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动脉粥样硬化是由脂质和纤维在动脉内膜下的过度沉积造成的,脂代谢紊乱和免疫功能失衡是其最重要的发病机制.补体系统是固有免疫的重要组成部分,是炎症反应的关键启动因子,补体系统介导的免疫应答在动脉粥样硬化的发生中发挥着重要作用.众多研究表明,动脉粥样硬化斑块中存在多种补体成分以及活化产物,提示补体系统的活化和后续的级联反应是...  相似文献   

王棋文  常翠芳  谷宁宁  潘翠云  徐存拴 《遗传》2015,37(11):1116-1124
自噬是存在于真核细胞内的一种溶酶体依赖性的降解途径,在肝脏生理和病理过程中发挥着重要作用。肝脏具有强大的再生能力,在受到急、慢性损伤时,残肝细胞将会被激活进入细胞周期进行细胞增殖,以补偿丢失的肝组织和恢复肝功能。文章阐述了各种类型损伤之后的肝再生与自噬的关系。在物理性、酒精、食源性等因素引起的肝损伤中,肝脏通过启动自噬来促进肝再生;在化学性损伤的肝再生模型中,自噬在其中的作用仍然有争议;在病毒感染之后的肝再生中,一些嗜肝病毒(如丙肝病毒和乙肝病毒等)反而利用自噬来促进病毒颗粒复制,抑制肝再生。对自噬和肝再生机制的研究,将有助于进一步阐明再生过程,为治疗肝脏疾病提供新方法。  相似文献   

肝再生刺激因子对小鼠实验性急性肝损伤的保护机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安威  梅懋华 《生理学报》1992,44(1):54-61
我们前文证明肝再生刺激因子(HSS)对小鼠实验性肝损伤有保护作用。本文进一步探讨其机制并获得如下结果:(1)HSS显著提高由CCl_4所降低肝细胞膜、线粒体膜和微粒体膜的流动性,使其上升到对照水平。(2)HSS使CCl_4所致的肝组织丙二醛升高幅度降低。(3)HSS使CCl_4所致的肝组织谷胱甘肽降低的含量回升。(4)HSS能刺激受CCl_4损伤的肝再生,促进肝细胞合成DNA和~3H-TdR掺入肝细胞DNA。这些结果提示,HSS具有抗氧化作用,能抗CCl_4所产生的自由基对膜脂质的过氧化。此外还加强肝细胞本身抗氧化能力和促进受损肝脏再生。这些保肝机制可能相互联系。  相似文献   

钱昆 《生命科学》1998,10(4):180-184
异种器官作为器官移植的供体显示出很大的潜力。但是,异种器官移植中出现的超急性排斥反应是当前将其应用于临床的最大障碍。补体系统在超急性排斥反应中发挥了重要的作用。通过抑制补体系统的活性,可以达到延长移植物生存时间的目的。通过转基因的方法,使人的补体调节蛋白基因在供体体内表达,则可能从根本上抑制超急性排斥反应的发生。  相似文献   

肝再生过程是一个极其复杂且精密的过程,多种生长因子(包括HGF,TGF,EGF等)和细胞因子(包括TNF,IL-6等)参与调节这一过程,而且生长因子与细胞因子之间有存在着千丝万缕的联系。本文着重介绍了生长因子和细胞因子在肝再生过程中的作用以及二者之间的联系。  相似文献   

黄志刚 《生命的化学》2001,21(2):124-126
肝脏是机体具有强大再生能力的脏器 ,目前已知的肝再生相关因子如肝细胞生长因子 (HGF)、转化生长因子 α(TGF α)、表皮生长因子 (EGF)等 ,均难以解释具有器官特异性的肝再生调控机制 ,因此寻找新型肝再生调控因子一直是该领域的热点[1] 。1994年 8月 ,Hagiya等[2 ] 从初断乳大鼠肝组织中克隆到一种新型的促肝细胞增殖因子 ,称为肝再生增强因子 (augmenterofliverregeneration ,ALR)。近来研究发现 ,ALR是一种特殊的促肝细胞分裂原 ,在肝损伤修复过程中发挥重要作用。1.ALR基因大鼠…  相似文献   

肝再生的调控及原癌基因表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肝脏再生过程中受到多种体液因素的调控。肝细胞生长因子(HGF)、肝刺激因子(HSS)等对肝细胞有促分裂作用;转化生长因子β1(TGFβ1)等则具有抑制作用。此外,肝再生还需要去甲肾上腺素(NE)、胰岛素等辅助分裂原的存在,共同调节肝再生。肝细胞分裂增殖与原癌基因表达密切相关。肝细胞从静息期进入细胞周期,以及在整个细胞周期中,某些原癌基因有特征性的表达。  相似文献   

人肝刺激因子对大鼠实验性慢性肝损伤的保护作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从健康孕妇水囊引产4─6个月龄的胎儿取肝,采用LaBrecque方法提取人肝刺激因子(hHSS)。经3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷参入肝DNA法测定其生物活性。表明此hHSS可刺激肝细胞DNA合成。采用皮下注射CCl4和饮用10%乙醇来制备慢性肝损伤动物模型,观察了hHSS的保护肝脏作用。结果表明:hHSS可使CCl4-乙醇所致慢性肝损伤大鼠的死亡率、血清谷丙转氨酶水平、肝组织中羟脯氨酸含量的升高以及肝组织中丙二醛的含量降低。肝组织切片表明:hHSS能减轻肝组织的损伤程度,促进肝细胞再生,并能明显防止肝纤维化的形成和发展。可见,hHSS对CCl4-乙醇所致的慢性肝损伤大鼠有明显的保护作用,其机制可能与促进肝细胞再生及抑制肝细胞膜的脂质过氧化有关。  相似文献   

肝再生剌激因子对小鼠实验性急性肝损伤的保护作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
安威 《生理学报》1991,43(5):415-427
A hepatic stimulator substance (HSS) was extracted from the liver of male weanling SD rats according to the method of LaBrecque. The mice were injected with carbon tetrachloride or D-galactosamine to induce hepatic injuries and the protective effect of HSS on thus induced hepatic damage was investigated. The results were as follows: (1) HSS could suppresses the elevation of sGPT and sGOT induced by carbon tetrachloride intoxication in a dose-dependent manner. (2) Hepatic histological findings indicated that the degree of CCl4 or D-galactosamine-induced hepatic lesions could be lessened by HSS. (3) CCl4-induced reduction of hepatic mitochondrial succinic dehydrogenase activity could be restored by HSS. (4) Insulin-glucagon enhanced the survival of D-galactosamine intoxicated mice and stimulated hepatocyte proliferation, thus showing less pronounced hepatic damage.  相似文献   

补体和细胞因子均为免疫系统中的重要组成部分,共同参与了机体抵抗病原体的防御反应、免疫调节以及机体的免疫病理性损伤反应。Glq、C3及其活性片段,c5及其活性片段以及其它的外体成分与TNF-α,IFN-γ、IL-1、IL-6等炎性细胞因子在炎症过程中通过各种直接或间接的途径相互作用,二者之间的平衡最终决定了炎症的发展与转归。文章不仅总结了新近研究所表明的补体对CK的调节作用,而且介绍了近年来关于细胞因子调节补体研究的新发展。  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of human augmenter of liver regeneration (hALR) was reported by deduction from nucleotide sequence of its complementary DNA . The cDNA for hALR was isolated by screening a human fetal liver cDNA library and the sequencing of this insert revealed an open reading frame encoding a protein with 125aa and highly homologous (87% ) with rat ALR encoding sequence. The recombinant hALR expressed from its cDNA in transient expression experiments in cos-7 cells could stimulate DNA synthesis of HTC hepatoma cell in the dose-dependent and heat-resistant way. Northern blot analysis with rat ALR cDNA as probe confirmed that ALR mRNA was expressed in the normal rat liver at low level and that dramatically increased in the regenerating liver after partial hepatectomied rat. This size of hALR mRNA is 1.4 kb long and expressed in human fetal liver, kidney and testis. These findings indicated that liver itself may be the resource of ALR and suggested that ALR seems to be an im-portant parac  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2022,29(6):973-989.e10
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肝再生增强因子研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
肝再生增强因子是新近克隆的蛋白质因子,能特异地刺激肝源细胞的增殖,并对CCl4所引起的急性肝衰竭有效治作用。本文综述了肝再生增强因子的发现、基因克隆及组织分布等。目前已开始了该因子的基因工程产品研制,它有望成为一种治疗肝病的新药。  相似文献   

Unlike mammals, regenerative model organisms such as amphibians and fish are capable of spinal cord regeneration after injury. Certain key differences between regenerative and nonregenerative organisms have been suggested as involved in promoting this process, such as the capacity for neurogenesis and axonal regeneration, which appear to be facilitated by favorable astroglial, inflammatory and immune responses. These traits provide a regenerative‐permissive environment that the mammalian spinal cord appears to be lacking. Evidence for the regenerative nonpermissive environment in mammals is given by the fact that they possess neural stem/progenitor cells, which transplanted into permissive environments are able to give rise to new neurons, whereas in the nonpermissive spinal cord they are unable to do so. We discuss the traits that are favorable for regeneration, comparing what happens in mammals with each regenerative organism, aiming to describe and identify the key differences that allow regeneration. This comparison should lead us toward finding how to promote regeneration in organisms that are unable to do so. genesis 51:529–544. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hepcidin is a key regulator of iron metabolism. The expres- sion of hepcidin is significantly induced by iron overload, inflammation, and infection of pathogens. Recent studies have indicated that the expression of hepcidin in the liver is also regulated during liver regeneration. However, the mechanism of the regulation of hepcidin expression and its role in liver regeneration remain unclear. In this study, we found that the hepatocyte growth factor inhibited hepcidin expression in the liver during the late stage of liver regener- ation. Meanwhile, we investigated the effect of hepcidin on liver regeneration. Mice overexpressing hepcidin-1 exhib- ited impaired hepatic regeneration after partial hepatect- omy, as determined by immunohistochemieal staining of the proliferation cell nuclear antigen. Our results demon- strated a negative role of hepcidin in modulating liver re- generation, and suggested that a sustained high iron level by the down-regulation of hepcidin at the late stage of liver regeneration is required for hepatocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [35S]-SO4 into glycosaminoglycans of liverin vivo and in in liver slices and into the glycosaminoglycans associated with the hepatic plasma membrane of rats at different periods after a heavy dose of CC14 have been studied. The incorporation of [35S]-SO4 into total glycosaminoglycans decreased to as low as 40% of the control at 24 h after the administration of CC14 and later on increased reaching a maximum on the 4th day. The amount of [35S]-SO4 incorporation into heparan sulphate was also reduced to about 40% of control at 12–24 h after the onset of injury and increased thereafter reaching a maximum on the 4th day. There was only a partial reduction in the synthesis of chondroitin sulphate in the early stage of injury and then it steadily increased reaching about 3 times the control level on 4–6 days. The [35S]-SO4-incorporation into dermatan sulphate, after a slight initial decrease remained at the control levels. On the 8th day after the CCl4-induced liver injury, the rate of [35S]-SO4-incorporation was almost equal to that in normal controls. The incorporation of [35S]-SO4 into hepatic plasma membrane glycosaminoglycans showed a similar change decreasing to about 35% of control at 24h followed by an increase, reaching normal levels on the 4th day after the administration of CC14. About 90% of the plasma membrane glycosaminoglycans was found to be heparan sulphate. The yield of plasma membrane from normal and CCl4-induced regenerating liver was found to be similar and therefore the results obtained were not due to difference in the yield of the membrane preparation. The data also indicate that there was no difference in the degree of sulphation. The significance of these changes in the metabolism of sulphated glycosaminoglycans particularly plasma membrane heparan sulphate in tissue regeneration has been discussed.  相似文献   

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