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A 238Pu alpha-particle exposure apparatus was designed and constructed for use in radiobiological studies with cultured cell systems. The system provides a wide dynamic range of absorbed doses and a uniform radiation field. Average dose rate in air was measured with a small-volume ionization chamber. Estimates of dose rate at the cell surface were obtained from measurements taken with a silicon surface barrier detector. Particle fluence uniformity and fluence rate were measured using track etch procedures. The design and dosimetric characterization of the apparatus are discussed.  相似文献   

Cell inactivation by heavy charged particles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The inactivation of cells resulting in lethal or aberrant effects by charged particles is of growing interest. Charged particles at extremely high LET are capable of completely eliminating cell-type and cell-line differences in repair capacity. It is still not clear however whether the repair systems are inactivated, or merely that heavy-ion lesions are less repairable. Studies correlating the particle inactivation dose of radioresistant cells with intact DNA analyzed with pulse field gel electrophoresis and other techniques may be useful, but more experiments are also needed to assess the fidelity of repair. For particle irradiations between 40-100 keV/microns there is however evidence for particle-induced activation of specific genes in mammalian cells, and certain repair processes in bacteria. New data are available on the inactivation of developmental processes in several systems including seeds, and cells of the nematode C. elegans. Future experimental and theoretical modeling research emphasis should focus on exploring particle-induced inactivation of endpoints assessing functionality and not just lethality, and on analyzing molecular damage and genetic effects arising in damaged but non-inactivated survivors. The discrete nature of selective types of particle damage as a function of radiation quality indicates the value of accelerated ions as probes of normal and aberrant biological processes. Information obtained from molecular analyses of damage and repair must however be integrated into the context of cellular and tissue functions of the organism.  相似文献   

Ultrasoft characteristic X rays from carbon (0.28 keV) are severely attenuated as they pass through biological material, causing a nonuniform distribution of dose to cell nuclei. Complications of studying ultrasoft X rays can be minimized in this context by using cells with very thin cytoplasm and nuclei (e.g., less than the attenuation length of the X rays), and which exhibit a more nearly exponential dose response to cell killing, such as normal human fibroblasts compared with V79 cells. Using this cell system, we report the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of A1-K and C-K X rays to be near unity. Previous studies of cell inactivation by characteristic carbon X rays gave RBEs of 3 to 4, supporting the idea that localized energy depositions from secondary electrons and primary track ends represent the principal mode of biological action for other low-LET radiations. In part, the reported high RBEs result from the use of mean dose to describe energy deposited within the cell nuclei by these poorly penetrating radiations. Implicit in the use of mean dose is that cellular damage varies linearly with dose within a critical target(s), an assumption that is of questionable validity for cells that exhibit pronounced curvilinear dose responses. The simplest interpretation of the present findings is that most energy depositions caused by track-end effects are not necessarily more damaging than the sparsely ionizing component.  相似文献   

Three small parallel-plate ionization chambers were developed for measuring dose rates, of primarily low-energy alpha particles in the energy range 0.4-3.5 MeV, at a defined cell-Mylar interface. Spectral energy distributions of these alpha particles were also measured at the same position using a specially designed small-area silicon surface barrier detector. Dose rates were derived from the spectral distributions and compared with those derived from the ionization chambers. Different alpha-particle energies were obtained using a 144-MBq 238Pu collimated source and a variety of Mylar moderator foils of different thicknesses. These measurements, extended to mean alpha-particle energies as low as 0.4 MeV, will enable us to correlate radiobiological data with effects of alpha particles terminating in different regions of cell nuclei.  相似文献   

Recent experiments concerning the survival of monolayer cells irradiated by different parts of ion Bragg peaks opened a way to a deeper mechanistic understanding of cell inactivation. A new theoretical formula for survival curves has been derived reflecting two basic phases of the given mechanism, i.e. energy transfer to a cell nucleus and subsequent biological effect (depending on the amount of imparted energy). The survival ratio for a given dose has been expressed as a function of inactivation probabilities of individual cells after different numbers of nucleus hits (a given amount of energy being transferred to a cell nucleus in each ion traversal). Having used the experimental data for V79 cells irradiated by protons, deuterons and helium ions in different parts of Bragg peaks preliminary values of these inactivation probabilities for individual cells at different LET values have been established.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells in culture have been shown here for the first time to be transformed by alpha irradiation. Mouse embryo (C3H 10T1/2) cells were transformed with 5.6 MeV alpha particles from a Tandem Van de Graaff machine. Malignant tumours were induced following inoculation of the transformed cells into syngeneic hosts. Unirradiated control cells failed to produce tumours. The morphology of the transformed foci was similar to that obtained by X-rays and chemicals but different from virally transformed cells. The transformation frequency increased approximately as the cube of the dose to a maximum of about 4 per cent ofthe surviving cells which occurred between 1.5 and 2.5 x 10(7) alpha particles per cm2 (205-342 rad). It appears that alpha particle irradiation may exert a direct effect on the genome of the cell to produce malignancy without any external immunological or hormonal influences.  相似文献   

M F Crouch 《FASEB journal》1991,5(2):200-206
Induction of mitosis by certain growth factors is inhibited by pertussis toxin, indicating that the GTP-binding protein, Gi, is involved in receptor signal transduction to initiate cell division. However, the substrates of receptor-activated Gi that are involved in mitosis have not been determined. The present study has examined whether Gi may directly modulate cell division by receptor-induced subcellular translocation of the alpha subunit of Gi (Gi alpha). Insulin and EGF, particularly when added together or in combination with phorbol dibutyrate (PdBu), induced a rapid (1-4 h) redistribution of Gi alpha from the plasma membrane to perinuclear sites in the cell. After 2 days of stimulation, Gi alpha had translocated into the nucleus of dividing cells and bound specifically to the separating chromatin of dividing nuclei. Unstimulated cells did not display translocation of Gi alpha. This demonstrates a direct involvement of Gi alpha in cell division, which provides an apparently uninterrupted link from growth factor receptor to nucleus.  相似文献   

The NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity of bovine heart submitochondrial particles was found to be slowly (half-time of 16 min) and progressively lost upon incubation with the Fe2(+)-adriamycin complex. In addition to this slow progressive inactivation seen on incubation, a reversible fast phase of inhibition was also seen. However, if EDTA was added to the incubation mixture within 15 s, the slow progressive loss in activity was largely preventable. Separate experiments indicated that EDTA removed about one-half of the iron from the Fe2(+)-adriamycin complex in about 40 s. These results indicated the requirement for iron for the inactivation process. Since the Vmax. for the fast phase of inhibition was decreased by the inhibitor, the inhibition pattern was similar to that seen for uncompetitive or mixed-type inhibition. The direct binding of both Fe3(+)-adriamycin and adriamycin to submitochondrial particles was also demonstrated, with the Fe3(+)-adriamycin complex binding 8 times more strongly than adriamycin. Thus binding of Fe3(+)-adriamycin to the enzyme or to the inner mitochondrial membrane with subsequent generation of oxy radicals in situ is a possible mechanism for the Fe3(+)-adriamycin-induced inactivation of respiratory enzyme activity.  相似文献   

S M Wu  S V Pizzo 《Biochemistry》1999,38(42):13983-13990
The proteinase-proteinase inhibitor balance plays an important role in mediating inflammation-associated tissue destruction. alpha 2-Macroglobulin (alpha 2M) is a high-affinity, broad-spectrum proteinase inhibitor found abundantly in plasma and interstitial fluids. Increased levels of alpha 2M and proteinase-alpha 2M complexes can be demonstrated in patients with sepsis, emphysema, peridontitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases. Despite these increased levels, proteolysis remains a significant problem. We hypothesized that a mechanism for inactivating alpha 2M-mediated proteinase inhibition must exist and recently demonstrated that alpha 2M isolated from human rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid is oxidized and has decreased functional activity. The oxidant responsible for alpha 2M inactivation and the mechanism of such destruction were not studied. We now report that while hypochlorite and hydroxyl radical both modify amino acid residues on alpha 2M, only hypochlorite can abolish the ability of alpha 2M to inhibit proteinases. Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, has no effect on alpha 2M structure or function. Protein unfolding with increased susceptibility to proteolytic cleavage appears to be involved in alpha 2M inactivation by oxidation. The in vivo relevance of this mechanism is supported by the presence of multiple cleavage fragments of alpha 2M in synovial fluid from patients with rheumatoid arthritis, where significant tissue destruction occurs, but not in patients with osteoarthritis. These results provide strong evidence that hypochlorite oxidation contributes to enhanced tissue destruction during inflammation by inactivating alpha 2M.  相似文献   

We have examined the kinetics of whole-cell T-current in HEK 293 cells stably expressing the alpha1G channel, with symmetrical Na(+)(i) and Na(+)(o) and 2 mM Ca(2+)(o). After brief strong depolarization to activate the channels (2 ms at +60 mV; holding potential -100 mV), currents relaxed exponentially at all voltages. The time constant of the relaxation was exponentially voltage dependent from -120 to -70 mV (e-fold for 31 mV; tau = 2.5 ms at -100 mV), but tau = 12-17 ms from-40 to +60 mV. This suggests a mixture of voltage-dependent deactivation (dominating at very negative voltages) and nearly voltage-independent inactivation. Inactivation measured by test pulses following that protocol was consistent with open-state inactivation. During depolarizations lasting 100-300 ms, inactivation was strong but incomplete (approximately 98%). Inactivation was also produced by long, weak depolarizations (tau = 220 ms at -80 mV; V(1/2) = -82 mV), which could not be explained by voltage-independent inactivation exclusively from the open state. Recovery from inactivation was exponential and fast (tau = 85 ms at -100 mV), but weakly voltage dependent. Recovery was similar after 60-ms steps to -20 mV or 600-ms steps to -70 mV, suggesting rapid equilibration of open- and closed-state inactivation. There was little current at -100 mV during recovery from inactivation, consistent with 相似文献   

Toluidine blue, applied to frog sperm under appropriate conditions, inactivates specifically the sperm nucleus, leaving the extranuclear parts of the cell undamaged. Thus, the dye-treated spermatozoa stimulate eggs to cleave normally, but contribute no chromosomes to the resulting embryos, which develop as typical gynogenetic haploids. The concentration of dye required to produce this inactivation varies with pH. Measurements made over the entire pH range which can be tolerated by sperm cells showed that in the lower part of the range (5 to 7) the effective dye concentration was about 5 x 10(-6)M; in the intermediate range (7 to 8.5) it was 1 x (-6) to 1 x (-7)M; and for the higher pH values (8.5 to 10.0) it was about 5 x (-8)M. Using sperm suspensions containing 1500 cells per c. mm. these concentrations of dye produced specific inactivation of the sperm nuclei within 7 to 60 minutes at 18 degrees C. Tests of the reversibility of the inactivation were made by transferring the sperm from the dye to a dilute Ringer's solution after a known degree of inactivation had been produced. Following removal of the dye the sperm cells were tested on eggs over a period of 2 hours. During this time there was no indication of a reversal of the inactivation. Microscopic observations of sperm treated with (-5)M or 5 X (-5)M dye show that the dye is taken up by the sperm nucleus, which is faintly but definitely stained. The dye appears to be uniformly distributed in the nucleus, while extranuclear structures remain unstained. Measurements of the amount of dye bound per sperm nucleus indicate that the minimal quantity required for complete inactivation is about 6.7 x (-18) mole, while the maximal amount which can be bound without injury to extranuclear structures is about 1.5 x (-16) mole. The value obtained for the minimal requirement (6.7 X (16) mole = 4 X (6) molecules) suggests that there are roughly 4 million binding sites in the nucleus which, when blocked by dye molecules, somehow prevent the sperm chromosomes from participating in the development of the egg.  相似文献   

Summary The cyclic nucleotide effect on junction was studied in C1-1D cells, a mouse cancer cell type that fails to make permeable junctions in ordinary confluent culture. Upon administration of cyclic AMP, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, dibutyryl cyclic AMP plus caffeine (db-cAMP-caffeine), or cholera toxin (an adenylate cyclase activator), the cells acquired permeable junctions; they became electrically coupled and transferred fluorescent tracer molecules among each other—a transfer exhibiting the molecular size limit of permeation of normal cell-to-cell channels. The effect took several hours to develop. With the db-cAMP-caffeine treatment, junctional permeability emerged within two hours in one-fifth of the cell opopulation, and within the next few hours in the entire population. This development was not prevented by the cytokinesis inhibitor cytochalasin B. Permeable junctions formed also in two other conditions where the cell-endogenous cyclic AMP level may be expected to increase: serum starvation and low cell density. After three weeks of starving the cells of serum, a junctional permeability arose in confluent cultures, which on feeding with serum disappeared within two to three days. At low cell density, namely below confluency, the cells made permeable junctions, unstarved. In cultures of rather uniform density, the frequency of permeable junctions was inversely related to the average density, over the subconfluent range; at densities of about 1×104 cells/cm2, where the cells had few mutual contacts, 80% of the pairs presumed to be in contact were electrically coupled. In cultures with adjoining territories of high (confluent) and low cell density, there was coupling only in the last, and in this low-density state the cells were also capable of coupling with other mammalian cell types (mouse 3T3-BalbC and human Lesch-Nyhan cells).Correlated electron microscopy of freeze-fractured cell junctions showed no membrane differentiation in confluent C1-1D cultures. The junctions acquired differentiations, namely particle clusters of gap junction and strands of tight junction, upon cyclic nucleotide application or serum starvation and in the lowdensity condition. With db-cAMP-caffeine, these differentiations appeared within 4 hr of the treatment (confluent cultures), growing in size over the next hours. Treatment with cycloheximide, but not with cytochalasin B, prevented the development of recognizable gap junction and tight junction in cultures supplied with db-cAMP-caffeine.  相似文献   

Human ADAM15 is unique among the A disintegrin and metalloprotease domain (ADAM) family because of the integrin binding motif Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) within its disintegrin domain. Integrin alpha5beta1 has been reported to bind to ADAM15 in an RGD-dependent manner, but the biological significance of the interaction between ADAM15 and alpha5beta1 is unknown. To characterize the effects of ADAM15 on alpha5beta1-mediated cell adhesion and migration and elucidate the potential mechanism, CHO cells which express endogenous integrin alpha5beta1 were transfected with human ADAM15 cDNA. ADAM15 overexpression led to enhanced cell adhesion and decreased migration on fibronectin, which were suppressed by down-regulation of integrin alpha5. Overexpression of ADAM15 not only increased the cell surface expression of integrin alpha5 but also resulted in a more clustered staining of alpha5 on cell surface, while the beta1 subunit remained unchanged. Unexpectedly, results from immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence indicated that ADAM15 and alpha5beta1 integrin did not interact directly in CHO cells. We found that ADAM15 expression decreased the phosphorylation of Erk1/2. Consistently, down-regulation of Erk1/2 phosphorylation by MEK inhibitor PD98059 or siRNA against Erk1/2 enhanced the expression of alpha5 on cell surface. By using a B16F10 pulmonary metastasis model, we revealed that overexpression of ADAM15 significantly reduced the number of metastatic nodules on the lung. Taken together, this study reveals for the first time that ADAM15 could drive alpha5 integrin expression on cell surface via down-regulation of phosphorylated Erk1/2. This presents a novel mechanism by which ADAM15 regulates cell-matrix adhesion and migration.  相似文献   

For a number of biological end points it has been shown that, in contrast to low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation, dose fractionation of high-LET radiation does not result in a reduction in overall effectiveness. Studies were conducted to determine the effect of fractionating the exposures to heavy ion doses on the development of cataracts. Rat eyes were exposed to single doses of 1, 5, and 25 cGy of 570 MeV/amu40Ar ions and to 2, 4, and 10 Gy of 250 kVp X rays. These were compared to unirradiated controls and eyes which were exposed to the same total dose delivered in four fractions over 12 h. While in all cases fractionation of the exposure to X rays produced significant reduction in cataractogenic potential, fractionating doses of 40Ar ions caused a dose- and stage-dependent enhancement in the development of cataracts.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils use the H2O2-myeloperoxidase-chloride system to generate chlorinated oxidants capable of activating metalloproteinase zymogens that hydrolyze not only native and denatured collagens, but also the serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1 PI). To identify the metalloenzyme that hydrolyzes and inactivates alpha 1 PI, neutrophil releasates were chromatographed over gelatin-Sepharose and divided into fractions containing either progelatinase or procollagenase. The gelatinase-containing fraction cleaved alpha 1 PI in a manner inhibitable by native type V, but not type I, collagen. Conversely, while the collagenase-containing fraction also cleaved alpha 1 PI, this activity was inhibited by type I, but not type V, collagen. Because type I and V collagens are competitive substrates for collagenase and gelatinase, respectively, each of the metalloproteinase zymogens were purified to apparent homogeneity and examined for alpha 1 PI-hydrolytic activities. Both purified gelatinase and collagenase inactivated alpha 1PI by hydrolyzing the serpin within its active-site loop at the Phe352-Leu353 and Pro357-Met358 bonds, albeit with distinct kinetic properties. Furthermore, purified collagenase, but not gelatinase, cleaved a second serpin, alpha 1-antichymotrypsin, by hydrolyzing the Ala362-Leu363 bond within its active-site loop. These data demonstrate that human neutrophils use chlorinated oxidants to activate collagenolytic metalloproteinases whose substrate specificities can be extended to members of the serpin superfamily.  相似文献   

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