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Juvenile Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, were exposed both acutely (96 h) and chronically (9 weeks) to three concentrations of the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of North Slope crude oil. Mean (± S.E.) total PAH (TPAH) concentrations at the beginning of the acute exposure experiment were: 9.7 ± 6.5, 37.9 ± 8.6 and 99.3 ± 5.6 μg/L. TPAH concentrations declined with time and the composition of the WSF shifted toward larger and more substituted PAHs. Significant induction of hepatic cytochrome P450 content, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase and glutathione-S-transferase activities in WSF-exposed fish indicated that hydrocarbons were biologically available to herring. Significant but temporary, elevations in plasma cortisol (4.9-fold and 8.5-fold increase over controls in the 40 and 100 μg/L groups, respectively), lactate (2.2-fold and 3.1-fold over controls in the 40 and 100 μg/L groups) and glucose (1.3-fold, 1.4-fold and 1.6-fold over controls in the 10, 40 and 100 μg/L groups) occurred in fish exposed acutely to WSF. All values returned to baseline levels by 96 h. Similar responses were seen with the first of several sequential WSF pulses in the chronic exposure study. Subsequent WSF pulses resulted in muted cortisol responses and fewer significant elevations in both plasma lactate and glucose concentrations. Hematocrit, leucocrit, hemoglobin concentration and liver glycogen content were not affected by acute or chronic WSF exposure. Plasma [Cl], [Na+] and [K+] were significantly higher in the 100 μg/L WSF-exposed group by 96 h compared to control fish, and continued to be elevated through the entire chronic exposure period. Unlike the measured stress parameters, ionoregulatory dysfunction was not modulated by WSF pulses. The results of this study suggest that chronic exposure to WSF affects at least two important physiological systems in herring: the ability of fish to maintain ion homeostasis and the interrenally-mediated organismal stress response.  相似文献   

Microscale patches of resources occur in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions, and in the latter case are referred to as thin layers. These layers may affect ecological processes like behavior, predation, growth and reproduction in phytoplankton and zooplankton. The objective of this study was to determine possible effects of physical and biological thin layers on the vertical distribution and diel vertical migration of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. We used four, 2 m tall, experimental tanks fitted with video cameras which panned the vertical extent of each tank and enabled us to sample on the centimeter scale. The experimental tanks consisted of a thin layer (25 cm thick) of Nannochloropsis oculata, whereas control tanks consisted of homogeneously distributed algae. Rotifers aggregated in the thin layers of N. oculata, and dispersed (becoming evenly distributed) after depleting the algae within the thin layer (ca. 6 h). In contrast, rotifer aggregation in the physical thin layer of control tanks was shorter in duration (ca. 2.5 h) and rotifers were homogenously distributed for the remainder of the experiment despite persistent salinity stratification. No signs of diel vertical migration were noted in either experimental or control tanks. A second set of experiments was run to examine the response of rotifers to a choice of food, i.e., thin layers of the diatom, Skeletonema costatum versus the eustigmatophyte, N. oculata. For the choice experiments, two thin layers were created, one with each food option. Our results suggest that B. plicatilis aggregates and feeds preferentially on N. oculata over S. costatum. In both types of experiments rotifers responded, in terms of distribution, to thin layers of algae within the first half-hour of introduction and remained in the thin layers until the food source was depleted. Our results suggest that rotifers may be important grazers on thin layers because of their ability to quickly locate and take advantage of ephemeral food patches.  相似文献   

The accurate prediction of recruitment to the fishery is a very important tool within the management structure of any fish stock being exploited. In the case of the Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, fishery in Canada, a forecast of the abundance of each herring stock is particularly important for formulating an annual catch quota. The sustainable management of the fishery and the resource is based in part on accurate recruitment forecasting because Pacific herring are short-lived and so the recruitment contributes a significant part of the total spawning run targeted by the fishery each year. Several factors are believed be important in determining the success of recruitment besides spawners biomass. Since herrings are “r” strategists, conditions related to the egg, the planktonic, or even the juvenile stage might determine the future level of recruitment. Recently a formula that defines conditions for a semi-quantitative level of recruitment forecast was elaborated using genetic algorithms and current study attempts to improve on this model. Using salinity in two quarterly periods during the planktonic and pre-recruit stages, temperature and spawning biomass for the west coast of Vancouver Island stock, classification rules that define recruitment in 3 different levels (low, medium and high) were developed with a genetic algorithm, setting low and high boundaries for each condition. A 75% success in classifying recruitment was obtained. The model was shown to be particularly effective at predicting when the recruitment would be low, which could be important from the perspective of the Precautionary Approach and the sustainable management of this stock.  相似文献   

The predation potential of littoral mysid shrimps (Mysidacea) on Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras L.) eggs and yolk-sac larvae was studied experimentally. The results showed that littoral mysids feed actively on both eggs and yolk-sac larvae. It was shown that Neomysis integer preys on eggs, which are not attached to the substrate. Alternative food (yolk-sac larvae or zooplankton) did not decrease feeding rate on eggs. Only gravel as a bottom material lowered the ingestion rate to nearly zero. The largest of the mysid species Praunus flexuosus ate yolk-sac larvae more than other mysids and most efficiently. Mysids switched to feed on eggs when larvae and eggs were offered simultaneously, thus predation focused on eggs. It is possible that hydrodynamic signals of moving larvae induced mysids to prey and eggs were easier prey to catch as well as more numerous. In addition egg size is optimal and the nutritive value (measured as C:N ratio) is better compared with larvae. The results indicate that mysids may have local effects on populations of Baltic herring by eating the early life stages, mostly eggs. Especially when large swarms of N. integer shoal in the spawning areas. However, the effect on recruitment of herring is still hard to evaluate.  相似文献   

The escape behaviour of fed and food-deprived herring larvae (20-30 mm SL) was studied during repeated attacks with a glass probe in order to investigate the causal mechanisms of starvation-induced changes in reaction to predators. Two experiments were set up: one where the fed and starved larvae were of the same age but of different sizes and one with groups of similar size but different ages. Biochemical and morphological condition measures described the condition of individual larvae. Starved larvae showed a lower responsiveness than fed larger larvae of the same age, and the responsiveness in this experiment decreased with decreasing nutritional status of the larvae. However, starved larvae that were of the same size but older than fed larvae showed a higher responsiveness, which could be explained by differences in development of sensory systems. A combination of condition and developmental factors thus explained the differences between starved and fed larvae. Both starved and fed larvae showed decreasing responsiveness over time with repeated attacks with no difference between starved and fed larvae in the relative change over time. The results emphasise the importance of taking into account individual age and/or development when the nutritional condition of wild-caught larvae is incorporated in survival models.  相似文献   

Most meroplanktonic larvae have been considered to behave as passive particles in the water column, and their dispersal determined by advection. However, larvae may influence their horizontal transport by sinking or swimming between overlying water masses. The flow conditions under which larvae influence their vertical distribution through depth regulation are presently unclear. Using an annular flume, we examined the effect of increasing flow, repeated exposure to flow, and acceleration and deceleration on the vertical distribution of 4-arm stage echinoplutei of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Specifically, we generated different levels of vertical velocity and shear strengths by manipulating horizontal velocity (u). We increased and decreased flow speed incrementally from no flow (u = 0 cm s− 1) to intermediate flow (u = 0.48 cm s− 1) to high flow (u = 1.02 cm s− 1) for each of 3 cycles within each of 2 independent trials. We used a high resolution digital camera to record, and image-analysis to quantify, larval distribution. In the absence of flow, larvae swam upwards and aggregated near the surface of the flume. With increasing flow, increasing numbers of larvae were observed in the mid to low water column indicating a negative influence on larval ability to aggregate near the surface. No differences were observed between distributions in acceleration and deceleration phases of the cycles; however, results suggest that increased exposure can decrease the ability of larvae to regulate their vertical position over time. Vertical shear can result in the re-orientation of swimming larvae and likely compromised larval ability for directed swimming in our study. The threshold shear level beyond which larvae cannot regulate their vertical position is > 2 s− 1, suggesting that echinoid larvae may be more vulnerable to shear than other weak swimmers, most likely because of their shape. However, echinoid larvae can likely influence their vertical distribution within many areas in the ocean, since shears > 2 s− 1 are present only in highly turbulent regions such as fronts.  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on larval development and attachment of Balanus trigonus Darwin (Cirripedia, Balanidae) was examined under controlled laboratory conditions. Whilst larval survivorship was not affected (>70%), the duration of larval development was significantly affected by temperature and salinity. The effect of temperature was comparatively stronger than that of salinity. The majority of nauplius II larvae metamorphosed into cypris stage after 4-5 and 10-11 days at 28 °C (22-34‰) and 18 °C (22-34‰), respectively. Temperature, salinity and the duration of assay had a significant effect on cypris attachment with significant interaction among these main effects. Maximum (>80% in 6 days) and minimum percent attachment (0% in 6 days) on polystyrene surfaces were observed at 24 °C (34‰) and 18 °C (22‰), respectively. At high temperature (28 °C) and low salinity (22-26‰), larvae rapidly (4 days) developed into cyprids, but less than 33% attached. These results suggest that low larval attachment rates may lead to the low recruitment of B. trigonus in Hong Kong waters during summer when the water temperature is high (about 28 °C) and salinity is low (<26‰).  相似文献   

While the influence of horizontal salinity gradients on the distribution and abundance of planktonic organisms in estuaries is relatively well known, the effects of vertical salinity gradients (haloclines) are less well understood. Because biological, chemical, and physical conditions can vary between different salinity strata, an understanding of the behavioral response of zooplankton to haloclines is crucial to understanding the population biology and ecology of these organisms. We studied four San Francisco Bay copepods, Acartia (Acartiura) spp., Acartia (Acanthacartia) spp., Oithona davisae, and Tortanus dextrilobatus, and one species of larval fish (Clupea pallasi), in an attempt to understand how and why zooplankton respond to haloclines. Controlled laboratory experiments involved placing several individuals of each species in two 2-m-high tanks, one containing a halocline (magnitude varied between 1.4 and 10.0 psu) and the other without a halocline, and recording the location of each organism once every hour for 2-4 days using an automated video microscopy system. Results indicated that most zooplankton changed their vertical distribution and/or migration in response to haloclines. For the smaller taxa (Acartiura spp., Acanthacartia spp., and O. davisae), this behavior took the form of accumulating in or below the halocline, while the effects on the larger species (C. pallasi and T. dextrilobatus) were more subtle. C. pallasi yolk sac and 3- to 6-day-old larvae seemed to pause or remain in the halocline during their diel migration, while 14- to 17-day-old larvae appeared to avoid the halocline by remaining in deeper, more saline water. There were very few statistically significant effects of haloclines on the vertical distribution of T. dextrilobatus. Subsequent mortality experiments with Acartiura spp., Acanthacartia spp. and T. dextrilobatus indicated that the behavioral changes seen in the halocline studies were not associated with any salinity-induced mortality per se, although more subtle affects of physiological stress could not be ruled out. These results point to a high degree of flexibility in vertical migration behavior within a given species as well as large variation between species. Such behavioral flexibility is likely to be very important in allowing planktonic organisms generally, and estuarine organisms in particular, to maintain or alter position relative to currents, food, and predators.  相似文献   

Larval release patterns in brachyuran crabs are often synchronized with environmental cycles. While previous studies have focused extensively on supratidal and intertidal taxa, there have been relatively few investigations of subtidal species. This study examined patterns of larval release by the Florida stone crab, Menippe mercenaria, from three different tidal regimes. Ovigerous stone crabs were collected from Sebastian Inlet on the east coast of Florida, Tampa Bay on the west coast of Florida, and the Florida Keys. Patterns of larval release were monitored in the laboratory in relation to local tidal and diel cycles. Results showed a significant diel pattern in initiation of hatching by crabs from each of three study areas. Larval release consistently occurred during the diurnal phase despite the maintenance of females in constant laboratory conditions for up to 96 h prior to hatching. This implies that release may be controlled by a circadian clock. Patterns of release by stone crabs in relation to tidal cycle were more variable. Larval release by females from populations near Tampa Bay and Sebastian Inlet were not synchronized with the tides, whereas females collected from the Florida Keys exhibited a pattern that was strongly related to tidal cycle. These results may be explained by differences in tidal amplitude at the three sampling locations.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses are known to differ seasonally in endotherms and this is often dependent on the environment and region they are resident. Holarctic animals are exposed to severe winters and substantial seasonal variation in ambient temperature. In contrast, those in the Afrotropics have less severe winters, but greater variation in temperature, rainfall and net primary production. These environmental factors place different selection pressures on physiological responses in endotherms. In this study, metabolic rate (VO2) and body temperature (Tb) were measured in captive bred Rock Kestrels (Falco rupicolus) from the Afrotropics after a period of summer and winter acclimatisation. Resting metabolic rate was significantly lower after the winter acclimatisation period than after the summer acclimatisation period, and there was a shift in the thermoneutral zone from 20–33 °C in summer to 15–30 °C in winter. However, no significant difference in basal metabolic rate between summer and winter was found. The results show that Rock Kestrels reduce energy expenditure at low ambient temperatures in winter as expected in an Afrotropical species.  相似文献   

Effects of food availability on the larval survival and development of Crepidula onyx were studied in four experiments by feeding the larvae with different concentrations of the chrysophyte Isochrysis galbana and by starving the larvae for different periods of time. Food concentration had a clear impact on the survival, growth and development time of C. onyx veligers. Larval development occurred only at 104 cells ml−1 and higher algal concentrations. No shell increment was detected in the veligers cultured for 12 days at 102 cells ml−1I. galbana or the blank control. At 103 cells ml−1, there was only a slight increase in shell length over 12 days. At 104 cells ml−1, about 40% of the larvae became competent in 18 days. At 105 and 106 cells ml−1, more than 90% of the larvae reached competence in 7 days. Initial starvation negatively affected the larval development, but the sensitivity differed among parameters measured on day 5: lower survivorship was detected only for larvae that had suffered 3 days or longer initial starvation, whereas one-day initial starvation caused shorter shells and lower percentage of competent larvae. Three days of continuous feeding was required for 50% of the larvae to reach competence. After feeding for 3 days, most larvae could become competent to metamorphose even under starvation. The time of starvation was also critical: larvae that suffered 1-day food deprivation in the first 2 days of larval release had shorter shells and lowered percent competent larvae than those that suffered the same length of food deprivation in later stages of development. Our study thus indicates that both food concentration and short-term starvation have detrimental effects on the larval development of this species, and that once the larva has consumed certain amount of food, starvation may induce metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Five families of gynogenetic diploid Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) were induced by inhibiting the second polar body in meiotic cell division of eggs fertilized with UV-irradiated sperm. Segregation patterns of eight microsatellite loci were investigated in the gynogenetic diploid offspring; the proportion of heterozygous progeny was used to estimate microsatellite-centromere (M-C) distances. Mendelian inheritance was confirmed for the eight loci by examining the genotypic segregation in the control crosses. Three of the eight microsatellite loci showed the existence of null alleles in four control crosses. All gynogenetic offspring only possessed the alleles of the mother, indicating 100% success level for the five families. The M-C recombination frequency estimates ranged from 0.62 to 0.77 (0.72 mean), comparable to those in the oyster based on allozyme markers and suggesting that meiotic gynogenesis does not appear to be a very efficient inbreeding method in the oyster. Recombination frequencies observed were often higher than the theoretical maximum of 0.67, indicating the existence of positive interference after a single chiasma formation in some chromosomes. Information on the positions of centromeres in relation to the microsatellite loci will represent a contribution toward assembly of genetic maps in C. gigas.  相似文献   

Based mainly on recently collected material, we discuss the taxonomy and zoogeography of a (sub)tropical genus, Mesocyclops, in the South Pacific. A new species, Mesocyclops roberti sp. nov. is described from Fiji and the Wallis Islands. New data on the geographic distribution and morphology are reported for Mesocyclops medialis, Mesocyclops woutersi and Mesocyclops aspericornis. Phylogenetic reconstructions coding the intraspecifically variable characters by three different methods (unordered, unscaled and scaled coding) support close relationship of M. roberti with two Australian species (Mesocyclops brooksi and Mesocyclops notius). Both the “unordered” and “scaled” analyses show monophyly of a group composed of Australian (Mesocyclops australiensis, M. brooksi, M. notius, and Mesocyclops pubiventris) and South Pacific (M. medialis and M. roberti sp. nov.) taxa. None of the analyses supports a sister relationship of M. roberti with M. medialis (New Caledonia, Vanuatu), the only other species restricted to South Pacific, which suggests that Mesocyclops invaded the South Pacific from Australia at least twice. The sister relationship of the Australian-South Pacific clade remains unresolved, yet all reconstructions suggest a link with Asian Mesocyclops sp.  相似文献   

The large edible spider crab Maja brachydactyla Balss, 1922, an overexploited coastal fishery resource in Galicia (NW Spain), is considered as a potential aquaculture candidate. Patterns of its larval growth were studied under controlled laboratory conditions (constant 18 ± 1 °C; 36‰ salinity; photoperiod ca. 12:12 h; lipid-enriched Artemia metanauplii provided as food). From hatching through complete larval development and metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab instar, changes in carapace size, dry weight (DW), ash content, elemental composition (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen; CHN), and proximate biochemical composition (total proteins, lipids, carbohydrates; Pr, L, Ch) were measured in successive stages (zoea I, II, megalopa, crab I). Body size may be described as a linear function of the number of molting cycles, whereas the amounts of DW, CHN, Pr, L, and Ch per individual increased exponentially (3 to 9 fold). The highest growth rates were observed in L, C and H, the lowest in DW, Pr and N. As a consequence of these patterns, the C:N mass ratio as well as the fractions of L, C and H (in % of DW) increased significantly, while those of Pr and N decreased from 26% to 16% of DW. Throughout development, however, Pr remained the principal biochemical component of total DW. Positive correlations between biochemical and CHN data allow for estimates of Pr from N and of L from C values per individual. The patterns of larval growth observed in M. brachydactyla are, in general, similar to those previously described for other brachyuran crabs with a planktotrophic mode of larval development.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, we examined the effect of haloclines and determined whether the presence of food patches overrides this effect on larval vertical distribution of the sea star Asterias rubens, the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and the mussel Mytilus edulis. We experimentally constructed haloclines in which the salinity of the bottom water layer was 35 and that of the top layer was 21, 24, 27, and 30 (21/35, 24/35, 27/35, and 30/35) for A. rubens and S. droebachiensis, and 24, 27, 30 and 32 (24/35, 27/35, 30/35, and 32/35) for M. edulis. For each species and stage, additional halocline treatments (A. rubens: 24/32 and 27/32; 4-arm S. droebachiensis: 21/29 and 24/32; 6-arm S. droebachiensis: 24/29 and 24/32; M. edulis: 27/32 and 30/32) were used to determine whether the larval response to inhibitory salinity gradients was due to the absolute salinity of the top layer or the relative salinity difference between the two layers. Also, we measured the density of A. rubens and M. edulis to determine whether the specific gravity of larvae can explain the observed vertical distributions. Larvae aggregated at and below the halocline and these aggregations were more pronounced with increasing strength of the vertical salinity gradient. Threshold salinities in the top layer which inhibited ~ 100% of the larvae from crossing the halocline were 24 for A. rubens and M. edulis, and 21 for S. droebachiensis. These distributional patterns were not the result of larval density, which was greater than all treatment water densities for M. edulis and S. droebachiensis and lower for A. rubens. The effect of the presence of a food patch at inhibitory haloclines (A. rubens: 24/35 and 27/35; 4-arm S. droebachiensis: 21/34 and 24/34; M. edulis: 27/35) was determined by using three algal densities: 0, 5000 or 10 000 cells ml- 1Thalassiosira pseudonana in either the top or the bottom water layer. For both A. rubens and M. edulis, the number of larvae at the halocline increased in the presence of a food patch, but this effect did not depend on algal density in the patch. For 4-arm S. droebachiensis, there was no effect of the presence of a food patch on larval vertical distribution. Our results suggest that low salinity may act as a barrier to vertical movement and that the presence of food patches above the halocline may strengthen the larval aggregation response to inhibitory haloclines.  相似文献   

The distribution of Hohorstiella lata, Colpocephalum turbinatum, Campanulotes bidentatus compar, and Comlumbicola columbae on domestic pigeons were determined. Each species laid its eggs on a different part of the body but all fed on the fluffy part of the body feathers. H. lata also fed on blood, and C. turbinatum on its own eggs and nymphs. Reduction of the efficiency of preening led to an increase in the number of lice and more widespread distribution of nymphs and adults but not to a rapid change in the distribution of eggs. It is suggested that preening has played a major selective role, and that the morphological and behavioural adaptions of the lice are to ensure that they and their eggs survive this type of predation.  相似文献   

斑尾榛鸡(Tetrastes sewerzowi)为我国特有松鸡科鸟类,仅分布于我国中西部地区的高山针叶林中,为国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物。斑尾榛鸡雄鸟在春季繁殖季节占据并保卫领域。2012年4~5月,在甘肃省莲花山自然保护区,利用录音回放和放置标本模型模仿入侵者的方法,研究斑尾榛鸡的领域行为,重点关注斑尾榛鸡雄鸟领域行为的个体差异,以及与配对时间和领域质量的关系。研究发现,斑尾榛鸡的领域行为依据对入侵者驱赶程度不同分为观察确认、警告、追逐、对峙、跳起打斗5个阶段。斑尾榛鸡领域行为中会发出警告鸣叫,分析表明可分为4种类型。通过对6只无线电遥测斑尾榛鸡个体的实验研究,发现其个体间领域行为的强弱存在显著差异;配对前后领域行为的强弱也存在显著差异;而这种竞争力与雄鸟领域内柳树盖度显著相关。  相似文献   

Cattle demonstrate divergent and heritable phenotypes of resistance and susceptibility to infestation with the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Bos indicus cattle are generally more resistant to tick infestation than Bos taurus breeds although large variations in resistance can occur within subspecies and within breed. Increased tick resistance has been previously associated with an intense hypersensitivity response in B. taurus breeds; however, the mechanism by which highly resistant B. indicus cattle acquire and sustain high levels of tick resistance remains to be elucidated. Using the commercially available Affymetrix microarray gene expression platform, together with histological examination of the larval attachment site, this study aimed to describe those processes responsible for high levels of tick resistance in Brahman (B. indicus) cattle that differ from those in low-resistance Holstein-Friesian (B. taurus) cattle. We found that genes involved in inflammatory processes and immune responsiveness to infestation by ticks, although up-regulated in tick-infested Holstein-Friesian cattle, were not up-regulated in Brahman cattle. In contrast, genes encoding constituents of the extracellular matrix were up-regulated in Brahmans. Furthermore, the susceptible Holstein-Friesian animals displayed a much greater cellular inflammatory response at the site of larval R. microplus attachment compared with the tick-resistant Brahman cattle.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that bacteria associated with soft-bodied organisms are suggested to produce bioactive compounds against the attachment of invertebrate larvae and bacteria onto the surface of these organisms. Our recent study has demonstrated that epibiotic bacteria from the surface of the soft coral Dendronephthya sp. (Coelenterata: Octocoralia, Alcyonacea) inhibit the growth of bacteria commonly found in marine natural biofilms. In the present study, the effect of 11 epibiotic bacteria isolated from the surface of Dendronephthya sp. on larval settlement of the tubeworms Hydroides elegans was examined using laboratory bioassay. Among 11 bacterial isolates, 2 strains (18%) inhibited the larval settlement of H. elegans (Haswell), 4 strains (36%) were “inductive” to larvae and the remaining 5 strains (46%) were “non-inductive”. There was no correlation between the antifouling activities of bacterial isolates and their phylogenetic origin, i.e. closely related bacterial strains showed different effects on larval settlement of H. elegans. When all “inductive”, “non-inductive” and “inhibitive” bacterial isolates were mixed in a 1:1:1 ratio, the effect of the resultant multispecies film on larval settlement became “inhibitive”. Waterborne compounds of Vibrio sp. and an unidentified α-Proteobacterium, which suppressed the settlement of H. elegans and Bugula neritina (L.) larvae, were further investigated using size fractionation and bioassay-guided enzymatic analysis. It was found that antilarval settlement compounds from these bacteria were heat-stable polysaccharides with a molecular weight >100 kDa. The results indicate that the bacteria associated with the soft coral Dendronephthya sp. may contribute to the antifouling mechanisms of the soft-bodied organisms by producing compounds that are against bacterial growth and settlement of macrofoulers on the surface of their host.  相似文献   

Tylototriton shanjing Nussbaum, Brodie & Yang, 1995 was described as a distinct species hidden before under the widely distributed T. verrucosus Anderson, 1871. Therefore, papers published before 1995, including those on reproductive biology, could not distinguish between these two close relatives. Consequently, data on the reproductive biology of T. shanjing are scarce. Here, we report on the first captive breeding of T. shanjing in the Aquarium of the Cologne Zoo, and we document the ontogenetic developmental stages and describe the larva for the first time. Moreover, we give a literature review for both T. verrucosus and T. shanjing and compare our data with published information referring undoubtedly to the latter species. To avoid future misidentifications and to facilitate the composition of breeding groups, we present an identification key for the East Asian salamandrid genera in general, and for the species of Tylototriton in particular.  相似文献   

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