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芦苇根尖体细胞的染色体数目和形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了芦苇(Phragmites communis)幼苗根尖分生组织细胞的染色体数目和形态。其染色体数为2n=96。在有丝分裂中期染色体组中,染色体的大小逐渐地改变,按照染色体的大小和形态,96个染色体能被分成8个同源单倍体染色体组。每一组由11个中部着丝点染色体和1个亚中部着丝点染色体组成。  相似文献   

王心桃 《生物学杂志》1994,(3):38-41,23
生物学杂志总第59期黝脚体缠晒瓣嚓坪鲜献动物名称染色体数目人黑猩猩猩猩大猩猩猿黑长臂猿称猴台湾猴恒河猴黑叶猴金丝猴水牛黄牛耗牛黑白花牛马驴骡山羊绵羊猪狗猫虎豹到币赤孤猪俐紫貂46484848485242424244444860605864、6662636O5438、4052、7838383838363838动物名称染色体数目棕熊亚洲象大熊猫小熊猫海豹河狸长须鲸兔穴兔(野生种)鹿东北梅花鹿赤屡小家鼠小白鼠大家鼠大白鼠褐家鼠中国田鼠田鼠仓鼠豚鼠碳袋鼠刺猾鸡火鸡鸭野鸽家鸽白鹭蝮蛇眼睛蛇银环蛇竹叶青蛇烙铁头蛇五步蛇晰蝎大壁虎水龟鳖杨子鳄青蛙林蛙牛蛙无斑雨蛙蟾蛛爪蟾嵘螟…  相似文献   

培养一年后的芦苇愈伤组织中,仍以80%的八倍体细胞占绝对优势。染色体数目变异范围在105—26之间。而 EMS 处理的愈伤组织与末经处理的愈伤组织相比较,明显地具有比较高的染色体数目变异和倍性变异。  相似文献   

邹琦丽   《广西植物》1982,(4):195-196
本文对竹柏(Podocarpus nagi(Thb.)Zoll.et Moritz.ex Zoll.)的染色体组型进行了初步观察。观察结果:染色体数目2N=29;染色体长度变化在3.32—6.21微米之间;其相对长度的变动范围是5.29—9.90%;臂比表明有6对染色体具有中部着丝点,7对染色体具有近中部着丝点,其中有2个随体。  相似文献   

培养一年后的芦苇愈伤组织中,仍以80%的八倍体细胞占绝对优势。染色体数目变异范围在105—26之间。而EMS处理的愈伤组织与末经处理的愈伤组织相比较,明显地具有比较高的染色体数目变异和倍性变异。  相似文献   

独尾草属(Eremurus M. Bieb)全世界约有20多种,主要分布于中亚及西亚的山地和平原沙漠地区。我国产4种,其中独尾草(E. chinensis Fedtsch. )主要分布于四川、云南和西藏,在甘肃南部的岷县、舟曲、武都、文县也有分布。其染色体数目和核型迄今未见报道,本文对采  相似文献   

泡桐属植物染色体数目和形态的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了毛泡桐,白花泡桐和兰考泡桐的体细胞染色体数目均为2n=40。这与已报道的紫葳科大多数木本植物染色体数目是一致的,而与玄参科的大部分届不同。结合形态特征,认为将泡桐属归于紫葳科可能是更为合理的。并对白花泡桐和兰考泡桐的核型进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

邹琦丽  秦志祥   《广西植物》1994,14(1):37-38
朱顶红是石蒜科朱顶红属植物。我们对它进行了核型分析,结果表明,它是一个三倍体种,核型公式为:2n=3x=33=12m+9sm+12st。  相似文献   

崇明水仙根尖体细胞染色体的观察和核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以崇明水仙(Narcissus tazetta L.var.chinensis Roem.)根尖体细胞为实验材料,对适宜于崇明水仙细胞学研究的前处理液和前处理时间进行了筛选,在此基础上,应用根尖压片法对重瓣花型和单瓣花型崇明水仙体细胞染色体数、核型及倍性进行了比较分析.结果显示:适宜的前处理液是对二氯苯饱和溶液,适宜的前处理时间为12 h.重瓣花型和单瓣花型崇明水仙的染色体核型差异较小,相同点为:不对称二型核型,染色体基数x=10,三倍体,体细胞染色体数2n=3x=30,第7号染色体的短臂具随体,核型均属于"3B"型,臂比大于2的染色体比率为90%.不同点为:重瓣花型的第7号和第8号染色体分别为sm和st型,单瓣花型的第7号和第8号染色体分别为st和sm型;前者的核型不对称系数(76.48%)略小于后者(76.71%);前者的相对长度系数为12L+6M2+12S,后者的相对长度系数为12L+3M1+3M2+12S;前者的最长染色体与最短染色体长度的比值(3.10)略小于后者(3.19).重瓣花型的核型公式为2n=3x=30=15st+15sm(3SAT),单瓣花型的核型公式为2n=3x=30=15st(3SAT)+15sm,崇明水仙根尖体细胞染色体的平均核型公式为2n=3x=30=15st(3SAT)+15sm.根据研究结果初步推测崇明水仙为节段异源三倍体.  相似文献   

Vacuolaria virescens Cienk. has a chromosome number of 97±2.At metaphase these range in size between small dot-like chromosomes1 um in diameter to rod-shaped structures 12 µm long.Centromeres and less densely stained regions of chromosomesare recognizable.  相似文献   

将普通小麦“济南177”(Triticum oestivum cv.Jinan 177)原生质体(受体)和经紫外线照射的高冰草Agropyron elongatum)原生质体(供体)用PEG(聚乙二醇,polyethylene glycol)法诱导融合,获得外形偏向小麦的不对称体细胞杂种及后代。经过田间繁育,现已到F5代。对来源于同一个体细胞杂种克隆的不同株系(Ⅱ-2,8-l,Ⅱ-I-8)的F5代的根尖细胞染色体进行核型分析,并与其亲本比较,结果表明,杂种株系染色体的形态、数目在遗传上均趋于稳定。各杂种株系的染色体与亲本小麦“济南177”之间有多处显著的不同,杂种株系之间也存在差异,推测高冰草的染色体小片段可能进入了受体小麦的染色体中。  相似文献   

Stem types of Phragmites communis Trin.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HASLAM  SYLVIA M. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(1):127-131
The three usual stem types of Phragmites communis Trin. canbe arranged in a maturation sequence. The horizontal rhizomeis the juvenile type, responsible for renewing the stand; thevertical rhizome is intermediate and bears the aerial shoots;and the aerial shoot is the mature type, photosynthesizing,potentially flowering, and short lived, but not normally capableof renewing the population. The difference between horizontaland vertical rhizomes appears to be determined internally, andthat between vertical rhizomes and aerial shoots, by the environment.  相似文献   

Protochlorophyll in Root Tips   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The yield and pattern of chromosome structure aberrations in wheat seedlings treated with aluminum nitrate and aluminum sulfate at various concentrations have been determined by the anaphase method. Aluminum has a genotoxic effect causing genome, chromatid, and chromosome aberrations in apical root meristem cells. The relationship between the total yield of structural mutations and the aluminum concentration follows a bell-shaped curve. The mutagenic activity of aluminum nitrate peaks at 10–3mg/ml, which is twice as high as the permissible concentration limit (PCL) of aluminum in potable water. The maximum of the mutagenic activity of aluminum sulfate is observed at 5 × 10–4mg/ml, i.e., one PCL. Tap water boiled for 2 h in an aluminum vessel has virtually no genotoxic effect on wheat cells.  相似文献   

The development of shoots in Phragmites communis Trin.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HASLAM  SYLVIA M. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(4):695-709
In aerial shoots of Phragmites communis Trin., final height,and often growth-rate, depend on the width of the emergent budwhich determines the basal diameter of the mature stem. In theearly stages there is internal competition for food reservesand smaller shoots may be harmed. Growth is faster during the early phase of growth, and it isincreased in wider buds, warmer weather, and more humid habitats.Any of these factors may be of over-riding importance, e.g.a summer-emerged shoot grows faster than a spring one of equalwidth. Minor fluctuations in environment have more effect earlythan later. New nodes develop more rapidly late in the yearthan early.  相似文献   

芦苇变异植株是从EMS处理的愈伤组织再生的。植株是混倍体·染色体数目变异范围在100—33之间。在它们的分蘖植株中,存在类似的染色体数目变异。  相似文献   

Variation of Population Type in Phragmites communis Trin.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HASLAM  SYLVIA M. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(1):147-158
The four main categories of mature populations of Phragmitescommunis Trin. are the dense tall stand, the sub-optimal one,the depauperate sparse stand and the restricted sparse stand.The depauperate represents the first and the suboptimal thesecond stage in the development of a dense stand. Sub-optimalstands occur where one or more habitat factors are unfavourable;restricted ones where competition or shortage of nutrients,water, and so on, severely restrict the formation of lateralshoots; and depauperate ones are typical of grazed areas. An advancing margin in an unsatisfactory habitat is indistinguishablefrom a restricted stand, except for the orientation of proximalgrowth. At the other extreme, in an open, optimum habitat, theannual advance, commonly of 1–2 m, is of very dense shoots,showing various characters rare in established populations.There is no set ‘advancing behaviour’, merely theresponse of rhizomes to the conditions for bud stimulation ineach place, which may be less or more favourable than in thehinterland, depending on the habitat.  相似文献   

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