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We used a combination of optical and calorimetric techniques to investigate the incorporation of deoxythymidine --> deoxyuridine (dT --> dU) substitutions in the duplex and third strand of the parallel intramolecular triplex d(A(7)C(5)T(7)C(5)T(7)) (ATT). UV and differential scanning calorimetry melting experiments show that the incorporation of two substitutions yielded triplexes with lower thermal stability and lower unfolding enthalpies. The enthalpies decrease with an increase in salt concentration, indirectly yielding a heat capacity effect, and the magnitude of this effect was lower for the substituted triplexes. The combined results indicate that the destabilizing effect is due to a decrease in the level of stacking interactions. Furthermore, the minor groove ligand netropsin binds to the minor groove and to the hydrophobic groove, created by the double chain of thymine methyl groups in the major groove of these triplexes. Binding of netropsin to the minor groove yielded thermodynamic profiles similar to that of a DNA duplex with a similar sequence. However, and relative to ATT, binding of netropsin to the hydrophobic groove has a decreased binding affinity and lower binding enthalpy. This shows that the presence of uridine bases disrupts the hydrophobic groove and lowers its cooperativity toward ligand binding. The overall results suggest that the stabilizing effect of methyl groups may arise from the combination of both hydrophobic and electronic effects.  相似文献   

Heat capacity curves as obtained from differential scanning calorimetry are an outstanding source for molecular information on protein folding and ligand-binding energetics. However, deconvolution of C(p) data of proteins in the presence of ligands can be compromised by indeterminacies concerning the correct choice of the statistical thermodynamic ensemble. By convent, the assumption of constant free ligand concentration has been used to derive formulae for the enthalpy. Unless the ligand occurs at large excess, this assumption is incorrect. Still the relevant ensemble is the grand canonical ensemble. We derive formulae for both constraints, constancy of total or free ligand concentration and illustrate the equations by application to the typical equilibrium Nx <=> N + x <=> D + x. It is demonstrated that as long as the thermodynamic properties of the ligand can be completely corrected for by performing a reference measurement, the grand canonical approach provides the proper and mathematically significantly simpler choice. We demonstrate on the two cases of sequential or independent ligand-binding the fact, that similar binding mechanisms result in different and distinguishable heat capacity equations. Finally, we propose adequate strategies for DSC experiments as well as for obtaining first estimates of the characteristic thermodynamic parameters, which can be used as starting values in a global fit of DSC data.  相似文献   

A study of the binding of the antibacterial agent trimethoprim to Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase was carried out using energy minimization techniques with both a full, all-atom valence force field and a united atom force field. Convergence criteria ensured that no significant structural or energetic changes would occur with further minimization. Root-mean-square (RMS) deviations of both minimized structures with the experimental structure were calculated for selected regions of the protein. In the active site, the all-atom minimized structure fit the experimental structure much better than did the united atom structure. To ascertain what constitutes a good fit, the RMS deviations between crystal structures of the same enzyme either from different species or in different crystal environments were compared. The differences between the active site of the all-atom minimized structure and the experimental structure are similar to differences observed between crystal structures of the same protein. Finally, the energetics of ligand binding were analyzed for the all-atom minimized coordinates. Strain energy induced in the ligand, the corresponding entropy loss due to shifts in harmonic frequencies, and the role of specific residues in ligand binding were examined. Water molecules, even those not in direct contact with the ligand, were found to have significant interaction energies with the ligand. Thus, the inclusion of at least one shell of waters may be vital for accurate simulations of enzyme complexes.  相似文献   

The calcium binding properties of annexin I as observed by thermodynamic DSC studies have been compared to the structural information obtained from X-ray investigation. The calorimetric experiment permitted to evaluate both the reaction scheme - including binding of ligand and conformational changes - and the energetics of each reaction step. According to published X-ray data Annexin I has six calcium binding sites, three medium-affinity type II and three low-affinity type III sites.The present study shows that at 37 degrees C annexin I binds in a Hill type fashion simultaneously two calcium ions in a first step with medium affinity at a concentration of 0.6 mM and another three Ca(2+) ions again cooperatively at 30 mM with low affinity. Therefore it can be concluded that only two medium-affinity type II binding sites are available. The third site, that should be accessible in principle appears to be masked presumably due to the presence of the N terminus. In view of the large calcium concentration needed for saturation of the binding sites, annexin I may be expected to be Ca(2+) free in vivo unless other processes such as membrane interaction occur simultaneously. This assumption is consistent with the finding, that the affinity of annexins to calcium is usually markedly increased by the presence of lipids.  相似文献   

Although the rotamase activity of the FK506 binding protein is inhibited by ligand binding, it is hypothesized that the ligand/protein complex itself may be responsible for the immunosuppressive effects of FK506. We have therefore examined the structure of the FK506 binding protein in the presence of an analog of FK506 (FK520) by a combination of fluorescence, CD, FTIR and calorimetry. While only small changes in the overall structure of the protein may be induced by ligand, a large change in thermal stability of the binding protein is observed.  相似文献   

Both the enthalpic and entropic contributions to unfolding of three heme proteins, cytochrome b(562), cytochrome c and myoglobin, are larger for the reduced than for the oxidized form. Thus, the higher thermodynamic stability of a reduced, as compared to an oxidized, heme protein is the net result of a large increase of favorable enthalpy and a small increase in unfavorable entropy. Upon comparing the unfolding energetics of the heme proteins to those of other single-domain proteins I find that protein length is the primary determinant of the thermodynamics.  相似文献   

Dynamics of ligand binding to heme proteins   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

The application of Ernst angle pulses in multidimensional NMR spectroscopy is theoretically and experimentally investigated. Theory shows that only for a few pulse sequences employed at high repetition rate, a remarkable gain in sensitivity is possible using Ernst angle pulses. As an example, a new variant of the heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) experiment, the fast-(1H,15N)-HMQC, is described. This sequence allows, with a 1 mM protein sample in H2O, the acquisition of a highly resolved two-dimensional (1H,15N) correlated spectrum within 37 s. The high efficiency of the fast-HMQC to detect ligand binding to a target protein is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Cooperative binding mechanisms are a common feature in biology, enabling a diverse range of protein-based molecular machines to regulate activities ranging from oxygen uptake to cellular membrane transport. Much, however, is not known about such cooperative binding mechanisms, including how such events typically add to the overall stability of such protein systems. Measurements of such cooperative stabilization events are challenging, as they require the separation and resolution of individual protein complex bound states within a mixture of potential stoichiometries to individually assess protein stabilities. Here, we report ion mobility-mass spectrometry results for the concanavalin A tetramer bound to a range of polysaccharide ligands. We use collision induced unfolding, a relatively new methodology that functions as a gas-phase analog of calorimetry experiments in solution, to individually assess the stabilities of concanavalin A bound states. By comparing the differences in activation voltage required to unfold different concanavalin A–ligand stoichiometries, we find evidence suggesting a cooperative stabilization of concanavalin A occurs upon binding most carbohydrate ligands. We critically evaluate this observation by assessing a broad range of ligands, evaluating the unfolding properties of multiple protein charge states, and by comparing our gas-phase results with those obtained from calorimetry experiments carried out in solution.  相似文献   

We study the effect of microwaves at 2,450 MHz on protein unfolding using surface plasmon resonance sensing. Our experimental method makes use of the fact that unfolding proteins tend to bind to chaperones on their unfolding pathway and this attachment is readily monitored by surface plasmon resonance. We use the protein citrate synthase (CS) for this study as it shows strong binding to the chaperone alpha crystallin when stressed by exposure to excess temperature. The results of microwave heating are compared with the effect of ambient heating and a combination of ambient and microwave heating to the same final temperature. We study the temperature distributions during the heating process. We show that microwaves cause a significantly higher degree of unfolding than conventional thermal stress for protein solutions heated to the same maximum temperature.  相似文献   

This work aims to explore theoretically the molecular mechanisms of ligand binding to proteins through the use of molecular dynamics simulations. The binding of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to cobra cardio toxin A3 (CTX A3) and thiourea (TOU) to lysozyme have been chosen as the two model systems. Data acquisitions were made by Gromacs software. To begin with, the collisions of ligand molecules with every residue of CTX A3 and lysozyme were evaluated. With this information in hand, the average numbers of collisions with each residue was defined and then assessed. Next, a measure of the affinity of a residue, Pi, referred to as conformational factor, toward a ligand molecule was established. Based on the results provided, all site-making residues for CTX A3 and lysozyme were identified. The results are in good agreement with the experimental data. Finally, based on this method, all site-making residues of bovine carbonic anhydrase (BCA) toward the SDS ligand were predicted.  相似文献   

Plasmodesmata and the nuclear pore complex (NPC) mediate the selective trafficking of proteins and protein-nucleic acid complexes. The events underlying the translocation of endogenous and viral proteins through plasmodesmata were investigated to further explore the parallels between these cell-to-cell and intracellular communication systems. Studies performed with crosslinked KNOTTED1 (KN1) revealed that a conformational change is required for the cell-to-cell movement of this protein. Microinjection of gold-conjugated KN1 established that, as with the NPC, a combination of protein unfolding and microchannel dilation appears to be involved in protein translocation. However, during this process the extent of microchannel dilation is much less than observed for the NPC, which may reflect a physical limitation imposed by the cell wall. Co-injection of KN1-gold with unbound KN1 or cucumber mosaic virus movement protein (CMV-MP) established that the KN1-gold probe is highly effective at blocking plasmodesmal transport of KN1 and CMV-MP. This result provided the foundation for competition experiments which demonstrated that KN1 and the viral movement proteins of CMV and tobacco mosaic virus likely utilize a common receptor in the pathway for cell-to-cell transport of proteins. A combination of biochemical fractionation methods, an in vitro binding assay founded on the high affinity between KN1-gold and the putative common plasmodesmal receptor, and microinjection techniques were used to isolate plasmodesmal constituents involved in cell-to-cell transport. A model describing the steps involved in protein transport through plasmodesmata is presented.  相似文献   

The paper describes a method for determining the number of interacting ligand binding sites for co-operative proteins. The method is simple and is particularly applicable in the case of negatively co-operative ligand binding.  相似文献   

A new microcalorimetric method for recording the kinetic parameters k(cat), K(m) and K(i) of alpha-amylases using polysaccharides and oligosaccharides as substrates is described. This method is based on the heat released by glycosidic bond hydrolysis. The method has been developed to study the active site properties of the cold-active alpha-amylase produced by an Antarctic psychrophilic bacterium in comparison with its closest structural homolog from pig pancreas. It is shown that the psychrophilic alpha-amylase is more active on large macromolecular substrates and that the higher rate constants k(cat) are gained at the expense of a lower affinity for the substrate. The active site is able to accommodate larger inhibitory complexes, resulting in a mixed-type inhibition of starch hydrolysis by maltose. A method for recording the binding enthalpies by isothermal titration calorimetry in a low-affinity system has been developed, allowing analysis of the energetics of weak ligand binding using the allosteric activator chloride. It is shown that the low affinity of the psychrophilic alpha-amylase for chloride is entropically driven. The high enthalpic and entropic contributions of activator binding suggest large structural fluctuations between the free and the bound states of the cold-active enzyme. The kinetic and thermodynamic data for the psychrophilic alpha-amylase indicate that the strictly conserved side-chains involved in substrate binding and catalysis possess an improved mobility, responsible for activity in the cold, and resulting from the disappearance of stabilizing interactions far from the active site.  相似文献   

Carey PR  Dong J 《Biochemistry》2004,43(28):8885-8893
Raman crystallography permits the monitoring of chemical events in single-protein crystals in real time. Using a Raman microscope, it is possible to obtain protein Raman spectroscopic data of unprecedented quality and stability. The latter features allow us to obtain the Raman spectrum for small molecules soaking into crystals under normal (nonresonance) Raman conditions. Thus, via an approach utilizing Raman difference spectroscopy, we can quantitate the amount of ligand in the crystal, determine the chemistry of inhibitor-protein interactions, and follow chemical reactions in the active site on the time scale of minutes. While providing unique chemical insights, these data also provide an invaluable guide for determining the conditions for flash-freezing crystals for X-ray crystallographic analysis. In addition, the Raman difference spectra often contain contributions from protein modes due to protein conformational changes occurring upon ligand binding. These features allow us to probe events ranging from small cooperative conformational changes to massive and unexpected secondary structure changes in the crystal. An experimental advantage of Raman crystallography is that the data can be collected from crystals in situ, in sitting or hanging drops, under the conditions used to grow the crystals.  相似文献   

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