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Vertical, lateral and longitudinal movement of zooplankton in a large river   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The spatial distribution and movement patterns of zooplankton in large rivers are little known compared with those in lake environments. We conducted a series of studies in the Ohio River (U.S.A.) during the low flow period to assess diel vertical (DVM), longitudinal and lateral movement of crustacean zooplankton. 2. The dominant large zooplankter, the copepod Eurytemora affinis, showed a consistent vertical migration pattern of daytime ascent and night‐time descent during all sampling periods – the reverse of the most common migratory pattern of zooplankton in lakes. The cladoceran Bosmina migrated in a similar way in two of the three sampling periods. Surveys taken longitudinally in the river showed similar trends for both taxa. 3. During the lateral surveys, E. affinis was significantly more abundant in the shallow littoral zone during the night than in the daytime. The combination of vertical and lateral movement patterns along with the diel distribution of zooplanktivorous fish suggest that these movements are a predator‐avoidance mechanism. 4. Sampling programmes in large rivers should consider that larger zooplankton such as E. affinis may not be randomly distributed in the river channel and behaviours such as diel vertical migration may be just as evident in river habitats as in lakes.  相似文献   

A multi‐year radio‐telemetry data set was used to comparatively examine the concurrent movements of the adults of three large‐bodied Australian native freshwater fishes (Murray cod Maccullochella peelii, trout cod Maccullochella macquariensis and golden perch Macquaria ambigua) and the introduced carp Cyprinus carpio. The study was conducted over a reach scale in the regulated Murray River in south‐eastern Australia. Differences were identified in the movements among these species. The predominant behaviour was the use of small movements (<1 km) for all species, and although larger‐scale movements (>1 km) did occur, the frequency varied considerably among species. Large‐scale movements were least evident for M. macquariensis and more common for M. ambigua and C. carpio with these two species also having a greater propensity to change locations. Macquaria ambigua displayed the largest movements and more M. ambigua moved on a ‘continual’ basis. Although a degree of site fidelity was evident for all species, the highest levels were exhibited by M. macquariensis and M. peelii. Homing was also evident to some degree in all species, but was greatest for M. peelii.  相似文献   

The diel drift patterns of Chironomidae larvae were investigated in a seventh order section of the Warta River (Central Poland) over two diel cycles during May 1989. Three nets (mesh size 400 m) were installed in a cross section of the Warta River.The estimated drift density was low, but was comparable to that calculated for other large rivers. Spatio-temporal fluctuations in abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate drift, including Chironomidae, were observed with the highest density of drifting macrobenthos recorded near the depositional bank of this river. The ratio benthosdrift indicated differing propensities for of the older instars of a given chironomid taxon to drift. Orthocladiinae larvae were the most abundant subfamily of Chironomidae in drift but not in benthos, reaching up to 73% of the total drifting chironomid larvae. More taxa but fewer individuals (about 20% of the chironomid larvae collected) belonged to the tribe Chironomini, the dominant group in benthos.A major part of chironomid drift collection may represent behavioural drift because the net mesh size used in the Warta River was insufficient to catch the earliest instars (distributional drift). Both at the family and subfamily level chironomid larvae exhibited a distinct nocturnal drift periodicity. Nocturnal periodicity was documented for the dominant species, but due to the low density of many chironomid species, it was impossible to determine their diel drift pattern. Some Chironomidae appeared to be aperiodic.  相似文献   

Diel distribution patterns of fishes in a temperate large lowland river   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
During the day, juveniles and typical inshore species in the lower Oder River, Germany, inhabited the littoral (0·05–1·50 m deep) while potamal species inhabited the mid‐channel (40–100 m from the banks). During the night, two behavioural groups were distinguished: 1) potamal species and large individuals of other species, moved from offshore to the littoral, and 2) nocturnal foraging species, became active and increased in inshore and offshore habitats. Inshore, the most significant differences at night was the increasing density of silver bream Blicca bjoerkna increasing both total biomass and total length of fishes caught. Offshore, the increasing density of whitefin gudgeon Gobio albipinnatus at night was most significant. Additional night electrofishing improved the assessment of the abundance, age and size structure of typical potamal fish species. It should be incorporated in large river fish monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

1. A 7‐year study was conducted in three hydrologically distinct sections within the highly regulated, lowland Campaspe River to investigate the influence of hydrology on temporal and spatial patterns in fish composition, abundance and recruitment. One section had 6 months, one section 2 months and one section no months of increased flow due to storage releases. The fish fauna of the less regulated, nearby Broken River served as a reference to which that of the Campaspe River was compared for the last 3 years of the study to allow insight into the relative effects of hydrology, barriers to movement and other environmental characteristics. The study included one high‐flow year, a moderate‐flow year and five low‐flow years. 2. A total of 16 fish species – 10 native and six alien – were caught in the Campaspe River, although of the native species, only three are considered to have self‐sustaining populations. The remaining species are either itinerants or a result of stocking. Alien species comprised approximately 64% of the total biomass of all fish caught. 3. Overall composition of the fish fauna did not differ significantly by year, but did by section of river. Species richness and the abundance of most of the dominant species also differed significantly by river section, but there was little inter‐annual variation in the abundance of any species, except for European perch and for common carp; the latter showing an increase in abundance following a high‐flow event during the spring of 2000 as a result of recruitment. 4. Overall faunal composition was not influenced by hydrology. However, multiple regression indicated that species richness, abundance of the dominant species and abundance of young‐of‐year (YOY) of golden perch, European perch and common carp all were influenced significantly by hydrological variables. The nature of the relationships was dependent on river section and hydrological season (‘winter’ or ‘spring/summer’). Of note was the result that the total abundance of fish and that of YOY common carp were significantly positively related to the number of spells above the threshold for movement upstream through the lower two weirs in the Campaspe River. Only one significant relationship between hydrological and fish‐related variables was found for the upper river section, whereas seven and five were found for the lower and middle sections respectively. 5. Comparisons with fish collected in the Broken River over 3 years suggest that the fauna of the Broken River is in a more natural state than that of the Campaspe River. Since the two rivers do not differ substantially in water quality, and since both contain significant weirs, which act as barriers to movement of fish, flow regulation is most likely to be the major reason for the poor state of the fauna in the Campaspe River.  相似文献   

1. The River Durance, the last alpine tributary of the River Rhône, is a large, braided alluvial hydrosystem. Following large-scale regulation, flow downstream of the Serre-Ponçon dam has been maintained at 1/40th of previous annual mean discharge. To assess the effects of historical disturbances, fish assemblages and habitat use were analysed during five summers in a representative reach of the middle Durance.
2. Habitat availability and use were assessed with a multi-scale approach including the variables water depth, current velocity, roughness height of substratum, amount of woody debris and lateral/longitudinal location. Eighteen fish species were sampled by electrofishing in 289 habitat sample units.
3. Partial least square (PLS) regression showed that taxa were mainly distributed according to relationships between their total length and water depth/velocity variables. Fish assemblage composition was also related to roughness height as well as distance from the bank or to the nearest large woody debris. However, PLS regression revealed no significant differences in habitat selection between two periods of varying hydromorphological stability.
4. Fish distribution patterns and density were related to proximity to the bank and cover, indicating that local scale variables need to be considered in conservation and restoration programmes.  相似文献   

Invertebrate drift in a large, braided New Zealand river   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The spatio-temporal patterns of drifting macroinvertebrates in a large, braided New Zealand river were determined by sampling with drift nets, seasonally, for 1 year. 2. Drift densities were greatest in autumn, and at night in all seasons except winter. A greater proportion of larger animals drifted at night than during the day in all seasons. Mean annual drift densities were ninety-six animals 100m?3 and 47 mg dry weight 100 m?3. 3. There were relatively few taxa in the drift, and the mayfly Deleatidium spp. comprised more than 85% of the drifting aquatic invertebrates in all seasons except autumn. Chironomidae and terrestrial forms were the only other groups to occur at densities of more than one animal 100 m?3 in all seasons. 4. Drift density was positively correlated with benthic density, which in turn was adversely affected by floods, particularly during spring and summer.  相似文献   

A stable nitrogen isotope analysis was used to clarify the relative importance of denitrification and nitrate uptake by plants in the nitrate reduction in a reed belt of L. Kamisagata (N 37°49′, E 138°53′, alt. 4.5 m, depth 30–80 cm, area 0.025 km2), one of about 20 sand dune lakes in Japan. A very high concentration of NO 3 -N with 19.0 ± 5.9 mg N l−1 in spring sources decreased during passage through the reed belt along two set transect lines about 120 m long in any season, whereas progressive enrichment in 15N-NO 3 in flowing water was detected. Loss rate of nitrate ranged from 38.4 to 73.1% with an average of 56.7 ± 11.6%. Enrichment factors calculated using a Rayleigh curve method ranged from −1.03 to −5.12‰. The contribution of denitrification to nitrate loss ranged from 6 to 28%, with a mean of 19.5% (±7.0), whereas that of plant uptake was from 72 to 94%, with a mean of 80.5% (±7.0), indicating the importance of vegetation in a sand dune riparian zone. A technique using the variation of natural abundance of 15N may provide useful information on the nitrate dynamics in artificial or natural wetlands under a non-destructive condition.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. A new method is described for sampling the drift in large rivers continuously and automatically, using equipment based on the marine, continuous plankton sampler of Hardy (1936).
2. Between April and November 1989, about 790 h were sampled continuously, equivalent to a water volume of 2937m3 and the total catch was 527 drifting macroinvertebrates, in forty-nine taxa. Twenty-five of these taxa are recorded in the drift for the first time and twenty-eight of the drifting taxa were present in benthos samples from the Danube.
3. Total drift density varied between 12 and 31 animals per 100m3 of water sampled throughout the year, with a maximum of 31 animals in May, The composition of major faunal groups showed a significant seasonal pattern, with Oligochaeta and Diptera predominant in spring, Crustacea and Insecta in summer and only Crustacea in autumn. The overall density of the macrozoobenthos from October 1986 to December 1987 was about 19360 animals m−2 and the proportion of total benthos animals, drifting at any instant in time, ranged from 0.0026 to 0.0064%.
4. The relationship between drift density day−1 and mean daily discharge was described by a power-function. Total mean drift rate of macroinvertebrates in the Danube was estimated to be 13 600 000 animals per 24 h and the mean drift distance was estimated to vary between about 4 and 31 m, dependent on the animal group and the water velocity.
5. No obvious consistent diel pattern could be established from the continuous samples, and no marked diel rhythm could be detected for Oligochaeta, Diptera larvae and Crustacea.  相似文献   

From the years 1997 to 2000, fish assemblages from 15 groyne fields and training walls (a current guiding dyke, protecting the groyne field) of the Middle Elbe River (Germany) were examined by electrofishing. The aim of the study was to detect abiotic environmental key variables which determine preadult and adult fish assemblage in typical riverbank structures using multivariate ordination techniques (canonical correspondence analysis) and univariate methods (logistic regression analysis). Habitat preferences of preadult and adult stages of selected fish species were also estimated. Fish sampling was carried out at 190 river stretches; a further 1615 samples were taken by the point‐abundance sampling method. In total, 21 732 preadult and adult individuals belonging to 30 fish species were caught; perch, eel, ide, roach, chub, gudgeon, bleak and white bream were the most frequent. Eurytopic species clearly dominated the fish assemblage with 72% total abundance, followed by rheophilic species (26%). Limnophilic fish species (rudd, crucian carp, stickleback and tench) were relatively rare (2% of total abundance), with frequencies of occurrence between 1 and 10%. The highest species diversities were estimated in structurally diverse training walls and groyne fields with defective groynes, whereas low species diversity was found to occur in poorly structured, strongly silted groyne fields with intact groynes. Additionally, typical seasonal and annual changes of the fish assemblage were observed. From the mesoscalic point of view, the structure of the preadult and adult fish assemblage was affected by both spatial (type of groyne field, river stretch) and temporal factors (year, season). Regarding the microhabitat, hydromorphological parameters (slope, current velocity, water level, predominant and secondary substrate) followed by physicochemical water values [dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature and pH‐value] are of significance for the structure of the fish community. Furthermore, hiding places (shelter) are of subordinate but significant importance for the fish assemblage in the poorly structured main channel of the Elbe River. Importance of hydromorphological factors on the microhabitat scale was confirmed by multiple logistic regression in 12 of 14 preference models, conducted for different ontogenetic stages of roach, bream, white bream, bleak, ide, chub, gudgeon, asp, perch and eel. Habitat preferences of adult bleak and preadult roach were first determined by physicochemical water values and seasonal influences. Univariate models were generated to describe specific habitat preferences of different species and age‐stages regarding the most important environmental variables (depth, velocity, predominant substrate, slope and shelter). Intraspecific differences were noticed between preadult and adult chub regarding preferences for water velocity, or between preadult and adult perch concerning slope of shore. Interspecific differences were observed, e.g. between adult roach and white bream, with regard to the use of shelters.  相似文献   

The line-intersect technique was used to measure the loading of large woody debris in a 1.8 km reach of the Thomson River, Victoria (catchment area of 3540 km2). A debris census (measuring every item present) was done over 0.775 km of this reach. The transect technique over-estimated the actual loading revealed by the census. The loading of debris 0.01 m in diameter for the total 1.8 km reach was 0.0172 m3 m–2, which is higher than that measured in many headwater streams in other parts of the world. The volume loading of debris measured from low level aerial photographs was only 4.8% of the value estimated by the line-intersect technique. The line-intersect estimates were biased due to non-random orientation of debris in the stream (causing estimated errors of +8% for volume loading and +16% for surface area loading). It is recommended that to avoid this problem, when using the line-intersect transect technique in lowland rivers, each line should comprise at least two obliquely-angled transects across the channel. The mean item of debris (0.1 m in diameter) had a trunk basal diameter of 0.45 m, a length of 7.4 m, and volume of 0.7 m3. The riparian trees and the in-channel debris were of similar dimensions. The debris tended to be close to the bed and banks and was oriented downstream by the flow at a median angle of 27°. Because of this orientation, most debris had a small projected cross-sectional area, with the median value being only 1 m2. Thus, the blockage ratio (proportion of projected area of debris to channel cross-sectional area) was also low, ranging from 0.0002 to 0.1, with a median value of 0.004. The average item of debris, which occupied only 0.4% of the cross-section, would have minimal influence on banktop flow hydraulics, but the largest items, which occupied around 10%, could be significant. Judicious re-introduction of debris into previously cleared rivers is unlikely to result in a large loss of conveyance, or a detectable increase in flooding frequency.  相似文献   

Chironomus riparius is one of the insect species which inhabit polluted rivers in large densities, indicating a high adaptive capacity. Previous studies showed that this capacity is expressed by the occurrence of adapted strains in metal polluted rivers. Differences in life history between metal-exposed and non-exposed midges have been demonstrated in laboratory experiments, and therefore a comparative field study of seasonal dynamics was carried out at two metal polluted sites and one reference site. Just downstream from a massive metal discharge, seasonal dynamics were almost identical to the upstream reference site. Circa four generations per year were produced. Further downstream, lower larval densities were recorded, especially during the second half of the sampling period. The influx of upstream C. riparius larvae into polluted sites was estimated by measuring larval drift just upstream from the point source of metal contamination and indicated a massive input to the standing stock downstream. It is concluded that drift of non-tolerant larvae is dominating the seasonal dynamics of midges downstream. Accordingly, genetic uniformity of chironomids inhabiting upstream and downstream sites is expected most of the time. However, research performed during the last decade, demonstrated that genetically adapted strains of C. riparius may develop at certain stages in the seasonal cycle. However, a stable metal-adapted C. riparius population at the first downstream site, is most likely present on rare occasions only.  相似文献   

The ecological importance of the River Meuse phytoplankton with regard to carbon and nutrient transport has been examined in two reaches of the Belgian course of the river.Field measurements of total particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and particulate phosphorus (PP) show that the large autochtonous production of organic matter strongly affects the carbon and nutrient budget of the aquatic system. During the growing season, phytoplankton accounts for nearly 60% of the POC and dominates the PON. Calculations of the carbon and oxygen budget in the upper reach of the Belgian Meuse demonstrates that the ecosystem is autotrophic, i.e. that autochtonous FPOM (fine particulate organic matter) production is the major carbon input. This suggests that in large lowland rivers, primary production (P) may exceed community respiration (R), i.e. P:R>1, whereas they are assumed to be heterotrophic (P:R<1) in the River Continuum concept.The question of maintenance of phytoplankton in turbid mixed water columns is also addressed, and the case of the River Meuse is treated on the basis of studies of photosynthesis and respiration (ETS measurements). The results suggest that the potamoplankton may show some low-light acclimation, through an increase of chlorophyll a relative to biomass, when it comes to deep downstream reaches, and that algal respiration rate may be reduced. A simulation of the longitudinal development of the algal biomass shows the different phases of algal growth and decline along the river and brings support to the importation hypothesis for explaining maintenance of potamoplankton in the downstream reaches.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate environmental influences on fish distribution and to assess the extent to which concepts in river ecology accommodate levels of spatio-temporal heterogeneity of fish assemblages in a 1,080-km long tropical river. A total of 25 sites were sampled between November 2002 and March 2003 in two seasons (summer/wet versus winter/dry). A thermal gradient separating the upper reaches from the lower reaches was detected. The middle-upper reaches showed higher conductivity and lower dissolved oxygen and pH levels compared with the other reaches. Although some significant associations were found between some fish abundance and environmental variables, the most abundant species (Tilapia rendalli, Geophagus brasiliensis, and Oligosarcus hepsetus) occurred in most sites and under most environmental conditions. Fish community structure varied more in space (longitudinal) than through time (seasonal). The community in the lower reach species was more diverse in comparison with the other reaches. Differences in the fish assemblage structure among the longitudinal river sections appear to have been influenced by the effects of damming, and seem to be partially consistent with the Serial Discontinuity Concept, which views dams as discontinuities within the river continuum. Only the lower river reach showed seasonal differences in the fish community structure, attributable to the influence of flooding. Management plans and biodiversity conservation will benefit by considering the effects of dam disruption and flood increased connectivity to the lotic systems. Handling editor: J. Trexler  相似文献   

The potential of a newly restored river as a nursery for endangered rheophilic fish species was estimated by introducing a population of individually marked larvae of nase Chondrostoma nasus into two river sections differing in river morphology and hydrological conditions. After 12 months, clear differences in fish abundance and fish size were observed: in the braided floodplain section C. nasus were more abundant and larger in size than in the straight river channel section. Total mortality rates over the whole investigation period did not differ between the two sections.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton and zooplankton development in a lowland, temperate river   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The longitudinal and seasonal patterns of plankton developmentwere examined over 2 years in a lowland, temperate river: theRideau River (Ontario, Canada). Following an initial decreasein phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass as water flowed fromthe headwaters into the Rideau River proper, there was an increasein chlorophyll a (chl a) and zooplankton biomass with downstreamtravel. At approximately river km 60, both phytoplankton andzooplankton reached their maximum biomass of 27 µg l–1(chl a) and 470 µg l–1 (dry mass), respectively.Downstream of river km 60, the biomass of both planktonic communitiesdeclined significantly despite increasing nutrient concentrationsand favorable light conditions. These downstream declines maybe due to the feeding activity of the exotic zebra mussel (Dreissenapolymorpha) which was at high density in downstream reaches(>1000 individuals m–2). There was no evidence forlongitudinal phasing of phytoplankton and zooplankton, as increasesand decreases in chl a and zooplankton biomass appeared to coincide.Overall, chl a was best predicted by total phosphorus (R2=0.43),whereas zooplankton biomass was best predicted by chl a (R2=0.20).There was no evidence for significant grazing effects of zooplanktonon phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

The diel variation in boat electrofishing catches was investigated on the lower Murray River (south-eastern Australia), downstream of three low-level weirs. Fish assemblage composition did not differ among three sites, but differed substantially between day and night. Significantly more small-bodied species ( e.g. Australian smelt Retropinna semoni , flyspecked hardyhead Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum , bony herring Nematalosa erebi and Murray rainbowfish Melanotaenia fluviatilis ) and some large-bodied predators ( e.g. golden perch Macquaria ambigua ) were caught during daytime samples. Significantly more flatheaded gudgeon Phylipnodon grandiceps , carp gudgeon Hypseleotris spp. and perch Perca fluviatilis were collected at night. The size composition of the fish assemblage also changed over the diel cycle. Significantly smaller goldfish Carassius auratus , flyspecked hardyhead, bony herring and Australian smelt were sampled during the day, while generally smaller individuals of golden perch and the common carp Cyprinus carpio were caught at night. These findings suggest that sampling during both day and night is required to adequately characterize riverine fish assemblages in the context of fish migration studies.  相似文献   

Although seasonal floodplains represent one of the most dynamic and productive of aquatic ecosystems, the sources of this productivity are poorly understood. We examined composition and sources of chironomid drift in the Yolo Bypass, the primary floodplain of the Sacramento River. We found that invertebrate drift during winter floodplain inundation is dominated by a single species, the newly identified chironomid Hydrobaenus saetheri (Diptera: Chironomidae). In order to determine sources of chironomids in the Yolo Bypass, invertebrates were sampled from several potential sources prior to and during initial floodplain inundation. Rehydration of dried floodplain sediments from several locations showed that H. saetheri dominated insect emergence from this colonization pathway. By contrast, H. saetheri was not a substantial component of inundated floodplain ponds or of tributary inputs to the floodplain. We conclude that the initial pulse of invertebrate abundance in Yolo Bypass floodwaters is dominated by chironomid emergence from sediments in multiple regions of the floodplain. Handling editor: S. Declerck  相似文献   

Seasonal and diurnal patterns of larval and juvenile fish drift were investigated in the Marchfeldkanal, a man‐made side branch of the Danube River near Vienna, Austria. A clear seasonal pattern with peak densities in mid‐June was found. Species composition varied over time, showed a site specific pattern and was dominated by tubenose goby Proterorhinus marmoratus . Water temperature was the main factor responsible for the increase of drift densities until the median drift date and repeated occurrence of early larval stages in drift indicated repeated spawning for many species. Significant differences in drift densities between different time periods of the day (day, dusk, night and dawn) were found for common bream Abramis brama , barbel Barbus barbus , chub Leuciscus cephalus , tubenose goby and roach Rutilus rutilus . The highest drift rates occurred at night (2200–0400 hours), with 86% of all larvae drifting during the hours of darkness. Fish larvae of different lengths drifting at different phases of the day were found for common bream, bleak Alburnus alburnus and chub, with largest larvae drifting during dusk (chub) and day (bleak and common bream). For bleak, all gudgeon species Gobio spp., tubenose goby, roach and for all cyprinid species combined, one 2 h night sample was found to be sufficient to predict the total 24 h drift.  相似文献   

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