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A glycerol-ester hydrolase from rat intestinal cells has been purified using chromatography on carboxyhexanoyl-Sepharose-glyceryldioctanoate and preparative gel electrophoresis. The enzyme gives a single band by analytical gel electrophoresis; it is a monomer of molecular weight 68000. The optimum pH for its action on glyceryl tributyrate is between 8.0 and 8.5; the activation energy was calculated to be 8.7 kcal x mol-1 (36.4 kJ/mol). Its substrate specificity is mainly directed against esters of glycerol and of primary monoalcohols. Similarly to pancreatic lipase but contrary to liver esterase, it is inhibited by bile salts; relief of this inhibition by colipase is only observed for pancreatic lipase. The possible role of the glycerol-ester hydrolase in the absorption of short and of medium chain triglycerides is discussed.  相似文献   

The preferential cellular distribution in the villus tip and the subcellular localization in the endoplasmic reticulum of an intestinal glycerol-ester hydrolase from rat mucosa are described. The enzyme is shown not to be from either pancreatic or bacterial origin; it catalyzes the hydrolysis of short- and medium chain triglycerides and of p-nitrophenylacetate. Contrarily to the specificity found for the pig intestinal lipase (Serrero, Négrel and Ailhaud, 1975), no activity is detectable against acylCoA; a thiolester hydrolase different from the glycerol-ester hydrolase was demonstrated after differential solubilization and chromatographic separation. A high proportion of glycerol-ester hydrolase is present in the intestinal lumen; its possible complementary role in lipid degradation is discussed.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships in eukaryotic nuclei.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
It may be that eukaryotic nuclei contain a collection of operationally independent units (genes), each controlled through its interactions with soluble protein factors which diffuse at random throughout the nucleoplasmic space. Alternatively, nuclei might be organized in such a sophisticated fashion that specific genes occupy distinct sites and that spatially ordered RNA synthesis, processing and transport delivers mature RNAs to predestined sites in the cytoplasm. Different fields of research support each of these extreme views. Molecular biologists inspecting the precise details of specific interactions, usually in vitro, inevitably favour the former, while cell biologists working with far more complicated systems generally assume that more elaborate arrangements exist. In considering the importance of nuclear architecture, I have attempted to relate a collection of experiments each of which intimates some close relationship between structural aspects of chromatin organization and the precise mechanisms underlying nuclear function. I will argue that higher-order structures are crucial for achieving the observed efficiency and coordination of many nuclear processes.  相似文献   

The chemical properties of the functional groups of insulin were determined at a concentration (0.5 microM) where the predominant species of insulin is the free (unassociated) monomeric unit. The glycine N-terminus and the four tyrosine phenolic groups had the same properties as in the associated forms of insulin. On the other hand the lysine epsilon-amino group and the two histidine imidazole groups had substantially altered properties. Some alteration in the properties of the phenylalanine N-terminus was also observed. The reactivity-pH profile for the imidazole groups showed a second ionization with a pKa of 10.1 in addition to an ionization with a pKa of 6.8. On the basis of the X-ray-crystallographic structure of hexameric insulin the observed changes can be accounted for by disruption of monomer-monomer or dimer-dimer interactions in the associated states of insulin. It is concluded that the conformation of the monomeric unit of insulin is essentially the same in its free and associated states in solution.  相似文献   



Chitin is a polysaccharide that forms the hard, outer shell of arthropods and the cell walls of fungi and some algae. Peptidoglycan is a polymer of sugars and amino acids constituting the cell walls of most bacteria. Enzymes that are able to hydrolyze these cell membrane polymers generally play important roles for protecting plants and animals against infection with insects and pathogens. A particular group of such glycoside hydrolase enzymes share some common features in their three-dimensional structure and in their molecular mechanism, forming the lysozyme superfamily.


Besides having a similar fold, all known catalytic domains of glycoside hydrolase proteins of lysozyme superfamily (families and subfamilies GH19, GH22, GH23, GH24 and GH46) share in common two structural elements: the central helix of the all-α domain, which invariably contains the catalytic glutamate residue acting as general-acid catalyst, and a β-hairpin pointed towards the substrate binding cleft. The invariant β-hairpin structure is interestingly found to display the highest amino acid conservation in aligned sequences of a given family, thereby allowing to define signature motifs for each GH family. Most of such signature motifs are found to have promising performances for searching sequence databases. Our structural analysis further indicates that the GH motifs participate in enzymatic catalysis essentially by containing the catalytic water positioning residue of inverting mechanism.


The seven families and subfamilies of the lysozyme superfamily all have in common a β-hairpin structure which displays a family-specific sequence motif. These GH β-hairpin motifs contain potentially important residues for the catalytic activity, thereby suggesting the participation of the GH motif to catalysis and also revealing a common catalytic scheme utilized by enzymes of the lysozyme superfamily.  相似文献   

Porcine follicular maturation begins by recruitment from a continually proliferating pool of small antral follicles; those receiving the appropriate stimulus differentiate rapidly through a series of structural and functional changes. Such ovarian activity can be induced in prepubertal gilts with a single injection of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG). Average follicular diameter in eCG treated females increased from approximately 2 mm before stimulation to 3.5 mm by 24 hr after injection, with subsequent growth to ovulatory size (8 or 9 mm) by 96 hr. Both theca and granulosa layers increased in thickness and complexity, and a prominent capillary bed evolved immediately outside the basement membrane separating the two layers. Cytoplasmic organelles associated with increased metabolic activity and steroidogenesis proliferated within the first 24 hr. Progressive changes included increasing amounts of lipid and rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, with the latter occurring in vesicular or lamellar forms and as lipid-associated whorls. Bizarre mitochondrial forms also appeared, often associated with lipids. The amount and proportion of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum shifted dramatically as follicles matured. By 24 hr, rough endoplasmic reticulum in thecal cells increased from 4.2 to 7% of cell volume, while the amount in granulosa cells increased from less than 3.5% to more than 10%; the quantity remained relatively constant in the theca but declined to prestimulation values in the granulosa layer. Rough endoplasmic reticulum predominated over smooth in the first 24 hr following stimulation but the proportions were then reversed, so that more than 10% of both layers was composed of smooth endoplasmic reticulum by the time ovulation was imminent. Some follicles had or were in the process of ovulating by 96 hr. Their walls were collapsed into prominent folds with the two cell types beginning to mix. Slight undulations and some regions of discontinuity were observed in basement membranes of large unovulated follicles at this time. In specimens collected at 96 hr poststimulation and processed for retention of lipid, lipid-like material was noticeable in the extracellular matrix surrounding cells that contained organelle configurations suggestive of steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

The enzymology of the heterodimeric (NiFe) and (NiFeSe) hydrogenases, the monomeric nickel-containing hydrogenases plus the multimeric F420-(NiFe) and NAD(+)-(NiFe) hydrogenases are summarized and discussed in terms of subunit localization of the redox-active nickel and non-heme iron clusters. It is proposed that nickel is ligated solely by amino acid residues of the large subunit and that the non-heme iron clusters are ligated by other cysteine-rich polypeptides encoded in the hydrogenase operons which are not necessarily homologous in either structure or function. Comparison of the hydrogenase operons or putative operons and their hydrogenase genes indicate that the arrangement, number and types of genes in these operons are not conserved among the various types of hydrogenases except for the gene encoding the large subunit. Thus, the presence of the gene for the large subunit is the sole feature common to all known nickel-containing hydrogenases and unites these hydrogenases into a large but diverse gene family. Although the different genes for the large subunits may possess only nominal general derived amino acid homology, all large subunit genes sequenced to date have the sequence R-X-C-X-X-C fully conserved in the amino terminal region of the polypeptide chain and the sequence of D-P-C-X-X-C fully conserved in the carboxyl terminal region. It is proposed that these conserved motifs of amino acids provide the ligands required for the binding of the redox-active nickel. The existing EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) information is summarized and discussed in terms of the numbers and types of ligands to the nickel and the various redox species of nickel defined by EPR spectroscopy. New information concerning the ligands to nickel is presented based on site-directed mutagenesis of the gene encoding the large subunit of the (NiFe) hydrogenase-1 of Escherichia coli. Based on considerations of the biochemical, molecular and biophysical information, ligand environments of the nickel in different redox states of the (NiFe) hydrogenase are proposed.  相似文献   

Conjugates formed by reaction of monoclonal antibody B72.3 with benzyl isothiocyanate derivatives of four amino polycarboxylate chelators (NTA, EGTA, EDTA, DTPA) were labeled with indium-111 and administered iv to athymic mice bearing antigen-positive (LS174T) and antigen-negative (A375) human tumor xenografts. Conjugate immunoreactivities, antibody dose, and xenograft size were controlled, so that the effects of varying chelate structure could be evaluated under conditions where immunological and physiological factors were effectively held constant. Tissue distribution and excretion of the radiometal at 24 and 48 h postinjection were shown to correlate directly with chelate thermodynamic stability (NTA less than EGTA less than EDTA less than DPTA). Radioactivity levels in the blood and the LS174T xenograft increased, while kidney levels and excretion levels decreased, with increasing chelate stability. The kidney was the only normal organ that accumulated non-antibody-bound 111In, uptake of radioactivity into all other tissues, and in particular the liver, being unaffected by changes in chelate structure. Mean transferrin saturation in the tumor-bearing athymic mice was found to be 65%. It is proposed that uptake of free 111In by serum transferrin is precluded in this model, leading to the observed renal localization of unbound label. Kidney:blood and kidney:LS174T activity ratios at 48 h postinjection provided the most sensitive indices of conjugate instability in vivo, spanning 50- and 20-fold ranges, respectively, between the least stable and the most stable conjugate. It is concluded that this antigen/antibody system and mouse model are well-suited to structure-function studies of immunoglobulin labels.  相似文献   

A new interpretation of structure-function relationships in the insulin molecule is presented. Negative cooperativity is postulated to arise from a dimerization event occurring between two receptor-bound molecules. The receptor-binding surface of insulin can necessarily not involve residues involved in dimerization as has been generally accepted. Support for this interpretation is based on published data.  相似文献   

Biological systems rely on heme-proteins to carry out a number of basic functions essential for their survival. Hemes, or iron-porphyrin complexes, are the versatile and ubiquitous active centers of these proteins. In the past decade, discovery of new heme-proteins, together with functional and structural research, provided a wealth of information on these diverse and biologically important molecules. Structure determination work has shown that nature has used a variety of different scaffolds and architectures to bind heme and modulate functions such as redox properties. Structural data have also provided insights into the heme-linked protein conformational changes required in many regulatory heme-proteins. Remarkable efforts have been made towards the understanding of factors governing redox potentials. Site-directed mutagenesis studies and theoretical calculations on heme environments investigated the roles of hydrophobic and electrostatic residues, and analyzed the effect of heme solvent accessibility. This review focuses on the structure-function relationships underlying the association of heme in signaling and iron metabolism proteins. In addition, an account is given about molecular features affecting heme's redox properties; this briefly revisits previous conclusions in the light of some more recent reports.  相似文献   

Research into the structure-function relationships of lipases and esterases has increased significantly during the past decade. Of particular importance has been the deduction of several crystal structures, providing a new basis for understanding these enzymes. The generated insights have, together with cloning and expression, aided studies on structure-function relationships of hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL). Novel phosphorylation sites have been identified in HSL, which are probably important for activation of HSL and lipolysis. Functional and structural analyses have revealed features in HSL common to lipases and esterases. In particular, the catalytic core with a catalytic triad has been unveiled. Furthermore, the investigations have given clear suggestions with regard to the identity of functional and structural domains of HSL. In the present paper, these studies on HSL structure-function relationships and short-term regulation are reviewed, and the results presented in relation to other discoveries in regulated lipolysis.  相似文献   

The Nudix hydrolase superfamily is identified by a conserved cassette of 23 amino acids, and it is characterized by its pyrophosphorylytic activity on a wide variety of nucleoside diphosphate derivatives. Of the 13 members of the family in Escherichia coli, only one, Orf180, has not been identified with a substrate, although a host of nucleoside diphosphate compounds has been tested. Several reports have noted a strong similarity in the three‐dimensional structure of the unrelated enzyme, isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase (IDI) to the Nudix structure, and the report that a Nudix enzyme was involved in the synthesis of geraniol, a product of the two substrates of IDI, prompted an investigation of whether the IDI substrates, isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP), and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DAPP) could be substrates of Orf180. This article demonstrates that Orf180 does have a very low activity on IPP, DAPP, and geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP). However, several of the other Nudix enzymes with established nucleoside diphosphate substrates hydrolyze these compounds at substantial rates. In fact, some Nudix hydrolases have higher activities on IPP, DAPP, and GPP than on their signature nucleoside diphosphate derivatives.  相似文献   

Indolicidin is a cationic 13 amino acid peptide amide produced in the granules of bovine neutrophils with the sequence H-ILPWKWPWWPWRR-NH2. Indolicidin is both antimicrobial and, to a lesser extent, haemolytic. In order to systematically investigate structure-function relationships, the solid-phase synthesis of indolicidin and 48 distinct analogues are reported, as well as the characterization of their respective biological properties. Peptides synthesized and characterized include analogues with modified terminal functions, truncations from either terminus, an alanine scan to determine the role of each individual amino acid, specific amino acid exchanges of aromatic, charged and structural residues and several retro-, inverso- and retroinverso-analogues. Together, characterization of these analogues identifies specific residues involved in antimicrobial or haemolytic activity and suggests a core structure that may form a scaffold for the further development of peptidomimetic analogues of indolicidin.  相似文献   

Acylpeptide hydrolase was purified to homogeneity from porcine intestinal mucosa using a seven-step procedure including ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration as well as anion exchange and affinity chromatography. The specific activity of the enzyme reached 105000 nmol/mg protein per min and the purification was as high as 5500-fold. This tetrameric enzyme is composed of four apparently identical subunits, the molecular mass of which was estimated to be 75 kDa, based on the results of amino acid analysis and gel electrophoresis performed under denaturing conditions. It is likely that the NH(2)-terminal residue may be acetylated, while serine was found to be the COOH-terminal residue. The hydrolytic activity of the enzyme toward N-acetyl-L-alanine p-nitroanilide at the optimum pH value was increased twofold in the presence of the chloride anion. The K(m) value calculated from the kinetics of the hydrolysis of acetylalanyl peptides was found to be 0.7+/-0.1 mM, whereas the V(max) values decreased from 200 to 50 nmol/min per microgram of enzyme, depending on the peptidic chain lengths. The V(max) value of the synthetic substrate (250 nmol/min per microgram of enzyme) was 25-500% higher than those of the acetylalanyl peptides, depending on the peptide chain length, although the enzyme affinity was slightly lower (1.8 mM as compared with 0.7 mM). In line with data on other animal species and on various tissues, the enzyme seemed likely to be a serine protease, since it was readily inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate and diethyl pyrocarbonate. A 2377-nucleotide long cDNA coding for the enzyme was isolated from pig small intestine. The deduced amino acid sequence consisted of 731 residues and showed a single different amino acid with that of the porcine liver APH, except the N-terminal amino acid which is still probably lacking.  相似文献   

A comprehensive set of clustered charged-to-alanine mutations was generated that systematically alter TUB1, the major alpha-tubulin gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A variety of phenotypes were observed, including supersensitivity and resistance to the microtubule-destabilizing drug benomyl, lethality, and cold- and temperature-sensitive lethality. Many of the most benomyl-sensitive tub1 alleles were synthetically lethal in combination with tub3Delta, supporting the idea that benomyl supersensitivity is a rough measure of microtubule instability and/or insufficiency in the amount of alpha-tubulin. The systematic tub1 mutations were placed, along with the comparable set of tub2 mutations previously described, onto a model of the yeast alpha-beta-tubulin dimer based on the three-dimensional structure of bovine tubulin. The modeling revealed a potential site for binding of benomyl in the core of beta-tubulin. Residues whose mutation causes cold sensitivity were concentrated at the lateral and longitudinal interfaces between adjacent subunits. Residues that affect binding of the microtubule-binding protein Bim1p form a large patch across the exterior-facing surface of alpha-tubulin in the model. Finally, the positions of the mutations suggest that proximity to the alpha-beta interface may account for the finding of synthetic lethality of five viable tub1 alleles with the benomyl-resistant but otherwise entirely viable tub2-201 allele.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships in microbial exopolysaccharides   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Sufficient well-characterized microbial exopolysaccharides are now available to permit extensive studies on the relationship between their chemical structure and their physical attributes. This is seen even in homopolysaccharides with relatively simple structures but is more marked when greater differences in structure exist, as are found in several heteropolysaccharides. The specific and sometimes unique properties have, in the case of several of these polymers, provided a range of commercial applications. The existence of "families" of structurally related polysaccharides also indicates the specific role played by certain structures and substituents; the characteristics of several of these microbial polysaccharide families will be discussed here. Thus, microbial exopolysaccharides frequently carry acyl groups which may profoundly affect their interactive properties although these groups often have relatively little effect on solution viscosity. Xanthan with or without acylation shows marked differences in synergistic gelling with plant gluco- and galacto-mannans, although the polysaccharides with different acylation patterns show similar viscosity. Similarly "gelrite" from the bacterium originally designated as Auromonas (Pseudomonas)elodea is of greater potential value after deacetylation, when it provides a valuable gelling agent, than it is as a viscosifier in the natural acylated form. The Klebsiella type 54 polysaccharide only forms gels when it, too, has been chemically deacetylated to give a structure equivalent to the Enterobacter XM6 polymer. Both these polysaccharides form gels due to the enhanced interaction with cations following deacylation and to the conformation adopted after removal of the acyl groups. Recent work in our laboratory suggests that deacetylation of certain bacterial alginates also significantly increases ion binding by these polysaccharides, making them more similar in their properties to algal alginates even although the alginates from some Pseudomonas species lack poly-L-guluronic acid sequences. The existence within families of polysaccharides of types in which monosaccharides are altered within a specific structure, or with varying side-chains, also gives an indication of the way in which such substituents affect the physical properties of the polymers in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships in the pulmonary arterial tree   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of the relationship between structure and function ofthe normal pulmonary arterial tree is necessary for understanding normal pulmonary hemodynamics and the functional consequences of thevascular remodeling that accompanies pulmonary vascular diseases. In aneffort to provide a means for relating the measurable vascular geometryand vessel mechanics data to the mean pressure-flow relationship andlongitudinal pressure profile, we present a mathematical model of thepulmonary arterial tree. The model is based on the observation that thenormal pulmonary arterial tree is a bifurcating tree in which theparent-to-daughter diameter ratios at a bifurcation and vesseldistensibility are independent of vessel diameter, and although theactual arterial tree is quite heterogeneous, the diameter of eachroute, through which the blood flows, tapers from the arterial inlet toessentially the same terminal arteriolar diameter. In the model theaverage route is represented as a tapered tube through which the bloodflow decreases with distance from the inlet because of the diversion offlow at the many bifurcations along the route. The taper and flowdiversion are expressed in terms of morphometric parameters obtainedusing various methods for summarizing morphometric data. To help putthe model parameter values in perspective, we applied one such methodto morphometric data obtained from perfused dog lungs. Modelsimulations demonstrate the sensitivity of model pressure-flowrelationships to variations in the morphometric parameters. Comparisonsof simulations with experimental data also raise questions as to the"hemodynamically" appropriate ways to summarize morphometric data.  相似文献   

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