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Neural crest cells are pluripotent cells that emerge from the neural epithelium, migrate extensively, and differentiate into numerous derivatives, including neurons, glial cells, pigment cells and connective tissue. Major questions concerning their morphogenesis include: 1) what establishes the pathways of migration and 2) what controls the final destination and differentiation of various neural crest subpopulations. These questions will be addressed in this review. Neural crest cells from the trunk level have been explored most extensively. Studies show that melanoblasts are specified shortly after they depart from the neural tube, and this specification directs their migration into the dorsolateral pathway. We also consider other reports that present strong evidence for ventrally migrating neural crest cells being similarly fate restricted. Cranial neural crest cells have been less analyzed in this regard but the preponderance of evidence indicates that either the cranial neural crest cells are not fate-restricted, or are extremely plastic in their developmental capability and that specification does not control pathfinding. Thus, the guidance mechanisms that control cranial neural crest migration and their behavior vary significantly from the trunk. The vagal neural crest arises at the axial level between the cranial and trunk neural crest and represents a transitional cell population between the head and trunk neural crest. We summarize new data to support this claim. In particular, we show that: 1) the vagal-level neural crest cells exhibit modest developmental bias; 2) there are differences in the migratory behavior between the anterior and the posterior vagal neural crest cells reminiscent of the cranial and the trunk neural crest, respectively; 3) the vagal neural crest cells take the dorsolateral pathway to the pharyngeal arches and the heart, but the ventral pathway to the peripheral nervous system and the gut. However, these pathways are not rigidly specified because of prior fate restriction. Understanding the molecular, cellular and behavioral differences between these three populations of neural crest cells will be of enormous assistance when trying to understand the evolution of the neck.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells migrate along two pathways in the trunk: the ventral path, between the neural tube and somite, and the dorsolateral path, between the somite and overlying ectoderm. In avian embryos, ventral migration precedes dorsolateral migration by nearly 24 h, and the onset of dorsolateral migration coincides with the cessation of ventral migration. Neural crest cells in the ventral path differentiate predominantly as neurons and glial cells of the peripheral nervous system, whereas those in the dorsolateral path give rise to the melanocytes of the skin. Thus, early- and late-migrating neural crest cells exhibit unique morphogenetic behaviors and give rise to different subsets of neural crest derivatives. Here we present evidence that these differences reflect the appearance of specified melanocyte precursors, or melanoblasts, from late- but not early-migrating neural crest cells. We demonstrate that serum from Smyth line (SL) chickens specifically immunolabels melanocyte precursors, or melanoblasts. Using SL serum as a marker, we first detect melanoblasts immediately dorsal and lateral to the neural tube beginning at stage 18, which is prior to the onset of dorsolateral migration. At later stages every neural crest cell in the dorsolateral path is SL-positive, demonstrating that only melanoblasts migrate dorsolaterally. Thus, melanoblast specification precedes dorsolateral migration, and only melanoblasts migrate dorsolaterally at the thoracic level. Together with previous work (Erickson, C. A., and Goins, T. L.,Development121, 915–924, 1995), these data argue that specification as a melanoblast is a prerequisite for dorsolateral migration. This conclusion suggested that the delay in dorsolateral migration (relative to ventral migration) may reflect a delay in the emigration of melanogenic neural crest cells from the neural tube. Several experiments support this hypothesis. There are no melanoblasts in the ventral path, as revealed by the absence of SL-positive cells in the ventral path, and neural crest cells isolated from the ventral path do not give rise to melanocytes when explanted in culture, suggesting that early, ventrally migrating neural crest cells are limited in their ability to differentiate as melanocytes. Similarly, neural crest cells that emigrate from the neural tubein vitroduring the first 6 h fail to give rise to any melanocytes or SL-positive melanoblasts, whereas neural crest cells that emigrate at progressively later times show a dramatic increase in melanogenesis under identical culture conditions. Thus, the timing of dorsolateral migration at the thoracic level is ultimately controlled by the late emigration of melanogenic neural crest cells from the neural tube.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanisms that direct neural crest cells to the appropriate migratory pathways. Our aim was to determine how neural crest cells that are specified as neurons and glial cells only migrate ventrally and are prevented from migrating dorsolaterally into the skin, whereas neural crest cells specified as melanoblasts are directed into the dorsolateral pathway. Eph receptors and their ephrin ligands have been shown to be essential for migration of many cell types during embryonic development. Consequently, we asked if ephrin-B proteins participate in the guidance of melanoblasts along the dorsolateral pathway, and prevent early migratory neural crest cells from invading the dorsolateral pathway. Using Fc fusion proteins, we detected the expression of ephrin-B ligands in the dorsolateral pathway at the stage when neural crest cells are migrating ventrally. Furthermore, we show that ephrins block dorsolateral migration of early-migrating neural crest cells because when we disrupt the Eph-ephrin interactions by addition of soluble ephrin-B ligand to trunk explants, early neural crest cells migrate inappropriately into the dorsolateral pathway. Surprisingly, we discovered the ephrin-B ligands continue to be expressed along the dorsolateral pathway during melanoblast migration. RT-PCR analysis, in situ hybridisation, and cell surface-labelling of neural crest cell cultures demonstrate that melanoblasts express several EphB receptors. In adhesion assays, engagement of ephrin-B ligands to EphB receptors increases melanoblast attachment to fibronectin. Cell migration assays demonstrate that ephrin-B ligands stimulate the migration of melanoblasts. Furthermore, when Eph signalling is disrupted in vivo, melanoblasts are prevented from migrating dorsolaterally, suggesting ephrin-B ligands promote the dorsolateral migration of melanoblasts. Thus, transmembrane ephrins act as bifunctional guidance cues: they first repel early migratory neural crest cells from the dorsolateral path, and then later stimulate the migration of melanoblasts into this pathway. The mechanisms by which ephrins regulate repulsion or attraction in neural crest cells are unknown. One possibility is that the cellular response involves signalling to the actin cytoskeleton, potentially involving the activation of Cdc42/Rac family of GTPases. In support of this hypothesis, we show that adhesion of early migratory cells to an ephrin-B-derivatized substratum results in cell rounding and disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, whereas plating of melanoblasts on an ephrin-B substratum induces the formation of microspikes filled with F-actin.  相似文献   

The neural crest of vertebrate embryos has been used to elucidate steps involved in early embryonic cellular processes such as differentiation and migration. Neural crest cells form a ridge along the dorsal midline and subsequently they migrate throughout the embryo and differentiate into a wide variety of cell types. Intrinsic factors and environmental cues distributed along the neural tube, along the migratory pathways, and/or at the location of arrest influence the fate of neural crest cells. Although premigratory cells of the cranial and trunk neural crest exhibit differences in their differentiation potentials, premigratory trunk neural crest cells are generally assumed to have equivalent developmental potentials. Axolotl neural crest cells from different regions of origin, different stages of development, and challenged with different culture media have been analyzed for differentiation preferences pertaining to the pigment cell lineages. We report region-dependent differentiation of chromatophores from trunk neural crest at two developmental stages. Also, dosage with guanosine produces region-specific influences on the production of xanthophores from wild-type embryos. Our results support the hypothesis that spatial and temporal differences among premigratory trunk neural crest cells found along the anteroposterior axis influence developmental potentials and diminish the equivalency of axolotl neural crest cells.  相似文献   

Analysis of neural crest cell migration in the mouse has been difficult due to the lack of reliable cell markers. Recently, we found that injection of DiI into the chick neural tube marks premigratory neural crest cells whose endfeet are in contact with the lumen of the neural tube (Serbedzija et al. Development 106, 809-819 (1989)). In the present study, this technique was applied to study neural crest cell migratory pathways in the trunk of the mouse embryo. Embryos were removed from the mother between the 8th and the 10th days of development and DiI was injected into the lumen of the neural tube. The embryos were then cultured for 12 to 24 h, and analyzed at the level of the forelimb. We observed two predominant pathways of neural crest cell migration: (1) a ventral pathway through the rostral portion of the somite and (2) a dorsolateral pathway between the dermamyotome and the epidermis. Neural crest cells were observed along the dorsolateral pathway throughout the period of migration. The distribution of labelled cells along the ventral pathway suggested that there were two overlapping phases of migration. An early ventrolateral phase began before E9 and ended by E9.5; this pathway consisted of a stream of cells within the rostral sclerotome, adjacent to the dermamyotome, that extended ventrally to the region of the sympathetic ganglia and the dorsal aorta.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are migratory cells that delaminate from the neural tube early in development and then disseminate throughout the embryo to give rise to a wide variety of cell types that are key to the vertebrate body plan. During their journey from the neural tube to their peripheral targets, NCCs progressively differentiate, raising the question of when the fate of an individual NCC is sealed. One hypothesis suggests that the fate of a NCC is specified by target-derived signals emanating from the environment they migrate through, while another hypothesis proposes that NCCs are already specified to differentiate along select lineages at the time they are born in the neural tube, with environmental signals helping them to realize their prespecified fate potential. Alternatively, both mechanisms may cooperate to drive NCC diversity. This review highlights recent advances in our understanding of prespecification during trunk NCC development.Key words: neural crest cell, multipotent, prespecification, neuropilin, semaphorin, migration, cell fate  相似文献   

Neural crest cells migrate extensively and interact with numerous tissues and extracellular matrix components during their movement. Cell marking techniques have shown that neural crest cells in the trunk of the avian embryo migrate through the anterior, but not posterior, half of each sclerotome and avoid the region around the notochord. A possible mechanism to account for this migratory pattern is that neural crest cells may be inhibited from entering the posterior sclerotome and the perinotochordal space. Thus, interactions with other tissue may prescribe the pattern of neural crest cell migration in the trunk. In contrast, interactions between neural crest cells and the extracellular matrix may mediate the primary interactions controlling neural crest cells migration in the head region. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural crest precursors to the autonomic nervous system form different derivatives depending upon their axial level of origin; for example, vagal, but not trunk, neural crest cells form the enteric ganglia of the gut. Here, we show that Slit2 is expressed at the entrance of the gut, which is selectively invaded by vagal, but not trunk, neural crest. Accordingly, only trunk neural crest cells express Robo receptors. In vivo and in vitro experiments demonstrate that trunk, not vagal, crest cells avoid cells or cell membranes expressing Slit2, thereby contributing to the differential ability of neural crest populations to invade and innervate the gut. Conversely, exposure to soluble Slit2 significantly increases the distance traversed by trunk neural crest cells. These results suggest that Slit2 can act bifunctionally, both repulsing and stimulating the motility of trunk neural crest cells.  相似文献   

Neural crest progenitor cells are the main contributors to craniofacial cartilage and connective tissue of the vertebrate head. These progenitor cells also give rise to the pigment, neuronal and glial cell lineages. To study the molecular basis of neural crest differentiation, we have cloned the gene disrupted in the mont blanc (mob(m610)) mutation, which affects all neural crest derivatives. Using a positional candidate cloning approach we identified an A to G transition within the 3' splice site of the sixth intron of the tfap2a gene that abolishes the last exon encoding the crucial protein dimerization and DNA-binding domains. Neural crest induction and specification are not hindered in mob(m610) mutant embryos, as revealed by normal expression of early neural crest specific genes such as snail2, foxd3 and sox10. In addition, the initial stages of cranial neural crest migration appear undisturbed, while at a later phase the craniofacial primordia in pharyngeal arches two to seven fail to express their typical set of genes (sox9a, wnt5a, dlx2, hoxa2/b2). In mob(m610) mutant embryos, the cell number of neuronal and glial derivatives of neural crest is greatly reduced, suggesting that tfap2a is required for their normal development. By tracing the fate of neural crest progenitors in live mont blanc (mob(m610)) embryos, we found that at 24 hpf neural crest cells migrate normally in the first pharyngeal arch while the preotic and postotic neural crest cells begin migration but fail to descend to the pharyngeal region of the head. TUNEL assay and Acridine Orange staining revealed that in the absence of tfap2a a subset of neural crest cells are unable to undergo terminal differentiation and die by apoptosis. Furthermore, surviving neural crest cells in tfap2a/mob(m610) mutant embryos proliferate normally and later differentiate to individual derivatives. Our results indicate that tfap2a is essential to turn on the normal developmental program in arches 2-7 and in trunk neural crest. Thus, tfap2a does not appear to be involved in early specification and cell proliferation of neural crest, but it is a key regulator of an early differentiation phase and is required for cell survival in neural crest derived cell lineages.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are multipotential stem cells that contribute extensively to vertebrate development and give rise to various cell and tissue types. Determination of the fate of mammalian neural crest has been inhibited by the lack of appropriate markers. Here, we make use of a two-component genetic system for indelibly marking the progeny of the cranial neural crest during tooth and mandible development. In the first mouse line, Cre recombinase is expressed under the control of the Wnt1 promoter as a transgene. Significantly, Wnt1 transgene expression is limited to the migrating neural crest cells that are derived from the dorsal CNS. The second mouse line, the ROSA26 conditional reporter (R26R), serves as a substrate for the Cre-mediated recombination. Using this two-component genetic system, we have systematically followed the migration and differentiation of the cranial neural crest (CNC) cells from E9.5 to 6 weeks after birth. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that CNC cells contribute to the formation of condensed dental mesenchyme, dental papilla, odontoblasts, dentine matrix, pulp, cementum, periodontal ligaments, chondrocytes in Meckel's cartilage, mandible, the articulating disc of temporomandibular joint and branchial arch nerve ganglia. More importantly, there is a dynamic distribution of CNC- and non-CNC-derived cells during tooth and mandibular morphogenesis. These results are a first step towards a comprehensive understanding of neural crest cell migration and differentiation during mammalian craniofacial development. Furthermore, this transgenic model also provides a new tool for cell lineage analysis and genetic manipulation of neural-crest-derived components in normal and abnormal embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The precise migration of neural crest cells is apparently controlled by their environment. We have examined whether the embryonic tissue spaces in which crest cells normally migrate are sufficient to account for the pattern of crest cell distribution and whether other migratory cells could also distribute themselves along these pathways. To this end, we grafted a variety of cell types into the initial crest cell migratory pathway in chicken embryos. These cell types included (a) undifferentiated neural crest cells isolated from cultured neural tubes, intact crest from cranial neural folds, and crest derivatives (pigment cells and spinal ganglia); (b) normal embryonic fibroblastic cells from somite, limb bud, lateral plate, and heart ventricle; and (c) a transformed fibroblastic cell line (Sarcoma 180). Crest cells or their derivatives grafted into the crest migratory pathway all distributed normally, although in contrast to the result when neural tubes were graftedin situ, fewer cells were observed in the epithelium and few or none were localized in the nascent spinal ganglia. Grafted quail somite cells contributed to normal somitic structures and did not migrate extensively in the chicken host. Other fibroblasts did not migrate along cranial or trunk crest pathways, or invade adjacent tissues, but remained intact at the graft site. Sarcoma 180 cells, however, distributed themselves along the normal trunk crest pathway. Cranial and trunk crest cells and crest derivatives grafted ectopically in the limb bud or somite also dispersed, and were found along the ventral migratory pathway. Fibroblastic cells grafted into ectopic sites again remained intact and did not invade host tissue. We conclude (1) that neural crest cells and their derivatives are highly motile and invasive in their normal pathway, as well as in unfamiliar embryonic environments; and (2) that the crest pathway does not act solely to direct neural crest cells, since at least one transformed cell can follow the crest migratory route.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a multipotent population of migratory cells that arises in the central nervous system and subsequently migrates along defined stereotypic pathways. In the present work, we analyzed the role of a repulsive axon guidance protein, draxin, in the migration of neural crest cells. Draxin is expressed in the roof plate of the chick trunk spinal cord and around the early migration pathway of neural crest cells. Draxin modulates chick neural crest cell migration in vitro by reducing the polarization of these cells. When exposed to draxin, the velocity of migrating neural crest cells was reduced, and the cells changed direction so frequently that the net migration distance was also reduced. Overexpression of draxin also caused some early migrating neural crest cells to change direction to the dorsolateral pathway in the chick trunk region, presumably due to draxin’s inhibitory activity. These results demonstrate that draxin, an axon guidance protein, can also affect trunk neural crest migration in the chick embryo.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are remarkable in their extensive and stereotypic patterns of migration. The pathways of neural crest migration have been documented by cell marking techniques, including interspecific neural tube grafts, immunocytochemistry and Dil-labelling. In the trunk, neural crest cells migrate dorsally under the skin or ventrally through the somites, where they move in a segmental fashion through the rostral half of each sclerotome. The segmental migration of neural crest cells appears to be prescribed by the somites, perhaps by an inhibitory cue from the caudal half. Within the rostral sclerotome, neural crest cells fill the available space except for a region around the notochord, suggesting the notochord may inhibit neural crest cells in its vicinity. In the cranial region, antibody perturbation experiments suggest that multiple cell-matrix interactions are required for proper in vivo migration of neural crest cells. Neural crest cells utilize integrin receptors to bind to a number of extracellular matrix molecules. Substrate selective inhibition of neural crest cell attachment in vitro by integrin antibodies and antisense oligonucleotides has demonstrated that they possess at least three integrins, one being an α1β1 integrin which functions in the absence of divalent cations. Thus, neural crest cells utilize complex sets of interactions which may differ at different axial levels.  相似文献   

In avians and mice, trunk neural crest migration is restricted to the anterior half of each somite. Sclerotome has been shown to play an essential role in this restriction; the potential role of other somite components in specifying neural crest migration is currently unclear. By contrast, in zebrafish trunk neural crest, migration on the medial pathway is restricted to the middle of the medial surface of each somite. Sclerotome comprises only a minor part of zebrafish somites, and the pattern of neural crest migration is established before crest cells contact sclerotome cells, suggesting other somite components regulate the pattern of zebrafish neural crest migration. Here, we use mutants to investigate which components regulate the pattern of zebrafish trunk neural crest migration on the medial pathway. The pattern of trunk neural crest migration is aberrant in spadetail mutants that have very reduced somitic mesoderm, in no tail mutants injected with spadetail morpholino antisense oligonucleotides that entirely lack somitic mesoderm and in somite segmentation mutants that have normal somite components but disrupted segment borders. Fast muscle cells appear dispensable for patterning trunk neural crest migration. However, migration is abnormal in Hedgehog signaling mutants that lack slow muscle cells, providing evidence that slow muscle cells regulate the pattern of trunk neural crest migration. Consistent with this idea, surgical removal of adaxial cells, which are slow muscle precursors, results in abnormal patterning of neural crest migration; normal patterning can be restored by replacing the ablated adaxial cells with ones transplanted from wild-type embryos.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are multipotent progenitors, capable of producing diverse cell types upon differentiation. Recent studies have identified significant heterogeneity in both the fates produced and genes expressed by different premigratory crest cells. While these cells may be specified toward particular fates prior to migration, transplant studies show that some may still be capable of respecification at this time. Here we summarize evidence that extracellular signals in the local environment may act to specify premigratory crest and thus generate diversity in the population. Three main classes of signals-Wnts, BMP2/BMP4 and TGFbeta1,2,3-have been shown to directly influence the production of particular neural crest cell fates, and all are expressed near the premigratory crest. This system may therefore provide a good model for integration of multiple signaling pathways during embryonic cell fate specification.  相似文献   

In the beginning     
Neural crest cells (NCCs) are migratory cells that delaminate from the neural tube early in development and then disseminate throughout the embryo to give rise to a wide variety of cell types that are key to the vertebrate body plan. During their journey from the neural tube to their peripheral targets, NCCs progressively differentiate, raising the question when the fate of an individual NCC is sealed. One hypothesis suggests that the fate of a NCC is specified by target-derived signals emanating from the environment they migrate through, while another hypothesis proposes that NCCs are already specified to differentiate along select lineages at the time they are born in the neural tube, with environmental signals helping them to realize their prespecified fate potential. Alternatively, both mechanisms may cooperate to drive NCC diversity. This review highlights recent advances in our understanding of prespecification during trunk NCC development.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells, the migratory precursors of numerous cell types including the vertebrate peripheral nervous system, arise in the dorsal neural tube and follow prescribed routes into the embryonic periphery. While the timing and location of neural crest migratory pathways has been well documented in the trunk, a comprehensive collection of signals that guides neural crest migration along these paths has only recently been established. In this review, we outline the molecular cascade of events during trunk neural crest development. After describing the sequential routes taken by trunk neural crest cells, we consider the guidance cues that pattern these neural crest trajectories. We pay particular attention to segmental neural crest development and the steps and signals that generate a metameric peripheral nervous system, attempting to reconcile conflicting observations in chick and mouse. Finally, we compare cranial and trunk neural crest development in order to highlight common themes.  相似文献   

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