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DsbC is one of five Escherichia coli proteins required for disulfide bond formation and is thought to function as a disulfide bond isomerase during oxidative protein folding in the periplasm. DsbC is a 2 x 23 kDa homodimer and has both protein disulfide isomerase and chaperone activity. We report the 1.9 A resolution crystal structure of oxidized DsbC where both Cys-X-X-Cys active sites form disulfide bonds. The molecule consists of separate thioredoxin-like domains joined via hinged linker helices to an N-terminal dimerization domain. The hinges allow relative movement of the active sites, and a broad uncharged cleft between them may be involved in peptide binding and DsbC foldase activities.  相似文献   

We identified and characterized an Erwinia chrysanthemi gene able to complement an Escherichia coli dsbA mutation that prevents disulfide bond formation in periplasmic proteins. This gene, dsbC, codes for a 24 kDa periplasmic protein that contains a characteristic active site sequence of disulfide isomerases, Phe-X-X-X-X-Cys-X-X-Cys. Besides the active site, DsbC has no homology with DsbA, thioredoxin or eukaryotic protein disulfide isomerase and it could define a new subfamily of disulfide isomerases. Purified DsbC protein is able to catalyse insulin oxidation in a dithiothreitol dependent manner. The E.coli gene xprA codes for a protein functionally equivalent to DsbC. The in vivo function of DsbC seems to be the formation of disulfide bonds in proteins. The presence of XprA could explain the residual disulfide isomerase activity existing in dsbA mutants. Re-oxidation of XprA does not seem to occur through DsbB, the protein that probably re-oxidizes DsbA.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli disulfide bond isomerase DsbC rearranges incorrect disulfide bonds during oxidative protein folding. It is specifically activated by the periplasmic N-terminal domain (DsbDalpha) of the transmembrane electron transporter DsbD. An intermediate of the electron transport reaction was trapped, yielding a covalent DsbC-DsbDalpha complex. The 2.3 A crystal structure of the complex shows for the first time the specific interactions between two thiol oxidoreductases. DsbDalpha is a novel thiol oxidoreductase with the active site cysteines embedded in an immunoglobulin fold. It binds into the central cleft of the V-shaped DsbC dimer, which assumes a closed conformation on complex formation. Comparison of the complex with oxidized DsbDalpha reveals major conformational changes in a cap structure that regulates the accessibility of the DsbDalpha active site. Our results explain how DsbC is selectively activated by DsbD using electrons derived from the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The formation of protein disulfide bonds in the Escherichia coli periplasm by the enzyme DsbA is an inaccurate process. Many eukaryotic proteins with nonconsecutive disulfide bonds expressed in E. coli require an additional protein for proper folding, the disulfide bond isomerase DsbC. Here we report studies on a native E. coli periplasmic acid phosphatase, phytase (AppA), which contains three consecutive and one nonconsecutive disulfide bonds. We show that AppA requires DsbC for its folding. However, the activity of an AppA mutant lacking its nonconsecutive disulfide bond is DsbC-independent. An AppA homolog, Agp, a periplasmic acid phosphatase with similar structure, lacks the nonconsecutive disulfide bond but has the three consecutive disulfide bonds found in AppA. The consecutively disulfide-bonded Agp is not dependent on DsbC but is rendered dependent by engineering into it the conserved nonconsecutive disulfide bond of AppA. Taken together, these results provide support for the proposal that proteins with nonconsecutive disulfide bonds require DsbC for full activity and that disulfide bonds are formed predominantly during translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

The protein disulfide bond isomerase DsbC catalyzes the rearrangement of incorrect disulfide bonds during oxidative protein folding in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. The active site cysteines of DsbC are maintained in the active reduced form by the transmembrane electron transporter DsbD. DsbD obtains electrons from the cytoplasm, transports them across the inner membrane, and passes them onto periplasmic substrates, such as DsbC. The electron transport process involves several thiol disulfide exchange reactions between different classes of thiol oxidoreductase. We were able to trap the final electron transport reaction using active site mutants yielding a stable DsbC-DsbDalpha complex. This disulfide cross-linked complex was purified to homogeneity and crystallized. Dehydration of the tetragonal crystals changed the unit cell dimensions from a approximately b = 73 A, c = 267.5 A to a = b = 68.9 A, c = 230.3 A, reducing the cell volume by 23% and the solvent content from 55 to 41%. Crystal dehydration and cryo-cooling improved the diffraction quality of the crystals from 7 to 2.3 A resolution.  相似文献   

The bacterial Rcs phosphorelay is a stress-induced defense mechanism that controls the expression of numerous genes, including those for capsular polysaccharides, motility, and virulence factors. It is a complex multicomponent system that includes the histidine kinase (RcsC) and the response regulator (RcsB) and also auxiliary proteins such as RcsF. RcsF is an outer membrane lipoprotein that transmits signals from the cell surface to RcsC. The physiological signals that activate RcsF and how RcsF interacts with RcsC remain unknown. Here, we report the three-dimensional structure of RcsF. The fold of the protein is characterized by the presence of a central 4-stranded β sheet, which is conserved in several other proteins, including the copper-binding domain of the amyloid precursor protein. RcsF, which contains four conserved cysteine residues, presents two nonconsecutive disulfides between Cys(74) and Cys(118) and between Cys(109) and Cys(124), respectively. These two disulfides are not functionally equivalent; the Cys(109)-Cys(124) disulfide is particularly important for the assembly of an active RcsF. Moreover, we show that formation of the nonconsecutive disulfides of RcsF depends on the periplasmic disulfide isomerase DsbC. We trapped RcsF in a mixed disulfide complex with DsbC, and we show that deletion of dsbC prevents the activation of the Rcs phosphorelay by signals that function through RcsF. The three-dimensional structure of RcsF provides the structural basis to understand how this protein triggers the Rcs signaling cascade.  相似文献   

In the bacterial periplasm the co-existence of a catalyst of disulfide bond formation (DsbA) that is maintained in an oxidized state and of a reduced enzyme that catalyzes the rearrangement of mispaired cysteine residues (DsbC) is important for the folding of proteins containing multiple disulfide bonds. The kinetic partitioning of the DsbA/DsbB and DsbC/DsbD pathways partly depends on the ability of DsbB to oxidize DsbA at rates >1000 times greater than DsbC. We show that the resistance of DsbC to oxidation by DsbB is abolished by deletions of one or more amino acids within the alpha-helix that connects the N-terminal dimerization domain with the C-terminal thioredoxin domain. As a result, mutant DsbC carrying alpha-helix deletions could catalyze disulfide bond formation and complemented the phenotypes of dsbA cells. Examination of DsbC homologues from Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Erwinia chrysanthemi, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Vibrio cholerae (30-70% sequence identity with the Escherichia coli enzyme) revealed that the mechanism responsible for avoiding oxidation by DsbB is a general property of DsbC family enzymes. In addition we found that deletions in the linker region reduced, but did not abolish, the ability of DsbC to assist the formation of active vtPA and phytase in vivo, in a DsbD-dependent manner, revealing that interactions between DsbD and DsbC are also conserved.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli disulfide isomerase, DsbC is a V-shaped homodimer with each monomer comprising a dimerization region that forms part of a putative peptide-binding pocket and a thioredoxin catalytic domain. Disulfide isomerases from prokaryotes and eukaryotes exhibit little sequence homology but display very similar structural organization with two thioredoxin domains facing each other on top of the dimerization/peptide-binding region. To aid the understanding of the mechanistic significance of thioredoxin domain dimerization and of the peptide-binding cleft of DsbC, we constructed a series of protein chimeras comprising unrelated protein dimerization domains fused to thioredoxin superfamily enzymes. Chimeras consisting of the dimerization domain and the alpha-helical linker of the bacterial proline cis/trans isomerase FkpA and the periplasmic oxidase DsbA gave rise to enzymes that catalyzed the folding of multidisulfide substrate proteins in vivo with comparable efficiency to E. coli DsbC. In addition, expression of FkpA-DsbAs conferred modest resistance to CuCl2, a phenotype that depends on disulfide bond isomerization. Selection for resistance to elevated CuCl2 concentrations led to the isolation of FkpA-DsbA mutants containing a single amino acid substitution that changed the active site of the DsbA domain from CPHC into CPYC, increasing the similarity to the DsbC active site (CGYC). Unlike DsbC, which is resistant to oxidation by DsbB-DsbA and does not normally catalyze disulfide bond formation under physiological conditions, the FkpA-DsbA chimeras functioned both as oxidases and isomerases. The engineering of these efficient artificial isomerases delineates the key features of catalysis of disulfide bond isomerization and enhances our understanding of its evolution.  相似文献   

Protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) is an essential catalyst of disulfide formation and isomerization in the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum. PDI has two active sites at either end of the molecule, each containing two cysteines that facilitate thiol-disulfide exchange. In addition to its four catalytic cysteines, PDI possesses two non-active site cysteines whose location and separation distance varies by organism. In higher eukaryotes, the non-active site cysteines are located in the C-terminal half of the protein sequence and are separated by 30 amino acids. In contrast, the internal cysteines of PDI from lower eukaryotes are located near the N-terminal active site and are much closer together in sequence. The function of these cysteines and the significance of their unique location in yeast PDI have been unclear. Previous data (Xiao, R., Wilkinson, B., Solovyov, A., Winther, J. R., Holmgren, A., Lundstrom-Ljung, J., and Gilbert, H. F. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 49780-49786) suggest that the internal cysteines exist as a disulfide in the endoplasmic reticulum of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. By coupling mass spectrometry with a gel-shift technique that allows us to measure the redox potentials of the PDI active sites in the presence and absence of the non-active site cysteines, we find that the non-active site cysteines form a disulfide that is stable even in a very reducing environment and demonstrate that this disulfide exists to destabilize the N-terminal active site disulfide, making it a better oxidant by 18-fold. Consistent with this finding, we show that mutating the non-active site cysteines to alanines disrupts both the oxidase and isomerase activities of PDI in vitro.  相似文献   

Production of eukaryotic proteins with multiple disulfide bonds in the Escherichia coli periplasm often encounters difficulty in obtaining soluble products with native structure. Human nerve growth factor beta (NGF) contains three disulfide bonds between nonconsecutive cysteine residues and forms insoluble aggregates when expressed in E. coli. We now report that overexpression of Dsb proteins known to catalyze formation and isomerization of disulfide bonds can substantially enhance periplasmic production of NGF. A set of pACYC184-based plasmids that permit dsb expression under the araB promoter were introduced into cells carrying a compatible plasmid that expresses NGF. The efficiency of periplasmic production of NGF fused to the OmpT signal peptide was strikingly improved by coexpression of DsbCD or DsbABCD proteins (up to 80% of total NGF produced). Coexpression of DsbAB was hardly effective, whereas that of DsbAC increased the total yield but not the periplasmic expression. These results suggest synergistic roles of DsbC and DsbD in disulfide isomerization that appear to become limiting upon NGF production. Furthermore, recombinant NGF produced with excess DsbCD (or DsbABCD) was biologically active judged by the neurite outgrowth assay using rat PC12 cells.  相似文献   

The thioredoxin superfamily consists of enzymes that catalyze the reduction, formation, and isomerization of disulfide bonds and exert their activity through a redox active disulfide in a Cys-Xaa(1)-Xaa(2)-Cys motif. The individual members of the family differ strongly in their intrinsic redox potentials. However, the role of the different redox potentials for the in vivo function of these enzymes is essentially unknown. To address the question of in vivo importance of redox potential for the most reducing member of the enzyme family, thioredoxin, we have employed a set of active site variants of thioredoxin with increased redox potentials (-270 to -195 mV) for functional studies in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. The variants proved to be efficient substrates of thioredoxin reductase, providing a basis for an in vivo characterization of NADPH-dependent reductive processes catalyzed by the thioredoxin variants. The reduction of sulfate and methionine sulfoxide, as well as the isomerization of periplasmic disulfide bonds by DsbC, which all depend on thioredoxin as catalyst in the E. coli cytoplasm, proved to correlate well with the intrinsic redox potentials of the variants in complementation assays. The same correlation could be established in vitro by using the thioredoxin-catalyzed reduction of lipoic acid by NADPH as a model reaction. We propose that the rate of direct reduction of substrates by thioredoxin, which largely depends on the redox potential of thioredoxin, is the most important parameter for the in vivo function of thioredoxin, as recycling of reduced thioredoxin through NADPH and thioredoxin reductase is not rate-limiting for its catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is a facultative intracellular pathogen with the ability to survive and replicate in macrophages. Periplasmic copper binding protein CueP is known to confer copper resistance to S. Typhimurium, and has been implicated in ROS scavenge activity by transferring the copper ion to a periplasmic superoxide dismutase or by directly reducing the copper ion. Structural and biochemical studies on CueP showed that its copper binding site is surrounded by conserved cysteine residues. Here, we present evidence that periplasmic disulfide isomerase DsbC plays a key role in maintaining CueP protein in the reduced state. We observed purified DsbC protein efficiently reduced the oxidized form of CueP, and that it acted on two (Cys104 and Cys172) of the three conserved cysteine residues. Furthermore, we found that a surface-exposed conserved phenylalanine residue in CueP was important for this process, which suggests that DsbC specifically recognizes the residue of CueP. An experiment using an Escherichia coli system confirmed the critical role played by DsbC in the ROS scavenge activity of CueP. Taken together, we propose a molecular insight into how CueP collaborates with the periplasmic disulfide reduction system in the pathogenesis of the bacteria.  相似文献   

Katzen F  Beckwith J 《Cell》2000,103(5):769-779
The cytoplasmic membrane protein DsbD transfers electrons from the cytoplasm to the periplasm of E. coli, where its reducing power is used to maintain cysteines in certain proteins in the reduced state. We split DsbD into three structural domains, each containing two essential cysteines. Remarkably, when coexpressed, these truncated proteins restore DsbD function. Utilizing this three piece system, we were able to determine a pathway of the electrons through DsbD. Our findings strongly suggest that the pathway is based on a series of multistep redox reactions that include direct interactions between thioredoxin and DsbD, and between DsbD and its periplasmic substrates. A thioredoxin-fold domain in DsbD appears to have the novel role of intramolecular electron shuttle.  相似文献   

The peptide antibiotic bacitracin is widely used as an inhibitor of protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) to demonstrate the role of the protein-folding catalyst in a variety of molecular pathways. Commercial bacitracin is a mixture of at least 22 structurally related peptides. The inhibitory activity of individual bacitracin analogs on PDI is unknown. For the present study, we purified the major bacitracin analogs, A, B, H, and F, and tested their ability to inhibit the reductive activity of PDI by use of an insulin aggregation assay. All analogs inhibited PDI, but the activity (IC(50) ) ranged from 20 μm for bacitracin F to 1050 μm for bacitracin B. The mechanism of PDI inhibition by bacitracin is unknown. Here, we show, by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS, a direct interaction of bacitracin with PDI, involving disulfide bond formation between an open thiol form of the bacitracin thiazoline ring and cysteines in the substrate-binding domain of PDI.  相似文献   

Native protein disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) requires protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) and Ero1p. Here we show that oxidizing equivalents flow from Ero1p to substrate proteins via PDI. PDI is predominantly oxidized in wild-type cells but is reduced in an ero1-1 mutant. Direct dithiol-disulfide exchange between PDI and Ero1p is indicated by the capture of PDI-Ero1p mixed disulfides. Mixed disulfides can also be detected between PDI and the ER precursor of carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). Further, PDI1 is required for the net formation of disulfide bonds in newly synthesized CPY, indicating that PDI functions as an oxidase in vivo. Together, these results define a pathway for protein disulfide bond formation in the ER. The PDI homolog Mpd2p is also oxidized by Ero1p.  相似文献   

Dsb proteins (DsbA, DsbB, DsbC, and DsbD) catalyze formation and isomerization of protein disulfide bonds in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. By using a set of Dsb coexpression plasmids constructed recently, we analyzed the effects of Dsb overexpression on production of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) isozyme C that contains complex disulfide bonds and tends to aggregate when produced in E. coli. When transported to the periplasm, HRP was unstable but was markedly stabilized upon simultaneous overexpression of the set of Dsb proteins (DsbABCD). Whereas total HRP production increased severalfold upon overexpression of at least disulfide-bonded isomerase DsbC, maximum transport of HRP to the periplasm seemed to require overexpression of all DsbABCD proteins, suggesting that excess Dsb proteins exert synergistic effects in assisting folding and transport of HRP. Periplasmic production of HRP also increased when calcium, thought to play an essential role in folding of nascent HRP polypeptide, was added to the medium with or without Dsb overexpression. These results suggest that Dsb proteins and calcium play distinct roles in periplasmic production of HRP, presumably through facilitating correct folding. The present Dsb expression plasmids should be useful in assessing and dissecting periplasmic production of proteins that contain multiple disulfide bonds in E. coli.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) was used to analyze the pleiotropic effects of a deficiency in DsbA, a periplasmic disulfide-bond oxidoreductase, in Salmonella typhi. With this aim, the dsbA gene was cloned and assayed for activity in a dsbA-null mutant of Escherichia coli. A dsbA/chloramphenicol acetylase construct was then used to disrupt the wild-type gene of S. typhi. The resultant dsbA-null mutant of S. typhi, like the E. coli mutant, exhibited a lack of flagellation and of glucose-1-phosphatase activity. Periplasmic extracts from the parental and mutant strains were analyzed by 2-DE using standard denaturing and nondenaturing conditions. Differences in protein expression were more marked in nondenaturing conditions. Ninety-nine protein spots were analyzed by peptide mass fingerprinting, and 65 spots were identified by searching a S. typhi database. Twenty-five spots were exclusively detected in the wild-type strain, 10 were found only in the mutant strain, and 21 were common to both strains. We observed a lack of DsbA, glucose-1-phosphatase and flagellin in the dsbA-null mutant, which explains two of the observed phenotypes. The AI-2 autoinducer-producing protein LuxS, which is involved in quorum-sensing signalling was also absent.  相似文献   

Intrinsic membrane proteins pose substantial obstacles to analysis by common analytical techniques due to their hydrophobic nature and solubilization requirements. This is the case for studies involving HPLC coupled to mass spectrometry. We have developed an HPLC/mass spectrometry approach to explore and map the peptide sequence of the SERCA1a Ca(2+)-ATPase from the sarcoplasmic reticulum an integral membrane protein of 110 kDa. After extensive proteolysis of the protein, the mass of the proteolytic fragments was analyzed by HPLC/mass spectrometry. Only part of the cytoplasmic fragments was recovered under nondenaturing conditions. On the other hand, peptide fragments obtained under denaturing conditions were found to cover nearly all the cytoplasmic region. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+)-ATPase contains 24 cysteine residues, 18 of which are in the cytosolic or lumenal region of the protein. Peptides containing free cysteines were identified by a mass increase resulting from carboxyamidomethylation of the cysteines with iodoacetamide. Alkylation reactions were executed either before or after reduction of the peptide fragments by dithiothreitol. Analysis of the mass of the fragments indicates that no disulfide bonds exist in the cytoplasmic portion of SR Ca(2+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Proteins of the CcdA/DsbD family have previously been found to be involved in the protein disulfide isomerase and cytochrome c maturation pathways of bacteria. SoxV is a CcdA homologue encoded by a genetic locus involved in lithotrophic thiosulfate oxidation in Rhodovulum sulfidophilum. Mutagenesis studies demonstrate an essential and specific role for SoxV in thiosulfate oxidation. Another protein encoded by the same locus, SoxW, is a periplasmic thioredoxin. SoxW was found to be in the reduced state during growth of R. sulfidophilum in the presence of thiosulfate. Maintenance of SoxW in the reduced state was shown to require SoxV. Nevertheless, SoxW was found to be dispensible for thiosulfate oxidation suggesting that SoxV reduces more than one periplasmic partner protein.  相似文献   

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