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The sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus and Psammechinus miliaris are submitted to the same environmental conditions in the Bay of Brest. The relationship between seasonal changes in food source quality and their gonad production was investigated in reproducing experimentally these conditions. In a first stage two macroalgae (Palmaria palmata and Laminaria digitata) were tested. P. miliaris showed a stronger preference for P. palmata and over a year-long experiment both urchins progressively preferred P. palmata. Seasonal variations in the chemical composition of P. palmaria were observed in the Bay of Brest: total carbohydrates were important and the relative maximum (about 50%) was reached between February and August; the lipid level was low and had a relative maximum of about 1% in June and August. Total protein in P. palmaria was high compared to other seaweeds: the maximum value (25%) was observed in June, which was probably due to the maintenance of nitrogen nutrient in the bay.In the second stage of the study, seasonal changes in biochemical components of ingestion and absorption of the two sea urchins were followed in the laboratory using a monospecific diet of P. palmaria. The patterns of total carbohydrates and lipid absorption were very similar for both sea urchin species. Carbohydrates were absorbed strongly and uniformly, year round. Lipid absorption mimicked the lipid nutrient pattern in the food source. Only changes in protein absorption varied slightly between the two urchin species. Protein absorption was maximal for both species in February and June, but the quantity of absorbed protein was significantly higher in P. miliaris than in P. lividus during February. This increase was concomitant with protein storage in the sea urchin gonads, which peaked in February for P. miliaris and in June for P. lividus. P. lividus had a higher gonad production efficiency, based on gonad yield. The comparison between in situ data and the experimental results suggests that an algal diet more nitrogenous than the in situ algal food source would benefit the herbivorous P. lividus, rather than the more omnivorous species P. miliaris. Although P. milaris has been described as a species with large gonad production potential, P. lividus appears to be a more suitable species for echiniculture conditions.  相似文献   

杨志宏  吴庆明  董海燕  邹红菲 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6028-6034
风是自然环境中常见的因子之一,会对动物的行为以及能量收支产生不同程度的影响。为探讨不同风速和持续时间对树麻雀能量收支的影响,以3种风速(0.2-0.4、1.2-1.4、3.2-3.6 m/s)和3种持续时间(1、2、4 h)的9组树麻雀进行为期1周的不同风环境驯化,测定其体重、体温和摄食量、摄水量、排泄粪量、排泄次数、摄入能、排泄粪能、排出水热能散失、消化能、同化能并计算消化率和同化率。去除初体重影响和双因素分析的结果发现,摄水量(排出水量)和排出水热能散失随着风速增大而显著减少(P < 0.001);持续时间与树麻雀的摄入能、粪能和散热调节的次数显著相关(P < 0.01),其能量收支最高和散热调节次数最多为2 h,最低(少)为4 h;双因素交互作用对树麻雀能量收支的影响不显著。3级风速(4 m/s)和持续时间4 h以内的风环境不会对树麻雀的能量收支产生显著影响。  相似文献   

Planktotrophic larvae grow by utilizing energy obtained from food gathered in the plankton. Morphological plasticity of feeding structures has been demonstrated in multiple phyla, in which food-limited larvae increase feeding structure size to increase feeding rates. However, before larvae can feed exogenously they depend largely on material contained within the egg to build larval structures and to fuel larval metabolism. Thus, the capacity for plasticity of feeding structures early in development may depend on egg size. Using the congeneric sea urchins Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. purpuratus, which differ in egg volume by 5-fold, I tested whether the degree of expression of feeding structure (larval arm length) plasticity is correlated with differences in the size of the egg. I experimentally manipulated egg size of S. franciscanus (the larger-egged species) by separating blastomeres at the 2-cell stage to produce half-sized larvae. I reared half-size and normal-size larvae under high and low food treatments for 20 days. I measured arm and body lengths at multiple ages during development and calculated the degree of plasticity expressed by larvae from all treatments. Control and unmanipulated S. franciscanus larvae (from ∼ 1.0 nl eggs) had significantly longer arms relative to body size and a significantly greater degree of plasticity than half-sized S. franciscanus larvae (from < 0.18 nl eggs), which in turn expressed a significantly greater degree of plasticity than S. purpuratus larvae (from ∼ 0.3 nl eggs). These results indicate that egg size affects larval arm length plasticity in the genus Strongylocentrotus; larger eggs produce more-plastic larvae both in an experimental and a comparative context. However, changes in egg size alone are not sufficient to account for evolved differences in the pattern of plasticity expressed by each species over time and may not be sufficient for the evolutionary transition from feeding to non-feeding.  相似文献   

Brown Ring Disease (BRD) is a bacterial disease caused by the pathogen, Vibrio tapetis. The disease induces formation of a brown deposit on inner shell of the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum. Development of this disease is correlated with a decrease in the condition index of infected clams. Experiments were conduced in order to assess the effect of the development of BRD on two parameters affecting the energy balance of the clams: the clearance and the respiration rates. Experiments were performed in a physiological measurement system that allowed simultaneous measures of clearance and respiration rates. During both acclimation and measurements clams were fed with cultured T-iso and temperature was close to seasonal field temperature (10°C). Our results showed that severely diseased clams (conchiolin deposit stage, CDS ≥ 4) are subject to weight loss in comparison to uninfected ones, indicating that BRD induces a disequilibrium in the energy balance. We demonstrated a reduction of the clearance rate of severely diseased clams which led to a decrease in energy acquisition. Respiration rate showed a significant decrease with BRD symptoms, but evidence in the literature allowed us to hypothesize that energy mobilised for an immune response and lesion repair increases overall organism maintenance costs. Both factors should thus contribute to the degradation of the energy balance of diseased clams. Because effects of BRD on naturally infected clams only appears significant for CDS ≥ 4, when brown ring assumes a significant place on the inner shell, we consider that the Manila clam is tolerant of low disease levels.  相似文献   

Environmental factors play an important role in the seasonal adaptation of body mass and thermogenesis in small mammals. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that ambient temperature triggers adjustments in body mass, body temperature, energy intake, digestible energy intake, metabolic energy intake, and the length and weight of the digestive tract, in Apodemus draco during 42 days of cold exposure. Body mass and body temperature of the cold-acclimated group decreased during the first 28 days and then stabilized at the lower levels. After 14 days of cold acclimation, the body mass of the cold-exposed group was significantly lower and the energy intake, digestible energy intake, and metabolic energy intake were significantly elevated relative to control animals. The differences were maximal after 21 days. The length and weight of the digestive tract (both wet and dry mass of the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and cecum) changed significantly in response to decreasing temperature. During cold exposure, A. draco was able to maintain physiological functions and reduce its absolute energy demands by reducing the body mass, increasing energy intake, and adjusting the length of the digestive tract.  相似文献   

Ecologically, sea urchins are an important species in marine habitats around the world. Economically, sea urchins are prized for their gonads (uni). With fisheries declining worldwide, intensive sea urchin culture has been proposed. For urchins in commercial culture, any factor that affects survivorship negatively should be addressed to maximize cost benefit. One potential obstacle to optimizing culture of sea urchins is cannibalism. Approximately 2000 adult and juvenile Lytechinus variegatus (1 g-45 g) were collected from Port Saint Joseph Peninsula State Park, FL between June and September 2009. Urchins were held in recirculating tanks at different sizes, densities, and feeding regimes for 4 weeks. Starvation and high density contributed to the highest level of cannibalism among small (12-21 g) urchins (percent cannibalism = 18.8%), whereas fed, high density conditions contributed to the highest level of cannibalism among large (32-37 g) urchins (percent cannibalism = 18.4%). These results suggest that (1) small urchins cannibalize at higher rates than large urchins, and (2) increased density is an important contributing factor leading to cannibalism. We quantified stress, defined as a decrease in production as a result of environmental conditions, by evaluating weight gain within each treatment and suggest that weight loss or minimal weight gain is an indicator of stress. We hypothesize increased stress caused by competitive interference can lead to increased cannibalism and decreased growth rates, even when food is not limiting. Ecologically, there are no reports of cannibalism of urchins in wild populations. Consequently, the role of cannibalism in regulating sea urchin community structure is not known. However, factors affecting cannibalism of L. variegatus in the laboratory may provide insight into the conditions that could result in cannibalism in wild populations. From an aquaculture perspective, it is important to determine those factors that contribute to the incidence of cannibalism in sea urchins so that the appropriate culture conditions can be maintained to reduce the incidence of cannibalism.  相似文献   

Energy budgets were calculated for the southern catfish, Silurus meridionalis, fed diets replacing 0%, 13%, 26%, 39%, 52% and 65% fish meal protein with soybean meal (SBM) protein with or without methionine supplementation to apparent satiation at 27.5 °C. With increasing dietary soybean protein levels (SPL), the feed energy lost in feces, excretion and metabolism increased, while that available for growth decreased (P < 0.05). When 0.12% or 0.26% methionine at 39% SPL was added to reach that in body carcass or the control group (0% SPL), no significant differences were found in each component of energy budgets. When 0.21% or 0.33% methionine at 52% SPL was added to reach the content of methionine in body carcass or the control group, energy spent on growth increased, but that on excretion and metabolism decreased (P < 0.05). These results suggested that the differences in growth rate among the southern catfish fed the diets with different SPL were due to decreasing absorption rate, increasing excretion and metabolism with increasing dietary SPL. The most important factor limiting the use of soybean protein was the imbalance of essential amino acids, which resulted in more energy spent on metabolism and excretion, less energy on growth. Supplementation of methionine produced a relatively better amino acid profile and subsequently improved the utilization of soybean protein at high SPL, which resulted in less energy used for metabolism or lost in excretion and more energy available for growth.  相似文献   

杨志宏  吴庆明  杨渺  邹红菲 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2617-2628
为探讨[树]麻雀的羽再生能力、能量预算对策和有效的散热调节方式,对3组(对照CF、去飞羽FF和去尾羽组TF)[树]麻雀(Passer montanus)进行4周驯养(Acclimation)。结果发现:[树]麻雀具有较强的羽再生能力和飞羽参与个体保温。羽再生[树]麻雀能量收支水平降低极显著(P﹤0.001),FF组和TF组比CF组减少依次为:摄入能19.77%和7.17%、消化能18.79%和6.47%、同化能18.73%和6.46%、粪能28.66%和13.35%、水代谢散热热能26.95%和7.43%、排泄次数33.71%和14.40%,增加依次为:消化率1.23%和0.78%、同化率1.35%和0.84%。个体能值水平,体重CF、TF和FF组(P﹤0.05)依次降低,体温组间变化不显著(P﹥0.05)。体内能量储备,血糖、肌糖原、体脂和水分含量组间差异不显著(P﹥0.05),肝糖原含量、体脂重组间差异显著(P﹤0.05)。器官水平包括心脏、肾脏、腺胃、小肠、盲肠和总消化道长度及质量出现积极的响应。日代谢水量组间差异极显著(P﹤0.001)。组间日排泄次数最少平均为56.11次和最多可达96.34次/只。结果表明:羽再生[树]麻雀分别选择了不同程度的降低能量收支水平,提高摄入食物的消化、吸收效率,动用体内能量储备来获取摄入能量不足部分,降低器官总能耗的能量预算对策和不同的新羽(再生羽枚数:飞羽部分和尾羽全部)再生的能量投资对策。泄殖腔排出(粪尿混合物)水是鸟类特有的、迅速的和有效的散热调节方式。  相似文献   

A dynamic energy budget (DEB) model was developed and applied to the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in central New Zealand. The model was based on DEB theory and developed prior to empirical information according to a common mechanistic rule in organisms' physiology. Subsequently, both laboratory and field experiments were specifically designed to collect datasets for parameter estimation and testing of the model. This approach to the modelling aimed to reduce uncertainties in parameter estimates and hence improve the applicability of the model. A lab-based starvation experiment was done over 170 days. Changes in body flesh weight were monitored and the respiration rate was measured. Dry flesh weight and the oxygen consumption rate decreased by 63.4% and 44.0% respectively over the experiment. Ash free dry flesh weight was proportional to the dry flesh weight, with coefficients of 83.5% and 58.7% respectively at the beginning and late stages of the experiment. Field-based growth experiments were done on a marine farm at two depths over 150 days to obtain biological and environmental information. The growth rate of oysters at 8 m depth was significantly greater than at 32 m depth. Chlorophyll-a concentration was highly variable, both spatially and temporally. Variation between depths provided ideal information for validation of the DEB model. Estimates of model parameters were augmented from studies in a local population. In comparison with previous studies on the same species from other ecosystems in the world, intraspecies variation was apparent in some parameters including maximum surface area-specific assimilation rate, which governs the ability of an individual for energy acquisition, and the fraction of energy utilisation rate used for maintenance plus growth, which determines energy fluxes to different components. The maximum storage density and volume-specific cost for growth also showed considerable intraspecies variability. Application of the model developed here showed that it is capable of simulating energetics and growth of the oyster in the growing area of central New Zealand.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of autotomy on feeding, energy storage and growth of juvenile Stichaster striatus kept in the laboratory for five months with a limited supply of the mussel Semimytilus algosus. Autotomy strongly decreased feeding, energy storage and growth. Intact juveniles showed a ∼ 3 fold higher feeding rate than autotomized individuals throughout the experiment. Intact juveniles also had a higher (∼ 5 fold) energy content per pyloric caeca in each arm. This was mainly due to higher lipid content, the main proximate constituent of pyloric caeca. Intact juveniles showed a greater growth rate and reached a greater size than autotomized individuals, more evident for underwater mass than radius length. The reduced capacity to feed reduced energy intake in autotomized individuals. However, low energy reserves along with low growth in autotomized sea stars, support the hypothesis that juveniles of this species allocate energy to regeneration to the detriment of growth. This was also supported by the ∼ 25% of arm length regeneration after 5 mo. Remaining small could increase risk of lethal predation, however, S. striatus may reduce predation risk by using crevices and kelp holdfasts as refuges from predators. Given the strong impact of autotomy on feeding, regeneration of arms to recover full capacity to forage and grow seems a better strategy for juvenile S. striatus, than merely growing.  相似文献   

Feed composition has the potential to influence the activities of bacteria that colonize the digestive tract of broiler chickens with important consequences for animal health, well being, and food safety. In this study, the gut microbiota of two groups of broiler chickens raised in immediate vicinity but fed either a standard corn/soybean meal ration (corn–soy, CS) or a ration high in wheat middlings (high wheat, HW) was characterized. The findings revealed that this small variation in feed composition did not influence the distribution of microbial species present in the microbial community throughout the digestive tract. However, diet variation markedly influenced the Lactobacillus strain composition in the crop. Most striking, the dominant type in birds on the CS diet (Lactobacillus agilis type R5), which comprised 25% of the isolates, was not detected in birds fed the HW diet. The latter birds harbored a different strain of L. agilis (type R1) in a significantly higher ratio than birds on the CS diet. Several other strains were also specific to the particular diet. In conclusion, this study showed that a small variation in the composition of chicken feed that does not result in detectable differences in species composition can still have an impact on which microbial strains become dominant in the digestive tract. This finding has relevance in the application of probiotics and other direct-fed microbials in poultry husbandry.  相似文献   

Beth Szyszka 《BBA》2007,1767(6):789-800
Chlamydomonas raudensis UWO 241 and SAG 49.72 represent the psychrophilic and mesophilic strains of this green algal species. This novel discovery was exploited to assess the role of psychrophily in photoacclimation to growth temperature and growth irradiance. At their optimal growth temperatures of 8 °C and 28 °C respectively, UWO 241 and SAG 49.72 maintained comparable photostasis, that is energy balance, as measured by PSII excitation pressure. Although UWO 241 exhibited higher excitation pressure, measured as 1-qL, at all growth light intensities, the relative changes in 1-qL were similar to that of SAG 49.72 in response to growth light. In response to suboptimal temperatures and increased growth irradiance, SAG 49.72 favoured energy partitioning of excess excitation energy through inducible, down regulatory processes (ΦNPQ) associated with the xanthophyll cycle and antenna quenching, while UWO 241 favoured xanthophyll cycle-independent energy partitioning through constitutive processes involved in energy dissipation (ΦNO). In contrast to SAG 49.72, an elevation in growth temperature induced an increase in PSI/PSII stoichiometry in UWO 241. Furthermore, SAG 49.72 showed typical threonine-phosphorylation of LHCII, whereas UWO 241 exhibited phosphorylation of polypeptides of comparable molecular mass to PSI reaction centres but the absence of LHCII phosphorylation. Thus, although both strains maintain an energy balance irrespective of their differences in optimal growth temperatures, the mechanisms used to maintain photostasis were distinct. We conclude that psychrophily in C. raudensis is complex and appears to involve differential energy partitioning, photosystem stoichiometry and polypeptide phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Dynamic energy budget models for growth of individual cockles (Cerastoderma edule) and mussels (Mytilus edulis) are adjusted and calibrated to the Oosterschelde by formulating and parametrizing their functional responses using an extensive set of field observations. The resulting model predictions fit the observations satisfactorily. Results indicate that food quality and the importance of detritus as a food source are site-specific as well as species-specific. Despite these differences in their calibrated parameter values, both species show a very similar functional response. Compared with other systems, however, the functional responses of mussels in the present study are clearly higher than those of mussels in other systems. This may be explained by the absence of intra-specific competition in the measurement set-up that was used, and therefore supports the idea that the generally small functional response of M. edulis is caused by intra-specific competition.  相似文献   

We examined behaviour of competent larvae of the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis provided with pebbles encrusted with coralline red algae, a strong settlement inducer, in laboratory experiments. Larvae settled at greater frequencies on upward-facing coralline surfaces and in small gaps between coralline and glass surfaces than expected by a random distribution of settlement. These patterns may be explained by encounter rate with inductive cues. There was no change in settler distributions within ~ 1 week of settlement, indicating no net movement between adjacent microhabitats. In flow, live and recently killed larvae settled or were passively entrapped at greater frequencies on high- than low-rugosity coralline crusts. Recent settlers (0.5-1 mm test diameter) were consumed by small decapod crustaceans and bulldozed by periwinkles. Juveniles became less vulnerable to predation by hermit crabs with increasing size, and reached a growth refuge at ~ 10 mm test diameter. Our laboratory findings suggest that the cryptic distribution of recent settlers is probably not due to microhabitat selection by settling larvae or early post-settlement migration, at least not in response to physical cues such as light or surface texture. Differential rates predation of young juveniles between exposed and cryptic habitats cannot be ruled out as an important determinant of this pattern.  相似文献   

Parnassius apollo (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) has already disappeared or is under threat of extinction in many of its former habitats. It has been documented that weather conditions – anomalies in particular – contributed to this process. In this study, we combined developmental data obtained previously for the last-instar Apollo larvae (collected in 1996, 1997, and 2003) with corresponding meteorological data to assess the effects of ambient temperature and rainfall episodes on the duration and the completion of the instar. For comparing the temperature effect, we applied the degree-day concept. We found significant positive correlation between the number of rainy days during the instar development (x) and its duration time (y): y = 8.293 + 0.936x (± 2.813) (r = 0.662, P < 10−7). Logarithmic transformation of the growth curves of the last-instar Apollo larvae revealed that there was no difference in growth among females; however, there was slower growth of males in 2003 in comparison to 1996. Growth (y) of female Apollo larvae as a function of instar duration (x) can by described by one common equation, irrespectively of the year: y = 317.6 + 502.3 lnx (± 263.3) (r = 0.82, P < 10−4).  相似文献   

The bacterial community associated with skin lesions of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla was investigated using 16S ribosomal RNA gene cloning and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). All clones were classified in the Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria and Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides (CFB) bacteria. Most of the Alphaproteobacteria were related to the Roseobacter lineage and to bacteria implicated in marine diseases. The majority of the Gammaproteobacteria were identified as Vibrio while CFB represented only 9% of the total clones. FISH analyses showed that Alphaproteobacteria, CFB bacteria and Gammaproteobacteria accounted respectively for 43%, 38% and 19% of the DAPI counts. The importance of the methods used is emphasized.  相似文献   

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