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The recommended radio-therapeutic treatment for cervix cancer consists of a first phase of external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) plus a second phase of brachytherapy (BT), the combined treatment being delivered within 8 weeks.In order to assess a comprehensive dosimetry of the whole treatment, it is necessary to take into account that these two phases are characterized by different spatial and temporal dosimetric distributions, which complicates the task of the summation of the two contributions, EBRT and BT. Radiobiology allows to tackle this issue pragmatically by means of the LQ model and, in fact, this is the usual tool currently in use for this matter.In this work, we describe the rationale behind the summation of the dosimetric contributions of the two phases of the treatment, EBRT and BT, for cervix cancer, as carried out with the LQ model.Besides, we address, from a radiobiological point of view, several important considerations regarding the use of the LQ model for this task. One of them is the analysis of the effect of the overall treatment time in the result of the global treatment. Another important question considered is related to the fact that the capacity of LQ to predict the treatment outcomes is deteriorated when the dose per fraction of the radiotherapic scheme exceeds 6–10 Gy, which is a typical brachytherapy fractionation. Finally, we analyze the influence of the uncertainty and the variability of the main parameters utilized in the LQ model formulation in the assessment of the global dosimetry.  相似文献   

Radiation is used in medicine to diagnose and treat diseases but it can also cause harm to the body by burning or mutation. This depends on whether the radiation is ionizing or nonionizing. Despite its vast applications in surgery, dermatology and cosmetics, little is taught and thus known about non-ionizing radiation.This review article discusses the fundamentals of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations. The main aim is to extensively explain the different types of non-ionizing radiation. This will equip students and medical personnel with knowledge on different medical applications and expose them to a variety of specializations in medicine that utilize non-ionizing radiation. The article discusses the physics, hazard, means of protection and medical application of each type of radiation: ultraviolet radiation, light (both visible light and LASER), infrared radiation, microwaves and extremely low frequency radiation separately. It presents these terms in a simple manner that avoids rigors mathematics and physics, which makes them comprehensible for medical students.The development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches could also lead to increased hazards to the body unless they are treated with precaution. If not adequately monitored, a significant health risk may be posed to potentially exposed employees. Hence proper dosage should be used for non-ionizing radiation. This is only possible through understanding of the risks/benefits of these radiations by studying the physics and radiobiological effects of each individual radiation.  相似文献   

The comparative study of effects of low doses of radiation on peripheral blood lymphocytes of persons occupationally exposed to radiation and non-exposed ones was carried out. The main attention was paid to radio-adaptive response forming under consistent exposure to low (0.05 Gy) and damaging (2 Gy) doses of gamma-irradiation. Noticeable heterogeneity in capacity for adaptive response forming in occupational group was revealed. The mathematical model adequate to experimental material was constructed using Kohonen neuronets.  相似文献   

We examined the peculiar form of a tissue postirradiative reaction characterizing by massive, dose-independent transition of cell populations to the steady state modification with the essential raise of cell damage and cell loss probability as compared with the probability level of the same alterations in controls. We described some other signs of such type of cellular transformation. It was found that the indicated cellular condition occurred both in active and slowly proliferating tissues. The reaction occurred at relatively low doses of irradiation. Some nonmutagenic factors also may evoke such effects. Our experimental data allow us to suppose the epigenetic mechanizms taking part in the induction and preservation of such alterations. The discovered form of cellular reaction manifestating in different biological objects may be considered as some general biological tendency. The importance of the studied reaction in the pathogenesis of late consequences of low dose irradiation is discussed.  相似文献   

The obtained data indicate that frequencies of different types of cytogenetic anomalies in investigated children groups living in radionuclide contaminated territories and children irradiated in utero have complicated patterns. The frequency of chromosomal anomalies in the investigated groups of children exceeds the average population level. At the same time, no statistically significant differences in frequencies of various types aberrations between groups of children were revealed.  相似文献   

Radiobiological effects of a low-energy ion beam on wheat   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The radiobiological effects of a low-energy nitrogen ion (N+) beam on wheat were studied, particularly with regard to the induction of chromosome aberrations. The results demonstrated that the three test varieties showed different sensitivities to ion implantation, and a higher dose of ion implantation had a marked effect on the germination and survival rate of the seeds exposed. The germination rate and survival rate curve basically followed a similar trend in the same variety. Cytological analysis indicated that ion beams were effective in producing chromosome aberrations. The frequencies of mitotic or meiotic cells with chromosome aberrations increased linearly with increasing doses. The aberration types included, for example, acentric fragments, chromosome deletions, lagging chromosomes, chromosome bridges and micronuclei. In the root tip cells, aberrations chiefly consisted of acentric fragments and deletions. Chromosome bridges and lagging chromosomes were the main aberration phenomena observed in the pollen mother cells. The highest frequencies of root tip cells and pollen mother cells with chromosome aberrations were 15.2% and 39.8%, respectively. Changes in morphology and mutant were also observed in the plants derived from exposed seeds. Received: 10 April 2000 / Accepted: 10 October 2000  相似文献   

The analogy of the biological influence of low intensity physical factors in the low-frequency range and chemical compounds in hyper-poor concentrations was estimated. A resonance mechanism of these effects was proposed, based on the presentation of the solution as a quasi-crystalline lattice with a definite frequency oscillation. The theoretical calculations of the active concentrations based upon the experimental frequencies of the biological effects are in good accordance with those found in the relevant literature.  相似文献   

The effect of low doses of valproic acid (VPA), 0.6 mM in arterial blood, in liver metabolism was studied. Twenty four hour fasted rats were infused into the jugular vein with VPA at a dose of 4 mg/kg/min during 50 min. The right carotid artery was also catheterized in order to draw arterial blood samples for determining VPA concentrations and acid-base parameters. After VPA infusion, a tissue sample of liver was obtained and freeze-clamped. VPA did not change the arterial blood acid-base parameters. The liver tissue concentration of pyruvate and alanine increased in VPA group while lactate concentrations did not change. Concentration of glutamine, glutamate, malate, citrate and aspartate in the liver fell significantly. These results suggest that VPA in low doses may modify the hepatic metabolism of the rat in vivo.  相似文献   

Low doses of morphine (0.30–2.5 mg/kg) decrease in a dose-dependent manner spontaneous climbing behaviour in mice. This effect is not modified by administration of naloxone at doses up to 1.25 mg/kg. These morphine doses do not modify the locomotor activity but, when they are associated with naloxone (0.5 mg/kg), an obvious inhibition occurs. In rats, a hyperactivity follows the akinesia produced by a morphine administration (10 mg/kg). This hyperactivity is changed into a significant hypokinesia when the animals are treated with naloxone (0.05 mg/kg). These results might reveal a dual effect of low doses of morphine, the excitatory effect of morphine being antagonized by naloxone whereas no action on the sedative effect is observed.  相似文献   

Historically, parity violation at the contemporary biomolecular level (i.e., only L-amino acids in proteins and D-sugars in DNA and RNA) has been postulated to be the inevitable result of parity violations at the elementary particle level, involving either-decay electrons or parity violating energy differences (PVEDs)between enantiomers. These two chiral biases have in turn allegedly impressed a small but persistent chirality onto prebiotic chemistry which, after appropriate amplification, has culminated in our contemporary homochiral biopolymers. Experiments and controversies pertaining to the efficacy of these two chiral biases are reviewed briefly, with the conclusions that: a) there is no experimental evidence supporting the capability of-decay electrons or other spinpolarized chiral particles to generate chiral molecules, and b) only theoretical calculations, but no experimental evidence, support the allegation of a causal relation between PVEDs and biomolecular homochirality. We here attempt to examine the latter allegation experimentally. Spontaneous resolution under racemization conditions (SRURC) during the crystallization of the bromofluoro-1,4-benzodiazepinooxazole derivativeI is capable of affording products of high enantiomeric purity. This process, which involves very efficient stereoselective autocatalysis, has now been examined statistically. If PVED effects are operative, the SRURC of racemicI should provide, either exclusively or with a strong and consistent bias, only one enantiomer of crystallineI. However, crystallization experiments of racemicI showed no bias in its SRURC, leading to the conclusion that PVED effects are ineffective in dictating a preferred chirality in this system. Several earlier experiments in the literature leading to a similar conclusion as to the inefficacy of PVED effects in promoting a preferred chirality are noted.  相似文献   

Two molecularly distinct G2/M cell cycle arrests are induced after exposure to ionising radiation (IR) depending on the cell cycle compartment in which the cells are irradiated. The aims of this study were to determine whether there are threshold doses for their activation and investigate the molecular pathways and possible links between the G2 to M transition and hyper-radiosensitivity (HRS). Two human glioblastoma cell lines (T98G–HRS+ and U373–HRS?) unsynchronized or enriched in G2 were irradiated and flow cytometry with BrdU or histone H3 phosphorylation analysis used to assess cell cycle progression and a clonogenic assay to measure radiation survival. The involvement of ATM, Wee1 and PARP was studied using chemical inhibitors. We found that cells irradiated in either the G1 or S phase of the cell cycle transiently accumulate in G2 in a dose-dependent manner after exposure to doses as low as 0.2 Gy. Only Wee1 inhibition reduced this G2 accumulation. A block of the G2 to M transition was found after irradiation in G2 but occurs only above a threshold dose, which is cell line dependent, and requires ATM activity after exposure to doses above 0.5 Gy. A failure to activate this early G2/M checkpoint correlates with low dose radiosensitization. These results provide evidence that after exposure to low doses of IR two distinct G2/M checkpoints are activated, each in a dose-dependent manner, with distinct threshold doses and involving different damage signalling pathways and confirm links between the early G2/M checkpoint and hyper-radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

Total body Irradiation (TBI) is often used for conditioning, prior to bone marrow transplantation. Doses of 8–14 Gy in 1–8 fractions over 1–4 days are administered using low dose rate external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). When necessary, consolidation EBRT using conventional doses, fractionation and dose rate is given. The irradiated volume usually contains critical organs such as spinal cord. The purpose of this study was to assess the biologic effect of TBI on the spinal cord in terms of EQD2 (equivalent dose given in fractions of 2 Gy). EQD2 values were calculated using the linear-quadratic generalized incomplete repair (IR) model that incorporates IR between fractions and low dose rate irradiation corrections and accounts for mono and bi-exponential repair. Three fractionation schemes were studied as function of dose rate: 8 Gy in 1 and 2 fractions and 12 Gy in 8 fractions. For the 12 Gy in 8 fractions scheme, the influence of dose rate on EQD2 was limited because the effect of IR between fractions dominates. For the 8 Gy in 1 fraction scheme, significant sparing of the spinal cord may be achieved for low dose rate (5–20 cGy/min). The extent of effects depends on the parameters used. The IR model provides a useful mathematical framework for examination of the effects of fractionated treatments of varying dose rate. Reliable experimental data are needed for accurate assessment of radiation damage to the spinal cord following fractionated low dose rate TBI.  相似文献   

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