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Gap junction channels communicate the cytoplasms of two cells and are formed by head to head association of two hemichannels, one from each of the cells. Gap junction channels and hemichannels are permeable to ions and hydrophilic molecules of up to Mr 1,000, including second messengers and metabolites. Intercellular Ca2+ signaling can occur by movement of a number of second messengers, including Ca2+, through gap junction channels, or by a paracrine pathway that involves activation of purinergic receptors in neighboring cells following ATP release through hemichannels. Understanding Ca2+ permeation through Cx26 hemichannels is important to assess the role of gap junction channels and hemichannels in health and disease. In this context, it is possible that increased Ca2+ influx through hemichannels under ischemic conditions contributes to cell damage. Previous studies suggest Ca2+ permeation through hemichannels, based on indirect arguments. Here, we demonstrate for the first time hemichannel permeability to Ca2+ by measuring Ca2+ transport through purified Cx26 hemichannels reconstituted in liposomes. We trapped the low affinity Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent probe Fluo-5N into the liposomes and followed the increases in intraliposomal [Ca2+] in response to an imposed [Ca2+] gradient. We show that Ca2+ does move through Cx26 hemichannels and that the permeability of the hemichannels to Ca2+ is high, similar to that for Na+. We suggest that hemichannels can be a significant pathway for Ca2+ influx into cells under conditions such as ischemia.  相似文献   

Cutaneous ATP release plays an important role in both epidermal stratification and chronic pain, but little is known about ATP release mechanisms in keratinocytes that comprise the epidermis. In this study, we analyzed ATP release from cultured human neonatal keratinocytes briefly exposed to air, a process previously demonstrated to trigger ATP release from these cells. We show that exposing keratinocytes to air by removing media for 15 seconds causes a robust, long-lasting ATP release. This air-stimulated ATP release was increased in calcium differentiated cultures which showed a corresponding increase in connexin 43 mRNA, a major component of keratinocyte hemichannels. The known connexin hemichannel inhibitors 1-octanol and carbenoxolone both significantly reduced air-stimulated ATP release, as did two drugs traditionally used as ABC transporter inhibitors (glibenclamide and verapamil). These same 4 inhibitors also prevented an increase in the uptake of a connexin permeable dye induced by air exposure, confirming that connexin hemichannels are open during air-stimulated ATP release. In contrast, activity of the MDR1 ABC transporter was reduced by air exposure and the drugs that inhibited air-stimulated ATP release had differential effects on this transporter. These results indicate that air exposure elicits non-vesicular release of ATP from keratinocytes through connexin hemichannels and that drugs used to target connexin hemichannels and ABC transporters may cross-inhibit. Connexins represent a novel, peripheral target for the treatment of chronic pain and dermatological disease.  相似文献   

1. Hemichannels formed by connexin26 (Cx26) on the horizontal cell dendrites that invaginate cone terminals in the vertebrate retina have been implicated in the feedback mechanism by which horizontal cells regulate transmitter release from cone photoreceptors. However, their membrane properties had not been studied previously, and it was unclear whether they could subserve their purported function at the membrane potentials over which horizontal cells operate. 2. We used the two-electrode voltage clamp technique to record the membrane currents and pharmacological properties of Cx26 hemichannels formed in the Xenopus oocyte expression system. 3. Oocytes expressing Cx26 exhibited large membrane conductances over a broad range of hyperpolarizing and depolarizing membrane potentials, and displayed little evidence of voltage-dependent gating, indicating that the hemichannels are constitutively open. The Cx26-mediated nonjunctional currents were relatively insensitive to quinine, a cinchona alkaloid that opens hemichannels formed by several other connexins. However, the hemichannel currents were blocked by carbenoxolone, a rise in extracellular calcium, or lowering intracellular pH. The currents could also be suppressed by reducing extracellular pH, and by the chloride channel blocker NPPB through its direct interaction with Cx26 hemichannels. 4. These findings provide a basis with which to evaluate the in situ pharmacological studies that attempt to assess the putative role of Cx26 hemichannels in the feedback pathway in the distal retina.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of molecular discrimination by connexin channels are of acute biological and medical importance. The availability of affinity or open-pore blocking reagents for reliable and specific study of the connexin permeability pathway, would make possible the rigorous cellular and physiological studies required to inform, in molecular terms, the underlying role of intercellular communication pathways in development and disease. Previous work utilized a series of glucosaccharides labeled with an uncharged fluorescent aminopyridine (PA-) group to establish steric constraints to permeability through connexin hemichannels. In that work, the smallest probe permeable through homomeric Cx26 and heteromeric Cx26–Cx32 channels was the PA-disaccharide, and the smallest probe permeable through homomeric Cx32 channels was the PA-trisaccharide. The larger impermeable probes did not block permeation of the smaller probes. Building on this work, a new set of glucosaccharide probes was developed in which the label was one of a homologous series of novel anthranilic acid derivatives (ABG) that carry negative or positive formal charge or remain neutral at physiological pH. When the PA-label of the smallest impermeant PA-derivatized oligosaccharides was replaced by ABG label, the resulting probes acted as reversible, high-affinity inhibitors of large molecule permeation through connexin pores in a size and connexin-specific manner.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of molecular discrimination by connexin channels are of acute biological and medical importance. The availability of affinity or open-pore blocking reagents for reliable and specific study of the connexin permeability pathway, would make possible the rigorous cellular and physiological studies required to inform, in molecular terms, the underlying role of intercellular communication pathways in development and disease. Previous work utilized a series of glucosaccharides labeled with an uncharged fluorescent aminopyridine (PA-) group to establish steric constraints to permeability through connexin hemichannels. In that work, the smallest probe permeable through homomeric Cx26 and heteromeric Cx26-Cx32 channels was the PA-disaccharide, and the smallest probe permeable through homomeric Cx32 channels was the PA-trisaccharide. The larger impermeable probes did not block permeation of the smaller probes. Building on this work, a new set of glucosaccharide probes was developed in which the label was one of a homologous series of novel anthranilic acid derivatives (ABG) that carry negative or positive formal charge or remain neutral at physiological pH. When the PA-label of the smallest impermeant PA-derivatized oligosaccharides was replaced by ABG label, the resulting probes acted as reversible, high-affinity inhibitors of large molecule permeation through connexin pores in a size and connexin-specific manner.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of the mechanisms regulating cell-to-cell communication in the lens necessitates information about the distribution and density of Cx46 and Cx50 in their native cellular environment. These isoforms constitute the extensive pathway between the lens surface and the interior, helping to maintain its striking optical properties. To identify Cx50 channels and hemichannels in the plasma membrane and to differentiate between them, immuno-freeze-fracture-labeling (FRIL) with immuno-gold particles in used. In equatorial lens fibers, the Cx50-gold complexes label gap junctions at high densities and non-junctional plasma membranes at lower densities. Small depressions in the non-junctional plasma membrane labeled by the gold-complexes most likely represent points of hemichannel insertion. Measurement of the width of the extra-cellular space separating adjacent plasma membranes indicates that the gold complexes in the gap junctions represent Cx50 channels and those in the non-junctional plasma membrane, Cx50 hemichannels. Estimates of their densities indicate that the channels are at least one order of magnitude more numerous than the hemichannels. Therefore, in lens fibers, Cx50 hemichannels are inserted via exocytosis and are rapidly assembled into channels assembled in gap junction plaques.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of the mechanisms regulating cell-to-cell communication in the lens necessitates information about the distribution and density of Cx46 and Cx50 in their native cellular environment. These isoforms constitute the extensive pathway between the lens surface and the interior, helping to maintain its striking optical properties. To identify Cx50 channels and hemichannels in the plasma membrane and to differentiate between them, immuno-freeze-fracture-labeling (FRIL) with immuno-gold particles in used. In equatorial lens fibers, the Cx50-gold complexes label gap junctions at high densities and non-junctional plasma membranes at lower densities. Small depressions in the non-junctional plasma membrane labeled by the gold-complexes most likely represent points of hemichannel insertion. Measurement of the width of the extra-cellular space separating adjacent plasma membranes indicates that the gold complexes in the gap junctions represent Cx50 channels and those in the non-junctional plasma membrane, Cx50 hemichannels. Estimates of their densities indicate that the channels are at least one order of magnitude more numerous than the hemichannels. Therefore, in lens fibers, Cx50 hemichannels are inserted via exocytosis and are rapidly assembled into channels assembled in gap junction plaques.  相似文献   

Astrocytes in the mammalian central nervous system are interconnected by gap junctions made from connexins of the subtypes Cx30 and Cx43. These proteins may exist as hemichannels in the plasma membrane in the absence of a ‘docked’ counterpart on the neighboring cell. A variety of stimuli are reported to open the hemichannels and thereby create a permeation pathway through the plasma membrane. Cx30 and Cx43 have, in their hemichannel configuration, been proposed to act as ion channels and membrane pathways for different molecules, such as fluorescent dyes, ATP, prostaglandins, and glutamate. Published studies about astrocyte hemichannel behavior, however, have been highly variable and/or contradictory. The field of connexin hemichannel research has been complicated by great variability in the experimental preparations employed, a lack of highly specific pharmacological inhibitors and by confounding changes associated with genetically modified animal models. This review attempts to critically assess the gating, inhibition and permeability of astrocytic connexin hemichannels and proposes that connexins in their hemichannel configuration act as gated pores with isoform-specific permeant selectivity. We expect that some, or all, of the controversies discussed here will be resolved by future research and sincerely hope that this review serves to motivate such clarifying investigations.  相似文献   

Human HeLa cells transfected with mouse connexin Cx45 were used to examine the conductive and kinetic properties of Cx45 hemichannels. The experiments were carried out on single cells using a voltage-clamp method. Lowering the [Ca2+]o revealed an extra current. Its sensitivity to extracellular Ca2+ and gap junction channel blockers (18α-glycyrrhetinic acid, palmitoleic acid, heptanol), and its absence in non-transfected HeLa cells suggested that it is carried by Cx45 hemichannels. The conductive and kinetic properties of this current, I hc, were determined adopting a biphasic pulse protocol. I hc activated at positive V m and deactivated partially at negative V m. The analysis of the instantaneous I hc yielded a linear function g hc,inst = f(V m) with a hint of a negative slope (g hc,inst: instantaneous conductance). The analysis of the steady-state I hc revealed a sigmoidal function g hc,ss = f(V m) best described with the Boltzmann equation: V m,0 = −1.08 mV, g hc,min = 0.08 (g hc,ss: steady-state conductance; V m, 0:V m at which g hc,ss is half-maximally activated; g hc,min: minimal conductance; major charge carriers: K+ and Cl). The g hc was minimal at negative V m and maximal at positive V m. This suggests that Cx45 connexons integrated in gap junction channels are gating with negative voltage. I hc deactivated exponentially with time, giving rise to single time constants, τd. The function τd = f(V m) was exponential and increased with positive V md = 7.6 s at V m = 0 mV). The activation of I hc followed the sum of two exponentials giving rise to the time constants, τa1 and τa2. The function τa1 = f(V m) and τa2 = f(V m) were bell-shaped and yielded a maximum of ≅ 0.6 s at V m ≅ −20 mV and ≅ 4.9 s at V m ≅ 15 mV, respectively. Neither τa1 = f(V m) nor τa2 = f(V m) coincided with τd = f(V m). These findings conflict with the notion that activation and deactivation follow a simple reversible reaction scheme governed by first-order voltage-dependent processes.  相似文献   

Hemichannels (HCs) are hexamers of connexins that can form gap-junction channels at points of cell contacts or “free HCs” at non-contacting regions. HCs are involved in paracrine and autocrine cell signaling, and under pathological conditions may induce and/or accelerate cell death. Therefore, studies of HC regulation are of great significance. Nitric oxide affects the activity of Cx43 and Cx46 HCs, whereas carbon monoxide (CO), another gaseous transmitter, modulates the activity of several ion channels, but its effect on HCs has not been explored. We studied the effect of CO donors (CORMs) on Cx46 HCs expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes using two-electrode voltage clamp and on Cx43 and Cx46 expressed in HeLa cells using a dye-uptake technique. CORM-2 inhibited Cx46 HC currents in a concentration-dependent manner. The C-terminal domain and intracellular Cys were not necessary for the inhibition. The effect of CORM-2 was not prevented by guanylyl-cyclase, protein kinase G, or thioredoxin inhibitors, and was not due to endocytosis of HCs. However, the effect of CORM-2 was reversed by reducing agents that act extracellularly. Additionally, CO inhibited dye uptake of HeLa cells expressing Cx43 or Cx46, and MCF-7 cells, which endogenously express Cx43 and Cx46. Because CORM-2 carbonylates Cx46 in vitro and induces conformational changes, a direct effect of that CO on Cx46 is possible. The inhibition of HCs could help to understand some of the biological actions of CO in physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Connexin (Cx) 43 hemichannels in osteocytes are thought to play a critical role in releasing bone modulators in response to mechanical loading, a process important for bone formation and remodeling. However, the underlying mechanism that regulates the opening of mechanosensitive hemichannels is largely unknown. We have recently shown that Cx43 and integrin α5 interact directly with each other, and activation of PI3K appears to be required for Cx43 hemichannel opening by mechanical stimulation. Here, we show that mechanical loading through fluid flow shear stress (FFSS) increased the level of active AKT, a downstream effector of PI3K, which is correlated with the opening of hemichannels. Both Cx43 and integrin α5 are directly phosphorylated by AKT. Inhibition of AKT activation significantly reduced FFSS-induced opening of hemichannels and disrupted the interaction between Cx43 and integrin α5. Moreover, AKT phosphorylation on Cx43 and integrin α5 enhanced their interaction. In contrast to the C terminus of wild-type Cx43, overexpression of the C-terminal mutant containing S373A, a consensus site previously shown to be phosphorylated by AKT, failed to bind with α5 and hence could not inhibit hemichannel opening. Together, our results suggest that AKT activated by FFSS directly phosphorylates Cx43 and integrin α5, and Ser-373 of Cx43 plays a predominant role in mediating the interaction between these two proteins and Cx43 hemichannel opening, a crucial step to mediate the anabolic function of mechanical loading in the bone.  相似文献   

Connexin26 is a ubiquitous gap junction protein that serves critical homeostatic functions. Four single-site mutations found in the transmembrane helices (M1-M4) cause different types of dysfunctional channels: 1), Cx26T135A in M3 produces a closed channel; 2), Cx26M34A in M1 severely decreases channel activity; 3), Cx26P87L in M2 has been implicated in defective channel gating; and 4), Cx26V84L in M2, a nonsyndromic deafness mutant, retains normal dye coupling and electrophysiological properties but is deficient in IP3 transfer. These mutations do not affect Cx26 trafficking in mammalian cells, and make normal-appearing channels in baculovirus-infected Sf9 membranes when imaged by negative stain electron microscopy. Upon dodecylmaltoside solubilization of the membrane fraction, Cx26M34A and Cx26V84L are stable as hexamers or dodecamers, but Cx26T135A and Cx26P87L oligomers are not. This instability is also found in Cx26T135A and Cx26P87L hemichannels isolated from mammalian cells. In this work, coexpression of both wild-type Cx26 and Cx26P87L in Sf9 cells rescued P87L hexamer stability. Similarly, in paired Xenopus oocytes, coexpression with wild-type restored function. In contrast, the stability of Cx26T135A hemichannels could not be rescued by coexpression with WT. Thus, T135 and P87 residues are in positions that are important for oligomer stability and can affect gap junction gating.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of connexin 43 (Cx43) and its hemichannel (HC1) in the death of astrocytes following ischemia/reperfusion (IR) or oxygen–glucose deprivation/reoxygenation (OGDR) insult. Wistar rats had their bilateral common carotid artery clamped for 1.5 h followed by 0, 4, and 24 h of reperfusion (n = 8 for each time point), respectively. All rats were sacrificed and Cx43, HC1, and caspase 3 (Casp3) in cerebral ischemic tissues were examined by immunohistochemistry and western blotting. Astrocytes cell line, astrocytes transduced with a retroviral empty vector (Psup astrocyte), or a Cx43-specific shRNA construct (shRNA astrocytes) were treated with OGDR insult for various periods. The viability of astrocytes was assessed by MTT assay. The expression of Cx43, HC1, and Casp3 was detected with western blotting. The results showed that the expression of Cx43, HC1, and Casp3 in rats’ brain, astrocytes, and Psup astrocytes was significantly increased after 4 h of IR/OGDR and recovered on 24 h of the insult. Cell viability decreased after 4 h of the insult whereas the cell viability increased on 24 h after the insult. In contrast, the expression of Cx43, HC1, Casp3, and cell viability had no statistical differences in the null Cx43 gene—shRNA transfected astrocytes after the treatment of OGDR. The results suggest that Cx43 and HC1 are likely to play the pivotal roles in the mediation of the astrocytic death.  相似文献   

Currently, human interferon (IF) assays are generally performed by plaque reduction or visual cytopathic effect methods. Both are time-consuming, subjective in interpretation, and, in the case of the latter, relatively insensitive. An adaption of the dye uptake method for human IF titration which uses foreskin-derived fibroblasts and vesicular stomatitis virus is described. This assay is reproducible and sensitive (1 unit = 3 international units). By direct comparison, however, it is somewhat less sensitive than the plaque reduction assay (1 unit = 1.1 international units). This assay is especially recommended for use in needed clinical investigations of human IF because of its technical simplicity, allowing efficient handling of large numbers of specimens.  相似文献   

A colorimetric method is presented for the quantitative determination of dye uptake by bacterial cells. Experiments showed that the dye to cell ratio was of major importance in controlling the amount of dye taken up per weight of bacterial cells. Approximate dye saturation of cells could be obtained (at pH 6.1 to 6.3) although the dye uptake curves did not absolutely level off.  相似文献   

Unapposed connexin hemichannels exhibit robust closure in response to membrane hyperpolarization and extracellular calcium. This form of gating, termed “loop gating,” is largely responsible for regulating hemichannel opening, thereby preventing cell damage through excessive flux of ions and metabolites. The molecular components and structural rearrangements underlying loop gating remain unknown. Here, using cysteine mutagenesis in Cx50, we demonstrate that residues at the TM1/E1 border undergo movement during loop gating. Replacement of Phe43 in Cx50 with a cysteine resulted in small or no appreciable membrane currents. Bath application of dithiothreitol or TPEN (N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl) ethylenediamine), reagents that exhibit strong transition metal chelating activity, led to robust currents indicating that the F43C substitution impaired hemichannel function, producing “lock-up” in a closed or poorly functional state due to formation of metal bridges. In support, Cd2+ at submicromolar concentrations (50–100 nm) enhanced lock-up of F43C hemichannels. Moreover, lock-up occurred under conditions that favored closure, indicating that the sulfhydryl groups come close enough to each other or to other residues to coordinate metal ions with high affinity. In addition to F43C, metal binding was also found for G46C, and to a lesser extent, D51C substitutions, positions found to be pore-lining in the open state using the substituted-cysteine accessibility method, but not for A40C and A41C substitutions, which were not found to reside in the open pore. These results indicate that metal ions access the cysteine side chains through the open pore and that closure of the loop gate involves movement of the TM1/E1 region that results in local narrowing of the large aqueous connexin pore.Connexins are a large family of homologous integral membrane proteins that form gap junction (intercellular) channels that provide a direct communication pathway between neighboring cells. Gap junctions are formed by the docking of two hemichannels, which themselves can function in an undocked or unapposed configuration as ion channels that signal across the plasma membrane. Each hemichannel is composed of a hexamer of connexin subunits. The accepted membrane topology of a connexin subunit has four transmembrane domains (TM1–TM4)3 and two extracellular loops (E1 and E2) with amino and carboxyl termini located intracellularly (reviewed in Ref. 1).Connexin cell-cell channels and hemichannels are voltage dependent and two distinct voltage-sensitive gating mechanisms appear to be built into each hemichannel (2). One gating mechanism proposed to be located at the cytoplasmic end of the hemichannel is termed Vj gating, a name derived from studies of gap junction (cell-cell) channels describing sensitivity to transjunctional voltage, Vj, the voltage difference between coupled cells. The other gating mechanism is putatively ascribed to the extracellular end of the hemichannel and has been provisionally termed loop gating, because of the resemblance of gating transitions to those associated with initial opening of newly formed cell-cell channels (3, 4), a process that conceivably involves the extracellular loop domains.Loop gating is a robust gating mechanism that together with extracellular divalent cations, principally Ca2+, is largely responsible for keeping unapposed hemichannels closed at resting membrane potentials (5). Reports have suggested that extracellular divalent cations act as gating particles that enter and block the pore upon hyperpolarization (6, 7). An alternative model was recently proposed whereby extracellular divalent cations act as modulators of loop gating, an intrinsically voltage-sensitive mechanism, by stabilizing the closed conformation and shifting activation such that opening occurs at more positive potentials (8).Although loop gating plausibly involves conformational changes associated with the extracellular loops, molecular components underlying loop gating as well as the location of the putative gate remain unknown. A recent study using chick homologues to the mammalian connexins, Cx46 and Cx50, reported that two charged residues were important determinants of the different gating characteristics exhibited by these two connexin hemichannels (9). The implicated residues are at position 9 located in the NH2-terminal domain and position 43 in the E1 domain. In Cx46 hemichannels, Glu43 and other flanking residues at the TM1/E1 border (Ala39, Gly46, and Asp51) were shown to reside in the aqueous pore in the open state (10). Because it is likely that domains involved in permeation and gating of connexin channels are closely linked (reviewed in Ref. 11), we examined whether these residues are involved in structural rearrangements associated with loop gating. In this study, we engineered cysteines at residues in the TM1/E1 border in Cx50 hemichannels and used the ability of sulfhydryl groups to form disulfide bonds and/or to complex with heavy metal ions to report conformational changes that occur during gating.  相似文献   

Osteocytes embedded in the matrix of bone are mechanosensory cells that translate strain into signals and regulate bone remodeling. Our previous studies using osteocyte-like MLO-Y4 cells have shown that fluid flow shear stress (FFSS) increases connexin (Cx) 43 protein expression, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release, and intercellular coupling, and PGE2 is an essential mediator between FFSS and gap junctions. However, the role of Cx43 in the release of PGE2 in response to FFSS is unknown. Here, the FFSS-loaded MLO-Y4 cells with no or few intercellular channels released significantly more PGE2 per cell than those cells at higher densities. Antisense Cx43 oligonucleotides and 18 β-glycyrrhetinic acid, a specific gap junction and hemichannel blocker, significantly reduced PGE2 release by FFSS at all cell densities tested, especially cells at the lowest density without gap junctions. FFSS, fluid flow-conditioned medium, and PGE2 increased the activity of dye uptake. Moreover, FFSS induced Cx43 to migrate to the surface of the cell; this surface expressed Cx43 developed resistance to Triton-X-100 solublization. Our results suggest that hemichannels formed by Cx43, instead of intercellular channels, are likely to play a predominant role in the release of intracellular PGE2 in response to FFSS.  相似文献   

Mice that harbor a targeted homozygous defect in the gene coding for the gap junctional protein connexin26 died in utero during the transient phase from early to midgestation. From day 10 post coitum onwards, development of homozygous embryos was retarded, which led to death around day 11 post coitum. Except for growth retardation, no gross morphological alterations were detected between homozygous connexin26-defective embryos and wild-type littermates.  相似文献   

The time courses of the uptake of various inorganic ions fromthe flow medium were compared with the rhythmical potassiumuptake in Lemna gibba G3. The duckweeds in the flow medium absorbed20–40% of magnesium, 30–50% of phosphate, 40–80%potassium and 50–90% of nitrate, the percentage varyingrhythmically, but they constantly absorbed about 20% of calcium.The total anion uptake was 1.5 times greater than the totalcation uptake. The duckweeds absorbed cesium or rubidium aswell as they did potassium. They also absorbed sodium if potassiumwas absent from the medium. Lithium was not absorbed even inthe absence of potassium. Potassium leaked from the duckweed into the potassium-free flowmedium, and the rate of leakage changed diurnally under continuouslight, with maximum leakage occurring at the same circadiantime as when the potassium uptake rhythm in the normal flowmedium drops to the minimum point. The pattern of potassiumleakage in dim light was influenced by the species of monovalentcation in the medium. In darkness, however, the leakage rhythmran for 36 hr irrespective of cation species. (Received December 28, 1981; Accepted May 19, 1982)  相似文献   

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