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Doxorubicin (DOX) is one of the most efficient antitumor drugs employed in numerous cancer therapies. Its incorporation into lipid-based nanocarriers, such as liposomes, improves the drug targeting into tumor cells and reduces drug side effects. The carriers' lipid composition is expected to affect the interactions of DOX and its partitioning into liposomal membranes. To get a rational insight into this aspect and determine promising lipid compositions, we use numerical simulations, which provide unique information on DOX-membrane interactions at the atomic level of resolution. In particular, we combine classical molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations to elucidate the mechanism of penetration of a protonated Doxorubicin molecule (DOX+) into potential liposome membranes, here modeled as lipid bilayers based on mixtures of phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol lipid molecules, of different compositions and lipid phases. Moreover, we analyze DOX+ partitioning into relevant regions of SM-based lipid bilayer systems using a combination of free energy methods. Our results show that DOX+ penetration and partitioning are facilitated into less tightly packed SM-based membranes and are dependent on lipid composition. This work paves the way to further investigations of optimal formulations for lipid-based carriers, such as those associated with pH-responsive membranes.  相似文献   

Lazaridis T 《Proteins》2005,58(3):518-527
A recently developed implicit membrane model (IMM1) is supplemented with a Gouy-Chapman term describing counterion-screened electrostatic interactions of a solute with negatively charged membrane lipids. The new model is tested on peptides that bind to anionic membranes. Pentalysine binds just outside the plane of negative charge, whereas Lys-Phe peptides insert their aromatic rings into the hydrophobic core. Melittin and magainin 2 bind more strongly to anionic than to neutral membranes and in both cases insert their hydrophobic residues into the hydrocarbon core. The third domain of Antennapedia homeodomain (penetratin) binds as an alpha-helix in the headgroup region. Cardiotoxin II binds strongly to anionic membranes but marginally to neutral ones. In all cases, the location and configuration of the peptides are consistent with experimental data, and the effective energy changes upon binding compare favorably with experimental binding free energies. The model opens the way to exploring the effect of membrane charge on the location, conformation, and dynamics of a large variety of biologically active peptides on membranes.  相似文献   

Chicken liver bile acid-binding protein (L-BABP) is a member of the fatty acid-binding proteins super family. The common fold is a beta-barrel of ten strands capped with a short helix-loop-helix motif called portal region, which is involved in the uptake and release of non-polar ligands. Using multiple-run molecular dynamics simulations we studied the interactions of L-BABP with lipid membranes of anionic and zwitterionic phospholipids. The simulations were in agreement with our experimental observations regarding the electrostatic nature of the binding and the conformational changes of the protein in the membrane. We observed that L-BABP migrated from the initial position in the aqueous bulk phase to the interface of anionic lipid membranes and established contacts with the head groups of phospholipids through the side of the barrel that is opposite to the portal region. The conformational changes in the protein occurred simultaneously with the binding to the membrane. Remarkably, these conformational changes were observed in the portal region which is opposite to the zone where the protein binds directly to the lipids. The protein was oriented with its macrodipole aligned in the configuration of lowest energy within the electric field of the anionic membrane, which indicates the importance of the electrostatic interactions to determine the preferred orientation of the protein. We also identified this electric field as the driving force for the conformational change. For all the members of the fatty acid-binding protein family, the interactions with lipid membranes is a relevant process closely related to the uptake, release and transfer of the ligand. The observations presented here suggest that the ligand transfer might not necessarily occur through the domain that directly interacts with the lipid membrane. The interactions with the membrane electric field that determine orientation and conformational changes described here can also be relevant for other peripheral proteins.  相似文献   

Chicken liver bile acid-binding protein (L-BABP) is a member of the fatty acid-binding proteins super family. The common fold is a β-barrel of ten strands capped with a short helix-loop-helix motif called portal region, which is involved in the uptake and release of non-polar ligands. Using multiple-run molecular dynamics simulations we studied the interactions of L-BABP with lipid membranes of anionic and zwitterionic phospholipids. The simulations were in agreement with our experimental observations regarding the electrostatic nature of the binding and the conformational changes of the protein in the membrane. We observed that L-BABP migrated from the initial position in the aqueous bulk phase to the interface of anionic lipid membranes and established contacts with the head groups of phospholipids through the side of the barrel that is opposite to the portal region. The conformational changes in the protein occurred simultaneously with the binding to the membrane. Remarkably, these conformational changes were observed in the portal region which is opposite to the zone where the protein binds directly to the lipids. The protein was oriented with its macrodipole aligned in the configuration of lowest energy within the electric field of the anionic membrane, which indicates the importance of the electrostatic interactions to determine the preferred orientation of the protein. We also identified this electric field as the driving force for the conformational change. For all the members of the fatty acid-binding protein family, the interactions with lipid membranes is a relevant process closely related to the uptake, release and transfer of the ligand. The observations presented here suggest that the ligand transfer might not necessarily occur through the domain that directly interacts with the lipid membrane. The interactions with the membrane electric field that determine orientation and conformational changes described here can also be relevant for other peripheral proteins.  相似文献   

The thylakoid membrane is mainly composed of non-common lipids, so called galactolipids. Despite the importance of these lipids for the function of the photosynthetic reaction centers, the molecular organization of these membranes is largely unexplored. Here we use multiscale molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the thylakoid membrane of both cyanobacteria and higher plants. We consider mixtures of up to five different galactolipids plus phosphatidylglycerol to represent these complex membranes. We find that the different lipids generally mix well, although nanoscale heterogeneities are observed especially in case of the plant membrane. The fluidity of the cyanobacterial membrane is markedly reduced compared to the plant membrane, even considering elevated temperatures at which thermophilic cyanobacteria are found. We also find that the plant membrane more readily undergoes a phase transformation to an inverted hexagonal phase. We furthermore characterized the conformation and dynamics of the cofactors plastoquinone and plastoquinol, revealing of the fast flip-flop rates for the non-reduced form. Together, our results provide a molecular view on the dynamical organization of the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

Fluid membranes containing charged lipids enhance binding of oppositely charged proteins by mobilizing these lipids into the interaction zone, overcoming the concomitant entropic losses due to lipid segregation and lower conformational freedom upon macromolecule adsorption. We study this energetic-entropic interplay using Monte Carlo simulations and theory. Our model system consists of a flexible cationic polyelectrolyte, interacting, via Debye-Hückel and short-ranged repulsive potentials, with membranes containing neutral lipids, 1% tetravalent, and 10% (or 1%) monovalent anionic lipids. Adsorption onto a fluid membrane is invariably stronger than to an equally charged frozen or uniform membrane. Although monovalent lipids may suffice for binding rigid macromolecules, polyvalent counter-lipids (e.g., phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate), whose entropy loss upon localization is negligible, are crucial for binding flexible macromolecules, which lose conformational entropy upon adsorption. Extending Rosenbluth's Monte Carlo scheme we directly simulate polymer adsorption on fluid membranes. Yet, we argue that similar information could be derived from a biased superposition of quenched membrane simulations. Using a simple cell model we account for surface concentration effects, and show that the average adsorption probabilities on annealed and quenched membranes coincide at vanishing surface concentrations. We discuss the relevance of our model to the electrostatic-switch mechanism of, e.g., the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate protein.  相似文献   

The physical properties of membranes derived from the total lipid extract of porcine lenses before and after the addition of cholesterol were investigated using EPR spin-labeling methods. Conventional EPR spectra and saturation-recovery curves indicate that the spin labels detect a single homogenous environment in membranes before the addition of cholesterol. After the addition of cholesterol (when cholesterol-to-phospholipid mole to mole ratio of 1.55-1.80 was achieved), two domains were detected by the discrimination by oxygen transport method using a cholesterol analogue spin label. The domains were assigned to a bulk phospholipid-cholesterol bilayer made of the total lipid mixture and to a cholesterol crystalline domain. Because the phospholipid analogue spin labels cannot partition into the pure cholesterol crystalline domain, they monitor properties of the phospholipid-cholesterol domain outside the pure cholesterol crystalline domain. Profiles of the order parameter, hydrophobicity, and oxygen transport parameter are identical within experimental error in this domain when measured in the absence and presence of a cholesterol crystalline domain. This indicates that both domains, the phospholipid-cholesterol bilayer and the pure cholesterol crystalline domain, can be treated as independent, weakly interacting membrane regions. The upper limit of the oxygen permeability coefficient across the cholesterol crystalline domain at 35 °C had a calculated value of 42.5 cm/s, indicating that the cholesterol crystalline domain can significantly reduce oxygen transport to the lens center. This work was undertaken to better elucidate the major factors that determine membrane resistance to oxygen transport across the lens lipid membrane, with special attention paid to the cholesterol crystalline domain.  相似文献   

The physical properties of membranes derived from the total lipid extract of porcine lenses before and after the addition of cholesterol were investigated using EPR spin-labeling methods. Conventional EPR spectra and saturation-recovery curves indicate that the spin labels detect a single homogenous environment in membranes before the addition of cholesterol. After the addition of cholesterol (when cholesterol-to-phospholipid mole to mole ratio of 1.55-1.80 was achieved), two domains were detected by the discrimination by oxygen transport method using a cholesterol analogue spin label. The domains were assigned to a bulk phospholipid-cholesterol bilayer made of the total lipid mixture and to a cholesterol crystalline domain. Because the phospholipid analogue spin labels cannot partition into the pure cholesterol crystalline domain, they monitor properties of the phospholipid-cholesterol domain outside the pure cholesterol crystalline domain. Profiles of the order parameter, hydrophobicity, and oxygen transport parameter are identical within experimental error in this domain when measured in the absence and presence of a cholesterol crystalline domain. This indicates that both domains, the phospholipid-cholesterol bilayer and the pure cholesterol crystalline domain, can be treated as independent, weakly interacting membrane regions. The upper limit of the oxygen permeability coefficient across the cholesterol crystalline domain at 35 degrees C had a calculated value of 42.5 cm/s, indicating that the cholesterol crystalline domain can significantly reduce oxygen transport to the lens center. This work was undertaken to better elucidate the major factors that determine membrane resistance to oxygen transport across the lens lipid membrane, with special attention paid to the cholesterol crystalline domain.  相似文献   

Lipid bilayers play an important role in biological systems as they protect cells against unwanted chemicals and provide a barrier for material inside a cell from leaking out. In this paper, nearly 30 μs of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to investigate phase transitions of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-phosphocholine (DPPC) lipid bilayers from the liquid crystalline (Lα) to the ripple (Pβ) and to the gel phase (Lβ). Our MD simulations accurately predict the main transition temperature for the single-component bilayers. A key focus of this work is to quantify the structure of the Pβ phase for DMPC and compare with measures from x-ray experiments. The Pβ major arm has similar structure to that of the Lβ, while the thinner minor arm has interdigitated chains and the transition region between these two regions has large chain splay and disorder. At lower temperatures, our MD simulations predict the formation of the Lβ phase with tilted fatty acid chains. The Pβ and Lβ phases are studied for mixtures of DMPC and DPPC and compare favorably with experiment. Overall, our MD simulations provide evidence for the relevancy of the CHARMM36 lipid force field for structures and add to our understanding of the less-defined Pβ phase.  相似文献   

Lian P  Wei DQ  Wang JF  Chou KC 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e18587
Phospholamban functions as a regulator of Ca(2+) concentration of cardiac muscle cells by triggering the bioactivity of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase. In order to understand its dynamic mechanism in the environment of bilayer surroundings, we performed long time-scale molecular dynamic simulations based on the high-resolution NMR structure of phospholamban pentamer. It was observed from the molecular dynamics trajectory analyses that the conformational transitions between the "bellflower" and "pinwheel" modes were detected for phospholamban. Particularly, the two modes became quite similar to each other after phospholamban was phosphorylated at Ser16. Based on these findings, an allosteric mechanism was proposed to elucidate the dynamic process of phospholamban interacting with Ca(2+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Johansson AC  Lindahl E 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1332-1344
Studies of insertion and interactions of amino acids in lipid membranes are pivotal to our understanding of membrane protein structure and function. Calculating the insertion cost as a function of transmembrane helix sequence is thus an important step towards improved membrane protein prediction and eventually drug design. Here, we present position-dependent free energies of solvation for all amino acid analogs along the membrane normal. The profiles cover the entire region from bulk water to hydrophobic core, and were produced from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. Experimental differences corresponding to mutations and costs for entire segments match experimental data well, and in addition the profiles provide the spatial resolution currently not available from experiments. Polar side-chains largely maintain their hydration and assume quite ordered conformations, which indicates the solvation cost is mainly entropic. The cost of solvating charged side-chains is not only significantly lower than for implicit solvation models, but also close to experiments, meaning these could well maintain their protonation states inside the membrane. The single notable exception to the experimental agreement is proline, which is quite expensive to introduce in vivo despite its hydrophobicity--a difference possibly explained by kinks making it harder to insert helices in the translocon.  相似文献   

Our recent molecular dynamics simulation study of hanatoxin 1 (HaTx1), a gating modifier that binds to the voltage sensor of K(+) channels, has shown that HaTx1 has the ability to interact with carbonyl oxygen atoms of both leaflets of the lipid bilayer membrane and to be located at a deep position within the membrane. Here we performed a similar study of GsMTx4, a stretch-activated channels inhibitor, belonging to the same peptide family as HaTx1. Both toxins have an ellipsoidal shape, a belt of positively charged residues around the periphery, and a hydrophobic protrusion. Results show that, like HaTx1, GsMTx4 can interact with the membrane in two different ways. When all the positively charged residues interact with the outer leaflet lipid, GsMTx4 can assume a shallow binding mode. On the other hand, when the electrostatic interaction brings the positively charged groups of K-8 and K-28 into the vicinity of the carbonyl oxygen atoms of the inner leaflet lipids, the system exhibits a deep binding mode. This deep mode is accompanied by local membrane thinning. For both HaTx1 and GsMTx4, our mean force measurement analyses show that the deep binding mode is energetically favored over the shallow mode when a DPPC (dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine) membrane is used at 310 K. In contrast, when a POPC (palmitooleoyl-phosphatidylcholine) membrane is used at 310 K, the two binding modes exhibited similar stability for both toxins. Similar analyses with DPPC membrane at 330 K led to an intermediary result between the above two results. Therefore, the structure of the lipid acyl chains appears to influence the location and the dynamics of the toxins within biological membranes. We also compared the behavior of an arginine and a lysine residue within the membrane. This is of interest because the arginine residue interaction with the lipid carbonyl oxygen atoms mediates the deep binding mode for HaTx1, whereas the lysine residue plays that role for GsMTx4. The arginine residue generally shows smoother dynamics near the lipid carbonyl oxygen atoms than the lysine residue. This difference between arginine and lysine may partly account for the functional diversity of the members of the toxin family.  相似文献   

This review describes some recent theories and simulations of mesoscopic and microscopic models of lipid membranes with embedded or attached proteins. We summarize results supporting our understanding of phenomena for which the activities of proteins in membranes are expected to be significantly affected by the lipid environment. Theoretical predictions are pointed out, and compared to experimental findings, if available. Among others, the following phenomena are discussed: interactions of interfacially adsorbed peptides, pore-forming amphipathic peptides, adsorption of charged proteins onto oppositely charged lipid membranes, lipid-induced tilting of proteins embedded in lipid bilayers, protein-induced bilayer deformations, protein insertion and assembly, and lipid-controlled functioning of membrane proteins.  相似文献   


In this study, the electron spin resonance (ESR) method was used to examine the effect of Amphotericin B (AmB) molecules on the fluidity of model membranes made of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). The changes occurring under increased AmB concentrations in the spectroscopic parameters of spin probes placed in liposomes were determined. Three probes were used, penetrating the membrane at different depths which allowed the changes in its fluidity to be found in the transverse section. A computer model of the surface layer of membrane, with AmB admixture, was developed and subjected to computer simulation. The effect of changing concentration of the admixture on the binding energy in the system of dipoles representing the surface of the membrane was examined. The ESR studies showed that the process of accumulation of AmB molecules in the membrane has two stages, marked by local maxima in the ESR spectra. The first appears for concentrations of ca. 0.25–0.5% and the second appears for ca. 2.5–3% AmB of its molar ratio to DPPC. The computer simulations permitted reconstructing the two-stage mechanism of interaction between the molecules and the membrane. They demonstrated that, at low concentrations, the AmB molecules position themselves flat on the membrane surface. After the threshold concentration is exceeded, they re-orientate to a vertical position. This process leads to the perforation of the membrane.  相似文献   

This review will focus on computer modeling aimed at providing insights into the existence, structure, size, and thermodynamic stability of localized domains in membranes of heterogeneous composition. Modeling the lateral organization within a membrane is problematic due to the relatively slow lateral diffusion rate for lipid molecules so that microsecond or longer time scales are needed to fully model the formation and stability of a raft in a membrane. Although atomistic simulations currently are not able to reach this scale, they can provide data on the intermolecular forces and correlations that are involved in lateral organization. These data can be used to define coarse grained models that are capable of predictions of lateral organization in membranes. In this paper, we review modeling efforts that use interaction data from MD simulations to construct coarse grained models for heterogeneous bilayers. In this review we will discuss MD simulations done with the aim of gaining the information needed to build accurate coarse-grained models. We will then review some of the coarse-graining work, emphasizing modeling that has resulted from or has a basis in atomistic simulations.  相似文献   

This review will focus on computer modeling aimed at providing insights into the existence, structure, size, and thermodynamic stability of localized domains in membranes of heterogeneous composition. Modeling the lateral organization within a membrane is problematic due to the relatively slow lateral diffusion rate for lipid molecules so that microsecond or longer time scales are needed to fully model the formation and stability of a raft in a membrane. Although atomistic simulations currently are not able to reach this scale, they can provide data on the intermolecular forces and correlations that are involved in lateral organization. These data can be used to define coarse grained models that are capable of predictions of lateral organization in membranes. In this paper, we review modeling efforts that use interaction data from MD simulations to construct coarse grained models for heterogeneous bilayers. In this review we will discuss MD simulations done with the aim of gaining the information needed to build accurate coarse-grained models. We will then review some of the coarse-graining work, emphasizing modeling that has resulted from or has a basis in atomistic simulations.  相似文献   

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