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Concanavalin A coupled to the naturally occurring iron storage protein ferritin is used to label rat erythrocytes and increase the cells' magnetic susceptibility. Labeled cells are introduced into a chamber containing spherical iron particles and the chamber is placed in a uniform 5.2 kG (gauss) magnetic field. The trajectory of cells in the inhomogeneous magnetic field around the iron particles and the polar distributions of cells bound to the iron particles compare well with the theoretical predictions for high gradient magnetic systems. On the basis of these findings we suggest that ferritin conjugated ligands can be used for selective magnetic separation of labeled cells.  相似文献   

Ferritin as a source of iron for oxidative damage.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The generation of deleterious activated oxygen species capable of damaging DNA, lipids, and proteins requires a catalyst such as iron. Once released, ferritin iron is capable of catalyzing these reactions. Thus, agents that promote iron release may lead to increased oxidative damage. The superoxide anion formed enzymatically, radiolytically, via metal-catalyzed oxidations, or by redox cycling xenobiotics reductively mobilizes ferritin iron and promotes oxidative damage. In addition, a growing list of compounds capable of undergoing single electron oxidation/reduction reactions exemplified by paraquat, adriamycin, and alloxan have been reported to release iron from ferritin. Because the rapid removal of iron from ferritin requires reduction of the iron core, it is not surprising that the reduction potential of a compound is a primary factor that determines whether a compound will mobilize ferritin iron. The reduction potential does not, however, predict the rate of iron release. Therefore, ferritin-dependent oxidative damage may be involved in the pathogenesis of diseases where increased superoxide formation occurs and the toxicity of chemicals that increase superoxide production or have an adequate reduction potential to mobilize ferritin iron.  相似文献   

Proteolysis during fermentation may have a severe impact on the yield and quality of a secreted product. In the current study, we demonstrate the use of high-gradient magnetic fishing (HGMF) as an efficient alternative to the more conventional methods of preventing proteolytic degradation. Bacitracin-linked magnetic affinity adsorbents were employed directly in a fermenter during Bacillus licheniformis cultivation to remove trace amounts of unwanted proteases. The constructed magnetic adsorbents had excellent, highly specific binding characteristics in the fermentation broth (K(d) = 1.94 micromolar; Q(max) = 222.8 mg/g), which obeyed the Langmuir isotherm and had rapid binding kinetics (equilibrium in <300 s). When applied directly in shake-flask cultures or in a 1-L fermenter and then removed by HGMF, the degradation of the model protein bovine serum albumin was stopped. The adsorbents could be recycled and reused during the same fermentation to remove freshly produced proteases, extending the life of the model protein in the fermenter. HGMF may provide an efficient method of stabilizing heterologous proteins produced in cultivation processes.  相似文献   

This work presents the development, testing, and application in high-gradient magnetic fishing of superparamagnetic supports for adsorption of lectins. Various approaches were examined to produce affinity, mixed mode, and hydrophobic charge induction type adsorbents. In clean monocomponent systems affinity supports created by direct attachment of glucose or maltose to amine-terminated iron oxide particles could bind concanavalin A at levels of up to approximately 280 mg g(-1) support with high affinity ( approximately 1 microM dissociation constants). However, the best performance was delivered by adsorbents featuring coupled tentacular dextran chains displaying a maximum binding capacity of 238 mg g(-1) and a dissociation constant of 0.13 microM. Adsorbents derivatized with mixed mode or hydrophobic charge induction ligands likewise demonstrated very high capacities for both concanavalin A and Lens culinaris agglutinin (> or = 250 mg g(-1)) with dissociation constants in the micromolar range, though neither of these systems showed any selectivity for lectins in leguminous extracts. When the affinity supports were applied to carbohydrate containing legume extracts only the dextran-linked adsorbents supplied sufficient competition to dissolved sugars to selectively bind concanavalin A in an extract of jack beans. The dextran-linked supports were employed in a high-gradient magnetic fishing experiment, in which concanavalin A was purified to near homogeneity from a crude, unclarified extract of jack beans.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel method for isolating specific endocytic vesicles using magnetic ligands and high-gradient magnetic separation. Ligands were prepared by coating extremely fine ferrite particles (10-20 nm) with bovine serum albumin and then conjugating asialoglycopeptides. These ligands were introduced into rat liver by perfusion at 16 or 37 degrees C, or by injection through the tail vein. The ligand particles were observed as electron-dense small grains in membrane-bound vesicles in Kupffer as well as parenchymal cells by electron microscopy. Livers were taken out, homogenized and lightly centrifuged. The supernatant was pumped into a separator glass tube filled with very fine ferritic stainless steel fibers and placed in a magnetic field of 0.9-2 T. Vesicles containing ferrite particles were collected with a high efficiency (ca. 70% of endocytosed magnetic ligands). About 70% of uptake appeared to be mediated by the asialoglycoprotein receptors. The captured vesicles were practically free from marker enzymes for plasma membranes, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus. Lysosomal enzyme activity of the vesicles increased with the time of perfusion at 37 degrees C but not at 16 degrees C. Protein composition of the captured vesicles was analyzed by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The composition changed characteristically with time on perfusion at 16 and 37 degrees C. The present method provides a powerful tool to collect prelysosomal endocytic vesicles containing specific ligands and lysosomes fused with these specific endocytic vesicles.  相似文献   

The marine polyp Obelia longissima produces a protein, obelin, which emits light in a calcium-dependent manner. This photoprotein consists of a stable complex of its apoprotein, a chromophore, and oxygen. In the presence of calcium ions, the protein undergoes a change in conformation that allows it to catalyze the oxidation of the chromophore, coelenterazine, to coelenteramide with the release of light and CO2. Photoproteins are attractive as labels in analytical applications because the bioluminescent signal that they produce is the result of a chemical reaction and, therefore, has virtually no background. Thus, bioluminescence allows for extremely sensitive detection. In that regard, the feasibility of using obelin as a label has been explored with the development of a competitive immunoassay for the determination of a small peptide analyte. To attach the obelin label in a controlled manner to the octapeptide, a fusion protein was produced using recombinant DNA techniques. The protein consisted of the C-terminus of the peptide fused to the N-terminus of obelin. The octapeptide-obelin fusion protein retained the bioluminescence properties of the native protein, and was subsequently used to generate dose-response curves for the free octapeptide.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c-oxidase, used as a model membrane-bound enzyme, was embedded in phospholipid bilayer membranes, attached to nanometer-sized Fe(3)O(4) colloids (so-called magnetoliposomes). In comparison with the lipid-depleted free enzyme, both the activity and the enzymatic stability of the complexes, stored at 4 degrees C, were considerably enhanced. These beneficial properties of magnetoproteoliposomes have been successfully exploited in a magnetically controlled fixed-bed bioreactor, operating in a continuous flow regime. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Non-specific staining was encountered using digoxigenin-labelled cDNA probes forin situ hybridization on sections of skeletal tissues. This staining was most pronounced in cartilaginous matrices. Experimental procedures indicate that the background staining is caused by antibody-binding to hydrophobic sites in the tissues revealed by proteolytic permeabilization. A protocol for minimizing this background is described.  相似文献   

It has been shown that nitroprusside ions incorporated into bilayer liposomes may be used as a label to form an opinion as to the liposome intactness in the blood and distribution in animal organ tissues in vivo.  相似文献   

1. 8-Azido-adenosine 5'-triphosphate (n83ATP) is a suitable photoaffinity label for F1 ATPase from Micrococcus luteus. The nucleotide is a substrate in the presence of bivalent cations and inhibits the enzyme irreversibly upon irradiation with ultraviolet light above 300 nm. 2. More than 80% of the label is covalently bound to the beta subunits in the presence of bivalent cations. Labeling and inactivation is decreased by protection with ADP, ATP or adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate. To a much smaller degree the alpha subunits also become labeled. 3. n83AMP does not specifically bind to the beta subunits upon irradiation. Like n83ATP and n83ADP, it also labels the alpha subunits to a small extent. 4. The F1 ATPase is inactivated after a single beta subunit per F1 complex has become labeled. A cooperativity of the beta subunits carrying nucleotide binding sites is suggested.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II is a biologically active component of the renin-angiotensin system. High levels of angiotensin II may be responsible for hypertension and heart failure because they increase systemic vascular resistance, arterial pressure, and sodium and fluid retention. Therefore, it is important to monitor angiotensin II levels for the treatment of hypertension and heart diseases. The goal of this work was to develop a bioluminescence immunoassay using aequorin as a label to measure angiotensin II levels in human plasma. This method utilizes a genetically engineered fusion protein between angiotensin II and aequorin. For that, the C terminus of angiotensin II was fused to the N terminus of apoaequorin using molecular biology techniques. A heterogeneous immunoassay was then developed for the determination of angiotensin II. A detection limit of 1 pg/mL was obtained with the optimized assay, allowing for the determination of angiotensin II at physiological levels in human plasma.  相似文献   

The analysis of hormones in saliva is a powerful tool in the assessment of a patient's endocrine function, since it allows multiple noninvasive samplings. Since salivary levels of most hormones are 10 to 50 times lower than plasma levels, accurate and highly sensitive assays are needed for saliva measurements. Herein, we describe the development of a solid-phase competitive immunoassay for cortisol in saliva, in which a mutant of the photoprotein aequorin has been used as a label. We have chemically conjugated cortisol to aequorin at different molar ratios. The various cortisol-aequorin conjugates were characterized in terms of bioluminescent activity and affinity for the anti-cortisol antibody. The conjugate that gave the best analytical performance was used for the development of the immunoassay and the analysis of cortisol in saliva samples. The conjugates were stable for at least 6 months when stored at 4 degrees C. The method fulfilled all the standard requirements of precision and accuracy. The optimized immunoassay gave a detection limit of 300 fmol/tube, corresponding to 3 nmol/L, with a linear dynamic range of 10-1000 nmol/L. Therefore, cortisol can be detected down to 0.1 ng in 100 microl of saliva sample using this assay, without any sample pretreatment. This detection limit is almost one order of magnitude lower than the physiological levels of salivary cortisol, which are reported to be 10-25 nmol/L. This allows the quantification of salivary cortisol to be performed in the linear range of the calibration curve, which is most reliable for quantification purposes.  相似文献   

Localization of proteins in cells or complexes using electron microscopy has mainly relied upon the use of heavy metal clusters, which can be difficult to direct to sites of interest. For this reason, we would like to develop a clonable tag analogous to the clonable fluorescent tags common to light microscopy. Instead of fluorescing, such a tag would initiate formation of a heavy metal cluster. To test the feasibility of such a tag, we exploited the metal-binding protein, metallothionein (MT). We created a chimeric protein by fusing one or two copies of the MT gene to the gene for maltose binding protein. These chimeric proteins bound many gold atoms, with a conservative value of 16 gold atoms per copy of metallothionein. Visualization of gold-labeled fusion proteins by scanning electron microscopy required one copy of metallothionein while transmission electron microscopy required two copies. Images of frozen-hydrated samples of simple complexes made with anti-MBP antibodies hint at the usefulness of this method.  相似文献   

A systematic approach for the design of a bioproduct recovery process employing magnetic supports and the technique of high-gradient magnetic fishing (HGMF) is described. The approach is illustrated for the separation of superoxide dismutase (SOD), an antioxidant protein present in low concentrations (ca. 0.15-0.6 mg L(-1)) in whey. The first part of the process design consisted of ligand screening in which metal chelate supports charged with copper(II) ions were found to be the most suitable. The second stage involved systematic and sequential optimization of conditions for the following steps: product adsorption, support washing, and product elution. Next, the capacity of a novel high-gradient magnetic separator (designed for biotechnological applications) for trapping and holding magnetic supports was determined. Finally, all of the above elements were assembled to deliver a HGMF process for the isolation of SOD from crude sweet whey, which consisted of (i) binding SOD using Cu2+ -charged magnetic metal chelator particles in a batch reactor with whey; (ii) recovery of the "SOD-loaded" supports by high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS); (iii) washing out loosely bound and entrained proteins and solids; (iv) elution of the target protein; and (v) recovery of the eluted supports from the HGMF rig. Efficient recovery of SOD was demonstrated at approximately 50-fold increased scale (cf magnetic rack studies) in three separate HGMF experiments, and in the best of these (run 3) an SOD yield of >85% and purification factor of approximately 21 were obtained.  相似文献   

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