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Tracing the connections from brain functions to education is a major goal of modern neuroscience. By providing insights into the abilities and constraints of the learning brain, neuroscience can help to explain why some learning environments work while others fail. The results presented here provide the first insights into neuropedagogy of reasoning.  相似文献   

Children's use of electronic media, including Internet and video gaming, has increased dramatically to an average in the general population of roughly 3?h per day. Some children cannot control their Internet use leading to increasing research on "internet addiction." The objective of this article is to review the research on ADHD as a risk factor for Internet addiction and gaming, its complications, and what research and methodological questions remain to be addressed. The literature search was done in PubMed and Psychinfo, as well as by hand. Previous research has demonstrated rates of Internet addiction as high as 25% in the population and that it is addiction more than time of use that is best correlated with psychopathology. Various studies confirm that psychiatric disorders, and ADHD in particular, are associated with overuse, with severity of ADHD specifically correlated with the amount of use. ADHD children may be vulnerable since these games operate in brief segments that are not attention demanding. In addition, they offer immediate rewards with a strong incentive to increase the reward by trying the next level. The time spent on these games may also exacerbate ADHD symptoms, if not directly then through the loss of time spent on more developmentally challenging tasks. While this is a major issue for many parents, there is no empirical research on effective treatment. Internet and off-line gaming overuse and addiction are serious concerns for ADHD youth. Research is limited by the lack of measures for youth or parents, studies of children at risk, and studies of impact and treatment.  相似文献   

BackgroundHuman mobility among residential locations can drive dengue virus (DENV) transmission dynamics. Recently, it was shown that individuals with symptomatic DENV infection exhibit significant changes in their mobility patterns, spending more time at home during illness. This change in mobility is predicted to increase the risk of acquiring infection for those living with or visiting the ill individual. It has yet to be considered, however, whether social contacts are also changing their mobility, either by socially distancing themselves from the infectious individual or increasing contact to help care for them. Social, or physical, distancing and caregiving could have diverse yet important impacts on DENV transmission dynamics; therefore, it is necessary to better understand the nature and frequency of these behaviors including their effect on mobility.Methodology and principal findingsThrough community-based febrile illness surveillance and RT-PCR infection confirmation, 67 DENV positive (DENV+) residents were identified in the city of Iquitos, Peru. Using retrospective interviews, data were collected on visitors and home-based care received during the illness. While 15% of participants lost visitors during their illness, 22% gained visitors; overall, 32% of all individuals (particularly females) received visitors while symptomatic. Caregiving was common (90%), particularly caring by housemates (91%) and caring for children (98%). Twenty-eight percent of caregivers changed their behavior enough to have their work (and, likely, mobility patterns) affected. This was significantly more likely when caring for individuals with low “health-related quality of well-being” during illness (Fisher’s Exact, p = 0.01).Conclusions/SignificanceOur study demonstrates that social contacts of individuals with dengue modify their patterns of visitation and caregiving. The observed mobility changes could impact a susceptible individual’s exposure to virus or a presymptomatic/clinically inapparent individual’s contribution to onward transmission. Accounting for changes in social contact mobility is imperative in order to get a more accurate understanding of DENV transmission.  相似文献   

Fuchs E 《Cell Stem Cell》2012,10(6):640-641
Induced pluripotent stem cell research has broadened possibilities for regenerative medicine and captured the world's attention in a way that science rarely does. However, clinical applications utilizing cultured stem cells have existed for >30 years and can assist benchers and bedsiders in identifying and expediting promising avenues for future therapies.  相似文献   

Until World War II the economic activity of the inhabitants of the commune of Fontanigorda (Genova — Italy) was based on subsistence farming and temporary migration. Migration to France in search of work absorbed the excess active male population: the isonymy study shows that the migrants were recruited from all the families of the commune. After having left for Marseilles or the mine at St. Maime (in the Alps of Upper Provence), these young migrants returned to their home town to marry. This behaviour maintained a high degree of consanguinity, obscured by a false exogamy, at least until the turn of the century. After this period, lifelong migration completely modified the pattern of marriage structure bacause migration to France became definitive.  相似文献   

Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry - The paper reports an attempt to study in a naturalistic and quantitative fashion the features of illness episodes. Such episodes, as perceived and reported by...  相似文献   

The paper reports an attempt to study in a naturalistic and quantitative fashion the features of illness episodes. Such episodes, as perceived and reported by lay persons, constitute a basic datum in ethnomedicine. Yet, they have rarely been the object of systematic research for theoretical and methodological reasons. The paper discusses ways in which illness episodes have significance in ethnomedicine and in health services research generally, and describes a method which can be used in field situations to study them. The content, internal structure and organization which illness episodes have are given attention by analysing and measuring the components of illness in a panel of adult females who reside in the highland state of Chiapas in Southeastern Mexico. Comparisons are undertaken in the two most dissimilar subgroupings of the region. Some commonalities and group differences in the duration of symptoms and in the way symptoms interrelate are described. An interpretation of these differences is offered, with principal emphasis given to the social circumstances and to the (cultural) meanings of illness in the two groups. The procedure employed, which is consistent with the way in which vital signs are recorded in the hospital, lends itself to field studies of the way symptoms and signs of disease unfold in the individual across time. The idea of a language of illness, which is introduced and developed in the paper, is used to draw emphasis to the communicative and symbolic features of illness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we briefly review the consequences of clonal reproduction on the apportionment of genetic diversity in parasite populations. We distinguish three kinds of parasite lifecycle where clonal reproduction occurs. The consequences of this mode of reproduction for the different kinds of parasite life-cycles are described. We here particularly focus on clonal diploids.  相似文献   

Despite its radical assumption of ecological equivalence between species, neutral biodiversity theory can often provide good fits to species abundance distributions observed in nature. Major criticisms of neutral theory have focused on interspecific differences, which are in conflict with ecological equivalence. However, neutrality in nature is also broken by differences between conspecific individuals at different life stages, which in many communities may vastly exceed interspecific differences between individuals at similar stages. These within-species asymmetries have not been fully explored in species-neutral models, and it is not known whether demographic stage structure affects macroecological patterns in neutral theory. Here, we present a two-stage neutral model where fecundity and mortality change as an individual transitions from one stage to the other. We explore several qualitatively different scenarios, and compare numerically obtained species abundance distributions to the predictions of unstructured neutral theory. We find that abundance distributions are generally robust to this kind of stage structure, but significant departures from unstructured predictions occur if adults have sufficiently low fecundity and mortality. In addition, we show that the cumulative number of births per species, which is distributed as a power law with a 3/2 exponent, is invariant even when the abundance distribution departs from unstructured model predictions. Our findings potentially explain power law-like abundance distributions in organisms with strong demographic structure, such as eusocial insects and humans, and partially rehabilitate species abundance distributions from past criticisms as to their inability to distinguish between biological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Internal ribosome entry site (IRES) elements consist of cis-acting regions that recruit the translation machinery to an internal position in the mRNA. The biological relevance of RNA structure-mediated mechanisms involved in internal ribosome recruitment is now emerging from the structural and functional analysis of viral IRES elements. However, because IRES elements found in genetically distant mRNAs seem to be organized in different RNA structures, the definition of the structural requirements for IRES activity is challenging and demands multidisciplinary approaches. This review discusses the latest reports that establish a relationship between RNA structure and IRES function in picornavirus genomes, the first RNAs described to contain these specialized regulatory elements.  相似文献   

Human cognition is fundamentally noisy. While routinely regarded as a nuisance in experimental investigation, the few studies investigating properties of cognitive noise have found surprising structure. A first line of research has shown that inter-response-time distributions are heavy-tailed. That is, response times between subsequent trials usually change only a small amount, but with occasional large changes. A second, separate, line of research has found that participants’ estimates and response times both exhibit long-range autocorrelations (i.e., 1/f noise). Thus, each judgment and response time not only depends on its immediate predecessor but also on many previous responses. These two lines of research use different tasks and have distinct theoretical explanations: models that account for heavy-tailed response times do not predict 1/f autocorrelations and vice versa. Here, we find that 1/f noise and heavy-tailed response distributions co-occur in both types of tasks. We also show that a statistical sampling algorithm, developed to deal with patchy environments, generates both heavy-tailed distributions and 1/f noise, suggesting that cognitive noise may be a functional adaptation to dealing with a complex world.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The abundance of pianktivorous juvenile yellow perch, Perca flavescens , was manipulated in three 750 m3 enclosures in a eutrophic lake.
2. There was a significant negative relationship between fish and zoopiankton biomasses. At high fish densities the zooplankton community was dominated by small filter-feeding cladocera. primarily bosmi- nids. At low fish densities the zooplankton community was dominated by large filter-feeding cladocera, primarily daphnids.
3. There was no significant relationship between zooplankton and phytoplankton biomasses when considered over the whole experiment but there was a trend towards lower phytoplankton biomass in the enclosure dominated by daphnids during mid-summer.
4. We conclude that although planktivorous fish have a strong negative impact on zooplankton community biomass and size structure, the relationship at the next lower trophic level, zooplankton and phytoplankton, is much weaker. Therefore, the biomanipulation of planktivorous fish populations as a management technique to control phytoplankton abundance is largely ineffective.  相似文献   

物种谱系关系常被用于衡量群落谱系格局及推断格局背后的生态过程,但多数研究往往忽视谱系关系的不确定性及其可能对群落谱系格局造成的影响.为此,本文以浙江天童20 hm^2样地内150个树种为研究对象,采用这些物种叶绿体DNA的rbcL和matK碱基序列构建1棵一致系统发育树和反映谱系不确定性的999棵系统发育树,然后结合样地物种分布数据计算标准化净亲缘指数(NRI)和最近亲缘指数(NTI),最后运用独立置换零模型衡量样地群落谱系格局.结果表明:物种系统发育树在拓扑结构和物种谱系分支节点年龄上均存在较大的不确定性,谱系不确定性随着谱系分支节点年龄的减小而增大,也随物种间平均谱系距离的增加而增加;在样方尺度上,物种谱系的不确定性增加了标准化NRI和NTI指数的变异,但对两个指数的影响几乎独立;其对两指数的空间分布影响不同,且程度不一,其中标准化NRI受到的影响相对更大;在群落尺度上,物种谱系的不确定性增加了标准化NRI和NTI的变异,平均变异系数分别为0.37和0.077,表明群落水平的标准化NRI更易受到谱系不确定性的影响.这说明物种谱系不确定性会传递到常用的群落谱系格局指标中,且不同指标受影响的程度不同,进而影响对群落谱系格局的衡量及相关生态过程的推断.该结论也暗示以往不考虑谱系不确定性的研究中,非随机的群落谱系格局比例可能被高估.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to analyze the relations of cognitive processors and conative regulators with specific motor abilities of elite boxers. Three sets of variables including 3 cognitive and 6 conative variables as predictors, and 6 specific motor (boxing) variables as criteria were used in a sample of 92 boxers. A series of regression analyses between the set of cognitive variables and particular criterion variables revealed a predominant impact of serial processor on specific motor abilities based primarily on specific speed (frequency of boxing technique performance). The series of regression analyses also showed a predominant negative impact of dysregulation of the organ function regulators from the set of conative variables on the manifestation of specific motor abilities in boxers. The data obtained in the study were used to develop an alternative model of the motor - cognitive - conative processes in boxing.  相似文献   

The impact of arthropods on fungal community structure in Lascaux Cave   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aims:  To determine the major components of the fungal population present in Lascaux Cave, France. The ceiling, walls, sediments and soil were colonized by Fusarium solani in 2001 and later, in 2006, black stains appeared. However, the origin of the successive fungal invasions is unknown as well as the ecology of the cave.
Methods and Results:  The primers nu-SSU-0817F and nu-SSU-1536R were used for the direct amplification of fungal 18S-rDNA sequences from 11 samples. A total of 607 clones were retrieved. Eight out of the ten most abundant phylotypes corresponded to fungi associated with arthropods and represented about 50% of the clones.
Conclusions:  Entomophilous fungi play an important role in the cave and arthropods contribute to the dispersion of spores and fungal development.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Choosing appropriate targets for control of fungal dispersal is dependent on knowing the causes of fungal colonization. A control of the arthropod populations seems to be a need in order to protect the rock art paintings in Lascaux Cave.  相似文献   


Key message

Impacts of population structure on the evaluation of genomic heritability and prediction were investigated and quantified using high-density markers in diverse panels in rice and maize.


Population structure is an important factor affecting estimation of genomic heritability and assessment of genomic prediction in stratified populations. In this study, our first objective was to assess effects of population structure on estimations of genomic heritability using the diversity panels in rice and maize. Results indicate population structure explained 33 and 7.5 % of genomic heritability for rice and maize, respectively, depending on traits, with the remaining heritability explained by within-subpopulation variation. Estimates of within-subpopulation heritability were higher than that derived from quantitative trait loci identified in genome-wide association studies, suggesting 65 % improvement in genetic gains. The second objective was to evaluate effects of population structure on genomic prediction using cross-validation experiments. When population structure exists in both training and validation sets, correcting for population structure led to a significant decrease in accuracy with genomic prediction. In contrast, when prediction was limited to a specific subpopulation, population structure showed little effect on accuracy and within-subpopulation genetic variance dominated predictions. Finally, effects of genomic heritability on genomic prediction were investigated. Accuracies with genomic prediction increased with genomic heritability in both training and validation sets, with the former showing a slightly greater impact. In summary, our results suggest that the population structure contribution to genomic prediction varies based on prediction strategies, and is also affected by the genetic architectures of traits and populations. In practical breeding, these conclusions may be helpful to better understand and utilize the different genetic resources in genomic prediction.  相似文献   

We investigate the long-term web structure emerging in evolutionary food web models when different types of functional responses are used. We find that large and complex webs with several trophic layers arise only if the population dynamics is such that it allows predators to focus on their best prey species. This can be achieved using modified Lotka-Volterra or Holling/Beddington functional responses with effective couplings that depend on the predator's efficiency at exploiting the prey, or a ratio-dependent functional response with adaptive foraging. In contrast, if standard Lotka-Volterra or Holling/Beddington functional responses are used, long-term evolution generates webs with almost all species being basal, and with additionally many links between these species. Interestingly, in all cases studied, a large proportion of weak links result naturally from the evolution of the food webs.  相似文献   

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