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In laboratory experiments, we examined the effect of haloclines and determined whether the presence of food patches overrides this effect on larval vertical distribution of the sea star Asterias rubens, the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and the mussel Mytilus edulis. We experimentally constructed haloclines in which the salinity of the bottom water layer was 35 and that of the top layer was 21, 24, 27, and 30 (21/35, 24/35, 27/35, and 30/35) for A. rubens and S. droebachiensis, and 24, 27, 30 and 32 (24/35, 27/35, 30/35, and 32/35) for M. edulis. For each species and stage, additional halocline treatments (A. rubens: 24/32 and 27/32; 4-arm S. droebachiensis: 21/29 and 24/32; 6-arm S. droebachiensis: 24/29 and 24/32; M. edulis: 27/32 and 30/32) were used to determine whether the larval response to inhibitory salinity gradients was due to the absolute salinity of the top layer or the relative salinity difference between the two layers. Also, we measured the density of A. rubens and M. edulis to determine whether the specific gravity of larvae can explain the observed vertical distributions. Larvae aggregated at and below the halocline and these aggregations were more pronounced with increasing strength of the vertical salinity gradient. Threshold salinities in the top layer which inhibited ~ 100% of the larvae from crossing the halocline were 24 for A. rubens and M. edulis, and 21 for S. droebachiensis. These distributional patterns were not the result of larval density, which was greater than all treatment water densities for M. edulis and S. droebachiensis and lower for A. rubens. The effect of the presence of a food patch at inhibitory haloclines (A. rubens: 24/35 and 27/35; 4-arm S. droebachiensis: 21/34 and 24/34; M. edulis: 27/35) was determined by using three algal densities: 0, 5000 or 10 000 cells ml- 1Thalassiosira pseudonana in either the top or the bottom water layer. For both A. rubens and M. edulis, the number of larvae at the halocline increased in the presence of a food patch, but this effect did not depend on algal density in the patch. For 4-arm S. droebachiensis, there was no effect of the presence of a food patch on larval vertical distribution. Our results suggest that low salinity may act as a barrier to vertical movement and that the presence of food patches above the halocline may strengthen the larval aggregation response to inhibitory haloclines.  相似文献   

Developmental plasticity in the morphology of planktotrophic echinoid larvae has been studied primarily in temperate sea urchins from the Northern Hemisphere. These studies have shown that echinoplutei with reduced food ration generally respond by increasing the length of the larval arms, and thus the length of the ciliated band, and delaying formation of the rudiment. Using the endemic New Zealand sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus we tested for the presence of developmental plasticity in larvae fed a high or low algal food ration (6000 or 600 Dunaliella cells/ml), or with no algal food. Our results show that developmental plasticity in larval form is seen in a Southern Hemisphere representative of the Family Echinometridae, but the general pattern of longer arms with low food ration was only seen in the earliest part of development. Larvae in the High food treatment were largest in all dimensions and formed rudiments within 23 days of fertilization. Larvae fed a low algal ration or no algal food stalled at the four-arm echinopluteus stage, and were significantly smaller in size, and differed in shape, when compared in a multivariate analysis to the High food treatment. We suggest that the response of echinoplutei to low levels of particulate food is a species-specific trait, depending in part on the level of dependence of the larvae on exogenous food. Previous studies in Lytechinus variegatus, and the present study with E. chloroticus, suggest that in species where development stalls at the four-arm stage, the pattern of longer larval arms with low food ration will only be seen during the initial early period of larval growth. Additionally our results show that there can be significant variation in larval morphology between replicate jars in the same feeding treatment, suggesting that future research on developmental plasticity should also consider differences in larval morphology between culture containers.  相似文献   

Most meroplanktonic larvae have been considered to behave as passive particles in the water column, and their dispersal determined by advection. However, larvae may influence their horizontal transport by sinking or swimming between overlying water masses. The flow conditions under which larvae influence their vertical distribution through depth regulation are presently unclear. Using an annular flume, we examined the effect of increasing flow, repeated exposure to flow, and acceleration and deceleration on the vertical distribution of 4-arm stage echinoplutei of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Specifically, we generated different levels of vertical velocity and shear strengths by manipulating horizontal velocity (u). We increased and decreased flow speed incrementally from no flow (u = 0 cm s− 1) to intermediate flow (u = 0.48 cm s− 1) to high flow (u = 1.02 cm s− 1) for each of 3 cycles within each of 2 independent trials. We used a high resolution digital camera to record, and image-analysis to quantify, larval distribution. In the absence of flow, larvae swam upwards and aggregated near the surface of the flume. With increasing flow, increasing numbers of larvae were observed in the mid to low water column indicating a negative influence on larval ability to aggregate near the surface. No differences were observed between distributions in acceleration and deceleration phases of the cycles; however, results suggest that increased exposure can decrease the ability of larvae to regulate their vertical position over time. Vertical shear can result in the re-orientation of swimming larvae and likely compromised larval ability for directed swimming in our study. The threshold shear level beyond which larvae cannot regulate their vertical position is > 2 s− 1, suggesting that echinoid larvae may be more vulnerable to shear than other weak swimmers, most likely because of their shape. However, echinoid larvae can likely influence their vertical distribution within many areas in the ocean, since shears > 2 s− 1 are present only in highly turbulent regions such as fronts.  相似文献   

Subtidal benthic communities show distinct patterns of community structure related to substrate angle. Suspension-feeding invertebrate communities often dominate vertical and undercut rock surfaces, while macroalgae dominate horizontal surfaces. One factor that may shape this pattern is sea urchin grazing, which is often more intense on horizontal surfaces. The native Gulf of Maine ascidian Aplidium glabrum, like other native ascidians, is generally restricted to vertical and undercut rock walls, whereas the introduced ascidian Botrylloides violaceous is often abundant on horizontal surfaces. We tested the hypothesis that this pattern could be due to differing predation intensity on these two ascidians by Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, a dominant omnivore in the Gulf of Maine. Feeding preference of S. droebachiensis on the native A. glabrum vs. B. violaceous was estimated in the laboratory and in field experiments. Laboratory results show that S. droebachiensis prefers to feed on the native ascidian A. glabrum over B. violaceous. In the field, potential differences in the impact of S. droebachiensis on the two species were masked by the much greater growth rate of B. violaceus compared to A. glabrum. These results may help explain observed patterns in ascidian distribution in the Gulf of Maine, and ultimately the overall success of B. violaceus as a major invader throughout New England.  相似文献   

Effects of food availability on the larval survival and development of Crepidula onyx were studied in four experiments by feeding the larvae with different concentrations of the chrysophyte Isochrysis galbana and by starving the larvae for different periods of time. Food concentration had a clear impact on the survival, growth and development time of C. onyx veligers. Larval development occurred only at 104 cells ml−1 and higher algal concentrations. No shell increment was detected in the veligers cultured for 12 days at 102 cells ml−1I. galbana or the blank control. At 103 cells ml−1, there was only a slight increase in shell length over 12 days. At 104 cells ml−1, about 40% of the larvae became competent in 18 days. At 105 and 106 cells ml−1, more than 90% of the larvae reached competence in 7 days. Initial starvation negatively affected the larval development, but the sensitivity differed among parameters measured on day 5: lower survivorship was detected only for larvae that had suffered 3 days or longer initial starvation, whereas one-day initial starvation caused shorter shells and lower percentage of competent larvae. Three days of continuous feeding was required for 50% of the larvae to reach competence. After feeding for 3 days, most larvae could become competent to metamorphose even under starvation. The time of starvation was also critical: larvae that suffered 1-day food deprivation in the first 2 days of larval release had shorter shells and lowered percent competent larvae than those that suffered the same length of food deprivation in later stages of development. Our study thus indicates that both food concentration and short-term starvation have detrimental effects on the larval development of this species, and that once the larva has consumed certain amount of food, starvation may induce metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The ocean is a nutritionally heterogeneous environment. For feeding larval forms, food variability has significant consequences for growth and later recruitment success. In this study, the physiological and biochemical responses to a range of different food concentrations (unfed, 4, 20, and 40 algal cells μl− 1) were examined in larvae of the asteroid, Asterina miniata. Measurements of growth, protein synthesis rates, and the energetic cost of protein synthesis were made. Under conditions of rapid growth, protein comprised a larger percent (66%) of a larva's organic biomass compared to similar-aged, slower-growing larvae (26%). Larvae fed at the highest food concentration tested (40 algal cells μl− 1) had a protein depositional efficiency of 80% (± 16%), a value 3-fold higher than larvae fed 20 algal cells μl− 1 (28% ± 11%). Also, faster-growing larvae required 3-fold less energy per unit mass of protein growth. Larvae fed 40 algal cells μl− 1 deposited protein at a respiratory cost of 65 ± 11 pmol O2 h− 1 (μg protein)− 1; larvae fed 20 algal cells μl− 1 had a cost of 192 ± 47 pmol O2 h− 1 (μg protein)− 1. While there were differences in the cost to deposit protein (i.e., protein growth, the balance of synthesis and degradation), there were no differences in the energetic cost of protein synthesis for all food concentrations tested. The energetic cost of protein synthesis was fixed at 13.8 (± 0.92) Joules (mg protein synthesized)− 1 and was independent of developmental stage, growth rates, and large changes (58-fold) in protein synthesis rates. A major conclusion from this study is that larvae grown in high-food environments not only grew faster, but did so for considerably less energy. Defining the complex relationships of food availability and metabolic efficiency will provide more accurate predictions of larval growth under variable food conditions in the ocean.  相似文献   

Selective tidal-streaming is a model frequently used to explain how planktonic larvae invade estuaries. The ability of larvae to move vertically in the water column to selectively ride favourable currents and maintain ground gained is critical to this process. The mud crab (Scylla serrata) is a widely distributed, commercially and recreationally important portunid crab but little is known about its estuarine recruitment mechanisms or the vertical migration behaviour of its megalopae. In studies of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), important factors identified in the recruitment mechanism include altered vertical swimming behaviours in estuarine and offshore water and an endogenous circadian rhythm. Using laboratory experiments we examined the vertical displacement response of mud crab megalopae to illumination in estuarine and offshore water during the day and the night. Mud crab megalopae released into 1 m high towers swam higher when illuminated than when in darkness. This behaviour was repeated during the day and the night and in offshore and estuarine water. Given the apparent indifference to water type and the fact that mud crab megalopae are rarely caught in estuaries, we propose the model that these crabs do not invade estuaries as megalopae, but settle and metamorphose into small crabs on the coastal shelf before moving along the sea bed into estuarine habitats.  相似文献   

Information on herbivore-macroalgae interactions is extremely scarce for Arctic habitats. In this study, the potential of 19 macroalgae as food source for herbivores was investigated for the first time in Arctic waters (Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen) with emphasis on algal defense against grazing. Only two of the 19 tested macroalgae-associated invertebrates consumed macroalgae in measurable amounts, the locally abundant green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (OF Müller) and the amphipod Gammarellus homari (JC Fabricius). In the inner basin of the fjord, the dense macroalgal stock represents a potential food source. However, in this area, herbivory plays only a minor role. In contrast, in the outer basin of Kongsfjorden S. droebachiensis exerts a strong top-down control on macroalgal assemblages.Laboratory feeding assays in the with the two herbivores showed grazer-specific feeding preferences. The amphipod G. homari exhibits a preference for delicate red algal species like Devaleraea ramentacea, whereas the sea urchin S. droebachiensis significantly preferred more leathery seaweeds like Laminaria and Alaria. The red alga Palmaria palmata is a very attractive food for both herbivores, while the brown alga Desmarestia viridis and the red alga Ptilota gunneri are among the least preferred algae. To distinguish between physical and tissue-specific plant properties, which have a deterring or stimulating effect on the grazing behaviour, both grazers were offered intact algal tissue and artificial food in separate feeding assays. While physical and tissue-specific plant properties-especially in the Laminariales-deterred G. homari, these properties did not deter S. droebachiensis.This study provides insights into herbivore consumption in the benthic food web of Kongsfjorden. As a general potential top-down factor controlling primary production, herbivory needs to be quantified further in Kongsfjorden to develop adequate carbon flow models for this important reference site for the study of climate change on high latitude marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of food concentration on the feeding and growth rates of different larval developmental stages of the spionid polychaete Polydora ciliata. We estimated larval feeding rates as a function of food abundance by incubation experiments with two different preys, presented separately, the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina (ESD = 9.7 µm) and the diatom T.weissflogii (ESD = 12.9 µm). Additionally, we determined larval growth rates and gross growth efficiencies (GGE) as a function of R. salina concentration.P.ciliata larvae exhibited a type II functional response. Clearance rates decreased continuously with increasing food concentration, and ingestion rates increased up to a food saturation concentration above which ingestion remained fairly constant. The food concentration at which feeding became saturated varied depending on the food type, from ca. 2 µg C mL− 1 when feeding on T. weissflogii to ca. 5 µg C mL− 1 when feeding on R. salina. The maximum carbon specific ingestion rates were very similar for both prey types and decreased with increasing larval size/age, from 0.67 d− 1 for early larvae to 0.45 d− 1 for late stage larvae. Growth rates as a function of food concentration (R. salina) followed a saturation curve; the maximum specific growth rate decreased slightly during larval development from 0.22 to 0.17 d− 1. Maximum growth rates were reached at food concentrations ranging from 2.5 to 1.4 µg C mL− 1 depending on larval size. The GGE, estimated as the slope of the regression equations relating specific growth rates versus specific ingestion rates, were 0.29 and 0.16 for early and intermediate larvae, respectively. The GGE, calculated specifically for each food level, decreased as the food concentration increased, from 0.53 to 0.33 for early larvae and from 0.27 to 0.20 for intermediate larval stages.From an ecological perspective, we suggest that there is a trade-off between larval feeding/growth kinetics and larval dispersal. Natural selection may favor that some meroplanktonic larvae, such as P.ciliata, present low filtration efficiency and low growth rates despite inhabiting environments with high food availability. This larval performance allows a planktonic development sufficiently long to ensure efficient larval dispersion.  相似文献   

The effect of food levels on the growth and survival of laboratory-reared larvae of scaled sardines (Harengula pensacolae Goode & Bean) and bay anchovies (Anchoa mitchilli Valenciennes) was determined. Wild zooplankton, most of which was copepod nauplii and copepodids, was used as food. H. pensacolae larvae grew 0.80 mm/day at a low (444 organisms/1) and high food level (1324 organisms/1). Survival was appreciably better (14.5%) at the low than (3.5%) at the high food level, 23 days after hatching. A. mitcchilli larvae grew faster at medium and high food concentrations. Average growth rates for three replicated experiments were 0.48 mm/day at low food (621–692 organisms/1), 0.50 mm/day a t medium food (1330–1688 organisms/1), and 0.54 mm/day at high food (2811–3323 organisms/1). Survival of A. mitchilli larvae, 20 to 28 days after hatching, ranged from 0.0 to 17.8% and was better at medium and high food levels than at the low food level. The resultsng indicate that 500 to 1000 copepod nauplii and copepodids/1 provided adequate food for rearing H. pensacolae but 1500–2000/1 were consistently required to rear A. mitchilli.  相似文献   

The escape response of Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua) 25 and 47 days post hatch (dph) - either fed or deprived of food for three days - was studied. Larval escape responses were provoked by water movement from the suction of a fixed-position pipette. Escape latency, distance, speed, burst speed, and vertical and lateral escape angles were quantified using motion tracking software designed for 3-D silhouette video recordings. Escape performance, expressed as escape distance and escape speed, improved with age. The escape angles were normally distributed and highly variable, ranging from − 170° to 170° and − 40° to 105° for lateral and vertical escape angles respectively. No food deprivation-induced effects in any of the behaviours were found, suggesting that there are no condition-related behavioural effects (size-independent effects) in escape response performance after 3 d of food deprivation. This may reflect a negligible difference in the cost/benefit equation for fed vs. food-deprived larvae in performing an escape response when under attack.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behavior of Mesocyclops edax in artificial patches of high and low prey density was examined. In low density patches Mesocyclops swam in an irregular curvilinear path with little or no looping behavior. In high density patches Mesocyclops exhibited extensive horizontal and vertical looping behavior. Horizontal loops were performed in the normal hop and sink swimming mode, while vertical loops were associated with predator attacks on single prey items. Previous studies on terrestrial invertebrates revealed similar looping behaviors by predatiors and have suggested such looping behavior will increase the time a predator will spend in high versus low density prey patches. When food is patchily distributed and consumers are food-limited, the adaptive significance of remaining in a high density food patch may be substantial.Supported by NSF grant DEB 78-02882 to John J. Gilbert and Peter L. Starkweather, and the Dartmouth College Cramer Fund  相似文献   

Synopsis Swimming speed and swimming path of goldfish and tetra larvae were studied in aquaria containing food patches composed of decapsulated cysts and immobilized nauplii of Artemia salina or sparsely distributed prey. The mean swimming speed of starved larvae in the medium without food was about four times higher than the speed of larvae feeding in a patch. Satiated larvae swam about 1.5 times slower than hungry fish. Consumption of single prey items by starved larvae caused the following sequence of swimming responses: handling pause (cessation of swimming), slow swimming in a restricted area, and fast swimming (approximately twice as fast as hungry larvae before encountering food) accompanied by a widening of the area searched (area increased searching). Mean swimming speed was constant over a broad range (101–103 ind·1–1 of food density, although at extreme (high or low) values of food density it depended on swimming responses of the predator. Frequency of visits to the different parts of the aquarium strongly depended on encounters of hungry fish with food particles or patches.  相似文献   

Postsettled age 0 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) seek refuge from predation in eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitat within shallow, coastal nurseries. Laboratory and field experiments have demonstrated that predation risk on small fish is reduced in habitats of greater structure compared to less complex or barren environs. To determine if predation risk is linked to the areal extent of eelgrass coverage, we tested the hypothesis that predation risk of age 0 cod decreases with increasing eelgrass patch size. Predation on tethered age 0 cod (G. morhua and G. ogac) was quantified in eelgrass patches (1-80 m2) at three sites in northeastern Newfoundland, Canada, during September and October 1999 and 2000. Based on evidence of edge effects in terrestrial landscapes, we also tested the hypothesis that predation is elevated at ecotones separating eelgrass from adjacent barren mud substrate. We examined predation at the edge (i.e., 0 m) and both 5 and 10 m from this edge into and away from eelgrass cover along an 18 m long barren mud-gravel and eelgrass boundary, at two sites. Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of predation, as measured by the odds ratio, increased with area over a small range of patch sizes (1-35 m2 in 1999). When the study was extended to a wider range of patch sizes (1-80 m2) in 2000, a parabolic relationship emerged, with patches on the order of 25 m2 providing the least safety and the largest patches (80 m2) providing the most safety. Predation on tethered cod was highest at the edge of eelgrass patches, compared with barren and eelgrass locations; predation generally decreased with distance from the eelgrass boundary. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that predators are drawn to large patches of eelgrass because of increased prey numbers, that predators increase their success by searching edges, and that this results in greatest predation risk to prey in isolated patches of intermediate size.  相似文献   

Although the neurobiology and physiology of sea hares are extensively studied, comparatively little is known about their behaviour or ecology. Several species of sea hares swim, but the function of swimming is unclear. In this paper, we tested the hypotheses that swimming in Aplysia brasiliana serves to find food and mates, and to escape predators. Our data strongly support the hypothesis that swimming in A. brasiliana is related to feeding. Sea hares deprived of food overnight swam 12 times longer than ones that had been fed. When sea hares contacted food while swimming they invariably stopped, while those contacting a plastic algal mimic mostly continued to swim. Our experiments provided no evidence to support the hypothesis that swimming in sea hares is related to social behaviour. Sea hares deprived of copulatory mates for 3 days did not swim longer than ones held in copulating groups. Moreover, swimming sea hares never stopped swimming upon encountering a conspecific. Our experiments also supported the hypothesis that swimming in sea hares is related to predation. Sea hares stimulated with a standardised tail pinch and exposed to ink of conspecifics swam four times longer than control individuals, and tail-pinched sea hares that released ink swam five times longer than ones that did not release ink. However, because predators of adult sea hares are mostly lacking and because sea hares often swim spontaneously without predators being present, we conclude that swimming behaviour in A. brasiliana is primarily related to food-finding.  相似文献   

The food resources of Drosophila comprise decaying vegetable matter distributed in patches, yet foraging behavior has not been examined in larvae reared continuously in a patchy environment. Here, the extent and rate of inter-patch movement was studied in larvae of four wild strains of D. melanogaster inhabiting an experimental arena from the egg stage to the third larval instar. The hypotheses were that larvae would forage primarily in the third instar, that larvae would move from low-protein patches at higher rates than from high-protein patches, and that foraging rates would be higher on an agar substrate than on sand. Larvae hatching on a nutrient-poor food patch switched to a nutrient-rich patch during the first instar. The rate of interpatch switching increased with larval age, as did the number of larvae roving on the substrate between food patches. Inter-patch distance affected switching speed---the closer the patches, the faster the switching. High protein patches were preferred over low-protein patches, but there was a bias towards staying on the natal patch. Significant variation among strains in latency to forage, in proportion of larvae that switched patches, and in the rate of roving between patches suggests that there is natural genetic variation for these traits. Larvae switched food patches on a substrate of moist sand as quickly as on an agar substrate.  相似文献   

In order to enhance encounters with prey, planktonic predators may display different swimming behavior with respect to food availability and distribution. In this study, we used 3D video techniques to record the swimming behavior of malabar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus) larvae in both the absence and the presence of prey (Artemia sp. nauplii). Swimming properties were investigated in all of the 3D, the two vertical, and the horizontal projections using scale-dependent (mean speed and Net to Gross Displacement Ratio) and scale-independent (fractal dimension) metrics. When prey was added, larvae swam slower and in a less convoluted way as compared to what was observed in the absence of food. The results obtained with scale-dependant metrics were confirmed by those obtained with scale-independent analyses. Both unveiled the anisotropy of the swimming behavior of grouper larvae that tend to swim toward the vertical axis in order to maximize encounters with prey patches. This study shows that malabar grouper larvae can optimize their search volume by switching their behavior and further draws attention to the need to consider both vertical- and horizontal-projections components while addressing the plankter’s swimming trajectories.  相似文献   

Microscale patches of resources occur in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions, and in the latter case are referred to as thin layers. These layers may affect ecological processes like behavior, predation, growth and reproduction in phytoplankton and zooplankton. The objective of this study was to determine possible effects of physical and biological thin layers on the vertical distribution and diel vertical migration of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. We used four, 2 m tall, experimental tanks fitted with video cameras which panned the vertical extent of each tank and enabled us to sample on the centimeter scale. The experimental tanks consisted of a thin layer (25 cm thick) of Nannochloropsis oculata, whereas control tanks consisted of homogeneously distributed algae. Rotifers aggregated in the thin layers of N. oculata, and dispersed (becoming evenly distributed) after depleting the algae within the thin layer (ca. 6 h). In contrast, rotifer aggregation in the physical thin layer of control tanks was shorter in duration (ca. 2.5 h) and rotifers were homogenously distributed for the remainder of the experiment despite persistent salinity stratification. No signs of diel vertical migration were noted in either experimental or control tanks. A second set of experiments was run to examine the response of rotifers to a choice of food, i.e., thin layers of the diatom, Skeletonema costatum versus the eustigmatophyte, N. oculata. For the choice experiments, two thin layers were created, one with each food option. Our results suggest that B. plicatilis aggregates and feeds preferentially on N. oculata over S. costatum. In both types of experiments rotifers responded, in terms of distribution, to thin layers of algae within the first half-hour of introduction and remained in the thin layers until the food source was depleted. Our results suggest that rotifers may be important grazers on thin layers because of their ability to quickly locate and take advantage of ephemeral food patches.  相似文献   

A sequential carbohydrate, protein, and lipid method of analysis has been used to determine the biochemical composition of freshly hatched and 48-h old larvae of two strains of the brine shrimp Artemia salina (L.). During a 48-h starvation period the percentage of carbohydrates and lipids of freshly hatched larvae decreases whereas the ash content increases by 40–100%. When fed with dried Scenedesmus or dried Spirulina for 2 days after hatching the protein level of the larvae increases significantly and the relative increase in ash content is lower than in the case of starvation.Amino acid analyses of the algal food and the unfed and fed larvae did not show any change except for the absence (below detection) of methionine in the starved nauplii.The fatty acid pattern of 48-h old Artemia larvae is different from that of freshly hatched nauplii both in unfed and fed larvae; in the latter case it seems to be determined to a large extent by the fatty acid composition of the food.  相似文献   

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