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Mediterranean gorgonian forests are threatened by several human activities and are affected by climatic anomalies that have led to mass mortality events in recent decades. The ecological role of these habitats and the possible consequence of their loss are poorly understood. Effects of gorgonians on the recruitment of epibenthic organisms were investigated by manipulating presence of gorgonians on experimental panels at 24 m depth, for Eunicella cavolinii, and at 40 m depth, for Paramuricea clavata, at two sites: Tavolara Island (Tyrrhenian Sea) and Portofino Promontory (Ligurian Sea). After 4 months, the most abundant taxa on the panels were encrusting green algae, erect red algae and crustose coralline algae at 24 m depth and encrusting brown algae and erect red algae at 40 m depth. Assemblages on the panels were significantly affected by the presence of the gorgonians, although effects varied across sites and between gorgonian species. Species diversity and evenness were lower on panels with gorgonian branches. Growth of erect algae and recruitment of serpulid polychaetes were also affected by the presence of the gorgonians, primarily at Tavolara. Crustose coralline algae and erect sponges were more abundant on E. cavolinii panels at 24 m depth, while encrusting bryozoans were more abundant on P. clavata panels at 40 m depth. Effects of gorgonians on recruited assemblages could be due to microscale modification of hydrodynamics and sediment deposition rate, or by a shading effect reducing light intensity. Gorgonians may also intercept settling propagules, compete for food with the filter-feeders and/or for space by producing allelochemicals. Presence of gorgonians mainly limits the growth of erect algae and enhances the abundance of encrusting algae and sessile invertebrates. Therefore, the gorgonian disappearances may cause a shift from assemblages characterised by crustose coralline algae to filamentous algae assemblages, decreasing complexity and resilience of coralligenous bioconstructions.  相似文献   

Natural regeneration on waste rock was investigated at the old Wangaloa coal mine, south-east Otago. A 450-m long waste rock stack had been created 40–50 years ago, and has had little anthropogenic intervention since. The stack is made up of a gradient of three main waste rock types, defined as ‘silt-rich’, ‘mixed’, and ‘quartz-rich’, which reflect different proportions of loess siltstone and quartz gravel conglomerate. Plant species assemblages were quantified in four 5-m2 quadrats in each waste rock type. Invertebrates were heat extracted from substrate cores (7 cm diameter; depth 5 cm) collected from quadrats over an eight-week period in spring 2003. Ordination analysis showed statistically distinct plant and invertebrate assemblages had arisen on each waste rock type. Revegetation patterns were dominated by native, woody individuals on all waste rock types, particularly manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) and kanuka (Kunzea ericoides). Plant cover on ‘silt-rich’ waste rock was four-fold that on ‘quartz-rich’ waste rock. Total numbers of invertebrates were highest on ‘quartz-rich’ waste rock, but richness greatest on ‘silt-rich’ waste rock. Collembola dominated the fauna but their numbers were proportionally greatest in poorly vegetated areas. Further work is required to explain the absence of plants and invertebrates from local areas of waste rock.  相似文献   

The effects of selected physical and biological factors on the early development of a subtidal invertebrate assemblage were examined at an offshore oil platform in the Santa Barbara Channel (California, USA). The effects of date, year, length, and depth of submersion were investigated by replacing sets of ceramic tiles with new tiles at frequencies of 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 months at three depths (6, 12, and 18 m) over a period of 24 months. The effects of existing colonists and depth were explored in a second experiment by removing selected early colonists from ceramic tiles deployed at the same three depths over a period of 12 months. More than 40 invertebrate taxa from seven phyla colonized the tiles. Colonial tunicates and encrusting bryozoans appeared early in the successional sequence (∼2 months), in cover ranging from <5% to 80% and from <5% to 55%, respectively. Tubiculous amphipods, barnacles, and sponges could also appear early, but in low cover (<20%). Composition of the assemblage changed over time with barnacles, sponges, and mussels becoming the principal space holders on tiles submerged for 24 months. When potential competitors were removed monthly, variation in the cover of dominant taxa (i.e., bryozoans, amphipods, barnacles) was maintained to 12 months, suggesting that other factors, such as larval availability or post-settlement mortality, were responsible for these patterns. Development of this assemblage appeared to fit a pattern of early succession that was largely predictable in terms of the composition and sequence of occurrence of dominant taxa, but variable in rate of development, depending on date of submersion, year, and depth.  相似文献   

A pollen record from the Taishizhuang site (40°21.5′N, 115°49.5′E) located in the transitional forest-steppe zone near the present-day limit of the summer monsoon is used to reconstruct vegetation and climate. Quantitative biome reconstruction suggests that between ca. 5700 and 4400 cal. years B.P. temperate deciduous forest dominated the vegetation cover around the Taishizhuang site. After that time the landscape became more open and the scores of the steppe biome were always higher than those of the temperate deciduous forest except for two oscillations dated to ca. 4000 cal. years B.P. and ca. 3500 cal. years B.P. However, ca. 3400-2100 cal. years B.P. the common vegetation became steppe and the landscape was more open in comparison with the previous time interval. The results of the pollen-based precipitation reconstruction suggest that annual precipitation was ca. 550-750 mm (ca. 100-300 mm higher than present) during the mid-Holocene ‘forest phase’, and ca. 450-650 mm during the following ‘forest-steppe phase’. From ca. 3400 cal. years B.P. during the ‘steppe phase’ annual precipitation was similar to modern values (ca. 300-500 mm). Archaeological records from 100 sites prove the habitation of northeastern China during the prehistoric and early historic periods from ca. 8200 cal. years B.P., but do not provide evidence of the use of wood resources intensive enough to influence the regional vegetation development and to leave traces in the pollen assemblages. Both archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data support the conclusion that changes in pollen composition in northeastern China between 5700 and 2100 cal. years B.P. reflect natural variations in precipitation and not major deforestation caused by humans.  相似文献   

This study examined the interactive effects of grazing by limpets and inclination of the substratum in maintaining differences between mid-shore and low-shore assemblages of algae in the northwest Mediterranean, at different scales of space and through time. Alternative models leading to different predictions about these effects were proposed and tested. Limpets were excluded by fences from areas of the substratum at mid levels on the shore. The response of algal assemblages to this manipulation was compared with control and enclosure plots at the same level, and with unmanipulated plots in the low shore where limpets are less abundant. The effects of limpets were examined at several replicated sites (0.1–4 km apart) for each slope of the substratum (nearly horizontal vs vertical), at different locations (hundreds of kilometres apart) and at different times. Individual taxa responded differently to limpet exclusion. The percentage cover of the coarsely branched and filamentous algae increased significantly in exclosure plots, in some loser reaching values found on the low shore. These patterns, however, varied greatly from shore to shore and significant effects were found both on horizontal and vertical substrata. Multivariate analyses indicated that grazing by limpets accounted for about 20% of the differences between mid-shore and low-shore assemblages. This effect was independent of substratum inclination and was consistent in space and time, suggesting that physical conditions were not as stressful for macroalgae on vertical substrata as initially supposed. Variable recruitment of algae is proposed as a possible explanation for the lack of consistency in the effects of limpets at the scale of the shore. The results of this study emphasize the need for multiple-scale analyses of the interactive effects of physical and biological factors to understand the organization of natural assemblages. Received: 22 June 1999 / Accepted: 15 November 1999  相似文献   

The selection of one or more river substrata for the collection of benthic diatoms is fundamental to any monitoring or research programme because it can potentially bias the diatom data set. In the wet/dry tropics of Australia, where the use of benthic diatoms for river health assessment is in its infancy, the comparability of diatom assemblages on river substrata has been assessed. Benthic diatoms were sampled from seven river sites, with a range of ionic chemistries (conductivities 27–6500 μS cm−1) but low nutrient concentrations. At each site, triplicate samples were collected from 3 to 6 substrata. The diatom assemblages sampled were: epilithon (assemblages on rock), epiphytes on macroalgae and macrophytes, epidendron (assemblages on wood), epipsammon (assemblages on sand), epipelon (assemblages on mud) and bacterial slime. The variability between substrate assemblages, at each site, were assessed according to the following: (1) a multivariate analysis of diatom assemblages, (2) ANOVA tests of species richness, (3) ANOVA tests of the relative abundance of common species (defined by an abundance of at least 10% in any one sample), and (4) a comparison of the number of species unique to a substrate. A total of 198 taxa were identified, with some taxa common to temperate Australia. Common species were found on all substrata, with sometimes statistically significantly different relative abundances. Taxa unique to a substrate had low relative abundances (0.1–2%), were most often found on only one replicate, and are unlikely to be substrate specific because many are known to occur on other substrata. The assemblages on hard substrata, epilithon and epidendron, were found to be most similar. Diatom assemblages on macroalgal and macrophyte substrata, compared to other substrata, were highly variable. This is attributed to the loss of diatoms from grazing and sloughing, followed by recolonisation of newly exposed substrate. Other assemblages, notably epipsammon, were similar to epilithon and epidendron but sometimes differed in their relative abundance of common species. The principal finding of the study was the similarity of the epilithon and epidendron, which are considered to be indistinguishable. Rock and wood hard substrata can be substituted for one another during field surveys, thereby increasing the number of potential sample sites available for monitoring activities that standardise to a hard substrate.  相似文献   

Sedimentation has often been implicated as a factor in structuring epifaunal assemblages on hard substrata yet there are few studies that empirically test this relationship. This study investigated the effects of light and sedimentation conditions on the initial recruitment and subsequent development of an encrusting community at Lough Hyne, S.W. Ireland. Slate settlement panels were subjected to four different conditions of sedimentation and light. The five replicates of each treatment were photographed at approximately 6-week intervals over 13 months. Values for Brillouin diversity (HB) and number of recruits were greatest for shaded panels sheltered from sediment. Number of species was much higher on downward facing panels relative to upward facing panels, regardless of conditions of sedimentation and light. Sedimentation resulted in reduced cover for some species, such as Lithothamnion spp., whilst others, such as Anomia ephippium, were less affected by this variable. Total space occupied was significantly higher for inverted panels, possibly indicating geotaxic behaviour of some larvae. Number of species on each panel condition was more similar for sets of panels exposed for shorter periods relative to the 13-month experiment, implying that post-settlement mortality may differ between treatments.  相似文献   

The nutrient composition and enzyme activities in larvae of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), fed on high, medium or low gossypol cotton cultivars were examined at different time intervals. Significantly lower free fatty acid was observed in larvae fed for 6 h on high gossypol ‘M9101’ compared to larvae fed on the low (ZMS13) and intermediate (HZ401) gossypol cultivars. Significantly higher trypsin activity was observed in larvae fed on high gossypol ‘M9101’ for 24 h compared to those fed for 1, 4 and 6 h. Significantly higher catalase and total superoxide dismutase enzyme activities were observed in larvae of S. exigua fed on high gossypol ‘M9101’ compared with low gossypol cultivars ‘ZMS13’ and ‘HZ401’ for 1, 4, 6 and 24 h. However, significantly lower carboxylesterase and acetylcholinesterase enzyme activities were found in larvae fed on high gossypol ‘M9101’ compared with the other cultivars for 1, 4, 6 and 24 h. The interaction between cotton variety and beet armyworm infestation time significantly affected the carboxylesterase enzyme activity in S. exigua. The characterization of the effects of plant allelochemicals on herbivorous larvae is important for aiding understanding of plant-insect interaction as well as in devising solutions to pest problems by breeding plant resistance, identifying metabolic targets for insecticide development, etc.  相似文献   

Bray-Curtis similarity is widely employed in multivariate analysis of assemblage data, for sound biological reasons. This paper discusses two problems, however, with its practical application: its behaviour is erratic (or even undefined) for the vanishingly sparse samples that may be found as an end-point to a severe impact gradient, or a start-point in colonisation studies; and, in common with all similarity measures on species-level data, it is sensitive to inconsistency of taxonomic identification through time. It is shown that the latter problem is ameliorated by application of ‘taxonomic dissimilarity’ coefficients, a natural extension of the concept of taxonomic distinctness indices. Two previous suggestions for use with presence/absence data, denoted here by Γ+ and Θ+, are noted to be simple generalisations of the Bray-Curtis and Kulczynski measures, respectively. Also seen is their ability to permit ordinations of assemblages from wide geographic scales, with no species in common, and for which Bray-Curtis would return zero similarity for all pairs of samples.The primary problem addressed, however, is that of denuded or entirely blank samples. Where it can be convincingly argued that impoverished samples are near-blank from the same cause, rather than by random occurrences from inadequate sample sizes (tow length, core diameter, transect or quadrat size etc.), a simple adjustment to the form of the Bray-Curtis coefficient can generate meaningful MDS displays which would otherwise collapse, and can improve values of the ANOSIM R statistic (increased separation of groups in multivariate space). It is also shown to have no effect at all on the normal functioning of a Bray-Curtis analysis when at least a modest amount of data is present for all samples.Examination of the properties of this ‘zero-adjusted’ Bray-Curtis measure goes hand-in-hand with a wider discussion of the efficacy of competing similarity, distance or dissimilarity coefficients (collectively: resemblance measures) in community ecology. The inherent biological guidelines underlying the ‘Bray-Curtis family’ of measures (including Kulczynski, Sorenson, Ochiai and Canberra dissimilarity) are made explicit. These and other commonly employed measures (e.g. Euclidean, Manhattan, Gower and chi-squared distances) are calculated for several ‘classic’ data sets of impact events or gradients in space and time. Behaviour of particular coefficients is judged against the interpretability of the resulting ordination plots and an objective measure of the ability to discriminate between a priori defined hypotheses, representing impact conditions. A second-stage MDS plot of a set of resemblance coefficients, based on the respective similarities of the multivariate patterns each generates (an MDS of MDS plots, in effect), is seen to be useful in determining which coefficients are extracting essentially different information from the same assemblage matrix. This suggests a mechanism for practical classification of the plethora of resemblance measures defined in the literature. Similarity-based ANOSIM R statistics and Spearman ρ correlations, whose non-parametric structure make them absolutely comparable across different resemblance measures, answer questions about whether the different information extracted by some coefficients is more, or less, helpful to the final biological interpretation.  相似文献   

Bryozoans are colonial invertebrates that often dominate epibenthic assemblages on the lower surfaces of hard substrata. Competition among neighbouring organisms is usually a critical process regulating biodiversity, and hard substrata have proved to be a suitable model habitat to analyse spatial interactions. We explored the relationships among abundance, species richness, diversity, competitive ability, coverage, available surface, depth and substratum size in an assemblage of bryozoans encrusting pebbles and cobbles in a bank off the eastern mouth of the Strait of Magellan. We also tested whether overgrowth competition can be regarded as hierarchical, and whether the species abundance distribution shows a mode of rare species and a decreasing frequency of increasingly abundant species. Abundance, species richness, diversity and overgrowth competition were highest on the largest substrata. Smaller pebbles tended to be encrusted by the commonest bryozoans, while the rarest species were mainly found on relatively larger clasts. A high proportion of the lower surfaces of most substrata was available for growth. Diversity values of relatively shallow stations were lower than expected under Caswell’s neutral model. Interspecific competition was hierarchical, but the abundance of colonies was not related to the competitive ability of each species. The species abundance distribution was bimodal, with a main mode of rare species and a second one partly composed of relatively abundant bryozoans with poor competitive abilities. This study shows that even in an encrusting assemblage where competition is hierarchical, the weakest competitors persist and the dominant species are far from being capable of monopolizing space.  相似文献   

Competition drives community composition in many ecosystems and can influence the spread of invasive species. Marine fouling communities are excellent study systems for competition because of space limitation and the abundance of invasive species. While many studies have examined individual or site-specific responses to changes in temperature or presence of invasive species, it is difficult to predict ecological impacts without assessing interspecific interactions over a wide geographic range. This study compared interactions between several globally distributed invasive fouling species over a broad geographic range. Weekly examination of photographs of settlement panels in marinas at 18 sites around the world allowed for the quantification of competitive outcomes. In the north Atlantic, experimental panels became covered with fouling organisms exponentially faster at warmer temperatures, while northeast and south Pacific sites did not. An invasive ascidian (Diplosoma listerianum) and bryozoan (Bugula neritina) were strong competitors, but most species displayed a negative response in high competition settings where there was little available space. Two species (Botryllus schlosseri and Botrylloides violaceus) had better competitive outcomes at cooler temperatures, possibly due to fewer strong competitors at these sites. Thus, warmer sites with little open space and multiple strong competitors are likely most resistant to future invasions, while colder sites with more open space and weaker competitors would be more susceptible to invasive species. These results suggest that the establishment and spread of invasive fouling species is likely to be influence by seawater temperature, available space, and the competitive abilities of community members.  相似文献   

Colonization rate and community structure of periphyton assemblages was examined on aluminium and glass substrata and compared to populations on four submerged macrophyte species in three temperature zones in Cholla Lake, Arizona, U.S.A. Higher densities were achieved over shorter incubation intervals in the warmer zones (26–35° C). Representatives from the planktonic diatom community were first to colonize artificial substrata during the initial two hour incubation period in all temperature zones. Two periphyton diatom representatives, Amphora coffeiformis and Cocconeis placentula var. lineata were the numerical dominants after one week. Cocconeis placentula var. lineata was most competitive on natural substrata at temperatures <26°C, while Amphora coffeiformis dominated temperature zones >26°C with no significant preferences for artificial or natural substrata. The significance of temperature, specific conductance and availability of living hosts is discussed with respect to regulating populations of these two common periphytic diatom species in alkaline waters in southwestern U.S.A. Similarity indices (SIMI) were used to compare algal assemblages on various natural and artificial substrata pairs. Periphyton assemblages were very similar on all natural substrata within similar temperature zones, with little or no preference for macrophyte species displaying similar leaf morphology. Diatom assemblages were quite similar on aluminium and glass substrata throughout the incubation period in all temperature zones, while blue-green algal populations were significantly different, particularly in the higher temperature zones (>28°C). Natural periphyton communities were best represented after four weeks incubation with aluminium substrata in warmer temperature zones (>28°C) or where filamentous blue-green algae dominated. The selection of adequate incubation time when employing artificial substrata to evaluate natural assemblages for different environmental conditions and algal populations is discussed.  相似文献   

The biological healing of large, deep-frozen, diaphyseal allografts was studied in 24 cats. Deep-frozen allograft stored at –80°C was used to replace a large defect, at least two-thirds of the cat's tibial diaphysis. Intra-medullary rod fixation was used. The healing was studied at observation periods of 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24 and 36 weeks. Biological parameters studied included microangiography for revascularisation and fracture healing, bone resorption, new bone formation and callus encasement. Deep-frozen allografts united without difficulty by 12 weeks. However, minimal revascularisation of the allograft occurred even at 9 months. Likewise, minimal biological repair activity was seen even at 9 months as shown by the parameters of bone resorption, cortical new bone formation and callus encasement. Biologically, deep-frozen cortical allografts remained inert for a long period of time in the adult cat.  相似文献   

Relini  Giulio  Relini  Marco  Montanari  Manuela 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):65-80
The ODAS Italia 1 oceanographic buoy is moored in the Ligurian Sea, 37 nm from Genoa, along the Genoa-Cape Corse transect (43° 48.90 N–09° 06.80 E), over a 1270 m deep sea bottom. The underwater portion of the buoy is 37 m long and 0.60 m in diameter, acting as a small island for colonization of fouling organisms and as a fish-aggregating device (FAD). The role of the buoy in attracting and maintaining fish assemblages was investigated by visual censuses in different seasons at depths of 0–40 m. Fish from seven families, comprising 12 species, of which three are benthic, were recorded with maximum abundance in summer. Fouling was studied from samples collected on the buoy and on immersed panels. The fouling community of the buoy consisted of 34 algae and 100 animal species, including three fish. The settlement processes of the fouling community on the panels, in particular on those exposed for over 70 months at 12 m and 33 m depth, are described based on counts of settled organisms, the covering index of each taxa and biomass assessments. On the panels, 63 species were identified. The fouling biomass, on the panel submerged for 70 months, assessed as wet weight, reached 2.8 kg/m2 at 12 m depth and 4.8 kg/m2 at 33 m depth.Observations of benthic organisms settled directly on the buoy were made between 1988 and 1989 and when the buoy was retrieved and brought back to shore on April 15, 1991 after 52 months at sea. At this time, the fouling community along the full 37 m length of the buoy was sampled, and 91 taxa, including 83 species, were identified. Several of the species present on the buoy are shallow, coastal species, some with a very short larval period. Possible ways of colonization by such species are discussed. Despite seasonal changes, the pelagic fish community was more stable over the period of 11 years of study than the benthic community settled on the buoy (that is still developing).  相似文献   

Studies of east Antarctic marine assemblages on hard substrata are rare. In relation to sea-ice breakout, we assessed benthic patterns of habitat and inhabitants between islands and bays at each of two depths (6 and 12 m) across the Windmill Islands coast. Island sites experience sea-ice breakout in the austral spring, while bay sites typically retain sea-ice cover into the summer and in some places the cover is virtually permanent. Composition of assemblages differed between sheltered bays and exposed islands. Islands were dominated by macroalgae, which also varied with depth. Immediately below the ice–foot zone at 6 m, substratum space were monopolised by foliose red (Palmaria decipiens) and foliose brown (Desmarestia sp.) algae, whereas at 12 m large canopies of Himantothallus grandifolius was abundant. The understorey consisted of a mixture of turfs and encrusting red algae at 6 m, and coralline algae at 12 m. Sheltered bays had large areas of sediment/algal complex and no canopy-forming macroalgae. We found more sponges and hydroids in bays, and more brittle stars around islands. Experiments testing factors that covary with exposure and depth in Antarctica, such as light, sedimentation and ice scour are necessary to determine processes that maintain these striking patterns.  相似文献   

In Part 2 of this series of DFT optimization studies of α-maltotetraose, we present results at the B3LYP/6-311++G∗∗ level of theory for conformations denoted ‘band-flips’ and ‘kinks’. Recent experimental X-ray studies have found examples of amylose fragments with conformations distorted from the usual syn forms, and it was of interest to examine these novel structural motifs by the same high-level DFT methods used in Part 1. As in Part 1, we have examined numerous hydroxymethyl rotamers (gg, gt, and tg) at different locations in the residue sequence, and include the two hydroxyl rotamers, the clockwise ‘c’ and counterclockwise ‘r’ forms. A total of fifty conformations were calculated and energy differences were found to attempt to identify those sources of electronic energy that dictate stressed amylose conformations. Most stressed conformations were found to have relative energies considerably greater (i.e., ∼4 to 12 kcal/mol) than the lowest energy syn forms. Relative energy differences between ‘c’ and ‘r’ forms are somewhat mixed with some stressed conformations being ‘c’ favored and some ‘r’ favored, with the lowest energy ‘kink’ form being an all-gg-r conformation with the ‘kink’ in the bc glycosidic dihedral angles. Comparison of our calculated structures with experimental results shows very close correspondence in dihedral angles.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Colonization of nutrient-diffusing substrata by periphyton and invertebrates was investigated at forested and open sites in a small, mountain stream and a spring in the South Island of New Zealand.
2. Substrata had colonization surfaces made from 100μm mesh plankton netting that enabled algal assemblages to be removed intact for scanning electron microscopy. They also allowed small volumes of solvent to be used for the extraction of photosynthetic pigments.
3. At all sites, periphyton assemblages were dominated by species of Achnanthes, Cocconeis and Gomphonema , and except in the forest in winter, periphyton biomass was always greater on enriched (N + P added) than control substrata.
4. Invertebrates colonizing diffusion substrata were principally larval Chironomidae (Orthocladiinac). No larvae were present in winter, but in three spring and summer trials mean larval densities were higher on nutrient-enriched than control substrata at all sites.
5. The inclusion of an insecticide Malathion in diffusion substrata, reduced insect colonization at open and forested sites. After 28 days, no concurrent increases in algal pigment concentration were observed on nutrienl-enriched or control substrata at the forested site. However, pigment concentrations were higher on substrata incorporating Malathion at the open site suggesting that algal standing crop was depressed by the activities of grazers.  相似文献   

The effects of patch size on the colonisation and succession of intertidal invertebrates and algae were investigated in an estuary near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The specific aim was to test explicitly for the presence of a species-area relationship, and examine whether this could be explained by the random placement hypothesis (i.e. that the number of species per unit area was the same on patches of different sizes). In addition, I tested the extent to which differences in numbers of species reflected differences in the composition of assemblages. Wooden panels of three different sizes (10 × 10 cm, 20 × 20 cm and 40 × 40 cm) were placed in the field on intertidal oyster leases in each of two different experimental trials: spring (October 1994) and summer (January 1995). Independent replicate measures of the number of colonising species on panels were obtained after different periods of time, up to 25 months. I also obtained measures of abundance of individual species and composition of assemblages on panels of different sizes. This allowed specific tests of the hypothesis that the size of the patch being colonised is important in structuring these assemblages. The strength of the species-area relationship increased through time on panels submersed in October, but the trend was reversed for panels submersed in January. There was a significant interaction between factors of patch size and time of submersion for multivariate measures of differences in composition among replicates. The random placement hypothesis was supported in certain situations, but not in others. When rejected, it was for different reasons on panels submersed in the two different trials. Panels initiated in October tended to have proportionally greater numbers of species per unit area on larger panels, while the panels initiated in January tended to have more species per unit area on smaller panels. There was an identifiable relationship between differences in numbers of species and differences in species composition for panels submersed in October. This was not true, however, for panels submersed in January, where the species-area relationship did not hold after longer periods. The succession of organisms through time was, overall, more important in structuring the assemblages than was the size of the patch being colonised. The species-area relationship should not necessarily be regarded as a truism – it did not always hold in this system. The initial timing of experiments with respect to recruitment and succession influenced the results. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 5 October 1998  相似文献   

Here we present a quantitative study on the density, age and viability of the diapausing egg banks of the rotifer species complex Brachionus plicatilis in the sediments of 15 water bodies from Eastern Spain. Sampled ponds, located in coastal and inland areas, varied in salinity and ranged in size, depth and permanence. By identifying ‘hatched’, ‘deteriorated’ and ‘viable’ diapausing eggs in the sediment samples, we estimated production, hatching and deterioration in relation to the habitat properties of each pond. Our results indicate the presence of large numbers of diapausing eggs in the sediments of almost all of the ponds studied (2-115 eggs cm− 2). Inland ponds tended to have higher densities than coastal lagoons. The vertical distribution of eggs in the sediments frequently showed a non-decreasing pattern, which suggested a high among-year variation in egg production. Despite maximum age of eggs of 60-80 years, the median age (3-30 years) suggests that rotifer egg banks are young in the studied ponds. Egg senescence is suggested by the declining abundance of ‘healthy-looking’ eggs with depth. The proportion of ‘deteriorated’ eggs ranged 75-99% suggesting that deterioration rates in the sediments are high and vary among habitats. Hatching and deterioration rates, as estimated from the counts of ‘hatched’, ‘deteriorated’ and ‘healthy-looking’ eggs in the sediments, largely varied among ponds. An association between hatching and deterioration rates is suggested by our data. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that hatching rates of diapausing eggs depended not only on the risks associated with the water column, as initially expected by the general theory on diapause, but they are also related to the incidence of deterioration processes in the sediment.  相似文献   

Although benthic diatoms are used to assess river water quality, there are few data on the rate at which diatom assemblages react to changes in water quality. The aim of this study was to assess the reaction time of diatoms and to discuss the changes occurring during water quality improvement on the basis of their autecological characteristics. In order to simulate this improvement, diatom-dominated biofilms grown on artificial sandstone substrata were transferred from several polluted rivers to an unpolluted river. They were sampled three times: before transfer and 1 and 2 months after transfer. The ecology and growth-forms of the taxa explained most of the changes in species composition observed during the experiment. Adnate diatoms gradually replaced motile and stalked taxa. Gomphonema parvulum, a stalked diatom positioned vertically in the biofilm, is adapted for light and space competition in high-density algal biofilms. When transferred to an unpolluted site, this growth-form is less competitive and does not tolerate the high grazing pressure. Fistulifera saprophila is a single celled motile diatom, living in organic matrices. When the artificial substrata were transferred to the unpolluted site, this particular ecological niche disappeared quickly. On the other hand, Achnanthidium minutissimum, which is considered to be cosmopolitan and an early colonizer, increased during the first month of transfer and then decreased. It was gradually replaced by A. biasolettianum, which was the taxon best suited to this pristine stream. The changes observed differed between treatments depending on the species composition and architecture of the biofilms. In particular, biofilms dominated by stalked and motile diatoms were more quickly modified than those dominated by small motile diatoms. The diatom index reflects these changes, and its values showed that about 60 days following a water quality improvement were necessary for transferred diatom assemblages to reach diatom index values similar as those at the unpolluted river.  相似文献   

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