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The degradation of an Ulva lactuca mat (0.2 kg dw m−2) was studied in a controlled flow-through mesocosm for 31 d. Sediment chambers without U. lactuca served as controls. Fluxes of ∑CO2, O2, inorganic nitrogen, and urea were determined during the incubation period in addition to sulfate reduction rates, POC and PON content, enumeration of specific bacterial populations and evaluation of the physiological state of the added U. lactuca thalli. After U. lactuca addition to the chambers, there was an immediate increase in the efflux of ∑CO2 from 11 to 27 mmol-C m−2 d−1 and a concomitant increase in O2 uptake from 11 to 23 mmol m−2 d−1. These effluxes remained elevated throughout the incubation period. In contrast, the NH4+ efflux increased from 0.1 to 1.8 mmol NH4+ m−2 d−1 during the first 3 d of incubation, followed by 6 d with a constant efflux rate, after which time it decreased gradually to 0.3 mmol NH4+ m−2 d−1 by the end of the experiment. In total, NH4+accounted for 83% of the total nitrogen efflux after addition of U. lactuca. During the 31 d incubation period there was a continuous colonization of the thalli by bacteria. Sulfate reducers associated with the thalli accounted for 3% of the carbon oxidation on day 31. The molar C:N ratio in mineralization products (the ratio between the efflux of ∑CO2 and NH4+ + NO2 + NO3) increased from 15 mol mol−1 at day 11 after U. lactuca addition to >80 mol mol−1 by the end of the incubation. Since the C:N ratio in the mineralization products was much higher than the original thallus material (8.9 mol mol−1) it is probable that a preferential incorporation of NH4+ into the increasing bacterial biomass occurred. The nitrogen for bacterial growth was most likely obtained from degradation of U. lactuca thalli as there was no stimulation of urea-N turnover in the sediment during incubation. The net increase in bacteria cell number in the 18-mm thick thallus layer was estimated to be 7.6 × 109 to 2.4 × 1010 bacterial cells cm−3. In contrast, the bacterial cell number remained constant in the −Ulva incubations.  相似文献   

Eelgrass Zostera marina was collected in spring and autumn from a light-saturated environment with low-organic sediments and a light-limited environment with organic-rich sediments in Denmark. The eelgrass and sediment responses to reduced light conditions were studied in 2-week shading experiments. Z. marina responded to reduced light conditions by decreasing growth rates and a loss of above-ground biomass. The spring plants were most sensitive to light reductions and the relative leaf elongation rates were reduced with up to 58% and the shoot densities with 33-36%. There was no difference in light response in relation to sediment organic matter contents. The sulfate reduction rates were reduced in the shaded low-organic sediments with up to 67%, whereas there was no effect of shading on rates in the organic-rich sediments. The lack of effect of shading in the organic-rich sediments was attributed to a limited coupling between Z. marina production and sediment bacterial carbon cycling. In contrast to the sulfate reduction rates, the pools of reduced sulfur were increased with up to 89% in the shaded, low-organic sediments, suggesting that the reoxidation of sulfides was reduced. Shading had no effect on the pools of sulfides in the organic-rich sediments due to much larger pools of sulfides. The enhanced sensitivity of spring plants to shading was probably due to a low above- to below-ground ratio compared to the autumn plants, which limited the plant-mediated oxidation of the sediments and thus the reoxidation of sulfides. The shaded plants were possibly more exposed to anoxic and sulfidic conditions affecting their growth and survival.  相似文献   

The decay of the macroalga Ulva lactuca was followed for 54 days in a controlled laboratory experiment. The experiment focused on the activity of sulfate reducers in different compartments (water, thalli and sediment) of the experimental system. In addition to sulfate reduction, the concentrations of sulfide, carbon dioxide, sulfate, carboxylic acids and pH were determined at regular intervals. Interestingly, 90% of the system-integrated sulfate reduction was carried out in the water column by thallus-associated sulfate reducers. The sediment accounted for about 10% of the integrated sulfate reduction activity, while sulfate reduction carried out by free-living sulfate reducers was insignificant and represented less than 1% of total sulfate reduction. Sulfate reduction rates in the water column were below the detection limit at the beginning of the experiment and were detected after 1 week of incubation. Sulfate reduction rates associated with thalli were measurable immediately after the experiment was started and increased very rapidly, reaching extremely high rates after 1 week of incubation. Sediment sulfate reduction rates had increased to twice the initial value by day 30 after which they remained constant. Thallus-associated sulfate reduction rates (SRR) were of the same level in all layers of the algal mat throughout the experiment. Our results indicate that sulfate-reducing bacteria were present on the thalli when the experiment was initiated and that the water column colonization by sulfate-reducing bacteria from the sediment was less important. This would explain the rapid accumulation of hydrogen sulfide in the water column during macroalgal decay events in coastal marine environments.  相似文献   

Current methods for assessing leaf injury in Zostera marina (eelgrass) utilize subjective indexes for desiccation injury and wasting disease. Because of the subjective nature of these measures, they are inherently imprecise making them difficult to use in quantifying complex leaf injuries from multiple sources. We have developed a method using color digital photography of eelgrass leaves which are then manipulated using image processing programs and analyzed using geographic digital image analysis. The resulting false color images are then assigned by the user into uninjured and injured groupings which may then be reported as a percentage of leaf area affected. If images are rectified, leaf area (cm2) of injured and uninjured leaf segments may be determined. Although this method is time consuming and still requires some subjective judgments, it does allow for precise analysis of highly complex leaf injuries and has the potential to be a substantial improvement over existing leaf injury indexes.  相似文献   

Using observations, experiments and model simulations we investigate the possibility and range of long-distance dispersal by seed rafting in eelgrass, Zostera marina, at the Swedish west coast. A field experiment showed that the breaking strength of post-flowering rhipidia decreased significantly over a 30-day period, indicating that ontogenetic changes of the morphology facilitate dislodgement of the rhipidia at the optimal time for dispersal. We recorded positive buoyancy of detached post-flowering rhipidia for at least 26 days. Finally, we found evidence for sexual reproduction via seeds in the study area. These results, together with field measurements of wind-driven surface-transport velocity of rhipidia and wind data from 7 years, allowed us to model a dispersal potential of up to 150 km in one season along the Swedish west coast, which corresponds well with published estimates of dispersal potential from both observational and genetic studies. The results add to evidence that rafting of seeds on floating reproductive shoots is an important dispersal strategy for eelgrass, allowing for colonisation of new areas and for recolonisation after die-back events.  相似文献   

The timing of the transition from seed, seedlings and development into flowering is paramount importance in annual-type Zostera marina, because flowering is the first step of sexual reproduction. A majority of plants use environmental cues to regulate the transition to their developmental stages because plants must flower synchronously for successful outcrossing and must complete their sexual reproduction under favorable external conditions. The morphological characteristics (seeds and lateral shoot production, branch number, and inflorescence length) of reproductive shoots of Z. marina L. were examined in outdoor mesocosms to better understand the reproductive strategies of annual populations. Seeds in the germination experiment were divided into two groups: those exposed to cold (7 °C; vernalized group) and those left untreated (25-21 °C; non-vernalized group). All 600 seeds (300 from each group) were cultured for 2 months at 7, 10, 15, 20, and 25 °C in an indoor incubator. In the vernalized group, the germination rates were almost significantly higher than in the non-vernalized group. However, germination rates were not significantly affected by germination temperature. In outdoor mesocosms, production of vegetative shoots was observed in plants germinated at 15 and 20 °C in the vernalized group and at 10, 15 and 20 °C in the non-vernalized group. The highest number of vegetative shoots produced (35) was observed in plants germinated at 20 °C in the vernalized group, whereas seeds of either group failed to produce vegetative shoots when germinated at a low temperature (7 °C).In the flowering phase, the number of branches per shoot in the vernalized group was significantly higher than in the non-vernalized group. The total number of spadices on the 1st branches of plants in the vernalized group (germination at 20 °C) was significantly lower than that in the non-vernalized group at the same germination temperature. The total number of spadices per reproductive shoot in the vernalized group (germination at 10 °C) was also higher than in the non-vernalized group. Thus, both low temperature (vernalization) and seed germination temperature have implications for the sexual and asexual propagation of annual Z. marina populations.  相似文献   

Few seagrass transplant projects worldwide have relied on seeds, and those projects using Zostera marina (eelgrass) seeds have generally found low rates of seedling establishment (<10%). We compared seedling establishment achieved by a mechanical seed planter with seeds broadcast on the sediment surface by hand. The planter injected seeds into the sediment by pumping the seeds, suspended in a gelatin-based matrix, to a benthic sled with eight planting nozzles. As a control for the gel, seeds were also injected into the sediment without gel using a hand-held pipette. Seeds were planted at a density of 300 m−2 into six replicate plots at each of three sites in the Chesapeake Bay region in September 2005, with seedling establishment measured in April 2006. Burying seeds, either with or without gel, had an overall positive effect on seedling establishment, but the effectiveness and the best method varied among sites. Mean seedling establishment for machine-planted seeds was significantly greater than for broadcast seeds at the Piankatank River site (4% vs. 1%), but not at the York (1.2% vs. 1.4%) or Spider Crab Bay (10.1% vs. 7.4%) sites. The effect of the gel was inconsistent among sites, with the highest seedling establishment (18.8%), resulting from seeds injected by pipette without gel at the Spider Crab site. Seed burial shows promise for increasing seedling establishment relative to seed broadcasting in the Chesapeake region, but further investigation of seed–sediment interactions at specific restoration sites is necessary. Low seedling establishment rates remain a bottleneck for seed-based eelgrass restoration.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of eelgrass (Zostera marina) to adjust light requirements to seasonal changes in temperature, light and nutrient conditions through changes in metabolism, pigment and nutrient content. In agreement with expectations we found that rates of respiration and light saturated photosynthesis of summer acclimated plants peaked at higher temperatures (5 °C and 2 °C higher, respectively), and were lower than of winter acclimated plants, both at sub- and supra-optimal temperatures. Moreover respiration rates were generally more sensitive to increasing temperatures than photosynthetic rates, especially so for cold acclimated plants in February (36% higher Q10-values). These changes were accompanied by a reduction in chlorophyll a and nitrogen concentrations in leaves by 35% and 60% respectively from February to August. The critical light requirement (EC) of Z. marina to maintain a positive carbon balance increased exponentially with increasing temperature but less so for summer-acclimated than for winter-acclimated plants. However, combining EC vs temperature models for whole-plants with data on daily light availability showed that seasonal acclimation in metabolism increased the annual period, when light requirements were meet at the 2-5 m depth interval, by 32-66 days. Hence, acclimation is an important mechanism allowing eelgrass to grow faster and penetrate to deeper waters. Critical depth limits estimated for different combinations of summer temperatures and water clarity in a future climate scenario, suggested that expected increases in temperature and nutrient run-off have synergistic negative effects, especially in clear waters, stressing the importance of continued efforts to improve water clarity of coastal waters.  相似文献   

Ammonium uptake rates and the mechanism for ammonium transport into the cells have been analysed in Zostera marina L. In the cells of this species, a proton pump is present in the plasmalemma, which maintains the membrane potential. However, this seagrass shows a high-affinity transport mechanism both for nitrate and phosphate which is dependent on sodium and is unique among angiosperms. We have then analysed if the transport of another N form, ammonium, is also dependent of sodium. First, we have studied ammonium transport at the cellular level by measurements of membrane potentials, both in epidermal root cells and mesophyll cells. And second, we have monitored uptake rates in whole leaves and roots by depletion experiments. The results showed that ammonium is taken up by a high-affinity transport system both in root and leaf cells, although two different of kinetics could be discerned in mesophyll cells (with affinity constants of 2.2 ± 1.1 μM NH4+, in the range 0.01-10 μM NH4+, and 23.2 ± 7.1 μM NH4+, at concentrations between 10 and 500 μM NH4+). However, only one kinetic could be observed in epidermal root cells, which showed a Km = 11.2 ± 1.0 μM NH4+, considering the whole ammonium concentration range assayed (0.01-500 μM NH4+). The higher affinity of leaf cells for ammonium was consistent with the higher uptake rates observed in leaves, with respect to roots, in depletion experiments at 10 μM NH4+ initial concentration. However, when an initial concentration of 100 μM was assayed, the difference between uptake rates was reduced, but still being higher in leaves. Variations in proton or sodium-electrochemical gradient did not affect ammonium uptake, suggesting that the transport of this nutrient is not driven by these ions and that the ammonium transport mechanism could be different to the transport of nitrate and phosphate in this species.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of salinity and water temperature on the ecological performance of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in culture-experiments to identify levels that could potentially limit survival and growth and, thus, the spatial distribution of eelgrass in temperate estuaries. The experiments included eight levels of salinity (2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35‰) and seven water temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 27.5 and 30 °C). Low salinity (i.e. 5 and 2.5‰) increased mortality (3–6-fold) and had a strong negative effect on shoot morphology (number of leaves per shoot reduced by 40% and shoot biomass reduced by 30–40%), photosynthetic capacity (Pmax—reduced by 30–80%) and growth (production of new leaves reduced by 50–60%, leaf elongation rate reduced by 60–70% and production of side-shoots reduced by 40–60%), whereas eelgrass performed almost equally well at salinities between 10 and 35‰. The optimum salinity for eelgrass was between 10 and 25‰ depending on the response parameter in question. Extreme water temperatures had an overall negative impact on eelgrass, although via different mechanisms. Low water temperatures (5 °C) slowed down photosynthetic rate (by 75%) and growth (production of new leaves by 30% and leaf elongation rate by 80%), but did not affect mortality, whereas high temperatures (25–30 °C) increased mortality (12-fold) and lowered both photosynthetic rate (by 50%) and growth (production of new leaves by 50% and leaf elongation rate by 75%). The optimum water temperature for eelgrass appeared to lie between 10 and 20 °C. These results show that extreme conditions may affect the fitness of eelgrass and, thus, may potentially limit its distribution in coastal and estuarine waters.  相似文献   

The effect of filamentous algae invasion into Zostera marina meadows on water quality, sediment sulfur pools and sulfide invasion into plant tissues was studied experimentally. Sulfide invasion was assessed through analysis of sulfur isotopic composition (δ34S) and total sulfur (TS) concentrations in plant tissues. The algal mats (5 and 10 cm thickness) depleted oxygen in the mats and increased the pools of sulfides in the sediments. Plants exposed to algal mats had δ34S signals closer to the δ34S of sediment sulfide, whereas plants with no mats present had δ34S signals closer to the δ34S of seawater sulfate, indicating a higher sulfide invasion in plants exposed to algal mats. The δ34S varied between the plant tissues with the leaves having more positive δ34S signals than roots and rhizomes, indicating that sulfide was invading into the roots and moved to the other tissues through the lacunae. TS concentrations were higher in plants exposed to algal mats suggesting that sulfur derived from sediment sulfide accumulated in the plants. Fsulfide showed that up to 50% of the sulfides in the plants were derived from sedimentary sulfides. The combined effect of water column anoxia in the lower parts of the meadow and high sulfide invasion into the plants lead to significantly reduced growth rates after 3 weeks and the below-ground tissues showed signs of degradation suggesting that algal mats invasion in to Zostera marina meadows can result in seagrass decline.  相似文献   

Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) from Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire and Maine (USA), was transplanted in outdoor mesocosms and subjected to four light treatments (100, 58, 34 and 11% surface irradiance, SI) between May and September 2003 to investigate the relationship between light availability and the growth and survival of eelgrass. Evaluating eelgrass seedlings and adult mature plants demonstrated no differences in photosynthetic response after 22 days of acclimation. During at least the first 19 days of shading, maximum electron transport rate (ETRmax) rate of eelgrass did not differ significantly between light treatments. After 40 days, a significant reduction in ETRmax and minimum saturating light was observed in plants growing at 34% SI and below. Morphological responses exhibited a linear increasing trend with greater light. 34% SI exhibited drastic reductions (to less than 25% of control) in rhizome growth, shoot density, shoot production, number of nodes per plant and plant weight at the end of the study (81 days). Shoot to root ratio at 34% SI increased by > 50%. Plants shaded to 58% SI showed no significant difference from the control in plant parameters except an increased rate of rhizome elongation. Our results link the lower shoot densities with shading to the slow growth rate of horizontal rhizomes and a total lack of lateral expansion at 11% SI. ETRmax declined over time in plants at 11% SI resulting in 81% mortality, no lateral branching and no morphological development, indicating that the minimum light required for long-term eelgrass growth and survival is greater than the previously suggested 11% SI. We demonstrate that eelgrass plants at these latitudes can persist at light levels of 58% SI and above, and are light-limited at 34% SI and below.  相似文献   

Root glutamine synthetase (GS; EC activity was measured daily (0 to 4 days) for eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) plants held under continuous darkness rooted in sediments, continuous darkness without sediments, continuous light without sediments, and control light/dark cycle (Control L/D). Roots experiencing prolonged aerobiosis exhibited lower activity in vitro than controls, whereas roots experiencing prolonged anoxia exhibited increased activity. Plants held in darkness without sediments had activity intermediate between controls and anoxic roots. One-hour pretreatment of root extracts with ATP slightly reduced in vitro glutamine synthetase activity, whereas pretreatment with ADP and AMP increased activity ≈50%. While glutamine synthetase activity increased with higher adenylate energy charge (AEC) in the reaction mixture, pretreatment of enzyme extracts at high adenylate energy charges decreased subsequent activity relative to pretreatment at lower energy charges. One-hour pretreatment with l-alanine (Ala) had little effect on enzyme activity. Pretreatment with l-glutamine (Gln), l-glutamate (Glu), and γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) increased activity ≈75%. Incubation of excised roots under anoxic conditions for 24 h nearly doubled enzyme activity. However, addition of cycloheximide to anoxic root incubations lessened or prevented the increase in activity. It appears that enhanced glutamine synthetase activity following periods of root anoxia results from interactions with metabolites that fluctuate between aerobic and anoxic conditions, particularly adenylates, and from de novo synthesis of glutamine synthetase or some other protein synthesis-dependent process.  相似文献   

Changes in the photobiology and photosynthetic pigments of the seagrass Zostera marina from Chesapeake Bay (USA) were examined under a range of natural and manipulated irradiance regimes. Photosynthetic activity was assessed using chlorophyll-a fluorescence, and photosynthetic pigments were measured by HPLC. Large changes in the violaxanthin, zeaxanthin, and antheraxanthin content were concomitant with the modulation of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). Photokinetics (Fv/Fm, rapid light curves (RLC), and non-photochemical quenching) varied as a result of oscillating irradiance and were highly correlated to xanthophyll pigment content. Zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin concentrations increased under elevated light conditions, while violaxanthin increased in darkened conditions. Unusually high concentrations of antheraxanthin were found in Z. marina under a wide range of light conditions, and this was associated with the partial conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin. These results support the idea that xanthophyll intermediate pigments induce a photoprotective response during exposure to high irradiances in this seagrass.  相似文献   

The affinity for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and the mechanisms to use HCO3 as a source of DIC for photosynthesis were investigated in two morphotypes of Zostera noltii Hornem. Both morphotypes were collected at Ria Formosa lagoon (Southern Portugal) at two different levels in the intertidal. Affinity for DIC at saturating photon fluence rate (PFR), estimated as photosynthetic conductance for CO2 (gp(CO2)), was reduced by 75% in the Z. noltii plants adapted to shade conditions (lower intertidal) in comparison to the sun morphotype (45×10−6 and 182×10−6 m s−1, respectively), indicating that the plants acclimated to sun conditions (higher intertidal) had a higher capacity to use HCO3 as DIC source for photosynthesis. Since external carbonic anhydrase activity was negligible and a large inhibitory effect was produced by Tris buffer addition, this HCO3 use was attributed to the operation of H+ ATPases creating low pH zones in periplasmic space. The photosynthetic CO2-flux supported for this mechanism was calculated to be 53 μmol O2 m−2 s−1 in sun morphotype, about 80% out of maximum photosynthesis rate. In order to determine the possible photosynthetic energy cost of the HCO3 use, the effect of decreasing light on photosynthetic rates and gp(CO2) was estimated. Photosynthetic conductance decreased in both morphotypes at non-saturating PFR. This dependence of gp(CO2) on PFR indicated the existence of a positive interactive effect between DIC and PFR which was more pronounced in the shade morphotype since the ascending slope of O2 evolution vs. PFR curves at limiting PFRs was reduced from 7.2 to 2.3 mmol O2 mol photon−1 at 4 and 0.5 mol m−3 of DIC, respectively.  相似文献   

Biotic indices based on soft-bottom macrozoobenthic communities are currently used throughout Europe to assess the ecological quality of coastal and transitional water bodies according to the European Water Framework Directive. However, the performance of the currently available biotic indices still has to be tested against a variety of different impact sources. In particular, physical perturbations have received much less attention than other kind of disturbances. This study consisted in testing the capacity of currently available uni- (BOPA, AMBI and BENTIX) and multivariate (M-AMBI) Biotic Indices to assess the ecological impact of the destruction of a Zostera noltii seagrass bed in Arcachon Bay (France) following sediment deposits. Changes of habitat after this physical perturbation were hardly assessed by any of these Biotic Indices whereas analysis of the benthic community showed drastic changes of structure following the perturbation and no recovery after 15 months. This study demonstrates that these Biotic Indices must be integrated into a multimetric approach which describes better the biological integrity of the benthic community by including a complementary set of metrics. A new multimetric approach, named MISS (Macrobenthic Index of Sheltered Systems) is proposed. MISS correctly highlighted the destruction of the seagrass beds, by using 16 metrics describing the biological integrity of the macrofauna.  相似文献   

The full-length cDNA sequence (2613 bp) of the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) gene of eelgrass Zostera marina (ZmTPS) was identified and cloned. Z. marina is a kind of seed-plant growing in sea water during its whole life history. The open reading frame (ORF) region of ZmTPS gene encodes a protein of 870 amino acid residues and a stop codon. The corresponding genomic DNA sequence is 3770 bp in length, which contains 3 exons and 2 introns. The ZmTPS gene was transformed into rice variety ZH11 via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method. After antibiotic screening, molecular characterization, salt-tolerance and trehalose content determinations, two transgenic lines resistant to 150 mM NaCL solutions were screened. Our study results indicated that the ZmTPS gene was integrated into the genomic DNA of the two transgenic rice lines and could be expressed well. Moreover, the detection of the transformed ZmTPS gene in the progenies of the two transgenic lines was performed from T1 to T4 generations; and results suggested that the transformed ZmTPS gene can be transmitted from parent to the progeny in transgenic rice.  相似文献   

We examined the coupling between eelgrass growth dynamics and surface irradiance over an annual cycle in four shallow estuaries of the Waquoit Bay system (MA, USA) that have similar physical characteristics, but are subject to different land-derived nitrogen loading rates and eutrophication. Contrary to our hypothesis, the results show that most measures of eelgrass demographics were positively correlated with surface irradiance in all four estuaries. Of the 45 regression models adjusted between irradiance and demographic variables (density, plastochrone intervals, and above- or belowground biomass, growth, and production, on both a per shoot and areal basis), only nine were non-significant, and only six of those corresponded to the eutrophic estuaries. There was a lack of correlation between shoot density and irradiance in the eutrophic estuaries, in contrast to the strong coupling in estuaries with the lowest nitrogen loads. Severe light limitation and other deleterious impacts imposed by macroalgal canopies on newly recruiting shoots in the eutrophic estuaries likely contributed to the lack of correlation between shoot density and irradiance at the water's surface. Because the range in eutrophication included the range of conditions at which eelgrass can survive, the relatively consistent temporal coupling between surface irradiance and most eelgrass demographic variables found here may also be a feature of other shallow temperate systems undergoing eutrophication, and indicates a measure of plant recruitment (density) to be one of the first parameters to become uncoupled from light reaching the water's surface.  相似文献   

The effects of marking height and duration were examined to determine optimal marking height and duration for accurate productivity estimation of eelgrass, Zostera marina, on the southern coast of Korea. Shoots were pierced through the sheath at 2, 5, and 8 cm above the meristem and through the leaf blade at 1 cm above the blade/sheath junction (+ 1 cm blade). The marked shoots were collected weekly during periods of 4-week duration; the experiments were conducted seasonally. Leaf productivities were estimated using three measurement methods, the conventional leaf marking method (CLM), Short '87 method (Short, 1987; Gaeckle and Short, 2002), and plastochrone method. The optimal marking height and duration for leaf productivity estimation varied with the measurement method. CLM and the Short '87 method, but not the plastochrone method, were affected by marking height. The productivity estimates were lowest with a 2-cm marking height treatment due to injury of immature leaf blade tissues. The highest marking height on the sheath gives a more reliable productivity estimate with CLM, whereas any location on the sheath other than the base was appropriate as a marking point for the Short '87 method. CLM and the plastochrone method, but not the Short '87 method, were significantly affected by marking duration. CLM underestimated leaf productivity with less than a 1- or 2-week marking duration because more immature leaf tissues were counted with shorter marking durations. The marking duration should be longer than the plastochrone interval (about 2 weeks in this study) to prevent under- or overestimation of leaf productivity, but the duration should not be longer than the triple-plastochrone interval (about 6 weeks in this study) to prevent underestimation due to the sloughing off of the marked leaves.  相似文献   

A combination of laboratory and field experiments were carried out to evaluate nitrate(NO 3 t- ) removal during stream transport in a first-order agricultural drainage stream. Intact stream sediment cores overlain with stream and NO 3 -amended stream water indicated NO 3 losses averaging 93 — 353 mg m–2 day–1, with NO 3 concentration exerting a primary control on loss rate. Isotopic data indicated enrichment of NO 3 - 15N over time as NO 3 concentrations decreased, indicating a denitrification loss. Field experiments were designed to evaluate dilution of streamwater with low-NO 3 groundwater in addition to other NO 3 removal processes during transport. A series of bromide tracer and NO 3 - addition experiments were carried out in the field; groundwater dilution dominated the downstream NO 3 concentration trends, accounting for all observed decreases in NO 3 concentration. Isotopic data did not point to denitrification downstream as a major NO 3 removal process. This apparent disparity between simulated laboratory and in-situ stream removal rates appears to be a function of the hydrological processes controlling exchanges between stream bottom sediments and the overlying water. These results suggest that caution must be exercised in extrapolating potentials for NO 3 removal measured in laboratory experiments to the field, as these rates could be overestimated in some watersheds.  相似文献   

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