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Xin Lu  & Guang-Mei Zheng 《Ibis》2002,144(1):17-22
Habitat use by Tibetan Eared Pheasant Crossoptilon harmani flocks in shrub vegetation was investigated in the Lhasa area of Tibet during the non-breeding season of 19951996. Home range composition varied considerably among flocks, but stream belts were consistently used as foraging grounds. Slope direction, altitude and vegetation had little effect on habitat selection. In the absence of supplemental food, core range size was positively correlated with flock size, suggesting that food supplementation could support larger flocks. Flocks regularly roosted on the ground at midday at two or three relatively fixed sites within core ranges. At night they used patches of relatively tall, dense vegetation at the year-round sites in areas near cliffs or in hollows. The size of the night-roost site was related to flock size. Our results strongly suggested that both foraging and night-roosting habitats in the shrub environment are crucial to the birds.  相似文献   

白马鸡生态习性的初步观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1992年4月-1994年7月白马雪山自然保护区直接跟踪观察白马鸡的四季垂直迁移活动2栖息地类型,日活动规律的结果,并对白鸡与其它雉类的同群活动,繁殖期的结构群现象进行了描术客分析。  相似文献   

贺兰山蓝马鸡越冬期栖息地的选择   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
2003年11~12月,在贺兰山采用样带法对蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)的栖息地选择进行了研究。共测定了25条样带上的62个蓝马鸡栖息地利用样方和50个任意样方的13个生态因子,结果表明,蓝马鸡偏好利用山地针叶林带,避免选择山地草原带、山地疏林草原带、亚高山灌丛和草甸带;偏好利用油松和青海云杉占优势的生境,避免选择山杨、杜松占优势和无树的生境;偏好阳坡和阴坡,避免利用半阳坡和半阴坡。对利用样方和任意样方进行Mann—Whitey U检验,发现利用样方以乔木密度高、灌木密度高、坡度大、隐蔽程度高、雪覆盖浅、高海拔为主要特征。逐步判别分析表明,隐蔽级、灌木密度、乔木密度、距水源距离和坡度具有重要作用,由这5个变量构成的方程对利用样方和任意样方进行正确区分的概率达到91.7%。蓝马鸡的栖息地选择主要与食物条件和隐蔽性有关。  相似文献   

百花山国家级自然保护区褐马鸡栖息地利用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
栖息地破坏是生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一,对濒危物种的生存也构成严重威胁。褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)作为我国特有珍稀濒危物种,目前仅分布于山西、陕西、河北和北京地区。2013年10月至2014年6月,在北京百花山国家级自然保护区使用样线法进行野外调查,使用存在点与伪不存在点数据,结合海拔、坡度、坡向、距道路距离、距居民点距离和植被类型作为变量,运用CART、Random Forest、Tree Net三个机器学习模型对褐马鸡的上述6种栖息地因子重要性排序,结果显示,海拔是影响褐马鸡分布的最主要因子,其次是植被类型、距道路距离和距居民点距离。根据AUC值选择Tree Net模型为最适宜模型,划分褐马鸡的适宜栖息地类型,并计算适宜面积。本研究有助于了解重点栖息因子对北京地区褐马鸡的影响状况,利于褐马鸡保护管理对策的制定。  相似文献   

The development of ecology in Japan, especially after the Meiji Restoration (1868), is briefly reviewed. Pioneering studies of Hiratsuka, on the calorimetric budget of a silkworm population, and Motomura, on the relation between numbers of species and individuals in biotic communities, are noteworthy. A critical examination of his role in ecology in Japan reveals Kinji Imanishi to have played pivotal roles in leading Japanese population ecologists to realize the importance of dispersal in population regulation, and leading to the worldwide revival of field primatology. Although Imanishi's later (popular) writings, in which he completely negated the role of competion and natural selection, have justifiably drawn much criticism, his earlier critique of the competition-Almighty paradigms may be re-evaluated in the light of recent discussions on interspecific competition and community equilibrium.  相似文献   

To attempt a complete review of turbellarian ecology in the time and space available would result in superficiality. Therefore, I have restricted this account to the four basic ecological processes which have and continue to determine flatworm distribution and abundance. These are: (1) historical or zoogeographical events which permit or prevent a species from reaching a habitat; (2) physiological limitations of the species vis à vis the habitat; (3) access to suitable energy sources and (4) the effects of competition, predation and parasitism, referred to collectively as bionomic processes.  相似文献   

An axiomatic model, originally developed for evolutionary theory, is adapted to describe animal ecology. A matrix representation of the present simulation of Tribolium castaneum, genetic strain c-IVa, is incorporated in the general system. The “weal” of a population is introduced as part of the general system and specified in more detail for Tribolium. The application of the model to the principle of competitive displacement is discussed.  相似文献   

陕西黄龙山林区褐马鸡春季觅食地选择   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2006年4~5月,在陕西黄龙山林区采用样带法对褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)春季觅食地选择进行了研究.共测定了9条样带上的54个随机样方和54个栖息地利用样方的20个生态因子.结果表明,褐马鸡春季觅食期间偏好利用针阔混交林,避免针叶林和阔叶林;偏向于下坡位,避免上坡位和中坡位;偏向于中等坡度的山坡(10~20°),避免坡度较大和较小的山坡;对坡向没有明显的选择性.对利用样方和随机样方进行比较,发现利用样方具有海拔较低、与林间小路和水源较近、乔木种类较少、乔木密度较小、乔木最大胸径较大、乔木最大高度较高、灌木种类较少、灌木密度较小、食物丰富度较大、灌木层植物盖度较小、乔木层植物盖度较大、隐蔽级较小等特征.逐步判别分析表明,乔木密度、与水源距离、灌木密度、灌木种类、乔木最大高度、海拔具有重要作用,由这6个变量构成的方程在对繁殖季节觅食地利用样方和对照样方进行区分时,正确判别率可以达到97.22%.褐马鸡春季觅食地选择主要与食物条件、隐蔽条件和水源有关.  相似文献   

笼养褐马鸡冬季的社群等级   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文用BBS方法(Batchelder-Bershad-Simpson Scaling Method)对笼养褐马鸡的社群等级进行了排序,发现其等级制度为近单线式。成鸟的等级明显高于亚成体,成年雄鸟的等级明显高于成年雌鸟,成年个体的等级与体重呈显著正相关,与面部红斑大小及耳簇羽长呈极显著正相关,全体14只鸟的体重与体长及耳簇羽长呈显著正相关,与面部红斑大小呈极显著正相关。体重可以认为是直接与个体的争斗实力相关的参数,而面部红斑大小,耳簇羽长则可能是个体争斗实力的外在信号,在体重相近的雌性个体中,面部红斑和耳簇羽对社群等级有很大的影响。褐马鸡的争斗炫耀可能是以面部为中心的。  相似文献   

陕西黄龙山林区褐马鸡春季夜栖地选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2006年4~6月,在陕西黄龙山林区,对褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)春季夜栖地的选择进行了研究.共记录到22个夜栖地,以夜栖树为中心做一个10 m×10 m样方,测定夜栖地海拔、坡向、坡度、坡位、地貌特征、夜栖树高度和胸径、乔木层盖度、乔木的数量、灌木层盖度、草本盖度、水源距离、人为干扰距离、林缘距离、栖枝高度和栖位上盖度等参数;通过9条样带测定54个随机样方,除栖枝高度和栖位上盖度外,指标相同.结果表明,褐马鸡春季夜栖地多偏向以坡度较大、山坡和山脊、接近水源、远离林边、人为干扰距离较远、乔木盖度和密度较大、栖树胸径较大、灌木层盖度和草本层盖度较小为主要特征的地方.主成分分析表明,前5个特征值的累积贡献率达到72.746%,可以较好地反映褐马鸡春季夜栖地生境特征.根据载荷系数绝对值大小,将褐马鸡春季夜栖地生境选择影响因子分别命名为地形和林下植被因子、气象因子、稳定性因子和水因子.影响褐马鸡夜栖地选择的关键因素是安全、舒适和栖息地转换的方便程度.  相似文献   

H. De Haan 《Hydrobiologia》1982,95(1):205-221
This paper attempts to generalize the major controlling factors and their impacts on the physico-chemical environment in Tjeukemeer in relation to the speciation of algal nutrients.Morphometry, man-made hydrology, climate, chemistry of drainage area and biology of the lake appear to control its physico-chemistry the most. Thus the shallow Tieukemeer is vulnerable to wind and therefore almost always completely mixed and often turbid owing to resuspended sediments. In normal summers the lake is oligohaline, hard, eutrophic and alkaline, and in winter it is hard, eutrophic, alkaline and humus-rich. The implications of these properties on the following physico-chemical components and their relevance for the speciation of algal nutrients are discussed: turbidity, colour, halinity, pH, alkalinity, salinity, conductivity, ionic composition, ionic balance and organic matter.Because of the relationships between the physico-chemical environment on the one hand and the speciation and bio-availability of nutrients on the other hand, special attention is given to the speciation of some major and minor elements as derived from ultra filtration experiments. In this context, the metal binding capacity of the organic matter (mainly fulvic acids) is also considered.  相似文献   

Genotoxic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic hazards arising out of pollution in the marine environment are discussed in this article, with special reference to the situation in the Mediterranean area. A number of chemical compounds or complex mixtures relevant to marine pollution, either natural or of anthropogenic origin, are tentatively listed, along with protective factors which may play a counteracting role in the same environment. Harmful substances tend to undergo interactions and transformations in seawater, sediments, and marine biota, due to physical, chemical, microbial, or light-mediated mechanisms. Bioaccumulation phenomena in marine organisms may result from food-chain biomagnification processes or from concentration of pollutants by filter feeders. A variety of sources can account for marine pollution by genotoxic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic compounds, but there is a relative paucity of analytical data concerning the Mediterranean. Metabolic transformations of xenobiotics occur in all marine organisms, the biochemical mechanisms in fish being comparable to those which have been extensively investigated in mammals. Induction of metabolic pathways, and especially of the mixed-function oxygenase system, represents the earliest warning signal of exposure to pollutants. Occurrence of neoplastic diseases is documented by experimental and field studies in marine vertebrates as well as in invertebrates. The association with local pollution phenomena has been recognized in several studies, but other etiopathogenetic factors may be also involved, and in some cases tumors have been reported to be unrelated to chemical pollution. Genotoxic agents have been detected by means of suitable techniques in seawater, sediments, and marine organisms. Several studies have investigated the presence of carcinogen-DNA adducts, DNA damage and repair processes, and cytogenetic alterations, such as chromosomal aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges, and micronuclei, in tissues of marine organisms. However, monitoring of these end-points under field conditions encounters some limitations and problems. Even more fragmentary is the information on teratogenic effects in marine organisms, although interesting test systems have been set up. On the whole, a quite extensive database on all these toxicological issues is already available in the literature, but further studies are warranted for an adequate assessment of genotoxic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic hazards, and possibly counteracting factors in the marine environment, and specifically in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

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