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The ability of rabbit trachealis to undergo plastic adaptation to chronic shortening or lengthening was assessed by setting the muscle preparations at three lengths for 24 h in relaxed state: a reference length in which applied force was approximately 1-2% of maximal active force (P(o)) and lengths considerably shorter and longer than the reference. Passive and active length-tension (L-T) curves for the preparations were then obtained by electrical field stimulation at progressively increasing muscle length. Classically shaped L-T curves were obtained with a distinct optimal length (L(o)) at which P(o) developed; however, both the active and passive L-T curves were shifted, whereas P(o) remained unchanged. L(o) was 72% and 148% that of the reference preparations for the passively shortened and lengthened muscles, respectively. The results suggest that chronic narrowing of the airways could induce a shift in the L-T relationship of smooth muscle, resulting in a maintained potential for maximal force production.  相似文献   

Passive mechanical properties of strips of rabbit detrusor smooth muscle were examined and found by cyclic loading in a calcium-free solution to display viscoelastic softening and strain-induced stress softening (strain softening). Strain softening, or the Mullins effect, is a loss of stiffness attributed to the breakage of cross-links, and appeared irreversible in detrusor even after the return of spontaneous rhythmic tone during 120 min of incubation in a calcium-containing solution. However, 3 min of KCl or carbachol (CCh)-induced contraction permitted rapid regeneration of the passive stiffness lost to strain softening, and 3 microM of the RhoA kinase (ROK) inhibitor Y-27632 prevented this regeneration. The degree of ROK-induced passive stiffness was inversely dependent on muscle length over a length range where peak CCh-induced force was length independent. Thus rabbit detrusor displayed variable passive stiffness both strain- and activation-history dependent. In conclusion, activation of ROK by KCl or CCh increased passive stiffness softened by muscle strain and thereby attributed to cross-links that remained stable during tissue incubation in a calcium-free solution. Degradation of this signaling system could potentially contribute to urinary incontinence.  相似文献   

Strips of rabbit detrusor smooth muscle (DSM) exhibit adjustable passive stiffness characterized by strain softening: a loss of stiffness on stretch to a new length distinct from viscoelastic behavior. At the molecular level, strain softening appears to be caused by cross-link breakage and is essentially irreversible when DSM is maintained under passive conditions (i.e., when cross bridges are not cycling to produce active force). However, on DSM activation, strain softening is reversible and likely due to cross-link reformation. Thus DSM displays adjustable passive stiffness that is dependent on the history of both muscle strain and activation. The present study provides empirical data showing that, in DSM, 1) passive isometric force relaxation includes a very slow component requiring hours to approach steady state, 2) the level of passive force maintained at steady state is less if the tissue has previously been strain softened, and 3) tissues subjected to a quick-release protocol exhibit a biphasic response consisting of passive force redevelopment followed by force relaxation. To explain these and previously identified characteristics, a mechanical model for adjustable passive stiffness is proposed based on the addition of a novel cross-linking element to a hybrid Kelvin/Voigt viscoelastic model.  相似文献   

This study examines the dependence of the length-tension (L-T) relationship in vascular smooth muscle on its level of activation. A horizontal shift of the L-T relationship with a change in activation level has been shown in striated muscle when L-T curves could not be superimposed. Active force at each length was normalized to the maximum active force in each curve. Indices of a horizontal shift of a L-T curve include the initial length for an active response (Li) and the length for maximum active force (Lmax). In this study normalized L-T curves were obtained from rings of the dog anterior tibial artery at low (approximately ED50) and high (maximal activation) concentrations of potassium (K+), norepinephrine (NE), and calcium (Ca2+). The normalized curve with a low concentration of K+ or NE was shifted to the right of the curve obtained with a high concentration. Li and Lmax were significantly longer for a low concentration of K+ or NE than a high concentration. With the same concentration of NE (10(-5) M) no difference in the normalized L-T curves, in Li, or in Lmax were found when low (0.085 mM) Ca2+ experiments were compared to normal (1.7 mM) Ca2+ experiments. It may be concluded that the length-tension relationship in vascular smooth muscle is shifted to longer lengths with a decrease in the concentration of a chemical agonist but not by a decrease in external calcium. We suggest that a concentration dependent shift in the length-tension relationship may have a role in the regulation of blood flow.  相似文献   

The study of muscle growth and muscle length adaptations requires measurement of passive length-tension properties of individual muscles, but until now such measurements have only been made in animal muscles. We describe a new method for measuring passive length-tension properties of human gastrocnemius muscles in vivo. Passive ankle torque and ankle angle data were obtained as the ankle was rotated through its full range with the knee in a range of positions. To extract gastrocnemius passive length-tension curves from passive torque-angle data it was assumed that passive ankle torque was the sum of torque due to structures which crossed only the ankle joint (this torque was a 6-parameter function of ankle joint angle) and a torque due to the gastrocnemius muscle (a 3-parameter function of knee and ankle angle). Parameter values were estimated with non-linear regression and used to reconstruct passive length-tension curves of the gastrocnemius. The reliability of the method was examined in 11 subjects by comparing three sets of measurements: two on the same day and the other at least a week later. Length-tension curves were reproducible: the average root mean square error was 5.1+/-1.1 N for pairs of measurements taken within a day and 7.3+/-1.2 N for pairs of measurements taken at least a week apart (about 3% and 6% of maximal passive tension, respectively). Length-tension curves were sensitive to mis-specification of moment arms, but changes in length-tension curves were not. The new method enables reliable measurement of passive length-tension properties of human gastrocnemius in vivo, and is likely to be useful for investigation of changes in length-tension curves over time.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-antagonists change the contractility of isolated detrusor smooth muscle of rabbit influencing the translocation of intra- and extra-cellular Ca2+. This observation might be of clinical importance in the treatment of disorders of urinary bladder function. During field stimulation of different segments of isolated rabbit bladder it was found that the specific Ca(2+)-antagonist nifedipine and verapamil and the non-selective Ca(2+)-antagonist fendiline, prenylamine and cinnarizine blocked the contractions induced by field stimulus to different extent, which decreased from the bladder towards the bladder base (fundus). The highest rate of blocking effect was produced by nifedipine followed by verapamil, prenylamine and fendiline, respectively. Cinnarizine exerted the lowest effect. The change in amplitude and frequency of spontaneous peristalsis was similar in its tendency to the blockade of the field stimulus induced contraction.  相似文献   

An a priori model of the whole active muscle length-tension relationship was constructed utilizing only myofilament length and serial sarcomere number for rabbit tibialis anterior (TA), extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and extensor digitorum II (EDII) muscles. Passive tension was modeled with a two-element Hill-type model. Experimental length-tension relations were then measured for each of these muscles and compared to predictions. The model was able to accurately capture the active-tension characteristics of experimentally-measured data for all muscles (ICC=0.88 ± 0.03). Despite their varied architecture, no differences in predicted versus experimental correlations were observed among muscles. In addition, the model demonstrated that excursion, quantified by full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of the active length-tension relationship, scaled linearly (slope=0.68) with normalized muscle fiber length. Experimental and theoretical FWHM values agreed well with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.99 (p<0.001). In contrast to active tension, the passive tension model deviated from experimentally-measured values and thus, was not an accurate predictor of passive tension (ICC=0.70 ± 0.07). These data demonstrate that modeling muscle as a scaled sarcomere provides accurate active functional but not passive functional predictions for rabbit TA, EDL, and EDII muscles and call into question the need for more complex modeling assumptions often proposed.  相似文献   

The sarcomere length-tension relation in skeletal muscle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Tension development during isometric tetani in single fibers of frog semitendinosus muscle occurs in three phases: (a) in initial fast-rise phase; (b) a slow-rise phase; and (c) a plateau, which lasts greater than 10 s. The slow-rise phase has previously been assumed to rise out of a progressive increase of sarcomere length dispersion along the fiber (Gordon et al. 1966. J. Physiol. [Lond.]. 184:143--169;184:170-- 192). Consequently, the "true" tetanic tension has been considered to be the one existing before the onset of the slow-rise phase; this is obtained by extrapolating the slowly rising tension back to the start of the tetanus. In the study by Gordon et al. (1966. J. Physiol. [Lond.] 184:170--192), as well as in the present study, the relation between this extrapolated tension and sarcomere length gave the familiar linear descending limb of the length-tension relation. We tested the assumption that the slow rise of tension was due to a progressive increase in sarcomere length dispersion. During the fast rise, the slow rise, and the plateau of tension, the sarcomere length dispersion at any area along the muscle was less than 4% of the average sarcomere length. Therefore, a progressive increase of sarcomere length dispersion during contraction appears unable to account for the slow rise of tetanic tension. A sarcomere length-tension relation was constructed from the levels of tension and sarcomere length measured during the plateau. Tension was independent of sarcomere length between 1.9 and 2.6 microgram, and declined to 50% maximal at 3.4 microgram. This result is difficult to reconcile with the cross-bridge model of force generation.  相似文献   

The effect of low serum estrogen levels on urinary bladder function remains poorly understood. Using a rabbit model, we analyzed the effects of estrogen on the expression of the isoforms of myosin, the molecular motor for muscle contraction, in detrusor smooth muscle. Expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, which differ in the COOH-terminal (SM1 and SM2) and the NH(2)-terminal (SM-A and SM-B) regions as a result of alternative splicing of the mRNA at either the 3'- or 5'-ends, was analyzed in age-matched female rabbits that were sham operated, ovariectomized (Ovx), and given estrogen after ovariectomy (4 rabbits/group). Ovx rabbits showed a significant decrease in the overall MHC content per gram of wet detrusor smooth muscle compared with controls (P < 0.04), which was reversed by estrogen replacement (P < 0.02). MHC content, as a proportion of total milligram of protein in the bladder tissue extracted, was also increased in estrogen-treated Ovx rabbits. Quantitative competitive RT-PCR revealed 1.72-, 2.63-, and 5.82 x 10(6) copies of MHC mRNA/100 ng total mRNA in Ovx, control, and estrogen-treated rabbits, respectively (P < 0.01). RT-PCR analysis using oligonucleotides specific for the region containing the SM1/SM2 MHC alternative splice sites indicated a lower SM2-to-SM1 ratio in estrogen-treated compared with control and Ovx rabbits (P < 0.05). Similarly, SDS-PAGE analysis of extracted myosin from estrogen-treated rabbits revealed a significantly lower SM2-to-SM1 isoform ratio compared with control and Ovx rabbits (P < 0.05). Expression of the SM-A and SM-B isoforms was not affected. These results indicate that myosin content is increased upon estrogen replacement in Ovx rabbits and that the abundance of SM1 relative to SM2 is greater in estrogen-treated rabbits compared with normal and Ovx rabbits. These data suggest that estrogen affects alternative splicing at the 3'-end of the MHC pre-mRNA to increase the proportion of SM1 vs. SM2.  相似文献   

Urinary bladder (detrusor) smooth muscle is active in the absence of an external stimulus. Tone occurs even "at rest" during the filling phase, and it is elevated in patients with overactive bladder. This study examined the role of muscle length on tone and the level of basal myosin light chain phosphorylation (MLC(20P)). MLC(20P) was 23.9 +/- 1% (n = 58) at short lengths (zero preload; L(z)). An increase in length from L(z) to the optimal length for contraction (L(o)) caused a reduction in MLC(20P) to 15.8 +/- 1% (n = 49). Whereas 10 microM staurosporine reduced MLC(20P) at L(z), 1 microM staurosporine, a Ca(2+)-free solution, and inhibitors of MLC kinase, protein kinase C (PKC) and RhoA kinase (ROK) did not. However, 1 microM staurosporine and inhibitors of ROK inhibited MLC(20P) and tone at L(o). These data support the hypothesis that a Ca(2+)-independent kinase, possibly ZIP-like kinase, regulates MLC(20P) at L(z), whereas in detrusor stretched to L(o), additional kinases, such as ROK, participate.  相似文献   

Wu C  Sui G  Thiruchelvam N  Cuckow P  Fry CH 《Cell calcium》2006,39(4):367-374
Sheep fetus is a useful model to study in utero bladder outflow obstruction but little is known about cell physiology of fetal bladders. To remedy this defect we have characterised intracellular Ca(2+) regulation in fetal sheep myocytes of different developmental ages. Fetal detrusor myocytes had a similar resting [Ca(2+)](i) to adult cells and exhibited transient [Ca(2+)](i) increases in response to carbachol, ATP, high-K, caffeine and low-Na. The carbachol transients were abolished by atropine and caffeine; the ATP response was blocked by alpha,beta-methylene ATP; high-K-evoked [Ca(2+)](i) rises were antagonised by verapamil. The maximal responses to carbachol, high-K, caffeine and low-Na in fetal cells were similar to those of adult counterparts, whilst the ATP response was smaller (p < 0.05). These variables were largely similar between the three gestational groups with the exception of ATP-induced response between early fetal and adult bladders (p < 0.05). Dose-response curves to carbachol demonstrated an increase of potency between mid-gestation and early adulthood (p < 0.05). These data show that muscarinic receptors coupled to intracellular Ca(2+) release, P2X receptor-linked Ca(2+) entry, depolarisation-induced Ca(2+) rise via L-type Ca(2+) channels, Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange and functional intracellular Ca(2+) stores are all operational in fetal bladder myocytes. Whilst most of Ca(2+) regulators are substantially developed and occur at an early fetal age, a further functional maturation for cholinergic sensitivity and purinergic efficacy continues throughout to adulthood.  相似文献   

Electrical field stimulation induced a relaxation response in female rabbit urethral smooth muscle strips precontracted with phenylephrine. The relaxation response was inhibited by tetrodotoxin, but not by atropine, propranolol, or hexamethonium. The relaxation response thus results from stimulation of inhibitory non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic nerves. The electrically induced relaxation response was inhibited by an inhibitor of nitric oxide biosynthesis, NG-nitro-L-arginine. This inhibition was overcome by addition of a precursor of nitric oxide, L-arginine. An inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase, methylene blue, reduced the relaxation response, and a selective cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor, M & B 22948, potentiated the relaxation response. These data indicate that agents which affect the biosynthesis of nitric oxide are associated with the urethral relaxation response evoked by electrical field stimulation, and that cyclic GMP may mediate the relaxation response.  相似文献   

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