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The strong inhibitory effect of intraluminally perfused serum on the isotonic absorption by the rat kidney proximal tubule is abolished when serum is preincubated with inulin, zymosan, cobra venom factor, hydrazine or isolated kidney brushborder membrane. Rabbit serum genetically deficient in C6 does not have an inhibitory effect but is fully reconstituted by the addition of purified rabbit C6. Treatment of serum with anti-C6 serum also abolishes its inhibitory effect. These and previously reported data are best interpreted to indicate that complement-mediated cell lysis is the mechanism for the serum-induced inhibition of isotonic absorption.  相似文献   

Isotonic reabsorption by the rat kidney proximal tubule was drastically inhibited after less than 2 min intraluminal perfusion with fresh sera from rat (both homologous and autologous), cat, rabbit and human, but not with sera from mouse and guinea pig. The inhibitory factor in serum in a heat (56° C for 30 min) and storage (4°C for 2–5 days) labile macromolecule (mol. wt 50 000) and requires Ca2+ for its effect. The cellular electrical potential difference of the proximal tubular cells was irreversively destroyed and intraluminally perfused trypan blue dye incorporated into the tubular cells after the intraluminal perfusion with serum for 2 min. These observations suggest that lysis of the proximal tubular cells is the mechanism for serum-induced inhibition of proximal tubular isotonic reabsorption.  相似文献   

The present study was initiated with the hope of clarifying the role of negative charges in the luminal brush border membrane in the overall process of trans-epithelial isotonic sodium and water absorption. Using micropuncture techniques, cationic polyamino acids such as polylysine (mol wt 100,000, 17,000 and 1,500-5,000, 1 mg/ml), tetralysine, polyornithine (mol wt 100,000, 1mg/ml), polyethyleneimine (2 mg/ml), polymyxin B (2 mg/ml), protamine sulfate (25 mg/ml) and histone (0.5 mg/ml) were perfused through the segments of rat kidney proximal tubule for 30 sec to 2 min. The rate of isotonic fluid absorption was measured before and after each perfusion with the Gertz's split drop method using Ringer's solution as a shrinking drop. Polylysine 100,000 and 17,000 and polyornithine were the most potent, inhibiting isotonic reabsorption by 93%. The sequence of inhibitory effect was: polylysine 100,000 congruent to polyornithine 100,000 congruent to polylysine 17,000 greater than polyethyleneimine greater than polylysine 1,500-5,000 congruent to polymyxin B greater than protamine sulfate congruent to histone. In contrast, tetralysine (2 mg/ml) showed no inhibitory effect. Electrical potential difference (p.d.) of the proximal tubular cells was destroyed within 10 sec of luminal perfusion with polylysine 100,000 (1 mg/ml). Simultaneously with the drop in p.d., electrical resistance of the luminal brush border membrane was nearly totally eliminated, whereas transepithelial input resistance remained unaltered. Furthermore, trypan blue dye was taken up by polylysine 100,000-perfused tubular cells but not by normal cells. Expanding drop analysis (mannitol solution as a split drop) was performed as a screening test to examine if the permeability for water and sodium in the lateral paracellular pathway is altered by polylysine 100,000. No significant difference was observed in the velocity of split drop expansion between untreated and polylysine-perfused tubules. A lower concentration of polylysine 100,000 (0.1 mg/ml) showed a much less inhibitory effect on fluid absorption and on cell p.d. These observations indicate that the strong inhibition on proximal tubular fluid absorption exerted by polylysine and perhaps also by other cationic polyamino acids is due not to modification of membrane negative charges but to the lysis of tubular cells by these polycations.  相似文献   

In previous papers we showed that Ang II increases the proximal tubule Na+-ATPase activity through AT1/PKC pathway [L.B. Rangel, C. Caruso-Neves, L.S. Lara, A.G. Lopes, Angiotensin II stimulates renal proximal tubule Na+-ATPase activity through the activation of protein kinase C. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1564 (2002) 310-316, L.B.A. Rangel, A.G. Lopes, L.S. Lara, C. Caruso-Neves, Angiotensin II stimulates renal proximal tubule Na+)-ATPase activity through the activation of protein kinase C. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1564 (2002) 310-316]. In the present paper, we study the involvement of PI-PLCbeta on the stimulatory effect of angiotensin II (Ang II) on the proximal tubule Na+-ATPase activity. Western blotting assays, using a polyclonal antibody for PI-PLCbeta, show a single band of about 150 KDa, which correspond to PI-PLCbeta isoforms. Ang II induces a rapid decrease in PIP2 levels, a PI-PLCbeta substrate, being the maximal effect observed after 30 s incubation. This effect of Ang II is completely abolished by 5 x 10(-8) M U73122, a specific inhibitor of PI-PLCbeta. In this way, the effect of 10(-8) M Ang II on the proximal tubule basolateral membrane (BLM) Na+-ATPase activity is completely abolished by 5 x 10(-8) M U73122. The increase in diacylglycerol (DAG) concentration, an product of PI-PLCbeta, from 0.1 to 10 nM raises the Na+-ATPase activity from 6.1+/-0.2 to 13.1+/-1.8 nmol Pi mg(-1) min(-1). This effect is similar and non-additive to that observed with Ang II. Furthermore, the stimulatory effect of 10 nM DAG is completely reversed by 10(-8) M calphostin C (Calph C), an inhibitor of PKC. Taken together these data indicate that Ang II stimulates the Na+-ATPase activity of proximal tubule BLM through a PI-PLCbeta/PKC pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Morphological examination of kidney biopsies from patients with glomerulonephritis and hematuria has revealed the presence of erythrocytes within epithelial cells of the proximal tubule. This observation suggested that the proximal tubule might be capable of phagocytizing morphologically intact erythrocytes. To examine this possibility small quantities of heparinized autologous blood were injected into surface convolutions of proximal tubules of the rat kidney using standard micropuncture techniques. At time intervals ranging from 10 min to 120 h after injection, the kidneys were preserved for light and transmission electron microscopy by drip-fixation with a half-strength Karnovsky's glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde fixative.During the initial 6 h there was a flattening of the brush border and accumulation of electron-dense material representing hemoglobin in apical vacuoles and in lysosome-like structures. From 6 to 15 h after micropuncture, there was progressive loss of the brush border and the simultaneous formation of pseudopodia-like evaginations that extended from the apical plasma membrane and surrounded the individual erythrocytes. By 18 and 24 h, erythrocytes were observed in the proximal tubule cells. At later time intervals, edema, lymphocytic infiltration, and fibrosis were observed in the interstitium. In addition, crystalline structures were present in the lumen and the cells of both proximal and distal tubules. These findings suggest that in addition to their well-established ability to pinocytize hemoglobin and other proteins, the cells of the proximal tubule are capable of phagocytizing morphologically intact autologous erythrocytes. It is possible that phagocytosis by the proximal tubule cells may play a role in the disposal of erythrocytes from the tubular fluid in hematuric conditions.  相似文献   

Several studies in rat kidney have established that an appreciable fraction of proximal absorption is passive in nature and occurs across the highly conductive paracellular pathway. Passive absorption is generally ascribed to the transepithelial Cl- distribution, luminal Cl- activity (alpha lCl) being higher than plasma Cl- activity (alpha pCl). The inequality alpha lCl greater than alpha pCl generates a transepithelial diffusion potential, lumen positive, which taken together with the chemical potential differences of Cl- and Na+ across the epithelium gives rise to transepithelial electrochemical potential differences for Cl- and Na+ favoring their absorption. The alpha lCl greater than alpha pCl distribution is traditionally ascribed to preferential bicarbonate absorption. We argue that HCO3- absorption alone cannot generate a non equilibrium transepithelial Cl- distribution. Other mechanisms are necessary. Our measurements in amphibian proximal tubule demonstrate that the intracellular Cl- activity, alpha cCl, is higher than the theoretical value predicted for equilibrium. This distribution is the result of two basolateral coupled transport processes (Cl-/HCO3- exchange and Cl-/Na+ cotransport). It contributes to the exit of Cl- from cell to lumen (by passive diffusion and K+/Cl- cotransport), yielding alpha lCl values higher than the theoretical value for equilibrium with regard to plasma. Thus, a small transcellular flux of Cl- (without solvent) proceeds from interstitium to lumen. It compensates the dissipative tendency of a much higher paracellular Cl- absorptive flux (in association with water) on the transepithelial Cl- gradient. The result is a steady-state luminal Cl- distribution above equilibrium, along the major part of the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

Fluid absorption from the proximal jejunum of the anaesthetised rat was measured in vivo by fluid recovery. As expected, heat stable (STa) enterotoxin from E. coli reduced fluid absorption. Neither intraperitoneal L-NAME, thought to inhibit a putative neurally mediated action of STa, nor similar doses of D-NAME, ameliorated the inhibitory effect on jejunal fluid absorption of STa. Luminally perfused 10 mM sodium nitroprusside (SNP) had no effect on fluid absorption when expressed per gram dry weight per hour but reduced fluid absorption when expressed per cm length per hour. Similarly, 80 but not 40 mg/Kg of L-NAME reduced fluid absorption when expressed per cm length per hour, while the same dose of D-NAME did not. L-NAME and SNP significantly increased the wet weight to dry weight and the length to dry weight ratio of perfused loops. We conjecture that smooth muscle relaxation caused by these compounds increases interstitial fluid volumes that can be misconstrued as changes in absorption when this is expressed per cm length or per tissue wet weight. When fluid absorption is expressed per gram dry weight of tissue, there is no evidence for a role of nitric oxide in normal or STa inhibited fluid absorption.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma tumor cells are susceptible to IL15-induced or antibody-mediated cytolytic activity of NK cells in short-term cytotoxicity assays. When encountering the tumor environment in vivo, NK cells may be in contact with tumor cells for a prolonged time period. We explored whether a prolonged interaction with sarcoma cells can modulate the activation and cytotoxic activity of NK cells. The 40 h coculture of NK cells with sarcoma cells reversibly interfered with the IL15-induced expression of NKG2D, DNAM-1 and NKp30 and inhibited the cytolytic activity of NK cells. The inhibitory effects on receptor expression required physical contact between NK cells and sarcoma cells and were independent of TGF-β. Five days pre-incubation of NK cells with IL15 prevented the down-regulation of NKG2D and cytolytic activity in subsequent cocultures with sarcoma cells. NK cell FcγRIIIa/CD16 receptor expression and antibody-mediated cytotoxicity were not affected after the coculture. Inhibition of NK cell cytotoxicity was directly linked to the down-regulation of the respective NK cell-activating receptors. Our data demonstrate that the inhibitory effects of sarcoma cells on the cytolytic activity of NK cells do not affect the antibody-dependent cytotoxicity and can be prevented by pre-activation of NK cells with IL15. Thus, the combination of cytokine-activated NK cells and monoclonal antibody therapy may be required to improve tumor targeting and NK cell functionality in the tumor environment.  相似文献   

The effect of foreign anions on transepithelial potential difference and transepithelial input conductance was studied in the isolated perfused Necturus kidney. Two microelectrodes (recording and current-injecting) were inserted into the lumen of single proximal tubules and the peritubular perfusate was shifted reversibly for 30-60 sec from a physiologic Ringer's solution to a test solution in which chloride was replaced isosmotically by a foreign anion. The permeability sequence, obtained by potential measurements, was: lactate less than glutamate less than gluconate less than pyruvate less than benzene sulfonate less than or equal to acetate less than or equal to F less than propionate less than BrO3 less than formate less than ClO3 less than Cl than ClO4 less than I less than or equal to Br less than NO3 less than SCN. Transepithelial conductance decreased when the tissue was perfused with anions less permeable than chloride but the conductance sequence was different from the permeability sequence. Such discrepancies were more pronounced during perfusion with hyperpolarizing anions; ClO4 and I- (both more permeable than chloride) produced an important decrease in transepithelial conductance, followed by incomplete reversibility when the perfusion was shifted again to chloride Ringer's. The results are best explained by the presence of weak positive fixed charges, governing anion permeation, at the shunt pathway of the proximal tubule. An analysis of the data allows tentative estimates of shape and size of the sites.  相似文献   

Membrane fluidity was measured in the isolated perfused proximal tubule from rabbit kidney. The apical and basolateral plasma membranes of tubule cells were stained separately with the fluidity-sensitive fluorophore trimethylammonium-diphenyl-hexatriene (TMA-DPH) by luminal or bath perfusion. Fluorescence anisotropy (r) of TMA-DPH was mapped with spatial resolution using an epifluorescence microscope (excitation 380 nm, emission greater than 410 nm) equipped with rotatable polarizers and a quantitative imaging system. To measure r without the confounding effects of fluorophore orientation, images were recorded with emission polarizer parallel and perpendicular to a continuum of orientations of the excitation polarizer. The theoretical basis of this approach was developed and its limitations were evaluated by mathematical modeling. The tubule inner surface (brush border) was brightly stained when the lumen was perfused with 1 microM TMA-DPH for 5 min; apical membrane r was 0.281 +/- 0.006 (23 degrees C). Staining of the tubule basolateral membrane by addition of TMA-DPH to the bath gave a significantly lower r of 0.242 +/- 0.010 (P less than 0.005); there was no staining of the brush border membrane. To interpret anisotropy images quantitatively, effects of tubule geometry, TMA-DPH lifetime, fluorescence anisotropy decay, and objective-depolarization were evaluated. Steady-state and time-resolved r and lifetimes in the intact tubule, measured by a nanosecond pulsed microscopy method, were compared with results in isolated apical and basolateral membrane vesicles from rabbit proximal tubule measured by cuvette fluorometry; r was 0.281 (apical membrane) and 0.276 (basolateral membrane) (23 degrees C). These results establish a methodology to quantitate membrane fluidity in the intact proximal tubule, and demonstrate a significantly higher fluidity in the basolateral membrane than in the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and nitric oxide (NO) stimulateproduction of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) and are natriuretic. Split-drop micropuncture was performed on anesthetized rats to determine the effects of ANF and the NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on proximal tubular fluid absorption rate(Jva). Comparedwith control solutions, SNP(104 M) decreasedJva by 23% whenadministered luminally and by 35% when added to the peritubularperfusate. Stimulation of fluid uptake by luminal angiotensin II (ANGII; 109 M) was abolished bySNP (104 and106 M). In proximal tubulesuspensions, ANF (106 M)increased cGMP concentration to 143%, whereas SNP(106,105,104,103 M) raised cGMP to 231, 594, 687, and 880%, respectively.S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) also raised cGMP concentrations with similar dose-response relations. These studies demonstrate inhibition by luminal and peritubular NO of basal and ANG II-stimulated proximal fluid absorption in vivo. The ability of SNP to inhibit basal fluid uptake whereas ANFonly affected ANG II-stimulated transport may be because of productionof higher concentrations of cGMP by SNP.


The glycolipid glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor (GPI-A) plays an important role in lipid raft formation, which is required for proper expression on the cell surface of two inhibitors of the complement cascade, CD55 and CD59. The absence of these markers from the surface of blood cells, including erythrocytes, makes the cells susceptible to complement lysis, as seen in patients suffering from paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH). However, the explanation for why PNH-affected hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) expand over time in BM is still unclear. Here, we propose an explanation for this phenomenon and provide evidence that a defect in lipid raft formation in HSPCs leads to defective CXCR4- and VLA-4-mediated retention of these cells in BM. In support of this possibility, BM-isolated CD34+ cells from PNH patients show a defect in the incorporation of CXCR4 and VLA-4 into membrane lipid rafts, respond weakly to SDF-1 stimulation, and show defective adhesion to fibronectin. Similar data were obtained with the GPI-A Jurkat cell line. Moreover, we also report that chimeric mice transplanted with CD55−/− CD59−/− BM cells but with proper GPI-A expression do not expand over time in transplanted hosts. On the basis of these findings, we propose that a defect in lipid raft formation in PNH-mutated HSPCs makes these cells more mobile, so that they expand and out-compete normal HSPCs from their BM niches over time.  相似文献   

Primary cells of renal proximal tubule epithelium (S1 segment) of human kidney (HRPTE cells) up-regulate aquaporin-1 (AQP-1) expression in response to hyperosmolarity. NaCl and D(+)-raffinose increased (2-2.5 fold) AQP-1 expression when medium osmolarity was 400 and 500 mOsm/kg.H2O. Urea did not have this effect. Unlike our previous findings with mIMCD-3 cells, vasopressin (10(-8)M) did not affect AQP-1 expression in HRPTE cells in isosmolar or NaCl-enriched hyperosmolar conditions. Furthermore, HRPTE cells increased (3-4 fold) AQP-1 expression when exposed to hyperosmolar Reno-60 and Hypaque-76 (diatrizoates, ionic) contrast agents at 400 and 500 mOsm/kg.H2O. Isosmolar (290 mOsm/kg H2O) Visipaque (iodixanol, non-ionic) at 10% (v/v) concentrations also increased AQP-1 expression, and 25% v/v of Visipaque rendered morphological alterations of HRPTE cells and a 3-fold increase in AQP-1 expression after 24h exposure. Finally, semi-quantitative RT-PCR of HRPTE cells subjected to various isosmolar or hyperosmolar conditions demonstrated up-regulation of AQP-1 mRNA and protein levels. Our results suggest AQP-1 up-regulation in HRPTE cells exposed to environmental stresses such as hyperosmolarity and high doses of isosmolar contrast agents.  相似文献   

The nature of the cytoplasmic coat present on the apical invaginations of the kidney proximal tubule cell was investigated by immuneoverlay and immunocytochemistry of renal brush borders with anticlathrin antibodies. When kidney cortex was prepared for electron microscopy using methods that enhance visualization of clathrin coats, the apical invaginations at the base of the brush border microvilli were seen to be backed by a nearly continuous coating which resembles but is more extensive than the lattice-like clathrin coats found around brain coated vesicles. When isolated brush border fractions were prepared under conditions that preserve the coats, separated by SDS PAGE, and transferred to nitrocellulose, the presence of clathrin heavy and light chains was detected by immuneoverlay using two different affinity-purified anticlathrin IgGs--one that we prepared, which detects only the clathrin light chains, and the other, prepared by Louvard et al. ( Louvard , D., C. Morris, G. Warren, K. Stanley, F. Winkler , and H. Reggio , 1983, EMBO [Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.] J., 2:1655-1664), which detects both the heavy and light chains. As viewed by light microscopy (immunofluorescence or immunoperoxidase), staining with both anticlathrins was concentrated at the base of the proximal tubule microvilli. Immunoelectron microscopic localizations carried out on brush border fractions (using peroxidase and gold conjugates) demonstrated specific binding of anticlathrin IgGs to the lattice-like cytoplasmic coat. When brush border fractions were reacted with monoclonal antibodies prepared against gp330 and maltase, proteins that serve as markers for the membrane of the apical invaginations and microvilli, respectively ( Kerjaschki , D., L. Noronha - Blob , B. Sacktor , and M. G. Farquhar , 1984, J. Cell Biol., 98:1505-1513), the two proteins retained their restrictive distribution in the brush border. The findings demonstrate (a) that the cytoplasmic coat of the proximal tubule intermicrovillar apical invaginations is composed of clathrin heavy and light chains, and (b) that the differential distribution of proteins in these two brush border microdomains is maintained in appropriately prepared brush border fractions.  相似文献   

The presence of a leader peptide in picornaviruses is restricted to the Cardiovirus and Aphthovirus genera. However, the leader peptides of these two genera are structurally and functionally unrelated. The aphthovirus leader is a protease involved in viral polyprotein processing and host cell translation shutoff. The function of the cardiovirus leader peptide is still unknown. To gain an insight into the function of the cardiovirus leader peptide, a mengovirus leader peptide deletion mutant was constructed. The deletion mutant was able to grow at a reduced rate in baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21). Mutant virus production in mouse fibroblasts (L929 cells), however, could be demonstrated only after inoculation of BHK-21 cells with the transfected L929 cells. Analysis of cellular and viral protein synthesis in mutant virus-infected cells showed a delayed inhibition of host cell protein synthesis and a reduced production of viral proteins. In a single-cycle infection, mutant virus produced only 1% of wild-type virus yield at 8 h postinfection. Host cell translation shutoff in L929 cells infected with mutant virus was restored by the addition of the kinase inhibitor 2-aminopurine. Mutant virus production in 2-aminopurine-treated L929 cells was increased to 60% of wild-type virus yield at 8 h postinfection. Our results suggest that the cardiovirus leader peptide is involved in the inhibition of host cell protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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