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李潇然  李阳兵  邵景安 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6050-6061
为研究三峡库区(重庆段)自2006年10月蓄水(156m)以来,非点源污染输出对土地利用及社会经济背景变化响应的时空分异特征,综合考虑库区典型土地利用变化模式及社会经济背景,选取三峡库区腹地奉节县、忠县、库尾江津区及主城沙坪坝区为研究对象,使用动态输出系数模型法,以2007年、2010年和2013年3期遥感影像为数据源,分析了研究区2007年到2013年非点源污染TN、TP负荷量随土地利用类型改变及社会经济的发展而产生的时空变化特征。研究表明,6年间,研究区污染物TN从2007年的12126.9t上升到2013年的12692.3t,TP从2007年的394.6t上升到2013年的407.2t。就各典型区县而言,城市发展新区江津区非点源污染负荷呈上升趋势,TN、TP负荷量涨幅分别达到了28.6%和24.1%;而库尾城市快速扩展的沙坪坝区则呈现下降趋势,非点源污染TN、TP负荷量分别下降了48.8%和68.9%;仍保持传统农业的奉节县和忠县变化不大。  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between water quality (as represented by major inorganic ion concentrations) and land use characteristics is examined for a small river basin which runs through the urbanizing area of central Japan. Water samples were taken from 24 sites at base flow and analyzed, and the proportions of the various land uses associated with the respective drainage basins were calculated using a digital land-use map (scale: 1:25000). The electrical conductivity (EC) of the water ranged from 84.5 to 600 μS cm−1. Ca2+ and Na+ were the major cations, accounting for 77% of all cations. Among the anions, HCO3 was dominant (56%), followed by Cl (24%), SO4 2− (13%) and NO3 (7%). Applying principal component analysis to land use in the drainage basin yielded three principal components. The first principal component expressed the degree of occupation by residential areas, the second indicated the degree of urban developing area (i.e., fast-developing and industrial areas), and the third showed the degree of coverage with farmland and green space. The residential area showed significant positive correlations with K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NO3 , HCO3 , EC and TMI (total major ions). Urban developing area showed significant positive correlations with Ca2+, Cl, HCO3 , EC and TMI as well as weak negative correlations with NO3 and SO4 2−. Industrial area showed weak positive correlations with Na+ and Cl and a moderate negative correlation with NO3 . Farmland showed significant positive correlations with NO3 and SO4 2−; these ions are present due to fertilizers and the biological activity of plants. Forest area is inversely related to almost all ions, indicating the need for this form of land use in order to maintain river water quality.  相似文献   

流域尺度土地利用与土壤类型空间分布的相关性研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
陈利顶  张淑荣  傅伯杰  彭鸿嘉 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2497-2505
随着人类活动日益加强,土地利用变化及其驱动力研究已经成为国际地理学界研究的热点。但目前更多的工作侧重于研究人为因子,如人口增长、政策变化等因子对土地利用变化的影响,其实土地利用在宏观尺度上的变化一定程度上取决于自然环境背景,因此研究土地利用变化的自然环境背景特征对于进一步探讨土地利用变化的自然驱动力具有重要意义。土壤类型的空间分布在一定程度将影响土地利用的空间分布格局和变化过程。本文利用遥感、地理信息系统,通过选取景观格局指标,以于桥水库流域为例,研究了土地利用与土壤类型空间分布之间的相互关系。结果表明:(1)受人类活动干扰较弱的土地利用类型,如有林地、稀疏林地、灌木林地、其他林地和草地,主要分布在淋溶褐土、褐土性土以及棕壤地区;而与人类活动密切的土地利用类型,如山区旱耕地、丘陵区水田、丘陵区旱耕地和平原区旱耕地主要分布在淋溶褐土、褐土性土和潮土地区;(2)同类地区土地利用的多样性指数要比土壤的低。并且土地利用和土壤类型多样性均表现出明显的地形梯度效应,从中低山区、低山丘陵区、丘陵平原区到山间盆地区,土壤多样性指数从小到大有规律地变化。而土地利用类型多样性变化较为复杂,反映出人类活动对土地利用格局的影响较强,而对土壤类型的影响相对较小;(3)随着平均斑块面积的增加,流域多样性指数将呈下降趋势。土地利用多样性指数与流域总面积之间的相关性较差,但土壤多样性指数与流域总面积表现出的相关性较好;(4)土地利用类型与土壤类型之间,平均斑块面积上没有明显的相关关系,但在多样性指数之间存在着较好的相关性。土壤类型丰富多样的地区,土地利用的多样性指数也相对较高。  相似文献   

河流干支流水质与土地利用的相关关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
洪超  刘茂松  徐驰  杨雪姣  池婷  田颖 《生态学报》2014,34(24):7271-7279
为探索不同等级河流水质状况及其对土地利用构成响应的差异,以江苏北部的灌河流域为研究对象,基于2006—2007年两个年度灌河及其支流的水质监测数据和研究区的Landsat TM影像,在河流两侧长度0.0—10.0 km、宽度0.0—0.5 km的范围内,运用多元回归分析,对研究区干、支流主要水质指标及其与相应土地利用构成的关系进行了研究。结果表明:2006—2007年间,研究区干流水质总体上显著好于支流,支流的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)等营养盐指标显著高于干流,而干流的有机污染指标显著高于支流;比较不同观测尺度上土地利用构成对河流水质变化的方差贡献率发现,缓冲区宽度一定时,支流在所有观测尺度上的土地利用构成与水质变化皆存在显著相关关系,而干流仅在缓冲区长度0.0—4.0 km的观测尺度上其土地利用构成与水质变化的相关关系显著;缓冲区长度一定时,干、支流河道两侧0.0—0.3 km间土地利用状况对水质变化的解释能力较大。同时发现,氮、磷等营养盐浓度多与较大尺度上的土地利用构成相关,而化学需氧量(COD)、生化需氧量(BOD)等多与较小尺度上的土地利用构成相关。研究结果显示,有必要区分不同河流等级,选择适宜的观测尺度,分别研究不同水质指标与土地利用构成间的相关关系。  相似文献   

王娟  张飞  张月  任岩  于海洋 《生态学报》2016,36(24):7971-7980
为深入了解艾比湖周边水质空间格局的变化,利用2014年5月及2014年10月实测水样采样点研究了艾比湖区域4个水质指标的空间变化趋势,包括p H、电导率、矿化度及全盐。结果表明:(1)探讨2014年内干湿季水质的空间分布趋势,从总体上看,p H表现出明显的交错模式;电导率、矿化度及全盐在干湿季变化差异较大,高值均聚集在艾比湖周围,而在耕种土地、天然梭梭林附近值则较低;(2)分析各水质的空间自相关性,p H的HH主要分布于艾比湖北部,LL则主要集中于艾比湖南部。HL的分布,说明有较高p H值的点被有较低p H值的点所包围,表明了水质在一定程度上存在空间异质性。电导率、矿化度及全盐在沿着艾比湖周边到甘家湖梭梭林自然保护区随着地势的增高呈现出由HH-LH-LL的转变。(3)建立水质参数与各土地利用/覆盖类型之间的关系,研究表明研究区内林草地、盐渍地及耕地对水质的影响相对较为显著。(4)为了研究水质变化因素,选取耕地、林草地、盐渍地和未利用地与水质参数分别建立优选多元线性回归模型,所得到的相关系数R分别为0.58、0.72、0.74、0.71,结果表明优选拟合模型与数据的拟合程度较好。总之,开展艾比湖区域水质空间格局的变化趋势研究,对于干旱区水质的时空分布具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

利用赣江上游流域1990、1995、2000、2005和2010年5期的TM影像以及2010年的SPOT影像资料,通过目视解译方法及GIS软件的空间叠加分析功能,获取了研究区土地利用覆被变化数据。在此基础上,结合1990—2010年赣江上游流域的统计资料利用灰色关联分析和主成分分析法进行分析,找出引起土地利用变化的主导因素。结果表明:研究区20年来林地和建设用地总量增加,耕地、草地、水域和未利用地总量减少。相同时期不同类型的土地利用变化的驱动因子不相同,不同时期同一类型土地利用变化的驱动因子也不相同。再利用GM(1,1)灰色预测模型预测了2015—2030年间研究区驱动因素和土地利用情况,研究表明主导因素对土地利用变化的影响与1990—2010年间变化趋势一致。  相似文献   

The agricultural land suitability assessment based on the natural characteristics of land blocks is tra-ditionally the basis for agricultural and/or land use plan-ning.The assessment,however,is static and cannot be incorporated with potential land use changes.Recently,a dynamic approach,i.e.,matter element analysis,has been effectively applied for land use planning.In the pre-sent study,based on matter element analysis,we estab-lished a matter element analysis model for land use suitability assessment using the suitability grade of land use,evaluation indicators and their characteristic values as matter elements,and also using sutra field,controlled field,weight value and correlation degree from field sur-vey,as well as an expert system.This model was applied to the structure regulation of the land use in the small Yuejiagou watershed of the Langzhong Municipality in Sichuan Province,China.Results show that the propor-tion among agriculture,forestry and animal husbandry tended to rationalize land use.The economic and eco-logical indices of the lands were increased from 1529.8 to 1719.99 and from 1460.94 to 1758.21 after the regu-lation,respectively.The regulation also caused changes in landscape patterns as follows:The indices of diversity and evenness were increased from 1.3028 to 2.0920 and from 0.6108 to 0.8463,or by 60.58% and 38.56%,respect-ively.However,the indices of dominance and contagion were decreased from 0.6431 to 0.2106 and from 0.7467 to 0.7125,respectively.This indicated that the land use in the small watershed was rational.The spatial distribution of patches tended to be uniform.The patch congregation was gradually dispersed.This study verified that the mat-ter element analysis approach can not only overcome the factitious influences and improve the precision of land assessment,but also can be used for the structure regu-lation of specific patches.  相似文献   

The agricultural land suitability assessment based on the natural characteristics of land blocks is traditionally the basis for agricultural and/or land use planning. The assessment, however, is static and cannot be incorporated with potential land use changes. Recently, a dynamic approach, i.e., matter element analysis, has been effectively applied for land use planning. In the present study, based on matter element analysis, we established a matter element analysis model for land use suitability assessment using the suitability grade of land use, evaluation indicators and their characteristic values as matter elements, and also using sutra field, controlled field, weight value and correlation degree from field survey, as well as an expert system. This model was applied to the structure regulation of the land use in the small Yuejiagou watershed of the Langzhong Municipality in Sichuan Province, China. Results show that the proportion among agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry tended to rationalize land use. The economic and ecological indices of the lands were increased from 1529.8 to 1719.99 and from 1460.94 to 1758.21 after the regulation, respectively. The regulation also caused changes in landscape patterns as follows: The indices of diversity and evenness were increased from 1.3028 to 2.0920 and from 0.6108 to 0.8463, or by 60.58% and 38.56%, respectively. However, the indices of dominance and contagion were decreased from 0.6431 to 0.2106 and from 0.7467 to 0.7125, respectively. This indicated that the land use in the small watershed was rational. The spatial distribution of patches tended to be uniform. The patch congregation was gradually dispersed. This study verified that the matter element analysis approach can not only overcome the factitious influences and improve the precision of land assessment, but also can be used for the structure regulation of specific patches. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(7): 2093–2100 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution of plant taxa endemic to the Yucatán Peninsula was studied using Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity (PAE). The known distribution of 162 endemic plant taxa was plotted and the DOMAIN method together with environmental data were used to model the potential distribution for each taxon. The Peninsula was divided into a grid of quarter‐degree cells for the purpose of identifying distribution patterns. A total of 294 cells were analysed using known collection records and potential distribution of endemic taxa data. Two data matrices were constructed, a matrix of known distribution and a matrix of both the known and potential distribution. The two matrices were included in the PAE to identify areas of endemism. The areas determined with the known distribution were restricted and almost half of them remained unresolved, whereas with the potential distribution, approximately 90% of the cells were assigned to any one of the endemicity areas. Four endemism areas were identified: the Yucatán dry zone, Yucatán, El Petén and Belize. The areas of Yucatán and El Petén could be explained by current and Pleistocene climatic conditions and their congruence with other biological groups. Analysis of the potential distribution identified areas with patterns that share current environmental characteristics and a palaeoclimate history. Potential distribution modelling can eliminate uncertainties in biogeographical analysis caused by lack of data distribution and sample variation and produce information about the relationships between areas and taxa as well as the environmental affinities of taxa.  相似文献   

The southwestern portion of the Brazilian Amazon arguably represents the largest agricultural frontier in the world, and within this region the states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso have about 24% and 32% of their respective areas under agricultural management, which is almost half of the total area deforested in the Brazilian Amazon biome. Consequently, it is assumed that deforestation in this region has caused substantial loss of soil organic carbon (SOC). In this study, the changes in SOC stocks due to the land use change and management in the southwestern Amazon were estimated for two time periods from 1970–1985 and 1985–2002. An uncertainty analysis was also conducted using a Monte Carlo approach. The results showed that mineral soils converted to agricultural management lost a total of 5.37 and 3.74 Tg C yr?1 between 1970–1985 and 1985–2002, respectively, along the Brazilian Agricultural Frontier in the states of Mato Grosso and Rondônia. Uncertainties in these estimates were ±37.3% and ±38.6% during the first and second time periods, respectively. The largest sources of uncertainty were associated with reference carbon (C) stocks, expert knowledge surveys about grassland condition, and the management factors for nominal and degraded grasslands. These results showed that land use change and management created a net loss of C from soils, however, the change in SOC stocks decreased substantially from the first to the second time period due to the increase in land under no‐tillage.  相似文献   

Diatoms are increasingly being used in the bioassessment of aquatic systems. However, autecological information for many common taxa is incomplete. We explored the potential of classification (CT) and regression tree (RT) approaches to identify the hierarchical interaction among water quality variables in predicting the relative abundance of ten common stream diatom taxa in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands ecoregion. RT analysis was also used to identify environmental change points corresponding to major shifts in species abundances. We also used traditional weighted-averaging approaches (WA) to model taxon pH and total phosphorus (TP) optima. RT and WA approaches provided different, yet complementary, information on the complex relationships between common stream diatoms and environmental variables. Both RT and CT highlighted the interaction of stream acidity (pH, acid neutralizing capacity (ANC)), and TP in structuring the stream diatom assemblage. For the RT of taxa, where pH was an important predictor, higher pH predicted higher relative abundances. In contrast, higher TP predicted lower relative abundances for some diatom taxa (e.g., Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kütz.) Czarnecki), while predicting higher relative abundances for other taxa (e.g., Planothidium lanceolatum (Bréb.) Round & Bukht., Gomphonema parvulum (Kütz.) Kütz.). The environmental change point for pH derived from RT analysis was lower than WA optima for all species. We suggest that RT change point analysis can be used to complement traditional WA optima approaches, especially when diatom taxa’s abundances are affected by interactive environmental factors, to provide more refined information on stream diatom environmental preferences. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

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