile when heterozygous with a larger introgression, which suggests that dominant modifiers enhance the effects of recessive genes of male sterility. Such an epistatic view, even in the less-related species, suggests that the genetic complexity is special to hybrid male sterility.  相似文献   

Interspecific F1 hybrid males of the Drosophila bipectinata species complex are sterile, while females are fertile, following Haldane's rule. A backcross scheme involving a single recessive visible marker on the X chromosome has been used to assess the putative roles of X-autosome and X-Y interactions in hybrid male sterility in the D. bipectinata species complex. The results suggest that X-Y interactions are playing the major role in hybrid male sterility in the crosses D. bipectinata x D. parabipectinata and D. bipectinata x D. pseudoananassae, while X-autosome interactions are largely involved in hybrid male sterility in the crosses D. malerkotliana x D. bipectinata and D. malerkotliana x D. parabipectinata. However, by using this single marker it is not possible to rule out the involvement of autosome-autosome interactions in hybrid male sterility. These findings also lend further support to the phylogenetic relationships among 4 species of the D. bipectinata complex.  相似文献   

The Drosophila bipectinata species complex belongs to the ananassae subgroup of the melanogaster species group (Genus Drosophila, Subgenus Sophophora). The members of the complex are: D. bipectinata, D. parabipectinata, D. malerkotliana, and D. pseudoananassae. Of the four species, D. bipectinata is most widely distributed. Females are indistinguishable, but males are distinguishable by their sex-comb teeth number and pattern and by abdominal colouration. Chromosomal inversions have been detected in these species. In natural populations of D. bipectinata the frequency of inversions and the level of inversion heterozygosity were found to be very low but in laboratory stocks inversions persisted for more than 20 generations due to heterotic buffering. On an average 9.3 fixed interspecific inversions separate each species pair. Non-random association between linked inversions indicated epistatic interaction in natural populations of D. bipectinata. Certain spontaneous mutations were detected and mapped for the first time in D. bipectinata. Low frequency of spontaneous male recombination has also been reported in D. bipectinata. Sexual isolation study in the complex indicated strong preference for homogamic mating. The results also indicated incomplete sexual isolation among different members of this complex. The isolation estimate among six different geographic populations of D. bipectinata ranged from 0.54 - 0.92 representing positive assortative mating which is an evidence for incipient sexual isolation. Incipient sexual isolation was also found within D. malerkotliana and D. parabipectinata . Chromosomal, hybridization and allozyme studies revealed close phylogenetic relationship among the four species of the bipectinata complex. Mitochondrial DNA study revealed net nucleotide difference (delta) between these species to be very small (0.0002 +/- 0.0008) reflecting closeness. Evidence for genetic control of sexual activity and existence of sexual selection in D. bipectinata has been shown on the basis of mating propensity tests carried out on geographic strains, their hybrids and diallel crosses. Significant variation was found among the strains tested with respect to courtship time, duration of copulation and fertility. A positive correlation between duration of copulation and fertility in D. bipectinata was found. Evidence for rare-male mating advantage was also found in D. bipectinata. A positive response to selection for high and low mating activity provided evidence for polygenic control of this phenomenon in D. bipectinata. Bilateral outgrowths on thorax, a unique phenotype, reported for the first time in D. bipectinata has been shown to affect mate recognition ability. Results of the study on pupation site preference (larval behaviour) and oviposition site preference (non-sexual behaviour) have also been included.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of hybrid male sterility among three closely related species, Drosophila bipectinata, D. parabipectinata and D. malerkotliana has been investigated by using backcross analysis methods. The role of Y chromosome, major hybrid sterility (MHS) genes (genetic factors) and cytoplasm (non-genetic factor) have been studied in the hybrids of these three species. In the species pair, bipectinata--parabipectinata, Y chromosome introgression of parabipectinata in the genomic background of bipectinata and the reciprocal Y chromosome introgression were unsuccessful as all males in second backcross generation were sterile. Neither MHS genes nor cytoplasm was found important for sterility. This suggests the involvement of X-Y, X-autosomes or polygenic interactions in hybrid male sterility. In bipectinata--malerkotliana and parabipectinata--malerkotliana species pairs, Y chromosome substitution in reciprocal crosses did not affect male fertility. Backcross analyses also show no involvement of MHS genes or cytoplasm in hybrid male sterility in these two species pairs. Therefore, X- autosome interaction or polygenic interaction is supposed to be involved in hybrid male sterility in these two species pairs. These findings also provide evidence that even in closely related species, genetic interactions underlying hybrid male sterility may vary.  相似文献   

Groups of recently diverged species offer invaluable glimpses into the history and genetic basis of speciation and phenotypic evolution. In this report, we combine phylogenetic and population-genetic approaches to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the Drosophila bipectinata species complex. This complex is a group of four closely related, largely sympatric species--D. bipectinata, D. parabipectinata, D. malerkotliana and D. pseudoananassae. Using the sequences of one mitochondrial and six nuclear loci, we show that D. bipectinata and D. parabipectinata are the two most closely related species, and that together with D. malerkotliana they form a monophyletic clade to which D. pseudoananassae is a relatively distant outgroup. Genetic divergence among D. bipectinata, D. parabipectinata and D. malerkotliana is extremely low, and we estimate that these species diverged only 283,000-385,000 years ago. We also find that mitochondrial DNA shows evidence of recent gene flow across species boundaries. Despite the low genetic divergence, species of the bipectinata complex show an unusually high degree of morphological differentiation. This contrast underscores the importance of understanding the genetic basis of functional differentiation among closely related species.  相似文献   

Traumatic insemination (TI) is a rare reproductive behaviour characterized by the transfer of sperm to the female via puncture wounds inflicted across her body wall. Here, we challenge the claim made by Kamimura (Kamimura 2007 Biol. Lett. 3, 401–404. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2007.0192)) that males of species of the Drosophila bipectinata complex use a pair of claw-like processes (claws) to traumatically inseminate females: the claws are purported to puncture the female body wall and genital tract, and to inject sperm through the wounds into the lumen of her genital tract, bypassing the vaginal opening. This supposed case of TI is widely cited and featured in prominent subject reviews. We examined high-resolution scanning electron micrographs of the claws and failed to discover any obvious ‘groove’ for sperm transport. We demonstrated that sperm occurred in the female reproductive tract as a single-integrated unit, inconsistent with the claim that sperm are injected via paired processes. Laser ablation of the sharp terminal ends of the claws failed to inhibit insemination. We showed that the aedeagus in the complex delivers sperm through the vaginal opening, as in other Drosophila. The results refute the claim of TI in the Drosophila bipectinata species complex.  相似文献   

Taxa in the early stages of speciation may bear intraspecific allelic variation at loci conferring barrier traits in hybrids such as hybrid sterility. Additionally, hybridization may spread alleles that confer barrier traits to other taxa. Historically, few studies examine within- and between-species variation at loci conferring reproductive isolation. Here, we test for allelic variation within Drosophila persimilis and within the Bogota subspecies of D. pseudoobscura at regions previously shown to contribute to hybrid male sterility. We also test whether D. persimilis and the USA subspecies of D. pseudoobscura share an allele conferring hybrid sterility in a D. pseudoobscura bogotana genetic background. All loci conferred similar hybrid sterility effects across all strains studied, although we detected some statistically significant quantitative effect variation among D. persimilis alleles of some hybrid incompatibility QTLs. We also detected allelism between D. persimilis and D. pseudoobscura USA at a second chromosome hybrid sterility QTL. We hypothesize that either the QTL is ancestral in D. persimilis and D. pseudoobscura USA and lost in D. pseudoobscura bogotana, or gene flow transferred the QTL from D. persimilis to D. pseudoobscura USA. We discuss our findings in the context of population features that may contribute to variation in hybrid incompatibilities.  相似文献   

I. R. Bock 《Chromosoma》1971,34(2):206-229
Twenty autosomal inversions were detected in the polytene chromosomes of larvae obtained by hybridizing inversion-free strains of the species of the bipectinata complex (D. bipectinata, D. parabipectinata, D. malerkotliana and D. pseudoananassae). Twenty autosomal inversions are also known as extant polymorphisms in these species; fifteen (possibly sixteen) of these inversions are different from those detected in the interspecific hybrids. The available evidence permits reconstruction of chromosome phylogenies deriving malerkotliana, pseudoananassae and a population ancestral to both bipectinata and parabipectinata directly from a common ancestral population. The results of the study support the Carson hypothesis of transitional homoselection during the processes of speciation.Part of this study was incorporated in a section of a thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Queensland, Australia; the work was continued under support by a U.S. Public Health Service Research Grant No. GM-11609 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences to Prof. M. R. Wheeler, University of Texas.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1146-1159
The D. bipectinata complex contains four species which are sympatric over parts of their range. They are morphologically identical and hybridize in no-choice mating situations. They have similar but distinct courtship patterns and males of all species sing two songs, long song early and short song late in courtship. Each species has a unique song profile due to differences in at least one song parameter. This is circumstantial evidence that sounds function to maintain sexual isolation within the complex.  相似文献   



The genetic basis of postzygotic isolation is a central puzzle in evolutionary biology. Evolutionary forces causing hybrid sterility or inviability act on the responsible genes while they still are polymorphic, thus we have to study these traits as they arise, before isolation is complete.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Isofemale strains of D. mojavensis vary significantly in their production of sterile F1 sons when females are crossed to D. arizonae males. We took advantage of the intraspecific polymorphism, in a novel design, to perform quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping analyses directly on F1 hybrid male sterility itself. We found that the genetic architecture of the polymorphism for hybrid male sterility (HMS) in the F1 is complex, involving multiple QTL, epistasis, and cytoplasmic effects.


The role of extensive intraspecific polymorphism, multiple QTL, and epistatic interactions in HMS in this young species pair shows that HMS is arising as a complex trait in this system. Directional selection alone would be unlikely to maintain polymorphism at multiple loci, thus we hypothesize that directional selection is unlikely to be the only evolutionary force influencing postzygotic isolation.  相似文献   

Phenotypic or morphological differences among different populations and sexual dimorphism in certain metric traits were analysed in D. bipectinata complex. It was noticed that different populations of D. bipectinata species group harbour large amount of variation for these characters. In all the populations, morphometric characters such as lengths of femur, tibia and wing length, wing width, number of sternopleural bristles and bristles on epandrium varied significantly among populations. The study indicates that the morphological variations are due to the interplay of genetic and environmental endowments. Further, females had significantly larger values, for lengths of femur, tibia and wing length, wing width and sternopleural bristles.  相似文献   

Banerjee P  Singh BN 《Genetica》2012,140(1-3):75-81
The degree and pattern of sexual isolation among closely related species can be utilized for predicting the direction of evolution and deriving a phylogeny. The Drosophila bipectinata species complex is a group of four morphologically very similar species, belonging to the ananassae subgroup of the melanogaster species group. Sexual isolation among the members of this complex was studied by employing the male-choice technique. To test the difference between the homogamic and heterogamic matings, chi-square values were calculated under the assumption of random mating and the degree of sexual isolation was measured by estimating isolation index. To test the difference in proportions of heterogamic matings between reciprocal crosses, normal deviate (z) was calculated. The direction of evolution among these species has been discussed in the light of models proposed by different workers. Our results suggest that while D. bipectinata, Drosophila parabipectinata and Drosophila malerkotliana are closely related to each other, D. pseudoananassae is distantly related to these three species. The species pairs D. bipectinata and D. parabipectinata and D. parabipectinata and D. malerkotliana show asymmetrical sexual isolation. Based on this, it is suggested that D. bipectinata and D. malerkotliana share a common ancestor where as D. parabipectinata has been derived from D. bipectinata. Their phylogenetic relationship has been discussed in the light of phylogenies suggested by earlier workers.  相似文献   

Good JM  Dean MD  Nachman MW 《Genetics》2008,179(4):2213-2228
The X chromosome plays a central role in the evolution of reproductive isolation, but few studies have examined the genetic basis of X-linked incompatibilities during the early stages of speciation. We report the results of a large experiment focused on the reciprocal introgression of the X chromosome between two species of house mice, Mus musculus and M. domesticus. Introgression of the M. musculus X chromosome into a wild-derived M. domesticus genetic background produced male-limited sterility, qualitatively consistent with previous experiments using classic inbred strains to represent M. domesticus. The genetic basis of sterility involved a minimum of four X-linked factors. The phenotypic effects of major sterility QTL were largely additive and resulted in complete sterility when combined. No sterility factors were uncovered on the M. domesticus X chromosome. Overall, these results revealed a complex and asymmetric genetic basis to X-linked hybrid male sterility during the early stages of speciation in mice. Combined with data from previous studies, we identify one relatively narrow interval on the M. musculus X chromosome involved in hybrid male sterility. Only a handful of spermatogenic genes are within this region, including one of the most rapidly evolving genes on the mouse X chromosome.  相似文献   

We have prepared reference polytene photographic maps as a standard sequence for the Drosophila bipectinata complex using structurally homozygous flies derived from a stock of Drosophila parabipectinata from Brunei, Borneo, in 1971. We found 87 inversions in the D. bipectinata complex and described their breakpoints on the reference maps. Only 2 arrangements were shared interspecifically: 2R-AB was shared with 3 species, D. parabipectinata, D. bipectinata, and Drosophila malerkotliana, and 3L-A was found in 2 species, D. parabipectinata and D. malerkotliana. The 2 subspecies of D. malerkotliana and the 2 subspecies of Drosophila pseudoananassae shared half of the total gene arrangements detected in each species. The number of different inversions found between species in the complex ranges from 7 (between D. parabipectinata and D. malerkotliana) to at least 24 (between D. bipectinata and D. pseudoananassae). On the basis of the characteristic differences of their gene arrangements, we propose a reliable chromosomal phylogeny of the D. bipectinata complex.  相似文献   

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