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Previous research has identified extensive inter-population variability in the morphology of the shore crab (Carcinus maenas L.). To determine the source of this variation (genetic or environmental), morphological and genetic data were analysed from crabs collected from eight sites around the coast of the UK. Ten morphometric traits were measured from over 800 crabs and the degree of morphological similarity among sites was calculated using multivariate techniques. Allozyme electrophoresis was used to investigate patterns of genetic similarity. Extensive morphological variability was detected: eight out of the ten morphometric traits analysed were useful when discriminating between crabs from each site. Discriminant function analysis revealed that over 35% of individuals could be classified to their site of origin on the basis of their morphology. In contrast, the allozyme analysis revealed low levels of genetic variability, both within the meta-population and among the crab population at each site. Pairwise comparisons revealed a moderate correlation between the degree of morphological and genetic similarity of crabs at each site, which suggests that the observed phenotypic variability has a genetic component. However, only around 20% of the phenotypic variability detected was associated with the patterns of genetic similarity. This means that patterns of morphological variability in this species are largely determined by the local environmental conditions: local factors could have a within-generation selective influence on mean trait values or C. maenas may exhibit phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

The invasive green crab, Carcinus maenas, has recently expanded its range into the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, where there is potential for substantial niche overlap with juvenile American lobsters, Homarus americanus. We used two experiments to elicit, record and analyze the agonistic interactions of adult green crabs (carapace width of 63-75 mm) and sub-adult (carapace length of 55-70 mm) lobsters. The first experiment gave each animal equal access to a limited food resource. The green crabs were first to the food in significantly more trials, spent a significantly greater proportion of time with the food, and were able to successfully defend the food from attacks by the heavier lobsters. In the second experiment, we allowed the lobsters to gain possession and initiate feeding on the food before releasing the green crabs. In these trials, the lobsters spent significantly more time with the food, and were able to defend the food from the green crabs. The results of both experiments are discussed in the context of game theory. The different behaviour of the crustaceans in the two experiments is consistent with the “bourgeois” strategy in a hawk and dove game simulation. With this strategy, an animal acts like a hawk if in possession of a resource, but acts like a dove if the other animal is in possession of the resource. The fact that the green crabs were able to physically compete with, and in many cases dominate the larger, heavier lobsters supports the potential for competitive impacts of green crabs on sub-adult lobsters.  相似文献   

The major claws of predatory, durophagous decapods are specialized structures that are routinely used to crush the armor of their prey. This task requires the generation of extremely strong forces, among the strongest forces measured for any animal in any activity. Laboratory studies have shown that claw strength in crabs can respond plastically to, and thereby potentially match, the strength of their prey's defensive armor. These results suggest that claw strength may be variable among natural populations of crabs. However, very few studies have investigated spatial variation in claw strength and related morphometric traits in crabs. Using three geographically separate populations of the invasive green crab in the Gulf of Maine, we demonstrate, for the first time, geographic variation in directly measured claw crushing forces in a brachyuran. Despite variation in mean claw strength however, the scaling of claw crushing force with claw size was consistent among populations. We found that measurements of crushing force were obtained with low error and were highly repeatable for individual crabs. We also show that claw mass, independent of a linear measure of claw size, and carapace color, which is an indicator of time spent in the intermoult, were important predictors of claw crushing force.  相似文献   

The Atlantic rock crab, Cancer irroratus, is a commercially fished species and a critical prey item for the American lobster, Homarus americanus, in Atlantic Canada. The recent invasion of European green crab, Carcinus maenas, may have significant effects on the growth and condition of native C. irroratus, because both species overlap spatially and temporally and have similar habitat and dietary requirements. To examine such potential effects, we measured the growth of juvenile C. irroratus in the presence of juvenile C. maenas over a period of 4 months (growing season), under the following species combinations: (1) one C. irroratus (10-25 mm CW); (2) two C. irroratus (10-25 mm CW); (3) one C. irroratus (10-25 mm CW) and one C. maenas (10-15 mm CW). Morphological measurements included pre- and post-molt carapace width, chela height, abdomen width (mm), weight (g), and estimates of molt increment (%) and intermolt duration (days). Analysis of the hepatopancreas for % lipid content at the end of the experiment provided an estimate of physiological condition. The effect of the presence of C. maenas on the growth of C. irroratus shifted from negative to positive, when C. irroratus reached CW of 19-22 mm and gained a presumably significant size advantage over C. maenas. The positive effect resulted from increased energy intake through crab consumption. In the absence of crab consumption, the presence of a second crab (conspecific or C. maenas) had no effect on growth. C. irroratus consumed crabs more frequently when the second individual was a green crab than a conspecific. Consumption of C. maenas had a pronounced effect on the growth rate of C. irroratus, resulting in shorter intermolt periods and larger percent molt increments than in the presence of a conspecific. Therefore, the presence of juvenile C. maenas does not appear to have a prolonged negative effect on the growth of C. irroratus; rather, it may provide an additional food item as rock crabs grow, as long as encounters between the two species occur at high enough rates.  相似文献   

Scaphognathite activity and ventilatory responses to changes of ambient oxygen have been studied in stressed and fully settled crabs, Carcinus maenas (L.). Compared with resting, fully settled animals, resting stressed crabs exhibited very high values of scaphognathite beat frequency, negative hydrostatic pressure in the gill chamber and amount of time spent ventilating, suggesting a much elevated ventilatory flow rate. Unlike fully settled animals, stressed crabs did not show significant ventilatory responses to changes of ambient oxygenation.  相似文献   

Predation on flatfish during the early juvenile stage is an important factor regulating year-class strength and recruitment. In this study, immunological dietary analysis was performed on green crabs (Carcinus maenas) collected from the Niantic River, Connecticut, in an effort to evaluate the predatory impact of this species on post-settlement winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). Through the use of species-specific antiserum, winter flounder proteins were identified in 4.8% of the green crab stomachs analyzed (n = 313, size range = 14-74 mm carapace width, CW), revealing that crabs ≥ 29 mm CW are predators of post-settlement winter flounder in natural populations. The most significant factor underlying the predator-prey interaction was the relative size relationship between species, such that the incidence of winter flounder remains in the stomach contents of green crabs was positively correlated with predator-to-prey size ratio. Results from dietary analysis were incorporated into a deterministic model to estimate the average daily instantaneous mortality and cumulative mortality of winter flounder owing to green crab predation. Accordingly, green crabs may account for 0.4% to 7.7% (mean = 2.2%) of the daily mortality of winter flounder and consume 1.1% to 32.3% (mean = 10.2%) of the flounder year-class. Model simulations further indicate that variations in green crab abundance and size-structure account for the greatest variability in winter flounder mortality. Relative to other macro-crustacean predators, however, predation by green crabs has a minimal effect on winter flounder survival, due in large part to the low densities of these crabs in temperate estuaries.  相似文献   

Invasive organisms have the potential for competition with native organisms. In the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, juvenile American lobsters have a potential spatial overlap with adult green crabs. Crustaceans use agonistic behaviour to settle disputes, with the larger organism often winning contests for limited resources such as food and shelter. Two experiments were carried out using adult green crabs (53-76 mm carapace width) and juvenile American lobsters (28-57 mm carapace length). The first experiment used a limited food resource. We found that green crabs were the first to the food in all trials, fed in significantly more trials than lobsters and spent a significantly greater proportion of time with the food. The lobsters were only able to displace the green crabs from the food in 2 of 65 attempts. The second experiment was designed to examine shelter competition; unexpectedly some predation by green crabs on lobsters occurred, which allowed us to test hypotheses about how relative size and shelter use affect predation. Green crabs captured and consumed juvenile lobsters in 6 of 11 trials. The lobsters that survived spent significantly more time in shelter. There was no clear relationship between shelter use and size of lobster. The lobsters that were larger in relation to the green crabs suffered a higher rate of predation, which we believe was due to more conspicuous activity and less use of shelter. It appears that green crabs have the potential to negatively impact native juvenile lobster.  相似文献   

Nonindigenous species are increasingly recognized as altering marine and estuarine communities, causing significant changes in abundance and distribution of native species. Such effects are of particular concern to coastal fisheries. We experimentally determined the effect of the nonindigenous European green crab, Carcinus maenas, upon the stepped venerid clam, Katelysia scalarina, the basis for a fledgling clam fishery in Tasmania, Australia. First, we observed a trend of decreased juvenile (<13-mm shell length or SL) abundance of K. scalarina at sites with C. maenas relative to those without this invasive predator. Additionally, relative predation intensity on these juveniles was significantly higher in invaded areas. To better understand the dynamics of predation by this invader, we conducted a number of manipulative experiments. In cage experiments testing per capita predation rates, we found that: (1) of the various sizes of C. maenas, large C. maenas were the most significant predators; (2) the smallest size class of K. scalarina tested (6-12-mm SL) was preferred by C. maenas; (3) C. maenas had much higher predation rates than any native predator tested; and (4) while the native shore crab, Paragrapsus gaimardii, was found to have a constant predation rate over an eightfold range of densities of juvenile K. scalarina (16-128 individuals·m−2), C. maenas significantly increased its per capita predation with increasing prey density. Notably, in open field plots at a site where C. maenas was abundant, predation was constant over the range of tested prey densities. We predict, therefore, that the invasion of C. maenas will have significant negative consequences for the Tasmanian K. scalarina fishery.  相似文献   

To document the relative importance of meiofauna as prey for juvenile Crangon crangon and Carcinus maenus, short interval (1.5-2 h) collections were made in the muddy Lynher Estuary (Plymouth, Great Britain) and in the sandy-bottom Ythan Estuary (Aberdeenshire, Scotland) in 1990. Gut passage times of Crangon fed flaked fish food and fluorescent tracer in the laboratory at 13 °C ranged from 4 to 20 h. Wild shrimp exhibited feeding periodicity, with guts fullest during high tide in both locations. Visual and immunological gut contents analyses revealed that meiofaunal nematodes and harpacticoid copepods were present only in recently settled shrimp from 8 to 12 mm total length on muddy bottoms. Larger shrimp collectively consumed up to 33 different macrobenthic prey types. Shrimp were fullest at night (mean gut contents weight = 8% wet body weight, Lynher) or at dawn (6%, Ythan). The Lynher Carcinus gut contents—from animals 8 to 30 mm carapace width, examined visually only—contained mostly fluids, green benthic algae, sediment particles, and masses of unidentifiable prey remains plus digestion-resistant hard parts visually identifiable as macrobenthic in origin. None of the 203 crabs examined from the 24-h collection contained meiofaunal prey. Crangon shrimp probably eat meiofaunal prey for only a brief period of time after their initial settlement to the bottom. Evidence for significant top-down impacts on meiofauna from these two abundant shallow-water predators was weak. More trophic studies are needed on newly settled epibenthic predators to test the hypothesis that biological control of shallow-water meiofauna is important.  相似文献   

Range expansion and population establishment of individual species can have significant impacts on previously established food webs and predator-prey dynamics. The stone crab (Menippe spp.) is found throughout southwestern North Atlantic waters, from North Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico and the Central American Caribbean, including the Greater Antilles. Recent observations suggest that stone crabs have become better established on certain oyster reefs in North Carolina than in the early 1900s when they we first observed in NC. To assess the predatory impact of stone crabs on oysters, we (1) quantified stone crab densities on subtidal oyster reefs in Pamlico Sound, NC using scuba surveys, and (2) conducted laboratory predation experiments to assess the functional response of stone crabs to varying densities of oysters. We then (3) analyzed previously unpublished functional response data on another important oyster predator, the mud crab Panopeus herbstii. Finally, we (4) compared and contrasted potential predatory impacts of stone, mud and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). The functional response data and analyses for both stone crabs and mud crabs were consistent with a type II functional response. Mud crabs, on a m2 basis, inflicted the highest proportional mortality on oysters over a 24 hour period, followed by stone and then blue crabs. Proportional mortality did not vary significantly with oyster size; however, relatively small and large oysters were consumed disproportionately less than medium-sized oysters, likely due to the mechanical inability of stone crabs to handle small oysters, and the inability to crush large oysters. Although stone crabs appear to be established in Pamlico Sound at densities equivalent to densities in other systems such as the U.S. Florida Panhandle, their predatory activities on oysters are not expected to have as significant a negative impact on oyster populations compared to other resident predators such as mud crabs.  相似文献   

Young juveniles of many motile benthic species are concentrated in structurally complex habitats, but the proximate causes of this distribution are usually not clear. In the present study, I assessed three potentially important processes affecting distribution and abundance of early benthic stages in the shore crab (Carcinus maenas): (1) selection of habitat by megalopae (postlarvae); (2) habitat-specific predation; and (3) post-settlement movements by juveniles. These processes were assessed concurrently over 3-9 days at two spatial scales: at the scale of square meters using cage techniques within nursery areas, and at the scale of hectares using isolated populations of juvenile shore crabs in small nursery areas as mesocosms. The results were compared to habitat-specific distribution in the field.Shore crab megalopae and first instar juveniles (settlers) were distributed non-randomly among micro-habitats in the assessed nursery areas, with great densities in both mussel beds, eelgrass and filamentous algal patches (on average 114-232 settlers m−2), and significantly smaller densities on open sand habitats at all times (on average 4 settlers m−2). The same habitat-specific settlement pattern was found in cages where predators were excluded, suggesting that active habitat selection at settlement was responsible for the initial distribution. Older juveniles (second to ninth instar crabs) were also sparse on sand, but in contrast to settlers, were concentrated in mussel beds, which showed significantly greater densities than eelgrass and algal habitats. The cage experiment demonstrated a dynamic distribution of juvenile crabs. Young juveniles constantly migrated over open sand habitats (20 m or further) and colonized the experimental plots in a habitat-specific pattern that reflected the distribution in the field. This pattern was also found for very small crabs colonizing predator-exclusion cages, suggesting that selection of habitat by migrating juveniles caused the ontogenetic change in habitat use. Although post-settlement movements were great within nursery areas, juvenile dispersal at a regional scale appeared to be small, and the recruitment of juvenile shore crabs to the shallow bays occurred mainly through pelagic megalopae.Conservative estimates at the scale of whole nursery areas, based on migration trap data and field samples, indicated great mortality of settlers and early benthic stages of shore crabs. Results from the cage experiment suggest that predation by crabs and shrimp were responsible for the high settlement mortality. Both enclosed cannibalistic juvenile crabs and local predators on uncaged habitat plots caused significant losses of settlers in all habitats (on average 22% and 64% 3 day−1, respectively). The effect of predators was highly variable between trials, but differed little between habitat types, and predation had no detectable proximate effect on juvenile distribution, despite the great losses. Small settlement densities on sand habitats in combination with a refuge at low prey numbers, and an aggregation of cannibalistic juvenile crabs in nursery habitats appear to decrease the effect of habitat-specific predation rates on the distribution of juvenile shore crabs. This study demonstrates that active habitat selection at settlement followed by a dynamic redistribution of young juveniles can be the proximate processes responsible for habitat-specific distribution of epibenthic juveniles, and indicate that predation represents a major evolutionary process reinforcing this behavior.  相似文献   

Soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, are sessile, suspension-feeding bivalves that are preyed upon by the exotic green crab, Carcinus maenas. Clams evade crab consumers by burrowing deeper into the sediment after perceiving a threat from a nearby predator. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of signals that M. arenaria use to detect predators and the types of behaviors clams use to avoid being eaten. In a field study, clams increased their burial depth in the presence of green crab predators consuming conspecifics that were caged nearby, and also increased burial depth after artificial tactile stimulation in the laboratory assay. These results indicate that clams can use chemical and mechanical cues to detect potential predatory threats. We performed a field study to examine the difference in survivability of clams that had burrowed deeper into the sediment in response to predators vs. control clams that were burrowed less deeply. Significantly higher survival rates were observed in clams that had initially burrowed more deeply, suggesting that increasing burial depth is a valid predator avoidance strategy. Some bivalves also alter their pumping rates in the presence of predators, making them less apparent and providing more structural defense by covering soft tissue, and we measured pumping time of soft-shell clams in the presence and absence of predators, when burrowing was not an option for escape. Soft-shell clams did not alter their pumping time in the presence of green crab predators, possibly because they employ a burrowing method called “hydraulic” or “jet-propelled” burrowing, where it is necessary for the clam to pump in order to burrow. Chemical signals and tactile cues instigated behavioral changes in M. arenaria, and this change in behavior (increasing burial depth) increased clam survival in the field.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP enzymes) catalyse important metabolic reactions of exogenous and endogenous substrates, including steroid hormones. Here, we report the first two CYP sequences from the shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Two complete cDNAs isolated from crab hepatopancreas encode CYP enzymes named CYP330A1, the first member of a new family, and CYP4C39. CYP330A1 is closest related to members of the CYP2 family (37.3% identical to mouse CYP2J6) and CYP4C39 is most identical to crayfish CYP4C15 (59.5%). CYP330A1 gene expression was induced in hepatopancreas of male green intermoult crabs by ecdysone and ponasterone A, but also by benzo(a)pyrene and phenobarbital. CYP330A1 induction was not observed in red crabs. The present results indicate that the CYP330A1 enzyme may be involved in ecdysteroid metabolism, presumably catabolism, and in the detoxification of environmental pollutants. Ecdysteroids or xenobiotics did not affect CYP4C39 gene expression. The fact that both ecdysteroids and xenobiotics affect CYP330A1 gene expression indicates that mutual interactions between chemical exposures and endocrine functions may exist in the shore crab.  相似文献   

Summary The hair-peg organs of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, are modified hair-sensilla. A small hair shaft (peg) is surrounded by a tuft of solid cuticular bristles (hairs). Each hair-peg organ is innervated by 6 sensory neurons, 2 of which have scolopidial (type-I) dendrites. The outer segments of all dendrites pass through a cuticular canal extending to the articulated hair base in which the 2 type-I dendrites terminate. The other 4 (type-II) dendrites reach the clavate tip of the hair shaft and have access to a terminal pore and a large sickle-shaped aperture. Three inner and 8–12 outer enveloping cells belong to a hair-peg organ. The innermost enveloping cell contains a scolopale, which has desmosomal connections to the ciliary rootlets of the type-I dendrites. An inner and an outer sensillum lymph space are present. The ultrastructural features of the dendrites and the cuticular apparatus indicate that the hair-peg organs are bimodal sensilla, comprising 2 mechano- and 4 chemosensitive sensory neurons. Extracellular recordings from the leg nerve indicate that the chemosensitive neurons of the hair-peg organs respond to changes in seawater concentration in the physiological range of Carcinus maenas.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 45/A1; W. Gnatzy)  相似文献   

Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) nursery grounds on the Swedish west coast have been subject to increasing cover of annual green macroalgae during recent years, with growth of algae starting at the time of plaice settlement in April to May. A laboratory experiment was performed to investigate how the vulnerability to predation of metamorphosing plaice was affected by the presence of filamentous algae. Predation by shrimps (Crangon crangon) on settling plaice larvae was higher on sand than among algae, whereas predation by crabs (Carcinus maenas) was unaffected by habitat type, suggesting a lower overall mortality of plaice in the vegetated habitat. When predators and prey were presented with a combination of the two habitats, predation by shrimps was as high as that in the sand treatment alone, whereas predation by crabs was lower than that in the two treatments with one habitat. Based on these results, an additional experiment was performed, investigating the functional response of shrimps to six densities of juvenile plaice in a sand habitat with alternative prey present. The proportional mortality of juvenile plaice (12-16 mm total length (TL)) was density-dependent and was best described by a type III (sigmoid) functional response of the predatory shrimps. The results suggested that the combined predation pressure from shrimps and crabs was lower among algae than on sand, but settling plaice and predatory shrimps chose the sand habitat. Plaice densities in the sigmoid part of the obtained functional response curve represented normal to high field densities of plaice on the Swedish west coast, suggesting that shrimp predation could have a stabilising effect on plaice recruitment. The formation of macroalgae mats could therefore lead to a concentration of plaice juveniles in the remaining sand habitat and increased mortality through density-dependent predation by shrimps.  相似文献   

Variation among individuals is substantial for spermatozoa concentration in fresh milt in sea trout (Salmo trutta m. trutta L.). The objective of the present study was to examine effects of spermatozoa concentration in this species on subsequent cryopreservation success. Milt with high spermatozoa concentration was diluted with seminal plasma to obtain concentrations ranging between 6 and 24 × 109 mL−1 with steps of 2 × 109 mL−1. Diluted milts were cryopreserved in 0.25-mL straws with extender (0.3 M glucose) containing 10% methanol and 10 % (vol/vol) supplement of hen egg yolk. The dilution ratio was 1:3 (milt:cryomedium). Cryopreservation efficacies were assessed according to evaluation of motility of frozen/thawed spermatozoa and quantification of fertilizing ability. Percentage of motility of frozen/thawed spermatozoa was influenced by spermatozoa concentration in the cryomedium (P < 0.05). The highest motility was observed in samples with 3.0 to 4.0 × 109 spermatozoa per mL of cryomedium, which corresponds to 12 to 16 × 109 spermatozoa per mL in fresh milt. Higher sperm concentrations and lower sperm concentrations in cryomedium reduced the effectiveness of cryopreservation when compared with the optimum. Cryopreservation success measured according to fertilization rate was in agreement with results for motility of frozen/thawed spermatozoa, but the optimum could not be determined with statistical precision because of differences in fertilization rate among individual donor males. However, a significant positive correlation was found between postthaw motility and fertilization rate and between cryopreserved spermatozoa velocity and fertilization rate (P < 0.05). In sea trout, cryopreservation efficiency is influenced by spermatozoa concentration in cryomedium. Individual adjustment of the dilution ratio, based on initial spermatozoa density, is recommended in the freezing protocol. Maximum cryoresistance of the cell was obtained when spermatozoa concentration in cryomedium ranged from 3.0 to 4.0 × 109 mL−1.  相似文献   

Predation on the early life history of fish is an important factor regulating year-class strength. Verifying predation events, however, is difficult when analyses rely on visually identifying the remnants of partially digested fish in the stomachs of suspected predators. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of using immunological assays to detect the presence of winter flounder eggs and juveniles (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in the gut contents of sand shrimp (Crangon septemspinosa) and green crab (Carcinus maenas). After defining assay capabilities, the stomach contents of field-collected shrimp and crabs were examined to determine if these predator-prey relationships occur under natural conditions. Winter flounder-specific antisera developed and used in this study successfully identified homologous antigens (egg or juvenile flounder extracts) without appreciably cross-reacting with antigenic material from predators or nontarget prey. Moreover, antisera detected flounder eggs 10.8-16.4 h after initial feeding by various sized shrimp, and identified juvenile flounder 9.4 and 7.8 h after initial ingestion by shrimp and crabs, respectively. Immuonological dietary analysis of decapod crustaceans collected from Niantic River, Connecticut, revealed that C. septemspinosa and C. maenas are potentially important predators on the early life stages of winter flounder. The temporal trends and magnitude of flounder predator-induced mortality was affected primarily by the spatial and temporal overlap between predator and prey (egg mortality), and the size-dependent relationships underlying crustacean and flatfish predator-prey interactions (juvenile mortality).  相似文献   

Dopamine plays multiple roles in the regulation of reproduction in female honeybees where it appears to act independently of juvenile hormone (JH). In males the role of dopamine and its relationship to JH control have not been elucidated. In the present study we determined hemolymph levels of dopamine and its metabolite (N-acetyldopamine) in males at post-emergence days 0-16. The development of locomotor and flight activities were recorded over the same period. Hemolymph levels of dopamine and N-acetyldopamine were found to increase at the time of onset of mating flight activity and those of dopamine decreased thereafter. Both locomotor and flight activities increased in parallel with hemolymph dopamine levels but the increased activity levels were maintained following decline of dopamine levels. Brain and meso-metathoracic ganglia levels of dopamine showed a similar developmental profile to hemolymph dopamine levels. Locomotor activities were temporarily inhibited by injection of a dopamine-receptor antagonist (cis(Z)-flupenthixol) into the thorax, and were enhanced by injection of a dopamine-receptor agonist (6,7-ADTN). These results suggest that dopamine regulates locomotor activities for mating and plays a role downstream of JH in premature males in honeybees.  相似文献   

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