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A ribosomal DNA region, including the entire 5.8S RNA gene and the internal transcribed spacers ITS 1 and ITS 2, was used for studying the phylogeny ofSalicaceae and the relationship betweenSalicaceae andFlacourtiaceae. The length of the ITS regions withinSalicaceae andFlacourtiaceae was similar to that found in other angiosperms. The GC content of both ITS regions was high, varying 62.7-72.2%. The most parsimonious tree clusters the wind-pollinatedChosenia bracteosa among theSalix species, suggesting that it should be included in the genusSalix. The grouping withinSalix leaves subg.Salix as paraphyletic, for which reason the subgeneric division is questionable.Populus was monophyletic and formed a sister group toSalix. The interspecific variation of the ITS sequences was very small inSalicaceae, which is in contradiction to the age of the group according to the evidence from fossil data.Idesia polycarpa fromFlacourtiaceae shows great sequence similarity withSalicaceae, but the analysis of 5.8S rDNA supports monophyly of the four species ofFlacourtiaceae sampled for this study.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 182 patients presenting at the out-patient clinic in Richard-Toll. Senegal were analysed by Thick smear microscopy, the QBC, PCR and the new dipstick PATH Malaria assay which detects the histidine rich protein II antigen of Plasmodium falciparum. Thick smear microscopy was used as the reference method. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive positive and negative values were 100%, 83.6%, 93.4% and 100% QBC respectively; 100%, 72.7%, 89.4% and 100% for PCR; 96%, 92.7%, 96.8% and 91% for the PATH assay. PATH assay failed to detect one positive sample with Plasmodium malariae. Assays were also compared with regard to the expense of equipment and reagents and speed and ease of use. The rapid PATH assay can be performed with minimal training and may be specially useful in areas where P. falciparum is the predominant malaria species, in epidemic malaria regions, and where skilled microscopy is not readily available.  相似文献   

Leucorrhinia (Odonata, Anisoptera, Libellulidae) consists of 14-15 species with a holarctic distribution. We have combined the morphological characters of a previous study with sequence data from the ITS1, 5.8S rDNA, and ITS2 regions of the nuclear ribosomal repeat. Cloning was used to investigate the intra-individual variation and such variation was found in all investigated species. Parsimony jackknifing was used to identify supported groups. The effect of sequence alignment and gap coding was explored by a modified sensitivity analysis. Loss of spines in Leucorrhinia larvae has occurred twice: once in Europe and once in North America. The role of spines as a defence against predation is discussed in a phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

Stages life cycle of the malaria parasite differ in the rate of replication and the structural properties of functionally active A-, S-, and O-type ribosomes. Regions of A-type rDNA including ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 from two strains of Plasmodium vivaxwith different incubation periods were amplified and sequenced. No substantial differences in the sequences of two strains were revealed. Phylogenetic analysis of the obtained and homologous sequences of ITS1 rDNA of A, S, and O types of P. vivax; A and S types of P. falciparum; and Cryptosporidium parvum, Eimeria maxima, Toxoplasma gondiias outgroup, by the maximum parsimony method using PAUP 4.0 revealed that divergence of ITS1 might have occurred after speciation and at different rates in individual lineages of the Plasmodiumgenus. Basing on the results of the analysis of orthologous sequences of P. vivaxand P. falciparum, we developed genus- and species-specific primers for PCR diagnostics of malaria, as well as a one-step effective method of DNA isolation from Giemsa–Romanovsky-stained thick blood smears. It was demonstrated that stained preparations could be a reliable source of plasmodial DNA, and the quality of preparations and storage time (10–20 years) did not interfere with the results of PCR analysis.  相似文献   

The utilization of agro-industrial wastes such as whey as raw materials for the production of bio-ethanol is gaining importance as a result of the attractiveness of renewable fuel alternatives due to exhaustion of fossil fuel sources coupled with the positive impact to the environment. Here, we report the isolation of two Kluyveromyces spp. designated as BM4 and P41, able to produce ethanol as main fermentation product from fermenting whey. Three different molecular biological approaches including, the RFLP analysis of the 5.8S-ITS rDNA, the sequence of the 5.8S-ITS rDNA region and the sequence of the D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene were applied for accurate identification. While RFLP analysis of 5.8S-ITS region failed to accurate the differentiation between the two species, sequencing of this region and D1/D2 region of the 26S rRNA gene verified the identification. PCR amplification and sequence analysis of 5.8S-ITS rRNA and D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA genes revealed that the isolates BM4 and P41 were highly related to Kluyveromyces marxianus and Kluyveromyces lactis with homology of 99% for both. In addition, phylogenetic analysis indicated that both BM4 and P41 shared a cluster with K. marxianus and K. lactis, respectively. The fermentative performance of both strains on cheese whey to produce ethanol was evaluated at different parameters such as incubation temperature, initial pH, whey sugar concentrations, and yeast concentrations. Results show that the maximum ethanol productions achieved at pH 4.5 and 35 °C were 5.52% and 5.05% for K. marxianus and K. lactis, respectively. Our results demonstrated that K. marxianus and K. Lactis could be recommended for cheese whey bioremediation in the environment and produce renewable biofuel.  相似文献   

This study aimed to confirm the identity of three strains of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana from South African soils and to investigate their phylogenetic relationship with non-indigenous strains from other geographic regions. Sequences of the rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of 23 strains were compared with the Genbank reference sequences of 20 other cosmopolitan strains. Fitch parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regions resolved the strains into two distinct clades and matched them to four species groups/lineages: Beauveria bassiana, B. cf. bassiana (pseudobassiana), B. brongniartii and B. caledonica. Two of the South African strains initially identified as B. bassiana grouped with B. caledonica, whereas the third strain was confirmed as B. bassiana. Because of the paucity of Genbank references for B. caledonica, we have designated the two South African B. caledonica strains as B. sp. aff. caledonica. Other reassignments included two strains from Norway, originally classified as B. bassiana, being grouped with B. brongniartii, and three of the B. brongniartii reference taxa from Brazil which were clearly placed in the B. bassiana clade. The study provides a first report of the presence of the B. caledonica lineage in Africa and confirms current Beauveria phylogenies inferred from molecular data.  相似文献   

对9个链格孢小孢子种和3个大孢子种共20个链格孢菌株的5.8S rDNA及其两侧的ITS1区和ITS2区进行了序列分析。聚类分析结果表明形态差异大的种可以明确加以区分,而供试的9个小孢子种之间差异很小,不能根据对所选区段的序列分析加以区分。传统分类上的滨菊链格孢不属于Alternaria, 其分类地位需进一步研究。  相似文献   

王洪凯  张天宇  张猛 《菌物学报》2001,20(2):168-173
对9个链格孢小孢子种和3个大孢子种共20个链格孢菌株的5.8S rDNA及其两侧的ITS1区和ITS2区进行了序列分析。聚类分析结果表明形态差异大的种可以明确加以区分,而供试的9个小孢子种之间差异很小,不能根据对所选区段的序列分析加以区分。传统分类上的滨菊链格孢不属于Alternaria, 其分类地位需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Molecular authentication among three Panax species and within cultivars and accessions of P. ginseng was investigated using the DNA sequence in the ribosomal ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 region. Four single-nucleotide polymorphisms were identified between P. ginseng and other Panax species. In the electrophoresis profile, obtained after digestion with the enzyme TaqI, three fingerprinting patterns were obtained from cultivars and accessions of Panax species. Consequently, this authentication procedure based upon the restriction fragment length polymorphism in the ribosomal ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 region can now be utilized to differentiate these Panax species as well as major Korean cultivars such as Gopoong and Kumpoong from other cultivars and accessions in Panax species at the DNA level. O. T. Kim and K. H. Bang contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

The Trichomonads have been the subject of several molecular studies that reported some discrepancies both at the lower and higher taxonomic levels. The purpose of this study was to make an extensive phylogenetic analysis of the Trichomonadidae using ITS-1/5.8S/ITS-2 sequences, to better understand its phylogeny and the usefulness of this marker. ITS-1/5.8S/ITS-2 sequences of 36 strains from 14 species belonging to Trichomonadidae and Monocercomonadidae were analysed, in which 20 were newly determined. Maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, neighbour joining, and Bayesian phylogenetic methods were employed in order to reconstruct and compare the evolutionary history of this group. Tetratrichomonas gallinarum and four strains of Tetratrichomonas sp. isolated from bull genital organs were found closely related, confirming the classification of the latter, probably as a new species. The monophyly of Tritrichomonadinae and Trichomonadinae subfamilies were corroborated, with the exclusion of Trichomitus batrachorum from the latter since it grouped consistently with Hypotrichomonas acosta. Tritrichomonas foetus, Tritrichomonas suis and potentially also Tritrichomonas mobilensis seemed to correspond to the same species. Monocercomonas sp. and Ditrichomonas honigbergii emerged as independent lineages, with their phylogenetic positions undetermined. Neither Trichomonadidae nor Monocercomonadidae were supported as monophyletic groups. The ITS-1/5.8S/ITS-2 seems to be a reliable locus for phylogenetic studies in the Trichomonadida, mainly at lower taxonomic levels, and at least up to the family level.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of nine species of freshwater sponges, representing the families Spongillidae, Lubomirskiidae, and Metaniidae, were inferred from analyses of 18S rDNA, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) mtDNA, and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) rDNA sequences. These species form a strongly supported monophyletic group within the Demospongiae, with the lithistid Vetulina stalactites as the sister taxon. Within the freshwater sponge clade, the basal taxon is not resolved. Depending upon the method of analysis and sequence, the metaniid species, Corvomeyenia sp., or the spongillid species, Trochospongilla pennsylvanica , emerges as the basal species. Among the remaining freshwater sponge species, the spongillids, Spongilla lacustris and Eunapius fragilis , form a sister group to a clade comprised of the spongillid species, Clypeatula cooperensis , Ephydatia fluviatilis , and Ephydatia muelleri , and the lubomirskiid species, Baikalospongia bacillifera and Lubomisrkia baicalensis . C. cooperensis is the sister taxon of E. fluvialitis , and E. muelleri is the sister taxon of ( B. bacillifera + L. baicalensis ). The family Spongillidae and the genus Ephydatia are thus paraphyletic with respect to the lubomirskiid species; Ephydatia is also paraphyletic to C. cooperensis . We suggest that C. cooperensis be transferred to the genus Ephydatia and that the family Lubomirskiidae be subsumed into the Spongillidae.  相似文献   

【目的】为了揭示结肠小袋纤毛虫病在环境中的分子传播机制,研究了猪源结肠小袋纤毛虫的种群特征。【方法】用粪便涂片镜检和改进型DMEM培养基从病猪结肠内容物分离结肠小袋纤毛虫滋养体,然后用显微观察、吖啶橙荧光染色法和基于ITS1-5.8S rRNA-ITS2序列的分子标记技术分析了豫西地区猪群中结肠小袋纤毛虫的种群特征。【结果】结果显示,从来自豫西地区8个县市的病猪中共分离了15株小袋纤毛虫,5.8S rRNA序列相似性高达99.4%以上,同属于结肠小袋纤毛虫,根据ITS1/2序列分析结果,MJ-2和SX-1株属于结肠小袋纤毛虫基因型A,其余13株均属于结肠小袋纤毛虫基因型B。MJ-2和SX-1株滋养体形态特征明显区别其他13株,绝大多数呈球形,运动缓慢,粪便中和体外培养的虫体密度较低;而其他13株的滋养体均呈多形性,运动快速活跃,虫体密度较大。吖啶橙荧光染色显示,2种基因型滋养体的核结构没明显差别。【结论】首次报道中国猪源结肠小袋纤毛虫存在2个基因型,其中基因型B为优势种群,为防控人和动物结肠小袋纤毛虫病提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Analysis of the sequence ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 in 11 samples of the amaranth species (Amaranthus caudatus, A. cruentus, A. hybridus, A. tricolor, A. paniculatus, A. hypohondriacus) was performed. It has been shown that the variability of the sequences of the intergenic spacers ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8S rRNA gene of the amaranth species analyzed is extremely low. A possible secondary structure of the 5.8S rRNA molecule was determined for the first time; three conservative motifs were identified. A single nucleotide substitution found in A. hybridus did not change the loop topology. In the sample of Celosia cristata taken as an external group, a four-nucleotide insertion in the 5′-end of the gene and a one-nucleotide deletion in the fourth hairpin not affecting the general topology of the 5.8S rRNA molecule were found.  相似文献   

为研究水稻3种主要害虫灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus、褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens和白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera体内类酵母共生菌( yeast-like symbiotes,YLS)的种属地位及与寄主的进化关系,测定了其体内YIS的18SrDNA及ITS-5.8S rDNA的全长序列.基于3种稻飞虱体内YLS的18S rDNA序列比对表明,褐飞虱YLS和白背飞虱YLS的一致性比其与灰飞虱YLs的高(褐飞虱YLS和白背飞虱YLS为98.91%,灰飞虱YLS和褐飞虱YLS为95.74%,灰飞虱YLS和白背飞虱YLS为96.02%),而基于ITS-5.8S rDNA序列比对,灰飞虱YLS和白背飞虱YLS的一致性比其与褐飞虱YLS的要高(白背飞虱YLS和灰飞虱YLS为99.57%,灰飞虱YLS和褐飞虱YIS为91.91%,白背飞虱YLS和褐飞虱YLS为90.46%).基于真菌18S rDNA和ITS-5.8S rDNA的系统发育树均表明,3种稻飞虱体内YLS与其他已知真菌进化关系较远.本研究证实了昆虫真菌类共生菌与寄主形成了长期的进化关系,从而形成了不同于已知真菌的分类地位.  相似文献   

为研究水稻3种主要害虫灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus、 褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens和白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera体内类酵母共生菌(yeast-like symbiotes, YLS)的种属地位及与寄主的进化关系, 测定了其体内YLS的18S rDNA及ITS-5.8S rDNA的全长序列。基于3种稻飞虱体内YLS的18S rDNA序列比对表明, 褐飞虱YLS和白背飞虱YLS的一致性比其与灰飞虱YLS的高(褐飞虱YLS和白背飞虱YLS为98.91%, 灰飞虱YLS和褐飞虱YLS为95.74%, 灰飞虱YLS和白背飞虱YLS为96.02%), 而基于ITS-5.8S rDNA序列比对, 灰飞虱YLS和白背飞虱YLS的一致性比其与褐飞虱YLS的要高(白背飞虱YLS和灰飞虱YLS为99.57%, 灰飞虱YLS和褐飞虱YLS为91.91%, 白背飞虱YLS和褐飞虱YLS为90.46%)。基于真菌18S rDNA和ITS-5.8S rDNA的系统发育树均表明, 3种稻飞虱体内YLS与其他已知真菌进化关系较远。本研究证实了昆虫真菌类共生菌与寄主形成了长期的进化关系, 从而形成了不同于已知真菌的分类地位。  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of Cynoglottis was performed to evaluate previous hypotheses based on non-molecular evidence concerning the position of this genus within Boraginaceae tribe Boragineae. ITS-5.8S and trnLUAA sequences from the nuclear and chloroplast non-coding genomes were obtained for four Cynoglottis taxa and selected members of the related genera Anchusa, Anchusella, Gastrocotyle, Brunnera and Pentaglottis. Cynoglottis is monophyletic, but neither trnL nor ITS support a close relationship with Brunnera, unlike previously supposed on morphological grounds. Brunnera is, instead, related to the southwestern European monotypic genus Pentaglottis, with which it forms a basal clade. ITS-5.8S sequences show that Anchusa thessala, a southeastern European annual species of Anchusa subg. Buglossellum, is sister to Cynoglottis and that the two taxa form a clade which also includes the Balkan endemic Gastrocotyle macedonica. Species of Anchusa subg. Anchusa form a separate lineage with high bootstrap support, suggesting that this heterogeneous genus is paraphyletic with respect to Cynoglottis. ITS sequences also discriminate between the Balkan-Apenninic diploid C. barrelieri and the Anatolian tetraploid C. chetikiana, albeit with low support. The molecular results are discussed in the light of karyological, morphological and chorological aspects.This work has been supported by M.I.U.R. 40% 2003 and the University of Firenze.  相似文献   

In order to provide a better understanding of the evolutionary history of vascular cryptogams, phylogenetic framework was developed based on ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8S rDNA sequences of 102 extant taxa of vascular cryptogams using Maximum Parsimony (MP) analysis. The analysis revealed high GC content in Isoetaceae (60.5 %) in comparison with Selaginellaceae (54.4 %) that was envisaged to be the result of variation in selection, mutational bias, and biased recombination-associated DNA repair within these two plant lineages during evolution. Transition/transversion ratio was observed to be 0.9 in Isoetaceae, 0.68 in Selaginellaceae and 0.57 among all the 102 taxa belonging to lycophytes and ferns. It is hypothesized that the lycophytes have been separated very early during evolution and therefore acquired independent line of evolution from the other plant lineages. Although Selaginellaceae and Isoetaceae are closely related ancient plant groups, pairwise sequence divergence of sampled taxa on the basis of transition and transversion, and disparity index values per site between sampled sequence pairs pointed towards the differential investment of natural selection process. These lead to high rate of nucleotide substitution within nuclear genome of Selaginellaceae with respect to Isoetaceae. MP phylogenetic tree identified Isoetes subinermis, Isoetes durieui and Salvia microphylla as separate group among the studied taxa due to high sequence variation within these species through the time of evolution. Our result interpreted the polyphyletic origin of ferns and provides valuable information regarding the lycophytes and their fern allies.  相似文献   

本研究测定了米尔顿姬小蜂Anselmella miltoni Girault的rDNA ITS1和ITS2序列,以探讨其分子鉴定方法。米尔顿姬小蜂的ITS1和ITS2侧翼区(18S和5.8S)序列相对稳定,ITS1和ITS2序列存在种间差异。根据18S rDNA部分序列,利用DNAMAN的Maximum Likelihood方法构建了与膜翅目其它科的系统发育树。根据米尔顿姬小蜂ITS1和ITS2序列设计了特异性引物,应用特异性引物对样品进行了PCR扩增,扩增效果理想,采用上述特异性引物可从单头米尔顿姬小蜂稳定地扩增出明显的目的DNA条带。因此,可以采用ITS1和ITS2区的特异性对米尔顿姬小蜂进行快速的分子鉴定。  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the ITS1-5.8S ribosomal DNA spacer fragment was determined for 41 samples of the Malus species. The total length of compared sequences ranged from 389 to 392 bp. The nucleotide sequence of the 5.8S gene within the genus was highly conserved. The level of polymorphism of ITS1 region comprised 14%. Both species- and group-specific substitutions were identified. The analysis of M. orientalis and M. turkmenorum sequences revealed their full identity, which indicates the need to perform more research with a larger number of samples of both species from other collections to clarify the taxonomic status of the M. turkmenorum species. The previous findings on the synonymy of species M. baccata, M. mandshurica, M. pallasiana, and M. sachalinensis were also confirmed.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of nuclear 5.8S and internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS2) of rDNA from reference cultures of Acremonium obclavatum (a rarely recognized species first reported from India) were compared with cultures of Acremonium spp. isolated from Georgia, USA. Digestion of amplicons sequentially with Hinfl and Sau3AI divided the isolates into four restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) groups. A representative isolate of primary colonizers of insulation facings from a building in Georgia appeared identical to the type culture of A. obclavatum, whereas other cultures from Indian soils showed variation in the ITS2 region that divided them into further subgroups. Reference cultures of A. kiliense (ATCC 14489) and A. strictum (ATCC 10141) and two additional isolates from metropolitan Atlanta, assigned to this latter species complex on a morphological basis, represented two additional RFLP groups both of which were distinct from the RFLP groups in A. obclavatum. A. kiliense and A. strictum could be placed into similar subgroups on the basis of morphological differences and distinct RFLP patterns. Received: 6 June 1997 / Accepted: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

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