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Shunting of erythropoiesis in mice following the injection of zymosan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G J Fruhman 《Life sciences》1966,5(17):1549-1556

Chromogranin A (CgA) is an acidic protein identified within a large variety of endocrine cells. Colocalized with catecholamines in chromaffin cells, CgA is a prohormone precursor of small biologically active peptides. Vasostatin (CgA 1-76) is the most conserved fragment of CgA and chromogranin A 47-66 peptide (CgA 47-66) possesses potent antimicrobial activities. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that CgA 47-66 may be involved in mechanisms modulating nociception. Thus, we used acetic acid (AA) which produces a delayed inflammatory response and episodes of abdominal writhing, a marker of pain, when injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) to rats. Administration (i.p.) of CgA 47-66 induced specific opposite dose-dependent effects depending on concentration. That is, CgA 47-66 below 0.5 mg/kg produced antinociceptive effects, whereas at 2 mg/kg it produced a marked pronociceptive effect. The latter effect was blocked by diltiazem and indomethacin. CgA 47-66-induced antinociceptive effects on AA-induced responses were reversed when the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) antagonist alpha-helical CRF 9-41 was i.p. injected to animals prior to AA and CgA 47-66 administration. The administration of i.p. calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) or substance P (SP) evoked dose-dependent abdominal writhing; this effect was abolished when CgA 47-66 was injected. The present data suggest, for the first time, that a fragment of CgA, CgA 47-66, possesses potent antinociceptive effects at low doses. Although the mechanism triggered by this peptide is unknown, CRF receptors are likely to be involved.  相似文献   

The mouse bioassay for diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins had been used as the official method in Japan and also used in the world. In this study, hypothermia, one of the symptoms observed in mice after inoculation with DSP toxins, were characterized. Lethal and sublethal doses of okadaic acid (OA), a representative component of DSP toxins, were inoculated intraperitoneally into mice. Body-temperature changes over time were measured by an electronic thermometer or monitored by an infrared camera. Drastic hypothermia (<30°C in some mice) was observed in a few hours after administration of a lethal dose of OA. Dose-dependency was clearly seen between doses of OA inoculated and body-temperature decrease. Drastic hypothermia was also detected by using an infrared camera. These results suggest that hypothermia could be used as an index for the humane endpoint in experimental animal toxicological studies.  相似文献   

With a view to use mice as an experimental model for studying immune response to bovine rotavirus (BRV), the kinetics of humoral and cellular immune responses to BRV in mice were evaluated by immunizing through intraperitoneal and oral route with UK strain of BRV. Following immunization with BRV, anti-rotavirus antibodies was developed in mice. The mean log antibody titres as measured by ELISA in mice immunized by intraperitoneal route were significantly higher than those immunized by oral route. Significant cellular immune response was observed in BRV-immunized mice on stimulation with BRV antigen, as measured by lymphocyte proliferation assay. The thymidine uptake by splenic and mesenteric lymph-node cells of intraperitoneally immunized mice on stimulation with BRV was 21328 +/- 1225 and 739 +/- 55 CPM, respectively. The splenic cells showed significantly higher stimulation (stimulation index 12.98) as compared to those of mesenteric cells (stimulation index 1.57). Foot pad inoculation test showed maximum virus-specific delayed type hypersensitivity reaction at 24 hr post-challenge following primary immunization and at 18 hr post-challenge following secondary immunization. The results indicate that BRV immunization by intraperitoneal route generates more efficient immune response in mice than by oral route and this route may be used for immune response studies involving BRV infection.  相似文献   

The nociceptive effects of i.p administration of a synthetic peptide (CgA4-16) derived from chromogranin A (CgA) were studied on a model of inflammatory (somato-visceral) pain. Inflammatory mediators participate in controlling the activity of enterochromaffin cells that store and release chromogranins. Adult male Wistar rats were injected i.p with diluted acetic acid (AA) to induce abdominal writhes. Pharmacological agents were injected prior to CgA4-16 and/or AA together. While i.p CgA4-16 alone did not produce any effect, the peptide increased the number of abdominal constrictions induced by i.p AA administration in a dose-related manner. To determine the possible mechanisms involved in CgA4-16 produced pronociceptive effect, i.p diltiazem or indomethacin were tested. The pronociceptive effect induced by CgA4-16 was blocked by pretreatment of either substance. I.p administration of CGRP, substance P (SP) or capsaicin evoked dose-related abdominal writhing. CgA4-16, 20 min prior to CGRP or capsaicin, potentiated the nociceptive effects induced by CGRP or capsaicin, but not those induced by SP. Taken together, these data suggest for the first time that a CgA-derived peptide may modulate inflammatory pain.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effects of single intraperitoneal injections of zymosan A on changes in the content of ascorbic acid (ASC) in the brain, liver, spleen and kidneys of mature male mice, line Swiss. The experiments were carried out on 54 mice divided into 3 control groups and 6 experimental groups. Samples for analysis were collected after 3 h (experimental group I), 6 h (experimental group II) and 24 h (experimental group III) after the injection of zymosan A at the dose of 1 mg/kg body weight (b.w.). For groups IV, V and VI, the organs were removed at the same time as for the previous groups, but the animals were administered zymosan A at the dose of 100 mg/kg b.w. The content of ASC was then determined. The results showed that zymosan A significantly reduced the content of ASC in the brain of the mice in all the experimental groups, in the spleen in all the experimental groups except of group I (after 3 h since injection of zymosan A at 1 mg/kg b.w.), in the liver only in experimental groups IV, V and VI (after the injection of zymosan A at 100 mg/kg b.w.), while in the kidneys the effects were observed for groups III, V and VI. The data suggest that the observed decrease in the content of ASC is caused by the oxidative activity of zymosan A.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal injection of zymosan in mice induced rapid extravasation and accumulation of plasma protein in the peritoneal cavity. Neutrophils began to appear in the peritoneal cavity after a lag period of approximately 3 hours. The injected mice exhibited a pain response (writhing) during the first 30 minutes after injection, but writhing ceased before protein or cell accumulation had reached maximum levels. The injection of zymosan induced synthesis of PGE2 (measured by RIA) which reached maximum levels at 30 minutes, then declined slowly. Peptido-leukotriene levels (detected by bioassay, RIA and HPLC) increased rapidly after injection, reached a peak within an hour of injection and declined to undetectable levels within 4 hours. The early peptido-LT was predominantly LTC4, while later, LTE4 was the major component. LTD4 levels remained low throughout and no LTB4 was detected at any time. Indomethacin treatment elevated levels of peptido-LTs, reduced PGE2 levels and inhibited writhing. Phenidone reduced peptido-LT levels. In vitro studies demonstrated that zymosan stimulates LTC4 synthesis by peritoneal cells whereas LTE4, LTD4, LTB4 or monoHETES were not detectable (using HPLC methods). The source of enzymes responsible for the in vivo metabolism of LTC4 to LTD4 and LTE4 could not be identified.  相似文献   

We prepared 2-hydroxypalmitoyl-sphinganine (dihydroceramide) labeled with a stable isotope by culturing acetic acid bacteria with 13C-labeled acetic acid. The GC/MS spectrum of the trimethylsilyl derivative of 13C-labeled dihydroceramide gave molecular ions with an increased mass of 12–17 Da over that of nonlabeled dihydroceramide. The fragment ions derived from both sphinganine base and 2-hydroxypalmitate were confirmed to be labeled with the stable isotope in the spectrum. Therefore, 13C-labeled dihydroceramide can be an extremely useful tool for analyzing sphingolipid metabolism. The purified [13C]dihydroceramide was administered orally to mice for 12 days, and the total sphingoid base fractions in various tissues were analyzed by GC/MS. The spectrum patterns specific to 13C-labeled sphingoids were detected in the tissues tested. Sphinganine pools in skin epidermis, liver, skeletal muscle, and synapse membrane in brain were replaced by [13C]sphinganine at about 4.5, 4.0, 1.0, and 0.3%, respectively. Moreover, about 1.0% of the sphingosine pool in the liver was replaced by [13C]sphingosine, implying that exogenous dihydroceramide can be converted to sphingosine. These results clearly indicate that ingested dihydroceramide can be incorporated into various tissues, including brain, and metabolized to other sphingolipids.  相似文献   

Guanosine has long been known as an endogenous purine nucleoside deeply involved in the modulation of several intracellular processes, especially G-protein activity. More recently, it has been reported to act as an extracellular signaling molecule released from neurons and, more markedly, from astrocytes either in basal conditions or after different kinds of stimulation including hypoxia. Moreover, in vivo studies have shown that guanosine plays an important role as both a neuroprotective and neurotrophic agent in the central nervous system. Specific high-affinity binding sites for this nucleoside have been found on membrane preparations from rat brain. The present study was undertaken to investigate the distribution and metabolic profiles of guanosine after administering the nucleoside to gain a better understanding of the biological effects of this potential drug candidate. Rats were given an intraperitonal (i.p.) injection of 2, 4, 8 or 16 mg/kg of guanosine combined with 0.05% of [3H]guanosine. Plasma samples were collected 7.5, 15, 30, 60 and 90 min after the guanosine-mixture administration and analyzed by either a liquid scintillation counter or by HPLC connected to a UV and to an on-line radiochemical detector to measure the levels of guanosine and its metabolic products guanine, xanthine and uric acid. The levels of guanosine, guanine and xanthine were also measured in brain, lung, heart, kidney and liver tissue homogenates at the defined time points after the injection of 8 mg/kg of the guanosine-mixture. We found that the levels of radioactivity in plasma increased linearly in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Guanosine was widely distributed in all tissues examined in the present study, at almost twice its usual levels. In addition, guanine levels dramatically increased in all the organs. Interestingly, enzymatic analysis of the plasma samples showed the presence of a soluble purine nucleoside phosphorylase, a key enzyme in the purine salvage pathway and nucleoside catabolism. Since guanosine has been shown to be neuroprotective and astrocytes have been reported to play critical roles in mediating neuronal survival and functions in different neurodegenerative disorders, we also performed uptake and release.  相似文献   

Summary Production of acetic acid from ethanol byAcetobacter aceti attached to a variety of support materials has been examined in fixed-film packed bed fermenters. Overall batch acid productivities with triangular ceramic particles and nylon mesh were respectively 56% and 30% greater than that for woodshavings, with comparable high acid yields. The highest batch acid productivity attained was 0.75 g/l h with the ceramic support. Continuous operation with the same material resulted in an acid productivity of 4.0 to 4.5 g/l h at a yield of 80%. This was increased to 10.7 g/l h by feeding oxygen-enriched air to the fermenter.Stability of theAcetobacter populations, judged by reproducibility in batch operation and attainment, reproducibility and maintenance of steady operating conditions in continuous operation, was very high.  相似文献   

Experiments with mouse embryos were designed to assess the feasibility of freezing embryos after DNA microinjection. One-cell pronuclear stage mouse embryos were microinjected with cloned deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and cultured in vitro to the late eight-cell stage. Microinjected and matched control embryos were frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. Following thawing, embryos were cultured for 8 h and transferred to recipient females. In a separate set of experiments, embryos were transferred to recipients immediately following DNA microinjection. Control (uninjected) embryos developed to the late eight-cell stage significantly better than surviving microinjected embryos. Of the embryos thawed, 76% of the microinjected and 60% of the control embryos survived to be transferred to recipients. Progeny were obtained with similar survival rates from both groups following embryo transfer with transgenic mice identified among the progeny from microinjected embryos. Mouse embryos can be microinjected with DNA, cultured in vitro, frozen, thawed, transferred to recipients and transgenic progeny can be obtained.  相似文献   

Prostacyclin (PGI2) is metabolized to 6-keto-prostaglandin E1 (6-keto-PGE1) which is more stable yet equipotent to PGI2 in lowering systemic arterial blood pressure in the dog. In this study, partial hepatectomy was performed to determine the role of the liver in the vasodepressor response to both intravenously administered PGI2 and 6-keto-PGE1. The magnitude and the duration of systemic hypotensive responses were measured in hepatectomized and sham-operated male Wistar rats following less than maximal, equidepressor doses of PGI2 (0.3 microgram/kg), 6-keto-PGE1 (1.0 microgram/kg), and also PGE1 (3.0 micrograms/kg) and PGE2 (3.0 micrograms/kg). Hepatectomy did not significantly alter the magnitude of the systemic hypotensive response to any of the prostaglandins tested. This indicates that the liver and hepatic circulation do not contribute significantly to the hypotensive effect of these prostaglandins by alterations of systemic vascular resistance, venous pooling of blood, or the generation of additional vasoactive metabolites as may be expected following administration of these prostaglandins. However, hepatectomy did significantly increase the duration of the hypotensive response to PGI2 and 6-keto-PGE1 but not PGE1 or PGE2. We conclude that in vivo, the liver has a more significant role in PGI2 and 6-keto-PGE1 inactivation than in the inactivation of PGE1 and PGE2 when administered intravenously. These results also support the relatively greater significance of the lung in the inactivation of PGE1 and PGE2 in vivo.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal injection of zymosan in mice induced rapid extravasation and accumulation of plasma proteins in the peritoneal cavity. Neutrophils began to appear in the peritoneal cavity after a lag period of approximately 3 hours. The injected mice exhibited a pain response (writhing) during the first 30 minutes after injection, but writhing ceased before protein or cell accumulation had reached maximum levels. The injection of zymosan induced synthesis of PGE2 (measured by RIA) which reached maximum levels of 30 minutes, then declined slowly. Peptido-leukotriene levels (detected by bioassay, RIA and HPLC) increased rapidly after injection, reached a peak within an hour of injection and declined to undetectable levels within 4 hours. The early peptido-LT was predominantly LTC4, while later, LTE4 was the major component. LTD4 levels remained low throughout and no LTB4 was detected at any time. Indomethacin treatment elevated levels of peptido-LTs, recued PGE2 levels and inhibited writhing. Phenidone reduced peptido-LT levels. Invitro studies demonstrated that zymosan stimulates LTC4 synthesis by peritoneal cells whereas LTE4, LTD4, LTB4 or monoHETES were not detectable (using HPLC methods). The source of enzymes responsible for the invivo metabolism of LTC4 to LTD4 and LTE4 could not be identified.  相似文献   

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