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Resource Optimization and Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
In temperate forests, symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation is restricted to the early phases of succession despite the persistence of N limitation on production late in succession. This paradox has yet to be explained adequately. We hypothesized that the restriction of N fixation to early stages of succession results from the optimization of resource allocation in the vegetation. Because of this optimization, N fixation should be restricted to periods when fixation is less costly than N uptake. Our analysis differs from others in the way we calculate the cost of N uptake; we assess the cost of N uptake as the amount of carbon (C) that could be assimilated if the resources necessary to acquire one gram of N from the soil were allocated instead to photosynthesis. We then simulate N fixation as an asymptotic function of the difference in cost between N uptake and N fixation and proportional to the abundance of host tissues for the N-fixing symbionts. The factors that contribute to conditions that favor N fixation are (a) elevated-carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, (b) an open canopy, (c) low available N in the soil, and (d) a soil volume already well exploited by roots. Our results indicate that changes in the relative cost of uptake vs fixation can explain most of the pattern in fixation through both primary and secondary succession, but that competitive interactions with nonfixing species play a role in the final exclusion of fixation in later stages of succession. Received 26 September 2000; accepted 31 January 2001.  相似文献   

We determined rates of acetylene reduction and estimated total nitrogen fixation associated with bryophytes, lichens, and decaying wood in Hawaiian montane rain forest sites with underlying substrate ranging in age from 300 to 4.1 million years. Potential N fixation ranged from ca 0.2 kg/ha annually in the 300‐year‐old site to ca 1 kg/ha annually in the 150,000‐year‐old site. Rates of acetylene reduction were surprisingly uniform along the soil‐age gradient, except for high rates in symbiotic/associative fixers at the 150,000‐year‐old site and in heterotrophic fixers at the 2100‐year‐old site. Low fixation at the youngest site, where plant production is known to be N‐limited, suggests that demand for N alone does not govern N fixation. Total N fixation was highest in sites with low N:P ratios in leaves and stem wood, perhaps because epiphytic bryophytes and lichens depend on canopy leachate for mineral nutrients and because heterotrophic fixation is partly controlled by nutrient supply in the decomposing substrate; however, differences in substrate cover, rather than in fixation rates, had the largest effect on the total N input from fixation at these sites.  相似文献   

Many types of ecosystems have little or no N2 fixation even when nitrogen (N) is strongly limiting to primary production. Estuaries generally fit this pattern. In contrast to lakes, where blooms of N2-fixing cyanobacteria are often sufficient to alleviate N deficits relative to phosphorus (P) availability, planktonic N2 fixation is unimportant in most N-limited estuaries. Heterocystic cyanobacteria capable of N2 fixation are seldom observed in estuaries where the salinity exceeds 8–10 ppt, and blooms have never been reported in such estuaries in North America. However, we provided conditions in estuarine mesocosms (salinity over 27 ppt) that allowed heterocystic cyanobacteria to grow and fix N2 when zooplankton populations were kept low. Grazing by macrozooplankton at population densities encountered in estuaries strongly suppressed cyanobacterial populations and N2 fixation. The cyanobacteria grew more slowly than observed in fresh waters, at least in part due to the inhibitory effect of sulfate (SO4 2−), and this slow rate of growth increased their vulnerability to grazing. We conclude that interactions between physiological (bottom–up) factors that slow the growth rate of cyanobacteria and ecological (top–down) factors such as grazing are likely to be important regulators excluding planktonic N2 fixation from most Temperate Zone estuaries. Received 26 April 2002; Accepted 12 July 2002.  相似文献   

We evaluated soil phosphorus (P) fractions, other soil characteristics, and rates of symbiotic N2 fixation across a substrate-age gradient in Hawaii that was dominated by the leguminous tree Acacia koa (koa). Patterns of soil P observed on this gradient were compared to those on a slightly wetter gradient dominated by the nonfixer Metrosideros polymorpha (ohia). Along both gradients, concentrations of primary-mineral P fell sharply between the young and intermediate-aged sites, while labile inorganic P declined most steeply between the intermediate-aged and old sites. The most marked difference between the two gradients was that total soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and P, as well as nonoccluded organic P, were more variable across the ohia gradient, increasing to the intermediate-aged sites, then declining sharply at the old site. On the koa gradient, specific nitrogenase activity, measured by the acetylene-reduction (AR) assay, decreased three- to eightfold between the young site and the intermediate-aged and old sites, respectively. Nodule biomass showed no clear pattern. N2 fixation rates, estimated by combining AR activity and nodule biomass measurements, were up to 8 kg N · ha−1 · y−1 at the young site and no more than 2 kg N · ha−1 · y−1 at the older sites, suggesting that koa may be a modest source of N in these Hawaiian forests. Received 26 September 2000; accepted 15 February 2002  相似文献   

一种高效研究大豆根瘤共生固氮的营养液栽培体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为建立一种既可高效结瘤固氮, 又具有一定产量的大豆(Glycine max)营养液栽培系统, 设计并进行了2个试验。首先在不同供氮条件下, 研究了接种根瘤菌对大豆的结瘤状况、固氮能力、生物量及产量的影响。结果表明, 供氮过高或过低, 均影响大豆生长、产量形成及根瘤固氮; 并且植物生长所需的最适供氮水平远高于生物固氮所需的最适供氮水平。此外, 大豆生物固氮活性最高的时期在生殖期第一期(R1期)之前。由此推断, 大豆R1期前, 供应较低的氮, 有利于根瘤形成及固氮; 而从R1期起, 应提高供氮水平, 以促进植物生长及产量的形成。在此基础上开展第2个试验, 对供氮条件进行了优化处理(即R1期前低氮供应、R1期开始中氮供应)。结果表明, 与持续供应高氮相比, 优化供氮处理不仅可获得较多固氮酶活性较高的大根瘤, 还能保持较好的生长、获得更高的百粒重及维持80%左右的产量。研究结果不仅可为高效研究大豆根瘤共生固氮提供营养液配方, 还可为大豆高产高效栽培提供试验依据。  相似文献   

We examined nutrient limitation to primary productivity in a secondary savanna in the interior branch of the Coastal Range of Venezuela, which was converted from forest to savanna more than 100 years ago. We manipulated soil nutrients by adding nitrogen (+N), phosphorus and potassium (+PK), and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (+NPK) to intact savanna. Eleven months after fertilization, we measured aboveground biomass and belowground biomass as live fine roots in the top 20 cm of soil, and species and functional group composition in response to nutrient additions. Aboveground biomass was highest in the NPK treatment ([mean g/m2]; control = 402, +N = 718, +PK = 490, +NPK = 949). Aboveground production, however, appeared to be limited primarily by N. Aboveground biomass increased 78 percent when N was added alone but did not significantly respond to PK additions when compared to controls. In contrast to aboveground biomass, belowground biomass increased with PK additions but showed no significant increase with N (depth 0–20 cm; [mean g/m2]; control = 685, +N = 443, +PK = 827, +NPK = 832). There was also a 36 percent increase in root length with PK additions when compared to controls. Whole savanna shoot:root ratios were similar for control and +PK (0.6), while those for +N or +NPK fertilization were significantly higher (1.7 and 1.2, respectively). Total biomass response (above + belowground) to nutrient additions showed a strong N and PK co‐limitation ([mean g/m2]; control = 1073, +N = 1111, +PK = 1258, +NPK = 1713). Aboveground biomass of all monocots increased with N additions, whereas dicots showed no response to nutrient additions. Trachypogon spp. (T. plumosus+T. vestitus) and Axonopus canescens, the two dominant grasses, made up more than 89 percent of the total aboveground biomass in these sites. Trachypogon spp. responded to NPK, whereas A. canescens, sedges, and the remaining monocots only responded to N. Even though nutrient additions resulted in higher aboveground biomass in N and NPK fertilized plots, this had little effect on plant community composition. With the exception of sedges, which responded positively to N additions and increased from 4 to 8 percent of die plant community, no changes were observed in plant community composition after 11 months.  相似文献   

Exotic tree plantations may serve as catalysts for native forest regeneration in agriculturally degraded landscapes. In 2001, we evaluated plant species regeneration in the understory of a 7‐year‐old experimental Eucalyptus saligna forest in Hawaii approximately 1 year after the cessation of 5 years of herbicide. These forests were organized in a 2 × 2–factorial design of planting density (1 × 1– or 3 × 3–m spacing) and fertilization (unfertilized control and regular fertilization), which resulted in varying resource availabilities. We found that understory biomass was highest under high light conditions, regardless of fertilization treatment, whereas species richness was lowest under fertilized 1 × 1–m plots. The understory was dominated by species exotic to Hawaii. The most common tree species, the noxious weed Citharexylum caudatum, was particularly successful because high light–saturated photosynthesis rates and a low light compensation point allowed for high growth and survival under both light conditions. To assess longer‐term recruitment patterns, we resurveyed a portion of this site in 2006 and also surveyed five Eucalyptus plantations in this region of Hawaii that differed in age (5–23 years), species (E. saligna, E. grandis, E. cloeziana, E. microcorys), and management (experimental, industrial, nonindustrial stewardship); all were established on previous agricultural sites within approximately 3 km of native‐dominated forest. Again, very few native species were present in any of the stands, indicating that within certain landscapes and for native species with certain life history traits, exotic plantations may be ineffective nursery ecosystems for the regeneration of native species.  相似文献   

We compared regression tree analyses and multiple linear regression models to explore the relative importance of physical factors, land use, and water quality in predicting phytoplankton production and N2 fixation potentials at 85 locations along riverine to lacustrine gradients within eight southern reservoirs. The regression tree model (r 2 = 0.73) revealed that differences in phytoplankton production were primarily a function of water depth. The highest rates of production (mg C m−3 h−1) occurred at shallow sites (<0.9 m), where rates were also related to total phosphorus (TP) levels. At deeper sites, production rates were higher at sites with relative drainage area (RDA, ratio of drainage area to water surface area) below 45, potentially due to longer hydraulic residence times. In contrast, multiple linear regression selected TP, RDA, dissolved phosphorus, and percent developed land as significant model variables (r 2 = 0.63). The regression tree model (r 2 = 0.67) revealed that N2 fixation potentials (mg N m−3 h−1) were substantially higher at sites with relatively smaller drainage areas (RDA < 45). Within this subgroup, fixation rates were additionally related to TP values (threshold = 41 μg l−1). The multiple linear regression model (r 2 = 0.67) also selected RDA as the primary predictor of N2 fixation. Regression tree models suggest that nutrient controls (phosphorus) were subordinate to physical factors such as depth and RDA. We concluded that regression tree analysis was well suited to revealing nonlinear trends in data (for example, depth), but yielded large uncertainty estimates when applied to linear data (for example, phosphorus).  相似文献   

Plant growth in boreal forests is generally considered to be predominantly nitrogen (N) limited, but forested groundwater discharge areas may be exceptions. In this study, we conducted tests to determine whether highly productive forested groundwater discharge areas generally differ from adjacent groundwater recharge areas in terms of humus chemistry and the availability of phosphorus (P) and N to plants. We investigated six forested sites, divided into groundwater discharge and adjacent groundwater recharge areas, in northern Sweden. The humus layers of the forested groundwater discharge areas were clearly distinguished from the adjacent groundwater recharge areas by having higher acid-digestible calcium (Ca) and/or aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) content and higher organic P and N content. Soil solution inorganic N (NH4 + and NO3 ) and pH were higher in the groundwater discharge areas than in the groundwater recharge areas. The organic P content showed a positive linear relationship to the Al and Fe content in the humus layer, indicating that organic P is associated with Al and Fe compounds in the humus. A plant bioassay using humus substrate from one groundwater discharge area and the adjacent groundwater recharge area found that plants grown in groundwater discharge area humus (with a high P-fixation capacity) increased their biomass upon P fertilization, whereas no growth response was found for N additions. By contrast, plants grown in humus from the groundwater recharge area did not respond to added P unless N was added too. This study suggests that groundwater discharge can affect the nutrient availability of N and P both directly, via increased P fixation due to the redistribution of Al and Fe, and indirectly, via the inflow of groundwater high in Ca and alkalinity, maintaining a high pH in the humus layer that favors in situ N turnover processes. Received 2 March 2001; Accepted 9 November 2001.  相似文献   

It has previously been reported that endophytic diazotrophic bacteria contribute significantly to the nitrogen budgets of some graminaceous species. In this study the contribution of biological nitrogen fixation to the N-budget of a South African sugarcane cultivar was evaluated using 15N natural abundance, acetylene reduction and 15N incorporation. Plants were also screened for the presence of endophytic diazotrophic bacteria using acetylene reduction and nifH-gene targeted PCR with the pure bacterial strains. 15N natural abundance studies on field-grown sugarcane indicated that the plants did not rely extensively on biological nitrogen fixation. Furthermore, no evidence was found for significant N2-fixation or nitrogenase activity in field-grown or glasshouse-grown plants using 15N incorporation measurements and acetylene reduction assays. Seven endophytic bacterial strains were isolated from glasshouse-grown and field-grown plants and cultured on N-free medium. The diazotrophic character of these seven strains could not be confirmed using acetylene reduction and PCR screening for nifH. Thus, although biological nitrogen fixation may occur in South African sugarcane varieties, the contribution of this N-source in the tested cultivar was not significant.  相似文献   

Uplift,Erosion, and Phosphorus Limitation in Terrestrial Ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT Primary productivity on old, weathered soils often is assumed to be limited by phosphorus (P), especially in the lowland tropics where climatic conditions promote the rapid depletion of rock-derived nutrients. This assumption is based on a static view of soils weathering in place with no renewal of the bedrock source. In reality, advection of material through the soil column introduces a spatially variable supply of rock-derived nutrients. This flux is dependent on the residence time of soil, which can range from a few hundred years in rapidly uplifting collisional mountain belts to tens of millions of years in tectonically quiescent tropical cratons. We modeled the effects of tectonic uplift, erosion, and soil depth on the advection of P through the soil column and P availability, calibrating rate of change in biologically available P over time with data from two basaltic chronosequences in Hawai’i and a series of greywacke terraces in New Zealand. Combining our model with the global distribution of tectonic uplift rates and soil depths, we identified tectonic settings that are likely to support P-depleted ecosystems—assuming that tectonic uplift and erosion are balanced (that is, landscape development has reached steady state). The model captures the occurrence of transient P limitation in rapidly uplifting young ecosystems where mineral weathering is outpaced by physical erosion—a likely occurrence where biological N fixation is important. However, we calculate that P depletion is unlikely in areas of moderate uplift, such as most of Central America and Southeast Asia, due to the continuous advection of P into the rooting zone. Finally, where soil advection is slow, such as the Amazon Basin, we expect widespread P depletion in the absence of exogenous nutrient inputs.  相似文献   

The quantities and spatial distribution of nutrients in savanna ecosystems are affected by many factors, of which fire, herbivory and symbiotic N2-fixation are particularly important. We measured soil nitrogen (N) pools and the relative abundance of N and phosphorus (P) in herbaceous vegetation in five vegetation types in a humid savanna in Tanzania. We also performed a factorial fertilization experiment to investigate which nutrients most limit herbaceous production. N pools in the top 10 cm of soil were low at sites where fires were frequent, and higher in areas with woody legume encroachment, or high herbivore excretion. Biomass production was co-limited by N and P at sites that were frequently burnt or heavily grazed by native herbivores. In contrast, aboveground production was limited by N in areas receiving large amounts of excreta from livestock. N2-fixation by woody legumes did not lead to P-limitation, but did increase the availability of N relative to P. We conclude that the effects of fire, herbivory and N2-fixation upon soil N pools and N:P-stoichiometry in savanna ecosystems are, to a large extent, predictable. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Author Contributions  P.C., H.O.V. and P.E. designed the study and wrote the paper. P.C. and T.K. performed the research and analyzed the data.  相似文献   

* Leguminous trees are very common in the tropical rainforests of Guyana. Here, species-specific differences in N(2) fixation capability among nodulating legumes growing on different soils and a possible limitation of N(2) fixation by a relatively high nitrogen (N) and low phosphorus (P) availability in the forest were investigated. * Leaves of 17 nodulating species and 17 non-nodulating reference trees were sampled and their delta(15)N values measured. Estimates of N(2) fixation rates were calculated using the (15)N natural abundance method. Pot experiments were conducted on the effect of N and P availability on N(2) fixation using the (15)N-enriched isotope dilution method. * Nine species showed estimates of > 33% leaf N derived from N(2) fixation, while the others had low or undetectable N(2) fixation rates. High N and low P availability reduced N(2) fixation substantially. * The results suggest that a high N and low P availability in the forest limit N(2) fixation. At the forest ecosystem level, N(2) fixation was estimated at c. 6% of total N uptake by the tree community. We conclude that symbiotic N(2) fixation plays an important role in maintaining high amounts of soil available N in undisturbed forest.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to quantify biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) using the 15N isotope natural abundance method in maize (Zea mays L.)/faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/faba bean intercropping systems. Faba bean was yielding more in the maize/faba bean intercropping, but not in the wheat/faba bean intercropping. Biomass, grain yield and N acquisition of faba bean were significantly increased when intercropped with maize, and decreased significantly with wheat, irrespective of N-fertilizer application, indicating that the legume could gain or lose productivity in an intercropping situation. There was yield advantage of maize/faba bean intercropping, but no in wheat/faba bean intercropping. The grain yield of the faba bean intercropped with maize was greater than that of faba bean monoculture due to increases of the stems per plant and the pods per stem of faba bean. N fertilization inhibited N fixation of faba bean in maize/faba bean and wheat/faba bean intercropping and faba bean monoculture. The responses of different cropping systems to N-fertilizer application, however, were not identical, with competitive intercropping (wheat/faba bean) being more sensitive than facilitative intercropping (maize/faba bean). Intercropping increased the percentage of N derived from air (%Ndfa) of the wheat/faba bean system, but not that of the maize/faba bean system when no N fertilizer was applied. When receiving 120 kg N/ha, however, intercropping did not significantly increase %Ndfa either in the wheat/faba bean system or in the maize/faba bean system in comparison with faba bean in monoculture. The amount of shoot N derived from air (Ndfa), however, increased significantly when intercropped with maize, irrespective of N-fertilizer application. Ndfa decreased when intercropped with wheat, albeit not significantly at 120 kg N/ha. Ndfa was correlated more closely with dry matter yield, grain yield and competitive ratio, than with %Ndfa. This indicates that that total dry matter yield (sink strength), not %Ndfa, was more critical for the legume to increase Ndfa. The results suggested that N fixation could be improved by yield maximization in an intercropping system.  相似文献   

The native tree Metrosideros polymorpha dominates Hawaiian forests across a very wide range of soil fertility, including both sites where forest production is limited by nitrogen (N) and others where it is limited by phosphorus (P). Five long-term fertilization experiments have further broadened the range of nutrient availabilities experienced by Metrosideros. Adding P to P-limited sites increased foliar P concentrations threefold and litter P concentrations up to 10-fold; lignin concentrations decreased, and the decomposability of leaf litter increased from 32%–35% to 36%–46% mass loss in the first year. Adding N to N-limited sites increased leaf and litter N concentrations by only 15%–20%, with little or no effect on the decomposability of tissue. Received 22 January 1998; accepted 4 May 1998.  相似文献   

1. Thirty small upland lakes in Cumbria, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were each visited once during June and July 2000. From each lake, samples of surface sediment epilithon, macrophytes and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) were collected for nitrogen stable isotope analysis. As part of a wider programme, samples were also collected for chemical analysis and bioassays. 2. Considerable variation was found in δ15N values in all measured nitrogen compartments. Some regional variation was evident but was generally weak. Sediment and epilithon δ15N were positively correlated with δ15N of TDN, suggesting that baseline nitrogen isotope ratios influence those in some organic matter compartments in the lakes. 3. Sediment δ15N was higher when inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water was low, possibly reflecting reduced isotope fractionation under these conditions. However, this was not the case for epilithon or macrophytes. Sediment δ15N values were also negatively related to annual nitrogen deposition. 4. Sediment, epilithon and macrophyte δ15N values all showed significant relations to nutrient limitation in the lakes as determined by algal bioassays. We suggest that sediment δ15N might be developed as a simple integrating measure of the degree of nitrogen limitation in lakes.  相似文献   

We measured nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) of asymbiotic, heterotrophic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria on leaf litter from the tree Metrosideros polymorpha collected from six sites on the Hawaiian archipelago. At all sites M. polymorpha was the dominant tree, and its litter was the most abundant on the forest floor. The sites spanned a soil chronosequence of 300 to 4.1 million y. We estimated potential nitrogen fixation associated with this leaf litter to be highest at the youngest site (1.25 kg ha-1 y-1), declining to between 0.05 and 0.22 kg ha-1 y-1 at the oldest four sites on the chronosequence. To investigate how the availability of weathered elements influences N fixation rates at different stages of soil development, we sampled M. polymorpha leaf litter from complete, factorial fertilization experiments located at the 300-y, 20,000-y and 4.1 million–y sites. At the youngest and oldest sites, nitrogenase activity on leaf litter increased significantly in the plots fertilized with phosphorus and “total” (all nutrients except N and P); no significant increases in nitrogenase activity were measured in leaf litter from treatments at the middle-aged site. The results suggest that the highest rates of N fixation are sustained during the “building” or early phase of ecosystem development when N is accumulating and inputs of geologically cycled (lithophilic) nutrients from weathering are substantial. Received 4 February 1999; accepted 29 March 2000.  相似文献   

The traditional view holds that biological nitrogen (N) fixation often peaks in early‐ or mid‐successional ecosystems and declines throughout succession based on the hypothesis that soil N richness and/or phosphorus (P) depletion become disadvantageous to N fixers. This view, however, fails to support the observation that N fixers can remain active in many old‐growth forests despite the presence of N‐rich and/or P‐limiting soils. Here, we found unexpected increases in N fixation rates in the soil, forest floor, and moss throughout three successional forests and along six age‐gradient forests in southern China. We further found that the variation in N fixation was controlled by substrate carbon(C) : N and C : (N : P) stoichiometry rather than by substrate N or P. Our findings highlight the utility of ecological stoichiometry in illuminating the mechanisms that couple forest succession and N cycling.  相似文献   

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