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The aim of this research was to examine nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in solar salt ponds of varying salinity at Useless Inlet in Western Australia. These ponds use solar energy to evaporate seawater for the purpose of commercial salt production. A combination of techniques involving water column nutrient ratios, comparisons of nutrient concentrations to concentration of magnesium ions and bioassays were used in the investigation. Comparisons of changes in dissolved inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus ratios and concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients against changes in concentrations of the conservative cation Mg2+ indicated that phytoplankton biomass was potentially nitrogen limited along the entire pond salinity gradient. Nutrient addition bioassays indicated that in low salinity ponds, phytoplankton was nitrogen limited but in high salinity ponds, phosphorus limited. This may be due to isolation of phytoplankton in bioassay bottles from in situ conditions as well as to changes in phytoplankton species composition between ponds, and the variable availability of inorganic and organic nutrient sources. The differences in limiting nutrient between methods indicate that phytoplankton cells may be proximally limited by nutrients that are not theoretically limiting at the pond scale. Dissolved organic nutrients constituted a large proportion of total nutrients, with concentrations increasing through the pond sequence of increasing salinity. From the change in nutrient concentrations in bioassay bottles, sufficient dissolved organic nitrogen may be available for phytoplankton uptake in low salinity ponds, potentially alleviating the dissolved inorganic nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton biomass. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected Papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

Five natural and ten created Spartinaalternifloramarshes in the Lower Galveston BaySystem were compared to determine if there weresignificantly different physical characteristicsassociated with each type of marsh. The saltmarsheswere compared on the basis of microhabitats,length-width ratio, area-perimeter ratio, marsh-wateredge ratio, total size of S. alternifloraplantcommunities, fetch distances, angle of exposure,orientation, and elevation. All physicalmeasurements, except for elevation, were obtained fromphotography analyzed with the use of a GeographicInformation System with digital image processingcapabilities. Differences existed between natural andcreated marshes. The natural marsh sites in this studywere characterized by highly undulant marsh-wateredges, island-like S. alternifloraplant stands,concave shorelines, and low elevations. Createdmarshes were characterized by relatively smoothmarsh-water edges, an unbroken shoreline morphology,convex to straight shoreline configurations, andelevations on the edge and inner portions of the marshhigher than those of natural marshes. The lowelevations of the natural marsh appear to be due tocoastal subsidence in the Galveston Bay area alongwith rising sea level. Reticulated marshes andundulant shorelines appear to be caused by consequentdrowning of the natural marshes. High elevations insome of the created marshes are related to erosion ofthe low elevation marsh or deposition of coarsesediments at the marsh-water edge.  相似文献   

The effects of low nitrogen-phosphorus ratios on microalgae from a large eutrophic freshwater lake in the Philippines were investigated. Natural microalgal populations from Laguna de Bay, the largest lake in the Philippines, were cultured using three different nitrogen-phosphorus weight ratios (2N:1P; 6N:1P and 12N:1P) at two phosphorus concentrations (0.25 and 0.5 mg l–1) in each case. The growth and genera composition of the cultures under the different treatments were followed for a 12-week period. Community level responses were assessed based on species richness (s), Shannon-Wiener Index (H), Simpson Index () and Evenness (J). Among the different microalgal groups, only the chlorophytes showed a significantly higher density in response to the 12N:1P treatment at the higher P concentration, indicating that the nutrient ratio had a significant interaction with the nutrient levels used in the experiments. The genera found in the different treatments were generally similar; however, the degree of dominance of some varied with treatment during the experiment. The succession of dominant genera also differed among the N:P treatments. The diatoms like Fragilaria, Aulacoseira (= Melosira) and Nitzschia dominated the lowest N:P. On the other hand, chlorophytes (Kirchneriella and Scenedesmus) dominated the highest N:P treatment, particularly from the second to the seventh week of the experiments with the diatoms becoming co-dominant only towards the eighth week until the end of the experimental. The 6N:1P treatment showed a mixed dominance between the diatoms and the chlorophyte genera. The various indices of diversity indicate significantly lower diversity only in the 12N:1P at 0.5 mg l–1 P and not in 12N:1P at 0.25 mg l–1 P.  相似文献   

胶州湾浮游植物水华期群落结构特征   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
刘东艳  孙军  张利永 《应用生态学报》2003,14(11):1963-1966
根据2001年8月对胶州湾海域进行的为期2d的大面积调查资料,对浮游植物的群落结构进行了初步研究,结果表明,浮游植物群落主要由沿岸暖水性种类组成,以硅藻为主,共34种;还有少量的甲藻7种和绿藻1种,湾中央水域出现的物种数最多,为37种;湾边缘最少,仅出现10种,细胞数量的密集区出现在湾东部边缘水域,最高值为6.96×108个cell·m-3;低值区出现在湾口,最低值仅为3.18×106个cell·m-3调查期间浮游植物的物种多样性及其均匀度的最低值均出现在湾东部边缘水域;高值区出现在湾口和湾中央水域,胶州湾海域水团运动和水体富营养化程度是影响浮游植物群落分布的主要环境因素。  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to determine what nutrient (or nutrients) was primarily responsible for limiting phytoplankton productivity in ultraoligotrophic Crater Lake. The experiments included in situ and laboratory nutrient addition bioassays utilizing the natural phytoplankton community, Selenastrum capricornutum bottle assays, photosynthetic responses, photosynthetic carbon metabolism, and response of dark uptake of 14CO2 with the addition of NH 4 + . The results suggested that a trace metal(s) or its availability was the primary factor limiting the epilimnetic phytoplankton productivity. Nitrogen was extremely low, and quickly became limiting with the addition of trace metals and a chelator. Iron is the most likely candidate as the limiting nutrient. Trace metals and nitrogen are also both important in limiting phytoplankton at 100 m, a depth where biologically mediated turnover of nutrients seems to be more important.  相似文献   

Nutrient limitation and algal blooms in urbanizing tidal creeks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tidal creeks are commonly found in low energy systems on the East and Gulf Coasts of the United States, and are often subject to intense watershed human development. Many of these creeks are receiving urban and suburban runoff containing nutrients, among other pollutants. During the period 1993-2001, we studied three tidal creeks located in southeastern North Carolina, a rapidly urbanizing area. All three creeks received anthropogenic nutrient loading. Oligohaline to mesohaline stations in upper tidal creek regions had much higher nutrient (especially nitrate-N) concentrations than lower creek areas, and hosted spring and summer phytoplankton blooms that at times exceeded 200 μg chlorophyll a l−1. Phytoplankton biomass during winter was low at all stations in all three creeks. Spring and summer nutrient addition bioassay experiments were conducted to characterize the nutrients limiting phytoplankton growth. Water from high salinity stations in all three creeks always showed significant positive responses to nitrate-N inputs, even at concentrations as low as 50 μg N l−1. Low salinity stations in upper creek areas often showed significant responses to nitrate-N inputs, but on occasion showed sensitivity to phosphorus inputs as well, indicating the influence of anthropogenic nitrate loading. During several experiments, one of the upper stations showed no positive response to nutrient inputs, indicating that these stretches were nutrient replete, and further phytoplankton growth appeared to be light-limited either by phytoplankton self-shading or turbidity. Water from upper creek areas yielded much higher chlorophyll a concentrations in bioassay experiments than did lower creek water. In general, these urbanizing tidal creeks were shown to be very sensitive to nitrogen loading, and provide a physical environment conducive to phytoplankton bloom formation in nutrient-enriched areas. Tidal creeks are important ecological resources in that they are considered to be nursery areas for many species of fish and shellfish. To protect the ecological function of these small, but very abundant estuarine systems, management efforts should recognize their susceptibility to algal blooms and focus on control of nonpoint source nutrient inputs, especially nitrogen.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾浮游植物叶绿素a和初级生产力   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
1998年5月~1999年8月对太湖梅梁湾4站点进行了每季1次、为期1年的初级生产力及相关因子研究,分析了梅梁湾叶绿素a含量和初级生产力的时空分布特征.结果表明,梅梁湾的叶绿素a含量、初级生产力均存在明显的季节变化和空间差异,春、夏季浮游植物叶绿索a含量和初级生产力要比秋、冬季高,空间上位于污染严重的直湖港口6#点叶绿索a含量和初级生产力要高,并大致呈现从湾内向湾口递减的趋势;在春、夏、秋季光照较强时,初级生产力最大指值出现在水下20~50cm处。到冬季垂直差异不明显;10~30℃之间初级生产力基本上随温度的上升而呈指数增加趋势.浮游植物生物现存量与初级生产力存在显著的正相关.营养盐与初级生产力相关性变化很大.光照显著地影响初级生产力的日变化。春、夏季强光作用下表面光抑制现象比较明显.  相似文献   

Recurrent occurrences of visible mucilage “clouds” that cover areas up to several hundred kilometres with vertical dimensions of 20–30 m have been recorded in the stratified water column in the northern Adriatic. In the past this was described as “mare sporco” phenomenon. Past studies of the phenomenon indicated that phytoplankton is an important component of mucilage. Our research revealed the composition of phytoplankton assemblages in different types of mucilaginous aggregates collected during the summers of 1997 and 2000 using pigment biomarkers (HPLC). Phytoplankton biomass in the mucilage samples was very high, ranging from 7.9 μg g−1 to 390.8 μg g−1 of chlorophyll a per unit of dry mass of mucilage. The phytoplankton community in the early, loose stage of mucilaginous aggregates was heterogeneous, as indicated by the diversity of detected pigments. The number of phytoplankton groups decreased as the aggregates aged and diatoms increased in relative biomass (up to 92.7%). Phytoplankton biomass in seawater was similar in years with and without mucilage; however, significantly higher contributions to the total biomass of 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin-containing phytoplankton (prymnesiophytes) were found in the upper 10 m in spring of the “mucilaginous years” (1997 and 2000) followed by prevalence of diatoms in summer. The Fp pigment index used to assess seawater trophic conditions reached lower values in April–May in mucilaginous years (1997 and 2000) compared to non-mucilaginous years (1998 and 1999). We conclude that the role of prymnesiophytes and other small flagellates is crucial for the initial phases of mucilage appearance. Aggregates represent a favourable environment for the secondary development of opportunistic diatoms that foster mucilage formation.  相似文献   

We conducted nutrient enrichment experiments and field sampling to address three questions: (1) is there nutrient limitation of phytoplankton accumulation within an estuary whose waters are exposed to relatively high nitrogen loading rates, (2) where in the salinity gradient from fresh to seawater (0 to 32‰) is there a shift from phosphorus to nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton accumulation, and (3) is there a seasonal shift in limiting function of phosphorus and nitrogen anywhere in the estuarine gradient. Nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment experiments in the Childs River, an estuary of Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, USA, showed that the accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in brackish and saline water was limited by supply of nitrate during warm months. The effects of enrichment were less evident in fresh water, with short-lived responses to phosphate enrichment. There was no specific point along the salinity gradient where there was a shift from phosphorus- to nitrogen-limited phytoplankton accumulation; rather, the relative importance of nitrogen and phosphorus changed along the salinity gradient in the estuary and with season of the year. There was no response to nutrient additions during the colder months, suggesting that some seasonally-varying factor, such as light, temperature or a physiological mechanism, restricted phytoplankton accumulation during months other than May-Aug. There was only slight evidence of a seasonal shift between nitrogen- and phosphorus-limitation of chlorophyll accumulation. Phytoplankton populations in nutrient-rich estuaries with short flushing times grow fast, but at the same time the cells may be advected out of the estuaries while still rapidly dividing, thereby providing an important subsidy to production in nearby deeper waters. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth is a physiological process often limitedby temperature, nutrients or light, while biomass accumulationis a function of growth rates, grazing and deposition. Althoughprimary productivity measurements are usually used to assessresponses to limiting factors, the rates are proportional tobiomass and inversely related to grazing pressure during experimentalincubations. Alternatively, carbon-specific growth-rate determinationsprovide insights into physiological responses without the confoundingeffects of biomass and grazing. The objective of this studywas to quantify the growth-rate responses of phytoplankton toenhanced nutrient availability (nitrate and phosphate) overa range of in situ irradiances. Growth rates were determinedbased on chlorophyll a-specific 14C-uptake rates by phytoplankton.Phytoplankton demonstrated high (24 h) growth rates when exposedto increased concentrations of limiting nutrients, independentof the surface irradiances (12–41%). Growth-rate responseswere also compared with the biomass (chlorophyll a) responsesand community composition. Observed and estimated phytoplanktonbiomass changes during the incubations differed, emphasizingthe structural role of grazers on the phytoplankton community.The phytoplankton community in Galveston Bay has the potentialto instantaneously respond to nutrient pulses, facilitatingdiatom biomass accumulations in spring and summer and small,flagellated species and cyanobacteria during periods of lownutrient inputs. Thus, Galveston Bay phytoplankton biomass andcommunity composition reflect a dynamic balance between thefrequency of nutrient pulsing and grazing intensity.  相似文献   

胶州湾叶绿素a浓度及浮游植物的粒级组成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘胜军  沈志良 《应用生态学报》2009,20(10):2468-2474
2008年2、5、8和11月对胶州湾及邻近水域中表层叶绿素a浓度和浮游植物粒级组成进行了调查.结果表明:胶州湾内和湾外表层叶绿素a年平均浓度分别为4.90和2.03 mg·m-3;叶绿素a浓度的平面分布呈现自东北部及近岸向中部、南部及湾外递减的趋势;叶绿素a浓度季节变化明显,冬季和夏季浓度较高,春季次之,呈现温带海域双峰型的变化趋势.胶州湾浮游植物粒级组成以微型浮游植物为主,平均占叶绿素a总量的60.9%,其次是小型浮游植物,超微型浮游植物所占比例最低,与我国近海浮游植物粒级组成基本一致.与历史资料相比,微型浮游植物所占比例有所增加,超微型浮游植物所占比例降低.  相似文献   

大亚湾浮游植物群落特征   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22  
孙翠慈  王友绍  孙松  张凤琴 《生态学报》2006,26(12):3948-3958
于2002年冬、春、夏和秋季对大亚湾浮游植物进行采样调查,分析了浮游植物的种类组成、丰度、优势种、多样性及群落结构的季节变化特征和平面分布特征。并讨论了浮游植物与营养盐、水温及环流等环境因子之间的关系。2002年大亚湾浮游植物共鉴定出48属114种(包括变型和变种),丰度范围在5.79×104~5.37×106cells/m3之间,平均值为1.14×106cells/m3。其中硅藻共37属84种,其种数和细胞丰度都占绝对优势,平均丰度为1.08×106cells/m3,其次为甲藻,9属23种,平均丰度为9.91×104cells/m3。此外还鉴定出蓝藻和金藻。大亚湾浮游植物丰度变化呈单一周期型,春夏季高,秋冬季节低。虽然硅藻的丰度占优势,但秋季硅藻丰度降低(占总丰度75.8%)使甲藻和蓝藻所占比例上升。研究得出春夏季大亚湾浮游植物主要以沿岸暖水性种类为主,秋季和冬季除沿岸暖水种之外,广布种和大洋种也较多,尤其在冬季后者占优势。大亚湾浮游植物优势种类多,不同季节既有交叉又有演替。与以往调查资料相比,部分优势种发生变化,优势程度顺序和细胞丰度发生了一定改变,个体较大的细胞丰度优势逐渐增加。另外,受季风、潮流、地理位置及人类活动影响,大亚湾浮游植物丰度和群落结构有一定的季节和平面分布特征。大亚湾浮游植物的多样性在夏季偏低,尤其在大亚湾核电站和大鹏澳养殖区附近表现明显。大亚湾浮游植物的丰度、种数、优势种演替及群落结构等其它群落特征与营养盐尤其是氮、磷和N/P、水温、环流等环境因子密切相关。  相似文献   

夏季胶州湾微型浮游动物摄食初步研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
2002年6月至7月间对胶州湾内、外和港口3个典型站位进行了微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食研究.按陆基半现场方式进行了4次稀释法实验,对湾外相同的站位进行了两次实验,对湾内和港口各进行了一次实验,获取了研究站位浮游植物和微型浮游动物种类、丰度、体积转换浮游植物碳含量、碳/叶绿素比率、浮游植物净生长率、微型浮游动物摄食率、对潜在初级生产力的摄食压力、对浮游植物现存量的摄食压力以及碳摄食通量等参数.湾外和湾内站位的浮游植物组成相似,优势种为新月柱鞘藻(Cylindrotheca closterium)和中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum),港口浮游植物优势种类为中肋骨条藻、浮动湾角藻(Eucampia zodiacus)和旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus).湾外微型浮游动物的优势种为百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis beroidea),而在湾内为百乐拟铃虫和急游虫(Strombidium sp.),港口主要为急游虫,也有少数的百乐拟铃虫.微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食率和对潜在初级生产力的摄食压力,在湾内最高,其次在湾外,港口最低.微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食率,在湾外,分别为0.96和1.20d^-1,在湾内为1.33d^-1,在港口为0.36d^-1.微型浮游动物对潜在初级生产力的摄食压力,在湾外,分别为74%和84%,在湾内为93%,在港口为53%.微型浮游动物的碳摄食通量在港口最高达到281mgC·m^-3·d^-1,在湾内为102mgC·m^-3·d^-1,在湾外最低范围在31~49mgC·m^-3·d^-1.浮游植物的细胞大小和两种微型浮游动物的摄食习性的不同是造成研究站位微型浮游动物摄食率和摄食压力不同的主要原因.同世界其它内湾相比,胶州湾微型浮游动物的摄食压力处于中等水平。  相似文献   

黄海和东海营养盐分布及其对浮游植物的限制   总被引:45,自引:3,他引:45  
王保栋 《应用生态学报》2003,14(7):1122-1126
根据1997~1999年黄海和东海4个季节的现场调查资料,分析探讨了黄海、东海的营养盐分布特征及其对浮游植物生长的限制状况.结果表明,在长江口以东及其东北部海域终年存在一个范围很大的营养盐高值区.分析表明,这些营养盐主要来自长江冲淡水的扩展及苏北沿岸流的输送.此外,还获得了1998年长江流域特大洪水期间,迄今被观测到的长江冲淡水中营养盐的最大扩展范围,计算并研究了黄海、东海上层水中Si/N/P比值,结果表明,黄东海上层水中Si/N比值较高,Si不会成为黄东海浮游植物生长的限制因子;但在南黄海南部尤其是西南部、东海近岸及长江口以东海域,N/P比值很高(>30),说明与一般海洋环境的情况不同,黄海、东海有很大一部分海域浮游植物的生长受磷限制,而不是受氮限制.  相似文献   

Since the water storage was initiated in 2003, the environment of Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) has changed significantly. Algal blooms and eutrophication have been a frequent occurrence, with serious eutrophication in the tributary bays. To provide some theoretical evidence for the prevention and control of algal blooms, the goal of this study is to elucidate factors that influence algal blooms at different sections of the Xiangxi Bay (XXB). Using field data from the XXB, the responses of phytoplankton communities to their habitats were investigated from March to May, 2010. The results indicated a significant spatial and temporal heterogeneity in phytoplankton composition, cellular abundance, and habitats in the spring. Fifty-four genera representing 6 phyla were monitored. Redundancy analysis indicated that the variation in water temperature and relative water column stability (RWCS) contributed greatly to the succession of spring phytoplankton. Due to different physiological adaptabilities and mechanisms of competition among the algae species, significant succession of the community structure had been observed. The predominant species appears to have changed from those adapted to low temperatures and strong mixing (dinoflagellates and diatoms) to those adapted to high temperatures and weak mixing (green algae and cyanobacteria). The lack of silicate resulted in the succession from diatoms to green algae. Due to the influence of the Yangtze River, there is a low potential for algal blooms at lower reaches of the bay because of frequent water exchange. In contrast, the potential is high at middle and upper reaches where the water temperature increases gradually. The hierarchical status of the two sections is significantly different. Precipitation would inhibit algal blooms somewhat, and heavy rainfall would eliminate algal blooms throughout the bay. Phytoplankton are sensitive to their changing habitat in XXB. For a bloom to occur, sufficient nutrients, a lower flow velocity, and appropriate temperature and light conditions are necessary. As an artificial regulating reservoir, proper ecological regulation could not only significantly affect the dynamic conditions of the water body tributaries, but it could also change the transfer characteristics of light and heat, abolishing the algae habitats and thereby inhibiting the water bloom.  相似文献   

M. Kagami  J. Urabe 《Limnology》2001,2(2):111-117
It is well known that algal growth rates decrease with increasing cell size. Most of these findings were, however, obtained under laboratory conditions. It is not clear if these allometric relationships are also applicable to in situ conditions. In the present study, the relationship between growth rates and cell size of algal species was examined seasonally in Lake Biwa by in situ dilution bioassays. The bioassays revealed that the highest growth rate of each species throughout the experiments was negatively correlated with cell size consistent with known allometric relationships. At each incubation experiment, however, growth rates were not necessarily correlated with cell size. This was true even when both macro- and micronutrients were added, although a substantial number of species responded to nutrient enrichment. These results showed that nutrient supplies affected algal species differently regardless of cell size and that factors other than nutrient supplies limited the growth rate of some algal species. Due to such species-specific differences in limiting factors, at any given time in situ growth rates of algae are not determined exclusively by cell size. Received: August 24, 2000 / Accepted: March 2, 2001  相似文献   

Concentrations and ratios of nutrients in Jiaozhou Bay, China, have changed much in the past decades, with trends indicating an increase in nitrogen and a decrease in silicate. Statistical analysis has shown that the long-term variations of nutrients are associated with agricultural activities, precipitation, and anthropogenic factors. Stoichiometric calculations indicate that the nutrient structure has become more and more unbalanced. There has been almost no possibility for nitrogen limitation since the 1980s, the probability of P limitation has increased, and the probability of Si limitation has also increased markedly from the 1980s to the 1990s. As a consequence of changes in nutrient structure, a decrease in the abundance of net phytoplankton was evident, whereas total chlorophyll a levels have remained roughly unchanged at around 3.55 μg/L. Thus, it is likely that smaller species have taken the niche vacated by the larger species. Changes in phytoplankton size and species composition may ultimately lead to various functional and structural changes at the system level.  相似文献   

The influence of added nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon on the phytoplankton of a small recreational reservoir in central Arizona was investigated during the summer, 1974. Polyethylene bags were used to isolate lake water and the natural populations for the addition of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon individually and in combination. A large increase in phytoplankton numbers, extractable chlorophyll, pH and dissolved oxygen occurred only in bags to which both nitrogen and phosphorus were added, suggesting that both nitrogen and phosphorus levels were limiting to the primary producers. Little alteration in species composition resulted from the addition of the above nutrients.  相似文献   

Nilsun Demir 《Limnology》2007,8(3):337-342
The phytoplankton composition of coastal, hyposaline (≅12 g l−1) Lake Bafa in western Turkey, was investigated after the alteration of salinity levels in past decades. Lake Bafa, formerly a bay of the Aegean Sea, was separated from the sea as a result of alluvium deposits of the Meander River. After the construction of a sett for flood control in 1985, freshwater inflow was reduced and salinity increased, which caused some ecological changes. Phytoplankton samples were taken in August and November 2000, and February and May 2001, from the surface and at 5-m intervals in the water column at three stations. The phytoplankton community contained a mixture of freshwater and marine origin species. A total of 45 species from Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyceae, and Dinophyceae were identified. Marineoriginated species such as Chaetoceros spp. (November and May), Thalassionema nitzschioides and Prorocentrum micans (August and November), and P. minimum (May) were dominant on the basis of numerical abundance. The occurrence of salinity-tolerant species such as T. nitzschioides, P. micans, and P. minimum has not been recorded in previous studies.  相似文献   

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