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Detection of force increases and decreases is important in motor control. Experiments were performed to characterize the structure and responses of tibial campaniform sensilla, receptors that encode forces through cuticular strains, in the middle leg of the stick insect (Carausius morosus). The sensilla consist of distinct subgroups. Group 6A sensilla are located 0.3 mm distal to the femoro-tibial joint and have oval shaped cuticular caps. Group 6B receptors are 1 mm distal to the joint and have round caps. All sensilla show directional, phasico-tonic responses to forces applied to the tibia in the plane of joint movement. Group 6B sensilla respond to force increases in the direction of joint extension while Group 6A receptors discharge when those forces decrease. Forces applied in the direction of joint flexion produce the reverse pattern of sensory discharge. All receptors accurately encode the rate of change of force increments and decrements. Contractions of tibial muscles also produce selective, directional sensory discharges. The subgroups differ in their reflex effects: Group 6B receptors excite and Group 6A sensilla inhibit tibial extensor and trochanteral depressor motoneurons. The tibial campaniform sensilla can, therefore, encode force increases or decreases and aid in adapting motor outputs to changes in load.  相似文献   

Sense organs in the legs that detect body weight are an important component in the regulation of posture and locomotion. We tested the abilities of tibial campaniform sensilla, receptors that can monitor forces in the cockroach leg, to encode variations in body load in freely standing animals. Small magnets were attached to the thorax and currents were applied to a coil below the substrate. Sensory and motor activities were monitored neurographically. The tibial sensilla could show vigorous discharges to changing forces when animals stood upon their legs and actively supported the body weight. Firing of individual afferents depended upon the orientation of the receptors cuticular cap: proximal sensilla (oriented perpendicular to the leg axis) discharged to force increases while distal receptors (parallel to the leg) fired to decreasing forces. Proximal sensillum discharges were prolonged and could encode the level of load when increases were sustained. Firing of the trochanteral extensor motoneuron was also strongly modulated by changing load. In some postures, sensillum discharges paralleled changes in motor frequency consistent with a known interjoint reflex. These findings demonstrate that tibial campaniform sensilla can monitor the effects of body weight upon the legs and may aid in generating support of body load.  相似文献   

We studied the mechanisms underlying support of body load in posture and walking in serially homologous legs of cockroaches. Activities of the trochanteral extensor muscle in the front or middle legs were recorded neurographically while animals were videotaped. Body load was increased via magnets attached to the thorax and varied through a coil below the substrate. In posture, tonic firing of the slow trochanteral extensor motoneuron (Ds) in each leg was strongly modulated by changing body load. Rapid load increases produced decreases in body height and sharp increments in extensor firing. The peak of extensor activity more closely approximated the maximum velocity of body displacement than the body position. In walking, extensor bursts in front and middle legs were initiated during swing and continued into the stance phase. Moderate tonic increases in body load elicited similar, specific, phase dependent changes in both legs: extensor firing was not altered in swing but was higher after foot placement in stance. These motor adjustments to load are not anticipatory but apparently depend upon sensory feedback. These data are consistent with previous findings in the hind legs and support the idea that body load is countered by common motor mechanisms in serially homologous legs.  相似文献   

Responses of the tibial campaniform sensilla, receptors that encode strains in the exoskeleton, were characterized by recording sensory activities during perturbations in freely standing cockroaches. The substrate upon which the animal stood was displaced horizontally using ramp and hold stimuli at varied rates. The sensilla showed short latency responses that were initiated in the first 30 ms of platform movement. Responses of individual receptors depended upon the direction of displacement and the orientation of their cuticular cap. Proximal receptors, whose caps are perpendicular to the long axis of the tibia, responded to displacements directed from the contralateral side of the body and from the head toward the abdomen. The distal sensilla, oriented parallel to the tibia, discharged at longer latency to displacements in opposite directions. Plots of receptor activity versus displacement direction showed that proximal and distal sensilla are activated in non-overlapping ranges of movement direction. Afferent responses also increased as the platform was displaced more rapidly. These results are consistent with a model in which displacements produce forces that result in bending of the tibia. This information could be utilized to detect the direction and rate of forces that occur during leg slipping or in walking on unstable terrains.  相似文献   

Structure and physiology of the locust femoral chordotonal organ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The connective chordotonal organs (COs) in the femora of the prothoracic and mesothoracic legs of the locust Schistocerca gregaria are divided into two parts, the proximal and the distal scoloparia. The proximal scoloparium contains about 150 small neurons and is anchored to the femoral cuticle. The distal scoloparium contains about 50 larger neurons and is connected at its proximal end to both the cuticle and the flexor tibiae muscle.Records were made from the distal scoloparium, classifying units by spike size. The tibial position/total activity response curve is ∪-shaped but when a small number of units is selected the responses occur only when the tibia is on one side of its centre position. The tonic responses display considerable hysteresis and a degree of adaptation which varies with the tibial angle. Units with phasic and phasic-tonic responses are common and their responsiveness depends on the range of angles the tibia is moved through. The same units respond strongly to flexor tibiae contraction with the tibia either fixed or free, and so may serve as receptors for tension in that muscle.The CO mediates phasic resistance reflexes in all three extensor tibiae motoneurons and tonic reflexes in the extensor ‘slow’ neuron. It is suggested that the very detailed information furnished by the CO is used in a complex way in the control of the femoral muscles.  相似文献   

To elucidate neural mechanisms underlying walking and jumping in insects, motor neurons supplying femoral muscles have been identified mainly in locusts and katydids, but not in crickets. In this study, the motor innervation patterns of the metathoracic flexor and extensor tibiae muscles in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus were investigated by differential back-fills and nerve recordings. Whereas the extensor tibiae muscle has an innervation pattern similar to that of other orthopterans, the flexor has an innervation unique to this species. The main body of the flexor muscle is divided into the proximal, middle and distal regions, which receive morphologically unique terminations from almost non-overlapping sets of motor neurons. The proximal region is innervated by about 12 moderate-sized excitatory motor neurons and two inhibitory neurons while the middle and distal regions are innervated by three and four large excitatory motor neurons, respectively. The most-distally located accessory flexor muscle, inserting on a common flexor apodeme with the main muscle, is innervated by at least four small excitatory (slow-type) and two common inhibitory motor neurons. The two excitatory and two inhibitory motor neurons that innervate the accessory flexor muscle also innervate the proximal bundles of the main flexor muscle. This suggests that the most proximal and distal parts of the flexor muscle participate synergistically in fine motor control while the rest participates in powerful drive of tibial flexion movement.  相似文献   

To examine how walking patterns are adapted to changes in load, we recorded leg movements and muscle activities when cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) walked upright and on an inverted surface. Animals were videotaped to measure the hindleg femoro-tibial joint angle while myograms were taken from the tibial extensor and flexor muscles. The joint is rapidly flexed during swing and extended in stance in upright and inverted walking. When inverted, however, swing is shorter in duration and the joint traverses a range of angles further in extension. In slow upright walking, slow flexor motoneurons fire during swing and the slow extensor in stance, although a period of co-contraction occurs early in stance. In inverted walking, patterns of muscle activities are altered. Fast flexor motoneurons fire both in the swing phase and early in stance to support the body by pulling the animal toward the substrate. Extensor firing occurs late in stance to propel the animal forward. These findings are discussed within the context of a model in which stance is divided into an early support and subsequent propulsion phase. We also discuss how these changes in use of the hindleg may represent adaptations to the reversal of the effects of gravity.  相似文献   

We examined the mechanisms underlying force feedback in cockroach walking by recording sensory and motor activities in freely moving animals under varied load conditions. Tibial campaniform sensilla monitor forces in the leg via strains in the exoskeleton. A subgroup (proximal receptors) discharge in the stance phase of walking. This activity has been thought to result from leg loading derived from body mass. We compared sensory activities when animals walked freely in an arena or on an oiled glass plate with their body weight supported. The plate was oriented either horizontally (70-75% of body weight supported) or vertically (with the gravitational vector parallel to the substrate). Proximal sensilla discharged following the onset of stance in all load conditions. In addition, activity was decreased in the middle third of the stance phase when the effect of body weight was reduced. Our results suggest that sensory discharges early in stance result from forces generated by contractions of muscles that press the leg as a lever against the substrate. These forces can unload legs already in stance and assure the smooth transition of support among the limbs. Force feedback later in stance may adjust motor output to changes in leg loading.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP and its dibutyryl derivative inhibit neuronal firing of the labellar sugar sensitive receptor of the blowfly when applied in conjunction with the stimulant sucrose. Furthermore, simultaneous application of aminophylline (phosphodieterase inhibitor) and sucrose or in combination with cyclic AMP caused a similar depression of the sugar receptors response. In contrast, dibutyryl cyclic GMP elicited an increase in sugar receptor firing when applied with sucrose to sugar receptor. Either 5'-AMP or 5'-GMP in combination with sucrose had no discernable effect on the sugar receptors response. Different ratio combinations of cyclic AMP and dibutyryl cyyclic GMP showed the striking inhibitory effect of cyclic AMP upon the dibutyryl cyclic GMP elicited increases in receptor firing frequency. Therefore, it is suggested that these two nucleotides may be mediating different but complimentary aspects of sugar receptor function in a push-pull manner.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP and its dibutyryl derivative inhibit neuronal firing of the labellar sugar sensitive receptor of the blowfly when applied in conjunction with the stimulant sucrose. Furthermore, simultaneous application of aminophylline (phosphodiesterase inhibitor) and sucrose or in combination with cyclic AMP caused a similar depression of the sugar receptors response. In contrast, dibutyryl cyclic GMP elicited an increase in sugar receptor firing when applied with sucrose to the sugar receptor. Either 5′-AMP or 5′-GMP in combination with sucrose had no discernable effect on the sugar receptors response. Different ratio combinations of cyclic AMP and dibutyryl cyclic GMP showed the striking inhibitory effect of cyclic AMP upon the dibutyryl cyclic GMP elicited increases in receptor firing frequency. Therefore, it is suggested that these two nucleotides may be mediating different but complimentary aspects of sugar receptor function in a push-pull manner.  相似文献   

Feathered hair sensilla fringe both rami of the lobster (Homarus americanus) swimmeret. The sensory response to hair displacement was characterized by recording afferent impulses extracellularly from the swimmeret sensory nerve while deflecting sensilla with a rigidly-coupled probe or controlled water movements. Two populations of hairs were observed: "distal" hairs localized to the distal 1/3 of each ramus and "proximal" hairs near its base. Distal hairs are not innervated by a mechanosensory neuron but instead act as levers producing strain within adjacent cuticle capable of activating a nearby hypodermal mechanoreceptor. Hair deflections of 25 degrees or more are required to evoke an afferent response and this response is dependent on hair deflection direction. The frequency and duration of the afferent discharge evoked are determined by the velocity of hair displacement. Each proximal hair is innervated by a single mechanosensory neuron responding phasically to hair deflections as small as 0.2 degrees in amplitude. Deflection at frequencies up to 5 Hz elicits a single action potential for each hair movement; at higher frequencies many deflections fail to evoke an afferent response. These sensilla, which are mechanically coupled, may be activated by the turbulent flow of water produced by the swimmerets during their characteristic beating movements.  相似文献   

Summary The metathoracic femoral chordotonal organ is a receptor of the locust,Schistocerca, hindleg that encodes the angle of the femoro-tibial joint. However, the discharge of the organ shows considerable hysteresis, in that there is a substantial decline in the level of afferent firing when the tibia is moved and then returned to its initial position. Similar hysteresis is also seen in some joint receptors and interneurons of other invertebrates and vertebrates. When the chordotonal organ is stimulated in freely moving locusts, mimicking sudden changes in joint angle, reflex discharges can be elicited in the tibial extensor muscle that resist apparent joint movement and also show similar hysteresis. This pattern of motoneuron activity is demonstrated to potentially function to eliminate residual, catch muscle tensions that result from increases in motoneuron firing frequency. This adaptation could also serve to produce accurate load compensation.  相似文献   

Changes in sweat rate on the palm and on the general body surface in response to stepwise increases and decreases in work load during exercise on a bicycle ergometer were examined in relation to body temperature and heart rate in six male subjects (three trained and three untrained), in an attempt to evaluate thermal and nonthermal factors responsible for those changes. In all the untrained subjects, a transient, marked increase in palmar sweat rate was observed upon an abrupt increase (and occasionally upon an abrupt decrease) in work, while an increase in sweat rate on the general body surface was also rapid and marked. On the other hand, in all the trained subjects, palmar sweat rate was low and hardly showed a substantial increase in response to an abrupt increase in work load, to which sweating on the general body surface responded slowly by a gradual increase. While sweat rate on the general body surface showed a significant correlation with esophageal temperature and with heart rate, palmar sweat rate was not correlated with esophageal temperature but was significantly correlated with heart rate. Moreover, repeated increases and decreases in work load often led to progressive weakening of palmar sweating due apparently to the development of habituation. The present results suggest that responses of sweating to stepwise changes in work load are not solely dependent upon the thermoregulatory mechanism but are affected considerably by increase and decrease in psychic excitement and/or those in discharges of the sympathetic nervous system accompanying changes in work load.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The development of the sensory neurons of the legs of the blowfly,Phormia regina has been described from the third instar larva to the late pupa using immunohistochemical staining. The leg discs of the third instar larva contain 8 neurons of which 5 come to lie in the fifth tarsomere of the developing leg. Whereas 2 neurons persist at least to the late pupa, the other cells degenerate. The first neurons of gustatory sensilla arise in the fifth tarsomere at about 1.5 h after formation of the puparium. Most of these sensilla, however, appear within a short time period beginning at about 18 h. The femoral chordotonal sensory neurons first appear at the time of formation of the puparium, as a mass of cells situated in the distal femur. During later pupal development 2 groups of these cells come to lie at the femur-trochanter border, where they become the proximal femoral chordotonal organ of the adult; the remaining cells become the distal femoral chordotonal organ. Other scolopidial neurons appear later in development. The nerve pathways of the late pupal leg are established either by the axons of the cells that are present in the larval leg disc or by new outgrowing processes of sensory neurons. In the tibia, the initial direction of new outgrowth differs in different regions of the segment: proximal tibial neurons grow distally, while distal tibial neurons grow initially proximally.  相似文献   

Although both trunk mass and trunk position have the potential to affect lower extremity biomechanics during landing, these effects are not well understood. Our overall hypothesis stated that both trunk mass and trunk position affect lower extremity biomechanics in landing. Thus, our purpose was to determine the effects of an added trunk load and kinematic trunk adaptation groups on lower extremity joint kinematics, kinetics, and energetics during drop-landings. Twenty-one recreationally active subjects were instrumented for biomechanical analysis. Subjects performed two sets of eight double-limb landings with and without 10% body weight added to the trunk. On lower extremity dependent variables, 2(condition: no load, trunk load)x2(group: trunk extensors vs. trunk flexors) ANOVAs were performed. Condition by group interactions at the hip showed differing responses to the added trunk load between groups where the trunk extensor group decreased hip extensor efforts ( downward decrease 11-18%) while the trunk flexor group increased hip extensor efforts ( upward increase 14-19%). The trunk load increased biomechanical demands at the knee and ankle regardless of trunk adaptation group. However, the percent increases in angular impulses and energy absorption in the trunk extensor group were 14-28% while increases in the trunk flexor group were 4-9%. Given the 10% body weight added to the trunk, the 14-28% increases at the knee and ankle in the trunk extensor group were likely due to the reduced hip extensor efforts during landing. Overall these findings support our overall hypothesis that both trunk mass and trunk position affect lower extremity biomechanics during vertically oriented landing tasks.  相似文献   

The extensor apparatus, an aponeurosis that covers the dorsal side of each finger, transmits force from a number of musculotendons to the phalanges. Multiple tendons integrate directly into the structure at different sites and the extensor apparatus attaches to the phalanges at multiple points. Thus, prediction of the force distribution within the extensor apparatus, or hood, and the transmission to the phalanges is challenging, especially as knowledge of the underlying mechanical properties of the tissue is limited. We undertook quantification of some of these properties through material testing of cadaver specimens. We punched samples at specified locations from 19 extensor hood specimens. Material testing was performed to failure for each sample with a custom material testing device. Testing revealed significant differences in ultimate load, ultimate strain, thickness, and tangent modulus along the length of the extensor hood. Specifically, thickness, ultimate load, and ultimate strain were greater in the more proximal sections of the extensor hood, while the tangent modulus was greater in the more distal sections. The variations in mechanical properties within the hood may impact prediction of force transmission and, thus, should be considered when modeling the action of the extensor apparatus. Across the extensor hood, tangent modulus values were substantially smaller than values reported for other soft tissues, such as the Achilles tendon and knee ligaments, while ultimate strains were much greater. Thus, the tissue in the extensor apparatus seems to have greater elasticity, which should be modeled accordingly.  相似文献   

The cuticle strain which develops in the hindleg tibiae when a locust prepares to kick, or when the tibia thrusts against an obstacle, is detected by two campaniform sensilla, which reflexly excite the fast extensor tibiae motoneuron, some of the flexor tibiae motoneurons and nonspiking interneurons. The reflex excitation is adaptive for the extensor motoneuron during both co-activation and thrusting, but is only adaptive for the flexor motoneurons during co-activation, and is maladaptive during thrusting. We show that the femoral chordotonal organ, which monitors tibial position, controls the efficacy of the strain feedback. The campaniform sensilla-induced depolarization in the extensor motoneuron is about twice as large when the tendon is in mid position (reflecting a tibial-femoral angle of 90°) than when fully stretched (reflecting tibial flexion), while in the flexors the reverse is true. The amplitudes of excitatory postsynaptic potentials evoked by single campaniform sensilla spikes, are, however, not affected. Our data suggests that the chordotonal organ modulates the gain of the strain feedback onto the motoneurons by exciting interneuronal circuits whose output sums with the former. Thrusting typically occurs with the tibia partially extended, therefore the actions of the chordotonal organ support the production of a maximal thrusting force. Accepted: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

Recent findings have indicated that the Gr genes for putative gustatory receptors of Drosophila melanogaster are expressed in a spatially restricted pattern among chemosensilla on the labellum. However, evidence for a functional segregation among the chemosensilla is lacking. In this work, labellar chemosensilla were classified and numbered into three groups, L-, I- and S-type, based on their morphology. Electrophysiological responses to sugars and salt were recorded from all the accessible labellar chemosensilla by the tip-recording method. All the L-type sensilla gave good responses to sugars in terms of action potential firing rates, while the probability for successful recordings from the I-type and S-type sensilla was lower. No differences were found in the responses to sugars between chemosensilla belonging to the same type; however, dose-response curves for several different sugars varied among the sensilla types. The L-type sensilla gave the highest frequency of nerve responses to all the sugars. The I-type sensilla also responded to all the sugars but with a lower magnitude of firing rate than the L-type sensilla. The S-type sensilla gave a good response to sucrose, and lower responses to the other sugars. These results suggest that there might be variations in the expression level or pattern of multiple receptors for sugars among the three types of chemosensilla. The expression pattern of six Gr genes was examined using the Gal4/UAS-GFP system, and sensilla were identified according to the innervation pattern of each GFP-expressing taste cell. None of the spatial expression patterns of the six Gr genes corresponded to the sugar sensitivity differences we observed.  相似文献   

On the pectines of scorpions, several types of cuticular receptors are located. Of these receptors, only the chemo- and mechanosensory peg sensilla have been studied so far while the response characteristics of the long, straight hair sensilla are unknown. As these sensilla protrude in the walking direction and to the ground, we assume that these receptors are most likely involved in observed reflex behaviours. The sensilla constitute rather robust shafts, comparable to other touch-receptors. Their innervation pattern reveals that 5-6 sensory cells are associated with one sensillum. It was possible to record up to three different spike classes (units) which could be distinguished by size, response characteristics and conduction velocity. Two units were analysed in more detail. The response characteristics showed two phasic units, one large and one small, coding the velocity of a stimulus. One medium-sized unit showed phasic-tonic characteristics, coding also the duration of a stimulus. Taking together the morphological and electrophysiological results, we suggest that these sensilla belong to the group of long hair sensilla distributed all over the scorpion body. Furthermore, their response characteristics and the timing between sensory and motor activity within the pectine nerve enable them to be involved in reflex behaviours.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological responses of three different olfactory sensilla (proximal primary rhinaria (PPR), distal primary rhinaria (DPR) and secondary rhinaria (SR)) to the sex pheromone components, nepetalactol, nepetalactone, and a plant volatile, (E)-2-hexenal, were investigated in four different morphs of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli. The DC responses recorded directly from the antennal sensilla and termed electrosensillograms (ESGs) were generally much larger (up to 14 mV) than electroantennogram (EAG) responses (up to 2.5 mV). Characteristic morph-specific response profiles to these compounds were observed in each type of rhinarium and response waveforms were different between (E)-2-hexenal and the sex pheromone components. (E)-2-Hexenal elicited the largest responses at PPR, while nepetalactol and nepetalactone elicited the largest responses at SR in gynoparae and males. Nepetalactol and nepetalactone also showed significant activities on DPR and PPR in all morphs. In contrast, (E)-2-hexenal had almost no activity on SR. However, almost all of the SR investigated in males and gynoparae were sensitive to both nepetalactol and nepetalactone. A small sub-set of male SR responded mainly to nepetalactol. SR of winged virginoparae did not respond to the sex pheromone compounds. Paraffin oil (the solvent control) also elicited significant responses at PPR in virginoparae but not in other morphs. In a further experiment, SR of winged virginoparae showed no response to 30 other plant volatile compounds or the alarm pheromone component, (E)-beta-farnesene. Nepetalactol and nepetalactone had similar dose-response profiles in the SR of gynoparae. The results indicate that SR in males and gynoparae are highly specialised to detect sex pheromone compounds, while the DPR and PPR are relatively broadly tuned to both plant volatiles and sex pheromone components. The presence of SR in winged virginoparae that are not responsive to sex pheromone components, alarm pheromone, or any of the plant volatile compounds tested may indicate a possible role of these sensilla to detect, as yet, unknown compound(s) with a high specificity. The present study also suggests that PPR may play a role in detecting paraffin-related compounds such as cuticular hydrocarbons of plants.  相似文献   

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