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Biostratigraphic diatom analyses were carried out on a short sediment core from the large shallow-water Lake Võrtsjärv, Estonia, in order to relate the diatom composition to the instrumental water level record. We dated the sediment core by radiometric methods (210Pb, 137Cs, 241Am) and spheroidal fly-ash particle abundance chronology and evaluated the statistical significance of the relationships between the percentage of planktonic diatoms and the water level continuously monitored since 1871. Before the 1960s, the percentage of planktonic diatoms in the sediment showed quite strong positive relationship to water level. The impact of eutrophication after the 1960s presumably masked the influence of water level changes on the diatom community. In addition, statistical analysis of the upper part of the sediment core (1970—present day) together with measured limnological parameters of the lake showed that water transparency had the strongest influence on diatoms, while temperature, pH and alkalinity had lesser impacts. Our study shows that the planktonic:periphytic diatom ratio in the sediment can be used to track overall trends of the lake-level changes in Lake Võrtsjärv before the onset of cultural eutrophication; however, the results have to be interpreted carefully, taking into consideration other possible limnological factors such as water transparency, nutrients and wind.  相似文献   

Food supply for deposit feeders varies from highly seasonal phytodetritus to a steady source of older organic matter, resulting in contrasting patterns of nutrient uptake and storage. To identify patterns in energy storage and feeding behaviour driven by different food conditions for the circumpolar deposit-feeding protobranch bivalve Yoldia hyperborea, we measured variations in cytological (digestive cell height) and biochemical (lipid class, fatty acid, glycogen, and protein content) components during controlled experiments. Three treatments with organisms in sediment with high refractory organic matter (12 % OM) were exposed to different feeding regimes resembling (a) the annual spring bloom settlement, (b) low food availability during winter, and (c) sporadic resuspension events. Yoldia exposed to a diatom-supplemented diet showed significantly higher mean values for digestive cell height (28.44 μm), glycogen (30.4 mg g?1 dry mass, DM), diatom-specific fatty acids, and total lipid (TL) levels (14.4 mg g?1 DM), but lower protein concentrations, than in non-supplemented treatments (digestive cell height 20.34 μm; glycogen 9.23 mg g?1 DM; TL 6.7 mg g?1 DM). All analyses showed no effect of resuspension events; thus, it was unlikely that resuspension improved sediment nutritional value. In the absence of recently deposited diatoms, Y. hyperborea did not increase nutrient storage, suggesting that significant amounts of older refractory OM are not used for growth or reproduction. The rapid storage of nutrients derived from diatoms demonstrates the role of seasonal episodic events of settling algae in the nutrition of subpolar Y. hyperborea and in the transfer of energy from the water column to the benthos.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from Scottish coastal sites, taken over the last 9 years, were stored in closed containers at 5C. Slurry cultures were used to determine the survival of phytoplankton in these sediments. A range of diatom and dinoflagellate species survived for at least 27 months in these stored samples. A number of species grew for which no resting stage has yet been described: Thalassiosira angulata, T.pacifica, T.punctigera, T.eccentrica, T.minima and T.anguste-lineata. Notable results were survival times of 73 months for Skeletonema costatum, 96 months for Chaetoceros socialis, C.didymus and C.diadema, 109 months for Scrippsiella sp. and 112 months for Lingulodinium polyedrum. A single sample was stored and repeatedly cultured for diatoms over a period of 16 months. The number of species cultured from the sediment declined over this time. Lingulodinium polyedrum cysts isolated from sediments collected at least 18 months previously gave a hatching success of 97%, and cysts isolated from a 9-year-old sample gave a hatching success of 3%. The study indicated the potential importance of coastal sediments as a source of phytoplankton to their overlying waters. The validity of using marine planktonic diatoms and dinoflagellates for modelling geological events is discussed.   相似文献   

Eastern mud snails, Ilyanassa obsoleta (Say), in densities of 0, 80, and 160 snails · m?2 were placed in flow-through laboratory microcosms containing 5 cm of frozen and sieved sediments. Other microcosms were raked once daily to a depth of 10 mm. All these containers were incubated for 5 wk and regularly sampled for plant pigments and light and dark transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Feeding at the low density significantly increased chlorophyll standing stock. Respiration and gross photosynthesis increased by an even greater percentage compared to ungrazed controls. Standing stocks of algal pigments, respiration, and photosynthesis were depressed in microcosms which received the 160-snail or raking treatments.The dominant benthic algae in the containers were pennate diatoms. Grazed containers contained a larger percentage of non-motile as compared to motile forms.Sediments fertilized with ammonium at a rate equivalent to excretion of six snails, showed increased chlorophyll content equal to the 80-snail treatment. Daily raking inhibited this effect.We conclude that low densities of Ilyanassa obsoleta stimulate algal growth by accelerating nitrogen cycling and selectively removing specific components of the diatom community. At high snail densities these effects are overwhelmed by overgrazing and sediment stirring.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages in sandy deposits of the 2004 tsunami at Phra Thong Island, Thailand may provide clues to flow conditions during the tsunami. The tsunami deposits contain one or more beds that fine upward, commonly from medium sand to silty very fine sand. Diatom assemblages of the lowermost portion of the deposit predominantly comprise unbroken beach and subtidal species that live attached to sand grains. The dominant taxa shift to marine plankton species in the middle of the bed and to a mix of freshwater, brackish, and marine species near the top. These trends are consistent with expected changes in current velocities of tsunami through time. During high current velocities, medium sand is deposited; only beach and subtidal benthic diatoms attached to sediment can be incorporated into the tsunami deposit. High shear velocity keeps finer material, including planktonic diatoms in suspension. With decreasing current velocities, finer material including marine plankton can be deposited. Finally, during the lull between tsunami waves, the entrained freshwater, brackish, and marine species settle out with mud and plant trash. Low numbers of broken diatoms in the lower medium sand implies rapid entrainment and deposition, whilst selective breakage of marine plankton (Thalassionema nitzschioides, and Thalassiosira and Coscinodiscus spp.) in the middle portion of the deposit probably results from abrasion in the turbulent current before deposition.  相似文献   

Terminal electron transport system (ETS)-activity of the sediment and plankton of Lake Balaton, the largest shallow lake of Central Europe was measured by tetrazolium-reduction biweekly during 1989–1990 and in the spring of 1991. Sediment proved to be enzymatically active to 30-35 cm down in the hypertrophic Keszthely Bay and to 15–20 cm down in the meso-eutrophic Siófok Basin. Sediment ETS-activity exceeded planktonic activity 15 to 24 fold.The total activity m–2 showed one or two order of magnitude higher respiratory potential in Lake Balaton than needed for complete oxidation of the planktonic primary production; most of this potential was detected in the upper 3–5 cm sediment layer in springs. Incubations of cell-free homogenates of sediment bacteria showed that ETS remains active days after death of organisms at low temperature. Accumulated postmortem ETS-activity derived from the benthic diatoms, bacteria, plankton deposit and dead summer macrophytes seems to be responsible for the high ETS-activity of the sediment in the warming periods in springs. These enzyme fractions may contribute to the rapid oxidation of the alkaline, well-aerated lake.  相似文献   

Food is a limiting factor for the deposit feeders. The availability of sediment nutrients thus has a tight relationship with the growth, survival and development of the animal. There are two purposes of this study: (1) to determine if the ingestion and growth rates can be used as a bioassay approach to assess the sediment nutrients; and (2) use the combination of bioassay approaches and chemical analyses to determine which chemical parameter is the better predicator of the sediment nutrients to the animals. In the preliminary study, the optimal growth length and average ingestion rate of Capitella sp. I were obtained from the laboratory. The standardized relationships of the growth and ingestion rates in response to different nutrients were prepared. Then, the sediments collected from different coastal wetlands in Western Taiwan were used in the feeding, growth experiments and chemical analyses. The comparisons were made between the field and laboratory experiments to determine the sediment nutrients in the wetland of Taiwan. In the growth rate standardized relationship, Capitella sp. I increased its growth rate with the total organic nitrogen (TON) concentration between 0 to 2.8 mgN·g sediment−1, total organic carbon (TOC) concentration between 0 and 22.4 mgC·g sediment−1, and enzymatically hydrolyzable amino acid (EHAA) concentration between 0 and 4.48 mg protein·g sediment−1. After the nutrient concentrations exceed these values, the growth rates decreased gradually. In the ingestion rate standardized relationship, the animal increased its ingestion rate with the total organic nitrogen (TON) concentration between 0 and 2 mgN·g sediment−1, total organic carbon (TOC) concentration between 0 and 14.1 mgC·g sediment−1, and EHAA concentration between 0 and 3.2 mg protein·g sediment−1. After the nutrient concentrations exceed these values, the ingestion rates also decreased. To determine which nutrient parameter is the best predictor for the sediment nutrient in the field, we first analyzed whether the data obtained from the laboratory fell within 99% confidence interval of the regression obtained from the field data. Then, to determine which parameter had the shortest perpendicular distance between the field and the laboratory regression curves. Both the growth and ingestion rates comparisons showed that the EHAA is the best candidate of the sediment nutrient of deposit feeders in the field. The results of this study proved tentatively that the growth and ingestion rates of Capitella sp. I can be used as the bioassay approaches to estimate the sediment nutrients. The combination of the bioassay approaches and the relevant chemical analyses allows us to determine the bioavailability fraction of sediment to the deposit feeders.  相似文献   

Nodularia spumigena is a toxic cyanobacteria that blooms in the Baltic Sea every year. In the brackish water of the Baltic Sea, its toxin, nodularin, mainly affects the biota in the surface water due to the natural buoyancy of this species. However, the fate of the toxin is unknown, once the cyanobacteria bloom enters the more saline waters of the Kattegat. In order to investigate this knowledge gap, a bloom of N. spumigena was followed during its passage, carried by surface currents, from the Baltic Sea into the Kattegat area, through the Öresund strait. N. spumigena cells showed an increased cell concentration through the water column during the passage of the bloom (up to 130 103 cells ml−1), and cells (4.2 103 cells ml−1) could be found down to 20 m depth, below a pycnocline. Sedimentation trap samples from below the pycnocline (10–12 m depth) also showed an increased sedimentation of N. spumigena filaments during the passage of the bloom. The toxin nodularin was detected both in water samples (0.3–6.0 μg l−1), samples of sedimenting material (a toxin accumulation rate of 20 μg m-2 day−1), zooplankton (up to 0.1 ng ind.−1 in copepods), blue mussels (70–230 μg kg−1 DW), pelagic and benthic fish (herring (1.0–3.4 μg kg−1 DW in herring muscle or liver) and flounder (1.3-6.2 μg kg−1 DW in muscle, and 11.7-26.3 μg kg−1 DW in liver). A laboratory experiment showed that N. spumigena filaments developed a decreased buoyancy at increased salinities and that they were even sinking with a rate of up to 1,7 m day−1 at the highest salinity (32 PSU). This has implications for the fate of brackish water cyanobacterial blooms, when these reach more saline waters. It can be speculated that a significant part of the blooms content of nodularin will reach benthic organisms in this situation, compared to blooms decaying in brackish water, where most of the bloom is considered to be decomposed in the surface waters.  相似文献   

Submarine canyon systems provide a heterogeneous habitat for deep-sea benthos in terms of topography, hydrography, and the quality and quantity of organic matter present. Enhanced meiofauna densities as found in organically enriched canyon sediments suggest that nematodes, as the dominant metazoan meiobenthic taxon, may play an important role in the benthic food web of these sediments. Very little is known about the natural diets and trophic biology of deep-sea nematodes, but enrichment experiments can shed light on nematode feeding selectivity and trophic position. An in-situ pulse-chase experiment (Feedex) was performed in the Nazaré Canyon on the Portuguese margin in summer 2007 to study nematode feeding behaviour. 13C-labelled diatoms and bacteria were added to sediment cores which were then sampled over a 14-day period. There was differential uptake by the nematode community of the food sources provided, indicating selective feeding processes. 13C isotope results revealed that selective feeding was less pronounced at the surface, compared to the sediment subsurface. This was supported by a higher trophic diversity in surface sediments (Θ−1 = 3.50 ± 0.2) compared to the subsurface (2.78 ± 0.6), implying that more food items may be used by the nematode community at the sediment surface. Predatory and scavenging nematodes contributed relatively more to biomass than other feeding types and can be seen as key contributors to the nematode food web at the canyon site. Non-selective deposit feeding nematodes were the dominant trophic group in terms of abundance and contributed substantially to total nematode biomass. The high levels of ‘fresh’ (bioavailable) organic matter input and moderate hydrodynamic disturbance of the canyon environment lead to a more complex trophic structure in canyon nematode communities than that found on the open continental slope, and favours predator/scavengers and non-selective deposit feeders.  相似文献   

The response of deposit-feeding animals to plant invasions is still unclear, because their food sources are often difficult to identify. We examined the effect of the exotic plant species, Spartina alterniflora, on the food source composition of two dominant snail species, Assiminea latericea and Cerithidea largillierti, in the Yangtze River estuary salt marsh using a combination of stable isotope and fatty acid analyses. We collected the snails and their potential food materials (sediment organic matter, particulate organic matter, and plant material) in S. alterniflora and native plant Phragmites australis marshes and then determined the composition of food sources of snails based on fatty acid markers and stable isotope composition. Our results indicated that A. latericea and C. largillierti are deposit feeders grazing on sedimentary particles originating from diatoms, bacteria, and vascular plants. Invasive S. alterniflora did not result in a change in the relative contribution of microalgae, bacteria, and vascular plants to the food source of the snails. Spartina alterniflora was confirmed to be assimilated by both snail species. The higher assimilation of S. alterniflora by A. latericea compared with C. largillierti is probably related to the greater ability of A. latericea to assimilate plant materials from detritus, as evidenced by fatty acid composition. Overall, S. alterniflora can be incorporated into the food web of the estuarine salt marsh by the dominant snail species with generalist-feeding habits.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to follow the fate of the cyanobacterial toxin, nodularin, produced by Nodularia spumigena through ingestion by Mytilus edulis and re-ingestion of faecal material (coprophagy). Mussels were fed with cultures of N. spumigena, and the faeces that were produced were fed to other mussels not previously exposed to N. spumigena. Concentrations of nodularin were measured in the food (N. spumigena), the mussels and in the faeces in order to make a toxin budget. High concentrations of nodularin were found in the mussels and their faeces after 48 h incubation with N. spumigena. When the toxic faeces were fed to new mussels, the toxin content of faeces was reduced from 95 μg nod g−1 dry weight (DW) to 1 μg nod g−1 DW through the process of coprophagy. Hence, when toxic faeces were fed to mussels, the nodularin concentration of the resulting faecal material was reduced by 99%. Pseudofaeces were produced when the mussels were grazing on N. spumigena, but not when grazing on faeces. The pseudofaeces contained high concentrations of nodularin and apparently intact N. spumigena cells. However, these cells were growth-inhibited and their potential contribution to seeding a bloom is probably limited. Our data indicate that a large fraction of ingested nodularin in M. edulis is egested with the faeces, and that the concentration of nodularin in the faeces is reduced when faeces are re-ingested.  相似文献   

Diatom cell quantity and their biochemical composition vary among species and are greatly affected by harvest stage or culture conditions. This study compares growth pattern, cell attachment, and biochemical composition of four diatoms suitable for abalone post-larvae: Navicula incerta, Proschkinia sp., Nitzschia sp., and Amphora sp. The four diatoms were grown in F/2 medium at 28.5?±?1.4°C, under 62?±?8?μmol?photons?m?2?s?1, at different original inoculating densities (0.05?×?106, 0.10?×?106, and 0.25?×?106?cells?mL?1) and were harvested in log and stationary phase of growth for biochemical analysis. Total protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and ash composition, as well as fatty acid composition, were determined. All diatoms grew better when inoculated at 0.10?×?106?cell?mL?1 with Proschkinia sp. reaching the highest cell density of 6.56?×?106?cells?mL?1 in log phase. Amphora sp. had the highest cell attachment capacity when inoculated at 0.10?×?106?cell?mL?1 (11,580?cells?mm?2), whereas N. incerta had the lowest (7,750?cells?mm?2). Protein and lipid (percent dry weight) contents were generally highest in cells during log phase of growth; Amphora sp. in log phase of growth had the highest lipid content of 9.74% DW, whereas significant differences in carbohydrate between the two growth phases were only observed for Proschkinia sp. Besides, all diatoms had higher energy contents in log phase of growth. There were no significant differences in ash content among the four diatoms. Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content ranged from 23.25% to 38.62% of the total fatty acids, and the four diatoms tested were richer in n-3 PUFA than in n-6 PUFA. All the diatoms had significant quantities of 20:5n-3 (EPA) (between 12.69% and 17.68% of TFA), and Proschkinia sp., in log phase of growth, had the highest quantity of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6; ARA). The results highlight the influence of culture conditions and harvest protocols on diatom nutritive value and enabled a preliminary approach towards the selection of novel diatom species.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a major ecological change in a large lake ecosystem in response to a series of extreme weather events. Phytoplankton community dynamics in subtropical Lake Okeechobee are described from 2000 through early 2008 with emphasis on inter-relationships among phytoplankton populations and associated environmental variables in this large, shallow eutrophic lake. The lake experienced the physical effects of three hurricanes in 2004–2005, which caused massive sediment resuspension, near total elimination of submerged aquatic vegetation, elevated biologically available nutrients and total suspended solids, and lower water transparency. Patterns of long-term co-dominance by nitrogen (N)-fixing cyanobacteria and meroplanktonic diatoms abruptly changed to dominance by only meroplanktonic diatoms. The planktonic cyanobacteria genera Anabaena and Planktolyngbya both decreased approximately an order of magnitude in the post-hurricane period despite large surpluses of bioavailable nutrients. Meroplanktonic diatoms (mostly Aulacoseira spp.) declined approximately 20%, perhaps because of superior competitive ability for light in a polymictic, turbid water column. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) suggested that reduction in planktonic cyanobacteria after compression of the photic zone and the persistence of meroplanktonic diatoms were related to light utilization traits for the key algal taxa and indicated that pre-existing light limitation and crustacean grazing pressure were intensified in the post-hurricane period.  相似文献   

Benthic ecologists and palaeoecologists usually associate soft bottoms with infaunal species. On the sublittoral muddy soft bottoms in the inner Gulf of Trieste, however, a complex epifauna is developed, whose biomass, structural features and taphonomy is investigated here. The total biomass amounted to an average of 556 g wet weight/m2 and is strongly dominated by suspension feeders, followed by predators and deposit feeders. The biomass can be divided into two major groups: biomass on benthic islands (isolated and small-sized rockgrounds and shellgrounds which are embedded in or lie on the sediment) and sediment dwellers. The former category includes so-called multi-species clumps, which make up 92.5% of the total biomass. The latter category encompasses organisms that inhabit the sediment surface itself. The epigrowth on benthic islands makes up 84.6% of total epifaunal biomass and is exclusively represented by suspension feeders. Serpulids are strongly dominant, followed by ascidians, sponges, anemones and bivalves. The vagile organisms associated with multi-species clumps represent 7.9% of the total epifauna and are also mostly suspension feeders. The echino-derms Ophiothrix quinquetnaculata and Cucumaria planci are the two dominant forms, followed by crustaceans and echinoids. Soft-bottom dwellers represent only 7.5% of total epifaunal biomass and consist mainly of deposit feeders and predators. Three different post-mortem pathways can be recognized for the studied epifauna. Taphonomic loss due to selective preservation is the most important taphonomic process shaping the death assemblage and affects especially the soft-bodied epigrowth on benthic islands. Mineralized epigrowth and shelled soft-bottom dwellers are the main source of benthic islands. Vagile faunas on such islands, in contrast, are strongly affected by disarticulation / fragmentation and their body parts contribute considerably to the sediment composition. The death assemblage does not reflect the trend of low biomass near the shallow stations off the mouth of the Isonzo River and higher biomass at most stations positioned further away from the river and in deeper water (> 10 m), but acccurately reflects the borders of the epifauna, which coincide with the sedimentary facies and the preponderance of the suspension-feeding life habit.  相似文献   

Species composition, quantity and distribution of diatoms in both the plankton and the surface sediments (0–30 cm) of mesotrophic Lake Krasnoye and eutrophic Lake Vishnevskoye (Karelian Isthmus) were studied. In the mesotrophic lake the composition of dominant diatoms (mainly Melosira) corresponded to those in the plankton. The Araphidineae/Centrales (A/C) ratio was 0.2–0.3%, increasing in the upper layers to 7%. Alkaliphilous and alkalibiontic forms constituted 60% of the total. In the eutrophic lake diatoms with thin valves (mainly Synedra) predominated in the plankton but their quantity in the sediments was insignificant in comparison with other plankton. Nevertheless, the A/C ratio was much higher, 17–35%. Alkaliphilous and alkalibiontic forms accounted for 78–90% of the total number of valves. In both lakes the highest number of diatom valves was registered in the upper layer of the sediments. From the ratio of the total number of diatoms in the upper 5 cm layer to their annual flux to the sediment from the plankton the approximate sediment accumulation rate was calculated to be 1.9 mm a?1 for the mesotrophic lake and 2.5 mm a?1 for the eutrophic one.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(4):363-383
During 1982, structural and functional aspects of the epiphytic component in a tropical mixed seagrass meadow, have been investigated for each seagrass species separately. This meadow consisted of the seagrasses Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Aschers., Cymodocea serrulata (R.Br.) Aschers. et Magnus, C. rotundata Ehrenb. et Hempr. ex Aschers., Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Aschers. and Syringodium isoetifolium (Aschers.) Dandy.No significant differences were observed in floristic composition, number of algal species, abundance and diversity of the epiphytic component. On an area basis, annual mean above-ground biomass (seagrass leaves and epiphytes), amounted to 82 g ADW, of which 18% could be ascribed to the epiphytic component. The contribution of the epiphytic component to the annual mean above-ground production ranged from 16% on leaves of Thalassia hemprichii to 33% on leaves of Cymodocea serrulata. Total annual mean epiphyte production was 4.6 g ADW m−2 sediment surface day−1 (19%).When including the macroalgal component of this mixed seagrass meadow, total annual mean above-ground plant biomass amounted to 93 g ADW (212 g DW) on an area basis, of which the epiphytes contributed 15.5% (28.5% DW), the macroalgal component 12% (32.5% DW) and the seagrass leaves 72.5% (39.5% DW). Aspects of the epiphytic component (e.g., floristic composition, abundance, biomass and production) in monospecific and mixed seagrass communities are discussed.  相似文献   

Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) in Fresh Water Sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microbially produced extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) have been linked with many important ecological functions in natural sediments; yet, most information has been derived from marine systems. The present paper is the first comprehensive study on EPS (i.e., carbohydrates and proteins) dynamics in riverine sediments addressing spatial (six reservoirs and four groyne fields across three European rivers), temporal (all seasons in 2003–2005), and vertical (over a 50-cm sediment depth transect) pattern. The variation in hydrodynamic regime found in the reservoirs and groyne fields was reflected in the biomass and composition of the benthic microorganisms that produce EPS. The microphytobenthic communities consisted mainly of diatoms and a higher algal biomass (up to 248 μg g−1 dry weight, DW) seemed to be indicative for higher amounts of secreted colloidal carbohydrates. Consequently, the model proposed by Underwood and Smith (1998) for the relation chlorophyll–colloidal carbohydrates was also applicable for upper riverine sediment layers. The close relation between algal biomass and bacterial cell counts (108–109 cells g−1 DW) supports the idea of bacterial use of the secreted EPS. However, the data also suggest a contribution to the EPS pool through bacterial secretion of proteins/extracellular enzymes and possibly carbohydrates. Over depth, the relationships between microorganisms and EPS became increasingly decoupled along with increasing ratios of bound (refractory) to colloidal (labile) EPS. These data suggest fresh production of polymeric substances in upper sediment layers and mainly accumulation of refractory, biodegraded material in deeper layers. The high contents of EPS colloidal and bound carbohydrates (0.1–1.8 and 1.3–6.7 mg g−1 DW, respectively) and EPS proteins (0.4–12.9 mg g−1 DW) at the freshwater study sites might indicate an important role in sediment ecology.  相似文献   

The burrowing behavior of the holothurian Leptosynapta tenuis, its lebensspuren, and the types of peristaltic waves used in movement and burrow irrigation are described. Particle size selection is a function of accessability of grains. L. tenuis cannot distinguish between particle sizes but nevertheless ingests small particles in a lesser proportion than that found in the surrounding sediment. Feeding rates are 2900–5500 g · yr−1 · animal−1. These rates are strongly dependent on temperature. Computation of a sediment mixing budget shows that of all the sediment ingested, 51% is ingested from the top 1/2 cm of sediment, 75% from the top 3 cm. The significance of the funnel as a ‘tool’ to exploit the top 1/2 cm of sediment is discussed. L. tenuis differs from other deposit feeders in that (1) it removes small particles from the surface sediment during its reworking activities, (2) it reworks sediment downward as well as upward, (3) its reworking activities tend to increase the stability of the upper 3 cm of the sediment, and (4) because so much sediment is ingested from the top 1/2 cm, it reworks an entire sediment column less efficiently per gram of sediment ingested than many other deposit feeders.  相似文献   

Biochemical characteristics of seafloor sediment off Austasen in the southeastern Weddell Sea were assayed in samples recovered in the early autumn and late spring of 2000 and 2003, respectively. Sediment was separated in the grain-size fractions >200 μm and <200 μm to distinguish biochemical characteristics in the fraction available for benthic suspension feeders (<200 μm). In the bulk sediment, the lipid (LPD) and carbohydrate (CHO) contents were significantly different between seasons with higher LPD content in the early autumn and higher CHO content in the late spring. In the grain-size fractions <200 μm, the LPD and protein (PRT) contents were significantly higher in the early autumn meaning that in this season the fraction available for benthic suspension feeders presented higher nutritive value. The relatively higher CHO concentrations observed in each fraction in the late spring were attributed to refractory matter, whereas the higher PRT and LPD concentrations found during the early autumn were associated with planktonic material settled after the summer phytoplankton bloom. Our results suggest that there is seasonal variation in the composition of organic matter in the sediment, with better nutritive quality in the early autumn, especially in the grain-size fraction available for benthic suspension feeders. These variations also suggest that the benthic community exploits the fresh organic matter accumulated after the summer throughout the Antarctic dark months leaving the sediment almost exhaust of LPD and with higher CHO contents, presumably of refractory nature, at the onset of the seasonal phytoplankton bloom of the following year.  相似文献   

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